Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the 23. yere therfore of the Emperor Theo|doſius the yonger, beyng the yeare of our Lorde 430. Patrick landed in Irelande,430. and bycauſe hee ſpake the tong perfectly, and withall bee|ing a reuerente perſonage in the eyes of all menne, many lyſtened and gaue good eare too hys preachyng, the rather for that as wryters EEBO page image 11 haue recorded) hee confirmed his doctrine wyth diners miracles: but ſpecially thoſe regarded his wordes before all other that had ſome taſte of the chriſtian ſaith aforehande, eyther by the cõming into thoſe parties of Paladius and his diſciple one Albius an Iriſhe Biſhoppe,Albius an Irish bishop, diſciple to Paladius. or otherwyſe, by ſome other: for it is to be thought, that continu|ally there remayned ſome ſparke of knowledge of Chriſtianitie, euer ſith the firſte preaching of the Goſpel, (whiche was ſhortly after the Aſcention of our Sauior) by S. Iames, (as before is men|cioned.) In continuaunce of time Patrike wan the better part of that kingdom to the faith.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Laigerius ſon of Neale the great Monarke of Ireland per|mitteth the I|riſhmen to be|come chriſt [...]is.Laigerius ſon of Neale the great Monark, al|though he receyued not the Goſpell him ſelfe, yet permitted all that would to embrace it. But ſith he refuſed to be baptiſed, and apply to his doctrin, the Biſhop denounced agaynſt him a curſe from God accordingly, but tempered yet with mercye and iudgement, as thus: that during his lyfe he ſhoulde be victorious, but after him neyther the kingdom ſhould ſtande, nor his lignage inherite. From thence he toke his way vnto Conill lorde of Conagh,Conill lorde of Connagh. Logan king of Leyniſter. who honourably receyued him, and was conuerted with al his people. And after ſent hym vnto his brother Logan king of Leyniſter, whome he likewyſe conuerted.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In Mounſter he found great frendſhippe and fauour by meanes of an Erle there, called the erle of Daris,The Erle of Daris. who honoured him highly, and gaue hym a dwelling place in the eaſt angle of Ard|magh called Sorta, where he erected many celles and monaſteries both for religious men and wo|men. He trauailed .xxx. yeres in preachyng tho|rough the lande, planting in places conuenient Biſhops and Prieſtes, whoſe learning and ver|tuous conuerſation by the ſpeciall grace and fa|uour of GOD, eſtabliſhed the fayth in that rude nation. Other thirtie yeares he ſpent in his pro|uince of Ardmagh among his brethren, placed in thoſe houſes of Religion, whiche by his meane were founded, and ſo he liued in the whole about one hundred twentie two yeares, and lyeth bu|ryed in Downe.