Compare 1587 edition: 1 And verily I thinke we maye more ſafely be|leue that whiche he anoucheth in this behalf than that which Hector Boetius ſetteth down, ſith for any thing I can perceiue, his authorities beyng no ſuche warrant with them, but wee may with good reaſon ſuſpecte them. But for the man him|ſelfe, euen as he hath verie orderly, and with no leſſe cunning than eloquence, ſet downe dyuers thinges incredible, and reported ſome other con|trarie to the truth of the hiſtorie, for the glorie of his nation, as we may take it, ſo in his excuſe it may be alledged,Geffrey Mon|mouth the trã|ſlater not the authour of the British hiſtory. that hee was not the Authour of thoſe matters, but wrote what hee founde in Cambell, Veremounde, Cornelius Hiber [...]|ſis, and ſuche other in lyke caſe, as Geffreye of Monmouth wrote what hee founde in olde aunciente Britiſhe monumentes, and was not the deuyſer: him ſelfe (as ſome haue ſuſpected) of ſuche thinges as in hys Booke are by hym ex|preſſed.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now to returne to the Pictes.The doubt of the tyme of the cõming of Picts & Scots into Britayne. It may be that they came at ſeuerall tymes in like manner as the Scottes didde out of Irelande, of whome the fyrſte is remembred to be Ferguſe, the ſonne EEBO page image 8 of Ferquhard,Ferguſe kyng of Scots. a man right ſkilful in blaſon of armorie, hee himſelfe bare a Lion gules in a field of gold.The marble ſtone. The marble ſtone wherof in the Scottiſhe hiſtorie is mencioned, brought into Ireland by Symon Brechus, and kepte tyll thoſe dayes as a precious iewell, this Ferguſe obteyned towardes the proſpering of his iour|ney, for that it was thoughte, who ſo had the ſame in poſſeſſion, coulde not but obteyne ſo|uerayntie and rule ouer others as a king, na|mely thoſe of the Scottiſhe nation.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 This ſtone Ferguſe brynging into Scot|land left it there. But although that Ferguſe be put in ranke among thoſe Scottiſhe kings that ſhuld reigne in Britayn, yet he bare ſmal rule there, and was diuers tymes beaten back into Irelande, where finally he was drowned by myſfortune within the creeke of Knock|fergus.Knockfergus.