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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The famous Monaſterie of Banchor he re|edified of the patrimonie and legacies by his vncle left him.The Monaſte|rie of Banchor repaired. The ſame Monaſterie was of old time gouerned by Congellus, and after him by Co|lumbanus the father of many religious houſes in Fraunce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Abbey being ſpoyled, and nintie of the brethren murthered in one day by the Prior, the poſſeſſions whereof being come to the handes of Malachias by his vncles aſſignement, he reſtored forthwith and aduaunced the foundation. At the age of .xxx. yeares, he was by canonicall election forced to accept the Biſhoprike of of Conereth, a people of all the Iriſh then moſt ſauage and wild, whome with ineſtimable trauaile he reclaymed from theyr beaſtly maners.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane while died Celſus Biſhop of Ardmagh, after whom ſucceeded Malachias, at the age of .xxxviij. yeares. But before this neare EEBO page image 13 hande the ſpace of two hundred yeares togither, a cuſtome had crepte into the countrey,Married bi|ſhops held the ſea ſucceſsiuely [...] of one fa|milie, neither vvoulde the [...] haue had any other than of the houſe. See S. Bernard in vita Mala|chi Bale. &c. The Bible and ſtaffe. that the Metropolitane ſea was conferred vpon ſuch Bi|ſhops as were maried, and were of the bloud roy|all) in maner by way of inheritance: Wherfore Nigellus or Neale the next of kinred, animated by the patrialitie of ſome princes, and getting in|to his cuſtodie the Bible and ſtaffe, & other mo|numentes of S. Patrike, wherevnto opinion of the common people tyed the prelacie, came to his Palace with a bande of ſouldiors to haue ſlayne the Biſhop: When al the people wept and how|led for his perill, he alone ſtepped into the boſome of his enimies, demaundyng what was theyr purpoſe: The bloodie ſouldiers letting fall theyr weapons in ſted of executing the pretenced mur|der, fell to reuerence him, and at length departed from him as freendes.

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