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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame tyme happened diſcord betwixt the king of Mounſter and his brother,Diſcorde be|tvvixt the king of Moun|ſter and his brother. and as the matter was handled, the king was ouermatched and fled into England, wher he viſited Malchus in his Abbey, and would by no meanes departe from hym, but remayne there vnder his rule and gouernmente ſo long as it pleaſed God to denie hym quiet returne into his countrey: hee contented himſelfe with a poore celle, vſed dayly to bathe himſelfe in colde water, to aſſuage the wanton motions of his fleſhe, and for his dyet receyued none other delicates than breade, wa|ter and ſalte, daye and nyghte ſobbing and be|wayling with greate remorſe of conſcience his former myſdemeaned lyfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At length the other Kings and people of Ire|lande beganne to repine at the vſurper, ſet vpon him with open warre, vanquiſhed him in a pight fielde, and called home the rightefull Prince his brother agayne, to reſume his kingdome, who with many erneſt perſwaſions of Malchus and Malachias coulde vneth bee broughte to forſake that trade of lyfe and companye, the whyche he had wyth ſuche delectation enured him ſelfe vnto.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus farre of the Iriſhe Sainctes. Of the whyche (as ſome of them are to bee eſteemed right vertuous and godlye menne, ſo other of them are to bee ſuſpected, as perſons rather holye by the ſuperſtitious opinion of the people, than endued with any ſuche knowledge of true god|lyneſſe and ſyncere Relygion, as are woorthye to be Regiſtred in the number of thoſe that of right ought to paſſe for ſayntes,Foxe. Bale. as by certayne late writers may appeare.

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