Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe fellowes chaunced to light into Ire|lande by this meanes,They inuade Irelande. Caraticus king of Bry|taine ranne into ſuche hatred of his people that they rayſed warres agaynſt him.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Saxons that poſſeſſed now ſixe ſeuerall kingdomes in the Ile of Brytayne, reioyſed not a little at this ciuill diſcorde betwixt the Bry|tayne king and his ſubiects, wherevpon meaning to make a full conqueſt of the Brytaines, and vt|terly to expulſe them forth of the whole Ile, aſ|ſembled their powers & ioyned to the ſame Gur|mũdus,Gurmundus an Archpyrate of the nation of Norway. a notable rouer of the Norwegians, who hauing at all tymes a Nauie in a readineſſe, and men to furniſhe it, holpe the Saxons to chaſe the Brytaynes into the Marches of Wales. For from thence (being retyred into the Moun|taynes and Wooddes) they coulde not dryue them.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Gurmound (as ſome thinke) buylded at the ſame tyme the towne of Gurmondcheſter, and after beeing aſſyſted by the Saxons, hee made a voyage into Irelande, where hee ſpedde not greatly to his deſire, and therefore the I|riſhe account not this for any of theyr conqueſts, as ſome of their antiquaries infourmed oure Authour.Champion.