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Compare 1587 edition: 1 It chaunced after this, that the Spanyardes (perceyuing theſe ſtraungers to increaſe further in puyſa [...]nce, than (as they thought) ſtoode well with theyr ſecuritie) ſought diuerſe occaſions to fal at debate with them, and to make warres vpon them: But when they vnderſtoode that Gathelus was as ready to defend,A conſultation as they were to inuade, they eftſoones fell to a communication, and perſwa|ded with Gathelus that it ſhould be beſt for him and his people, for the auoyding of variance, to re|moue vnto the Northſide of Spayne, lying vpon the coaſtes of the Cantabrian ſeas, nowe called Galitia (where he ſhould finde much voyde grounde, by reaſon of the ſmal number of Inhabitants) adding that if they would ſo do,

Gathelus left Portingale, and went into Galitia.

He builded a Citie called Brigantia, and nowe Com|poſtella.

they would ayde them to the vttermoſt agaynſt all ſuch as ſhoulde attempt to diſquiet their indeuours in any maner of wiſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This offer Gathelus gladly accepted, and cauſing publike ſacrifice to be celebrate in honour of the Goddes, he departed with all his people into Galitia, and there concluding a league with the in|habitants, buylded a Citie, which he named Brigantia, but after it was called Nouium, and now Compoſtella.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 3 Gathe|lus. [figure appears here on page 3] HEre Ga+thelus be+ng [...]ntituled [...]oy the name of [...] king, de|uiſed and or| [...]eyne [...] lawes or his people to lyue by,He maketh lawes and or|dinances. that the City myghte not only be fenced with ſtrong walles, but alſo with good and holeſome ſtatutes and ordinaunces, the chiefeſt fortifications that may be for al Ci|ties and Countreys. And bycauſe he would not onely haue his ſayde people to liue vnder one lawe, but alſo to be known and called by one name, he gaue cõmaundement that they ſhould be all called Scottiſhmen (as before is ſayde) of his wife Scota.

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