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Compare 1587 edition: 1 To this reaſonable requeſt had the Lorde Deputie no ſooner condiſcended,Ormonde marcheth to Dublin. than Ormond with a puiſſant army marched towardes Dub|lin, encamping in an Abbey in the ſuburbes of the Citie, named Saint Thomas Court. The approching of ſo greate an army of the Citizens ſuſpected, and alſo of Kildares counſayloures greatly diſliked, laſtly the extortion, that ye law|leſſe Souldyours vſed in the pale by ſeuerall cõ|plaintes detected: theſe three poyntes, with dy|uers other ſuſpitious circumſtances laid and put togither, did miniſter occaſion rather of further diſcorde, than of any preſent agreement.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ormonde perſiſting ſtill in his humble ſute, ſent hys meſſenger to the Lord Deputie, decla|ring, that he was preſt and ready to accompliſhe the tenoure of his letters, and there did attende (as became him) his Lordſhip his pleaſure. And as for the company, he brought with him from Mounſter, albeit ſuſpitious braynes did rather of a malitious craftineſſe ſurmiſe the worſt, thã of charitable wiſedome dyd iudge the beſt, yet notwithſtanding, vppon conference had wyth his Lordſhippe, hee woulde not doubt to ſatiſfye hym at full in all poyntes, wherewith hee coulde bee with anye coulour charged, and ſo to ſtoppe vppe the ſpring, from whence, all theſe enuious ſuſpitions guſhed. Kildare with this mild meſ|ſage entreated, appoynted the meeting to bee at S. Patricke his Churche: where, as they were ripping vpone to the other their mutuall quar|rels, rather recounting the damage [...] they ſuſtei|ned, than acknowledging the iniuries they offe|red: the Citizens and Ormond his army,The Citie in an vprore. fell at ſome iarre, for ye oppreſſion & exaction with whi|che ye ſouldiers ſurcharged them. With whome, as part of the Citizens bickered, ſo a round knot of archers ruſht into the Churche, meanyng to haue murthered Ormond, a [...] the Captain [...] and belweather of al theſe lawleſſerab [...]e. The Erle of Ormond [...] ſ [...]ſpecting that he had bin betrayd, fled to the Chapitre houſe, put too the dore, ſpar|ring it with might and mayne. The Citizens in their rage, imagining that euery poſt in the Churche had bin [...] of ye Souldyers ſhot habbe or nabbe at randon vppe to the Roode lofte, and to the Chancell, leauing foure of theyr EEBO page image 78 arrowes ſticking in the Images.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Kildare purſuing Ormond to the Chapiter houſe dore, vndertooke on hys honor, that hee ſhould receyue no villanie. Wherevpon, the re|cluſe crauing his Lordſhips hand to aſſure hym his life, there was a clift in the Chapiter houſe dore, pierced at a trice, to the end both the Erles ſhould haue ſhaken hands, and bee reconciled.

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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 To this reasonable request had the lord deputie no sooner condescended, than Ormond with a puis|sant armie marched towards Dublin, incamping Ormond marcheth to Dublin. in an abbeie in the suburbs of the citie, named saint Thomas court. The approching of so great an armie of the citizens suspected, and also of Kildares coun|cellors greatlie disliked, lastlie the extortion that the lawlesse souldiers vsed in the pale by seuerall com|plaints detected: these three points, with diuerse o|ther suspicious circumstances laid and put togither, did minister occasion rather of further discord, than of anie present agreement. Ormond persisting still in his humble sute, sent his messenger to the lord de|putie, declaring that he was prest and readie to ac|complish the tenour of his letters, and there did at|tend (as became him) his lordship his pleasure. And as for the companie, he brought with him from Mounster, albeit suspicious braines did rather of a malicious craftinesse surmise the worst, than of cha|ritable wisedome did iudge the best; yet notwithstan|ding, vpon conference had with his lordship, he would not doubt to satisfie him at full in all points, wherewith he could be with anie colour charged, and so to stop vp the spring, from whense all the enuious suspicions gushed. Kildare with this mild message intreated, appointed the méeting to be at saint Pa|trike his church: where they were ripping vp one to another their mutuall quarrels, rather recounting the damages they susteined, than acknowledging the iniuries they offered: the citizens and Ormond The citie in an [...]. his armie fell at some iar, for the oppression and ex|action with which the souldiers surcharged them. With whom as part of the citizens bickered, so a round knot of archers rushed into the church, mea|ning to haue murthered Ormond, as the capteine and belwedder of all these lawlesse rabble. The earle of Ormond suspecting that he had béene betraied, fled to the chapiter house, put to the doore, sparring it with might and maine. The citizens in their rage, imagining that euerie post in the church had beene one of the souldiers, shot hab or nab at randon vp to the roodlost and to the chancell, leauing some of their arrowes sticking in the images.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 Kildare pursuing Ormond to the chapiter house doore, vndertooke on his honor that he should receiue no villanie. Whervpon the recluse crauing his lord|ships hand to assure him his life, there was a clift in the chapiter house doore, pearsed at a trise, to the end both the earles should haue shaken hands and be re|conciled. But Ormond surmising that this drift was intended for some further treacherie, that if he would stretch out his hand, it had béene percase chopt off, refused that proffer; vntill Kildare stretcht in his The earles reconciled. hand to him, and so the doore was opened, they both imbraced the storme appeased, and all their quarrels for that present rather discontinued than ended. In this garboile, one of the citizens, surnamed Blanch|field Blanchfield slaine. was slaine. This latter quarrell being like a greene wound, rether bungerlie botcht than soundlie cured, in that Kildare suspected that so great an ar|mie (which the other alledged to be brought for the EEBO page image 83 gard of his person) to haue béene of purpose assem|bled, to outface him & his power in his owne coun|trie. And Ormond mistrusted, that this treacherous practise of the Dublinians was by Kildare deuised. These and the like surmises lightlie by both the no|ble men misdéemed, and by the continuall twatling of fliring clawbacks in their eares whispered, bred and fostered a malice betwixt them and their posteri|tie, manie yeeres incurable, which caused much stur and vnquietnesse in the realme, vntill the confusion of the one house and the nonage of the other ended and buried their mutuall quarrels.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 Ormond was nothing inferiour to the other in stomach, and in reach of policie far beyond him. Kil|dare The descrip|tion of Or|mond. The descrip|tion of Kil|dare. was in gouernement mild, to his enimies sterne, to the Irish such a scourge, that rather for de|spite of him than for fauor of anie part, they relied for a time to Ormond, came vnder his protection, serued at his call, performed by starts (as their man|ner is) the dutie of good subiects. Ormond was se|cret and of great forecast, verie staied in spéech, dan|gerous of euerie trifle that touched his reputation. Kildare was open and plaine, hardlie able to rule himselfe when he were moued to anger, not so sharpe as short, being easilie displeased and sooner appeased. Being in a rage with certeine of his seruants for faults they committed, one of his horssemen offered master Boice (a gentleman that reteined to him) an Irish hobbie, on condition, that he would plucke an Boice. haire from the earle his beard. Boice taking the proffer at rebound, stept to the earle (with whose good nature he was throughlie acquainted) parching in the heat of his choler, and said:

So it is, and if it like your good lordship, one of your horssemen promised me a choise horsse, if I snip one haire from your beard. Well quoth the earle, I agree thereto, but if thou plucke anie more than one, I promise thée to bring my fist from thine eare.