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A Table ſeruing vnto both parts of the Chronicles of England, wherein,
for thy better inſtruction (gentle Reader,) thou ſhalt vn|derſtand, that
the firſt number ſignifyeth the page, and the ſecond number, the line of the
page, which in ſome places thou ſhalt finde diuided into the lynes of
the Columes, and in ſome other, to followe the number of the whole
lynes of the page, ſome pages are by ouerſight eſcaped faultie, which it may
pleaſe thee to correct, and ſo vſe it to thy profite.
Snippet: 13 of 23 (1577, Volume 4, p. 1473) N.
- Nathaliod a Britaine, neyther of ancient houſe, nor of ſkyll in the warres. 127.67
- Nathaliod and his army diſ|comfited by the Saxons. 127.84
- Nazaleod king of Britaines, maketh warre vpon the weſt Saxons. 130.14
- Nazaleod with his armye diſ|comfited and ſlaine. 130.39
- Nazaleod, nowe called Certi|ceſtſhore. 131.18
- Nailes wherewith Chriſt was faſtned to the croſſe found, & what was done with them. 91.115. and. 92.19.
- Nanneus ſent to defend the in|uaſion of the Saxons. 105 102.
- Nayles ſet in cuppes to mea|ſure draughtes. 231.112
- Nathaliod made general of the Britiſh army againſt ye Sax|ons. 127.67
- Names of the Biſhops and No+bilitie preſent at the homage done by the Scottiſh kyng to kyng Iohn. 550.14
- Name of this land generally to be called England. 204.45
- Names and line of the kings, of the ſeuen kingdomes of En|gland. 281.1
- King of Naples diſſwadeth the French king from battaile. 905.18. a.
- Nauntes citie vnliuered to K. Henry the ſecond. 398.43
- Narciſſus ſent into Gallia, to perſwade the ſouldiers to go into Britaine. 48.72
- Narciſſus in great credit with Claudius the Emperour. 52 42.
- Nambre Earle Henry taken by the French. 546.41.
- Nations neare to Britaine, are ſubiect to the Romans. 86 88.
- Names of the moſt valiant ca|ptaines and ſoldiers, whoſe fame is moſte renoumed for their noble deedes in the ho|ly land, againſt the Saraſins 504.3.
- Nauie alway in a readines, to defend the coaſtes from Py|rates. 266.51
- Names of Britiſh kings which reigned from Elidurus to Lud. 32.65. and. 32.100 and. 33.40
- King of Nauer commeth into England. 991.41. a
- Names of the Peeres ſworne to king Iohn. 542.79
- Names of the biſhops preſent at the Coronation of kyng Iohn. 545.10
- Names of the nobilitie at the coronation of kyng Iohn. 545.29.
- Names of the Biſhops that ac|curſed king Iohn and the Realme, and afterward fled out of the Realme. 566.24
- Names of the ſureties ſworne to keepe the league made be|tweene king Iohn and Regi|ginald Earle of Boloigne. 572.41.
- Names of the noblemen that continued vnto king Iohn. 573.50.
- Names of Britiſh people which ſubmyt them ſelues to Ceſar 42.74.
- Names of foure kings in Kent at Ceſars commyng. 42.97
- Nauie ſent out by king Eg|elredus againſt the Danes. 240.10.
- Nauie of Spaniards & French diſcomfited by the Engliſhe men 1020.53. a
- Nantes beſieged by the Eng|liſhmen. 1021.54. a
- Names of learned men flouri|ſhing in the tyme of king Hen+ry the thyrd. 783.64
- Names of the Barons that tooke part againſt king Hen|ry the thyrd 726.19
- Names of the Barons whiche tooke part with king Henry the thyrd, againſt the other nobles of the Realme. 726 35.
- Names of the Lords that ban|ded them ſelues againſt kyng Iohn. 588.45
- Nauarre wonne by Ferdinand the kyng of Hiſpaine. 1473 50.
- Nauie of Frenchmen. 908.44 a.
- Robert de Namur ſerueth king Edward the third. 940.45 b.
- Earle of Namur taken by the Scots. 898.50. a
- Nauclerus cited. 75.107
- Names of writers that liued in king Iohns dayes. 607.36
- Names of the Lords that at the firſt went not againſt kyng Iohn, but afterwardes ioy|ned with the other Barons at London. 589.32
- Names of the parties that ſate to make the agreement be|twene king Iohn and the Barons. 589.75
- Names of thoſe elected to ſee the agreement betweene K. Iohn and his Barons perfor|med. 590.25.
- Names of the noble men and captaynes that came from beyond the ſeas to ayde king Iohn againſt the Barons. 592.80
- Names of the chiefe priſoners taken by king Iohn in the ca|ſtle of Rocheſter. 593.34
- Names of the captaines of that part of the armye that Kyng Iohn left about London, and of the other parte that went with hym Northward. 595 7.14.
- Names of the Barons accur|ſed by the Pope. 596.77
- Names of the chiefe captaynes vnder whom ayde came out of Fraunce to the Barons againſt king Iohn. 597.72
- Names of the noble men reuol|ting from king Iohn, to Lew|es. 600.34
- Names of Caſtles wonne by Lewes. 600.78
- Neotus an Abbot, motioner of the founding of the vniuerſi|tie of Oxford. 217.63
- Neuille George Lorde of Bur|geyny cõmitted to the towre, but deliuered againe. 1460 20.
- New ſupply of Saxons ſent for to come into Britaine. 102.70.
- Neuill Alexander his Heptar|chie cited. 205.35
- Newmerch and Vernon reſto|red EEBO page image 1473 to the Duke of Norman|die. 393.47
- Newcaſtle otherwiſe called Drincouet, beſieged, & woon. 429.30.
- Newport a litle towne. 1415 co. 1. lin. 13.
- Henry Newarke made archbi|ſhop of Yorke. 815.32. a. di|eth. 835.58. a
- Newe mynſter in Wincheſter builded. 217.57
- Newgate ſet on fire. 1765.40.
- Newe eractions. 1102.52. b.
- New hiſtorie which is the Bri|tiſh hiſtorie. 38.72.
- Newbourgh. 194.66.
- Neuile Edward knight behea|ded. 1572.5.
- Newton ſlayeth Hamilton in combat. 1634.30.
- Alexander Neuil Archbſhop of Yorke fleeth. 1070.36. a. attaynted. 1071.25.
- New Forreſt made by king William. 313.85.
- Newcaſtle towne recouered from the Scottes. 397.6.
- Lord Neuil ſent into Britaine 993.7. b.
- Guy de Nealle Marſhal of Fraunce ſlayne. 947.10. b.
- Neal Bruce taken. 842.50. a. executed. 843.17.6.
- Neuil Iohn knight executed. 1581.2.
- Newmerch Caſtle beſieged and deliuered to the Frenchmen 385.20.
- Newark. pag. 1329. col. 1. lin. 28.
- Newbourgh Abbey. founded. 394 28.
- Nefle Caſtle yeelded to the Frenchmen. 510.40.
- Neuil Raufe Byſhop of Cice|ſter dyeth. 611.42.
- Newburge Robert, a man of great honour. 398.32.
- Nennius a Britayne cited. 7.14.
- Newburie Caſtle wonne by king Stephan. 386.42.
- Raufe Lord Neuil created Earle of Weſtmerland. 1097.30. b.
- Neuil Hugh, high Iuſtice of the Forreſtes. 549.44.
- Newcaſtle. pag. 1315. col. 1. lin. 13.
- Newcaſtle in olde tyme called Monkaſter. 307.100.
- Neomagus a Citie in Britaine by whom builded. 2.95.
- Newton Peter knight Coun|ſellour to Prince Arthur. 1456.54.
- Newarke Caſtle builded. 371.75.
- Newcaſtle taken by the Scots. 366.80.
- Newcaſtle vpon Tyne brent by caſual fire. 728.16.
- Newarke Caſtle reſtored to the Byſhop of Lincolne. 105.
- Newcaſtle towne and Caſtle founded. 311.8.
- Neglecting of Iuſtice, is cauſe of greater miſchiefes. 311.82.
- Newburne Churh. 312.26.
- Neuil Raufe elected Archby|ſhop hf Canterburie and the election made voyde by the Pope 637.27.
- Neuer as yet any king drowned 329.76. Neuille Alane. ac|curſed by Archbiſhop Tho|mas Becket. 409.63.
- Nennius getteth away Ceſars ſwoord in fyght. 39.16.
- Nenuius dyeth of the hurte which Ceſar gaue him. 39.20.
- Neptunus called Nepthuin. 5.4.
- Neptunus parentage. 5.5.
- Neptunus called king and God of the ſeas. 5.19.
- Newburgh brent by Earle Iohn. 538.4.
- Nectaridus Earle of the Sea coaſt in Britayne, ſlayne. 103.95.
- Neuil Charles Erle of Weſt|merland rebelleth. 1839.38. fleeth into Scotland. 1841.12.
- Nicholas Burdet knight. pag. 1227. col. 1. lin. 32. lin. 56. col. 2. lin. 10. pa. 1237 co. 2. lin. 30. pag. 1265. col. 1. lin 25. chiefe Butler of Norman|die ſlayne. pag. 1265. col. 1. lin. 54.
- Nicaſtum recouered by the Engliſhmen. 356.18.
- Nichol Robert. 368.78.
- Nigellus ſlayne by his brother Sithrike. 223.101.
- Nichoſia in Cypres wonne by king Richard the firſt. 493.39.
- Nimblenes of the Britiſh Cha|retmen. 38.6.
- Nicholas chaplayne to king Henrie the ſecond. 420.99.
- Niemagus, a Citie in Britaine by whom builded. 2.95.
- Nidred and Suebhard, vſur|pers in the kingdome of Kent. 187.21.
- Nichola a Lady keepeth the ca|ſtle of Lincolne and valiantly defendeth it. 612.50.
- Nine Riuer. pag. 1299. col. 1. lin. 41.
- Nigel or Neale Baron of Hal|ton. 323.45.
- Nigel or Neelle, Byſhop of E. lye ſent into exile. 371.77.
- Niger cited. 376.45.
- Nigel a Monke of Canterbu|rie. 382.96.
- Nicephorus cited. 53.19. and. 88.91.
- Niger Raufe. 548.39.
- Iohn Northampton Maior of London puniſheth adulterie. 1039.29. a.
- The Northren men refuſe to paye a ſubſidie. 1434. ſlea the Earle of Northumber|land. eadem. 30. make a re|bellion. eadem. 47. are diſ|comfited and quieted. 1435.8.
- Duke of Normandie commeth into Britayne with a pow|er. 919.23. b.
- Northumbers ſubmit them|ſelues to the Weſt Saxons. 204.18.
- Normandie conquered by Geffrey Plantagenet Earle of Aniou. 378.81.
- Nouant Caſtle beſieged by king Iohn. 584.43. deliue|red to the king. 584.50.
- Notingham. pag. 1329. col. 1. lin. 13.
- Norwegian ſhippes depart home with ſorowful tidings. 285.12.
- Normans beardes ſhauen, and therefore like Prieſtes. 286.28.
- Normans ſmouldred in a ditch by following the chaſe after the Engliſh men. 287.45.
- Nobilitie and Byſhoppes of England enuying one ano|ther, refuſe to make an Eng|liſhman their King, and re|ceiue a ſtranger. 291.50.
- No bondmen in England, be|fore William the Conque|rours comming. 292.23.
- Noble men and Gentlemens names which aſſiſted King William in the conqueſt of England. 293.61.
- Normans reſiſted and ſlaine by the Engliſhmen. 298.48.
- Notingham Caule builded. 298.80.
- Northumberland rebelleth a|gainſt King William. 299.36.
- Northumber rebelles vanqui|ſhed by King William. 299.77.
- Norman Gariſon at Yorke, ſlayne by the Danes and Engliſh exiles. 300.61.
- North partes of England brought vnto the obeyſance of the Danes and Engliſh exiles. 300.71.
- Northumberland and Yorke|ſhire waſted by King Willi|am. 302.37.
- Norman lawes not equal and why. 304.21.
- Normans rebel againſt king William, and are ſubdued by an armie of Engliſh men. 307.78.
- Northwales conſtrayned to yeeld a yearly tribute to king Adelſtane. 226.86.
- Northumberland entirely reco|uered from the Danes. 228.2.
- Northumbers rebel againſt king Edredus, and are ſub|dued. 222.39.
- Northumbers take an othe to be true vnto king Edredus and breake it. 229.45.
- Northumbers diſloyaltie puni|ſhed with deſtruction of their countrey. 229.
- Northumbers ſubmit them|ſelues, and obtaine pardon for giftes of King Edredus. 229.
- Norwich taken and ſpoyled by the Danes. 243.70.
- Northfolke waſted by the Danes. 245.52.
- Northamton burned by the Danes. 245.73.
- Northumbers reuolt to Kyng Swanus, and become his ſubiectes. 247.70.
- Northumbers ſubdued by the Danes. 252.76.
- Noblemen of England ſlayne at the battel of Aſhdon. 255.104.
- Norman Earle. put to death 260.41.
- Normans that came ouer with Alured, ſlayne by the Pol. 264.27. and. 265.89.
- Norwich and the countrey ad|ioyning, robbed by Roger Bygod. 318.57.
- No man of ſo euil affection, but ſometime dealeth vprightly. 321.23.
- Norman rebels to be reſtored to their landes and liuings in England. 321.78.
- Norwegians arriue in Humber with a great power. 284.57.
- Norwegian ſouldiour defen|deth a bridge agaynſt the whole Engliſh armie 284.75.
- Norwegian ſouldiour, which defended the bridge, ſlayne. 284.80.
- Norwegian armie dicomfited and ſlayne by the Engliſh men. 284.88.
- Normans conſtreyned to de|part the Realme, through Earle Godwins procure|ment. 274.25.
- Normans which withdrewe in|to Scotland out of Eng|land, ſlayne. 275.74.
- Northumbers rebel agaynſt Toſtie their Earle. 278.97.
- Northumbers require to haue a new Earle. 279.12.
- Normans conqueſt of England foretold by king Edwardes viſion. 279.115.
- Noe and his familie preſerued from the flood. 1.56.
- Noe the onely Monarke of al the world. 1.66.
- Noe diuideth the earth be|tweene his three ſonnes. 1.72.
- Norwich beſieged by Kyng Williams power is yeelded EEBO page image 1474 vpon conditions. 308.12.
- None to heare Maſſe of a mar|ried Prieſt. 309.55.
- Noble men ſlayne at the battel of Poytiers. 960.3. b.
- Noble men taken priſoners at the battel of Poiters. 960.17. b.
- Norfolke rebels vanquiſhed by their Biſhop. 1032.10. a.
- Norris Henry knight made Lord of Ricotte. 1862.57.
- Nobilitie declared innocent by ye kings proclamatiõ. 1066.29. a. come to London with an armie. 1068.30. b. open their griefes to the king. 1069.20. b.
- Northumberland Earle com|mitted to warde. 508.34. deliuered agayne. ibidem. 7.
- Normandie interdicted. 508.38.
- Northumberland, in olde time called Bernicia. 164.43.
- Duke of Normandie winneth Townes from the Engliſh men. 928.24. a.
- Normandie reduced to the En|gliſh ſubiectes. pag. 1202. col. 1. lin. 5.
- Norrice Henry executed. 1561 9.
- Notingham newe towne and bridge builded. 222.69.
- North partes ſpoyled by the Scottes. 1014.1. a
- Notingham towne burnt, and the Caſtle beſieged. 388.28.
- Noble ofſpring of the Kentiſhe kings decayeth. 202.53.
- Northumberland ſpoyled by the Scots. 1047.5. b
- Norwich Monaſterie founded. 333.80.
- Northumberland and Mercia withdrawe their obeyſance to the Weſt Saxons. 209.1.
- Northumberland recouered frõ the Scots. 397.5.
- Northampton. pa. 1299. col. 1. lin. 47. col. 2. lin. 15. lin. 18.
- Notingham Caſtle. pag. 1415 col. 1. lin. 51.
- Iohn Northamptõ condemned to perpetual priſon. 1047.30. b.
- Norwich wonne by Ret. 1662.30.
- Noble of gold coyned. 924.23. a.
- Northfolke and Suffolke dely|uered to the Saxons. 118.45.
- Northumberland ſpoyled by the Scots. 1074.34. b.
- Noble men indited. 1062.27. a.
- Norwiche Caſtle ſurrendred to Lewes. 610.35.
- Norwich Caſtle geuẽ to Hugh Bigot. 427.30.
- Notingham towne, wonne by the Danes. 209.97.
- Nonnius cited. 4.7.
- Northen men ſpoyle Saint Al|bons. pag. 1306. col. 1. lin. 12.
- Noble men ſlaine at Creſſy. 934.32. b. 937.30. a.
- Normandy loſt by the Engliſh. pag. 1277. co. 1. lin. 25.
- Byſhop of Norwiche dyeth in the Popes Court. 948.44. b.
- Noble men famous in Kyng Edward the thirdes dayes. 1001.10. a.
- Noble men taken priſoners at Roche Darien. 941.40. a.
- Northumberland vnto Tyne, graunted to William, kyng of Scots. 427.26.
- Norrham Caſtle wonne by the Scots. 1487.50
- Noble men of Scotland taken at Neuils Croſſe. 940.10. a.
- Normans deadly hated of the Engliſhmen. 313.51.
- Normandie raiſed in commoti|on againſt king Stephan. 367.81.
- Nunneries ſuppreſſed. 1471.33.
- Normans poſſeſſions confiſca|ted in England. 706.74.
- North Wales & Southwales ioyneth in amitie together to rebel againſt Henrye the third. 744.73.
- Northampton towne, beſieged and taken by king Henry the thyrd. 766.35.
- W. Northburghs letter deſcri|bing king Edwarde the .iii. viage, 936.20. b.
- Normandy interdited and why. 546.50.
- Norrham Caſtle buylded. 359 15.
- Normandie ſubdued by the K. of England vpon that daye on which England was con|quered by the Duke of Nor|mandie. 34.84.
- Nouantes, where they inhabi|ted. 59.26
- Noble men ſlaine at Roche Darien. 941.47. a.
- Nobilitie die. 660.98.
- Nobilitie complaine of the Popes collector. 706.36.
- Nobilitie of England deſpiſed by the nobles of the Poicto|uines by reaſon of their coſy|nage to Henry the thyrde. 750.90.
- Normandie inuaded by the French king. 556.50.
- Noble men taken priſoners at the ſiege of Lincolne. 613.85.
- Norwich Caſtle left for a pray to Lewes. 602.4.
- Norwich Citie deliuered to the king. 397.20.
- Noe one of the Giantes. 5.55.
- Nunnes not to be godmothers to any mans child. 341.10.
- Nobles of England do homage to Henry ſonne to king Hen|ry the ſecond. 412.74.
- Nouiomagus a Citie in Bri|taine, by whom builded. 2.96.
- None to beare office in the Court vnleſſe he were lear|ned. 218.12.
- Nobilitie conſpire againſt king Henry the thyrd. 630.40.
- Normandie inuaded by the French king. 545.89.
- Nobilitie of England, ſwea|reth fealtie to Duke Henrye Fitzempreſſe. 391.96
- Norwich Citie aſſaulted and wonne by the confederates againſt king Henrye the ſe|cond. 433.59.
- Noble men dye. 759.15.
- Norrham Caſtle. 436.28.
- Northumbers accuſtomed to ſtirre tumultes and rebelli|on againſt theyr gouernours. 219.18.
- Northumberland inuaded and afflicted by the Engliſhmẽ. 221.70.
- Nobles of Poictou rebell a|gainſt the Earle Richard, ſonne to King Henry the ſe|cond. 467.22.
- Northumbers vanquiſhed by Offa. 194.90.
- Northumberland without king or gouernour. 202.9.
- Nothelmus ſucceedeth Tacui|nus in the Archbyſhoprick of Cantorburie. 193.29
- Nouant Robert, apprehended and committed to priſon. 514.90.
- Nouant Hugh Byſhop of Co|uentrey pardoned by Kyng Richard the firſt. 526.16.
- Nouant Robert dyeth in pri|ſon. 526.21.
- Norwich Abbey ſet on fire by the Citizens, and burned. 782.46.
- Notingham towns taken and burned. 435.38.
- Northampton. 542.60.
- Norweygians, called by the Engliſh people, by the name of Danes. 215.16.
- Northeſt country people called by the Engliſhmẽ by ye name of Danes. 215.15.
- Normans vanquiſhed and cha|ſed by the Engliſhmen. 345 14.
- Normandie poſſeſſed by Rollo and his people, and why ſo called. 213.70.
- Northampton beſieged by the Barons, but to no effect. 588 92.
- Northumberland ſacked, and deuided amongſt the Danes 212.31.
- Northwales ſubdued by the Weſt Saxons. 204.31.
- Norwich Caſtle. 390.65.
- Nobilitie reuolted frõ Lewes to Henry the thyrde. 608.26.
- Nuſſe beſieged. pag. 1346. co. 2. lin. 30.
- Nudigate Monke of the Chat|terhouſe executed. 1563.50.
- Number of Iulius Ceſars ſhippes at his ſeconde com|ming into Britaine. 40.82.
- Nunnes make away their chil|dren be got out of wedlocke. 190.21.
- Nunnes forbidden to goe on Pilgrimage. 190.29.
- Nunnes of Ameſbury diſplaced bycauſe of their incontinent liuing. 447.67.
- Nun couſin to Inas. 187.96.
- Number of Monkes in the Monaſterie of Bangor. 153 82.