Compare 1587 edition: 1 S. Patrikes Pur|gatorie.Of Saint Patrikes Purgatorie, ye ſhal fynd in the deſcription of the countrey, and therefore we doe here omitte it: but yet bicauſe we are en|tred to ſpeake of the fyrſt fundation of Churches and religious houſes here in Irelande,Religious hou|ſes & churches founded. in follow|ing our Authour in that behalfe, wee will ſpeake ſomewhat of ſuche other holye men and women as are renoumed to haue liued in Irelande, as ornamentes to that Ile, more glorious than all triumphes and victories of the worlde, if their zeale hadde bin ſeazoned with true knowledge of the Scriptures, [...] doings myſtaken. as it maye well be, that in ſome of them it was, howſoeuer myſtaken by the iud|gement and report of the ſimple, which hath rei|ſed not only of theſe perſons, but alſo of the very Apoſtles themſelues, certaine fantaſticall tales which with the learned are out of all credite.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But it is matter I will leaue to diuines to diſcuſſe, truſting that the Reader will contente himſelfe to heare what we fynde recorded by olde writers, whiche we ſhall ſette downe, and offer to their conſiderations to thinke therof, as reaſon may beſt moue them.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Giral. Camb. telleth, that in S. Patriks tyme flouriſhed Sainte Bride the Virgine,Giraldus Cam|brenſis. and S. Colme, which two, with the ſame Patrike, were buryed in Downe, (as in the Scottiſhe hiſtorie ye may fynde) and (as the ſame Giraldus ſayth) their three bodies were founde there ſhortly after the conqueſt.