Compare 1587 edition: 1 Malachias was borne in Ardmagh of noble progenie,Malachias. brought vp in vertue by the example of his mother, and trayned forth in learning, profi|ted greatly in deuotion, ſo that beeing yet a very babe, he was eſpied dyuerſe tymes to ſteale away from his companions to pray in ſecrete. He was ſo graue and modeſt, that of himſelfe he choſe the moſt graue and ſeuere Schoolmaiſters, refuſing an excellent Clearke, bycauſe he ſawe him ſome|what lightly demeaning himſelfe at game.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the beginning of his youthfull yeares, he became the diſciple of Imarius an olde recluſe, whoſe auſteritie of conuerſation the whole towne had in great reuerence.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 There hee became a Deacon, and at .xxv. yeares a Prieſt. The Archbiſhop for the fame and opinion of his worthineſſe receyued him to be aſ|ſiſtant to him in office, in the which he ſo behaued himſelfe, that he reformed ſuperſtitions, and reui|ued ye force of religion, namely in the vniformitie of their Church ſeruice, wherein before time they iarred.