Compare 1587 edition: 1 But this we leaue to the iudgemente of the aduiſed Reader, for that in ſuche matters wee mynde not to preiudice any mans opinion, but onely wiſhe the Reader to take heed howe he gi|ueth credite to that whych oftentymes is found written by Authoures touching feigned mira|cles, and other vayne ſuperſtitious dealings, wherethorough many zelous perſons haue often bene deceyued.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Nowe therefore to leaue Sayntes, and re|turne to other maſters, touchyng the Iriſhe hi|ſtorie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the yeare .586.
586. The Norvve|gians skoure the ſeas, and inuade the yles of Orkney.