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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thys olde Earle beeyng, as is aforeſayde, ſoone hote and ſoone colde, was of the Engliſhe well beloued, a good Iuſticier, a ſuppreſſor of the Rebels, a warrioure incomparable, towards the nobles that he fanſyed not, ſomewhat head|long and vnruly: beeyng charged before Henrye the ſeauenth, for burning the Churche of Ca|ſhell, and manye witneſſes prepared, to ad|uouche agaynſte hym the trouth of that article, hee ſuddaynely confeſſed the fact, to the greate wondering and deteſtation of the counſell: when it was looked how hee woulde iuſtifye the matter: by Ieſus (quoth hee) I woulde neuer haue done it, hadde it not bin tolde me, that the Archebyſhoppe was within: and bycauſe the ſame Archebyſhoppe was one of hys buſyeſt accuſers there preſent, the Kyng merily laugh|ed at the playneſſe of the noble man, to ſee hym alledge that thing for excuſe, whiche moſt of all did aggrauate hys offence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The laſt article agaynſte hym, they concei|ued in theſe tearmes: Finally, all Irelande can not rule thys Earle. No? quoth the Kyng, then in good fayth ſhall this Earle rule all Ire|lande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus was that accuſation turned to a ieſt:Kildare retur|neth Lorde Deputie. the Earle returned to hys Countrey Lord De|putie, who notwithſtanding hys ſimplicitie in peace, was of that valoure and policie in warre, as his name bred a greater terrour to the Iriſh, than other mens armyes.

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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The branch of this good nature hath beene deriued from him to an earle of his posteritie, who being in a chafe for the wrong sawcing of a patridge, arose suddenlie from the table, meaning to haue reasoned the matter with his cooke. Hauing entred the kitch|en, drowning in obliuion his chalenge, he began to commend the building of the roome, wherein he was at no time before, & so leauing the cooke vncontrold, he returned to his ghests merilie. This old earle be|ing (as is aforesaid) soone hot and soone cold, was of the English well beloued, a good iusticier, a suppressor of the rebels, a warriour incomparable, towards the nobles that he fansied not somewhat headlong and vnrulie. Being charged before Henrie the seuenth, for burning the church of Cashell, and manie wit|nesses prepared to aduouch against him the truth of that article, he suddenlie confessed the fact, to the great woondering and detestation of the councell. When it was looked how he wold iustifie the matter; By Iesus (quoth he) I would neuer haue doone it, had it not béene told me that the archbishop was within. And bicause the same archbishop was one of his bu|siest accusers there present, the king merilie laughed at the plainnesse of the noble man, to sée him alledge that thing for excuse, which most of all did aggrauate his offense.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 The last article against him they conceiued in these tearmes; Finallie all Ireland can not rule this earle. No? quoth the king: then in good faith shall this earle rule all Ireland. Thus was that accusation [...] retur| [...] [...]. turned to a ieast. The earle returned to his countrie lord deputie, who (notwithstanding his simplicitie in peace) was of that valour and policie in war, as his name bred a greater terror to the Irish, than other mens armies. In his warres he vsed for policie a [...]ces poli| [...] [...]. retchlesse kind of diligence, or a headie carelesnesse, to the end his souldiors should not faint in their at|tempts, were th'enimie of neuer so great power. Be|ing generall in the field of Knocktow, where in effect all the Irish rebels of Ireland were gathered against the English pale, one of the earle his capteins pre|sented him a band of Kerns, euen as they were rea|die to ioine battell, and withall demanded of the erle in what seruice he would haue them imploied? Marie (quoth he) let them stand by and giue vs the gaze. Such was his courage, that notwithstanding his enimies were two to one: yet would he set so good a face on the matter, as his souldiors should not once suspect, that he either néeded, or longed for anie fur|ther helpe.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Hauing triumphantlie vanquished the Irish in that conflict, he was shortlie after, as well for that, as other his valiant exploits, made knight of the 1514 garter: and in the fift yeare of Henrie the eight in that renowme & honour he died, wherein for the space of manie yeares he liued. No maruell if this successe were a corsie to the aduerse part, which the longer it held aloofe, and bit the bridle, the more egerlie it follo|wed the course, hauing once got scope and roome at will, as shall be hereafter at full declared. Ormond bearing in mind the treacherie of the Dublinians, The Dubli|nians accused. procured such as were the grauest prelats of his cler|gie, to intimate to the court of Rome the heathenish riot of the citizens of Dublin, in rushing into the church armed, polluting with slaughter the consecra|ted place, defacing the images, prostrating the re|liks, rasing downe altars, with barbarous outcries, more like miscreant Saracens, than christian catho|likes. Wherevpon a legat was posted to Ireland, A legat sent from Rome. bending his course to Dublin, where soone after hee was solemnelie receiued by Walter Fitzsimons, archbishop of Dublin, a graue prelat, for his lerning Walter Fitz|simons. and wisedome chosen to be one of king Henrie the seuenth his chapleins, in which vocation he continued twelue yeares, and after was aduanced to be archbi|shop of Dublin.