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Compare 1587 edition: 1 For line all de|ſease of bi|shops.Three yeares he ſate in the primacie rather to diſcontinue the horrible corruption before vſed, than with intent to ſettle himſelfe there.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After he hadde remoued the abuſe, he procured Orlaſius to ſucceede him in the Archbiſhops ſea, and he returned to his former ſea of Downe, to the which as then was annexed the Biſhopryke of Coner, but Malachias vnderſtanding that in tymes paſt they were .vj. ſeuerall ſeas, he deuided them againe, & ordeined an other to the Biſhop|rike of Coner, deſirous rather to leſſen his cure than to enlarge the frutes by taking more charge vpon hym.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Malachias being demaunded of his brethren the Monkes of Benchar, where and when hee would wiſh to die and to be buried, if it lay in his choyce, he anſwered: If in Ireland, beſide the bo|die of S. Patrik, if beyond the ſeas at Clareuale where S. Bernarde was then reſiant, and in the feaſt of all ſoules. He purpoſed within few dayes to ſue to Pope Eugenius for increaſe of the nũ|ber of Metropolitans, whiche requeſt was ſhort|ly after accompliſhed. And in this voyage which he thus made, hee ſtayed at Clareuale, and ſhore diners tymes openly foreſhewed, that the yere of his departure foorth of this world was come, and accordingly when he had taken leaue of Sainte Bernarde and the brethren, hee wente downe from his chamber to the churche, and there bidde communicate: Whiche doone, hee returned to his lodgyng, and there on All Soule daye in the yere of his age .54. he gaue vp the ghoſt ſo myld|lye and quietlye that it ſeemed rather a ſleepe than a death.

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