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Compare 1587 edition: 1 That hee encountred with Coilus king of Britons (as the Scots write) is not poſſible, as oure author hathe verie well noted, excepte they myſtake the name of Coilus for Cailus, with whome the age of Ferguſe mighte well meete: the rather for that in the firſte yeare of Cailus reigne the Pictes entred, Ferguſe im|mediately after them .330. yeeres ere Chriſte was borne, where Coilus reigned in the yeare after the incarnation .124.124. about whiche tyme befell the ſecond arriuall of the Pictes in Bri|tayne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And thus it maye bee they miſtake, by er|rour of the name, Coilus for Cailus, and the ſecond arriuall of the Picts for the firſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now to the courſe of the hiſtorie. Whi|leſt the Picts were ſeated in the north of Bri|taine, and grew to a great multitude, the I|riſh made ſundry errandes ouer, to viſite theyr daughters, nephues and kinſfolk: and by their often comming and going, they were aware of certayn waſte corners, and ſmall Ilandes voyd of inhabitants, as that which ſeemed ra|ther neglected and ſuffred to lye waſte.

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