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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Colm king of Leyniſter.Fyntan Abbot was had in ſuch reuerence, that where as Colm king of Leyniſter kept Cormake the kings ſonne of Tenſil priſoner, he went bold|ly with .xij. of his diſciples through the preaſe of all the ſouldiers, and in ſight of the king was ſuf|fered to borrow the yong Prince. For the Iriſhe are not ſterne agaynſt thoſe of whome they haue conceyued an opinion of holineſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 I remember (ſayth our Author) that Cam|brenſis writeth himſelfe merily to haue obiected to Morice then Archbiſhop of Caſſhell, that Ire|land in ſo many hundred yeares had not brought forth one Martyr.The anſwere of the archbi|ſhop of Caſ|ſhell to Geral|dus Cãbrenſis. The Biſhop anſwered plea|ſantly (alluding to the late diſpatching of Tho|mas Archbiſhop of Canterbury) our people (quoth he) notwithſtanding their other enormities, yet haue ſpared euer the bloud of vertuous men. Ma|rie now we are deliuered to ſuch a nation that is well acquainted with making Martyrs, ſo that from henceforth I truſt no complaynt ſhall need for want of Martyrs.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Malachias was borne in Ardmagh of noble progenie,Malachias. brought vp in vertue by the example of his mother, and trayned forth in learning, profi|ted greatly in deuotion, ſo that beeing yet a very babe, he was eſpied dyuerſe tymes to ſteale away from his companions to pray in ſecrete. He was ſo graue and modeſt, that of himſelfe he choſe the moſt graue and ſeuere Schoolmaiſters, refuſing an excellent Clearke, bycauſe he ſawe him ſome|what lightly demeaning himſelfe at game.

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