Compare 1587 edition: 1 Geraldus Cambrenſis reporteth of his owne knowledge, that among other monumentes of hirs,A concordance of the foure Euangeliſtes. there was founde a Concordaunce of the foure Euangelyſtes, ſeeming to be written with no mortall hande, beautifyed with myſticall pictures in the Margent, the colours and cun|ning workemanſhippe whereof, at the firſt bluſh appeared darke and nothing delectable, but in the heedfull viewe of the diligent beholder, very liue|ly and wonderfull artificiall.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Cenanus that was firſt a Souldier,Cenanus firſt a man of war, and after a biſhop. ſuccee|ded Saint Patrike in the Sea of Ardmagh, after he had certaine yeares followed the warres.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Brendan Abbot, at the age of tenne yeares was of ſuch incomparable holyneſſe (as they ſay) and therewith ſo wiſe and learned,Abbot Bren|dan. that hys fa|ther and mother thinking themſelues to haue gayned the moſte worthie fruite that myght enſue of theyr maryage, by mutuall conſent pro|feſſed continencie, and abandoned matrimoniall companie. He flouriſhed in the dayes of Saint Brydget, and lyued in familyer ſocietie wyth Saynt Arons the Byſhoppe, and Fyntan the Abbot.