Compare 1587 edition: 1 Melingus.His ſucceſſor Melingus, although hee was Biſhop, gaue himſelfe yet to voluntarie labour, and with his owne handes deriued and brought a running ſpring to his Monaſterie, induring that trauayle dayly after prayer and ſtudie, for the ſpace of .viij. yeares togither.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Colm king of Leyniſter.Fyntan Abbot was had in ſuch reuerence, that where as Colm king of Leyniſter kept Cormake the kings ſonne of Tenſil priſoner, he went bold|ly with .xij. of his diſciples through the preaſe of all the ſouldiers, and in ſight of the king was ſuf|fered to borrow the yong Prince. For the Iriſhe are not ſterne agaynſt thoſe of whome they haue conceyued an opinion of holineſſe.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 I remember (ſayth our Author) that Cam|brenſis writeth himſelfe merily to haue obiected to Morice then Archbiſhop of Caſſhell, that Ire|land in ſo many hundred yeares had not brought forth one Martyr.The anſwere of the archbi|ſhop of Caſ|ſhell to Geral|dus Cãbrenſis. The Biſhop anſwered plea|ſantly (alluding to the late diſpatching of Tho|mas Archbiſhop of Canterbury) our people (quoth he) notwithſtanding their other enormities, yet haue ſpared euer the bloud of vertuous men. Ma|rie now we are deliuered to ſuch a nation that is well acquainted with making Martyrs, ſo that from henceforth I truſt no complaynt ſhall need for want of Martyrs.