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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Iriſhmenne in thoſe dayes aſſiſted with Scottes and Pictes were become archpyrates, ſore diſquieting the ſeas about the coaſts of Bri|tayne, and vſed to ſacke little ſmall villages that laye ſcattered along the ſhore, & wold often leade awaye captiue the inhabitantes home into theyr countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And as it chaunced, Patrike being a ladde of xvj. yeares olde,S. Patrike vvas taken priſoner vvhen he vvas yong. and a ſcholer then in ſecular ler|ning, was taken among other, and became ſlaue to an Iriſh lord called Mackbuain, from whom after .vj. yeares terme he redeemed himſelfe with a peece of gold which he found in a clod of earth, that the ſwyne had newly turned vp as he follo|wed them in that tyme of his captiuitie, beeyng appointed by his maiſter to keepe them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And as affliction cõmonly maketh men religi|ous, the regarde of his former education,Affliction ma|keth men reli|gious. printed in him ſuche remorſe and humilitie, that beyng thenceforth weaned from the worlde, he betooke himſelfe to contemplation, euer lamenting the lacke of grace and truthe in that land: and here|with not diſpairyng, but that in continuaunce, ſome good might bee wrought vpon them, he ler|ned their tong perfectly, and alluring one of that nation to beare him companie for exerciſe ſake, he departed from thence, & got him into France, euer hauing in his mynd a deſire to ſee the con|uerſion of the Iriſhe people, whoſe babes yet vn|borne ſeemed to him in his dreames (from oute of theyr mothers wombes) to call for chriſten|dome.

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