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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thirdlye, that beeyng eſtabliſhed in hys Kingdome, hee ſhoulde diſcharge the Welchs Armye, and from thencefoorthe, ſhoulde at EEBO page image 24 no time call them ouer againe in his defence. A|bout the ſame time, the King of Arglas founded the Abbey of Melleſunt, the eldeſt that is recor|ded ſince the arriuall of the Danes, excepte Sainte Mary Abbey beſyde Dublin erected. Anno .948.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane while, there landed at Wex|ford,Maurice Fitz Gerald landed at Wexforde. Maurice Fitzgerald, with .x. knightes .xxx. Eſquires, and an hundred good bowmen. Here|vpon K. Dermote greatly encouraged, purpoſed with all ſpeede to ſeeke his reuenge againſte them of Dublin, that had ſhewed themſelues great e|nimies diuers wayes, both to him and his father. He aſſembled therefore his power togither, and marched toward Dublin, whileſt Fitz Stephen remayned two miles from Wexforde, where on the height of a Rocke called Karreck, hee built a Caſtell. But Fitzgerald with the Engliſh army went foorth with King Dermote againſte Du|blin, hauing the chiefe conduct of all the whole enterpriſe. They ſo beſturred them, that all the territorie about the Citie, and the countreys ad|ioyning, were in manner brought to vtter ruine, with ſpoyle, ſlaughter, and fire, in ſomuche, that the towneſmen of Dublin,Dublin ſub|dued. perceyuing in what daunger they ſtoode, ſubmitted them ſelues, and put in good ſuretie for their loyall demeanor in time to come.

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10.10. How Rothorike intreateth for peace and obteineth the same. Chap. 10.

How Rothorike intreateth for peace and obteineth the same. Chap. 10.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Rothorike, when he had well considered with himselfe how the euents of wars are doubtfull and vncerteine, & that as the wiseman saith; A man of wisedome and vnderstanding is to trie all manner of waies rather than the warres: and also being somewhat timorous to aduenture the battell with strangers, sendeth his messengers by all the waies they best might, to intreat for peace: who at length through their industrie, and by the mediation of good men, and by Gods goodnesse who prospered the same, obteined the same, and which was concluded in this order. That Dermon Mac Morogh should haue and enioy all Leinster in peace and quietnesse, to him and to his heires, ackowledging all Ireland, and yeelding vnto him that seruice and dutie as vnto him therein apperteined. And for the performance hereof, he deliuered his sonne Cunthurus in pledge and for an hostage. To whome Rothorike then promised, vpon condition, that the peace and certeine other points obserued, he would giue his daughter vnto him in marriage. These things being openlie published, each partie swore the one to the other, for the performance and keeping of the same. And yet whatsoeuer the vtter shew, it was secretlie agreed betweene them, that Dermon Mac Morogh, when and assoone as he had quietlie setled Leinster in good order, he should returne and send home all the English people, as also in the meane time should not procure anie more to come ouer.

10.11. Of the comming of Maurice Fitzgerald into Ireland: of the yeelding vp of Dublin to Dermon Mac Morogh; and of the warres betweene the two princes of Conagh and Limereke. Chap. 11.

Of the comming of Maurice Fitzgerald into Ireland: of the yeelding vp of Dublin to Dermon Mac Morogh; and of the warres betweene the two princes of Conagh and Limereke. Chap. 11.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 These things thus doone & performed, and fortune seeming with a more fauourable countenance to smile vpon them, behold Maurice Fitzgerald, of whom we spake before, who was the halfe brother by the mothers side to Robert Fitzstephans, arriued at Wexford in two ships, hauing in his companie (which he brought) ten gentlemen of seruice, thirtie horssemen, and of archers and footmen about one hundred. A man EEBO page image 11 he was both honest and wise, and for his truth and valiantnesse verie noble and famous. He was a man of his word, and constant of mind, and there|withall adorned with a certeine kind of womanlie shamefastnesse. Mac Morogh being verie glad of this new repaire, as also much animated and incou|raged therewith, beginneth to thinke vpon old sores, and to call to remembrance the great iniuries and wrongs which the citizens of Dublin had in times past doone both vnto his father and to himselfe; and minding to be reuenged thereof, bendeth his force, and marcheth with his whole armie to besiege the ci|tie, but left Fitzsterphans behind, who was then buil|ding a hold or castell vpon a certeine rockie hill cal|led the (1) Caricke, about two miles from Wexford, which place although it were verie strong of it selfe, yet by industrie and labour it was made much stron|ger. Morice Fitzgerald, with all the force and com|panie of the Englishmen, accompanied and atten|ded Mac Morogh, who was his guide, and conducted him vnto Dublin. Assoone as they were entred with|in the borders and confines of the territorie of Du|blin, they foorthwith burned, spoiled, and wasted the same, and the whole countrie thereto adioining. The citizens of Dublin séeing and considering the same, began to quaile, and their hearts fainted, and doo seeke and intreat for peace; and hauing obteined the same, did sweare fealtie, and gaue in hostages for the true and firme kéeping of the same. In this meane time there fell a great enimitie and quarell betweene Rothorike of Connagh and Donald prince of Lime|reke. And assoone as Rothorike was with all his force entered into the countrie of Limereke, Der|mon Mac Morogh sent foorthwith Robert Fitzste|phans with all his power, to aid and helpe the said Donald: for he was Dermons sonne in law, by whose means he gat the victorie, and Rothorike with shame was driuen to retire out of the countrie, and to returne to his owne home: and left the chefferie which he demanded. In these and all other like serui|ces, Robert Barrie and Meilerius carried the best praise and commendations. At this time was séene a woman who had a great beard, and a man vpon hir backe, as a horsse; of whom I haue alreadie spo|ken in my topographie.

(1) The said Caricke (as is written) is distant from the towne of Wexford about two English miles, and standeth vpon a high rocke, and is inuiro|ned on two sides with the riuer which floweth to Wexford towne, and it is verie déepe and nauiga|ble: the other two sides are vpon the maine land, which is a verie fertile soile, and in height almost equall with the castell. It was at the first made but of rods and turffes, according to the maner in those daies; but since builded with stone, and was the strongest fort then in those parts of the land: but be|ing a place not altogither sufficient for a prince, and yet it was thought too good and strong for a subiect, it was pulled downe, defaced and raced, and so dooth still remaine.

10.12. Dermon Mac Morogh sendeth for the earle Richard, who foorthwith maketh great pre|paration for his comming. Chap. 12.

Dermon Mac Morogh sendeth for the earle Richard, who foorthwith maketh great pre|paration for his comming. Chap. 12.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 MAc Morogh, being by meanes of his good successe well quieted and satisfied, be|thinketh himselfe now of greater mat|ters, and deuiseth how and by what means he might recouer his old and ancient rights; as also purchase all Connagh to his subiection. And herein he vsed a secret conference with Fitzstephans and Fitzgerald, vnto whome he vttereth and discouereth all his whole mind and intent: who foorthwith gaue his answer that his deuise was verie easilie to be compassed, if he could get a greater supplie and aid of Englishmen. Wherevpon he made most earnest requests vnto them, both for the procuring of their kinsmen and countriemen, as also for the furthering to effect his purpose and deuise. And that he might the better persuade them herevnto, he offereth to ei|ther one of them his daughter and heire in mariage with the inheritance of his kingdome: but they both being alreadie married, refused the offer. And at length after much talke they thus concluded, that he should with all spéed send his messengers with his letters vnto the earle Richard, of whome we spake before, and vnto whome he the said Mac Morogh at his being at or about Bristow, had promised his daughter to wife, which letters were as followeth. Dermon Mac Morogh prince of Leinster, to Ri|chard earle of Chepstone, and sonne of Gilbert the Mac Mo|roghs letter to earle Ri|chard. earle sendeth gréeting.

If you doo well consider and marke the time as we doo which are in distresse, then we doo not complaine without cause nor out of time: for we haue alreadie seene the (1) storkes and swal|lows, as also the summer birds are come, and with the westerlie winds are gone againe; we haue long looked and wished for your comming, and albeit the winds haue béene at east and easterlie, yet hitherto you are not come vnto vs: wherefore now linger no longer, but hasten your selfe hither with spéed, that it may thereby appeare not want of good will, nor for|getfulnesse of promise, but the iniurie of time hath béene hitherto the cause of your long staie. All Lein|ster is alreadie wholie yéelded vnto vs: and if you will speedilie come away with some strong compa|nie and force, we doubt not but that the other foure portions will be recouered and adioined to this the fist portion. Your comming therefore the more spée|die it is, the more gratefull; the more hastie, the more ioifull; and the sooner, the better welcome: and then our mislike of your long lingering shall be recom|pensed by your soone comming, for fréendship & good will is recouered and nourished by mutuall offices, and by benefits it groweth to a more assurednesse.
When earle Richard had read these letters, he ta|keth aduise with his fréends, and taking some com|fort and stomach of the good successe of Fitzstephans, whereof he was at the first both fearefull and doubt|full, fullie determineth to bend his whole force and power to follow this seruice and hostings. This earle was a man of a verie noble parentage, and descen|ded of verie honorable ancestors; but yet more fa|mous in name, than rich in pursse; more noble in blood, than endowed with wit; and greater in hope of succession, than rich in possessions. Well, he thought long yer he could wend himselfe ouer into Ire|land, and therefore to compasse the same to good ef|fect, maketh his repaire to king Henrie the second, and most humblie praieth and beséecheth him that he will either restore him to such possessions, as by inhe|ritance did apperteine vnto him; or else to grant him the libertie to trie and séeke fortune in some other forren countrie and nation.

(1) The storke and the swallow are named A|ues semestres, or the halfe yeares birds: for they come at the spring, and depart againe awaie at the au|tumne or fall of the leafe, for in the winter they are not séene. And by this Mac Morogh alludeth and meaneth that he hath awaited that whole halfe yeare for the earles comming: whose promise was, that in the spring of the yeare past he would haue come.