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Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the beginning of his youthfull yeares, he became the diſciple of Imarius an olde recluſe, whoſe auſteritie of conuerſation the whole towne had in great reuerence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 There hee became a Deacon, and at .xxv. yeares a Prieſt. The Archbiſhop for the fame and opinion of his worthineſſe receyued him to be aſ|ſiſtant to him in office, in the which he ſo behaued himſelfe, that he reformed ſuperſtitions, and reui|ued ye force of religion, namely in the vniformitie of their Church ſeruice, wherein before time they iarred.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The famous Monaſterie of Banchor he re|edified of the patrimonie and legacies by his vncle left him.The Monaſte|rie of Banchor repaired. The ſame Monaſterie was of old time gouerned by Congellus, and after him by Co|lumbanus the father of many religious houſes in Fraunce.

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