Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this purpoſe he ſought out his vncle Mar|tine, by whoſe meanes he was placed with Ger|manus the biſhop of Auxerre,He paſſeth into Fraunce. continuing wyth him as ſcholer or diſciple for ye ſpace of .xl. yeres: Al whiche tyme he beſtowed in like ſtudie of the holie ſcriptures, prayer, and ſuch godly exerciſes. Then at the age of .lxij. yeares, being renoumed through the Latine Churche for his wiſedome, vertue and ſkill, he came to Rome, bringing let|ters with him in his commendation, from the Frenche biſhops vnto Pope Celeſtine, to whome he vttered his full mynde and ſecrete vow, which long ſithence he hadde conceyued touching Ire|lande.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Celeſtine inueſted him Archbiſhoppe and pri|mate of the whole Ilande,Patrike is inue|ſted archbishop of Irelande. ſette him forewarde with all fauor he could deuiſe, and brought hym and hys diſciples onwarde of theyr countrey.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the 23. yere therfore of the Emperor Theo|doſius the yonger, beyng the yeare of our Lorde 430. Patrick landed in Irelande,430. and bycauſe hee ſpake the tong perfectly, and withall bee|ing a reuerente perſonage in the eyes of all menne, many lyſtened and gaue good eare too hys preachyng, the rather for that as wryters EEBO page image 11 haue recorded) hee confirmed his doctrine wyth diners miracles: but ſpecially thoſe regarded his wordes before all other that had ſome taſte of the chriſtian ſaith aforehande, eyther by the cõming into thoſe parties of Paladius and his diſciple one Albius an Iriſhe Biſhoppe,Albius an Irish bishop, diſciple to Paladius. or otherwyſe, by ſome other: for it is to be thought, that continu|ally there remayned ſome ſparke of knowledge of Chriſtianitie, euer ſith the firſte preaching of the Goſpel, (whiche was ſhortly after the Aſcention of our Sauior) by S. Iames, (as before is men|cioned.) In continuaunce of time Patrike wan the better part of that kingdom to the faith.