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To be ſhorte,The Lords of vpper Oſſorie reduced to ſubiection. Rodericke the Monarke. thoſe Lordes of vpper Oſſorie, were cõpelled to returne to their olde ſubiection, & ſweare fealtie. Roderike the Monarke appalled with the brute hereof, reyſed all the vnder Kings to defend the land from this inuaſiõ of ſtrangers, fearing leaſt all woulde goe to naughte, if timely prouiſion were not had.Meſſengers ſent to Fitz Stephans. But yet firſt they ſent to Fitz Stephan certaine perſonages of credite, with courteous wordes and riche preſentes, requiring him to depart the land quietly, and not to moleſt them by warre without cauſe.Fitz Stephans anſwere. His anſwer was, that he maruelled much at ye follie of thoſe Prin|ces, who to ſatiſfie their diſpleaſure and malice, had opened ſuch a gappe to their owne deſtructiõ, not conſidering howe the ſubiectes whome they had ſchooled to breake their allegaunce aneynſt theyr naturall Prince the King of Leyniſter, would not be as ready to rebell againſt the King of Connagh. But for his owne parte, althoughe hee myghte with better reaſon inuade ſtraun|gers, than they mighte expell theyr neyghbours, and one that was their paire, yet if they would ſuffer the Kyng of Leyniſter to repoſſeed and en|ioy hys righte, they ſhoulde not fynde hym vnreaſonable. Otherwiſe,Welchmen. they ſhoulde well perceyue, that the Welchmen wanted ney|ther habilitie nor faithe to mayneteyne theyr worde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Rodericke perceyuing it was no boote to ſtriue againſte the ſtreame,The agree|mente betwixt Roderike and Dermote. reſolued to growe vnto ſome agreemente, whiche at length was concluded, with theſe conditions. Firſte, that Dermote Macmourche, receyuing a newe othe of allegeance to the Monarchie, ſhould qui|etly repoſſeſſe thoſe partes of the Kingdome of Leyniſter, whyche Rodericke withhelde by ſuſ|penſion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Secondly, that for aſſuraunce thereof, hee ſhoulde pledge hys deereſt baſe begotten ſonne Conthurus, to whome Rodericke promiſed hys daughter if this peace continued effectuall.

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