Compare 1587 edition: 1 Gurmounde therefore fynding but ſorie ſuc|ceſſe, buylt a fewe ſleight Caſtelles and Fortes in the frontiers, and ſo lefte the lande, and ſayled from thence into Fraunce, where at length hee was ſlaine. Our Chronicles in deede name him King of Irelande,Turgeſius. but the Iriſhe affyrme that before Turgeſius there was none of the Eaſterne people that obteyned dominion in theyr Coun|trey.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Geraldus Ca [...]is, to make the mat|ter whole, (a Gods name) thinketh Turgeſius to haue
conquered the lande as Lieutenaunt or Deputie vnder Gurmundus. But thys being
graunted, there ryſeth a more manifeſt
contra|diction than the former,
Laogerius. 430