Compare 1587 edition: 1 Madoc.Madoc, alias Edan of noble parentage ta|ken pryſoner by the king of Temore and kept in his Court with dyuerſe yong men his ſchoolefel|lowes, openly adiured the king to licence him and them to depart, that they might ſerue God as they were accuſtomed, yt which being now kept in ſunder and reſtrayned of libertie, they were forced to diſcontinue. Herevpon immediately they were diſmiſſed.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 He dyed Biſhoppe of Fernes, and layde the foundation of that Borow.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Melingus.His ſucceſſor Melingus, although hee was Biſhop, gaue himſelfe yet to voluntarie labour, and with his owne handes deriued and brought a running ſpring to his Monaſterie, induring that trauayle dayly after prayer and ſtudie, for the ſpace of .viij. yeares togither.