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  • Nathaliod a Britaine, neyther of ancient houſe, nor of ſkyll in the warres. 127.67
  • Nathaliod and his army diſ|comfited by the Saxons. 127.84
  • Nazaleod king of Britaines, maketh warre vpon the weſt Saxons. 130.14
  • Nazaleod with his armye diſ|comfited and ſlaine. 130.39
  • Nazaleod, nowe called Certi|ceſtſhore. 131.18
  • Nailes wherewith Chriſt was faſtned to the croſſe found, & what was done with them. 91.115. and. 92.19.
  • Nanneus ſent to defend the in|uaſion of the Saxons. 105 102.
  • Nayles ſet in cuppes to mea|ſure draughtes. 231.112
  • Nathaliod made general of the Britiſh army againſt ye Sax|ons. 127.67
  • Names of the Biſhops and No+bilitie preſent at the homage done by the Scottiſh kyng to kyng Iohn. 550.14
  • Name of this land generally to be called England. 204.45
  • Names and line of the kings, of the ſeuen kingdomes of En|gland. 281.1
  • King of Naples diſſwadeth the French king from battaile. 905.18. a.
  • Nauntes citie vnliuered to K. Henry the ſecond. 398.43
  • Narciſſus ſent into Gallia, to perſwade the ſouldiers to go into Britaine. 48.72
  • Narciſſus in great credit with Claudius the Emperour. 52 42.
  • Nambre Earle Henry taken by the French. 546.41.
  • Nations neare to Britaine, are ſubiect to the Romans. 86 88.
  • Names of the moſt valiant ca|ptaines and ſoldiers, whoſe fame is moſte renoumed for their noble deedes in the ho|ly land, againſt the Saraſins 504.3.
  • Nauie alway in a readines, to defend the coaſtes from Py|rates. 266.51
  • Names of Britiſh kings which reigned from Elidurus to Lud. 32.65. and. 32.100 and. 33.40
  • King of Nauer commeth into England. 991.41. a
  • Names of the Peeres ſworne to king Iohn. 542.79
  • Names of the biſhops preſent at the Coronation of kyng Iohn. 545.10
  • Names of the nobilitie at the coronation of kyng Iohn. 545.29.
  • Names of the Biſhops that ac|curſed king Iohn and the Realme, and afterward fled out of the Realme. 566.24
  • Names of the ſureties ſworne to keepe the league made be|tweene king Iohn and Regi|ginald Earle of Boloigne. 572.41.
  • Names of the noblemen that continued vnto king Iohn. 573.50.
  • Names of Britiſh people which ſubmyt them ſelues to Ceſar 42.74.
  • Names of foure kings in Kent at Ceſars commyng. 42.97
  • Nauie ſent out by king Eg|elredus againſt the Danes. 240.10.
  • Nauie of Spaniards & French diſcomfited by the Engliſhe men 1020.53. a
  • Nantes beſieged by the Eng|liſhmen. 1021.54. a
  • Names of learned men flouri|ſhing in the tyme of king Hen+ry the thyrd. 783.64
  • Names of the Barons that tooke part againſt king Hen|ry the thyrd 726.19
  • Names of the Barons whiche tooke part with king Henry the thyrd, againſt the other nobles of the Realme. 726 35.
  • Names of the Lords that ban|ded them ſelues againſt kyng Iohn. 588.45
  • Nauarre wonne by Ferdinand the kyng of Hiſpaine. 1473 50.
  • Nauie of Frenchmen. 908.44 a.
  • Robert de Namur ſerueth king Edward the third. 940.45 b.
  • Earle of Namur taken by the Scots. 898.50. a
  • Nauclerus cited. 75.107
  • Names of writers that liued in king Iohns dayes. 607.36
  • Names of the Lords that at the firſt went not againſt kyng Iohn, but afterwardes ioy|ned with the other Barons at London. 589.32
  • Names of the parties that ſate to make the agreement be|twene king Iohn and the Barons. 589.75
  • Names of thoſe elected to ſee the agreement betweene K. Iohn and his Barons perfor|med. 590.25.
  • Names of the noble men and captaynes that came from beyond the ſeas to ayde king Iohn againſt the Barons. 592.80
  • Names of the chiefe priſoners taken by king Iohn in the ca|ſtle of Rocheſter. 593.34
  • Names of the captaines of that part of the armye that Kyng Iohn left about London, and of the other parte that went with hym Northward. 595 7.14.
  • Names of the Barons accur|ſed by the Pope. 596.77
  • Names of the chiefe captaynes vnder whom ayde came out of Fraunce to the Barons againſt king Iohn. 597.72
  • Names of the noble men reuol|ting from king Iohn, to Lew|es. 600.34
  • Names of Caſtles wonne by Lewes. 600.78
  • Neotus an Abbot, motioner of the founding of the vniuerſi|tie of Oxford. 217.63
  • Neuille George Lorde of Bur|geyny cõmitted to the towre, but deliuered againe. 1460 20.
  • New ſupply of Saxons ſent for to come into Britaine. 102.70.
  • Neuill Alexander his Heptar|chie cited. 205.35
  • Newmerch and Vernon reſto|red EEBO page image 1473 to the Duke of Norman|die. 393.47
  • Newcaſtle otherwiſe called Drincouet, beſieged, & woon. 429.30.
  • Newport a litle towne. 1415 co. 1. lin. 13.
  • Henry Newarke made archbi|ſhop of Yorke. 815.32. a. di|eth. 835.58. a
  • Newe mynſter in Wincheſter builded. 217.57
  • Newgate ſet on fire. 1765.40.
  • Newe eractions. 1102.52. b.
  • New hiſtorie which is the Bri|tiſh hiſtorie. 38.72.
  • Newbourgh. 194.66.
  • Neuile Edward knight behea|ded. 1572.5.
  • Newton ſlayeth Hamilton in combat. 1634.30.
  • Alexander Neuil Archbſhop of Yorke fleeth. 1070.36. a. attaynted. 1071.25.
  • New Forreſt made by king William. 313.85.
  • Newcaſtle towne recouered from the Scottes. 397.6.
  • Lord Neuil ſent into Britaine 993.7. b.
  • Guy de Nealle Marſhal of Fraunce ſlayne. 947.10. b.
  • Neal Bruce taken. 842.50. a. executed. 843.17.6.
  • Neuil Iohn knight executed. 1581.2.
  • Newmerch Caſtle beſieged and deliuered to the Frenchmen 385.20.
  • Newark. pag. 1329. col. 1. lin. 28.
  • Newbourgh Abbey. founded. 394 28.
  • Nefle Caſtle yeelded to the Frenchmen. 510.40.
  • Neuil Raufe Byſhop of Cice|ſter dyeth. 611.42.
  • Newburge Robert, a man of great honour. 398.32.
  • Nennius a Britayne cited. 7.14.
  • Newburie Caſtle wonne by king Stephan. 386.42.
  • Raufe Lord Neuil created Earle of Weſtmerland. 1097.30. b.
  • Neuil Hugh, high Iuſtice of the Forreſtes. 549.44.
  • Newcaſtle. pag. 1315. col. 1. lin. 13.
  • Newcaſtle in olde tyme called Monkaſter. 307.100.
  • Neomagus a Citie in Britaine by whom builded. 2.95.
  • Newton Peter knight Coun|ſellour to Prince Arthur. 1456.54.
  • Newarke Caſtle builded. 371.75.
  • Newcaſtle taken by the Scots. 366.80.
  • Newcaſtle vpon Tyne brent by caſual fire. 728.16.
  • Newarke Caſtle reſtored to the Byſhop of Lincolne. 105.
  • Newcaſtle towne and Caſtle founded. 311.8.
  • Neglecting of Iuſtice, is cauſe of greater miſchiefes. 311.82.
  • Newburne Churh. 312.26.
  • Neuil Raufe elected Archby|ſhop hf Canterburie and the election made voyde by the Pope 637.27.
  • Neuer as yet any king drowned 329.76. Neuille Alane. ac|curſed by Archbiſhop Tho|mas Becket. 409.63.
  • Nennius getteth away Ceſars ſwoord in fyght. 39.16.
  • Nenuius dyeth of the hurte which Ceſar gaue him. 39.20.
  • Neptunus called Nepthuin. 5.4.
  • Neptunus parentage. 5.5.
  • Neptunus called king and God of the ſeas. 5.19.
  • Newburgh brent by Earle Iohn. 538.4.
  • Nectaridus Earle of the Sea coaſt in Britayne, ſlayne. 103.95.
  • Neuil Charles Erle of Weſt|merland rebelleth. 1839.38. fleeth into Scotland. 1841.12.
  • Nicholas Burdet knight. pag. 1227. col. 1. lin. 32. lin. 56. col. 2. lin. 10. pa. 1237 co. 2. lin. 30. pag. 1265. col. 1. lin 25. chiefe Butler of Norman|die ſlayne. pag. 1265. col. 1. lin. 54.
  • Nicaſtum recouered by the Engliſhmen. 356.18.
  • Nichol Robert. 368.78.
  • Nigellus ſlayne by his brother Sithrike. 223.101.
  • Nichoſia in Cypres wonne by king Richard the firſt. 493.39.
  • Nimblenes of the Britiſh Cha|retmen. 38.6.
  • Nicholas chaplayne to king Henrie the ſecond. 420.99.
  • Niemagus, a Citie in Britaine by whom builded. 2.95.
  • Nidred and Suebhard, vſur|pers in the kingdome of Kent. 187.21.
  • Nichola a Lady keepeth the ca|ſtle of Lincolne and valiantly defendeth it. 612.50.
  • Nine Riuer. pag. 1299. col. 1. lin. 41.
  • Nigel or Neale Baron of Hal|ton. 323.45.
  • Nigel or Neelle, Byſhop of E. lye ſent into exile. 371.77.
  • Niger cited. 376.45.
  • Nigel a Monke of Canterbu|rie. 382.96.
  • Nicephorus cited. 53.19. and. 88.91.
  • Niger Raufe. 548.39.
  • Iohn Northampton Maior of London puniſheth adulterie. 1039.29. a.
  • The Northren men refuſe to paye a ſubſidie. 1434. ſlea the Earle of Northumber|land. eadem. 30. make a re|bellion. eadem. 47. are diſ|comfited and quieted. 1435.8.
  • Duke of Normandie commeth into Britayne with a pow|er. 919.23. b.
  • Northumbers ſubmit them|ſelues to the Weſt Saxons. 204.18.
  • Normandie conquered by Geffrey Plantagenet Earle of Aniou. 378.81.
  • Nouant Caſtle beſieged by king Iohn. 584.43. deliue|red to the king. 584.50.
  • Notingham. pag. 1329. col. 1. lin. 13.
  • Norwegian ſhippes depart home with ſorowful tidings. 285.12.
  • Normans beardes ſhauen, and therefore like Prieſtes. 286.28.
  • Normans ſmouldred in a ditch by following the chaſe after the Engliſh men. 287.45.
  • Nobilitie and Byſhoppes of England enuying one ano|ther, refuſe to make an Eng|liſhman their King, and re|ceiue a ſtranger. 291.50.
  • No bondmen in England, be|fore William the Conque|rours comming. 292.23.
  • Noble men and Gentlemens names which aſſiſted King William in the conqueſt of England. 293.61.
  • Normans reſiſted and ſlaine by the Engliſhmen. 298.48.
  • Notingham Caule builded. 298.80.
  • Northumberland rebelleth a|gainſt King William. 299.36.
  • Northumber rebelles vanqui|ſhed by King William. 299.77.
  • Norman Gariſon at Yorke, ſlayne by the Danes and Engliſh exiles. 300.61.
  • North partes of England brought vnto the obeyſance of the Danes and Engliſh exiles. 300.71.
  • Northumberland and Yorke|ſhire waſted by King Willi|am. 302.37.
  • Norman lawes not equal and why. 304.21.
  • Normans rebel againſt king William, and are ſubdued by an armie of Engliſh men. 307.78.
  • Northwales conſtrayned to yeeld a yearly tribute to king Adelſtane. 226.86.
  • Northumberland entirely reco|uered from the Danes. 228.2.
  • Northumbers rebel againſt king Edredus, and are ſub|dued. 222.39.
  • Northumbers take an othe to be true vnto king Edredus and breake it. 229.45.
  • Northumbers diſloyaltie puni|ſhed with deſtruction of their countrey. 229.
  • Northumbers ſubmit them|ſelues, and obtaine pardon for giftes of King Edredus. 229.
  • Norwich taken and ſpoyled by the Danes. 243.70.
  • Northfolke waſted by the Danes. 245.52.
  • Northamton burned by the Danes. 245.73.
  • Northumbers reuolt to Kyng Swanus, and become his ſubiectes. 247.70.
  • Northumbers ſubdued by the Danes. 252.76.
  • Noblemen of England ſlayne at the battel of Aſhdon. 255.104.
  • Norman Earle. put to death 260.41.
  • Normans that came ouer with Alured, ſlayne by the Pol. 264.27. and. 265.89.
  • Norwich and the countrey ad|ioyning, robbed by Roger Bygod. 318.57.
  • No man of ſo euil affection, but ſometime dealeth vprightly. 321.23.
  • Norman rebels to be reſtored to their landes and liuings in England. 321.78.
  • Norwegians arriue in Humber with a great power. 284.57.
  • Norwegian ſouldiour defen|deth a bridge agaynſt the whole Engliſh armie 284.75.
  • Norwegian ſouldiour, which defended the bridge, ſlayne. 284.80.
  • Norwegian armie dicomfited and ſlayne by the Engliſh men. 284.88.
  • Normans conſtreyned to de|part the Realme, through Earle Godwins procure|ment. 274.25.
  • Normans which withdrewe in|to Scotland out of Eng|land, ſlayne. 275.74.
  • Northumbers rebel agaynſt Toſtie their Earle. 278.97.
  • Northumbers require to haue a new Earle. 279.12.
  • Normans conqueſt of England foretold by king Edwardes viſion. 279.115.
  • Noe and his familie preſerued from the flood. 1.56.
  • Noe the onely Monarke of al the world. 1.66.
  • Noe diuideth the earth be|tweene his three ſonnes. 1.72.
  • Norwich beſieged by Kyng Williams power is yeelded EEBO page image 1474 vpon conditions. 308.12.
  • None to heare Maſſe of a mar|ried Prieſt. 309.55.
  • Noble men ſlayne at the battel of Poytiers. 960.3. b.
  • Noble men taken priſoners at the battel of Poiters. 960.17. b.
  • Norfolke rebels vanquiſhed by their Biſhop. 1032.10. a.
  • Norris Henry knight made Lord of Ricotte. 1862.57.
  • Nobilitie declared innocent by ye kings proclamatiõ. 1066.29. a. come to London with an armie. 1068.30. b. open their griefes to the king. 1069.20. b.
  • Northumberland Earle com|mitted to warde. 508.34. deliuered agayne. ibidem. 7.
  • Normandie interdicted. 508.38.
  • Northumberland, in olde time called Bernicia. 164.43.
  • Duke of Normandie winneth Townes from the Engliſh men. 928.24. a.
  • Normandie reduced to the En|gliſh ſubiectes. pag. 1202. col. 1. lin. 5.
  • Norrice Henry executed. 1561 9.
  • Notingham newe towne and bridge builded. 222.69.
  • North partes ſpoyled by the Scottes. 1014.1. a
  • Notingham towne burnt, and the Caſtle beſieged. 388.28.
  • Noble ofſpring of the Kentiſhe kings decayeth. 202.53.
  • Northumberland ſpoyled by the Scots. 1047.5. b
  • Norwich Monaſterie founded. 333.80.
  • Northumberland and Mercia withdrawe their obeyſance to the Weſt Saxons. 209.1.
  • Northumberland recouered frõ the Scots. 397.5.
  • Northampton. pa. 1299. col. 1. lin. 47. col. 2. lin. 15. lin. 18.
  • Notingham Caſtle. pag. 1415 col. 1. lin. 51.
  • Iohn Northamptõ condemned to perpetual priſon. 1047.30. b.
  • Norwich wonne by Ret. 1662.30.
  • Noble of gold coyned. 924.23. a.
  • Northfolke and Suffolke dely|uered to the Saxons. 118.45.
  • Northumberland ſpoyled by the Scots. 1074.34. b.
  • Noble men indited. 1062.27. a.
  • Norwiche Caſtle ſurrendred to Lewes. 610.35.
  • Norwich Caſtle geuẽ to Hugh Bigot. 427.30.
  • Notingham towne, wonne by the Danes. 209.97.
  • Nonnius cited. 4.7.
  • Northen men ſpoyle Saint Al|bons. pag. 1306. col. 1. lin. 12.
  • Noble men ſlaine at Creſſy. 934.32. b. 937.30. a.
  • Normandy loſt by the Engliſh. pag. 1277. co. 1. lin. 25.
  • Byſhop of Norwiche dyeth in the Popes Court. 948.44. b.
  • Noble men famous in Kyng Edward the thirdes dayes. 1001.10. a.
  • Noble men taken priſoners at Roche Darien. 941.40. a.
  • Northumberland vnto Tyne, graunted to William, kyng of Scots. 427.26.
  • Norrham Caſtle wonne by the Scots. 1487.50
  • Noble men of Scotland taken at Neuils Croſſe. 940.10. a.
  • Normans deadly hated of the Engliſhmen. 313.51.
  • Normandie raiſed in commoti|on againſt king Stephan. 367.81.
  • Nunneries ſuppreſſed. 1471.33.
  • Normans poſſeſſions confiſca|ted in England. 706.74.
  • North Wales & Southwales ioyneth in amitie together to rebel againſt Henrye the third. 744.73.
  • Northampton towne, beſieged and taken by king Henry the thyrd. 766.35.
  • W. Northburghs letter deſcri|bing king Edwarde the .iii. viage, 936.20. b.
  • Normandy interdited and why. 546.50.
  • Norrham Caſtle buylded. 359 15.
  • Normandie ſubdued by the K. of England vpon that daye on which England was con|quered by the Duke of Nor|mandie. 34.84.
  • Nouantes, where they inhabi|ted. 59.26
  • Noble men ſlaine at Roche Darien. 941.47. a.
  • Nobilitie die. 660.98.
  • Nobilitie complaine of the Popes collector. 706.36.
  • Nobilitie of England deſpiſed by the nobles of the Poicto|uines by reaſon of their coſy|nage to Henry the thyrde. 750.90.
  • Normandie inuaded by the French king. 556.50.
  • Noble men taken priſoners at the ſiege of Lincolne. 613.85.
  • Norwich Caſtle left for a pray to Lewes. 602.4.
  • Norwich Citie deliuered to the king. 397.20.
  • Noe one of the Giantes. 5.55.
  • Nunnes not to be godmothers to any mans child. 341.10.
  • Nobles of England do homage to Henry ſonne to king Hen|ry the ſecond. 412.74.
  • Nouiomagus a Citie in Bri|taine, by whom builded. 2.96.
  • None to beare office in the Court vnleſſe he were lear|ned. 218.12.
  • Nobilitie conſpire againſt king Henry the thyrd. 630.40.
  • Normandie inuaded by the French king. 545.89.
  • Nobilitie of England, ſwea|reth fealtie to Duke Henrye Fitzempreſſe. 391.96
  • Norwich Citie aſſaulted and wonne by the confederates againſt king Henrye the ſe|cond. 433.59.
  • Noble men dye. 759.15.
  • Norrham Caſtle. 436.28.
  • Northumbers accuſtomed to ſtirre tumultes and rebelli|on againſt theyr gouernours. 219.18.
  • Northumberland inuaded and afflicted by the Engliſhmẽ. 221.70.
  • Nobles of Poictou rebell a|gainſt the Earle Richard, ſonne to King Henry the ſe|cond. 467.22.
  • Northumbers vanquiſhed by Offa. 194.90.
  • Northumberland without king or gouernour. 202.9.
  • Nothelmus ſucceedeth Tacui|nus in the Archbyſhoprick of Cantorburie. 193.29
  • Nouant Robert, apprehended and committed to priſon. 514.90.
  • Nouant Hugh Byſhop of Co|uentrey pardoned by Kyng Richard the firſt. 526.16.
  • Nouant Robert dyeth in pri|ſon. 526.21.
  • Norwich Abbey ſet on fire by the Citizens, and burned. 782.46.
  • Notingham towns taken and burned. 435.38.
  • Northampton. 542.60.
  • Norweygians, called by the Engliſh people, by the name of Danes. 215.16.
  • Northeſt country people called by the Engliſhmẽ by ye name of Danes. 215.15.
  • Normans vanquiſhed and cha|ſed by the Engliſhmen. 345 14.
  • Normandie poſſeſſed by Rollo and his people, and why ſo called. 213.70.
  • Northampton beſieged by the Barons, but to no effect. 588 92.
  • Northumberland ſacked, and deuided amongſt the Danes 212.31.
  • Northwales ſubdued by the Weſt Saxons. 204.31.
  • Norwich Caſtle. 390.65.
  • Nobilitie reuolted frõ Lewes to Henry the thyrde. 608.26.
  • Nuſſe beſieged. pag. 1346. co. 2. lin. 30.
  • Nudigate Monke of the Chat|terhouſe executed. 1563.50.
  • Number of Iulius Ceſars ſhippes at his ſeconde com|ming into Britaine. 40.82.
  • Nunnes make away their chil|dren be got out of wedlocke. 190.21.
  • Nunnes forbidden to goe on Pilgrimage. 190.29.
  • Nunnes of Ameſbury diſplaced bycauſe of their incontinent liuing. 447.67.
  • Nun couſin to Inas. 187.96.
  • Number of Monkes in the Monaſterie of Bangor. 153 82.

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