1.14. King Henrie the fifth.
King Henrie the fifth.
EEBO page image 1165
[figure appears here on page 1165]
Compare 1587 edition:
An. reg. 1. Henry the .5.
_HENRY Prince of Wales, ſon and heire to Kyng Henrye the fourth,
borne at Mon|mouth in wales, on the ryuer of Wye, after his father was
departed this life, tooke vpon him the
regimente of thys Realme of Englande, the twentith of Marche, being
proclaymed King, by the name of Henry: the fifth, in the yeare of the worlde
.5375. after the birth of one ſauior 1413. the third, or theraboutes,1413 of the Emperor Sigiſmond, the three and thir|tie
of Charles the ſixt king of Fraunce, and a|bout the fifth of Iames the firſt
K. of Scotland.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Suche greate hope, and
good expectation was hadde of thys mans fortunate ſucceſſe to followe, that
within three dayes after hys fa|thers deceaſſe, diuers noble men, and
honou|rable perſonages, did to him homage,Homage done to
king Henry before his co|ronation. and ſw [...]re to him due obediẽce, which had not bin ſene done to any of his
predeceſſors kings of this Realm, till they hadde bin poſſeſſed of the
Crowne, and receyued their oth well and truely to gouerne. He was Crowned
the ninth of Aprill,The day of K. Henryes coro|nation a
very tempeſtuous daye. beeyng Paſſion Sonday, which was a ſore,
ruggie and vntemperate daye, with wind, ſnow and fleete, that men greatly
maruelled thereat, making di|uers interpretations, what the ſame mighte
[figure appears here on page 1165]
Compare 1587 edition:
2 But what ſo euer mens
fancies hereof might coniecture, this King was the man, that accor|ding to
the olde prouerbe, declared and ſhewed in what ſort honors ought to change
maners, for immediately after that hee was inueſted Kyng, and had receyued
the Crowne, hee determined with him ſelfe to putte vppon him the ſhape of a
new man, turning inſolencie and wildneſſe into grauitie and ſoberneſſe: And
whereas hee hadde paſſed his youth in wanton paſtime; and riotous miſorder, with a ſort of miſgouerned mates, and
vnthriftie playfeers,
[...]rable ex| [...]ple of a [...]y [...]ace. hee nowe baniſhed them from his preſence (not
vnrewarded, nor yet vn|preferred inhibiting them vppon a great payne, not
once to approche, lodge, or ſoiourne within tenne miles of his Courte or
manſion: and in their places he elected and choſe men of grauitie, witte,
and high policie, by whoſe wiſe counſell, and prudent aduertiſement, he
might at al times rule to his hono [...]re, and gouerne to his profyte: wheras if he ſhould haue reteined the
other iuſtie companions aboute him, he doubted leaſt they might haue allured
him vnto ſuche lewde and lighte partes, as with them before tyme he had
youthfully vſed, not alwayes to his owne com|mendation, nor yet to the
cõtentation of his fa|ther, in ſo much, that where on a time, hee ſtroke
the chiefe iuſtice on the face with his ſifte, for em|priſoning one of his
mates, he was not only cõ|mitted to ſtraighte priſon himſelfe by the ſayde
chiefe Iuſtice, but alſo of his father putte out of the priuie counſell, and
baniſhed the Court, and his brother Thomas Duke of Clarence elected
preſident of the Counſel, to his great diſpleaſure and open reproch: but
nowe that hee was once placed in the royall throne, and regall ſeate of EEBO page image 1166 the Realme, he conſidering with himſelfe, what
charge he had in hand, and what apperteyned to his duetie and office,
truſted not too muche to the redineſſe of his own wit, nor to the iudgemẽt
of hys owne wauering wil, and therfore (as I ſaid) called to his counſell
ſuch prudent and po|litike perſonages as myghte helpe to eaſe hys charge,
and inſtruct him with ſuche good rea|ſons, and frutefull perſwaſions, as hee
myghte ſhew himſelfe to his ſubiects a mirror of vertue, and an example of vpright dealing. After he had layd this
politike foundation, he vertuouſly con|ſidering in his mind, that all
goodneſſe commeth of God, determined to begin with ſome thing acceptable, to
his diuine maieſtie, and therefore firſt commaunded the Clergie, ſincerely
and tru|lie to Preache the worde of God, and to liue ac|cordingly, that they
mighte bee the lanternes of light to the temporaltie, as their profeſſion
re|quired. The lay men he willed to ſerue God, and obey their Prince, prohibiting them aboue all things
breach of Matrimonie, vſe of ſwearing, and namely, wilfull periurie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Beſide this, hee elected
the beſt learned men in the lawes of the Realme, to the offices of Iu|ſtice,
and men of good liuing, he preferred to high degrees,A
parliament. and authoritie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Immediately after Eaſter,
he called a Par|liament, in which, diuers good ſtatutes, &
whole|ſome ordinances, for the preſeruation and ad|uancemente of ye common wealth, were deuiſed and
Thom. VVal. The funerals of K. Henrye the fourthe, kept at
Can|terbury. On Trinitie Sonday, were the ſolemne exequies done at
Canterburie, for hys father, the King himſelfe being preſent thereat.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 About the ſame time, at
the ſpeciall inſtance of the King, in a conuocation of the Clergie hol|den
at Poules in London,Saint Georges day made dou+ble
feaſt. it was ordeyned, that Saint George his day ſhould be
celebrate, and kept as a double feaſt. The Archb. of Cãterbu|rie, meante to
haue honored Sainte Dunſtanes day with
like reuerence, but it tooke not effect.
Compare 1587 edition:
Sir Iohn Old|caſtell.When the K. had ſetled things
much to hys purpoſe, he cauſed the body of K. Richard to bee remoued with
all funerall pompes, conueniente for his eſtate from Langley to Weſtminſter,
where he was honorably interred with Queene Anne his firſte wife, in a
ſolemne tombe erected, and ſet vp at the charges of this King.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Alſo, in this firſt yere
of this kings raigne, ſir Iohn Oldcaſtell, whiche by his wife was called
Lord Cobham, a valiant Captaine, and a
har|die Gentleman, was accuſed to the Archbiſhop of Caunterburie, of
certaine poyntes of hereſie, who knowing hym to bee highly in the Kinges
fauor, declared to his highneſſe the whole accuſa|tion. The K. firſte hauing
compaſſion of ye noble mã, required the Prelates, that if he wer a ſtraied
ſheepe, rather by gentleneſſe than by rigor, to re|duce him to his former
folde. And after this, [...] himſelfe ſent for him, and right earneſtly exh [...]i|ted him, and louingly admoniſhed him to recõ|cile himſelfe to God,
and to his lawes. The lord Cobham not onely thanked him of his moſt
fa|uourable clemencie, but alſo declared firſt to him by mouth, and
afterwards by writing, the foun|dation of his faith, and the grounde of his
beliefe, affirming his grace to be his ſupreme head, and competent iudge,
and none other perſon, offering an C. Knightes and Eſquiers, to cometh hys
purgation, or elſe to fight in open liſts, in defence of his iuſt cauſe. The
King vnderſtanding [...] perſwaded by his Counſell, that by order of the lawes of his Realme,
ſuch accuſations t [...]
[...] matters of faith, ought to be tried by the ſpiritu|all Prelates, ſent
him to the Tower of London, there to abide the determination of the
Cleargie, according to the ſtatutes in that caſe prouided, after which time,
a ſolemne ſeſſion was appoin|ted in the Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule,
vpon the .23. day of September, and an other the 25. day of the ſame moneth,
in the hall of ye b [...]ck Friers at London, in which places the ſayd [...]rd was examined, appoſed, and fully heard, and in concluſion, by the
Archebyſhop of Canterburie denounced an Heretike,Sir Iohn
Oldcaſtell eſca [...] ou [...] of the Tower. and remitted agayne to the Tower of London,
from which place, eyther by help of friends, or corruption of keepers, hee
priuily eſcaped, and came into Wales, when he remained for a ſeaſon.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 After this,
Titus [...]
the Kyng keeping his Chriſtians at his manor of Eltham, was
aduertiſed, that ſir Roger Acton knighte, a man of greate witte and
poſſeſſions, Iohn Browne Eſquier, Iohn Beuerley Prieſt, and a greate number
of other,
A co [...] rayſed by [...] Roger [...] and others. Titus
were aſſembled in armour againſt the King his breethren, the
Elergie, and realm. Theſe newes came to the King, on the twelfth day in
Chriſt|mas, wherevpon, vnderſtanding that they ment to aſſemble togyther in
a place called Ficket field, beſide London, on the backe ſide of Sainte
Giles, he ſtraight got him to his palace at Weſt minſter, in as ſecret wiſe
as he mighte, and there calling to him certaine bands of armed me [...] hee repaired into S. Gyles fieldes, neere to the ſa [...]e place, (where he vnderſtood the aſſemble ſhuld be about midnight,
and ſo handled the matter,The [...]
[...]rpriſed. that he tooke ſome, and ſlew ſome, euen as ſtode
with his pleaſure. The captaines of them afore men|cioned, being
apprehended, were broughte to the Kings preſence, and to hym declared the
cauſes of their commotion and ryſing,Tho. VV [...]
accuſing a great number of their complices. The king vſed one
policie, which muche imported to the diſcomfor|ting of the aduerſaries (as
Tho. Walling ſayth. For where as he gaue order, that all the gates of London
ſhould be ſtraightly kept and garded, ſo EEBO page image 1153 as [...]one ſhuld come in nor out, but ſuch as were knowen to goe to the King,
the chiefeſt ſuccour appoynted to come to the Captaynes of the re|bels, was
by that meanes cutte off, where other|wiſe ſurely, if they had not bin thus
preuented and ſtayed,By [...] exceſ|ſ [...] number it may appeare, that Walfing, repor [...]eth thys [...]et accor|ding to the cõ+mon fame, and not as one that ſearched
oute an e [...]quiſite truth. there had iſſued forth of London to haue
ioyned with them, to the number of fiftie thouſande perſons, one and other,
ſeruauntes, prentiſes, and other Citizens, confederate with them, that were
thus aſſembled in Ficket fielde.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Diuers alſo that came
from ſundry partes of the Realme, haſting towardes the place, to bee there
at their appoynted time, chanced to lyghte among the Kings men, and being
taken and de|maunded whither they wente with ſuche ſpeede, they aunſwered,
that they came to meete with their Captaine the Lord Cobhom, but whether he
came thither at all, or made ſhifte for hymſelfe to get away, it doth not
certainely appeare, but he could not be hearde of at ye time (as Thomas
Walſ. counfeſſeth) although the King by
pro|clamation promiſed a thouſand markes to him that could bring him forth,
with greate liberties to the Cities or Townes, that woulde diſcouer where
hee was: by this it maye appeare, howe greatly he was beloued, that there
could not one he found, that for ſo great a reward would bring him to
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Among other that were
taken,Williã Mur|leye. was one Wil|liam
Murley, that dwelt in Dunſtable, a man of greate wealth, and by his
occupatiõ a Bre|wer. He was an earneſt mainteyner of the lord Cobhams
opinions; and as the brute ranne, was in hope to bee highly aduanced by him,
if theyr purpoſed deuice had taken place, in ſo muche, as he hadde two
horſes, trapped with gilt harneſſe, ledde after him, and in his boſome, when
he was taken, were found a paire of gilte ſpurers, ſo that it was deemed,
that hee hadde prepared them for himſelfe to weare, looking to bee made
Knights by the Lorde Cobhams handes at that preſente time, but when he ſaw
how their purpoſe [...]ay & led, he withdrewe backe into the Citie, [...]e greate feare to hide himſelfe out of the way, but he [...] was perceyued, taken, and finally excoute [...] and d [...] other. To conclude, after this, ſo many perſons were apprehended,
that all the priſons in: and a|bout London were full, the chiefe of there
were condemned by the Clergie of hereſie, and at [...]h|ted of high treaſon, as mouers of warre agaynſt theyr Kyng, by the
temporall lawe,Sir Rog. Actõ and his com|plices
cõdem|ned of treaſon and hereſie. in the Guild hall of London,
and adiudged for that defence, to be drawen and hanged, and for hereſie to
bee conſumed with fire, gallowes, and all, whych iudgemente was executed the
ſame moueth, on the ſaid Sir Roger Acton, and eight and twen|tie
[figure appears here on page 1153] other.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Some ſaye, that the
occaſion of their death, was onely for the conueying of the Lord Cob|ham
out of priſon. Others write, that it
was both for treaſon and hereſie, and ſo it appeareth by the recorde.
Certaine affirme, that it was for feined cauſes ſurmiſed by the
ſpiritualtie, more vpon diſpleaſure, than truth, and that they were
aſſembled to heare their Preacher, the foreſayde Beuerley in that place
there, out of the way frõ reſort of people, ſith they might not come
togy|ther openly, about anye ſuche matter, withoute daunger to bee
apprehended, as the manner is, and hathe bin euer of the perſecuted flocke,
when they are prohibited publiquely the exerciſe of the religiõ. But
howſoeuer the matter wẽt with theſe men, apprehended they were, &
diuers of thẽ executed (as before ye haue heard whether for re|bellion or
hereſie, or for both, as the forme of the Inditemẽt importeth, I nede not
to ſpend many words, ſith other haue ſo largely treated thereof, &
therfore I refer thoſe that wiſh to be more fully EEBO page image 1168
ſatiſfied herein vnto their diſcourſes, hauing for mine owne parte rather
choſen to ſhewe what I finde recorded by Writers, than to vſe any cen|ſure,
to the preiudice of other mens iudgements, and therefore to leane this
matter, and alſo the Lord Cobham, eyther in Wales, or elſe where, cloſely
hid for the time, from king Hẽries reach, I will paſſe from him to ſpeake
of other things.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Whileſt in the Lente
ſeaſon the Kyng laye at Kenilworth,
F [...]yton A diſdainful ambaſſade. there came to him frõ
Charles, Dolphin of Fraunce, the Frenche
Kings eldeſt ſonne, certayne Ambaſſadors, that broughte with them a barrell
of Paris balles, which they preſented to hym for a token from their maiſter,
whiche preſente was taken in verie ill parte, as ſent in ſcorne, to
ſignifie, that it was more mete for the Kyng to paſſe the tyme with ſuche
chil|diſh exerciſe, than to attempte anye worthy ex|ployte: wherefore the
Kyng wrote to hym, that ere ought long, hee woulde ſende to hym ſome
London balles, that ſhoulde breake and
batter downe the roofes of his houſes about hys eares.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This yeare, Thomas
Arundell Archbyſhop of Canterburie departed this life, a ſtoute Pre|late,
and an earneſt maynteyner of the Religion then allowed by the Churche of
Rome. Henrye Chichellie Byſhoppe of Saint Dauid was re|moued,Tho. VVal. and ſucceeded the ſame Arundell in the Sea
of Canterburie, and the Kyngs confeſſor Stephen Patrington, a Carmelite
Frier, was made Byſhoppe of Saint
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Henry Percye, ſonne to
the Lord Henry Per|cie, ſurnamed Hoteſpurre, after his fathers de|ceaſſe,
that was ſlayne at Shreweſburie fielde, was conueyed into Scotlande, and
there left by his Grandfather, beeing then but a childe, where euer ſithence
hee had remayned, the Kyng there|fore pitied his caſe, and ſo procured for
him, that he came home,Percy reſtored to the eridome of
Northum|berlande. and was reſtored to all his lands and Earledome
of Northumberlande, whyche lands before
had bin giuen to the Lorde Iohn, the Kings brother.
Compare 1587 edition:
An. reg. 2.
In the ſeconde yeare of his raigne, Kyng Henry called his high Court
of Parliament, the laſt day of Aprill, in the Towne of Leiceſter, in the
which Parliamente, many profitable lawes were concluded, and manye petitions
moued, were for that time deferred: amongſt whyche, one was, that a bill
exhibited in the Parliament holden at Weſtminſter, in the eleuenth yeare of
King Henry the fourth (whiche by reaſon
the Kyng was then troubled with ciuill diſcorde, came to none effect) might
now with good deli|beration be pondered, and brought to ſome good
concluſion.A bill exhibi|ted to the par|liamẽt
againſt the Clergie. The effect of whiche ſupplication was, that
the temporall lands deuoutely giuen, and diſordinately ſpent by religious,
and other ſpirituall perſons, ſhould be ſeaſed into ye kyngs hands,
ſithence the ſame might ſuffiſe to main|teyne to the honor of the King, and
de [...] the Realm, fifteene Erles, fifteene C. knightes, ſixe M. two C.
Eſquiers, and a C. almes hou|ſes, for reliefe onely of the poore, impotente,
and needie perſons, and the King to haue [...] his cofers twentie M. poundes, with many ra|ther prouiſions and
values of Religious houſes, which I paſſe ouer. This bill was much [...], and more feared among the Religious ſor [...], whome ſurely it touched very neere, and there|fore to find a remedie
againſte a miſchiefe, they determined to aſſay all wayes that might [...] their purpoſe, to put by, and ouerth [...] hys bill, and in eſpeciall, they thoughte beſt c [...]e of they might repleniſh ye kings brayne [...] pleaſant ſtudie, that he ſhoulde neyther [...], nor regarde the ſerious petition of the importu|nate commons:
wherevpon, one day, as ye [...]ng was ſet in the Parliamente Chamber, Henrye Chicheley Archbyſhop of
Caunterburie,The Arche|biſhoppe of Canterburye his
Oratio [...] in the Parliamẽt houſe. made a pithie oration, wherein hee
declared, howe [...] onely the Duchies of Normandy & Aqaitayne, with the Counties
of Anion and Muſne, and ye countrey of Gaſcoigne, were by liueall diſt [...] apperteyning to the King, as lawfull [...] in [...]|bitate heire of the ſame, but that alſo the whole realme of France,
belonged to him by right, as heire to his greate grandfather King Edwarde
the third: herewith he enuyed againſt the ſurmi|ſed and vntruely feyned lawe
Salike,The Salike lawe. whiche the Frenchmen
alledge to defeate the Kyngs of England of their iuſt and rightfull title,
clayme and intereſt to the Crowne of Fraunce, the [...]ery words of which law are theſe, In terram Sal [...]am mulieres ne ſuccedant, that is to ſaye, lette not women
ſucceede in the land Salique, which the Frenche gloſers expounde to bee the
Realme of Fraunce, and yt this law was made by K. [...]a|ramond, wheras yet their owne authors affirme, that ye land Salique
is in Germanie, betweene ye riuers of Elbe and Sala, and that whẽ Charles
the great had ouercome the Saxons, hee placed there certaine Frenchmen,
which hauing in diſ|deine the vnhoneſt maners of the Germain wo|men, made a
lawe, that the females ſhoulde not ſucceede to anye inheritance within that
l [...]de, which at this day is called Meiſeu,Miſ [...]. ſo that if this be true, this law was not made for the
Realme of France, nor the Frenchmen poſſeſſed the land Salique, til four C.
21. yeares after the deathe of Pharamond their ſuppoſed maker of
this Sa|lique lawe, for this Pharamond deceaſſed in the yere. 426.
and Charles ye great ſubdued ye Sax|ons, and placed the Frenchmen in thoſe
partes beyond the riuer of Sala, in the yeare. 805.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Moreouer, it appereth by
their owne writers, that King Pepine, whiche depoſed Childerike, EEBO page image 1169 claymed the crowne of Fraunce, as heire gene|ral, for
that he was deſcended of Blithild daugh|ter to king Clothair the froſte:
Hugh Capet alſo which vſurped the Crowne vpon Charles duke of Lorrayne, the
ſole he [...]re male of the lyne and ſtock of Charles the great, to make his title
ſee [...] true, and appeare good, thoughe in deede it was ſtarke naught,
conueyde himſelfe as heyre to the Lady Lyngard, daughter to king Charlemayn,
ſonne to Lewes the Emperor, that was
ſonne to Charles the great. King Lewes alſo the tenth otherwyſe called Saint
Lewes, being very heire to the ſaid vſurper Hugh Capet, coulde neuer be
ſatiſfyed in his conſcience howe he might iuſtely kepe and poſſeſſe the
crown of France, til he was perſwaded and fully inſtructed, that Queene
I|ſabell his grandmother, was lyneally deſcended of the Lady Ernrengarde
daughter and heyre to the abouenamed Charles duke of Lorayn, by the whiche
mariage, the bloud and lyne of Charles the
great, was againe vnited and reſtored to the crowne and ſcepter of France,
ſo that more cle|rer than the Sunne, it openly appeareth, that the title of
king Pepyn, the clayme of Hugh Capet, the poſſeſſion of Lewes, yea and of
the Frenche kynges to thys daye, are deryued and conueyed from the heire
female, thought they woulde vn|der coldure of ſuche a fayned Lawe, barre the
Kings and Princes of this realme of England, of theyr ryghte and lawfull
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Archebiſhoppe further
alledged oute of the booke of Numeri thys faying When a man dyeth without a
ſonne, let the inheritance diſcende to his daughter. At length, hauing ſaid
ſufficientely for the proofe of the kings [...]uſte and lawfull title to the Crowne of Fraunce, hee ex|horted hym to
aduance forth his banner to fight for hys ryghte, to conquere hys
inheritaunce, to ſpare neither bloud, ſwoord, ne fire, ſith his warre was
iuſt, his cauſe good, and his clayme true.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And to the intent his
louyng Chapleyns and obediente ſubiectes of the Spiritualtie myghte ſhewe
them ſelues wyllyng and deſyrous to ayde hys maieſtie, for the recouerie of
hys aun|ciente righte and true inheritaunce, the Archbi|ſhoppe declared that
in theyr ſpirituall Conuo|cation, they had graunted to his highneſſe ſuche a
ſumme of money, as neuer by no ſpiritual per|ſons was to any Prince before
thoſe dayes giuen or aduaunced.
Compare 1587 edition:
The Earle of Weſtmerland [...]adeth the [...] to the cõ| [...] of Scot|lande.When the Archbiſhoppe hadde ended his
pre|pared tale, Rafe Neuill Erle of Weſtmerland, as, then Lorde Warden of
the marches aneynſt Scotlande, and vnderſtandyng that the kyng vpon a
couragious deſire to recouer his right in Fraunce, would ſurely take the
warres in hand, thought good to moue the Kyng to begin fyrſte wyth
Scotlande, and therevpon declared how eaſye matter it ſhoulde bee to make a
conqueſt there, a howe greatly the ſame ſhould further his wiſhed purpoſe
for the ſubduyng of the Frenche menne, concludyng the ſu [...]me of hys tale with thys olde ſaying: That who ſo wyll Fraunce
wynne, m [...]ſt with Scotlande fyrſt beginne.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Manye matters he touched,
as well to ſhe [...] howe neceſſary the conqueſt of Scotland ſhould be, as alſo to proue
howe iuſt a cauſe the Kyng [...]dde to attempte it, tru [...]yng to perſwade the Kyng and all other to be of his opinion.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But after he had made an
ende, the Duke of [...]ceſter, vncle to the Kyng, a man well lear|ned and wyſe, who hadde
bene ſente into Italye by his father,The duke of [...]ceter hys vvyſe and py|thy anſvvere to the Earle of VVeſtmerlan|des
ſaying. intendyng that he ſhould haue bin a Prieſt replyed
agaynſte the Earle of Weſt|merlandes Orations, affirmyng rather that hee
whiche woulde Scotlande winne, with France muſte firſte beginne. For if the
Kyng myghte once compaſſe the conqueſte of Fraunce, Scot|lande coulde not
long reſyſte, ſo that conquere Fraunce, and Scotlande woulde ſoone
obeye:A true ſaying. (For where ſhoulde the
Scottes learne pollicye and ſkill to defende them ſelues if they had not
theyr bringyng vp and traynyng in Fraunce?) If the Frenche pencions
maynteyned not the Scottiſhe Nobilitie, in what caſe ſhoulde they be? Then
take away Fraunce and the Scottes will ſoone be tamed. Fraunce beeyng to
Scot|lande the ſame that the ſappe is to the tree, which beyng taken awaye,
the tree muſte needes dye and wyther.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 To be briefe, the Duke of
Exceſter vſed ſuch earneſt and pithy perſwaſions to induce the king and the
whole aſſemblie of the Parliamente to credite hys woordes, that immediately
after he hadde made an ende, all the companye beganne to crye, Warre, warre,
Fraunce, Fraunce, and the bill putte into the Parliament for diſſoluing of
Religious houſes was cleerely forgotten and buryed, and nothyng thoughte on
but only the recoueryng of Fraunce, accordyng to the title by the
Archebiſhoppe declared and ſet foorth [...] And vpon this poynte, after a fewe actes for the wealthe of the
Realme eſtabliſhed and decreed, the Parlyamente was proroged vntoo
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Some write, that in this
Parliament it was enacted, that Lollards and Heretikes with their
maynteyners and fauourers ſhoulde be ipſo facto adiudged guiltie of
high treaſon: but in the ſta|tute made in the ſame Parliament againſt
Lol|lardes, wee fynde no ſuche wordes: Albeeit by force of that Statute, it
was ordeyned, that beyng conuicte and executed, they ſhoulde loſe theyr
Landes holden in Fee ſimple, and all other theyr goodes and cattalles, as in
caſes of Felonye.
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 1181
Ambaſſadors from the Frẽch K. and from the Duke of
Bur|goigne.During this Parliament, ther came to the K.
Ambaſſadors, as wel from the French king that was then in the gouernance of
the Orlien [...]iall faction, as alſo from the Duke of Burgoigne, for ayde agaynſt
that faction, promiſing more as was ſayd, thã lay well in his power to
performe. The K. ſhortly after ſent Ambaſſadors to them doth, as the Biſhop
of Durham, and Norwich, with others.
[figure appears here on page 1181]
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Moreouer at this
Parliament, Iohn the kings brother, was created Duke of Bedford, and his
brother Humfry, Duke of Gloceſter. Alſo, Tho|mas Beauforte, Marques Dorſet,
was created Duke of Exeter.
Imediately after, the King ſent
ouer into France, his Vncle the Duke of Exe|eter, the Lorde Grey, Admirall
of England, the Archebiſhop of Dublin, and the Biſhop of Nor|wiche,
Ambaſſadoures to the Frenche K. with fiue hundred horſe, which were lodged
in the tẽ|ple houſe in Paris, keping ſuch triumphãt cheere in their
lodging, and ſuche a ſolemne eſtate in their ryding through the citie, that
the Pariſians and all the Frenchmen had no ſmall meruaile at that honorable
porte and lordely behauior. The French
king receyued them very honorably, and banketted them right ſumptuouſly,
ſhewing to them iuſtes and martiall paſtymes, by the ſpace of three dayes
together, in the which Iuſtes, the king himſelfe, to ſhewe his courage and
actiuitie to the Engliſhmen, manfully brake ſpeares, and luſtily tourneyed.
When the triumphe was en|ded, the Engliſhe ambaſſadours hauing a tyme
appoynted them to declare theyr meſſage, and beyng admitted to the Frenche
kinges preſence, requyred of hym to
delyuer vnto the Kyng of Englande, the realme and Crown of France, wyth the
entier Duchyes of Aquitayne, Nor|mandy and Aniou, wyth the countreys of
Poi|ctieu and Mayne.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Manie other requeſtes
they made, and thys offered withall, that if the French Kyng woulde without
warre and effuſion of Chriſtian bloud, render to the King their maſter his
verye right & lawfull inheritance, that he woulde be content to take
in mariage ye Lady Katherine, daughter to the Frenche King, and to endow
hirwith all the Duthies and Countries before reherſed. And of he would not
ſo doe, then the King of England did expreſſe and ſignifie to hym, that with
the aide of God, and helpe of his people, he woulde [...]|couer his right and inheritãce wrongfully with|holden from him, with
mortall warre, and dint of ſword.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Frenchmen being not a
little abaſhed at theſe demaundes, thought not to make any ab|ſolute
aunſwere in ſo weightie a cauſe, till they hadde further breathed, and
therefore prayed the Engliſh Ambaſſadors to ſaye to the King theyr maiſter,
that they now hauing no oportunitie to conclude in ſo high a matter, would
ſhortly ſend Ambaſſadors into Englande, which ſhould cer|tifie and declare
to the King theyr whole minde, purpoſe, and intent.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Engliſhe Ambaſſadors
returned with this aunſwere, making relation of euery thyng that was ſaid or
Compare 1587 edition:
2 King Henry after the
returne of his Ambaſ|ſadors, determined fully to make war in Frãce,
conceyuing a good and perfect hope, to haue for|tunate ſucceſſe, ſith
victorie for the moſte parte followeth where right leadeth, beeing aduanced
forwarde by iuſtice, and ſet forth by equitie. And bycauſe manye Frenchmen
were promoted to Eccleſiaſtical dignities, as ſome to benefices, and ſome to
Abbeys and Priories within the realme, and ſente dayly innumerable ſummes of
money into Fraunce, for the reliefe of their naturall coũ|treymen and
kinſfolke, he therefore in fauour of the publike wealth of his Realme and
ſubiects, in a counſel called at London, about Michaelmas,
Tho. VValſ. It is not like that in this Counſell vvri|ters meane
the Parliament that vvas ad|io [...]ned from Leyceſter to VVeſtminſter, vvhere it be|gan in the
oc|taues of Saint Martin, in that ſeconde yeare. 1415. cauſed to
be ordeined, that no ſtranger hereafter, ſhould be promoted to anye
ſpirituall dignitie or degree within this realme, without his eſpeciall
licence, and royall cõſent, and all they that ſhuld be admitted, ſhoulde
find ſufficient ſuretie, not to diſcloſe the ſecretes of this Realme to anye
for|raigne perſon, nor to miniſter ayde or ſuccour to any of thẽ with
money, or by any other meant. This was confirmed in a conuocation called the
ſame time by the new Archeb. of Caunterburie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Moreouer, ſuch as were to
goe vnto the gene|rall counſell holden at Conſtance,The
Co [...]d of Conſtance. were named and appointed to make thẽ ready:
for the K. ha|uing knowledge frõ the Emperor Sigiſmonde, of the aſſembling
of that counſell, thought it not conuenient to ſitte ſtill as an hearer, and
no par|taker in ſo high a cauſe, which touched the whole ſtate of the
Chriſtian common wealthe, as then troubled by reaſon of the ſchiſme that yet
con|tinued, wherefore hee ſente thither Rycharde EEBO page image 1171
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Diuers other thinges were
concluded at that preſente for the Kyng
had cauſed not onely the Lordes of the ſpiritualtie,Engnorrans. but alſo of the tempo|raltie to aſſemble here at
London the ſame time to treate ſpecially of his iourney that he purpo|ſed to
make ſhortly into Fraunce: and herevpon meanes was made for the gatheryng of
money whiche was graunted with ſo good a wil both of the ſpiritualtie and
temporaltie, that there was leuied the ſum of three hundred thouſand marks
Engliſh, and herewith order was giuen to ga|ther a great hoſt of men, thorough all his domi|nions. And for
the more increaſing of his nauie, he ſent into Holland, Zeland, and
Frizelande, to conducte and hyre ſhippes for the tranſportyng and countying
ouer his men and m [...]ntions of warre,Great prepara|tion for the [...]chvvirres. and finally prouided for armour, victuals, money,
artillerie, cariage, boates to paſſe ouer ri|uers couered with leather,
tentes, and all other things requiſite for ſo high an entepriſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Frenchemen hauing
knowledge heereof, the Dolphyn who had the
gouernaunce of the realme, bicauſe his father was fallen into his old
diſeaſe of franſye, ſent for the Dukes of Berrye and Alaunſon, and all the
other lords of the coũ|ſel of Fraunce, by whoſe aduice it was determi|ned,
that they ſhoulde not only prepare a ſuffici|ent armye to reſiſt the king of
England, when ſo euer hee arriued to inuade Fraunce, but alſo to ſtuffe and
furniſhe the townes on the Frontiers, and ſea coaſtes, with conueniente
garniſons of men: and further to ſend to
the king of Englãd a ſolemne embaſſade, to make to him ſome of|fers
according to the demaundes before reherſed. The charge of this ambaſſade was
committed to the Earle of Vandoſme, to maiſter William Bouratyer Archbiſhop
of Bourges, and to mai|ſter Peter Fremell Biſhoppe of Lyſeux, to the Lords
of Yvry and Braquemonte, and to mai|ſter Gaultier Cole the kings Secretarie,
and di|uers other.
Compare 1587 edition:
An. reg. 3. Ambaſſadours [...] of France.Theſe Ambaſſadors accompanied with .350. horſſes
paſſed the ſea at Caleys, and landed at Douer, before whoſe arriuall the
King was de|parted from Windſor to Wincheſter, entẽding to haue gone to
Hampton, there to haue ſurueyd his nauie, but hearing of the Ambaſſadors
ap|prochyng, he taryed ſtil at Wincheſter, where ye ſaid Frenche lordes
ſhewed themſelues very ho|norably before the King and his nobilitie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In tyme prefixed, before the Kings presence sitting in his throne
imperiall, the Archebishop of Bourges made an eloquent and a long Oration,
dissuading warre, and praysing peace, offering to the king of England a
greate summe of money, with diuers countreyes, being in verye deede but base
and poore, as a dowrie wyth the Ladie Catherine in mariage, so that he
woulde dissolue his armie, and dismisse his Souldiours, which he had
gathered and put in a readinesse.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When his oration was ended, the king caused the Ambassadors to be
highly feasted, and set them at his owne table. And after at a day assigned
in the foresaid hall, the Archbishop of Canterbury to their oration made a
notable answer, the effect wherof was, that if the Frenche kyng wold not
giue with his daughter in mariage the duchies of Aquitayne, Aniou, and all
other seigniories and dominions sometyme appertaining to the noble
progenitors of the K. of Englande, he would not in no wyse retire his armie,
nor breake hys iourney, but would with all diligence, enter into Fraunce,
and destroye the people, waste the countreye, and subuerte the townes with
bloud, swoord, and fyre, and neuer cease till he had recouered his ancient
ryght and lawfull patrimonie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Kyng auowed the Archebishoppes saying, and in the woorde of a
Prince, promysed to perfourme it to the vttermoste.
The Archebiſhop of
Bourges diſpleaſed, that hys purpoſe tooke not effecte deſiring licence and
pardon of the kyng to ſpeake, and obteyning it:A proude
pre|ſumptuous pre|lare. verye raſhly and vnreuerently ſayde:
Thinkeſt thou to put downe, and wrongfully to deſtroye the moſte chriſtian
king our moſt redoubted ſo|ueraigne Lorde and moſt excellent Prince of all
Chriſtendome in bloud and preeminence? Oh king, ſauing thyne honour,
thinkeſt thou that he hath offered to thee, landes, goods, and other
poſ|ſeſſions with his own daughter for feare of thee, or thy Engliſh nation,
thy friendes, wel willers or fauourers? No no. But of a trouth he mo|ued
with pitie as a louer of peace to the intente that innocent bloud ſhould not
be ſpilt, and that Chriſtian people ſhould not be afflicted with ba|tayle,
hathe made to thee theſe offers, puttyng his whole affyaunce in God moſt
p [...]ſſaunte, accordyng to ryght and reaſon, truſtyng in his quarrell to
bee ayded and ſupported by hys be|neuolente ſubiectes and fauourable well
wyl|lers. And ſith wee bee hys ſubiectes and ſeruan|tes, wee requyre thee to
cauſe vs ſafely and ſure|ly withoute damage to bee conducted out of th [...] realme and dominions, and that thou wilt write thyne aunſwere wholly,
as thou haſte giuen it vnder thy Seale and ſigne manu [...].
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Kyng of England being
nothing at al EEBO page image 1172 moued wyth the preſumptuous wordes of the
vn [...]rtured biſhop, ſoberly anſwered him in this maner:The modeſt & vviſe anſvvere of the king to the Bishope of
My Lord, I [...]e eſteeme your frenche bragges, and leſſe ſet by your power
& ſtrength, I knowe perfectly my right to your region, and except
you will, denie the apparant truthe, to doe you: And if you neither doe
nor will knowe it, yet God and the worlde knoweth it: The power of your
maiſter you ſee dayly, but my puiſſance yf haue not yet taſted: if your
maiſter haue lo|uing ſubiectes, I am I
thanke God, not vnpro|uided of the [...]aure: but this I ſay vnto you, that before one yere paſſe, I truſt
to make the higheſt crowne of your country to ſtoupe, & the
prondeſt myter to kneele downe: and ſay this to the vſu [...]|yer your maiſter, that I within three monethes, will enter into
Fraunce, not as into his land, but as into myne owne true and lawful
patrimonie [...]ding to conquer it, not with bragging wor|des, flatteryng orations,
or coloured perſwaſi|ons, but with
puiſſaunce of menne, and dente of [...]worde, by the ayde of God, in whome is my whole truſt and
confidence. And as concerning myne anſwere to be written, ſubſcribed and
ſea|led: I aſſure you, I would not ſpeake that ſen|tence, the which I
wold not write and ſubſcribe, nor ſubſcribe that lyne, to the which I
would re|fuſe to put my ſeale. Therfore your ſafeconduct ſhall be to you
deliuered, with myne anſwer, and then you maye departe ſurely and ſafely
I war|rant you into your countrey,
where I truſt, ſoo|ner to viſite you, than you ſhal haue cauſe to ſa|lute
or bid me welcome.
With this anſwere the Ambaſſadors ſore diſpleaſed
in their mynds, (al|though they were highly entertained and liberal|ly
rewarded) departed into theyr countreye, re|porting to the Dolphyn how they
had ſpedde in all thinges.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 After the French Ambaſſadors wer departed, the King lyke a
prouident Prince, thought good to take
order for the reſiſting of the Scottes, if according to their olde manner,
they ſhould at|tempt any thing againſt his ſubiectes in hys ab|ſence, and
therfore appoynted the Erle of Weſt|merlande, the Lord Scrope, the baron of
Grey|ſtocke, ſir Roberte Vmfreuile, and dyuers other hardy perſonages and
valyant Capitaines to kepe the frontiers and marches of Scotlande, which ſir
Robert Vmfreuille on the day of Ma|ry Magdalen fought with ye Scots at the
town of Gedering,
Harding. A greate ouer|throvve giuen to the Scots by Sir Roberte
Vmfrevile. [...]360 hauing in his company only .iij.C. archers, and .vij.
ſcore men of armes or ſpeares, wher he after long conflict and doubtful
battaile, flew of his enimes .lx. and odde, & tooke .CCClx.
priſoners, and diſcomfited & put to flighte .j.M. and mo, whome he
folowed in chaſe aboue .xij. myles, and ſo laded with prayes and priſoners,
reculed againe not vnhurt to the castel of Rocksborough, of the whiche at
that time he was captain. When the King had al his prouisions readye, and
ordered all things for the defence of hys realme,
he leauing behynde him for gouernor of the realme, the Quene his
mother in law, departed to the towne of Southampton, intendyng there to take
shippe, and so to passe the seas into Fraunce. And firste he thoughte to
aduertise the French king of his co(m)ing, and therfore dispatched Antelope
his perseuant at armes with letters to the French K. requiring him
restitution of that which he wrongfully witheld, contrarie to the lawes
of God & man, declaryng how sory he was that he should be thus
compelled for recouerie of his righte & iust title of inheritance,
to make warre to the destruction of christian people, but sith he had
offered peace whiche could not be receiued, now for fault of iustice, he
might (as he thought) lawfully returne to armes. Neuerthelesse, he exhorted
the Frenche K. in the bowels of Iesu Christe, to render vnto him that whiche
was his owne, whereby the effusion of christian bloud might be auoided.
These letters conteyning many other wordes, though only to this effect
& purpose, were dated fro(m) Hampton the v. of August. When the same
letters wer presented to the French king, & by his counsel wel
pervsed, answere was made, that he would take aduice, and prouide therin as
in tyme & place shuld he thought conuenient, and so the messenger
was licenced to depart at his pleasure.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When K. Henry had his
nauie once rigged and decked, and that his men and all prouiſions were
redie, perceiuing that his captains miſ [...]y [...]ed nothing ſomuch as delaying of time, determined with al diligence to
cauſe his ſouldiors to goe [...]+boord the ſhips, and ſo to depart. But ſee the hap [...] the night before the daye appointed for their de|parture, he was
credibly enformed; that Richard Erle of Cambridge brother to Edward duke of
York, and Henry Lord Scrope of Maſh [...] L. Treſorer, with Tho. Gray a knight of North [...]+berlãd, being confederated togither,The Earle of
Cambridge and other Lordes apprehended for treaſo [...]
Tho. VVal [...].
had cõpaſſed his death and final deſtruction, wherfore he [...]+ſed them to be apprehended. The ſayde Lorde Scrope was in ſuche
fauour with the king, that he admitted him ſometime to be his bedfelow, in
whoſe fidelitie and conſtant ſtedfaſtneſſe, hee re|poſed ſuche truſt, that
when any priuate or pu|blike counſell was in hande, he hadde the
deter|mination of it. For he pretended ſo great gra|uitie in hys
countenance, ſuche paſſing mode|ſtie in his behauiour, and ſo perfect
vprightneſſe and vertuous zeale to all godlineſſe in his iuſte, yt
whatſoeuer he ſayd was in euery reſpect thought neceſſarye to bee doone and
followed.Tit [...] L [...]. Alſo the ſayde Syr Thomas Grey (as ſome write) [...] of the Kinges priuie counſell, to that in w [...]
EEBO page image 1173 daunger the king ſtoode, it is eaſy to coniecture, fith
thoſe that were in ſuch authoritie, & ſo neere about hym, ſought his
Compare 1587 edition:
O [...]ſed [...]hi [...]ſt of [...]ny.Theſe priſoners vpon their examination, cõ|feſſed, that
for a greate ſumme of money which they had receyued of the Frenche king,
they en|tended verily eyther to haue deliuered the Kyng alyue into the
handes of hys enimies, or elſe to haue murthered him before he ſhoulde
arriue in the duchie of Normandie.
Compare 1587 edition:
Hall.When King Henrie had heard al things ope|ned,
whiche he deſired to know, he cauſed all his nobilitie to come before his
preſence, before whõ he cauſed to be brought the offẽders, and to them
ſayd:King Hearleso vvordes to the [...]ts. If you haue conſpired the death and de|ſtruction of me,
which am the head of, the realme & gouernour of the people, without
doubt I muſt of neceſſitie thinke, that you lykewyſe haue cõ|paſſed the
confuſion of all that here be with me, and alſo the finall deſtruction of
youre natiue countrey. And although ſome
priuate ſcorpion in your heartes, or ſome wylde worme in your heads, hath
cauſed you to conſpire my death and confuſion, yet you ſhould haue ſpared
that diue|liſhe enterpriſe, which can not continue without a capitayne, nor
be directed without a guyde, nor yet with the deſtruction of your owne bloud
and nation, you ſhould haue pleaſed a foreyn enimie. Wherfore ſeing that you
haue enterpriſed ſo gret a miſchiefe, to the intent that your fautours
be|ing in the armie, maye abhore ſo
deteſtable an offence by the puniſhement of you, haſte you to receyue the
payne that for youre demerites you haue deſerued, and that puniſhmente that
by the lawe for your offences is prouided. And ſo im|mediately they were
hadde to execution, whiche done,The E [...]rle of Cambridge & the other tray| [...] executed. the K. callyng his Lords afore him, ſpake theſe
or the like wordes in effecte: See you not the madde imagination of men,
which perſecute me that dayly ſtudy and hourely laboure for the aduancement of the publike welth of this realm:
and for that cauſe I ſpare no payne,The kinges ſpeache to
his lo [...]ds touching [...]e [...]o [...]ers. nor refuſe any tyme to the intente to doe good to all
men, and hurte to none, and thus to doe is my duetie, and to this as I
thinke, I am borne, I pray to God, that there be none among you that be
in|fected with ſo much vntruth, yt had lieſter ſee me deſtroyed &
brought to confuſion, than to ſee his countrey flouriſh, encreaſed with
honor and em|pire, I aſſure you, that I conceyue no ſuch opi|nion in any of you, but put in you bothe truſt
& cõfidence, & if I may haue your helpe to recouer the old
honor of myne aunceſtours by ſubduing the Frenche nation, I for my ſelfe
will forget al perill and payne. and be youre guide, lodeſman, and
conductor, and if you drawe backe, and will not moue forewarde, beleeue mee,
God will ſo diſpoſe, that hereafter you ſhall be deceyued, and ſo repent had
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When the king had
finiſhed his ſaying, al the noble men kneeled downe, and promiſed
fayth|fully to ſerue him, and duly to obey him, and ra|ther to die than to
ſuffer him to fall into the han|des of his enimies.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thys doone, the Kyng
thoughte that ſure|ly all ſebition and ciuill conſpiracie, had bin vt|terly
extinct: but he ſaw not the fyre which was newely kindled, and ceaſſed not
to encreaſe, till at lengthe it burſte out into ſuche a flame, that
embracing the walles of his houſe and familie, his lyne and ſtock was clean
deſtroyed and con|ſumed to aſhes, whiche at that tyme mighte pre|aduenture
haue bin quenched and put oute.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 For diuers write, that
Richard erle of Cam|bridge did not conſpire with the Lorde Scrope, and
Thomas Grey for the murthering of King Henry to pleaſe the Frenche King
withall, but onely to the intente to exalte to the crowne his brother in law
Edmund Erle of March as heire to Lyonell Duke of Clarence: after the death
of whyche Earle of Marche, for diuers ſecrete im|pedimentes, not able to
haue iſſue, the Earle of Cambridge was ſure, that the crowne ſhoulde come to
him by his wyfe, and to his children, of hir begotten. And therefore (as was
thoughte) he rather confeſſed himſelfe for neede of moneye to be corrupted
by the French king, than he wold declare hys inwarde mynde, and open his
verye intent and ſecrete purpoſe, whiche if it were eſ|pyed, he ſawe
plainely that the Earle of Marche ſhoulde haue drunken of the ſame cuppe
that hee taſted, and what ſhoulde haue come to his owne children hee muche
doubted: And therefore bee|ing deſtitute of comforte and in deſpaire of life
to ſaue hys children, he fayned that tale, deſiring rather to ſaue hys
ſucceſſion than himſelfe, which he did in deede, for his ſonne Richarde Duke
of York not priuily but openly claimed the crown, and Edwarde his ſonne,
bothe claymed it, and gayned it, as after it ſhall appeare. Which thing if
Kyng Henrye had at this tyme eyther doub|ted, or foreſeene, had neuer bin
like to haue come to paſſe, as Hall ſaith.
Compare 1587 edition:
4 But whatſoeuer hath bin
reported of the con|feſſion of the Earle of Cambridge, certain it is, that
endited he was by the name of Richard erle of Cambridge of Coneſburgh in the
countie of York knight,The effect of the Earle of
Cambridge hys in dicement. and with him Tho. Grey of Heton in the
countie of Northumberlande knighte, for that that they the, xx. day of
Iulye, in the thirde yeare of K. Henry the fifth at Southamton, and in
diuers other places within this Realme, had conſpired together with a power
of men to them aſſociate, without the kings licence to haue ledde awaye the
Lorde Edmunde Earle of Marche into Wales, and then to haue procured hym EEBO page image 1174 to take vpon him the ſupreme gouernment of the realme, in
caſe that King Richarde the ſeconde were dead: and heerewith had purpoſed to
ſette foorth a proclamation there in Wales, in name of the ſayde Earle of
Marche, as heire of the crown againſt king Henry, by the name of Hen|ry of
Lancaſter the vſurper, to the ende that by ſuche meanes they might drawe the
more num|ber of the kings liege people vnto the ſaid Earle, &
further to haue conueyde a baner of the armes of England, and a certain crown of Spayne ſet vpon a
pallet, & laide in gage to the ſaid Earle of Cãbridge, by the king,
together with the ſayd erle of Marche into the parties of Wales aforſaid:
& further,A Ievvell. that the ſaid Earle
of Cambridge, & ſir Tho. Grey had appointed certain of the Kinges
liege people to repaire into Scotland, & to bring from thence one
Thomas Trumpington, alſo an other reſembling in ſhape, fauor, &
countenãce K. Richard, and Henry Percie, togither wyth a great multitude of people to fight with the king, and him
to deſtroy in opẽ field. Beſide this, that they had ment to win certain
caſtels in Wales, & and to kepe them againſt the K. and many other
treaſons they had contriued, as by the inditement was ſpecified, to the
intẽt they might deſtroy the king & his brethren, ye dukes of
Bedford & Glou|ceſter, and other the great lords and peeres of the
realm. And Hẽry Scrope of Maſhã, of Flaxflet, in the countie of Yorke was likewiſe indited, as
conſenting to the premiſſes. So that it appeareth their purpoſe was wel
inough then perceiued, al|though haply not much bruted abrode, for
cõſide|ratiõs thought neceſſary to haue it rather huyſht & kept
ſecret. About the ſelfe ſame time the lord Cobham with his frends, whether
as one of coũ|ſel in the conſpiracie with the erle of Cambridge or not, we
can not certainly affirme) was deter|mined to haue made ſome attẽpt againſt
ye L. of Bergueuenny, who being aduertiſed therof not for his defence from
Worceſter, Perſore, Canter|bury, & other places therabouts, to the
number of v.M. archers, and other armed men, which came to him vnto his
caſtel of Haneley: wherof when the Lord Cobham was aduertiſed, he withdrew
again to ſuche ſecrete places about Maluerne, as hee had prouided for his
ſuretie, to reſorte vnto: but a Prieſte yt belonged vnto him, was taken,
& diuers other, who diſcloſed to the L. of Burgue|uennye, one of the
places where the ſayde Lorde Cobham with his men vſed to keepe themſelues
cloſe. They found in deed his money and armor in that houſe piled vp betwixt
two walles, hand|ſomly conueyed and framed for the purpoſe, but he with his
folkes were withdrawne into ſome other place, after they once heard, that
the Earle of Cambridge, and the Lorde Scrope were exe|cuted. But now to
proceede with King Henries dooings. After this, when the wind came aboute
proſperous to his purpoſe,Titus Liuius. hee cauſed
the mary|ners to wey vp ankers and hoyſe vp ſayles, and ſo ſette forward
with a thouſand ſhips, on the vi|gile of our Ladie day the Aſſumption,The King ſay|leth ouer into Fraunce vvith his hoſte.
and tooke land at Caux, cõmonly called Kyd Caux, when the ryuer of Sayne
runneth into the ſea, without reſiſtance or bloudſheading.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 At his firſt comming a
Titus Liuius. A charitable proclamation. he cauſed
procla|mation to be made, that no perſon ſhoulde be ſo hardie on pain of
death, eyther to take any thing out of any church that belonged to the ſame,
nor to hurt or do any violence either to Prieſts, wo|men, or any ſuche as
ſhould be founde withoute weapon or armor, & not ready to make
reſiſtãce: alſo that no man ſhuld renue any new quarell or ſtrife, wherby
any fray might ariſe to the diſquie|ting of the armie. The next day after
his lãding he marched toward the towne of Harflew, ſtan|ding on the riuer
of Sayne, betwene two hilles,
[figure appears here on page 1174] &
beſieged it on euery ſide, reyſing bulwarkes & a baſtell,Harding. in whiche the two Earles of Kent and
Huntington were placed with Cornwal, Grey, Steward, & Porter: on
that ſide towards the ſea, the king lodged with his field, & the
duke of Cla|rẽce on ye furder ſide towards Roan. Ther were within the town
the lords de Touteville & Gau|court, with diuers other that
valiantly defendde EEBO page image 1175 themſelues, doing what damage they
coulde to their aduerſaries, and damning vp the riuer that hath his courſe
through the town, the water roſe ſo high betwixt the kinges campe, and the
Duke of Clarence Campe, that were deuided by the ſame riuer, that the
Engliſhmen were conſtray|ned to withdrawe their artillerie from one ſyde,
where they had planted the ſame.
Compare 1587 edition:
4 The Frenche king being
aduertiſed, that king Henrie was arriued on that coaſt, ſent in all haſt
the Lorde de la Breth Conſtable of
Fraunce, the Seneſchall of Fraunce, the Lorde Bouciqualt Marſhall of
Fraunce, the Seneſchall of Henaut, the Lorde Lignye with other, whiche
fortifyed townes with men, virtuall, and artillerie on all thoſe frontiers
towardes the ſea. And hearyng that Harflew was beſieged, they came to the
ca|ſtell of Candebecke, beeing not farre from Har|flew, to the intent they
might ſuccor their feends which were beſieged, by ſome policie or meanes:
but the Engliſhmen notwithſtanding al
the da|mage that the Frenchmen coulde worke againſt them, forrayed the
countrey, ſpoiled the villages, bringyng many a riche praie to the Campe
be|fore Harflewe, and dayly was the towne aſſal|ted: for the Duke of
Glouceſter, to whome the order of the ſiege was committed, made three mynes
vnder the grounde, and approching to the walles with his engins and
ordinance, wold not ſuffer them within to take any reſte: for al|though
they with their coũterminyng ſomwhat
diſappointed the Engliſhmen, and came to fight with them hande to hande
within the mynes, ſo that they wente no further forwarde with that
worke,Titus Liuius. yet they were ſo encloſed
on eche ſyde, as well by water as lande, that ſuccour they ſawe coulde none
come to them: for the Kyng lying with his battaile on the hill ſide on the
one par|tie, and the duke of Clarence beyonde the ryuer that paſſeth by the
towne, & renneth into Sayne on the
other parte, beſide other Lordes and capi|taines that were lodged with their
retinues for their moſt aduantage: None could be ſuffered to go in, or come
foorth without their licence, in ſo|muche that ſuche powder as was ſente to
haue bin conueyed into the towne by water, was ta|ken by the Engliſhe
ſhippes that watched the ri|uer. The Capitaines within the towne,
percey|uing that they were not able long to reſiſte the continuall aſſaults of the Engliſhmen, knowing that their
walles were vndermyned, and lyke to be ouerthrowne (as one of their
bulwarkes was already,Harding. where the Erles of
Huntington & Kent had ſet vp their baners)Tho.
VValſ. ſente an officer at armes foorth aboute midnight after the
feaſt day of S. Lambert,
[...]. September. They vvithin Harflevv de|mande parley. whiche
fell that yeare vpon the Tuiſ|day, to beſeech the king of England to appoint
ſome certayne perſons as Commiſſioners from hym, with whom they within myght
treate a|bout ſome agreement. The Duke of Clarence to whom this meſſenger
firſt declared his errãd, aduertiſed the King of his requeſte, who
graun|tyng thereto, appoynted the Duke of Exceſter, with the Lord Fitz Hugh,
and Syr Thomas Erpingham, to vnderſtand the myndes of them within the Towne,
who at the firſt, requeſted a truce till Sunday next following the feaſt of
S. Michaell, in whiche meane tyme if no ſuccoure came to remoue the ſiege,
they would vndertake to delyuer the towne into the kings handes, their lyues
and goodes ſaued. The Kyng aduertiſed hereof, ſente them worde, that except
they wolde ſurrender the towne to hym the morrowe nexte enſuyng without anye
condition, they ſhoulde ſpende no more tyme in talke aboute the matter. But
yet at length through the earneſt ſute of the French Lords, the king was
contented to graũt them truce till nyne of the clocke the next Sun|day,
being the .xxij. of September, with con|dition, that if in the meane time no
reſkue came, they ſhould yelde the towne at that houre with their bodies and
goodes to ſtande at the Kynges pleaſure. And for aſſuraunce thereof, they
deli|uered into the kynges handes thirtie of their beſt Capitaynes and
merchantes within that towne as pledges. But other write, that it was
co|uenaunted, that they ſhoulde delyuer but one|ly twelue pledges, and that
if the ſiege were not reyſed by the Frenche Kinges power within .vj. dayes
nexte folowyng, then ſhoulde they deliuer the Towne vnto the kyng of
Englandes han|des, and thyrtie of the chiefeſt perſonages with|in the ſame,
to ſtande for lyfe or death at hys wyll and pleaſure: and as for the reſidue
of the men of warre and Towneſmen, they ſhoulde departe whether they woulde,
wythoute car|rying foorth eyther Armour, weapon, or anye other goodes.
Whether this be true, or
the former report, as we fynde it in Thomas Walſingam, and that the Kyng
afterwards when the towne was de|liuered accordyng to theſe conditions was
con|tented to take ſuche order, as to receyue onely thirtie of the chiefeſt
within the Towne, and to permit the other to goe their wayes freely, wee can
not certaynely affirme.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But howeſoeuer it was,
the kyng was con|tented to graunt a reſpite vppon certayne con|ditions, that
the Capitaines within myght haue tyme to ſende to the Frenche King for
ſuccour, as before ye haue hearde, leaſt he entending grea|ter exploytes,
myghte loſe tyme in ſuche ſmal matters.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When thys compoſition was
agreed vpon, the Lorde Bacquevile, was ſente vnto the Frenche Kyng to
declare in what poynte the EEBO page image 1176 the towne ſtoode. To whome
the Dolphin aun|ſwered, that the kings power was not yet aſſẽ|bled, in ſuch
number as was conuenient to reiſe ſo greate a ſiege. This anſwere beyng
brought to the Captaynes within the Towne, they ren|dred it vp to the king
of England, after that the thyrde day was expired,Har [...]e yelded and ſacked. whiche was on the day of Sainct Maurice
beeyng the ſeuen and thirtie daye after the ſiege was firſte layde. The
ſoul|diours were ranſomed, and the towne ſacke, to the great gayne of the Engliſhemen.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This do [...]e, the kyng of Englande ordeyned Capitayne of the towne of H [...]lewe his Vncle the Duke of Exceſter, whyche eſtabliſhed hys Lieutenant
there, one Syr Iohn Faſtolfe, with fiftene hundred men (or as ſome haue) two
thou|ſande, and .xxxvj. knights, wherof the Baron of Carew, and ſir Hugh
Lutterell, were two coun|ſellours.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And bycauſe many of his
nobles whyleſt this ſiege lay before
Harflewe, fell ſicke of the Flixe, and other diſeaſes, and diuers were dead,
amon|geſt whome the Earle of Stafforde, the Biſhop of Norwiche, the Lordes
Molyns and Burnell were foure, (beſyde others:) the king licenced his
brother the duke of Clarence, Iohn Erle Mar|ſhall, and Iohn Erle of Arundel,
being infected with that diſeaſe to returne into England.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 King Henry after the
winuyng of Harflewe determined to haue proceeded further in the con|queſt
and winning of other townes and for
treſ|ſes: but bicauſe the dead tyme of the winter ap|proched, it was
determyned by the prudent ad|uiſe of his counſell, that he ſhoulde in all
conue|nient ſpeede ſette forewarde, and march through the countrey towardes
Caleys by land, leaſt his returne as then homewardes ſhould of ſlaunde|rous
toungs be named a running away: and yet that iourney was adiudged perillous,
by reaſon that the number of his people was muche my|niſhed by the flixe and other feuers,Greate deathe in the hoſte by the flixe. whiche ſore vexed and
brought to deathe aboue .xv. hundred perſons of the armie: and this was the
cauſe that his retourne was the ſooner appoynted and con|cluded. But before
hys departyng, hee entred into the Towne of Harflewe, and wente on to the
Churche of Saincte Martines, and there offered. All the menne of warre
whiche hadde not payde their raunſomes, hee ſware them on the holy
Euangeliſtes, to yeld themſelues Pri|ſoners at Caleys by the feaſte of Saincte Mar|tine in Nouember nexte.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 There were two ſtrong
Towers ſtandyng on the Hauen ſyde, whyche lookyng for ayde did not yelde
till tenne dayes after the Towne was rendred. When the K. had repaired the
walles, bulwarks and rampiers about the towne, & fur|niſhed it with
victuall and artillerie, he remoued from Harflewe towarde Ponthoyſe, [...] to paſſe the riuer of Some with his armie [...] the bridges were eyther withdrawne or br [...].
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Suche victuals and other
neceſſaries as w [...] to be caryed foorth with the armie, he appointed to bee layde on
horſes, leauing the Cartes and wagons behynde for the leſſe encombre.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Frenche King hearing
that the Towne of Harflew was gotten, and that the Kyng of Englande was
marching forwarde into the bo|welles of the realme of Fraunce, ſent out
procla|mations, and aſſembled people on euerye ſyde, committing the whole
charge of his armie to his ſonne the Dolphyn, and the Duke of Aquitayn, who
incontinently cauſed the bridges to be bro|ken, and the paſſages to be
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Alſo he cauſed all the
corne & victuals to be cõ|ueyed away, or deſtroyed in all
places,Come and vic|tualle [...] deſtroy|ed vvhere the english ho [...] shoulde paſ [...]. where it was coniectured, that the Engliſhmen would
re|payre, to the intente that they might be kepte in ſome ſtrayte or corner
of the countrey, withoute victuals or comforte, ſo that they ſhould be
con|ſtrayned to dye, or yelde thorough famyne, or to be fought withall, ſo
muche to their diſaduaun|tage, that the victorie mighte be prepared for the
Frenche, ere they came to hazarde themſelues in battayle.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The king of Englãd
nothing diſmayed with with all theſe incõmodities lyke to chaunce vn|to hym
at one time,Titus L [...]i [...]
kepte his iourney in deſpite of his enimies, conſtreyning them
within diuers townes and holds to furniſh hym with victuals:Aſki [...] vv [...] the ga|riſon of E [...]. but yet as he paſſed by the towne of Ewe, the garniſon of
the town iſſued foorth, and gaue the Engliſhemen a ſkirmiſh, although in the
end the Frenchmen were beaten into the Towne, with loſſe, namely of a ryght
valiant man of armes,Enguerant. named Lancelot
Pier. Ther were many engliſh men hurt with quarrells ſhot off from the
loupes and walles, as they purſued the enimyes vnto the gates.
Compare 1587 edition:
3 At length ye king
aproched the riuer of Some, where finding all the bridges broken,Blancheta [...]
he came to the paſſage of Blanchetaque, where hys greate
graundfather king Edwarde the thirde, paſſed a little before the battail of
Creſſy,Titus Li [...]i [...]
but the paſſage was now ſo impeached with ſtakes ſet in the bo|tom
of the foorde, & ſo defended, that he could not paſſe there wythout
great daunger, conſideryng the multitude of hys enimyes that were bothe
beehinde and before, and on eche de of hym, the Countreye in all partes
ſwarming wyth em|buſhements of men of warre. He therfore mar|ched forwards
to Arannes ſo ordering his army and placing his carriage, that he appeared
ſo ter|rible to his enemies, as they durſt not once offer him battaile, and
yet the Lorde Dalbreth Con|ſtable of Fraunce, the Marſhall Bouchequauler,
EEBO page image 1077 the erle of Vendoſme great Maſter of Fraũce, the
Duke of Alanſon, and the Earle of Riche|mont, with all the puiſſaunce of the
Dolphyn lay at Abuile, and durſt not ſo muche as touch his battailes, but
euer kept the paſſages, & coa|ſted aloof, like a hauke that lyketh
not hir pray. The king of Englande ſtill kepte on his iorney till hee came
to the bridge of Sainct Maxence, where hee found aboue .xxx.M. frenchemenne,
and there pitched his fielde, looking ſurely to be fought withall.Diuers capi|taines
knights. Wherefore to encourage his capitaines the more, he dubbed
certaine of hys hardy and valiant gentlemen knights, as Iohn Lorde Ferrers
of Groby: Reignold of Grey|ſtock: Piers Tempeſt: Chriſtofer Moriſby: Thomas
Pickering: William Huddleſton: Iohn Hoſbalton: Henry Mortimer: Phillip Hall:
and Willyam hys brother: Iaques de Ormonde, and dyuers other: But when hee
ſawe that the Frenche made no ſemblaunce to fight, he departed in good order of battaile by the towne of Amiens, to
another towne neare to a caſtell called Bowes, and there laye twoo dayes
looking for battaile euery houre. From thence he came neare to Corby, where
hee was ſtayed that night, by reaſon that the common people, and peſantes of
the countrey aſſembled in great numbers, and the men of armes of the gariſon
of Corby ſkirmiſhed wyth his army in the morning, and were diſcomfited, and
the pe|ſantes driuen euen harde to their
gates. The ſame day the king founde a ſhallowe fourd be|tween Corby,King Henry pa [...]th the ri| [...]er of Some vva [...] his hoſte. and Peronne, which neuer was eſpied before, at
whiche he wyth his armie and carriages the night enſuing, paſſed the water
of Some without let or daunger, and therewyth determined to make haſte
towardes Callais, and not to ſeeke for battaile, excepte hee were thereto
conſtrayned, bycauſe that hys army by
ſickenes was ſore diminiſhed, in ſo muche that he had but onely twoo
thouſande horſemen and thirteene thouſande archers, bill men, and of all
ſortes of other footemen.
Compare 1587 edition:
The Englishe [...]ay fore af| [...]ded.The Engliſhemen were brought into great miſery in this
iorney, their victuall was in ma|ner ſpent, and nowe coulde they get none:
for their enemies had deſtroied all the corne before they came: Reſte coulde
they none take, for their enemies were euer at hande to giue them alarmes,
dayly it rained, and nyghtely freeſed: of
fewell there was great ſcarſitie, but of fluxes greate plenty: money they
hadde inoughe, but wares to beſtowe it vppon, for their reliefe or comforte,
hadde they little or none. And yet in this greate neceſſitye, the poore
people of the countrey were not ſpoiled, nor any thyng taken of them wythout
payment, neyther was any [...]utrage or offence done by the Engliſhemenne of warre, except one,
whiche was, that a foliſh ſouldiour [...]le a pi [...]e out of a churche: for which cauſe he was apprehended,An example of Iuſtie [...]. Titus Li [...]iu [...].
and the king would not once remoue till the box was reſtored, and
the offender ſtrangled.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The people of the
countreys there aboute,Note the force of Iuſtice.
hearyng of ſuchẽ zeale in hym, to the mayntai|naunce of Iuſtice, miniſtred
to hys army bothe victuals, and other neceſſaries, althoughe by open
proclamation ſo to do they were prohibi|ted.Hall.
The Frenche King being at Roan,The french K. cõſulteth
hovv to deale vvith the english [...]ẽ. and hearing that [...] Henry was paſſed the riuer of Some, was muche diſpleaſed therwith,
and aſſembling his coũſell to the number of .xxxv. aſked their aduice what
was to be done.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 There was amongſt theſe
fiue & thirtie his ſonne the Dolphin, callyng hymſelfe King of
Sicill, the Dukes of Berry and Britaine, the Earle of Pontiew the Kinges
youngeſt ſonne, and other highe eſtates. At lengthe .xxx. of them agreed,
that the Engliſhemenne ſhoulde not departe vnfought withall, and fiue were
of a contrary opinion, but the the greater number ruled the matter:The french K. ſendeth defi|aunce to kyng Henry. And
ſo Montioy Kyng at armes was ſent to the king of England to de|fie him as
the enemie of France, and to tell him that hee ſhoulde ſhortely haue
battaile. Kyng Henry ſoberly aunſwered thus: Sir,King
Henryes aunſvvere to the de [...]aunce. mine in|tent is to doe as it pleaſeth God, for ſurely
I will not ſeeke your maſter at this time, but if he or his ſeeke me, I will
willingly fight with them: And if any of your nation attempte once to ſtoppe
me in my iorney now towards Cal|lais, at their ieoperdy be it, and yet my
deſire i [...] that none of you bee ſo vnaduiſed, as to bee the occaſion, that I in
my defence ſhall colour and make red your rawny ground with the effuſion of
chriſtian bloud: When hee had thus aun|ſwered the Herauld, hee gaue hym a
greate re|warde, and licenced hym to departe. Vpon re|tourne of the
Herrault, wyth this aunſwere, it was incontinently proclaimed, that all men
of warre ſhoulde reſorte to the Conſtable to fight with the King of England,
and his puiſſance. Wherevppon, all men accuſtomed to beare ar|mour, and
deſirous to winne honour throughe the Realme of Fraunce, drewe towarde the
Compare 1587 edition:
3 The Dolphin ſore deſired
to haue bin at the battaile, but hee was prohibited by his father: likewiſe
Phillip Earle of Charolois, woulde gladly haue bene there, if his father the
duke of Burgoigne would haue ſuffred hym: many of his mẽ ſtale away, and
went to the frenchmen.Titus Liuius. The king of
England bearing that the french|men approched, and that there was an other
ri|uer for him to paſſe with his army by a bridge, and doubting leaſte if
the ſame bridge ſhoulde EEBO page image 1178 be broken, it woulde be greately
to his hinde|raunce, appoynted certayne capitaynes wyth their bandes, to go
thyther wyth all ſpeede be|fore hym, and to take poſſeſſion thereof, and ſo
to keepe it, tyll hys commyng thither. Thoſe that were ſent, findyng the
frenchemen buſy to break down their bridge, aſſailed them ſo vigo|rouſly,
that they diſcomfited them and tooke and flew them, and ſo the bridge was
preſerued tyll the king came, and paſſed the riuer by the ſame with his whole army. This was on ye .xxij. day of
October. The duke of Yorke: at led the vãt|garde (after the army was paſſed
the Riuer) mounted vp to the heigth of an hill wyth his people, and ſente
out ſkowtes to diſcouer the countrey, the which vpon their returne
aduer|tiſed hym, that a wonderfull greate army of Frenchmen was at hand,
approching towards them. The duke declared to the Kyng what he had heard, and the Kyng therevppon, without all
feare or trouble of minde, cauſed the bataile which he led himſelfe to
ſtay,King Henry rideth forthe to take the vievve of
the Frenche army. and incontinent|ly rode forth to view his
aduerſaryes, and that done, returned to hys people, and with chere|full
countenaunce cauſed them to bee put in or|der of battayle, aſſignyng to
euery capitayne ſuche roomth and place, as he thought conueni|ent, and ſo
kepte thẽ ſtill in that order till night was come, & then
determined to ſeeke a place to encampe
& lodge his army in for that night. There was not one amongſt them
that knewe any certayne place whither to goe, in that vn|knowen countrey:
but by chaunce they happe|ned vppon a beaten way, white in ſighte by the
which they were broughte vnto a little village, where they were refreſhed
with meate & drinke ſomewhat more plenteouſly, then they had bin
diuers dayes before.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Order was taken by
commaundement from the Kyng, after the
army was firſte ſet in bat|tayle array, that no noiſe or clamor ſhoulde be
made in the hoſte, ſo that in marching forthe to this village, euery man
kepte hymſelfe quyet: but at theyr commyng into the village, fiers were made
to giue light on euery ſide, as there likewiſe were in the frenche hoſte
whiche was lodged not paſte .ij.C. & fiftie paces dyſtaunte from the
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The chiefe leaders of the
french hoſte were theſe: The conſtable of
Fraunce, the Marſhall, the Admirall, the lord Rambures maſter of the
croſbowes, and other of the frenche nobilitie, which came and pitched downe
their ſtanderts and banners in the countye of Sainct Paule, within the
Territorie of Agincourt, hauing in their army as ſome write,The number of the frenchemen. Engu [...]rant.
to the number of .lx. thouſande horſemen beſides footemen, wago|ners
and other. They were lodged euen in the way by the whiche the engliſhmen,
muſt [...] paſſe towardes Callais, and all that night af|ter their comming
thither, made greate cheare and were very mery, pleaſant, & full of
g [...] The Engliſhmen alſo for their partes were of good comfort, and
nothing abaſhed of the mat|ter, and yet they were both hungry, weary, ſore
trauailed, and vexed with many cold diſeaſes. Howbeit they made peace wyth
God, in con|feſſing their ſins, receyuing the ſacrament, and requiring
aſſiſtaunce at his handes, that is the only giuer of victory, determined
rather to die, than either to yelde, or flee.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The day following was the
.xxv. of Octo|ber in the yeare .1415. being then Friday,T [...]
[...] A [...], and the feaſt of Criſpine, and Criſpinian, the moſt faire
and fortunate day to the engliſhemen, and moſte ſorrowfull, and vnlucky to
the Frenche|men.
Compare 1587 edition:
3 In the morning of the
ſame day,The ord [...] of the Fr [...]
[...]y. the french Capitaines made three battayles. In the
va|warde were .viij.M. healmes of Knyghtes, and Eſquiers .iiij.M. Archers,
and .xv.C. croſbowes whiche were guided by the lorde de la Breth, Conſtable
of Fraunce, hauyng wyth hym the Dukes of Orleauns and Burbon, the Earles of
Ewe and Richemonte, the Mar|ſhall Bouciquault, and the maſter of the
croſ|bowes, the lord Dampier Admirall of Fraunce and other capitaines: The
earle of Vandoſme wyth .xvj.C. men of armes were ordered for a wing to that
battayle. And the other wyng was guided by Sir Guicharde Dolphin, Syr
Clugnet of Brabant, and Sir Lewes Bour|don, with .viij.C. men of armes, of
elect and choſen perſones. And to breake the ſhotte of the engliſhmen were
appointed, Sir Guilliam de Saue [...]ſes, with Hector and Phillippe his bre|thren: Ferry de Maylly, and
Alen de Gaſpanes with other .viij.C. of armes. In the middle warde, were
aſſigned as many perſons, or mo, as were in the formoſt battaile, and the
chardge thereof, was committed to the Dukes of Bar and Alanſon, the Earles
of Neuers, Vande|mont, Blamont, Salinges, Grant Pree, and of Ruſſy: And in
the rereward were all the o|ther men of armes guyded by the Earles of Marle,
Dampmartine, Fauconberg, and the Lorde of Lourrey capitaine of Arde, who had
wyth hym, the men of the Frontiers of Bolo|nois: Thus the frenchemen being
ordered vn|der their ſtandardes and banners, made a great ſhew: for ſurely
they were eſteemed in number ſix times as many or more, than was the whole
company of the Engliſhemen, wyth Wago|ners, Pages and all. They reſted
themſelues, waytyng for the bloudy blaſte of the terryble trumpet, till the
houre betweene .ix. and .x. of EEBO page image 1179 the clocke of the ſame
day: during whiche ſea|ſon, the conſtable made vnto the capitains and other
men of warre, a pithie oration exhorting and encouraging them to doe
valiantly, wyth many comfortable words, and ſenſible reaſons. King Henry
alſo like a leader, and not as one led, like a ſoueraigne, and not an
inferior, per|ceyuing a plotte of grounde very ſtrong, and meete for his
purpoſe, which on the backe halfe was fenced with the village, wherein hee
hadde lodged the nighte before, and on
bothe ſides de|fended wyth hedges, and buſhes, thought good there to
embattaile his hoſte, and ſo ordered his men in the ſame place,The order of in Englishe [...]y. as he ſawe occaſion, and as ſtoode for his moſte
aduantage: Fyrſt, he ſent priuily .ij.C. archers into a lowe meadowe, whiche
was [...]re to the vaunegarde of his ene|mies: but ſeparate with a greate
ditche com|maunding them there to kepe themſelues cloſe till they had a
token to them giuen, to let driue at their
aduerſaries: Beſide this, he appointed a vaward, of the which he made
captaine Ed|warde Duke of York, that of an hault courage had deſired that
office, and with hym were the Lordes Beaumont, Willonghby, and Fan|hope, and
this battaile was all of archers. The middle warde was gouerned by the kyng
him|ſelfe, with his brother the Duke of Glouceſter, and the Earles of
Marſhall, Oxforde, and Suffolke, in the which were all the ſtrong bil|men.
The Duke of Exceter vncle to the kyng
led the rerewarde, which was mixed both with bilmen and archers. The horſmen
like wings went on euery ſide of the battaile.
Compare 1587 edition:
A [...] the gre [...] force o [...] Englishe [...].Thus the king hauing ordered his batailes, feared not the
puiſſance of his enemies, but yet to prouide that they ſhoulde not with the
mul|titude of their horſemen breake the array of his archers, in whome the
whole force of his army conſiſted,A pollitike in|uen [...]ion. hee cauſed ſtakes bounde wyth Iron ſharpe at bothe endes of the length of .v. or .vj. foot
to be pitched before the archers, and of eche ſide the footemen like an
hedge, to the entente that if the barded horſes run raſhly vppon them they
might ſhortly be gored and deſtroyed: cer|tain perſons alſo were appoynted
to remoue ye ſtakes as by the mouing of the archers occaſion and time
ſhoulde require, ſo that the footemen were hedged aboute with ſtakes, and
the horſ|men ſtoode like a bulwarke betweene them and their enemies, without the ſtakes.
Compare 1587 edition:
Hall.This deuiſe of fortifying an army, was at
this time firſt inuented, but ſince that time they haue deuiſed caltrappes,
harrowes, and other newe deuiſes, to defend the force of the horſe|men, ſo
that if the enemies runne raſhely vpon the ſame, either are their horſes
wounded with the ſtakes, or their feete hurt with the other en|gins, ſo that
of neceſſitie for very pa [...] the [...]|ly beaſtes are ouerthrowen and brought his the grounde.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Kyng Henry by reaſon of
his ſmall number of people, to fill vp hys battailes,Titus Liuius. placed his vauntgarde ſo on the right hande of the
maine battaile, whyche hymſelfe led, that the diſtance betwixte them might
vnneth be perceyued, and ſo in like caſe was the rerewarde ioyned on the
left hand, that ye one might ye more readily ſuc|cour an other in time of
neede, when hee hadde thus ordered his battailes, he lefte a ſmall com|pany
to keepe his campe, and caryage,Titus Liuius.
whiche remained ſtill in the village, and then calling his capitaines and
ſouldiours aboute him, hee made to them a right harty [...]ation,King Henrhes oration to his men.
requiring them to play the men, that they might obtaine a glorious victorie,
as there was good hope they ſhould, if they would remember the iuſte cauſe
and quarrell, for the whiche they fought, and agaynſte whome they ſhoulde
matche, beeyng ſuche faint harted people, as their auncetors had ſo often
ouercome. To conclude, many wordes of comforte he vttered to them, to
encourage them to do manfully, aſſuring them that Eng|lande ſhoulde neuer be
charged wyth hys raun|ſome, nor any French man triumph ouer hym as a
captiue, for either by famous death, or glo|rious victorye, woulde hee winne
honour and fame.
Compare 1587 edition:
5 It is ſaide alſo, that he
ſhould heare one of the hoſte vtter hys wiſhe to another, that ſtoode nexte
to hym in this wife: I woulde to god there were preſent here with vs this
day ſo ma|ny good ſouldiours as are at this houre within the Realme of
Englande,A vvishe. A noble cou|rage of a valia [...] Prince. whereto the Kyng aunſwered: I woulde not wiſhe a
man more here than I haue, wee are in deede in compari|ſon to the enemies
but a fewe: But if God of his clemency doe fauor vs, and our iuſte cauſe, as
I truſte he will, there is no man that may or can a ſcribe the victorie
gotte againſt ſuche a puiſſant force to our owne ſtrength and might, but
onely to Gods aſſiſtaunce, to whome wee ſhall worthily giue thankes
therefore. And if ſo bee that for our offences ſakes wee ſhall be de|liuered
into the hands of our enimies, the leſſe number we be, the leſſe domage ſhal
the realme of Englande ſuſteine: but if we ſhould fighte in truſte of
multitude of men, and ſo gette the victorie (our mindes being prone to
pride) wee ſhoulde therevppon peraduenture aſcribe the victory not ſo muche
to the gifte of God, as to our owne puiſſaunce, and thereby prouoke his
highe indignation and diſpleaſure againſt vs: and if the enemye gotte the
vpper hand, than ſhoulde our Realme and countrey ſuffer more domage and
ſtande in further daunger: But EEBO page image 1180 be you of good comforte,
and ſhewe your ſelues valiant, God and our iuſte quarrell, ſhall de|fende
vs, and deliuer theſe our proude aduerſa|ries with all the multitude of them
whiche you ſee, or at the leaſte the more parte of them into our handes.
Whileſt the king was yet thus ex|horting hys people, eyther army ſo maligned
the other being as then in open ſight, that euery man cryed forward,
forwarde. The Dukes of Clarence,
Glouceſter, and Yorke, were of the ſame opinion, yet the king ſtayed a
while, leaſt any ieoperdy were not foreſeene, or any hazard not preuented.
The Frenchmen in the meane while, as thoughe they had bin ſure of victory,
made great triumphe, for the captaines had de|termined before, how to deuide
the ſpoile, & the ſouldiours the night before had plaid the
eng|liſhemen at dice. The noble men had deuiſed a chariot, wherin they might
triumphantly con|uey King Henry beeing captiue to the Citie of Paris, crying to their ſouldiours, haſte you to
obtain ſpoile, glory and honour, little remem|bring that the whirle winde,
ſhortely with a puffe, woulde blowe away all their vaine ioye and fooliſhe
fantaſticall braggyng: of this do|ing, you may gather that it is as muche
mad|nes to make a determinate iudgemẽt of things to come, as it is wiſedome
to doubt what will folow of things begon.Hall.
Here we may not for|get howe the French men beeing thus in theyr ruffe, ſent an Herault to K. Henry, to enquire of
hym what raũſome he would offer, and how he aunſwered, that within .ij. or
.iij. houres he hoped that it ſhould ſo happen, that the french|men ſhould
common rather with the Engliſh|men for their owne raunſomes, than the
eng|liſhemen ſhould neede to take thought for their deliueraũce, promiſing
for his owne part, that his dead carcaſſe ſhoulde rather be a pray to the
Frenchemen, than that his liuing body ſhould be endangered of paying any
raunſom. When the meſſenger was come backe to the frenche hoſte, the men of
warre put on their helme [...]tes & cauſed their trumpets to blow to the battaile. They
thought themſelues ſo ſure of victory, that diuers of the noble men made
ſuche haſte to|wards the battaile, that they left many of their ſeruauntes
and men of warre behinde them, & ſome of them woulde not once ſtaye
for their ſtanderts:Tu [...] L [...]
as amongeſt other the duke of Bra|bant when his ſtandert was not
come cauſed & baner to be taken from a trumpet, and faſtened to a
ſpeare, the which he cõmanded to be borne before him in ſteed of his
ſtanderd. But when both theſe armies cõming within fight either of other,
& were ſet in order of battaile, they ſtoode ſtill at the firſt,
beholding either others deme [...]|nor, being not diſtant in ſunder paſt .iij. bow|ſhootes. And when
they had thus ſtoode on both ſides a good while without doing any thing,
(except that certaine of the frenche horſemẽ ad|uaũcing forward, betwixt
both the hoſtes were by the engliſhe archers conſtrained to retourne backe)
aduiſe was taken amongeſt the engliſh|men, what was beſt for them to do, and
there|vpon all things conſidered, it was determined that ſith ye frenchmẽ
would not come forward, the king wyth his army, embatailed as ye haue heard,
ſhoulde marche towards them, & ſo lea|uing their truſſe &
bagage in the village where they lodged the night before, onely wyth theyr
weapons, armour, and ſtakes prepared for the purpoſe, as ye haue heard, they
made ſomwhat forward, before whõ there went an olde knight ſir Tho.
Erpingham (a man of great experiẽce in the warre) with a warder in his
hand, & whẽ he caſt vp his warder, al the army ſhouted, but that
was a ſigne to the archers in the meadow, which therwith ſhot wholy
altogither at ye va|warde of the Frenchemen,The [...]e a [...]|mies ioyne [...]+taile. who when they per|ceyued
[figure appears here on page 1180]
EEBO page image 1181 the archers in the medow, and faw they [...] not come at thẽ, for a [...]che that was be|twixte them, with all halfe [...]ette vpon the fore|warde of K. Henry, but ere they could ioyne, ye
archers in the forefront, and the archers on ye ſide which ſtoode in the
meadowe, to wounded [...]he footmen, gaſted the horſes, and com [...]red thẽ men of armes, that the footmen durſt not goe forward, the
horſmen ran togither vpon plũps without order, ſome ouerthrewe ſuche as
were nexte them, & the horſes
ouerthre we their ma [...]|ſters, and ſo at the firſt ioyning, the Frenchmen were [...]ly diſcomforted, and the Engliſhmen muche encouraged. When the French
vaw [...]d was thus brought to confuſion, the engliſh ac| [...]hers rafte away their bowes, and tooke into their handes, axes,
maſtes, ſwords, billes, and other hand weapons, and with the ſame flewe the
Frenchmẽ, til they came to the midle ward.
Compare 1587 edition:
11 Then approched the K. and ſo encouraged his people, that ſhortly the ſecond battail of the
Frenchemen was ouer throwen, and diſperſed, not without greate ſtaughter of
men: howbeit, diuers wer relieued by their varlets, and con|ueyed out of the
field. The Engliſhmen were ſo buſied in fighting, & taking of the
priſoners at hand, that they folowed not in chaſe of their enemies, nor
would once break out of their ar|ray of battail. The frenchmen ſtrongly
with|ſtoode the fierceneſſe of the Engliſhmen, when they came to handy ſtrokes, ſo that the fighte was
doubtfull and perillous. And when one parte of the french horſmen thought to
haue en|tred vpon the kings battaile, they were with ye ſtakes ouerthrowen
to the grounde, and eyther taken or ſlaine.A [...] king. Thus this battaile continued iij. long houres. The K.
that day ſhewed him|ſelfe a valiant knight, albeit notwithſtanding he was
almoſte felled by the duke of Alanſon, yet with plaine ſtrength he flew .ij.
of the dukes company, and felled the duke,
whome when he woulde haue yelded, the kings garde contrary to his minde
outragiouſly ſlewe. And in con|cluſion, the K. minding to make an end of
that daies iorny, cauſed his horſmen to fetch a com|paſſe about, and to
ioyne with hym againſt the rereward of the frenchmẽ, in the which was the
greateſt number of people. When the frenchmẽ perceyued his intent, they
were ſodenly amazed & ran away like ſheepe, without order or
aray [...]: which whẽ the K. perceyued, he
encouraged his men, & folowed ſo quickly vpon the enemies, yt they
ran hither and thither, caſting away theyr armour: and many of them on their
knees de|ſired to haue their liues faued. In the meane ſeaſon, while the
battaile thus continued, & that the engliſhemen had taken a greate
number of priſoners, certayne frenchemen on horſe backe, wherof wer captains
Robinet of Borneu [...]le, Ri [...]ar [...] of C [...]mas, & Iſambert of Aginc [...]t, and other men of armes, to the number of .vj.C. horſmen, which were
the firſt that fled, hea|ring that the engliſh [...]es and pauilions were a good way diſtant from the army, without any
ſufficient gard to defend the fame, eyther vpon a couetous meaning to gain
by the ſpoil, or vp|pon a deſire to be reuẽged, entred vpõ the kings camp,
& there ſpoiled the hales, robbed the tents,The
kings campe robbed. brake vp cheſts and carried away caſkets,
& ſlew ſuche ſeruants as they founde to make any reſi|ſtance, for
the which acte they were after com|mitted to priſon, and had loſte their
liues, if the Dolphin had longer liued: for when the outery of the lackies
& voyes, which ran away for fear of the frenchmẽ thus ſpoiling the
campe, came to the kings eares, he doubting leſt his enemies ſhould gather
together againe, & begin a newe fielde, and miſtruſting further that
the priſoners would either be an aide to his enemies, or very enemyes to
their take [...]s in deede if they were ſuffred to liue, contrary to his accuſtomed
ge [...]|tlenes, cõmaunded by ſounde of trũpet, that e|uery man vpon paine
of death, ſhould incouti|neri [...]ly flea his priſoner: whẽ this do [...] de|cree,
[...]po [...]+ner [...]
and pitifull proclamation was pro [...]|ced, pity it was to ſee how ſome frenchmẽ [...]ere ſodenly ſticked with daggers, ſome were [...]|ned with pollaxes, ſome ſlaine with ma [...] o|ther had their throates [...]ut, and ſome their bel|lies panched, ſo that in effect, hauing reſpect
to ye greate number, fewe priſoners were ſaued. When this lamentable
ſlaughter was ended, ye engliſhmen diſpoſed thẽſelues in order of
bat|tayle, ready to abide a newe fielde, and alſo to inuade, and newly ſet
on their enemies,A fresh onſe [...]
and ſo with great force they aſſailed ye erles of Marle and
Fawconbridge, and the lords of Lo [...] & of Thine yt which with vj.C. men of armes had all day
kepte togither,Titus Liui [...]. and were now ſlaine and beatẽ down out of [...]and. Some w [...]te, that the K. perceiuing his enemyes in one parte to aſſemble
togither, as though they ment to giue a new bat [...]ail for preſeruation of the priſoners, ſent to them an Herrault
commaunding them either to depart out of his ſight, or elſe to come forward
at once, and giue battaile, promiſing herewith, that if they did offer to
fighte agayne not only thoſe priſoners whiche his people all|redy had taken,
but alſo ſo many of them as in this new conflicte, which they thus attempted
ſhould fall into his hands, ſhould dye the death without redemtion. The
frenchmen fearing ye ſentence of ſo terrible a decree, without further
delay departed out of the fielde. And ſo aboute foure of the clocke in the
after noone, the Kyng when he ſawe no apparaunce of enemies, cau|ſed EEBO page image 1180 the retrefte to bee blowen, and gathering his army
togither,Thankes giuen to God for the victorie.
gaue thankes to almightie god for ſo happy a victory, cauſing his prelates
and chapleines to ſing this pſalme. In exi [...] Iſ|raell de Egipto, and cõmaundyng euery man to kneele downe
on the grounde at this verſe. Non nobis domine,
A vvorthy ex|ample of a god|ly prince.
non nobis, ſed nomini tuo da gloriã. Which done, he cauſed Te
Deum, with certain anthẽs to be ſong, giuing land & praiſe
to god and not boaſting of his owne force
or any hu|maine power.Titus Liuius. That night he
& his people tooke reſt and refreſhed themſelues with ſuch victuals
as they foũd in the french campe, but lodged in the ſame village, where he
lay the night before: and in the morning, Mountioy K. at armes &
foure other french Herraults came to the K to knowe the number of priſoners,
& to deſire bu|riall for the dead: Before he made thẽ anſwere (to
vnderſtãd what they would ſay) he demaũ|ded of them why they made to him
that requeſt conſidering that hee knewe
not whether ye vic|tory was to be attributed to him, or to their na|tion
but: when Montioy by true and iuſt con|fe [...]ſion had cleared that doubt to ye highe praiſe of the K. he deſired
of Montioye to vnderſtand the name of the Caſtell neare adioyning: when they
had told him that it was called Agincort,The battalle of
Agin [...]e. he ſaid that this conflict ſhal be called the batail of
Agincourte. He feaſted the frenche officers of armes that daye, and graunted
them their re|queſte, which buſily ſought
throughe the fielde for ſuche as were ſlaine, but the engliſhmẽ ſuf|fred
thẽ not to go alone, for they ſearched wyth them, & found many
hurte, but not in ieoperdy of their liues, whom they took priſoners,
& brou|ght them to their tents. Whẽ the K. of Eng|lande had well
refreſhed himſelfe, & his ſouldi|ours, and had taken the ſpoile of
ſuche as were ſlaine, hee wyth his priſoners in good order re|turned to his
towne of Callais: Whẽ tidings of this
greate victory, was blowen into Eng|lande, ſolempne proceſſions and other
praiſings to almightie God wyth bonfiers, & ioyfull tri|umphes,
The ſame day that the nevve [...] vvent to VVeſtmin|ſter to rece [...]e [...] o [...]e, the aduertiment of this noble vic| [...]ie came to the citie in the morning beti [...]s [...]e men vvere [...]p from theyr beddes
Register of Maiors.
were ordeined in euery towne, City, and borough, & the maior
& citizẽs of London, went the morrow after the daye of S. Simon and
Iude from the Church of S. Paule to the church of S. Peter at Weſtminſter in
deuoute maner, rendring to God harty thanks for ſuch fortunate lucke ſent to
the king and his army. The ſame Sonday
that the K. remoued from the campe at Agincourte towards Calais, di|uers
frenchmẽ came to the field to view againe the dead bodies, & the
peaſants of the countrey ſpoiled the carcaſſes of all ſuch apparell
& other things as the engliſhmen had left: for they took nothing but
gold & ſiluer, iewels, riche aparell and coſtly armour, but the
ploughme(n) & peasa(n)ts lefte nothing behinde, neither shirt nor
cloute, so that the bodies lay stark naked till Wednesday, on the whiche day
diuers of the noble men were conueied into their countries, and the
remainaunte were by Phillip Earle Charolois (fore lamenting the chaunce,
& moued with pity) at his coste and chardge buried in a square plot
of grounde of .xv.C. yardes, in the which be caused to be made .iij.pittes,
wherein were buried by accompte .v.M.and viij.C. persons beside the(m) that
were caried away by their frinds and seruants, and other which being wounded
died in hospitalles and other places. After this dolorous iourney and
pitifull slaughter, diuers clerks of Paris made many lamentable verses,
complaining that the king reigned by will, and that counsellors were
parciall, affirming that ye noble men fled agaynst
nature, and that the co(m)mons were destroied by their prodigalitie,
declaring also that the Clergie were dombe, and durste not saye the truthe,
and that the humble commons duly obeied, and yet euer suffred punishme(n)t,
for which cause by deuine persecution on the lesse nu(m)ber vanquished the
greter: wherfore they concluded, that al things went out of order, and yet
was there no man that studied to bring the vnruly to frame: it was no
marueile thoughe this battaile was lamentable to the french nation, for in
it were taken and slaine ye flower of al the Nobilitie
of Fraunce: Noble and [...]. There wer taken prisoners Charles duke of Orleance, nephew
to the fre(n)ch K. Io. duke of Bourbon, the Lorde Bouciqualt one of the
marshals of Frau(n)ce, which died in England wyth a number of other lords,
knightes, and esquiers at ye leaste. xv C. beside the
common people. There were slaine in al of the frenche parte to the nu(m)ber
of x.M. men, whereof were Princes and noble men bearing baners. Cxxvj & of knights and esquiers & gentlemen in the
whole were slaine viij, M, iiij. C. (of the whiche .v.C. were dubbed knights
the night before the battail) so that of other the meaner sorte there died
not paste xvj C. Amongest those of the Nobilite that were slain, these were
the chiefest, Charles lord de la Breth high constable of Fraunce, Iaques of
Chatilo(n) L.of Da(m)pierre Admiral of France, the L. Rambures master of the
crosbowes, sir Guischard Dolphin greate master of Fraunce, Io. duke of
Alanson, Anthony duke of Braba(n)t, brother to the duke of Burgoine, Edward
duke of Bar, the erle of Neuers another brother to the duke of Burgoine,
with the erles of Marle, Vaudemont, Beaumont, Grandpree, Roussi, Fanconberg,
Fois, and Lestrake, beside a greate number of Lords and Barons of name: Of
Englishme(n), there died at this battayl Edward duke of Yorke, the earle of
Suffolke, sir
EEBO page image 1170 Sir Richard Kikeley, Engliſhmen [...]yne. and Dauy Gamme Esquier, and of all other, not aboue
.xxv. persons, if you will credite such as write miracles: but other Writers
of greater credite affirme, that there were slaine about fiue or sixe C.
persons. Titus Liuius sayeth, that there were slaine of Englishmen beside
the Duke of Yorke, and the Erle of Suffolke, an C.persons at the first
encounter: Titus Liuius. the Duke of Gloucester
the kings brother was sore wou(n)ded about the hippes, & borne
downe to the ground, so that he fel
backwards, with his feete towards his enimies, whome the K. bestridde, and
like a brother, valiantly rescued him from his enimies, and so sauing his
life, caused him to be conueyed out of the fight, into a place of more
Compare 1587 edition:
Hall.After that the K. of England had refreſſed
him ſelfe, and his people at Calais, and that ſuch priſoners as he had left
at Harflew (as yee haue heard) were come
to Calais vnto him the ſixth daye of Nouẽber, he with all his priſoners
tooke ſhipping, & the ſame day lãded at Douer, hauing with him the
dead bodies of the Duke of Yorke, & of the Earle of Suffolke,
& cauſed ye Duke to be buried at his colledge of Fodring|hey,
& the Earle at new Elme. In this paſſage, the Seas were ſo rough
& troublous, that two ſhips belonging to ſir Iohn Cornewall; Lorde
Fanhope, were driuen into Zeland, howbeit, nothing was loſt, nor any perſon
periſhed. The Maior of London, and ye
Aldermen, apparelled in oryent grained ſcarlet, and four C. commo|ners, clad
in beautifull murrey, well mounted, and trimly horſed with rich collers, and
greate rhaines, met the K. on black heath, reioicing at his returne. And the
Clergie of London, with rich Croſſes, ſumptuous copes, and maſſie cen|ſers,
receiued him, at S. Thomas of Wate|rings,Titus
Liuius. with ſolemne proceſſion. The K. like a graue and ſober
perſonage, and as one remem|bring from
whome al victories are ſent, ſeemed little to regard ſuche vaine pompe
& ſhewes as were in triumphãt ſort deuiſed for his welcom|ming home
from ſo proſperous a iourney,The great mo|d [...]e of the K. in ſo much, that he would not ſuffer his helmet
to be caried with him, and ſhewed to the people, that they might behold the
dintes and cuttes whiche appeared in ye ſame, of ſuch blowes and ſtripes,
as hee receiued the daye of the battell: neyther woulde he ſuffer any dities
to be made & ſong by minſtrels, of
his glorious victorie, for that he would whollie haue the praiſe and thankes
al|togither giuen to God. The newes of thys bloudy battell being reported to
the French K. as then ſoiourning at Roan, filled the Courte full of ſorrowe,
but to remedie ſuche danger as was like to enſue, it was decreed by counſel,
to ordeine newe officers in places of thẽ that were ſlaine: and firſte, hee
elected his chiefe officer for the warres, called the Conneſtable, the Earle
of Arminacke, a wiſe and politike Captaine, and an [...]ti [...]te enimie to the Engliſhmen. Sir Iohn de Corſey was made maſter of the
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Shortly after, other for
melancholy that he had for the loſſe at Agi [...]court, or by ſome [...]o|dayne diſeaſe, Lewes Dolphin of Vlennoyes,The
death of the Dolphin of France. hei [...] apparant to the Frenche King, departed this life without iſſue, which
happened well for Robyn [...] of Bouen [...] and his fellowes, as yee haue hearde before, for his death was theyr
life, and his life would haue bin their death.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 After that the French
King had created new officers,1416 in hope to
relieue the ſtate of his realme and countrey, ſore [...]aken by the late greate o|uerthrowe, it chanced, that Thomas Duke of
Exeter, Captaine of Harflewe, accompanyed with three thouſand Engliſhmẽ,
made a great roade into Normandie, almoſt to the Citie of Roan, in whiche
iourney, he got greate abun|dance, both of riches and priſoners: but in hys
returne, the Earle of Arminacke newly made Conneſtable of France, intending
in his fyrſte enterprice to winne his ſpurres, hauing with him aboue fiue
thouſand horſemen,A ſore con|flicte. encountred
with the Duke: the fight was handled on both partes very hotely, but bycauſe
the Engliſh|men were not able to reſiſt ye force of ye french|men the Duke
was conſtreined to retire with loſſe at the leaſt of three C. of his
footemen, yet being withdrawẽ into an orchard, which was ſtrõgly fenced
and hedged about with thornes, the Frenchmen were not able to enter vpon the
Engliſhmen, but yet they tooke from them all their horſes and ſpoyle, and
aſſaulted them, till it was night, and then retired backe to ye town, not
far diſtãt from ye place where they fought, called Vallemõt, this was
vpon ye fourtẽth day of Marche, and in the morning, vpon ye breake of the
daye, the Engliſhmen iſſued forth of the orcharde, where they had kepte
thẽſelues all ye night, and drew towardes Harflewe, whereof the Frenchmen
being aduertiſed, followed thẽ, and ouertooke them vppon the ſandes, neere
to Chiefe de Caux, and there ſet on them: but in ye ende, the Frenchmen
were diſcomfited, and a greate number of them ſlaine by the Engliſh|mẽ,
which afterwardes returned without more adoe vnto Harflew. The french
writers blame the Conneſtable for this loſſe, bycauſe hee kepte vpon the
high grounde with a number of men of warre, and woulde not come downe to
ayde his fellowes.
Compare 1587 edition:
10 In this fourth yeare of
K. Henries raigne,
Anno re. 4. The Emperor Sigiſmond cõ|meth into Eng [...]
the Emperor Sigiſmond, conũn germaine to K. Henry, came into
Englãd, to the intẽt, that EEBO page image 1184 he might make an attonement
betwene Kyng Henry, and the french king: with whom he had bin before,
bringing with hym the Archebiſhop of Reines,Titus
Liuius. as ambaſſador for the french kyng. At Callais hee was
honourably receiued by the Earle of Warwicke Lorde deputy there, and diuers
other Lords, ſente thither of purpoſe to attende hym. Moreouer, the king
ſente thither xxx. greate ſhips to bring hym and his traine ouer.The ſtraunge manner of rece|uing the Empe|rour at
Douer. At Douer the duke of Gloceſter, and di|uers other Lordes were ready to receyue hym, who at his
approching to land, entred the wa|ter with their ſwordes in their handes
drawen, and by the mouth of the ſaide duke, declared to hym, that if hee
intended to enter the lande as the kings friend, and as a mediator to
intreate for peace, he ſhoulde be ſuffred to arriue: but if he would enter
as an Emperor into a land vn|der his Imperiall iuriſdiction, then were they
ready to reſiſt hym. This was thought neceſ|ſarie to be done, for ſauing of the kings prero|gatiue, whiche
hathefull preeminence within his owne realme, as an abſolute prince or
Em|perour: when the Emperor herevpon anſwered that he was come as the kings
friend, and as a mediator for peace, and not with any imperial aucthoritie,
hee was of the Duke and other his aſſociats receiued with al ſuch honor as
might be deuiſed. The king with all his nobilitie re|ceiued hym on Blacke
Heathe, the .vij daye of May, and broughte
him throughe London to Weſtminſter,Albert duke of
Hollande com|meth into Englande. with gheate triumphe. Shortly
after there came alſo into England, Albert duke of Holland, who was likewiſe
friendly enter|teyned. Both theſe princes, the Emperour and the duke of
Holland were conueyed to Wind|ſore, to ſaint Georges feaſt, and elected
compa|nions of the noble order of the Garter, and had the collar and habite
of the ſame to them deli|uered & ſat in their ſtalls al the
ſolemnity of the feaſt. Shortly after that
the feaſt was finiſhed, the Duke of Hollande returned into his coun|trey,
but the Emperour tarried ſtil, and aſſay|ed all maner of meanes to perſwade
the Kyng to a peace wyth the Frenchmen: but their euill hap, as they that
were appointed by gods pro|uidẽce to ſuffer more domage at the Engliſh|mens
handes, woulde not permit his
perſwaſi|ons to take place: for wheras peace was euen almoſte entring in at
the gates, the King was ſodainely ſtirred to diſpleaſure, vppon a newe
occaſion, for he beeing aduertiſed of the loſſe of his men at the late
conflicte in the territorie of Roan, (as ye haue heard) refuſed to heare
this worde peace once named. The Emperor like a wiſe Prince,The Emperour an earneſt me|diator for peace. paſſed
ouer that time til an other ſeaſon, that ſome fauorable aſpect of the
planets ſhould ſeeme to further hys purpoſe, and when he thought the ſame
was come [...], he broched a|gaine the veſſell of concorde and mit [...], which hee put in ſo faire a cup, and preſented it [...] ſuche effectuous wordes, that ſurely the Kyng had taſted it, if word
had not bin brought about the ſame time,Harflevv
be|ſieged by the French [...]. that Harflew was beſieged of ye french both by water and
by land, as it was [...] deede: for the conſtable of Fraunce encouraged with his laſt victory
(though the ſame was not muche to his praiſe) aſſembled an army, &
[...] a ſodaine laid ſiege to the town, and at the ſame inſtant Iohn
Vicount of Narbon the vice ad|mirall of Fraunce, brought the whole N [...] the riuage and ſhore adioining to the towne, in purpoſe to haue
entred by the water ſide, but the duke of Exceter defeated their intent, and
de [...]|ded the Towne very manfully. Kyng Henry aduertiſed hereof, ment at
the firſt to haue go [...]e wyth his nauy in perſon to the ſuccours of his men, but the Emperor
diſſuaded hym from that purpoſe, aduiſing him rather to ſend ſome one of his
captains. The king folowing his louing and reaſonable aduertiſement,
appoynted hys brother the duke of Bedford accompanied with the Earles of
Marche, Marſhall, Oxforde, Huntington, Warwicke, Arundell, Sariſbu|ry,
Deuonſhire, and diuers Barons, with .ij.C. ſaile to paſſe into Normandy, for
reſcue of the towne of Harflew,Titus. L [...]
which vſing great dili|gẽce ſhipped at Rie, and after ſome
hinderance by contrary windes, at lengthe came to the mouthe of the riuer of
Sayne on the day of the Aſſumption of our Lady: When the Vicount of Narbone
perceiued the engliſhe nauy to ap|proche, he couragiouſly ſet forewarde, and
g [...]t the poſſeſſion of the mouthe of the hauen. The duke of Bedford ſeing
his enimies thus fierce|ly to come forward, ſette before certaine ſtrong
ſhips, which at the firſt encounter vanquiſhed,A greate
[...]+throvve by [...] gi [...] to [...] Frenche by [...] Duke of B [...]+forde. and tooke .ij. french ſhips, the captaines where|of
were to raſhe & forward. The duke followed with all his puiſſaunce,
and ſet vpon his ene|mies, the fight was long, but not ſo long, as perilous,
nor ſo perilous, as terrible, (for bat|tailes on the ſea are deſperate) till
at length the victory fell to the Engliſhmen, ſo that almoſte all the whole
Nauy of Fraunce, in the whiche were many Shippes, Hulkes, Carikes, and
o|ther ſmall veſſels, to the number of .v.C. was ſunke and taken. Amongſt
other veſſelles that were taken, three greate Carikes of Genoa,T [...]tus L [...]
a citie in Italy, were ſent into England. In the ſame conflicte were
ſlaine of the frenchemen no ſmall number, as appeared by the dead bodies,
which were ſene euery day ſwimming about ye Engliſh ſhips. After this,
Titus Li [...]
Harflevv [...]ed by the [...]. the duke of Bedford ſailed vp to Harflew, &
refreſhed ye town both with victual and money (nothwithſtanding that EEBO page image 1185 French galleys did what they could to haue let|ted that
enterprice.) When the Earle of Armi|nacke hearde that the puiſſant nauie of
Fraunce was vanquiſhed, hee reiſed his ſiege, and retur|ned to Paris. After
this diſcomfiture and loſſe, the puiſſance of the Frenchmen began to decay,
for now the Princes and nobles of the Realme fell into deuiſion and diſcord
amõg themſelues, ſtudying how to reuenge their olde iniuries,
[...]ll diſ| [...] amongſt [...]e nobles [...]o France. ſo that they refuſed to take payne for the
aduance|ment of the publique weale, and
ſafegard of their countrey, and therevpon through priuie diſplea|ſure, and
couerte hatred, their power beganne to waxe ſo ſlender, and their libertie
broughte into ſuche a malitious diuerſitie, and doubtfull diffe|rence, that
it was maruell their countrey hadde not bin brought into a perpetuall
bondage, whi|che thing no doubt had followed, if King Henrie hadde longer
liued in this mutable world: for as vppon one inconuenience ſuffered, many
do fol|lowe, ſo was it in Fraunce at that
time: for the King was not of ſound memorie: the warre that was toward,
ſeemed both doubtful and perilous: the Princes were vntruſtie and at
diſcord, and a hundred things moe, (whiche might bryng a realme to ruine,)
were out of frame and order in Fraunce in thoſe dayes. After that the Duke
of Bedford was returned backe againe into Eng|land with great triumph and
glory, he was not ſo muche thanked of the King his brother, as praiſed of ye Emperor Sigiſmond, being to him a
ſtranger, whiche ſaide openly, that happie are thoſe ſubiectes, whiche haue
ſuche a K. but more happie is the K. that hath ſuch ſubiects. When ye
Emperor perceiued that it was in vain to moue further for peace, he left off
that treatie, and en|tred himſelfe into a league with K. Henrie, the
contẽts of which league cõſiſted chiefly in theſe articles,
Titus Liuius. The Emperor [...]eth into league with King Henry. that both ye ſaid Emperor,
and K. theyr heires and ſucceſſors, ſhould be friends each to o|ther,
as alies and confederates againſte all
man|ner of perſons of what eſtate or degree ſo euer they were (the Churche
of Rome,The con [...]ẽts of the league. and the Pope for ye time being only
excepted) and that neyther they, nor their heires nor ſucceſſors ſhoulde bee
preſent in counſell, or other place, where either of them, or his heires or
ſucceſſors might ſuſteine domage, in lands, goodes, honors, ſtates, or
per|ſons: & that if any of them ſhould vnderſtande of loſſe or
hinderance to be like to fall or happen to
the others, they ſhould impeache the ſame, or if yt lay not in their
powers, they ſhould aduertiſe the others thereof, with all conuenient
ſpeede: and ye either of them, and their heires and ſucceſſors, ſhould
aduance the others honor and commodi|tie, without fraude or deceipt.
Moreouer, ye ney|ther of thẽ, nor their heires nor ſucceſſors ſhould
permitte their ſubiects to leuie warres agaynſt the others, and that it
ſhould be lawfull and free for each of their ſubiects, to paſſe into the
others countrey, & there to remayne and make merchã|dice, either by
ſea or lande, paying the cuſtomes, gabels, and dueties due and accuſtomed,
accor|ding to the lawes and ordinances of the places & countreys
where they chanced to ariue. Fur|thermore, that neither of the ſaide
Princes, nor their heires nor ſucceſſors ſhould receiue any re|bell,
baniſhed man, or traitors of the others wit|tingly, but ſhould cauſe euery
ſuch perſon to a|uoide out of their countreys, realmes, dominiõs, and
iuriſdictions. Againe, that neither of the ſaid Princes, their heires, nor
ſucceſſors ſhoulde begin any warres againſte anye other perſon, o|ther than
ſuche as they had warres with at that preſent, without conſente of the other
his confe|derate, except in defence of themſelues, their coñ|treis,
& ſubiects, in caſe of inuaſiõ made vpõ thẽ. Alſo, that it ſhould
be lawfull for the K. of Eng|land, to proſecute his warres againſt the
Frẽch|mẽ, for recouerie of his right, as ſhould ſeeme to him expediente,
and likewiſe to ye Emperor, for recouerie of any part of hys right in
France, ſo yt neither of thẽ did preiudice ye others right in yt
behalfe. Laſtly, that either of thẽ ſhould aſſiſt the other in recouerie,
and cõqueſt of their right, lãds, and dominions, ocupyed, with holden, and
kept frõ them, by him that called himſelf K. of Frãce, and other yt
princes & Barõs of France. This a|liance, with other cõditions,
agreemẽts, and ar|ticles, was cõcluded & eſtabliſhed the
.19. daye of October, in ye yere of our Lord .1416.
This done,Titus Liuius. the Emperor returned
homewards, to paſſe into Germany, & the K. partly to ſhew him
pleaſure, & partly bycauſe of his owne affayres, aſſociated him to
his towne of Calais. During the time of their abode there, the Duke of
Burgoigne offe|red to come to Calais, to ſpeake with the Em|peror and the K.
bycauſe he had knowledge of ye league that was cõcluded betwixt them: the
K. ſent his brother the Duke of Glouceſter, and the Erle of March to the
water of Graueling, to be hoſtages for the Duke of Burgoigne: and alſo ye
Earle of Warwike, with a noble cõpany to cõ|duct him to his preſence. At
Graueling fourd the Dukes met, & after ſalutations done, the Duke of
Burgoigne was conueyed to Calais, where of ye Emperor and the K. hee was
highly welco|med & feaſted. Heere is to be noted,Continuation de la chronicle de Flanders. that in Iune laſt, ye
K. of Englãd had ſent the Erle of War|wike, and other vnto ye Duke of
Burgoigne, as then remaining at Liſle,A truce be|tweene
the K. and the Duke of Burgoigne. where by ye diligẽt tra|uaile
of thoſe engliſh Ambaſſadors a truce was concluded betwixte the K. of
England, and the Duke of Burgoigne, touching onely the Coun|ties of
Flanders, and Arthois, to endure from the feaſt of S. Iohn Baptiſt, in that
preſente yeare. EEBO page image 1186
1416. vnto the feaſt of Sainte Michaell, in the yeare nexte
enſuing, whiche truce at the Dukes being now at Calais, (when no further
agree|ment could be concluded) was prolonged vnto the feaſt of S. Michaell,
that ſhould be in ye yere 1419. The Duke of Glouceſter was
receyued at Graueling, by the Erle Charroloys, and by him honorably coueyed
to S. Omers, and there lod|ged that night. The next day, the Erle
Charro|loys came with diuers noble men, to viſit ye duke of Glouceſter in his lodging, and whẽ he entred into ye
chamber, the dukes backe was towardes him, talking with ſome one of his
ſeruauntes, & did not ſee nor welcome the Erle at his firſt en|trie,
but after he ſayde to him ſhortly without a|ny great reuerence, or comming
towards hym, you be welcome faire couſin, and ſo paſſed forth his tale with
his ſeruãts. The Erle Charroloys for all his youth, was not wel content
therwith, but yet ſuffered for that time. Whẽ the Duke of Burgoigne had done all his buſines at Calais, after the
ninth daye, hee returned to Graueling, where the D. of Glouceſter &
he met againe, and louingly departed, ye one to Calais, & the other
to S. Omers, for the whiche voyage, the Duke of Burgoigne was ſuſpected to
bee enimie to the Crowne of Frãce. After the dukes departing frõ Calais,
ye Emperour was highly feaſted and re|warded, & at his pleaſure,
ſailed into Holland, & ſo roade towards Beame. The K. likewiſe tooke
ſhip & returned into Englãd,
on S. Lukes euẽ.
Compare 1587 edition:
3 Aboute the ſame time, the
Kyng ſente newe Ambaſſadors vnto ye generall Counſell, whych ſtil cõtinued
at Conſtance, whither ye Emperor Sigiſmonde alſo returned,Tit. Liuius. that in ye matter for aboliſhing ye
Sciſme (which in ye ſeaſon diſquie|ted ye Church of Rome, about ye
admitting of a true Pope) they might vſe al meanes, for the re|ducing of the
parties to an vnitie: wherfore, by ye conſente alſo of all nations, it was
ordeyned in this Counſell, that this
Realme ſhould haue the name of the Engliſhe nation,The
preroga|tiue of the Engliſhe natiõ in the general Counſell. and
bee called and reputed for one of ye fiue nations that obeyed the Romane B.
whiche to grante before that tyme, through enuie, ye people of other
nations had vt|terlie refuſed.Tho. VValſ. The
nintenth of October, the Par|liament yt had bin brokẽ vp, by reaſon of ye
Em|perors cõming, began againe at Weſt. & there in opẽ
audience,The Kings Oration. the K. made to thẽ
a ſhort & pithie oratiõ, declaring ye iniuries lately done,
& cõmit|ted by ye french nation,
ſhewing alſo the iuſt and lawful occaſiõ of his warres, ſignifying
further|more ye great diſcord & ciuil diſſentiõ which raig|ned
amongſt ye nobilitie of Frãce, reherſing ma|ny things, for ye which it
were neceſſarie to fol|low ye warres now in hande againſt thẽ, &
that without delay: he therefore deſired thẽ to prouide for money &
treaſure, yt nothing ſhould be wan|ting, whẽ neede required: his requeſt
heerein was granted, for euery mã was willing and glad to further yt
voiage, ſo that the Clergie grãted two diſmes, & the laitie a whole
fiftẽth.The Duke of Bedford re [...] of England. In this Par|liamẽt alſo, Iohn D. of Bedford,
was made go|uernor or regẽt of ye realme, to hold & enioy ye
of|fice, ſo long as the K. was occupied in the french warres. Moreouer, in
this Parliamẽt,Thom. VV [...]l. the King gaue to ye D. of Exeter a M. pounds by yere, to
be paid out of his own cofers, beſides .40. pounds yerely, which he
was to receiue of ye town of Ex+eter of the kings reuenewes there,
& had the ſame grant confirmed, by authoritie of ye Parliament, in
ſomuch ye ſome write, yt in this Parliamẽt, he was made D. of Exeter,
& not before. The king kept his Chriſtmas at Kenilworth, &
the mor|row after Chriſtmas day,Libelles. were
certain writings caſt abroade, in greate mens houſes, & almoſt in
euery Iune, within ye towns of S. Albõs, Nor|thampton, & Reading,
conteining ſharp reprofes againſt al eſtates of the Church, & it
could not be knowen from whence thoſe writings came, nor who was the author
of them.1417 The K. very ear|neſtly procured all
things to be made ready for the warre, meaning to paſſe the next Sõmer
o|uer into Fraunce, to recouer his right by force, which by no other meane
he ſaw how to obteine. In this meane while,An. reg.
had the Frenchmen hired a great nũber of Genewaies &
Italians, with cer|taine Carrickes and galleis well appointed,Tit. Liui [...]. the which being ioyned with the Frenche fleete, lay at the
mouth of the riuer of Saine, and vp with|in the ſame riuer, both to ſtoppe
all ſuccour by Sea that ſhould come to them within Harflew, and alſo to waft
abroade, and do what domage they could vnto the Engliſh, as occaſion
Compare 1587 edition:
4 The Kyng therefore eare
hee paſſed ouer himſelfe, ſent the Earle of Huntington to ſearch and ſcoure
the Seas, leaſt any Frenchmen, ly|ing thus in awaite for him, might ſurpriſe
him, ere he ſhould haue knowledge to auoide the dan|ger. This luſtie Earle,
called Iohn Holland, ſon to the Earle of Huntington, otherwiſe called D. of
Exeter, beheaded at Circeter, in the tyme of K. Henry the fourth,A great ex|ployte bei [...] done by the Earle of H [...]+tington. and couſin to the K. with a greate nauie of ſhips,
ſearched the Sea, from the one coaſt to the other, and in concluſion,
encoun|tred with nine of thoſe greate Carikes of Genes (the which the L.
Iaques, the baſtard of Bourbõ had reteined to ſerue the french K.) and ſet
on thẽ ſharply. The conflict was great, & the fight long,Tit. Li [...]
(continuing the more part of a Sommers day) but in cõcluſion, the
frenchmen & Italians were ouercome, & fled, three of the
greateſt Carikes wt their patrones, & Monſ. Iaques de Burbon their
Admiral, were takẽ, wt as much money as ſhuld haue paid ye ſouldiers of
ye whole fleete for halfe a yere, & thre other Carikes wer
bowged.Tit. Li [...]
The erle EEBO page image 1187 returning backe with this good lucke,
found the King at Hampton, who receiued him with thankes, as he had well
deſerued. Shortly after, vpon ye three and twentith of Iuly, the King tooke
his Ship at Porteſmouth, accompanyed with the Dukes of Clarence and
Glouceſter, the Earles of Hun|tington, Marſhal, Warwicke, Deuonſhire,
Sa|liſburie Suffolke, & Somerſet, the lordes Roſſe, Willoughby, Fitz
Hugh, Clintõ, Scrope, Ma|treuers, Bourchier, Ferreis of Groby, and Fer|reis
of Chartley, Fauhope, Gray of Codnore,
ſir Gilbert Vmfreuile,King Henry a|riueth in
Nor|mandie. ſir Gilbert Talbot, & diuers other, and ſo
hauing winde & wether to his deſire ye firſt day of Auguſt, he
lãded in Normãdy nere to a caſtel called Touque, where he conſulted wt
his Captaines, what way was beſt for him to take cõcerning his high
enterprice. His army cõ|teined ye nũber of .xvj.M. and four C. ſouldiers
& men of war of his own purueiãce,The number of
the whole armye. beſide other. The D. of Clarẽce had in his
retinue a C. lan|ces, & three C.
archers, and beſide him, ther were three Erles, which had two C. &
40. lances, and xvij.C. and twẽtie archers. The D. of
Glouce|ſter four C. and 70. lances,T [...]s. Liuius. & 14. C. and ten ar|chers. The
erles of March, Marſhal, Warwike, & Saliſburie, each of thẽ one C.
lances, and three C. archers apeece. The erle of Huntington fortie lances,
& vj. ſcore arches. The erle of Suffolk 30. lances,
& xc. arches. Beſide theſe, there were .13. Lords, as
Burguennie, Matreuers. Fitz Hugh,
Clifford, Grey, Willoughby, Talbot, Court|ney, Burchier, Roos, Louell,
Ferrers of Chare|ley, & Harington, ye which had in their retinue
the nũber of fiue C. & ſixe lances, & 15. C. and
80. ar|chers. Alſo, ther were in this army .77.
knightes, which had vnder thẽ .9. C. and .45. lances,
& two M. eight C. and 52. archers, ſo yt in all, ther were
25. M. fiue C. & .28. fighting mẽ, of which
nũber, euery fourth mã was a lance: beſide the ſouldiers & men of
war, ther were a M Maſons, Carpen|ters,
& other labourers. The Normãs hearing of ye Kings ariual,The Normans [...]ee to the wal|led townes. were ſuddenly ſtrikẽ with ſuche
feare, yt they fled out of their houſes, leauing the townes &
villages, & with their wiues, and chil|dren, bagge, &
baggage, gote thẽ into the walled townes, preparing there to defend
themſelues, & with all ſpeede, ſent to the French king, requiring
him to prouide for the defence & preſeruation of his louing
ſubiects: heerevpon, the men of warre were appointed to reſorte into ye
ſtrong townes, to lie within ye ſame in
garriſons, to reſiſt the po|wer of the Engliſhmen, ſo that all the walled
Townes and Caſtels in Normandy, were fur|niſhed, with men, munition and
vittailes. The King of Englande, when hee had reſolued with his Counſell for
his proceeding in his enterpri|ſes,Touque caſtel [...]ſieged by [...]e Engliſhmẽ [...]d taken. layd ſiege vnto the Caſtell of Touque. The Duke of
Glouceſter that ledde the fore warde, had the charge of that ſiege, the
whiche by force of aſſaultes, and other warlike meanes, brought it to that
point, that they within yeelded ye place into his hands, the ninth day of
Auguſt. The Earle of Saliſburie alſo which ledde the ſeconde warde or
battell of the Engliſhe hoſte,Ambeivilliers caſtell
taken. tooke the Caſtel of Aunbreuilliers, the which was giuẽ to
him by the King, and ſo this Earle was the firſt that had any place graunted
to him of the kyngs free gift, in this new conqueſt.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The King made at the
winning of Touque eight and twentie Knightes, and left ſir Robert Kirkeley
Captayne there. After this, vpon de|liberate aduice taken how to proceede
further in this buſineſſe, it was determined, that the King ſhould goe to
Cain, and therevppon he ſet fore|ward toward that towne in moſt warlike
order, waſting the countrey on euery ſide as he paſſed.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Towne of Caen,
ſtandeth in a playne fertile Coũtrey, no ſtronger walled, than deepe
ditched, and as then well vitayled and repleni|ſhed with people, for the
Citizens fearing the Kinges comming, had prouided all things ne|ceſſarie and
defenſible. The King doubting leaſt the Frenchmen, vpon knowledge had of his
ap|proch to the Towne, woulde haue brunes the ſuburbes and other buildings
without ye walles, ſent the Duke of Clarence with a thouſand men before
him, to preuente them. The Duke com|ming thither, founde the ſuburbes
already ſet on fire, but he vſed ſuch diligence to quench ye ſame, that the
moſt part of the houſes were ſaued. Hee alſo wanne the Abbey Churche of
Saint Ste|phen, whiche the Frenchmen were in hand with to haue ouerthrowen,
by vndermining the pil|lers, but the Duke obteyning the place, filled vp the
mines, and ſo preſerued the Churche from ruine.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Hee alſo wanne a Erlle of
Nunnes, verye ſtrongly fenced, after the manner of warre:Caen beſieged then came the King before the Towne, who cauſed
forthwith to be caſt a deepe trench, with an high Mount, to kepe them within
front iſſuing forth, and that done, began fiercely to aſſault ye towne, but
they within, ſtoode manfully to their defence, ſo that there was ſore and
cruell fight betwixte them, and their enimies: but when King Henrie
perceyued that hee loſt more than hee warm by his dayly aſſaultes, he [...] left off anye more to aſ|ſault it, and determined to ouerthrow ye
walles, with vndermining, wherefore with al diligence, the Pioners caſt
trenches, made mines, and broughte tymber, ſo that within a fewe dayes, the
walles ſtoode only vpon poſtes, ready to fall, when fire ſhould be put to
them.Tit. Liuius. The king mea|ning now to giue
a generall aſſaulte, cauſed all the Captaines to aſſemble before him in
coũſell, vnto whom he declared his purpoſe, cõmaunding EEBO page image 1188
them not before the nexte day to vtter it, till by ſound of trumpet they
ſhoulde haue warning to ſet forwarde, towarde the walles, leaſt his
deter|mination being diſcloſed to the enimies, myght cauſe them to prouide
the better for their owne defence.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Moreouer, he preſcribed
vnto them, what or|der he woulde haue them to keepe, in giuing the
aſſault,The order of the aſsault. and that was
this, that euery Captaine deuiding his bande into three ſeuerall portions,
they might be ready one to ſucceede in
an others place, as thoſe which fought, ſhoulde happely bee driuen backe and
Compare 1587 edition:
3 In the morning nexte
following, beeing the fourth of September, ſomewhat before ye breake of the
day, hee cauſed his people to approche the walles, & to ſhewe
countenance, as though they would giue a general aſſault, & whileſt
they we [...] buſied in aſſayling and defending on both ſides, the Engliſhmen
perred, and brake through the walles by
diuers holes and ouertures made by ye Pioners, vnder the foundation: yet
the King vp|pon diuers reſpectes, offered them within par|don of life, if
they woulde yeeld themſelues and the towne to his mercie, but they refuſing
that to doe, the aſſault was newly begun, and after ſore fighte,Tit. Liuius. continued for the ſpace of an houre, the
Engliſhmen preuailed, and ſlew ſo many as they found with weapon in hand,
ready to reſiſt them. The Duke of Clarence was the firſt that entred with his people, and hauing gote the one
part of the towne, aſſayled them that kepte the bridge, and by force beating
them backe, paſſed the ſame, and ſo came to the walles on the other ſide of
the Towne, where the fighte was ſharpe and fierce betwixte the aſſaylauntes
and defen|dauntes, but the Duke with his people ſettyng on the Frenchmen
behinde, as they ſtoode at de|fruce on the walles, eaſily vanquiſhed them,
ſo that the other Engliſhmen entred at their plea|ſure.Caen taken by the Engliſhmẽ
Thus when the King was poſſeſſed of the
towne, hee incontinently commaunded all ar|mours and weapõs to be brought
into one place, whiche was immediately done, without anye gayneſay: then the
miſerable people came before the kings preſence, and kneeling on their
knees, held vp their handes, and cryed mercy, mercy, to whome the Kyng gaue
certayne comfortable wordes, and bad them ſtande vp: all the nighte
following, be cauſed his army to keepe thẽſelues in order of battell within the towne, and on the nexte
morning, called all the magiſtrates and gouernours of the towne into the
Senate houſe, where ſome for their wilfull ſtubberneſſe, were adiudged to
die, other were ſore fined and raun|ſomed. Then he calling togither his
ſouldiers & men of warre, not onely gaue them great pray|ſes and
high commendations for their manly doings, but alſo diſtributed to euery
man, accor|ding to his deſerte, the ſpoyle and gaine gotten in the towne,
chiefly bycauſe at the aſſault they hadde ſhewed good proofe of their
manhoode and valiant courages.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 After that the Towne was
thus wonne, the Lord Montainie, Captain of the Caſtell, would not yeelde,
but made ſemblance, as though hee meant to defend the place, to the
vtterance: but after that hee was ſharply called vpõ by Kyng Henry, eyther
to yeld it, or elſe that he ſhoulde [...]e aſſured to haue all mercie and fauour ſeque [...]tred from him, he tooke better aduice, and therevppon being in
deſpaire of reliefe, made this compoſiti|on, that if he were not reſcued by
the French po|wer by a certaine day, he ſhoulde render the for|treſſe into
the Kings handes, with condition, that he and his ſouldiers ſhould be
ſuffered to de|part with all their goodes, the habilimentes of warre onely
excepted: herevpon, twelue hoſt a|gres were deliuered to the King, and when
the day came, being the twẽtith of September,
Tit. Lu [...]. Caen Caſtell yelded. they within rendred the
Caſtel into the Kings ha [...] and thus, both the Towne and Caſtell of Caen became Engliſh.Tit. L [...]. Whileſt the king was [...] occupied about his conqueſts in Normandy, [...] Scottes aſſembled themſelues togither in greate number, and entring
Englãd,The Scots in|uade the Eng|liſh bo [...]. waſted the coun|trey with fire and ſword wherſoeuer they
came: The Engliſh Lords that were left in truſt with the keeping of thoſe
parties of the Realme, rey|ſed the whole power of the Countreys, ſo that
there came togither, the number of an hundred thouſand men vpon Baw
Tit. Li [...]. A great armys to re [...]t the Scottes. where the ge|nerall aſſemble was made, and as
it chanced, the Duke of Exeter, vncle to the K. which had late|ly before
muſtred a certayne number of men to conuey thẽ ouer to the K. as a new
ſupply to his army there, was ye ſame time in ye North parts on pilgrimage
at Bridlington,Tho. VV [...]l [...]. and hearing of this inuaſion made by the Scottes, tooke
vppon him to be generall of the army prepared againſt them, and to giue them
battel. Alſo, the Archb. of Yorke, although he was not able to ſit on
Horſ|backe by reaſon of his great age, cauſed himſelfe to be caried forth in
a charet in that iourney, the better to encourage other: but the Scottes
hea|ring that the Engliſhmen approched towarde them with ſuch a puiſſance,
withdrew backe in|to their countrey, and durſt not abide the [...]icke|ring.
Compare 1587 edition:
3 The ſame time, the Lord Cob [...]am,Sir Iohn O [...]d|caſte [...]. ſir Iohn Oldcaſtell, whyleſt hee ſhifted from place to
place to eſcape the hands of them that he knewe would be glad to lay hold on
him,The ſer [...] of the A [...] of ſaint A [...] goe aboue [...] catch the [...] Ca [...]. had conueyed hymſelfe in ſecrete wiſe into an huſbandmans
houſe, not farre from S. Albons, within the pre|cinct of a Lordſhippe
belonging to the Abbot of EEBO page image 1189 that Towne: the Abbots
ſeruauntes getting knowledge heereof, came thither by night, but they miſſed
their purpoſe, for hee was gone, but they caughte diuers of his men, whome
they carried ſtreighte to priſon. The Lord Cob|ham heerewith was fore
diſmaied, for that ſome of them that were taken; were ſuche as he truſted
moſt, being of counſell in all his deuiſes. In the ſame place were found
bookes writen in engliſh, & ſome of thoſe bokes in times paſt had
bin trim|ly gilte, & limmed,
beautified with Images, the heads wherof had bin ſcraped off, & in
ye Le [...]any, they had blotted forthe the name of our Lady, & of other
ſaincts, til they came to ye verſe Par [...]e no|bis Domine. Diuers writings were founde there alſo, in
derogation of ſuche honour as then [...] thought due to our Lady: the Abbot of ſaint Al|bons ſent the boke ſo
diſfigured with ſcrapings & blotting out, with other ſuche writings
as them were found, vnto the king, who ſent the boke a|gaine to the Archb. to ſhewe the ſame in his ſer| [...]s at Poules croſſe in Londõ, to ye end, that the citizens and other
people of the realme, might vnderſtande the purpoſes of thoſe that then were
called Lollards, to bring thẽ further in diſcredit with the people. In this
meane time that ye king of Englande was occupied about ye winning at Caen,
the frenchemen had neither any ſufficient power to reſiſt him, nor were able
to aſſemble an hoſte togither in this miſerable neceſſitie, by rea|ſon
of ye diſſention amongſt thẽſelues:
For their K. was so simple, yt he was spoiled both of
treasure & kingdome, so yt euery man spent
& wasted he cared not what. Charles ye Dolphin
being of ye age of .xvi. or .xvij. yeres only, Commenda|tion of the Dolphin of France. lamented
& bewailed ye ruine & decay of his
cou(n)try, he only studied ye aduanceme(n)t of ye commo(n) welth, & deuised how to resist his
enemies, but hauing neither me(n) nor mony, he was greatly troubled
& disquieted in his minde: In conclusion, by ye
aduise & cou(n)sell of ye Erle of Arminak ye constable of
Frau(n)ce, he found a meane to get all ye treasure and
riches which his mother Q. Isabell had gotte(n) & horded in diuers
secret places: & for ye co(m)mo(n) defence and
profit of his cou(n)try he wisely bestowed it in waging souldiors, &
preparing things necessary for ye warre. The Q.
forgetting ye great perill that the realme the(n) stoode
in, remembering only ye displeasure to hir by this act
done, vpo(n) a womanish malice, set hir husba(n)d Io.duke of Burgoigne in
ye highest
auctoritie about ye K. giuing him the regiment &
direction of the king and his realme, with al preheminence &
soueraigntie. The duke of [...]agne [...]d [...]et [...] Fraunce. The duke of Burgoigne hauing the sworde in his
hande, in reuenge of olde iniuries, began to make warre on the Dolphin,
detemining, that when hee hadde tamed this yong vnbrideled Gentleman, then
woulde hee go aboute to wythstande, and beate back the common enimies of the
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The like reaſon moued the
Dolphin, for hee mynded fyrſte to repreſſe the auct [...]ours of ciuill diſcorde, before he woulde ſet vpon foraigne ene|mies,
and therefore prepared to ſubdue and de|ſtroy the Duke of Burgoine, as the
chiefe head and leader of that w [...]ked and curſed miſchiefe, whereby the realme was muche vnqu [...]ted, and fore decayed, and in maner brought to vtter ru|ine. Thus was
Fraunce inflamed, and in eue|ry parte troubled wyth warre and deuiſion, and
yet no man woulde eyther prouide remedy in ſo greate daunger once put
foorthe hys finger to remoue ſo greate [...]ies.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 King [...] following the victory and hys good ſucceſſe, [...] the Duke of Clarence to the Sea coaſte, whiche with greate
difficultie,Bayeux taken. got the towne of
Bayenx, wherof the Lorde Ma|treuers was appoynted Capitaine. The Duke of
Glouceſter [...] finding ſmall reſiſtance, tooke the Citie of Li [...] of whiche Citie,Lyſeaux taken Sir Iohn
Kirkeley was ordeined capitaine. In the meane time, Kyng Henry hymſelfe
tarried ſtill at Ea|en, fortefying the Towne and Caſtell, and put out
fifteene hundreth women and impotente perſons, repleniſhing the Tow [...]e wyth Eng|liſhe people [...] the Kyng [...]ned at Ca|en, thee kepte there a ſolemne feaſte,Caen peopled with Engliſhe inhabitants. and made many Knights and
beſide that, he ſhewed there an example of greate pitie and clemency: for in
ſearching the Caſtell,A worthy and rare example of
equitie in king Henry. h [...] founde innumerable ſubſtaunce of plate and money belonging to the
Citizens, wherof, her woulde not ſuffer one pe|ny to bee, touched but
reſtored the ſame to the owners, deliuering to euery man that whiche was his
[...]ne. When the fame of his mercifull dealing herein, and also of his
greate clemency shewed to captiues, and of his fauourable vsing of those
submitted themselues to his grace was spredde abroade, all the Capitaines of
the Townes adioining, came willingly to hys presence, offering to him
themselues, their townes, and their goodes, wherevppon hee made
proclamation, that all men, whiche hadde, or woulde become his subiectes,
and sweare to hym allegiaunce, shoulde enioy their goods, and liberties, in
as large or more ample manner, then they did before: whiche gentle
enterteyning of the stubborne Normans, was the very cause, why they were not
only contente, but also gladde to remoue and turne from the Frenche parte,
and became subiects to the crowne of Englande.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When Kyng Henry hadde ſet
Caen in good order, hee lefte there for Capitaines, the one of the Towne,
the other of the Caſtell. Sir Gil|bert Vmfreuille Earle of Kyme or Angus,
and ſir Gilbert Talbot, and made Bailife there, Sir Ioh. Popham, &
ſo departed from Caen the firſt EEBO page image 1190 of October,The caſtell of C [...]ur [...]en|dred. and cõming to the Caſtell of Cour|fye, within
three dayes had it rendred vnto hym. From whence, the fourth of October, hee
depar|ted, and came vnto Argenton, they within that Towne and Caſtell
offered, that if no reſcue came by a day limited, they woulde deliuer both
the Towne and Caſtell into the Kings hands, ſo that ſuch as would abide and
become ye kings faythfull ſubiects ſhoulde be receiued, the other to
departe with their goodes and liues ſaued, whi|ther they would: The King accepted their offer.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When the day limited
came, and no ſuccors appeared, they yeelded according to the
coue|nauntes,Argenton buylded. and the King
performed all that on his behalfe was promiſed. The Lord Grey of Cod|nor was
appointed Captaine there.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After this, reſorted
dayly to the King, of the Normans, people of all ſortes and degrees, to
ſweare to him fealtie and homage. The Citie of Sees whiche was well
inhabited,Sees yelded. and wherein were two Abbeys of great ſtrength, namely one of
them yeelded to the King, and ſo likewiſe did diuers other townes in thoſe
parties, withoute ſtroke ſtriken.
Compare 1587 edition:
Alanſon beſie|ged and yel|ded vp.The towne of
Alanſon abode a ſiege for the ſpace of eighte dayes, they within defending
it right valiantly at the firſt, but in the ende conſi|dering with
themſelues, what ſmall hope there was for anye ſuccours to come to remoue
the ſiege, they grew to a compoſition, that if within a certaine day they were not relieued, they ſhould yeelde
both the Towne and Caſtel into ye kings hands, which was done, for no
ſuccours coulde be heard of. The K. appointed Captaine of thys Towne, the
Duke of Glouceſter, and his Lieu|tenant ſir Raufe Lentall.Tit. Liuius. The Duke of Bry|taine vnder ſafeconduit came to the
Kyng, as hee was thus buſie in the conqueſt of Nor|mandie, and after ſundry
poyntes treated of be|twixte them, a truce was taken, [...]o endure,A truce taken betwene king Henry and the
duke of Bri|tayne. from the ſeuententh daye of Nouember, vnto the
laſt of September, in the yeare nexte following, be|twixte them, their
ſouldiers, men of warre, and ſubiectes. The like truce was granted vnto the
Q. of Ieruſalẽ and Sicill, and to hir ſonne Le|wes, for the Duchie of
Aniou, and the Countie of Mayne, the Duke of Britaine being their de|putie,
for concluding of the ſame truce.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 About ye ſame time alſo,
at the ſute of Charles the Dolphin, a treatie was had at Tonque, for a
finall peace, but it came to none effect. From A|lanſon, the K. ſet forwarde
towards the Towne and Caſtell of Faleis, meaning to beſiege the ſame, where
the frenchmen appointed to the keeping of it, had fortified ye towne by al
meanes poſſible, & prepared themſelues to defend it to ye
vttermoſt. The Erle of Saliſburie was firſt ſent thither before with
certaine bands of ſouldiers to encloſe the enimies within the Towne, and to
view the ſtrength thereof.Faleis beſie|ged. After
him came the K. with his whole army, about the firſt of Decẽber, and then
was the towne beſieged on eache ſide.
[figure appears here on page 1190]
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The K. lodged before the
gate that leadeth to Caen, the Duke of Clarence before the Caſtell ye
ſtandeth on a rocke, and the Duke of Glouce|ſter, lay on ye kings right
hand, and other lords & noble men were aſſigned to their places as
was thought expedient. And to be ſure frõ taking do|mage by any ſuddaine
inuaſion of the enimies, there were great trenches and rampiers caſt and
made about their ſeuerall campes, for defence of ye ſame. The frenchmen
notwithſtandyng thys ſiege, valiantly defended their walles, and ſome|times
made iſſues forth, but ſmall to their gaine, and ſtill the Engliſhmen with
their gunnes and great ordinance made batterie to the walles and bulwarkes.
The Winter ſeaſon was very colde, with ſharpe froſtes, and hard weather, EEBO page image 1191 but the Engliſhmen made ſuche ſhift for
proui|ſion of all things neceſſarie to ſerue their turnes, that they were
ſufficiẽtly prouided, both againſt hunger and colde, ſo that in the ende,
the French|men perceyuing they coulde not long endure a|gainſt them offered
to talke, and agreed to gyue ouer the Towne, if no reſcues came by a certain
day appointed.
Compare 1587 edition:
Tho. VVal. Sir Iohn Old|caſtell taken.Aboute the ſame
ſeaſon, was ſir Iohn Old|caſtell, Lord Cobham taken in the Countrey of
Powes lande, in the borders of Wales;
within a Lordſhip belonging to the Lord Powes, not without daunger and
hurtes of ſome that were at ye taking of him, for they could not take him,
till he was wounded himſelfe. At the ſame time, the ſtates of the Realme
were aſſembled at Lõ|don, for the leuying of money, to furniſh ye kings
exceeding great charges, which he was at about the mayntenaunce of his
warres in Fraunce: it was therfore determined, that the ſaid Sir Iohn
Oldcaſtell ſhould be brought, and put
to his tri|all, ere the aſſemble brake vp. The Lord Powes therefore was
ſente to fetch him, who broughte him to London in a litter, wounded as he
was: heerewith, beeing firſte layde faſt in the Tower, ſhortly after he was
brought before the Duke of Bedford, regent of the Realme, and the other
e|ſtates, where in the end he was condemned, and finally was drawen from the
Tower vnto S. Giles fielde, and there hanged in a chayne by the midle,Sir Iohn Old|caſtel
executed and after conſumed with fire, the gal|lowes and all.
[figure appears here on page 1191]
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When the daye was come,
on the whiche it was couenaunted, that the Towne of Faleiſe ſhould be
deliuered, to wit, the ſeconde of Ianu|arie,
1418 Faleis ren|der vp to king Henry. bycauſe no ſuccours
appeared, the Towne was yeelded to the king, but the Caſtell held ſtil, into
the whiche, the Captaine and gouernoure, both of the Towne and Caſtell
withdrew him|ſelfe, with al the Souldiers, and being ſtraightly beſieged,
defended himſelfe, and the place ryghte ſtoutely, although he was ſore layde
to, vntill at length, perceiuing his people aweeried with con|tinuall
aſſaultes, and ſuche approches, as were made to, and within the very walles,
hee was driuen to compounde with the King, that if hee were not ſuccoured by
the ſixth of Februarie, then ſhould he yeeld himſelfe priſoner, and deli|uer
the Caſtell, ſo that the Souldiers ſhoulde haue licence to depart, with
their liues only ſa|ued. When the day came, the couenauntes were performed,
and the Caſtell rendered to the kings handes, for no aide came to the reſcue
of them within. The Captaine named Oliuer de Man|ny, was kept as priſoner,
till the Caſtell was re|payred at his coſts and charges, bicauſe ye ſame,
through his obſtinate wilfulneſſe, was ſore bea|ten and defaced, with
vnderminings and bate|rie. Captaine there, by the King, was appoynted ſir
Henry Fiz Hugh.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After this, King Henry
returned to Carn,Hiſtorie de [...] Dukes de Normandie. and by reaſon of a proclamation which
he hadde cauſed to bee made for the people of Norman|die, that had
withdrawen themſelues forthe of the Bayliwickes of Carn, and Falcis, he
gran|ted away to his owne people, the lands of thoſe that came not in, vppon
that proclamation, and in ſpeciall, he gaue to the Duke of Clarence, du|ring
his life, the Viconties of Auge, Orbec, and Ponteau de Mer, with all the
landes of thoſe that were withdrawen forth of the ſame vicon|ties. This gift
was made the ſixtenth of Febru|arie, in this fifth yeare of this kings
Compare 1587 edition:
1 All the Lent ſeaſon,Tho. VValſ. Titus Liuius. the King lay at Bayeux with
part of his army, but the reſidue were ſente abroade, for the atchieuing of
certaine enterpri|ſes, bycauſe they ſhould not lye idle.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Whileſt the King of
Englande wanne thus in Normandie, his nauie loſt nothing on the Sea, but ſo
ſcoured the ſtreames, that neyther Frenchmenne nor Brytons durſt once
appeare, howbeit, one day there aroſe ſuche a ſtorme and hydeous tempeſt,
that if the Earles of Marche and Huntington hadde not taken the Hauen of
Southhampton, the whole nauie had periſhed,A ſore
tempeſt and yet the ſafegarde was ſtrange, for in the ſame Hauen,
two Balingers, and two greate Carickes, laden with merchandice were
drow|ned, and the broken maſt of an other Caricke was blowen ouer the wall
of the Towne.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When the furie of this
outragious winde and weather was aſſwaged, and the Sea waxed calme, the
Earles of Marche and Huntington paſſed ouer with all their company, and
landed in Normandie, and marched through the coun|trey, deſtroying the
villages, and taking prayers on eache hand, till they came to the King where
he then was.
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 1192
Anno reg. 6.
In the ſixth yeare of King Henries raigne, hee ſente the Earle of
Warwike, and the Lorde Talbot, to beſiege the ſtrong Caſtell of Damp|front.
The Duke of Clarence was alſo ſente, to beſiege and ſubdue other townes,
vnto whome, at one time & other, we finde, that theſe townes
vnderwritten were yelded, wherein he put Cap|taynes as followeth.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 -
Townes in Normandie yelded to king Henry.In
Courton, Iohn Aubyn.
- In Barney, William Houghton.
- In Chambys, Iames Neuille.
- In Bechelouin, the Earle Marſhall.
- In Harecourt, Richard Wooduille Eſquier.
- In Faugernon, Iohn Saint Albon.
- In Creuener, Sir Iohn Kirkby, to whome it was giuen.
- In Anuilliers, Robert Horneby.
- In Bagles, Sir Iohn Arture.
- In Freſney le Vicont, ſir Robert Brent.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Duke of Glouceſter
the ſame tyme, accompanyed with the Earle
of Marche, the Lorde Grey of Codner, and other, was ſente to ſubdue the
Townes in the Iſle of Conſtantine, vnto whome theſe townes hereafter
mentioned were yeelded, where hee appointed Captaines as followeth.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 - At Carentine, the Lord Botreux.
- At Saint Lo, Reginald Weſt.
- At Valoignes, Thomas Burgh.
- At Pont Done, Dauy Howell.
- At the Hay de Pais, ſir Iohn Aſton.
- At S. Sauieur le vicont, ſir Iohn Robſert.
- At Pontorſon, ſir Robert Gargraue.
- At Hamberie, the Earle of Suffolke, Lord of that place by gift.
- At Briqueuille, the ſaide Earle alſo by gifte.
- At Auranches, Sir Phillip Hall, Baylife of Alanſon.
- At Vire, the Lord Matreuers.
- At S. Iames de Beumeron, the ſame Lord.
Compare 1587 edition:
4 After that ye Duke had
ſubdued to ye Kyngs dominion, ye moſt part of all ye townes in ye Iſle
of Conſtantine,Chierburgh beſieged by the Engliſh.
Chierburgh excepted, hee retur|ned to the K. and forthwith was ſente thither
a|gain, to beſiege that ſtrong fortreſſe, which was fenſed with men,
munition, vitalles, and ſtrong walles, towers, and turrets, in moſt
defenſible wiſe, by reaſon whereof, it was holden agaynſte him ye ſpace of
fiue moneths, although he vſed al wayes & meanes poſſible, to anoy
them within, ſo that many fierce
aſſaultes, ſkirmiſhes, iſſues, and other exploites of warre, were atchieued,
be|twixt the frenchmen within, and the Engliſhmẽ without, at length yet,
the Frenchmen were ſo conſtreined by power of baterie, mines, and other
forcible wayes of approchings, that they were glad to compounde to deliuer
the place, if no re|ſeue came, to reiſe the ſiege, either from the Dol|phin,
that then was retired into Aquitaine, or from the Duke of Burgoigne, that
then laye [...] Paris, within the tearme of .62. dayes, for ſo lõg reſpite
the Duke graunted, where they within, preſuming of the ſtrength of their
fortification, & in hope of ſuccour, either frõ the Dolphin, or ye
Duke required a for longer tearme. Nowe were the Dolphin, and the Duke of
Burgoigne grõ|wen to a certain agreemẽt, by mediatiõ of Car|dinals ſent
frõ the Pope, ſo that the Engliſhmẽ ſurely thought, that they would leauie
a power, and come downe to reſcue Chireburg, by reaſon wherof, ye Duke of
Glouceſter cauſed his camps to bee ſtrongly intrenched, and manye diſenſible
blockhouſes of timber to bee raiſed, lyke to ſmall turrets, that the ſame
might be a ſafegard to hys people, and to cõclude, left nothing vnforſene
nor vndone, that was auailable for ye defence of hys army. The K. doubting
leaſt ſome power ſhuld be ſent downe, to the danger of his brother, and
thoſe that were with him at this ſiege of Chir|burgh, cauſed two M. men to
bee embarqued in thirtie ſhips of the Weſt countrey,Chierburgh yelded to the Engliſhmen. by order ſent vnto certaine
lords there. The frẽchmen within the towne, perceiuing thoſe ſuccours to
approche neere to ye towne, thought verily that there had bin a power of
frenchmen cõming to their ayde: but when they ſaw them receiued as friends
into ye Engliſh camp, their comfort was ſoone quai|led, & ſo when
the day appointed came, beyng ye nintenth of October, or rather aboute the
later end of Nouember, as the hiſtorie of the Dukes of Normandie hathe, they
rendred vp both the towne & Caſtell, according to the couenauntes.
The L. Grey of Codnore was made the kyngs Lieutenant there, and after his
deceaſſe ſir Wa|ter Hungerford. About ye ſame time, or rather be|fore, as
Ti. Li. writeth, to wit, the .22. of Iune, the ſtrong Caſtell of
Dampfront was yeelded into the handes of the Earle of Warwike,The Caſtell of Dampfront yelded. to the kings vſe,
but ye hiſtorie written of the Dukes of Normãdy affirmeth, that it was
ſurrẽdred ye 22. of Septẽber, after the ſiege had cõtinued
about it frõ April laſt. The Erle of Warwike, and ye L. Talbot, after ye
winning of this fortreſſe, made ſpeede to come vnto ye ſiege of Rouen, wher
they were imployed, as after ſhal appeare. And in like maner, the Duke of
Glouceſter, hauing once got the poſſeſſion of Chirburgh, haſted towardes ye
ſame ſiege, for ye better furniſhing of whych en|terpriſe, he had firſt
cauſed an army of fiftene M. mẽ to be brought ouer to him, vnder the
leading of his vncle ye Duke of Exeter, who embarquing with the ſame, about
the feaſt of the holy Trini|tie, was appoynted by the King to beſiege the
Citie of Eureux, as the Earle of Angus, other|wiſe called Earle of Kyme, was
ſent to winne the Caſtell of Milly Leueſche.
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 1193Theſe townes being deliuered to the kings vſe, the Duke
ordeyned Captaine of Eureux ſir Gil|bert Halfall knight.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The king nowe determining
with all ſpeede to beſiege Rooen, prepared all things neceſſarie for his
purpoſe. Into this Citie the Normans had conueyed out of euery parte theyr
money, it|wels, and houſhold ſtuffe, as into the moſt ſure and ſtrongeſt
place of the whole duchie. For ſith his arriuall, they had not onely walled
that Citie and fortified it with rampiers
and ſtrong Bul|warkes, but alſo furniſhed it with valiant Cap|taynes, and
hardie ſouldiers, to the number of foure thouſande, beſide ſuche of the
Citizens as were appoynted for the warre, according to their eſtates, of the
which there were at the leaſt fiftene thouſande readie to ſerue in defence
of the Citie, as ſouldiers and men of warre in all places where they ſhoulde
be aſſigned.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 King Henrie to haue the
Countrey free be|fore he would beſiege
this citie, thought good firſt to winne ſuch townes as lay in his way,Ti [...] Liuius. La [...] be|ſieged. & there|fore departing from Caen (where
he had kept the feaſt of Saint George) the .ix. day of Iune hee marched
ſtreight vnto the towne of Louiers, and layd his ſiege about the ſame.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 They within the towne
being well furniſhed of al things neceſſarie for the defending of a ſiege,
manfully reſiſted the Engliſhe mens enforce|mentes, whiche ſpared not to
deuiſe all wayes and meanes howe to
approche the walles, and to batter the ſame with their great Artillerie,
till at length they brought the Frenchmen to that extre|mitie, that they
were contented to yeeld the town on theſe conditions, that if by the .xxiij.
of Iune there came no ſuccour from the French king to rayſe the ſiege, the
towne ſhould be deliuered in|to the kings handes, the ſouldiers of the
garniſon ſhould ſerue vnder the king for a time, and the towneſmen ſhoulde
remaine in theyr dwellings as they did
[...]ien yel| [...]d vp. as ſubiects to the king: but the Gunners that had
diſcharged any peece agaynſt the Engliſhmen ſhould ſuffer death.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When the day came, and no
ayde appeared, the couenants were performed accordingly.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 From thence went the king
with all ſpeed vn|to Ponte de Larch, ſtanding vpon the Ryuer of Seine .viij.
miles aboue Roan towards Paris: he came thither about the .xxvij. of
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When the French men which
kept the paſſage there, heard of the kings
approch, they gathered togither a greate number of menne of warre, mynding
to defende the paſſage agaynſte hym, appoynting an other bande of men (if
they fayled) to keepe the further ſyde of the bridge, and to watch that
neyther by boate nor veſſell, he ſhould come ouer the riuer by any maner of
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At his comming neare to
the towne, he per|ceyued that it was not poſſible to paſſe by the bridge
without great loſſe of his people, and ther|fore he retyred almoſt a myte
backewarde, where in a pleaſant and commodious place by the Ry|uer ſyde hee
pytched his campe, and in the nyght ſeaſon, what wyth Boates and
Barges,The Engliſh army paſſeth the ryuer of
Seyne. & what with Hoggeſheads and Pypes, he conueyed ouer
the broade ryuer of Seane a great companye of his ſouldiers, without any
reſiſtance made by his enimies. For they which were on the hither ſyde of
Sein thinking that the Engliſhmen had gone to wynne ſome other place,
followed them not, but ſtudied how to defende theyr towne, which was ynough
for them to doe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And to put the French men
in doubt, leaſt the Engliſh men ſhould ſeeke paſſage ſomwhere elſe,A good policy the King appoynted certaine, of the
ſouldiers which had ſkill in ſwimming, to goe to a place a three myles from
the ſiege by the Riuer ſide, and there to enter into the water, making great
cla|mor and noyſe, as though they had ment to haue paſſed, but they had in
commaundement not to trauerſe paſſe haſte the Ryuer, ſo to procure the
Frenchmen to make thitherwardes, whileſt the King in one place, and his
brother the Duke of Clarence in another, got ouer their men, and that in
ſuch number, before the Frenche men had any vnderſtanding thereof, that when
they made to|wardes them, and perceyued that they were not able to encounter
them, they fled backe, and durſt not abide the Engliſh footmen, which would
fain haue beene doing with them.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When the king ſaw that
his men were on the other ſide of the water, he (the next day earel)
yre|turned to the towne, & aſſaulted it on both ſides. When the
Inhabitants therefore ſaw thẽſelues compaſſed on both ſides,Pont de Larch rendred vp to the engliſhmẽ contrarye
to theyr ex|pectation, wyth humble heart and ſmall ioy, they rendred vp the
towne vnto the Kings handes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After this, the king
hauing no let nor impe|dimẽt, determined forthwith to beſiege ye Citie of
Roan, and firſt ſent before him his vncle ye Duke Exceter, with a great
companie of horſemen and Archers to viewe the place, and therevpon wyth
Banner diſplayed came before the Citie, and ſent Wynſore an Herault at Armes
to the captaynes within, willing them to deliuer the Citie to the king his
maiſter, or elſe hee woulde purſue them with fire and ſworde. To whom they
proudly anſwered, that none they receyued of him, nor any they woulde
deliuer him, except by fine force they were therevnto compelled: and
herewyth there iſſued out of the towne a great band of men of armes, and
encountred fiercely with the Eng|liſh men, the which receyuing them wyth
lyke manhoode, and great force, draue the Frenchmen into the towne againe to
their loffe, for they left EEBO page image 1194 thirtie of their felowes
behind priſoners and dead in the field.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Duke returned with
this good ſpeede and prowde anſwere of the French men vnto the king which
remayned yet at Pont de Larch, and had giuen the towne of Louiers to his
brother the Duke of Clarence, which made there his deputie ſir Iohn Godard
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After that the Duke of
Exceter was returned to Pout Larche the Frenche Captaines within Roan, ſette fire on the Subu [...]bes, beate downe Churches, cut downe trees, ſhred the buſhes,
de|ſtroyed the Vines rounde aboute the Citie, to the entent that the
Engliſhmen ſhoulde haue no re|liefe nor comfort eyther of lodging or
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When the king heard of
theſe deſpitefull do|ings,Roan beſieged by k.
Henry. be with his whole armie remoued frõ Pont-Larch, and the
laſt day of Iuly, came before the Citie of Roan, and compaſſed it rounde
aboute with a ſtrong ſiege.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The king lay with a great
puiſſaunce at the Chartreux houſe,Before Pont Saint
Hillarie Titus Liuius.
on the Eaſt ſide of the Citie, and the Duke of Clarence lodged at S.
Geruais, before the Port of Caux on the Weſt part. The Duke of Exceter tooke
his place on the Northe ſide:The order of the
ſiege. at the port S. Denys betweene the dukes of Exceter and
Clarence, was appoynted the Earle Marſhall, euen before the gate of the
Ca|ſtell,Before the gate called Markevile. Titus
to whom were ioyned the Erle of Ormond, and the Lordes Harington and
Talbot, vpon his comming from Damfront:
and from the Duke of Exceter towarde the king, were encamped the Lordes,
Ros, Willoughbie, Fitz Hugh, and ſir William Porter, with a greate bande of
Nor|thren men, euen before the Port Saint Hillarie. The Earles of Mortaigne
and Saliſburie,Salisbury and Huntingtõ on the other ſide
of the riuer of Sayne. were aſſigned to lodge about the Abbey of
Saint Ka|therine. Sir Iohn Grey was lodged directly a|gainſt the Chapell
called Mount S. Michaell: Sir Philip Leeche Treaſorer of the warres, kept
the hill next the Abbey, and the Baron
of Carew kept the paſſage on the ryuer of Seyne, and to him was ioyned that
valiaunt Eſquire Ienico Dartoys.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 On the further ſide of
the ryuer, were lodged the Earles of Warren, and Huntingdon, the Lordes
Neuil and Ferrers, ſir Gilbert Vmfreuile with a well furniſhed companie of
warlike ſoul|diers, directly before the Gate called Port de Pont.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And to the entent that no
ayde ſhould paſſe by the riuer toward the citie, there was a great chain of
yron deuiſed at Pontlarch, ſet on Pyles from the one ſide of the water to
the other: and beſide that cheyne, there was ſet vp a new forced bridge,
ſufficient both for cariage and paſſage, to paſſe the ryuer from one campe
to another.
Compare 1587 edition:
The L. TalbotThe Earle of Warwicke that had lately
won Dampfront, was ſent to beſiege Cawdebecke, a towne ſtanding on the Ryuer
ſide, betweene the ſea and the Citie of Roan, whiche towne hee ſo hardly
handled with fierce and continuall aſſaul|tes, that the Captaines within
offred to ſuffer the Engliſh nauie to paſſe by theyr towne withoute
impeachment, vp to the Citie of Roan. And al|ſo if Roan yeelded, they
promiſed to render the towne without delay.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Herevpon the Engliſhe
nauie to the number of an hundred ſayles paſſed by Cawdebecke, and came to
Roan, and ſo beſieged it, on the water ſide.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 There came alſo to this
ſiege the Duke of Glouceſter, with the Earle of Suffolke, and the Lord
Burgue [...]enny, which had takẽ (as before ye haue heard) the towne of
Cherbourgh, and lodged before the port Saint Hillarie, nearer to their
eni|mies by .xl. rodes, than any other perſon of the armie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 During this ſiege alſo,
there arriued at Har|flew, the Lorde of Kilmayne in Ireland,The I. of K [...] may [...]e cap|taine of the Iriſhmen. with a bande of .xvj. hundred
Iriſhmen, in mayle, wyth Dartes and Skaynes after the maner of theyr
Countrey, all of them being tall, quicke and deli|uer perſons, which came
and preſented themſel|ues before the king lying ſtil at the ſiege, of whom
they were not onely gently receyued and welco|med, but alſo bycauſe it was
thought that the French king and the Duke of Burgoigne would ſhortly come,
and eyther attempt to rayſe the ſiege, or vitayle and man the towne by the
north gate, they were appoynted to keepe the northſide of the armie, and in
eſpeciall the way that com|meth frõ the Foreſt of Lions. Which charge the
Lorde of Kylmayne, and his companie ioyfully accepted, and did ſo theyr
deuoire therein,The good ſer+uice of the [...]+riſh [...]
[...] ſiege. that no men were more prayſed, nor did more domage
to theyr enimies than they did: for ſurely theyr quickneſſe and ſwiftneſſe
of foote, did more preiu|dice to their enimies, than their barded horſes dyd
hurt or domage to the nymble Iriſhmen.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Alſo the kings couſin
germaine and alie the king of Portingale,
Titus L [...]
The King [...] Portingale ſendeth ay [...] to king t [...]
did ſend a great nauie of well appoynted ſhippes vnto the mouth of
the Ryuer of Seyne, to ſtoppe that no French veſſels ſhould enter the ryuer,
and paſſe vp the ſame, to the ayde of them within Roan.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thus was the fayre Citie
of Roan compaſ|ſed about with enimies, both by water and lande, hauing
neither comfort nor ayde of King, Dol|phin, or Duke. And yet although the
armie was ſtrong withoute, there lacked not within, both hardie Captaines,
and manfull ſouldiours. And as for people, they had more than ynough: For as
it is written by ſome that had good cauſe to knowe the truth, and no
occaſion to erre from the ſame, there were in the Citie at the time of the
EEBO page image 1195 ſiege,The number [...]in Roan. two hundred and tenne thouſand perſons. Dayly were
iſſues made out of the Citie at dy|uerſe gates, ſometime to the loſſe of the
one party, and ſometime of the other, as chaunces of warre in ſuch
aduentures happen.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The French men in deed
preferring fame be|fore worldly riches, and deſpyſing pleaſure the e|nimie
to warlike prowes, ſware ech to other, neuer to render or deliuer the Citie,
while they myght eyther holde ſworde in hande, or ſpeare in reaſt.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The king of England
aduertiſed of their hault courages, determined to conquer them by famin,
which would not be tamed with weapon. Wher|fore he ſtopped all the paſſages,
both by water and lande, that no vittayle coulde be conueyed to the Citie:
hee caſt trenches rounde aboute the walles, and ſet them full of ſtakes,,
and defended them with Archers, ſo that there was left neither way for thẽ
within to iſſue out, nor for any that were
abrode to enter in without his licence.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 To rehearſe the great
paynes, trauaile and diligence, which the king tooke vpon him in hys owne
perſon at this ſiege,Titus Liuius. a man myght
wonder: and bycauſe dyuerſe of the ſouldiers had lodged themſelues for their
more eaſe, in places ſo farre diſtant one from another, that they might
eaſily haue beene ſurpriſed by theyr enimies, ere any of their fellowes
coulde haue come to theyr ſuccors, he cauſed proclamation to be made, that
no man on paine of death ſhoulde lodge
without the pre|cinct appoynted them, nor goe further abroade from the
campe, than ſuche boundes as were aſ|ſigned: and as it chaunced, the king in
going a|bout the campe, to ſuruey and view ye warders, he eſpyed two
ſouldiers that were walking abroade without the lymittes aſſigned, whome he
cauſed ſtreight wayes to be apprehended and hanged vp on a tree of great
heigth,King Henry [...] iuſtice. for a terror to other, that none ſhould be ſo
hardie to breake ſuch orders as he
commaunded them to obſerue.
Compare 1587 edition:
Tho. VValſ.Whileſt the king lay thus with his
power a|bout the mightie Citie of Rouen, the Frenchmen ſought to endomage
aſwel thoſe that were at that ſiege, as other of the Engliſhmen that laye in
garniſons within the townes that were alreadie in the king of Englandes
poſſeſſion, inſomuche that as ſome haue written, within the octaues of the
Aſſumption, three notable victories chaunced to the Engliſhmen in three
ſeuerall places, firſt an hundred
Engliſhmen at Kylbuef, tooke three great Lordes of the Frenchmen,The great [...]ies on [...]e Engliſh [...]de with in a [...] time [...]ogether. beſydes fourt|ſcore other perſones, and put three
hundred to flight.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Alſo vpon the Thurſday
within the fame oc|taues, foure hundred Frenchmen that were en|tred within
the Suburbs of Eureux were repul|ſed by eleuen Engliſh men, that tooke foure
of thoſe Frenchmen priſoners, ſlue .xij. of them, and tooke .xl. horſes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 On the Saterday
following, the Frenchmen tooke in hand to ſteale vpon them that lay in
gar|niſon within Louires, in hope to ſurpriſe ye towne early in the
morning: but the Captaine percey|uing their purpoſe, ſallied forth with a
hundred of his men, and putting the Frenchmen to flight, being a thouſande,
tooke an hundred and foure|ſcore of them, being all gentlemen.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But to returne to them
before Rouen. The ſiege thus continuing from Lammas, almoſt to Chriſtmas,
dyuerſe enterpriſes were attempted, and diuerſe pollicies practiſed, howe
euery parte might endomage his aduerſaries: no part great|ly reioyced of
their gaine. But in the meane time vittaile began ſore to fayle them within,
ſo that onely Vinegar and water ſerued for drinke.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 If I ſhould reherſe
(according to the report of diuerſe writers) howe deerly dogges, rattes,
miſe, and cattes were ſolde within the towne,Extreme
fa|mine within Roane. and how greedily they were by the poore
people eaten and deuoured, and how the people dayly dyed for fault of foode,
and yong Infantes laye ſucking in the ſtreetes on theyr mother breaſtes,
lying deade, ſteruen for hunger, the Reader myghte lamente their extreme
Compare 1587 edition:
2 A great number of poore
ſillie creatures were put out at the gates, which were by the Engliſhe men
that kept the trenches beatẽ and driuen back again to the ſame gates, which
they found cloſed and ſhut agaynſt them. And ſo they lay betwene the walles
of the Citie, and the trenches of the e|nimies ſtill crying for helpe and
reliefe, for lacke whereof great numbers of them dayly died.A vertuous charitable prince. Yet king Henrie moued
with pitie, on Chriſtmaſſe day in the honor of Chriſtes Natiuitie, refreſhed
all the poore people with vittaile, to their greate comfort, and his high
prayſe: yet if the Duke of Burgoignes letters had not beene conueyed into
the Citie, it was thought they within would ne|uer haue made reſiſtance ſo
long time as they did, for by thoſe letters they were aſſured of reſkue to
come. Diuerſe Lordes of Fraunce hauing writ|ten to them to the like effect,
they were put in ſuch comfort herewith, that immediatlye to expreſſe their
great reioyſing, all the Belles in the Citie were roong forth cherefully,
whiche during all the time of the ſiege till that preſent had kept ſilence.
In deede by reaſon of a faynt kinde of agreement procured betwixt the
Dolphin and the Duke of Burgoigne, it was thought verily that a power ſhould
haue beene rayſed, for preſeruation of that noble Citie, the loſing or
ſauing thereof beeing a matter of ſuch importance.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The king of Englande to
preuent the enimies purpoſe,
Chron. S. Al. A large trench without the Campe. cauſed a
large trench to bee caſt without his campe, which was pight full of ſharpe
ſtakes, EEBO page image 1196 with a greate rampire fenced with bulwarkes, and
turnepykes, in as defencible wiſe as myght be deuiſed. Sir Robert Bapthorpe
knight, was appoynted Comptroller, to ſee this worke per|fourmed, which he
did with all diligence accom|pliſh, in like caſe as hee had done, when the
other trened and rampire ſtrongly ſtaked and hedged was made at the firſt
betwixt the campe and the Citie, to reſtreyne ſuch as in the beginning of
the ſiege, reſted not to pricke forth of the Gates on horſebacke. And ſo by this meanes was the army defended
both behinde and before.
Compare 1587 edition:
1419Finally the whole number of the Frenchmen
within the Citie were brought to ſuche an extre|mitie for want of vitayles,
that they were in dan|ger all to haue ſterued. Wherevpon bring nowe paſt
hope of reliefe, they determined to treat with the king of England, and ſo
vpon newyeares e|uen there came to the Walles, ſuche as they had choſen
amongeſt them for commiſſioners, which
made a ſigne to the Engliſhmenne lying with|oute the Gate of the Bridge, to
ſpeake wyth ſome Gentlemanne, or other perſonne of Au|thoritie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Earle of Huntingdon
whiche kept that part, ſent to them ſir Gylbert Vmfreuile vnto whom they
declared, that if they might haue a ſafeconduct, they woulde gladly come
forth to ſpeake with the king. Sir Gylbert repayring to the Duke of
Clarence, and other of the Kings
Counſayle, aduertiſed them of this requeſt.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Herevppon the Duke of
Clarence wyth the other Counſaylors, reſorted to the kings lod|ging to
infourme him of the matter, and to know his pleaſure therein, who after good
aduicement and deliberation taken, willed ſir Gylbert to ad|uertiſe them,
that he was content to heare twelue of them, whiche ſhoulde be ſafely
conueyed to his preſence.
Compare 1587 edition:
They within Roane demand Parlce.This anſwere being
brought to the French|men by the ſaid ſir
Gilbert, on the next day in the morning, foure knightes, foure learned men,
and foure ſage Burgeſſes, all clothed in blacke, came forth of the Citie,
and were receyued at the port Saint Hillarie by ſir Gilbert Vmfreuile,
accom|panyed with diuerſe Gentlemen and yeomen of the Kings houſholde,
commonly called yeomen of the Crowne, by whom they were conueyed to the
kings lodging, whom they founde at Maſſe, whiche being ended, the King came
oute of hys trauers, ſternely, and
Princely beholding the French Meſſengers, and paſſed by them into his
Chamber. And incontinently after commaunded that they ſhould be brought in
before his preſence, to heare what they had to ſay: One of them ler|ned in
the Ciuill Lawes, was appoynted to de|clare the Meſſage in all theyr names,
who ſhew|ing himſelfe more raſhe than wiſe, more erro|gant than
learned,K preſumpte|ous O [...]. fyrſt tooke vpon him to ſhewe wherein the glorie of
victorie conſiſted, aduiſing the king not to ſhewe his manhoode in
furniſhing a multitude of poore ſimple and innocent people, but rather
ſuffer ſuch miſerable wretches as laye betwixt the walles of the Citie, and
the trenches of his ſiege, to paſſe through the campe, that they might get
theyr lyuing in other places, and then if hee durſt manfully aſſaulte the
Citie, and by force ſubdue it, he ſhould win both worldly fame, and merite
great meede at the handes of almigh|tie God, for hauing compaſſion of the
poore needie and indigent people.
Compare 1587 edition:
3 When this Oratour had
ſayde, the King (who no requeſt leſſe ſuſpected, than that whiche was thus
deſyred) beganne a whyle to muſt, and after hee had well conſidered the
craftie cau|tele of hys enimyes, with a fierce countenaunce,The King an+ſwere to this pro [...]e meſ|ſage. and bolde ſpirite hee reproued them, both for
theyr ſubtill dealing wyth hym, and theyr malapecte preſumption, in that
they ſhoulde ſeeme to goe aboute to teache him what belonged to the dutie of
a Conquerour, and therefore ſince it appeared that the ſame was vnknowne
vnto them, hee de|clared that the Goddeſſe of battayle called
Bello|na, had three Handmaydens, euer of neceſſitie attending
vpon hir, as bloud, fyre, and famyne. And whereas it laye in hys choyce to
vſe them all three, yea, two, or one of them at his plea|ſure, hee hadde yet
appoynted onely the meekeſt Mayde of thoſe three Damoſelles to puniſhe them
of that Citye, tyll they were brought to reaſon. And where as the gayne of a
Captaine atteyned by any of the ſayde three Hand [...]y|dens, was both glorious, honourable, and wor|thie of tryumphe: yet
of all the three, the yon|geſt Mayde, whiche hee meant to vſe at that tyme
was moſte profytable and commodious: And as for the poore people lying in
the Dyr|ches, if they dyed through famyne, the faulte was theyrs, that lyke
cruell Tyraunis hadde put them oute of the Towne, to the intente hee ſhoulde
ſlea them, and yet had hee ſaued theyr lyues, ſo that if any lacke of
charitie was, it re|ſted in them, and not in hym: but to theyr [...]|ked requeſt, hee ment not to gratifie them wh [...] ſo much, but they ſhould keepe them ſtill to [...]e to ſpende theyr vytayles, and as to aſſaulte the Towne, hee tolde
them that hee woulde they ſhoulde knowe, hee was both able and wylling
thereto, as he ſhoulde ſee occaſion: but the [...]e was in hys hande, to tame them eyther wyth bloude, fyre, or famine,
or with them all, where|of he woulde take the choyſe at his pleaſure, [...] not at theyrs.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This aunſwere put the
French Ambaſſadors in a great ſtudy, muſing much at hys [...]llent witte and hautineſſe of courage: and after they EEBO page image 1197 had dyued (as his commaundement was they ſhould) with his
officers, they vpon conſultation had togither, required once againe to haue
acceſſe to his royall preſence, which being graunted, they humbling
themſelues on their knees, beſought him to take a truce for eight
dayes,A [...]ce for eight dayes. during the whiche they mighte by theyr
commiſſions take ſome ende and good concluſion with him and his
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The King like a mercifull
Prince graunted to them their aſking, with
whiche anſwer they ioyfully returned.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After their departure
were appoynted and ſet vp three tentes, the one for the Lordes of Eng|lande,
the ſeconde for the Commiſſioners of the Citie, and the thirde for both
parties to aſſemble in, and to treate of the matter.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Commiſſioners for the
Engliſhe parte were the Earles of Warwicke, and Saliſburie, the Lorde Fitz
Hugh, ſir Walter Hungerford, ſir Gilbert
Vmfreuille, ſir Iohn Robſert, and Iohn de Vaſques de Almada. And for the
French part were appoynted, Sir Guy de Butteler, and ſixe other.
Compare 1587 edition:
Comiſsioners appoynted.Theſe Commiſſioners met
euery day, argu|ing and reaſoning aboute a concluſion, but no|thing was done
the ſpare of eight dayes, nor ſo much as one article concluded: wherefore
the Engliſhe men tooke downe the Tentes, and the Frenchmen tooke theyr
leaue: but at their depar|ting, they
remembring themſelues, required the Engliſhe Lordes for the loue of God,
that the truce might endure till the Sunne ryſing the next day, to the which
the Lordes aſſented.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When the French
Commiſſioners were re|turned into the Citie without any concluſion of
agreement, the poore people ran about the ſtreetes trying, and calling the
captaines and gouernors, murtherers, & manquellers, ſaying that for
their pride and ſtiffe ſtomackes, all this miſerye was happened, threatning to flea them, if they woulde not
agree to the King of Englande hys de|maunde.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The Magiſtrates herewyth
amaſed, called all the towneſmen togither to knowe theyr myndes and
opinions. The whole voyce of the Cõmons was, to yeelde rather than to
ſterue. Then the Frenchmen in the Euening, came to the Tent of ſir Iohn
Robſert, requyring him of gentleneſſe to moue the king, that the truce might
be prolonged for foure dayes. The king
therevnto agreed, and appoynted the Archbiſhop of Canterburie, & the
other ſeuen before named for his part, and the Ci|tizens appoynted a like
number for them. So the Tents were again ſet vp, and dayly they met
to|gither,The articles cõ+cerning the yel+ [...]ng vp of [...]are. and on the fourth daye they accorded on this wiſe, that
the Citie and Caſtell of Roane ſhould be delyuered vnto the king of England,
at what time after the middeſt of the .xix. day of that preſent moneth of
Ianuarie, the ſayde King wil|led the ſame, and that all the Captaines and
o|thermen whatſoeuer, dwelling or beeing within the ſayd Citie and Caſtell,
ſhould ſubant them in all things to the grace of the ſayd king: and
fur|ther, that they ſhould pay to the ſayde king three hundred thouſande
Sentes of Golde, when of al|wayes two ſhould be woorth an Engliſh Noble, or
in the ſtead of [...]rie Stu [...] .xxv. great blankes white, or .xv. grotes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Moreouer it was accorded,
that euerie ſoul|dier and ſtraunger b [...]g in the ſayde Citie and Caſhl, ſhoulde ſweare on the Euangeliſtes
be|fore their departure, not to [...]re atmo [...] agaynſt the king of Englande, before the firſt day of Ia|nuarie next
to co [...]e.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Alſo they wich [...] the towne ſhould ſuffer al the poore people lying to [...], or about the ditches of the Citie which for pe [...] were chaſed oute, to enter the Citie againe, and to [...] them ſuf|ficient for [...]til the ſayd [...]tenth day of Ianuarie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 There were taketh other
Articles, in all to the number of .xxij. agreed, aſwell on the behalfe of
the Citizens, as of king Henrie, who graun|ted, that all the Souldiers
ſtraungers and other within the ſaid Citie and Caſtel at that time, be|ing
not willing to become his ſieges, ſhuld depart after that the Citie and
Caſtel was once yeelded, freely without let, leauing ſo the ſaid king al
their armors, horſes, harneſſe, and goodes, except the Normans, which if
they ſhoulde refuſe to become [...]ages to h [...], were appoynted to remayne as his priſoners,
Luca. Italico. The Vicare general of the Archbi. of Ro+uen for
denoũ+cing the king acurſed was de+liuered to him and deteyned in pryſon
til he dyed. Titus. Liuius. One Alane Blã+chart was like wiſe
deliuered to him, and by his commaun|dement put to death. Tranſlator of
Titus Liuius. King Henrie [...] entry into Roane. togither with one Luca Italico and
certaine other.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When the day of
appoyntment came, which was the day of S. Wiolſtan, ſir Gay de Butteler,
& the Burgeſſes, deliuered the keyes of the City & Caſtel
vnto the king of England, beſeeching him of fauor and compaſſion. The king
incontinent|ly appoynted the Duke of Exceter, with a great companie to take
poſſeſſion of the Citie, who like a valiant Captaine mounted on a goodly
cour| [...] firſt entred into the Citie, and after into the Caſtell.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The next day being
Fryday, the king in great tryumph like a conquerour, accompanied wyth foure
Dukes, t [...] Erles .viij. Biſhops, xvj. Ba|rons, and a great mul [...] of knightes, eſquiers, and men of warre, entred into Roan, where hee
was receyued by the Clergie, with .xlij. Croſſes, and then met him the
Senate, and the Burgeſ|ſes of the towne, offering to him diuerſe fuyre and
coſtly preſents.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In this maner he paſſed
through the Citie to our Ladie Churr [...], and there hauing ſayde his o|riſows, he cauſed his Chaplaines to
ſing this An|theme: Quis eſt tam magnus dominus: VVho is ſo EEBO page image 1198 great a Lorde as our God.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This done, he came to the
caſtel where he cõti|nued a good ſpace after, receyuing homages &
fral|ties of the burgeſſes & towneſmen, and ſetting or|ders amongſt
them. He alſo reedified diuerſe for|treſſes, & townes, during which
tyme hee made Proclamation, that all menne whiche woulde become hys
ſubiectes, ſhoulde enioy theyr goods, landes and offices, whiche
Proclamation made many towns to yeeld, and many euen to become Engliſh the ſame ſeaſon.
Compare 1587 edition:
Titus Liuius.The Duke of Brytaigne vnderſtanding
that if the King of Englande ſhoulde continue in poſ|ſeſſion of Normandie,
his Countrey could not but bee in greate daunger, if hee prouided not to
haue him his friend, vpon ſafecõduct obteyned for him and his retinue, came
to Roan with fiue .C. horſes, and being honourably receyued of the K. after
cõference had betwixt thẽ of diuers things, at length they agreed vpon a
league on this wife,A league con|cluded be|twene K.
Hen|ry and the D. of Britaine.
that neither of them ſhould make warre
vnto the other, nor to any of the others people or ſubiectes, except he that
ment to make that warre denoun|ced the ſame ſixe Monethes before.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thus this league being
concluded, the Duke tooke leaue of the king, and ſo returned into
Compare 1587 edition:
1 About the ſame time, at
the ſuyte of certaine Biſhops and Abbottes of Normandie, the King confirmed
vnto them theyr auncient priuiledges,
graunted by the former Dukes of Normandie, and kings of Fraunce, except ſuch
as were gran|ted by thoſe whom he reputed for vſurpers and no lawfull kings
or dukes. Hee alſo eſtabliſhed at Caen the Chamber of accountes of the
reuenues of his dukedome of Normandie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In Rouen he began the
foundation of a ſtrong Tower behinde the Caſtell, that from the caſtell to
the Tower, and from the Tower to his Pa|layce, the men of warre appoynted
there in gar|niſon, myght paſſe in ſuretie
without daunger of the Citie, if perhaps the Citizens ſhould attempt any
Compare 1587 edition:
She was com|mitted to the ſafe keping of [...] Pelham who appointed hir ix: ſeruants to attend hir &
conueyed hir to the caſtel of Pompſey. Tho. VValſ. Frier
Randoll.In this ſixth yeare, whyleſt theſe thinges were adoing in
Normandie, Queene Ioan late wife of king Henry the fourth, and mother in law
to this King, was areſted by the Duke of Bed|ford the kings lieutenant in
his abſence, & by him committed to ſafe keeping in the caſtell of
Leedes in Kent there to abide the kings pleaſure.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 About the ſame time, one
Frier Randoll of the order of Franciſcanes that profeſſed diuinitie, and had
bene confeſſour to the ſame Queene, was ta|ken in the Iſle of Gerneſey,
& being firſt brought ouer into Normandie, was by the kings
com|maundement ſent hither into Englande, and cõ|mitted to the Tower, where
he remayned till the perſõ of the tower quarelling with him, by chance ſlue
him there within the Tower warde. It was reported that hee had conſpired
with the Orl [...] by ſorcerie and nigromancie to deſtroy the King.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Whyleſt the king remayned
in Rouen, to ſet things in order for the eſtabliſhment of good po|licie in
that Citie, hee ſent abroad dyuerſe of hys Captaynes, with conuenient forces
to ſubdue certayne Townes and Caſtelles in thoſe pro|tyes, as hys brother
the Duke of Clarence,Vernon and Mante taken by the
engliſh. who wanne the ſtrong Towne of Vernon, and Mante. In
Vernon was ſir William Por|ter made Captayne, and in Maunte the Earle of
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Erle of Saliſburie
wan Hunflew,
Titus Licius. Hunflew [...]
after he had beſieged it from the fourth of Februarie, vntill the
.xij. of March.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This towne was giuen
afterwardes vnto the duke of Clarence. Alſo the ſayde Earle of Saliſ|burie
wan the Townes of Monſter de Villiers, Ew, Newcaſtell, and finally all the
places in that quarter, which till that preſent were not vn|der the Engliſh
obeyſance. At Newcaſtell Sir Philip Leeth was made captaine.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After Candlemaſſe, the
King departed [...] Rouen to go to Eureux, whither he had promy|ſed to come in like caſe
as the Dolphin had pro|miſed to be at Dreux, to the end that they might
aduiſe vpon a conuenient place where to meete to entreate of a peace to bee
concluded betwixte the two Realmes. But the Dolphin by ſiniſter per|ſwaſion
of ſome enimies to concorde, brake pro|miſe, and came not. When the king
ſawe this through default of his aduerſarie, no treaty wold be had, he
remooued to Vernon, and there a while remayned.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Nowe from Eureux the king
had diſpatched the Erle of Warwicke vnto the ſiege of la Roch Guion, which
fortreſſe he ſo conſtrayned,An. reg. 7.
Roch Guion rendred vp. that it was yeelded into
his handes, the ſixth of Apryll, in the beginning of this ſeuenth yeare of
Kyng Henries raigne, and giuen to ſir Gay Buttelie late Captaine of Rouen,
of the kings free and li|berall graunt.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 About the ſame ſame
time,Chateau Gal [...]+arde beſieg [...]
the Duke of Ex|ceter layde ſiege vnto Chateau Galyarde, which ſiege
continued from the laſt of Marche, vnto the latter ende of September, or (as
ſome write) vnto the .xx. of December, as after ſhall appeare.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Duke of Glouceſter
beeing ſent to wynne the Towne and Caſtell of Yuri,Yury
takes by aſſault. tooke the Towne by aſſaulte, and the Caſtell was
delyuered by compoſition after fortie dayes ſiege.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After this the Engliſhmen
ouerranne the coũ|trey about Chartres, and did much hurt to theyr enimies
in all places where they came.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The heartes of the
Frenchmen were ſore diſ|couraged with the loſſe of Rouen, and the other EEBO page image 1199 townes which yeelded one after another, thus to the
Engliſhmen, ſo that ſuch as loued the wealth of their Countrey, ſore
lamented the imminent miſchiefes, which they ſaw by the diuiſion of the
Nobilitie, like ſhortlye to fall on theyr heades, namely bycauſe they ſawe
no remedie prepared. But who euer elſe was diſquieted with this mat|ter,
Iohn Duke of Burgoigne raged, and ſwel|led, yea and ſo muche freated
therewith, that hee wyſt not what to ſay, and leſſe to doe: for hee
knewe well that hee was neyther free
from diſ|daine, nor yet delyuered from the ſcope of malice, bycauſe that he
onely ruled the King, and had the whole dooings in all matters aboute hym.
And therefore he conſidered that all ſuch miſhappes as chaunced to the ſtate
of the cõmon wealth would bee imputed to his negligence and diſordred
Compare 1587 edition:
2 To finde ſome remedie
againſt ſuch daungers at hand, he thought firſt to aſſay, if hee might by
any reaſonable meanes cõclude a peace
betwixt ye two mightie kings of England & France, which if hee
might bring to paſſe, he doubted not to re|uenge his quarell eaſily ynough
againſt the Dol|phin Charles, and to repreſſe all cauſes of grudge and
diſdaine. Herewith intending to build vpon this fraile foundation, he ſent
letters and Ambaſ|ſadours to the king of England,Ambaſsadors [...] on either de. aduertiſing him that if he woulde perſonally
come to a communi|cation to bee had betweene him and Charles the Frenche king, hee doubted not but by hys onelye
meanes, peace ſhould bee brought in place, and blondie battaile clearely
Compare 1587 edition:
Titus Liuius.King Henrie giuing courteous eare to
theſe Ambaſſadors, ſent with them the Earle of War|wicke as his Ambaſſador,
accompanied with two hundred gentlemen to talke with the duke, as thẽ
remaining in the French Court at the towne of Prouins.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Erle was aſſayled by
the way as he ior|neyed, by a great number
of rebellious perſons, gotten into armor, of purpoſe to haue ſpoyled him of
ſuch money and things as he and his companie had about them. But by the high
valiancie of the Engliſh people, with the ayde of theyr Bowes, the
Frenchmenne were dyſcomfyted and chaſed.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Earle at hys commyng
to Prouins was honourably receyued, and hauing done the effect of his
Meſſage returned, and wyth him the Earle of Saint Paule, and the ſonne and
heyre of the Duke of Bourbon, were ſent as
Ambaſ|ſadours from the French King, to conclude vpon the time and place of
the meeting, with al the cir|cumſtances, wherevpon the king of England
a|greed to come vnto the towne of Mante, wyth condition that the duke of
Burgoigne, and other for the French king ſhuld come to Pontoyſe, that either
part might meet others in a cõuenient place betwixt thoſe two townes neare
vnto Meulan: According to this appoyntment, King Henrie came to Mante,
wherein the feaſt of Pentecoſt he kept a liberall houſe to all commers, and
ſate himſelfe in great eſtate: Vpon the which day, ey|ther for good ſeruice
alreadie by them done, or for the good expectation of things to come,Creation of Earles. hee crea|ted Gaſcon de Fois,
otherwyſe called the Cap|tau or Captall de Buef, a valiaunt Gaſcoigne, Earle
of Longueuile, and Sir Iohn Grey, Erle of Tankeruile, and the Lorde
Bourſhier, Earle of Eu.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After this ſolenme feaſt
ended, the place of the enteruiew and meeting was appoynted to be beſide
Meulan on the riuer of Seyne, where in a fayre place euery parte was by
commiſſioners appoynted to theyr ground.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When the daye of
appoyntment approched, whiche was the laſte day of Maye, the King of England
accompanied with the Dukes of Cla|rence, and Glouceſter, his brethren, the
Duke of Exceter his Vncle,Eyther part was appointed to
bring with them not paſte ii.M.v.C. men of war as Tit. Liu. hath.
and Henrie Beauford Clerke his other vncle, which after was Biſhop of
Win|cheſter and Cardinall, with the Erles of Marche Saliſburie, and others,
to the number of a thou|ſand men of warre, entred into his ground which was
barred about and ported, wherein his tentes were pight in a princely
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Likewyſe for the Frenche
part,A treatie of peace. came Iſabell the
Frenche Queene, bycauſe hir huſbande was fallen into hys olde frantike
diſeaſe, hauing in hir companie the Duke of Burgoigne, and the Earle of
Saint Paule, and ſhee had attending vppon hir the fayre Ladie Katherine hir
daugh|ter, wyth .xxvj. Ladies and Damoſelles: and had alſo for hir furniture
a thouſand men of of warre: The ſayde Ladie Katherine was brought by the
Queene hir mother, onelye to the intent that the King of Englande beholding
hir excellent beau|tie, ſhoulde bee ſo enflamed and rapt in hir loue, that
hee to obteyne hir to his wife, ſhoulde the ſooner agree to a gentle peace
and louing con|corde. But though many wordes were ſpent in this
treatie,Seuen times the laſt being on the laſt day of
Iune. Tit. Liuius.
and that they mette at eight ſeuerall tymes, yet no effect enſued,
nor any concluſion was taken by thys friendly conſultation, ſo that both
partyes after a Princely faſhion tooke leaue eche of other, and departed,
the Engliſhe menne to Mant, and the Frenche men to Pontoyſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Some Authours write that
the Dolphyn to ſtaye that no agreement ſhoulde paſſe,Chro. of Flan. ſent Sir Taneguye de Chaſtell to the Duke of
Burgoin, declaring that if hee woulde breake of the treatie with the
Engliſhe men, he woulde then common with him, and take ſuch order, that not
only they but the whole Realme of Fraunce ſhould thereof be glad and
reioyce. Howſoeuer it came to paſſe,Titus Liuius.
truth it is, that where it was agreed, that EEBO page image 1200 they ſhoulde
eftſoones haue met in the ſame place on the thirde of Iuly. The King
according to that appoyntment came, but there was none for the French part,
neither Queene nor Duke, that once appeared, ſo that it was manifeſt ynough
how the fault reſted not in the Engliſhmen but in the French men, by reaſon
whereof no concluſion forted to effect of all this communication, ſaue onely
that a certaine ſparke of burning loue was kindled in the kings heart by the
ſight of the Lady Katherine.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The king without doubt
was highly diſplea|ſed in his minde, that this communication came to no
better paſſe. Wherefore he miſtruſting that the Duke of Burgoigne was the
verie let and ſtoppe of his deſires, ſayde vnto hym before his departure:
Couſin we will haue your kings daughter, and all things that we demaunde
with hir, or we will driue your king and you out of his realme. Well ſayd
the Duke of Burgoigne, be|fore you driue
the king and me out of his realme, you ſhall be well wearied, and thereof
wee doubt little.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Shortly after, the Duke
of Burgoigne and the Dolphin mette in the plaine fieldes beſydes Melun, and
there comming togither, concluded apparantly an open peace and amytie, which
was proclaimed in Paris, Amiens, and Pontoys. This agreement was made the
vj. of Iuly in the yeare 1419.
An egreement betweene the Duke of Bur|goine and the
Dolphyne. It was engroſſed by Notaries, ſigned with their handes, and ſealed with their great ſeales
of armes: but as the ſequel ſhewed, hart thought not, what tongue ſpake, nor
mind ment not, that hand wrote.Titus Liuius.
Whiles theſe things were a doing, diuers of the Frenchmen in Roan wente
about a conſpiracy againſt the Engliſhmen, whereof the King beeing
aduertiſed, ſent thyther certayne of his nobles,A
cõſpiracy in Roane. which tryed out theſe conſperators, cauſed
them to be apprehended, had thẽ in exami|nation, and ſuch as they found
guiltye were put to death, and ſo ſetting
the Citie in quietneſſe, re|turned to the king.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The king of Englande
perceyuing by this newe alliance, that nothing was leſſe to be looked for,
than peace at the handes of the Frenchmen, deuiſed ſtill howe to conquere
townes and For|treſſes, which were kept agaynſt him: and nowe that the truce
was expired, on the .xxx. day of Iu|ly,Theſe bende [...] belonged to the Earle of Lõgueville & to the Lord de
Leſpar Gaſ|coignes hiſt. dez Du [...]z de Norman. The K playe [...]h the Porters part. he being as then within the towne of
Maunte, appoynted certaine bandes of ſouldiers in the af|ter noone to paſſe out of the Gates, giuing onely
knowledge to the captaines what he would haue them to doe. And to the intent
that no ynkling of the enterprice ſhould come to the enimies eare, he kept
the gates himſelfe as Porter.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Theſe that were thus ſent
forth, being gulded by ye Erle of Lõgueuile, otherwiſe called ye Cap|tau
de Buef, were commaunded in as ſecret ma|ner as they coulde, to draw towarde
the towne of Pontoyſe, and to keepe themſelues in couert tyll the darke of
the night, and then to approch the walles of that towne, and vpon eſpying
their ad|uauntage to enter it by ſcaling, hauing laddent and all things
neceſſarie with them for the pur|poſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Moreouer, about the
cloſing of the day and night in the Euening, he ſent forth the Earle of
Huntingdon, with other bandes of ſouldiers, to ſuccor and aſſyſt the other,
if they chaunced to en|ter the towne according to the order taken.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thoſe that were firſt
ſent forth,This Capital was brother [...] the Erle of Fo [...]t. Hall.
(according to their inſtructions) conueyed themſelues ſo cloſe|ly to
their appoynted places, that the enimies hard nothing of theyr doings.
Wherevpon whẽ the night was come, they came in ſecret wiſe vn|der the
walles, and there watched their time till the morning began to draw on: In
the meane time, whileſt the watch was departed, and before other were come
into their places to relieue it,Pontoyſe ſur|priſed by
the Engliſhmen. the Engliſhmen ſetting vp their ladders, entred
and brake open one of the Gates to receyue the other that followed.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Frenchmẽ perceiuing
that ye walles were taken, & their enimies entred into the town, at
the firſt were ſore amaſed: but after perceyuing the ſmall nũber of the
Engliſhmen, they aſſembled togither, & fiercely aſſailed them, ſo
that they were conſtrayned to retyre to the walles and turrets, which they
had taken, and with much adoe de|fended the ſame, ſome leaping down into the
dit|ches, and hyding them in the vines,Hall. till
at length the Earle of Huntingdon, with his companies came to theyr
ſuccours, and entring by the Gate which was open, eaſily bet backe the
enimies, and got the Market place: which thing when the lord Liſle Adam
captaine of the towne perceyued,Hall. he opened
the gate towards Paris, by the which hee with al his retinue, and diuerſe of
the towneſmen to the number of ten thouſand in all, (as Engne|rant de
Monſtr. recounteth) fled towards Paris, taking away with thẽ their come,
iewels, & plate. Some of them fleeing towards Beauuays, were met
with, and ſtripped of that they had, by Ichan de Guigni, and Iehan de Claw,
two Captaines that ſerued the Orliential faction.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 There wer within the
towne of Pontoyſe at that tyme when it was thus taken by the Eng|liſhmen, a
thouſand launces, and two thouſande Arbeleſtiers, as Thomas Walſ. affyrmeth,
and of Engliſhmen and Gaſcoignes that went fyrſt forth of Maunt with ye
Captal de Beuf, not paſt xv. hundred as Hall reporteth. Although Engne|rant
de Monſtrellet ſayth, they were about three thouſand. But how many ſoeuer
they were, they durſt not at the firſt by reaſon of their ſmal num|ber (as
may be thought) once deuide themſelues, EEBO page image 1201 or fall to
pylfering till about the houre of Prime, that the Duke of Clarence came to
theyr ayde wyth fiue thouſand men, and much prayſing the valiantneſſe of the
Earle and his retinue that had thus wonne the towne, gaue to them the chiefe
ſpoyle of the which there was great plentie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Then went the duke forth
towardes Paris, & cõming thither, lodged before it two dayes
& two nightes,The Duke of [...]rence cõ| [...]eth before [...]aris with his [...]my. without perceyuing any proffer of iſſue to be made forth
agaynſt hym by hys enimyes, and therefore
ſeeing that they durſt not once looke vpon him, hee returned to Pontoyſe,
for the ta|king of whiche Towne the whole Countrey of Fraunce, and ſpecially
the Pariſians were ſore diſmayed: for nowe there was no fortreſſe able to
withſtande the Engliſh puyſſance. Inſomuch that the Iriſhmen ouerran all the
Iſle of France,The Iriſhmen [...]orſe the Iſle [...]f Fraunce. and did to the Frenchmen domages innumerable (as
theyr wryters affyrme) and brought daylye prayes to the Engliſh army.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And beſides that, they
woulde robbe houſes, and lay beddes on the backes of the Kine, and ride vpon
them, and carie yong children before them, and ſel them to the Engliſhmẽ
for ſlaues: which ſtraunge doings ſo feared the Frenchmen wythin the
territorie of Paris, and the Countrey aboute, that the rude perſons fled out
of the villages with all their ſtuffe into the Citie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Frenche King, and the
Duke of Bur|goigne lying at Saint Denys, in this ſeaſon de|parted from thence with the Queene and hir daughter, and
went to Troys in Champaigne, there to conſult of theyr buſineſſe, hauing
left at Paris the Earle of Saint Paule, and the Lorde Liſte Adam, with a
great puyſſance to defend the Citie.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The King of Englande
immediately after that Pontoyſe was won (as before ye haue herd) came
thither in perſon, as well to giue order for the placing of a ſufficient
garniſon there for de|fence thereof, as to
proceed further into the coun|trey for the conqueſt of other townes and
places: and ſo after he had ſeene euery thing vſed in ſuch ſort as might
ſtande with the good gouernment, and ſafe keeping of the ſayde Towne of
Pon|toys, the .xviij. day of Auguſt hee departed out of the ſame wyth his
maine armie.
[...]tus Liuius. And bycauſe they of the garniſon that laye in
the Caſtell of Vauconvillers had done, and dayly dyd diuerſe and ſundrie
diſpleaſures to the Engliſhmen, hee pyght
downe his fielde neare to the fame, the bet|ter to reſtrayne them from theyr
cruell attempts,
[...]he caſtel of [...] Vil| [...] beſieged [...]d taken. and withal ſent part of his armie to beſiege them
wythin that Caſtell, whiche put them in ſuche feare, that they diſpeyring of
all reliefe or ſuccor, and perceyuing they ſhoulde not be able long to
defende the place agaynſt the kings puyſſaunce, yeelded the place with all
theyr coigne and other goods into the kings handes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Souldiers of that
garniſon,Titus Liuius and the in|habitantes, at
the contemplation of a certaine Ladie there amongſt them, were licenced by
the king to depart without armor or weapon, onely with their liues
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Iohn a Burgh that was
after Baylife of Gyſours, was appoynted captaine of this caſtel.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 After this,Gyſoures be|ſieged and yel|ded to the Eng+liſhmen.
all the townes and Caſtels with|in a great circuite offred to yeelde
themſelues vn|to the Engliſh obeyſaunce, the ſtrong towne and Caſtell of
Gyſours onely excepted, which ſtil held out, and woulde ſhewe no token of
will to yeeld: Herevpon the king the laſt of Auguſt beganne to approch the
ſame, but at the firſt hee coulde not come nere, by reaſon of the mariſhes
and fennes: but yet ſuch was the diligence of the Engliſhmen aduaunced by
the preſence of the king being there in perſon, readie in all places to
commende them that were forwarde in their buſineſſe, and to cha|ſtice ſuch
as ſlacked their duetie, that dayly they came nearer and nearer, although
the Frenchmen iſſued forth daily to encounter them, giuing them many ſore
and ſharpe ſkirmiſhes. For the towne being double walled and fenced with
thoſe brode mariſhes, ſo encouraged them within, that they thought no force
had beene able to haue ſubdued them: but at length calling to remembrance,
that the King of Englande came before no towne, nor Fortreſſe, from which he
would depart before he had brought it vnder his ſubiection, they offred to
come to a Parlee, and in the ende compounded to render the towne into the
kings hands the .viij. day of September next enſuyng, and the Caſtell
(bycauſe it was the ſtronger peece) they couenan|ted to delyuer the .xxiiij.
of the ſame, if in the meane time no reſkue came to rayſe the ſiege.
Herevpon when no ſuche reliefe coulde be hearde of, at the dayes limitted,
the ſouldiers of the gar|niſon, and the more part of the towneſmen
alſo,Tho. VValſ. ſubmitted themſelues, and
receyued an othe to bee true ſubiects to the king,Duke of
Cla|rence hath Grafton. and ſo remayned ſtill in theyr rowmethes.
The Erle of Worceſter was made captaine there.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 About the ſame time, to
witte,Titus Liuius. the .xxiij. of September
(as ſome write) was Chateau Gali|ard ſurrendred to the handes of the Duke of
Ex|ceter, which had bene beſieged euer ſince the laſte day of March (as
before ye haue heard). But o|ther write that it held out a ſeuen Monethes,
and was not deliuered till the .xx. of December.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This Caſtell was not
onely ſtrong by ſitua|tion, ſtanding vpon the toppe of a ſteepe hyll, but
alſo cloſed with mightie thicke walles, and furni|ſhed with men, and all
maner of munition and things neceſſarie. The king appoynted the Lord Ros
captaine of it.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After that Giſours and
Caſtell Galiard were EEBO page image 1202 thus yeelded to the Engliſh
obeyſaunce, all the o|ther townes and caſtels thereaboute, and in the
countrey of Veulqueſſin, ſhortly after yeelded to the king, as Gourney,
Chaumount, Neaufie, Dangu,Al Normandy reduced to the
engliſh ſub|iectes. and other ſmall fortreſſes. Of Gourney, was
ſir Gylbert Vmfrevile made Captaine at Neaufie, the Earle of Worceter, and
at Dangu Richarde Wooduile.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Shortly after was the
Caſtell Daumal yel|ded to the Earle of Warwicke, to whome it was giuen. And thus was the whole duchie of Nor|mandie
(Mont Saint Michael only excepted) re|duced to the poſſeſſion of the right
heyre, whiche had beene wrongfully deteyned from the kings of England euer
ſith the dayes of king Iohn, who loſt it about the yeare .1207.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 To ſatiſfie thoſe that be
deſirous to know what Captaynes were appoynted by the King in dy|uerſe
townes that were yeelded to him, of which we haue made no mention heretofore
but ingene|rall, hereafter follow the
names of the ſayd cap|taynes and townes, as wee finde them in the Chronicles
of Maiſter Hall.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At Crewleye, Sir Henrie
Tanclux an Al|maine.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At Torigny, Sir Iohn
Popham, to whome it was giuen.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At Chamboy the Lord Fitz
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At Vernueil in Perche ſir
Iohn Neuill.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At Eſſay, Sir William
Huddleſton baylyfe of Alanſon.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At Crulye ſir Loys
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At Conde Norean, ſir Iohn
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At Cawdebecke ſir Loys
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At Deepe, William Lorde
Bourchier Erle of Eu.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At Aubemarle, the Earle
of Warwike, and his deputie thereof William Montfort.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At Bell incombre, ſir
Thomas Rampſton Lorde thereof by gyft.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At Longueuille, the
Captall de Beuf or Buz, Erle thereof by gyft.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At Danuille, ſir
Chriſtofer Burden.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At Couches, ſir Robert
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At Chierburg, ſir Iohn
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At Bacqueuille, the Lorde
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At Arques ſir Iames
Fines, baylife of Caux.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At Monceaux ſir Philip
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At Eſtrie Pagny, Richard
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At Sentler Surget,
William Baſſet.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At Bretueil, Sir Henry
Mortimer Baylife of Hunflew.
Compare 1587 edition:
The Duke of B [...]goign: murthered.But nowe to returne where we left, the wyſe
and graue perſonages of the realme of France ſore lamenting and bewayling
the miſerie of theyr Countrey, ſawe they had puyſſaunce ynough to defende
their enimies, if they were of perfite con|cord amongſt themſelues, and
therfore to remoue all rancor and diſpleaſure betwixt the Dolphin, and the
duke of Burgoigne, they procured a new meeting, whiche was appoynted to bee
at Mon|ſtreau on fault Yonne, where the two princes at the day aſſigned met:
but ſuch was the fortune of Fraunce, that the Duke of Burgoigne was there
murthered, as hee kneeled before the Dolphin: wherevpon enſued greater
debate than before. For Philip Erle of Charroloyes, ſonne and heyre to the
ſayde Duke, tooke the matter verye grie|uouſly, as he had no leſſe cauſe,
and determined to be reuenged on the Dolphin, and other that were guiltie of
the murther.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When he had well
conſidered of the matter,Ambaſsadors ſent to King Henry.
Titus Liuius.
and taken aduiſe with his counſayle, he firſt ſent Ambaſſadors to
the king of Englande, then ly|ing at Gyſours, to treate and conclude a truce
betwene them both for a certaine ſpace, that they might talke of ſome
concluſion of agreement.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 King Henrie receyued the
Ambaſſadors ve|ry courteouſly, and graunted that cõmunication might be had
of peace, but vtterly denyed any ab|ſtinence of warre, bycauſe hee woulde
not loſe tyme, if the treatie ſorted not to good effect. Here|vpon hauing
his armie aſſembled at Maunte, he deuided the ſame into three parts,The caſtel of Saint Germ [...] in Lay and Montioyyd|ed to the Eng|liſhmen. appoynting the
Duke of Glouceſter with one part to go vnto the caſtel of S. Germain in Lay,
& to lay ſiege therto
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The duke according to his
cõmiſſion cõming before that caſtel, within a while conſtrayned thẽ
within by continuall ſkirmiſhes and aſſaults to deliuer vp the place into
his hands. An other part of the army was ſent vnto the caſtel of Monti [...]y, which likewiſe by ſuch fierce aſſaults and manful approches as the
Engliſhmen made thereto, was ſhortly giuen ouer and yeelded. The thirde part
of the hoſt went to Meulane, a verie ſtrong town compaſſed aboute with the
ryuer of Seyne, but the King deuiſed to faſten boates and barges to|gither,
and to rere vp certaine frames of timber a|loft on the ſame for defence of
his ſouldiers, that ſhould by that meanes approch the walles, where|with
thoſe that had the towne in keeping were ſo put in feare, that theyr
Captaine was glad to come to a communication, and agreed to deliuer the
towne into the kings hands, if no reſkue came before the .xxx. day of
October next enſuing. On whiche daye, for that no ſuccours appeared, the
Towne (according to the couenantes) was
gy|uen vp into the Kings handes. Sir Thomas Rampſton was made Captaine
there, and after him ſir Iohn Faſtolfe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The king whileſt theſe
places were beſieged,The ſtrong towne of the lan [...] yelded [...] the engliſh [...]
and thus brought vnder his ſubiection, continued for the moſt parte
at Maunt, but yet oftentimes he went forth to viſite his campes, and to ſee
that nothing ſhoulde bee wanting, that might further the ſpeedie diſpatche
of his enterprices.
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 1203Aboute the ſame tyme, there came agayne
Ambaſſadours to him from the Frenche King Charles, and from the Duke of
Burgoigne to treate wyth hym of ſome good concluſion of peace to bee had,
but as yet hee had no ſuche truſt in theyr ſute, but that hee doubted their
meaning, and therefore ceaſſed not to proceede in the wynning of Townes, and
Caſtels, as he hadde done before.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Nowe when Chriſtmaſſe
approched, the King withdrewe to Roan, and there kepte the ſolemnization of
that Feaſt, appoynting in the meane tyme hys men of warre to be occupied as
occaſion ſerued.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Earle of Saliſburie
was ſent to be|ſiege the towne of Freſney,1420 the
which after ſtoute reſiſtance made at the firſt, ſhortly after was
de|liuered to him to the kings vſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Earles Marſhall, and
Huntingdon, ſir Iohn Greene Cornewall,Ann. reg.
ſir Philip Leech, and diuerſe
other, were ſente into the Countrey of Mayne, where not farre from the Citie
of Mans they were encountered by a power of Frenche men, whiche the Dolphin
hadde ſent agaynſte them.
Compare 1587 edition:
A great victo|rie on the Eng+liſh ſide.There was
at the firſt a ſharpe bickering be|twixt them, but in the ende the victorie
remayned with the Engliſhmen, ſo that many of the Frẽch men were ſlaine,
and taken, and the reſidue cha|ſed out of the field. There were ſlaine (as
Tho|mas Walſinghã hath, at the poynt of
fiue thou|ſande, and two hundred taken priſoners, among whom was the Marſhal
de Rous, and dyuerſe o|thers of good account. The two Engliſh Erles remayned
there as Victors, in the Countrey whiche was by the Kyng to them
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Whileſt theſe victorious
exploytes were thus happely atchieued by the Engliſhmen, and that the King
lay ſtill at Roan, in giuing than|kes to Almightie God for the ſame, there
came to him eftſoones Ambaſſadours from
the Frenche King and the Duke of Burgoigne to moue him to peace.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The King mynding not to
be reputed for a deſtroyer of the Countrey, whiche hee coueted to
preſerue,King Henry [...]cendth to [...]
[...]e of [...]eace. or for a cauſer of Chriſtian bloud ſtil to be ſpylt in
hys quarell, beganne ſo to encline and giue eare vnto theyr ſuyt and humble
requeſt, that at length after often ſending to and fro, and that the Biſhop
of Arras, and other men of honor had beene
with him, and likewiſe the Earle of War|wike, and the Biſhop of Rocheſter
hadde beene wyth the Duke of Burgoigne, they both fi|nally agreed vpon
certayne Articles, ſo that the French King and his commons woulde thereto
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Now was the French King
and the Queene with theyr daughter Katherine at Troys in Champaigne gouerned
and ordered by them, which ſo much fauored the Duke of Burgoigne, that they
woulde not for any earthly good, once hynder or pull backe one [...]e of ſuch Articles as the ſame Duke ſhoulde ſeeke to preferre: and
ther|fore what needeth many wordes,A truce tri|perti [...]. a [...]
[...]per|tite was accorded betweene the two kings and the Duke, and theyr
Countreys, and order ta|ken that the king of Englande ſhoulde ſende in the
companie of the duke of Burgoigne his Am|baſſadours vnto Troy [...]s in Champaigne ſuffi|cientlye authoriſed to treate and conclude of ſo
great a matter.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The King of Englande
being in good hope that all his affayres ſhoulde take ſo good ſuc|ceſſe as
he coulde with or deſire,Ambaſſadors from K. Henry to the
Frẽch k. ſent to the Duke of Burgoigne his Vncle, the Duke of
Exceter, the Earle of Saliſburie, the Biſhop of E [...], the Lorde F [...], the Lorde Fitz Hugh, ſir Iohn Robſert, and ſir Philip Hall, with
diuerſe doc|tours to the number of fiue .C. horſe, which in the company of
the Duke of Burgoigne came to the Citie of Troys the .xj. of March.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The king, the Queene, and
the Ladie Kathe|rine them receyued, & hartily welcomed, ſhewing
great ſignes and tokens of loue and amitie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After a few dayes they
fel to counſel,The Articles of the peace concluded
be|twene K. Hẽry and the French king. in which at length it was
concluded, that king Henrie of Englande ſhould come to Troys, and marry the
Ladie Katherine, and the king hir father after his death ſhould make him
heire of hys realm, crown and dignitie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 It was alſo agreed, that
king Henrie during his father in lawes life, ſhoulde in his ſleade haue the
whole gouernment of the realm of France, as regent thereof, wyth many other
couenantes and articles, as after ſhall appeare. To the perfour|maunce
whereof it was accorded, that all the no|bles and eſtates of the realme of
France, as well ſpirituall as temporall, and alſo the Cities and
cõmonalties, Citizens and Burgeſſes of townes that were obeyſant at that
time to the French K. ſhould take a corporall othe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Theſe Articles were not
at the firſte in all poynts brought to a perfect concluſion. But af|ter that
the effect and meaning of them was a|greed vpon by the commiſſioners, the
Engliſh men departed towards the king their maiſter, and left ſir Iohn
Robſert behinde, to giue his atten|dance on the Ladie Katherine.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 King Henry being
enfourmed by them of that which they had done, was well content with the
agreement, and with all diligence prepared to go vnto Troys, and therevpon
hauing all things in a redineſſe, he being accõpanied with his brethren the
dukes of Clarence and Glouceſter, the Erles of Warwik, Saliſbury,
Huntingdon, Eu, Tan|keruile, & Longuile, & .xv.M. men of
warre, went EEBO page image 1204 from Roane to Pontoyſe, and departing from
thence the eight day of May, came to Saint De|nis two leagues from Paris,
and after to Pont+chareton,Tho. VValſ. where he
left a ſtrong garniſon of men, with ſir William Gaicoigne, to kepe the
paſſage, and ſo then entring into Brie,Titus
Liuius. he tooke by the way a Caſtell which was kept agaynſt him,
cauſing them that ſo kept it ſome to bee hanged, and the reſidue to be led
forth with him as priſoners. And after this keeping on his iourney by
Prouins, and Nogent, at length he came to
Troyes. The Duke of Burgoigne accompanyed wyth many Noble men, receyued him
two leagues withoute the towne and conueyed him to his lodging:King Henry commeth to Troyes to the French king. All
his armie was lodged in ſmal villages therabout. And after that he had
repoſed himſelfe a little, he went to viſite the French King, the Queene,
and the Ladie Katherine, whome he founde in Saint Peters Church,King Henry affreth the French kings daughter. where
was a ioyous meeting be|twixt thẽ. And this was on the .xx. day of May,
and there the king of Englande, and the
Ladie Katherine were affianced.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After this the two kings
and their counſaile aſſembled togithers dyuerſe dayes, wherein the firſt
concluded agreement, was in diuerſe poynts altered and brought to a
certaintie, according to the effect aboue mentioned.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When this great matter
was finiſhed, the kinges ſware for their partes to obſerue al the co|uenants
of this league and agreement. Likewiſe the
duke of Burgoigne and a great number of o|ther Princes and Nobles which were
preſent, re|ceiued an othe,Titus Liuius. the tenor
whereof as the Duke of Burgoigne vttered it in ſolẽne wordes, thus en|ſueth
accordingly as the ſame is exemplifyed by Titus Liuius de Fruloxiſijs.
In Latine.
Compare 1587 edition:
Compare 1587 edition:
The oth of the D. of Bur|goigne.
EGo Philippus, Burgundiae dux perme meos ha|redes, ad ſacra dei
Euangelia domino regi Hẽ|rico Angliae, Franciae, pro Car [...]lo rege regenti iuro, quod humiliter ipſi Henrico fideliter
[...]uncti [...] in rebus qua remp. ſpectant & Frãcia coron [...] obe|diemus, & ſtatim poſt mortẽ Caroli dom [...] wyn, domino Herico regi ſuis ſucceſſoribus in perp [...] ligei fideles erimus, nee alium quempiã pro do [...] noſtro ſupremo Franciae rege, quã Henritũ & ſuis
haredes habebimus, ne patiemur. No crem [...] pra|tereae in conſilio vel cõſenſu cuiuſquàm dam [...] re|gis Hẽrici, ſuorum ve ſucceſſorũ, vbi quicquam de|crimeti
patiantur capit is ſ [...]ue mẽbri vel vitã perdãt fed praedicta (quãrũ in nobis
fuerit) quàm tite [...] literis vel nuntijs, vt ſibi melius prouidere valeant, eis
The ſame is engliſhed thus.
Compare 1587 edition:
Compare 1587 edition:
1 I Philip duke of
Burgoigne, for my ſelfe, and for mine heires, do here ſweare vpon the
holy Euangeliſt of God, vnto Henry K. of England, & regẽt of
France for K. Charles, yt we ſhal hũbly & faithfully obey the
ſaid Hẽry in al things which concerne the cõmon welth & crowne
of France, & immediatly after the deceaſe of our ſoueraign L.
king Charles, we ſhal be faithful liegemẽ vnto ye ſaid K. Henry,
& to his ſucceſſors for euer neither ſhal we take or ſuffer any
other for our ſoueraign Lord & ſupreme K of France, but the ſame
Hen|rie & his heires, neither ſhal we be of counſelor cõ|ſent of
any hurt towards the ſaid K. Henry or his ſucceſſors, whereby they may
ſuffer loſſe & detry|mẽt of life or limme, but that the ſame ſo
farre as in vs may lie, wee ſhall ſignifie to them with all ſpeed, by
letters or meſſengers, that they may the better prouide for themſelues in
ſuch caſes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The like othe a great
number of the Princes and Nobles both ſpirituall and temporall which were
preſent, receyued the ſame time.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This done, the Morrow
after Trinitie Sun|day, being the thirde of Iune, the mariage was ſolemnized
and fully cõſummate, betwixt the K. of England, and the ſaid Ladie
[figure appears here on page 1204]
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 1205Herewith was the king of Englande named and proclamed
heyre and Regent of Fraunce, and as the Frenche king ſent the Copie of thys
[figure appears here on page 1205]
treatie to euery towne in Fraunce, to the
king of Englande ſent the ſame in Engliſh
to euery citie and Market towne within his realme, to be pro|claimed and
publiſhed. The true copie whereof as wee finde it in the Chronicle of
maiſter Hall, we haue thought good here to ſet downe, for the more full
ſatiſfying of thoſe that ſhall deſire to pervſe euery clauſe and article
Compare 1587 edition:
1.14.1. The articles and appointments of peace be|twene the realmes
of England and France.
The articles and appointments of peace be|twene the realmes
of England and France.
HEnrie by the grace of God K. of Engl. heire, and regent
of France, lord of Ireland, to per|petuall mind
to chriſten people, & all thoſe that be vnder
our obeyſance,
Compare 1587 edition:
1 we notifie
and declare, that though there hath bin here before diuerſe
treaties betwene the moſt excellent prince Charles our fa|ther
of France and his progenitors, for the peace to be had betwene
the two realmes of France and Englande, the whiche heretofore
haue borne no fruit: we
conſidering the great harmes, the which hath not onely fallen
betwene thoſe two realmes, for the great diuiſion of that hath
beene betweene them, but to all holy Churche: Wee haue taken a
treatie with our ſayde father, in whiche treatie betwixt our
ſayde father and vs, it is concluded and accorded in the forme
after the maner that followeth.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 1
Firſt, it is accorded betwixte our father and vs, that foraſmuch
as by the bond of matrimonie
made for the good of ye peace betwene vs and our moſt deare
beloued Katherine, daughter of oure ſayde father, and of our
moſt deare mother Iſa|bell his wife, the ſame Charles and
Iſabell beene made our father and mother, therfore them as our
father and mother we ſhall haue and worſhip, as it fitteth and
ſeemeth ſo worthie a Prince and Princeſſe, to be worſhipped
principally before all other temporall perſons of the
Compare 1587 edition:
1 2 Alſo
we ſhall not diſtrouble, diſeaſon or lette oure father
aforeſayde, but that hee holde and poſſeede as long as hee
lyueth, as he holdeth and poſſedeth at this tyme, the Crowne and
dignitie royall of Fraunce, and rentes and profites for the
ſame, of the ſuſtenaunce of his eſtate and charges of the
realme. And our foreſayd mother alſo hold as long as ſhee
liueth, the ſtate and dignitie of Queene, after the maner of the
ſame realme, with conuenable conuenient parte of the ſayde
rentes and profites.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 3 Alſo
that the foreſayde Ladie Katherin ſhal take and haue Dower in
our realme of England as Queenes of Englande here a fort were
[...]one for to take and haue, that is to ſay, to the ſ [...]mme of .lx. thouſand Sentes, of the which two alga [...] ſhall be a noble Engliſh.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 4 And
that by the wayes, maners, & meanes that we without
tranſgreſſion or offence of other made by vs, for to ſpeake the
lawes, cuſtomes, vſages and rightes of our ſayde Realme of
Eng|lande, ſhall done one labour and purſu [...]e that the ſayde Katherine all ſo ſoone as it may be done,
be made ſure to take, and for to haue in oure ſayde Realme of
Englande, from the tyme of oure death, the ſayde dower of .xl.
thouſande Sentes yearely, of the whiche [...]ine algate bee worth a noble Engliſh.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 5 Alſo
if it happe the ſayde Katherine to ouer|liue vs, wee ſhall take
and haue the Realme of France immediately, from the tyme of our
death, dower to the ſumme of .xx. thouſande frankes yearely of
and vpon the landes, places and lord|ſhippes that helde and had
Blaunche ſometyme wyfe of Philip Boſecle to our ſayde
Compare 1587 edition:
1 6 Alſo
that after the death of our ſayde father aforeſayde, and from
thence forwarde, the crowne and the realme of Fraunce with all
the ryghtes, and appurtenaunces, ſhall remayne and abyde to vs,
and bene of vs and oure heyres for euer|more.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 7 And
foraſmuche as our ſayd father is with|holden with diuerſe
ſickneſſe, in ſuch maner as he maye not intende in his owne
perſon for to diſ|poſe for the needes of the foreſayde Realme of
Fraunce: therefore during the life of oure fore|ſayde father,
the facultyes and exerciſe of the go|uernaunce and diſpoſition
of the publique and common profite of the ſayd Realme of
Fraunce, with Counſayle, and Nobles, and wife men of the ſame
Realme of Fraunce, ſhall bee and abyde to vs: ſo that from
thenceforth wee may gouerne the fame Realme by vs. And alſo to
admitte to our Counſayle and aſſyſtaunce of the ſayd No|bles
ſuche as wee ſhall thinke meete, the whiche faculties and
exerciſe of gouernaunce thus being toward vs, we ſhall labor
& purpoſe vs ſpeedfully, EEBO page image 1206 diligently,
and truly, to that that may be & ought for to be, to the
worſhip of God, and our ſayd fa|ther and mother, and alſo to the
common good of the ſayde realme, and that realme with the
coun|ſaile and helpe of the worthie and great nobles of the ſame
realme or to be defended, peaſed and go|uerned after right and
Compare 1587 edition:
1 8 Alſo
that we of our owne power ſhal do the court of the Parliament in
France to be kept and obſerued in his authoritie and
ſoueraigntie, and in all that
is done to it in all maner of places that now or in time
comming, is, or ſhall be ſubiect to our ſayd father.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 9 Alſo
we to our power ſhall defend and helpe all & euery of
the Peeres, Nobles, Cities, townes comunalties, and ſingular
perſons, nowe or in time comming, ſubiectes to our father in
theyr rightes, cuſtomes, priuiledges, freedoms, and frã|chiſes,
longing or due to thẽ in al maner of places now or in time
comming ſubiect to our father.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 10
Alſo we diligently and truly ſhall trauaile to our power, and do
that iuſtice be adminiſtred & done in the ſame realme of
France after ye lawes, cuſtomes, & rights of the ſame
realm, without per|ſonall exception. And that we ſhall keepe
& holde the ſubiects of the ſame realme in tranquilitie
and peace, and to our power we ſhall defende them a|gainſt all
maner of violence and oppreſſion.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 11
Alſo we to our power, ſhall prouide, and doe to our power, that
able perſons and profitable bin taken to the offices as well of Iuſtices and other offices,
belonging to the gouernance of the De|maynes, and of other
offices of the ſayde realme of Fraunce, for the good right and
peaceable iu|ſtice of the ſame, and for the adminiſtration that
ſhall be committed vnto them, and that they bee ſuche perſons,
that after the lawes and rightes of the ſame Realme, and for the
vtilitie and pro|fite of oure ſayde father, ſhall miniſter, and
that the foreſayde realme ſhal be taken and departed to
the ſame offices.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 12
Alſo that we of our power, ſo ſoone as it may commodiouſly be
done, ſhall trauaile to put into the obedience of our ſayd
father, all maner of Ci|ties, townes, and caſtels, places,
Countreys, and perſons within the realme of France, diſobedient,
and rebels to our ſaide father, holding with them which been
called the Dolphin or Arminack.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 13
Alſo that we might the more commodiouſ|ly, ſurely and freely
done exerciſe and fulfill theſe things aforeſayd. It is accorded that all worthie nobles and
eſtates of the ſame realme of France, aſwel ſpirituals as
tẽporals, & alſo cities notables &
cõmunalties, & citizens, burgeſſes of townes of the
realm of France, ye bene obeyſant at this time to our ſaid
father, ſhal make theſe othes yt folowẽ.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 14
Firſt to vs hauing the facultie, exerciſe diſ|poſition, and
gouernance of the foreſaid common profite to our heſtes and
commaundements, theſe ſhall meekly and obediently obey and
intend in all maner of things cõcerning the exerciſe of
gouer|nance of the ſame realme.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 15
Alſo that the worthie great nobles & eſtates of the ſaid
realme, aſwel ſpirituals as temporals, and alſo cities and
notable cõmunalties & citizens & burgeſſes of
ye ſame realm in al maner of things wel & truly ſhall
kepe & to their power ſhall doe to be kept of ſo much as
to them belongeth or to any of them, all thoſe things that bene
appoynted and accorded betwene our foreſayd father and mother
and vs, with the counſaile of them whom vs lyfe to call to
Compare 1587 edition:
1 16 And
that cõtinually frõ the death, and after the death of our ſaid
father Charles, they ſhall be our true liegemen, and our heyres,
& they ſhall re|ceiue and admit vs for their liege
& ſoueraigne and very king of Fraunce, and for ſuch to
obey vs wt|out oppoſition, contradiction, or difficultie, as
they ben to our foreſaid father during his life, [...] af|ter this realme of France ſhal obey to mã as [...] or regẽt of Frãce, but to vs & our heires. And
they ſhal not be in counſail, help, or aſſent that we look life
or lym, or be take with euill taking or that we ſuffer, harme,
or diminution in perſon, eſtate, worſhip, or goodes, but if they
knowe any ſuche thing for to be caſt or imagined againſt vs,
they ſhall let it to their power, and they ſhall done vs to
weten thereof, as haſtily as they may by them|ſelfe, by meſſage,
or by letters.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 17
Alſo that all maner of conqueſts that ſhuld be made by vs in
Fraunce vpon the ſaide inobedi|ents, out of the duchy of
Normandy, ſhalbe done to the profit of our ſaid father,
& that to our power we ſhal do that al maner of lãds
& lordſhips that bene in the places ſo for to be
conquered, longing to perſons obeying to our foreſaide father
which ſhal ſwere for to kepe this preſent accord, ſhall be
reſtored to the ſame perſons to whõ they long to.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 18
Alſo that all maner of perſons of the holye Church, beneficed in
the duchie of Normandie, or any other places in the realme of
Fraunce, ſubiect to our father, and fauoring the partie of the
dukes of Burgoigne, which ſhall ſweare to keepe this preſent
accorde, ſhall reioyce peaceably theyr be|nifices of holy Church
in the duchie of Norman|die, or in other places next
Compare 1587 edition:
1 19
Alſo likewiſe al maner of perſons of holye church, obedient to
vs & beneficed in the realme of Frãce, & places
ſubiect to our father, yt ſhal ſweare to kepe this preſẽt
acord ſhal inioy peaceably their benefices of holy church in
places next aboueſayd.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 20
Alſo that all maner of Churches vniuerſi|ties and ſtudies
general, and all colledges of ſtu|dies & other colledges
of holy church being in pla|ces now or in time comming ſubiect
to our father or in ye duchy of Nor. or other places in ye
realme EEBO page image 1207 Fraunce ſubiect to vs ſhall enioy
their rights and poſſeſſions, rents, prerogatiues, liberties,
& fran|chiſes, longing or due to them in any maner of
wiſe in the ſaid realm of France, ſauing the right of the crowne
of France, and euery other perſon.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 21
Alſo by Gods helpe, when it happeneth vs to come to the crowne
of Fraunce, the Duchie of Normandie and all other places
conquered by vs in the realme of Fraunce, ſhall bow vnder the
cõ|maundement, obeyſance and Monarchie of the crowne of France.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 22
Alſo that we ſhal force vs, & do to our power that
recompence be made by our ſaid father with|out diminution of the
crowne of Fraunce to per|ſons obeying to him, & fauoring
to that partie yt is ſaid Burgoigne, to whõ longeth landes,
lord|ſhips, rents, or poſſeſſions in ye ſaid duchie of
Nor+mandie, or other places in the realme of Fraunce, conquered
by vs hither toward, giuẽ by vs in pla|ces, & lands
gotten or to be gotten, & ouercome, in the name of our ſaid father vpon rebels
& inobedi|ents to him. And if ſo be that ſuch maner of
recõ|pence be not made to the ſaid perſons, by the life of our
ſaid father, we ſhall make that recompence in ſuch maner
& places, of goods when it hapneth by Gods grace to the
crowne of France. And if ſo be that the lands, lordſhips, rentes
or poſſeſſions, the which lõgeth to ſuch maner of perſons in
the ſaid duchy & places be not giuen by vs, the ſame
perſõs ſhalbe reſtored to them without any delay.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 23 And
during the life of our father, in al places now or in time
cõming ſubiect to him, letters of cõmon iuſtice, &
alſo grants of offices and giftes, pardons or remiſſions,
& priuiledges ſhalbe writ|ten and proceed vnder the name
& ſeale of our ſaid father. And foraſmuch as ſome
ſingular caſe may fall, that may not be forſeene by mans wit, in
the which it might be neceſſarie & behouefull, that we
do write our letters, in ſuch maner caſe if any ha [...] for the good and ſuretie of our father, and for the
gouernance that longeth to
vs, as is beforeſayd, & for to eſchewen perils that
otherwiſe might fal, to ye preiudice of our ſayd father, to
write our letters, by the which we ſhal cõmaund, charge,
& defende after the nature & qualitie of the
neede, in our fa|thers behalfe and ours as Regent of France.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 24
Alſo that during our fathers life, wee ſhall not call nor write
vs king of Fraunce, but verily we ſhall abſteyne vs from that
name, as long as our father liueth,
Compare 1587 edition:
1 25
Alſo that our ſayd father during his life ſhal nempe, call, and
write vs in Frenche in this ma|ner. Noſtr [...]
[...]reſchier filz Henry Rey & Engleterre [...]re [...]re de Fraunce. And in Latine in this manie.
[...]riſsimus filius noſter [...]ri [...] rex Angl [...]
[...] hares, Franciae.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 26
Alſo that we ſhall put none impoſitions at+tractions, or do
charge the ſubiectes of our ſayde father without cauſe
reaſonable and neceſſary, [...] otherwiſe than for common good of the realme of Fraunce,
and after the ſaying and aſking of the lawes and cuſtomes
reaſonable approued of the ſame realme.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 27
Alſo that we ſhall trauaile to our power to the effect and
intent, that by the aſſent of the three eſtates of either of the
realmes of France & Eng|land, that all maner of
obſtacles may be done a|way, & in this partie, that it
be ordeyned & proui|ded, that frõ the time that we or
any of our heires come to be crowne of France, both the crownes,
that is to ſay of Fraunce & England perpetually be
togither in one and in the ſame perſon, that is to ſay, from our
fathers life to vs, & from the term of our life thence
forwarde in the perſons of oure heyres, that ſhall bee one after
another, and that both realmes ſhall be gouerned from that wee
or any of our heyres come to the ſame, not ſeuerally vnder
diuerſe kings in one time, but vnder the ſame perſon whiche for
the time ſhall bee king of both the realmes, and our ſoueraigne
Lorde (as it is before ſayd,) keeping neuertheleſſe in all maner
of other things to eyther of the ſame Realmes, theyr rightes,
libertyes, cuſtomes, vſages, and lawes, not making ſubiect in
any maner of wiſe one of the ſame realmes to the rights, lawes,
or v|ſages of that other.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 28
Alſo that thence forwarde, perpetually, ſhall be ſtill reſt, and
that in all maner of wiſe, diſſenti|ons, hates, rancours, enuies
and warres, betwene the ſame realmes of Fraunce and Englande,
and the people of the ſame realmes, drawing to accord of the
ſame peace, may ceaſſe and be broken.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 29
Alſo that there ſhal be frõ henceforward for euermore, peace
and tranquilitie, and good accord and cõmon affection,
& ſtable friendſhip betwene the ſaid realmes, and their
ſubiects beforeſaid: the ſame realms ſhal kepe themſelues with
their coũ|ſaile, helpes, and common aſſyſtence againſt all
maner of men that enforce them for to doen or to y [...]gin wrõgs, harms, diſpleaſures, or grieuãces to them or
either of them. And they ſhalbe cõuer|ſant and marchandiſen
freely and ſurely togither, paying the cuſtom due and
accuſtomed. And they ſhal be conuerſant alſo, that all the
confederates & alies of our ſayd father and the realme
of Fraunce aforeſayd, and alſo our confederates of the realme of
England aforeſayd, ſhall in .viij. Monethes frõ the time of
t [...] accord of peace, as it is notified to them, declare by
their letters, that they will draw to this accorde, and will bee
comprehended vnder the treaties and accorde of this peace,
ſauing ne|uertheleſſe eyther of the ſame crownes, and alſo all
maner actions, rightes & reuenues, that longen to our
ſayd father and his ſubiect [...]s, and ſo vs and our ſubiectes, againſt all maner of ſuch
allies and confederates.
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 120830 Alſo neither our father, neither our
brother the duke of Burgoine ſhall begin, ne make wyth Charles,
cleping himſelf the Dolphin of Viennes, any treatie, or peace,
or accord, but by counſel and aſſent of all & eche of vs
three, or of other the three eſtates of either of the ſaide
realmes aboue named.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 31
Alſo that we with aſſent of our ſayde bro|ther of Burgoigne, and
other of the nobles of the realme of Fraunce, the which thereto
owen to be called, ſhal ordeyne for the gouernance of our ſaid
father ſekerly, louingly,
and honeſtly after the aſ|king of his royall eſtate and
dignitie, by the ma|ner that ſhall be to the worſhip of God, and
of our father, and of the realme of Fraunce.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 32
Alſo all maner of perſons, that ſhall bee a|bout our father to
do him perſonal ſeruice, not on|ly in office, but in all other
ſeruices, aſwel the no|bles & gentles as other, ſhall be
ſuch as hath beene borne in the realm of France, or in places
longing to Fraunce, good, wiſe, true and able to that fore|ſayd
ſeruice. And our ſaide
father ſhall dwell in places notable of his obedience, and no
where elſe. Wherefore we charge and commaunde our ſayd liege
ſubiects, and other being vnder our obedience that they keepe
and doe to be kept in all that lon|geth to them, this accorde
& peace after the forme and maner as it is accorded. And
that they at|tempt in no maner wiſe, any thing yt may be
pre|iudiciall or contrarie to the ſame accorde & peace,
vpon payne of life and lymme, and all that they may forfeyte agaynſt vs.
Yeuen at Troes, the xxx. day of May .1420. and
proclamed in Lon|don the .xx. day of Iune.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 33
Alſo that we for the things aforeſayde, and euery one of
them, ſhall giue our aſſent by our let|lers patents, ſealed
with our ſeale vnto our ſayde father, with all approbation
and confyrmation of vs, and all other of our bloud royall,
and all other of the Cities and townes to vs obedient. Sealed
with our ſeales accuſtomed. And further oure ſayde father beſydes hys letters
Patentes ſealed with oure greate Seale, ſhall make or cauſe
to bee made Letters approbatorie, and confyrma|tions of the
Peeres of his Realme, and of the Lordes, Citizens, and
Burgeſſes of the ſame vnder hys obedience. All whiche
Articles, wee haue ſworne to keepe vppon the holye
Compare 1587 edition:
Tho. VValſ.The .xiiij. of Iune being Fryday, there
was a ſolemne Proceſſion at London, and a Sermon at Paules Croſſe, in whiche the Preacher openly declared
the effect of the kings maryage, and the articles cõcluded vpon the ſame,
by reaſon wher|of (he ſayd) there muſt be a new great ſeale deuiſed, and the
olde broken, and in the newe the kings name with a newe addition of his
tytle as Re|gent of Fraunce, & heyre apparant of that king|dome was
to be engraued.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Beſide the league thus
concluded by K. Hen|rie with the French king,A l [...]gue be|tweene king Henry and the Duke of Burgoigne. and the
whole [...] of the realme of France, there was a priuate league accorded betwixt
him and the Duke of Burg [...] the effect whereof was comprehended in articles as followeth.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Firſt, that the duke of
Burgoigne ſhould pro|cure this peace lately before concluded, to be
ob|ſerued firme and ſtable in all couenants & poynts therof ſo farre
as he by any meanes might [...] the ſame: in conſideration wherof, one of the bre|thren of king henry
ſhould take to wife one of the ſaid duke of Burgoigne his ſiſters. That K.
Hẽ|rie ſhould euer haue in ſingular fauor the ſaid D. of Burgoigne, as his
moſt dere brother, & ſupport him in all his rights. That the ſaid
duke after the deceaſſe of king Charles ſhuld take an othe of [...]|altie to be true to king Henrie & his heyres accor|ding to
the forme & tenor therof before expreſſed, & ſhuld in al
things be friend to k. H. & his heires for|euer. That k. Henry ſhuld
do his vttermoſt ende|uor, that due puniſhment might bee had for the murther
of Duke Iohn, father to the ſayd Duke of Burgoigne, aſwell vpon Charles that
named himſelfe Dolphin, as vpon others that were guil|tie and priuie to that
murther: If the ſayd Dol|phin chanced to be takẽ, either in battail or town
beſieged, or if any other chanced ſo to be taken, that ſhould be proued
guiltie or priuie to the mur|ther of the ſayd duke Iohn, he ſhould not be
deli|uered without iuſt puniſhment for his deches, nor without the cõſent
of the two kings Charles and Henrie, & of the three eſtates of both
the realmes. In conſideration of the great diligence, and pain|full trauaile
ſuſteyned by the duke of Burgoigne, it was alſo agreed, that he ſhould haue
by Pa [...] graunted of king Charles and Queene Iſabella fee of .xx. thouſand
pounds Pariſien, of yerely re|uenues, aſſigned forth neare to the confines
of his Countrey, to enioy the ſame to him and to hys wyfe the Duches Michel,
and to the heires [...] betwixt them two lawfully begotten, to the ob|teyning whereof, king
Henry ſhould ſhew all hys furtherance, & if it might not be brought
to paſſe till king Henrie had obteyned the Crowne of Fraunce, then ſhould
hee ſee the ſame perfor [...], vpon the receyuing of his homage.
Compare 1587 edition:
3 The king of Englande
after all the articles of the ſaid treaties and agreements were
concluded,The effect of King Hen [...] Oration to [...] French king. paſſed & ſworne vnto, made to the
French K. the duke of Burgoigne, & other the French Lordes, a
ſumptuous banquet, & before they departed frõ the ſame, he ſadly
and ſoberly made to thẽ a eight pi|thie and ſentẽtious oration, declaring
to thẽ [...]o [...] how profitable the ioyning of the two kingdomes ſhoulde bee to the
ſubiectes of the ſame, [...] the right that hee had thereto, being by ly [...]all diſent of the womans ſide, (which is the [...],) EEBO page image 1209 rather a Frenchman than an Engliſhman, and
though he was an Engliſhman borne, yet he aſ|ſured them to tender the wealth
of the Realme of France, as much as he would the aduancement of his owne
natiue Countrey of England: here|with, hee inueyghed againſte Charles the
Dol|phin, being the head and onely mainteyner of all the ciuil diſcord,
whoſe wicked nature, and cruel diſpoſition, did wel appeare in the murther
of the late Duke of Burgoigne, he therfore willed thẽ, according to their duetie, othe, and agreement, to ſtand
with him, and help to reduce ſuche a ſtub|borne and diſloyall ſonne, vnto
the obeyſance of his father K. Charles, that hee might ſhew him|ſelfe
conformable vnto ſuche orders and decrees, as they had taken, appointed, and
agreed vpon: and for his parte, he promiſed to worſhippe, loue, and honor
his father in lawe ye ſaid K. Charles, in place of his owne father,
according to the true meaning of this concorde and agreemente, tru|ſting
the ſame to bee a peace finall. And to
con|clude, he promiſed, that if they ſhewed thẽſelues true and loyall to
him, according to the ſame a|greement, the Ocean Sea ſhould ſooner ceaſſe to
flow, and the bright ſunne loſe his light, than he woulde deſiſt from doing
that whiche became a Prince to do to his ſubiect, or a father to his
na|turall child. When hee had thus perſwaded the nobilitie, and diſpatched
his buſineſſe at Troies, he with all his armie, hauing with him the frẽch
King,It was rendred
vp the tenth of Iune. Titus Liuius. Se [...]s & Mon|ſtreau beſie|ged and taken The ſiege was layde the
.xvi. [...]ne. and the Duke of Burgoigne, departed frõ thence the
fourth of Iune, and vpon the ſeuenth day of the ſame moneth, came before the
towne of Sens in Burgoigne, which held on the Dol|phins part, but after four
days ſiege; it was yeel|ded vnto the King, and there he made Captaine, the
Lord Genuille. From thence, hee remoued to Monſtreaw on fault Yonne, which
towne was taken on the three and twentith day of Iune, by aſſault, and many
of the Dolphins part appre|hended, before
they could get to the Caſtell.
Compare 1587 edition:
14 Whileſt ye ſiege lay there, and before ye towne was entred, the
Duke of Bedforde came thither vnto the K. bringing with him a faire retinue
of Souldiers out of England. After the getting of the Towne, the Caſtell
being well vittelled and manned, denyed to render, and therefore was it
enuironed with a ſtrong ſiege, during ye which, the Duke
of Burgoigne was enformed, in what place of the towne the Duke his father
was buried, who was slaine there (as
before you haue heard) and now his corps was taken vp againe by his sonnes
appointmente, and seared, and so conueighed vnto Digeon in high Burgoigne,
& there buryed by his father D. Phillip. Bycause they within the
Castell of Monstreaw, gaue opprobius words to the kings Herrault that was
sente vnto them, the King caused a gibet to bee set vp before the Castell,
on the which were hanged twelue prisoners, all Gentlemen, and friendes to
the Captaine named Mons. de Guitrie, who at length, perceiuing that by no
meanes he could be ſuccoured, and fearing to be taken by force, begã to
treate with the King of Englande, who for the ſpace of eight dayes would
hearken to none of his offers, but in concluſion, hee and his ren|dred
themſelues ſimply, their liues only ſaued,It held not out
ſo lõg as ſhuld appere by Ti|tus Liuius, who ſaith, that it was rendred
the fourth of Iulye. Melun beſie|ged by kyng Henry. ſixe weekes
after they had bin beſieged. The erle of Warwike was made Captaine, both of
the Towne and Caſtell, who fortified it with men, munition, and vittailes.
The King departing from thence, came to Melun vppon Seine, the thirtenth day
of Iuly, and beſieged it rounde a|bout, hauing then in company with him ye
french King, and the yong King of Scottes, the dukes of Burgoigne, Clarence,
Bedford, Glouceſter, & Bar, the Prince of Orange, and one and
twen|tie Earles, beſides Lords, Barons, and knights, equall to Lordes in
degree, to the number of 57. what of England and Frãce,Eighteene we|kes haue the Chronicles of Flaunders. Titus
and beſide alſo fifteene maiſter ſouldiers. This ſiege continued the
ſpace almoſt of ſeauen monethes, or as Tho|mas Walſ. hathe, fourteene
weekes, and foure days, with ſkirmiſhing, ſcaling, aſſaulting, and
defending, to the loſſe no doubt of both partes.Monſieur
de Barbaſon a va|liant captaine. Captain of this towne, was one
Monſ. de Bar|baſon, a Gaſcoigne of ſuche experience and ap|proued vahã [...]t in warres, that his renowne was ſpred through the world. At the
firſt laying of the ſiege, he called all the Souldiers there in garri|ſon,
and likewiſe the towneſmen afore him, and warned them all on paine of
deathe, that none of them ſhould bee ſo hardie, as to treate, or once to
motion any word of ſurrendring the towne, or of comming to any compoſition
or agreemẽt with the two kings, except they made him being their Captaine,
priuie thereto, before they attẽp|ted any ſuch thing. In the meane ſeaſon,
ye frẽch Queene, the Queene of England, and the Du|ches of Burgoine, lying
at Corheill, came dy|uers times to viſit their huſbãds, and to ſee theſe
friendes, whome the King of Englande highly feaſted, & louingly
enterteined, that euery crea|ture reported great honor of him.Titus Liuius This Towne of Melun ſeemed very ſtrong,
both by reaſon of the riuer of Saine, which compaſſed part therof, alſo he
ſtrong walles, [...]rrers ditches, and bul|w [...]ckes made about it. The K. therefore to take away all the [...] & entries from them within, made [...]bridge ouer the riuer, able to beare hor|ſes and carriage and againe,
appointed dyuers boares, [...]ſhed with men of warre, to keepe the ſ [...]reathe, ſo yt they [...]hin ſhould haue no way is co [...]e [...] by water or la [...] yet one day, the French [...] forth, and affected ye Eng|liſh [...]gings, [...] the [...]
EEBO page image 1210 encamped on the Eaſt ſide of the towne, not far from the
D. of Burgoigne, but by the valiaunt prowes & manly courage of the
Engliſhmen, the enimies were eaſily beaten backe, and conſtrey|ned to retire
into the Towne againe, with theyr loſſe. Heere is to be remembred, that
during thys ſiege before Melun, there came to the K. the D. of Bauiere,The duke of Ba [...]ere com|meth to king Henry with a number of horſemen. ye
kings brother in law, but the kings ſiſter that had bin married to him, was
not then liuing, and brought with him ſeuen hundred wel appointed horſemẽ, which were reteined to ſerue the K.
and right worthely they bare themſelues, and therefore moſt liberally
recompenced at the kings hande, for the time they continued in hys ſeruice.
The K. enforced this ſiege by all wayes & meanes poſſible, to bring
the towne into ſubie|ction, as well by mines as otherwiſe, but they within
ye towne ſo valiantly behaued thẽſelues, as well by coũtermines, whereby
at length they entred into ye kings mines, as by other wayes of reſiſtaunce, that by force of aſſaultes it was not
thought any eaſie matter to winne the ſame. It fortuned one day,The tranſlator of Tit. Liuius. that whileſt ther roſe
a cõten|tion betwixt two Lords of the kings hoſt, who ſhould haue the honor
to goe firſt into ye mine, to encounter with ye frẽchmen, yt now had
brought their mine through into ye engliſh mines, & made barriers
betwixte, that they might ſafely come & ſight with the Engliſhmen:
the K. to auoide the ſtrife,K. Henry and Monfire
Bar|baſon fighte hand to hand. entred the mine himſelfe firſt of
all other, & by chance, came to
fight hande to hand with the L. Barbaſon, that was likewiſe entred ye myne
before all other of them within the towne, & after
[figure appears here on page 1210]
they had fought a good ſeaſon togither, at
lẽgth they agreed to diſcouer to eyther
other their names, ſo as ye L. Barbaſon, firſt declaring what he was, ye
K. likewiſe tolde him, that he was the K. of England, wherevppon. Barbafon
percey|uing with whome he had fought cauſed ye barro|ces forth with to be
cloſed, and withdrew into ye Citie, & the K. returned backe to his
campe. At length, vittailes within the to [...] began to faile, & peſtilence began to waxe hote, ſo that the
Lord Barbaſon began to treate, and in concluſion, a|boue the middes of
Nouember (as Fabian ha [...] the towne was yeelded vpon certaine conditiõs,It
was [...]|dred about all [...]l [...]ide, as Tho. Wal [...]
[...]o [...]. Mel [...] yelded vp to K. Henry whereof one was, that all yt were
conſenting to the death of ye D. of Burgoigne, ſhoulde be dely|uered to ye
K. of England, of whom the L. Bar|baſon was ſuſpected to be one. The K.
ſente them vnder the conduct of his brother the D. of Cla|rence, to the
Citie of Paris, whereof ye french K. made him Captaine, & ſo at his
cõming thither, he toke poſſeſſiõ of ye Baſtill of S. Anthonie, the
Loure, ye houſe of Neelle, & the place of Boys de Vincennes.Titus Liuius. Monſ. de Barbaſon was accuſed by the D.
of Burgoigne, and his ſiſters as giltie to their fathers death, but he in
open Court defen|ded himſelfe, as not giltie of that crime, granting indeede
and cõfeſſing, yt he was one of ye familiar ſeruants to the Dolphin, but
yt he was priuie of cõſenting to ye death of the D. of Burgoigne he
vtterly denied: where vpon, he was not condem|ned, neither yet acquited, by
reaſon of ſuche pre|ſumptions & coniectures as were alledged and
brought againſt him, ſo yt he remained in priſon at Paris & elſe
where, ye ſpace of nine yeres, til at length, beeing broughte vnto Caſtel
Galliard, it chanced yt the ſame Caſtell was won by thoſe of the Dolphins
partie, & he being as then priſoner there, eſcaped out of danger,
& ſo by that meanes was ſet at libertie, as after ſhall
appeare.Now this Ap|peale. Some write, yt he
had bin put to death, if he had not ap|pealed from K. Henries ſentence, vnto
the iudge|ment of ye officers at armes, alledging, that by ye lawe of
armes, no man hauing his brother in armes within his danger, afterwardes
ought in put him to deathe for any cauſe or quarell, & that he was
the kings brother in armes he proued it, for yt he had fought with him hãd
to hand with|in ye mines (as before ye haue heard) which com|bate was
thought of equall force by the Heraults as if he had fought wt the K. body
to body, th [...] ſolemne liſtes. But for ye credite of this mother, we leaue it to
ye cõſideration of ye Readers. The erle of Hũtingeõ, was made Captaine
of Melũ, & from thence, ye K. departed with his army vnto E [...]rbeil, where ye french K. & the two Queene then ſo iourned,
& after, both ye kings accompa|nied wt the dukes of Bedford,
Burgaine, Con|teſtor, & Exeter, & the Erles of Warwike
& Sa|liſburie, wt a great nũber of noble mẽ & knights,
ſet forth towards Paris, whome the Citizens [...] good order met without the gates,King Henry [...] receiued in a Paris. & the Clergie alſo wt ſolemne
proceſſiõ: all the [...]tes wer hã|ged with rich clothes, the two kings rode togy|ther (the
K. of England giuing ye vpper hand [...] his father in lawe) through ye great Citie of Pa|ris, to our Lady
Church, where after they hadde ſaide their deuotions, they departed to their
lod|gings, EEBO page image 1211 the french K. to ye houſe of S.
Paule, and ye K. of Englãd to ye Caſtel of Loure. The next day, the two
Queenes made their entrie, & were receiued with like ſolemnities, as
their huſbands were ye day before. During ye ſeaſon yt theſe two Kings
lay in Paris, there was a great aſſemble called, as wel of ye ſpiritualtie,
as of the nobles of ye tẽporaltie, in ye whiche, the kings ſate as
Iud|ges,The duches of Burgoigne hir appeal [...]. before whom, the Duches of Burgoigne, by hir proctor,
appealed the Dolphin, & ſeuen other, for the murther of D. Iohn hir huſband. To the which appeale, the
counſell of ye other part made diuers offers of amẽds, as wel of
foundations of Chãtries for prieſts, to pray for ye foule, as recõ|pence
of money to the widowe & children, for the final determination
wherof, ye kings to take fur|ther aduice therein, appointed another day. At
this ſame time, ye three eſtates of the Realme of France aſſembled at
Paris,The othe of the three eſta|tes of France.
& there euery perſon ſeuerally ſware vpõ the holy Euãgeliſt, to
kepe, ſupport, mainteine, & defend
the treatie and finall accord, which was concluded betweene the two kings,
& therto euery noble mã, ſpirituall gouer|nor, & tẽporal
ruler, ſet too their ſeales, which in|ſtrumẽts wer ſent to ye kings
treaſurie of his Eſ|chequer at Weſt. ſafely to be kept, wher they yet
remaine. The french K. at ye ſame time, being in good & perfect
ſtate of health, opẽly there in Par|liamẽt declared, yt the peace was
cõcluded, accor|ded, & made by his free aſſent, & with ye
aduice of al ye counſell of France,
& that he woulde for hys owne part, & that his ſucceſſors
ought for theyr parts, obſerue & keepe ye ſame, with al the
articles therin cõteined. And likewiſe, that al his ſubiects were bound for
euer, to obſerue & keepe the ſame, without breaking or doing any
thing preiudici|al therto. During the time yt the two kings thus ſoiourned
in Paris, the french king kept a ſmall port, very few, & thoſe of
ye meaner ſort reſorting vnto his Court, but the K. of Englãd kept ſuch
a ſolemne ſtate, wt ſo plẽtifull an
houſe, & ſhewed himſelfe ſo bountiful in giftes, & ſetting
forth of warlike ſhewes & princely paſtimes, that all the noble mẽ
& other reſorted to his palace, to ſee his eſtate, & to do
him honor. He toke vpõ him as re|gẽt of France,King
Henrye taketh vppon him the office o [...] Regent of France. to redreſſe cauſes, remoue officers,
reforme things yt were amiſſe, and cauſed a newe coigne to be made, called
a Salute, wherin were ye armes of France, & the armes of England
and Frãce quarterly ſtamped. Alſo, to ſet al things in quiet, he cõſtituted ſir Gilbert Vmfreuile Cap|tain of
Melũ, wt a good nũber of valiant Soul|diers, to remaine there in
garriſon, & the Earle of Hũtingtõ, couſin germaine to the K. was
depu|ted Captaine at Blois de Vincenes, & the Duke of Exeter, wt
fiue C. men of warre, was aſſigned to keepe Paris. The D. of Bauier about
ye ſame time, wt the kings licence, departed into his coũ|trey, both he
& his retinue, receiuing large giftes of ye kings greate
liberalitie, and amongſt other things, the K. gaue to him a cup of golde,
garni|ſhed & ſet with pretidus ſtones of great price and value.
Moreouer, he had a penſiõ giuen him of a M. markes by yere, vnder the kings
letters pat|tents, to be had & receiued of ye kings free &
liberal grant, during the life of the ſaid Duke.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 When the King had thus
ordred his buſines, he wt the Q. his wife, the princes, & nobles of
the Realme departed frõ Paris ye ſixth of Ianuarie,1421 & came to Rouen, but firſt before his departing, he
cauſed proces to be made & awarded forth a|gainſt Charles ye
Dolphin, cõmanding him to appeare at the marble table at Paris, where for
lacke of appearance, hee was with al ſolemnitie in ſuch caſe requiſite,
denoũced giltie of ye mur|ther & homicide of Iohn D. of Burgoigne,
& by the ſentence of Parliament, baniſhed the realme: but ye
Dolphin withdrew into Languedoc, and after to Poictiers, getting to him ſuch
friends as he could, & namely, he found ye erle of Arminacke very
faithfull to him, not only aiding him with men, but alſo in his owne perſon,
he continually ſerued him againſt all his aduerſaries. The K. of England
comming to Roane, ſoiourned there a certain time, & receiued ye
homage of all ye nobles of Normãdie, amõgſt whom, ye erle of Stafford
did homage for ye countie of Perche,Theſe Coun|ties they
en|ioyed of the kings gift. and Arthur of Britaigne lykewiſe for
the countie of Ivrie,
Compare 1587 edition:
3 He alſo ordeined his
Lieutenaunt generall, both of France & Normandy, his brother Tho. D.
of Clarence, & his deputie in Normãdy was the Erle of Saliſburie.
Whẽ the feaſt of Chriſt|mas was paſſed, hee departed frõ Roane, wt the Q.
his wife, & by Amiens came to Calais, wher he tooke ſhip the morow
after Candlemas day,He landed at Douer on Cã|delmaſſe
euen ſayeth Tho. Walſingham. & landed at Douer, &
came to Canterburie, & from thẽce to Eltham, & ſo through
Londõ to Weſt. I paſſe ouer to write what ioy & triumph was ſhewed
by the Citizens of Londõ,K. Henry re|turneth into
England with his new wyfe. and of al other his ſubiectes in euery
place where he came. The King hymſelfe to render vnto God hys moſt humble
and hartie thankes, cauſed ſolemne pro|ceſſions to be obſerued and kept fiue
dayes togy|ther in euery Citie and towne. After that done,Tho. Walſing. ſaith, ſhe was crowned the firſt Sunday in Lent, whiche
that yeare fell vpon the ninth of February. The coronati|on of Queene
Catherine. he made great pu [...]ueyance for the coronation of his Q. & ſpouſe, the faire Lady
Katherine, whi|che was done the daye of S. Mathie, beeing the 24. of
February, with all ſuch Ceremonies and princelyke ſolemnitie as apperteined,
and as in ye Chronicles of Robert Fabian is at large expreſ|ſed. After the
ſolemne feaſt of the Coronation once ended, the King as well to viſit
certayne places for deuotion, by way of pilgrimage, as al|ſo to ſee in what
ſtate and ord [...]r diners parts of his Realm ſtoode, departed from the Q. appoin|ting
day and place where ſhe ſhould meete hym, EEBO page image 1212 and ſo
iourneyed forthe from place to place, tho|rough ſundry Countreys, as well of
Wales as Englande, and in euery quarter where he came, hee heard with
diligent eare the complaintes of ſutors,Iuſtice
mini|ſtred by kyng Henry in pro|greſſe. & tooke order for
the adminiſtration of iu|ſtice both to high and lowe, cauſing manie
myſ|demeanors to be reformed. At length he came to the town of Leyceſter,
where he foũd the Quene according to the appointment before taken.
Compare 1587 edition:
An. reg. 9.
Heere at Leiceſter, he held the feaſt of Eaſter: but while theſe things wer thus adoing in Eng|land, the
D. of Clarence, the Kings Lieutenant in France and Normandie, aſſembled
togither all the garriſons of Normandie, at the Towne of Bernay, and from
thence departed into ye coũ|trey of Maine, and at Pont le Gene he paſſed
the riuer of Yonne, and rode through all the Coun|trey to Lucie,The duke of Clarence made a roade into Aniow. where
he paſſed the riuer of Loire, and entred into Aniou, and came before the
Ci|tie of Angiers, where he made many Knightes, that is to ſay, ſir William Ros, ſir Henry God|dard, Sir
Rowlande Rider, ſir Thomas Beau|fort, called the baſtard of Clarence, and
diuers o|ther and after that hee had forrayed, brente, and ſpoiled the
countrey, hee returned with pray and pillage, to the towne of Beaufort, in
the valley, where he was aduertiſed, that a great number of his enimies,
Frenchmen, Scottes, Spanyards, and other, were aſſembled togither, at a
place called Viell Bauge, that is, olde Bangie,Viel Bauge
or Bangie. with the Duke of Alanſon, calling hymſelfe Lieute|nant
generall for the Dolphin. The D. of Cla|rence had a Lombard reſorting vnto
him,Forguſa, a Lumbard, be|trayeth the duke of
Cla|rence. retei|ned with the parte aduerſe (his name was An|drewe
Forguſa) of whome the Duke enquired the number of his enimies, to whome he
repor|ted, that their number was but ſmall, and not of puiſſance to match
with halfe the power of hys ſtrong armye, entiſing him with aſſurance of
victorie, to ſet on the Frenchmẽ. The Duke like a couragious Prince,
aſſembled togither all the horſemen of the army, and left the archers vnder
the guiding of the baſtard of Clarence, and two Portingales, Captaines of
Frefney le Vicount, ſaying, that he onely and the nobles would haue ye
honor of that iourney. Whẽ the D. was paſ|ſed a certaine ſtraight and
narrow paſſage, he e|ſpied his enimies raunged in good order of bat|tell, by
the monition of the Lombard, which had ſold him to his enimies, and his
aduerſaries had laid ſuch buſhments at the ſtraights, that ye duke by no
waies without battell, coulde either retire or flee. The Engliſhmen ſeing
this, valiantly ſet on their enimies, which was four to one,The Engliſh|men diſco [...]|ted. by rea|ſon wherof, at length the Engliſhmen were
op|preſſed with multitude, & brought to confuſion.
[figure appears here on page 1212]
Compare 1587 edition:
The duke of Clarence and dyuers nobles of Englande
ſlayne.There were ſlaine, the Duke of Clarence, the Earle of
Tankeruile, the Lord Ros, ſir Gilberte Vmfreuile Earle of Angus, and ſir
Iohn Lom|ley, Sir Robert Verend, and
almoſt two thou|ſand Engliſhmen: and the Earles of Somerſet, Suffolke, and
Perche, the Lorde Fitz Water, ſir Iohn Barkeley, ſir Raufe Neuile, Sir
Henrye Inglis, ſir William Bowes, ſir William Log|ton, ſir Thomas Borough,
and diuers other ta|ken priſoners. And of the Frenchmen wer ſlaine aboue
twelue hundred of the beſt men of warre they had, ſo that they gained not
much. The ba|ſtard of Clarence which tarried at Beaufort, be|ing enformed of
the great number of the Frẽch|men, made forward with al the archers, to
come to the ſuccoure of the Duke, but they came too late, for the Frenchmẽ
hearing of the approching of the archers, fledde with their priſoners, and
lefe the body of the Duke, and other the dead car|caſes behind them. The
archers buried them all ſauing the Dukes corps, whiche with great
ſo|lemnitie was ſent into England, and buried at EEBO page image 1213
Canterburie beſide his father. After this, ye Eng|liſhmen brent &
ſpoiled the Countrey of Maine, and ſo returned to Alanſon, and after
departed euery man to his garriſon. This battell was ſought on Eaſter euen,
in the yeare .1421. But now to returne to the king. After he had kept his
Eaſter at Leiceſter, hee with the Queene remo|ued, and wente Northwarde,
till they came to Yorke, where they were receiued with great ioy of the
Citizens and other the nobles and Gẽtle|men of the countrey. The K. went vnto Beuer|ley, to viſit the ſhrine of S.
Iohn, and immedi|ately vpon his departure frõ thence, the ſorowful newes of
his brother ye D. of Clarence his death, came to him, for the which he was
right penfite: but ſith mourning would not auaile, he called to remembrance
what he had to do, and therevpon without delay,The Earle
of [...]raigne [...]de Internat| [...] of Normandy. ſente Edmõd erle of Morraigne, brother to the
Erle of Sõmerſet into Norman|die, giuing to him like authoritie &
preheminẽce, as his brother the late
deceaſſed D. of Clarence had before enioyed.A
parliament. After this, he called hys hygh Court of Parliament, in
the whiche, he declared with ſuch great wiſedome and grauitie, the actes
which had bin done in Fraunce, the eſtate of the time preſent, and what was
neceſſarie to be pro|uided for the time to come (if they woulde looke to
haue that iewell and high kingdome, for the whych they hadde ſo long
laboured and fought) that the communaltie gladly granted a fifteene,
and ye Clergie beneuolẽ [...]y offred a double diſme, and bycauſe no delay ſhoulde bee in the Kings
affaires for lacke of paiment, the B. of Winche|ſter the kings vncle leant
vnto him twentie M. pound, to be receiued of ye ſame diſmes. Whẽ al things
neceſſary for this iourney were ready and prepared, he ſent his brother the
D. of Bedforde before him to Calais, with al his army, being as ſome write,
four M. men of armes, and twentie M. archers and others,King Henry [...]eth into [...]ance a| [...]ine. [...]e tooke Sea [...] Douer the [...]e of [...]es, as Titus [...] hathe [...]d ſo haue [...]e chronicles F [...]nders. (though ſome haue writ|ten, that the whole armie paſſed not twelue M. of one and
other.) The K. himſelfe ſhortly after, about ye middle of May, paſſed the
Seas to Ca|lais, & ſo frõ thẽce, he marched through ye Coun|trey
vnto Boyes, de Vincennes, where ye french K. and the Quene as then
ſoiourned. The D. of Burgoigne alſo that had receiued him at Mon|ſtruell,
attended him to Dowaſt in Ponthiew, & there hauing taken leaue of
him for ſixe days, re|turned now again to him, according to his pro|miſe.
Then did they cõſult togither, about
their affaires, & appointed in al haſt to fighte with the Dolphin,
& to reiſe the ſiege of Chartres whiche he had there plãted.
Herevpon, the K. of Englãd with al his puiſſance, came to ye town of
Maũt, & thither repaired the D. of Burgoigne, but ere they departed
from thence, they had knowledge, that the Dolphin hearing of the puiſſant
army of the K. of England, approching towards him, was reculed with his
people towardes Touers in Towraine, wherefore the K. of England
in|continently, did not onely ſend backe the Duke of Burgoigne into
Picardie, to reſiſt ye attempts of ſir Iaques de Harecourt, which made war
in that countrey for the Dolphin, but alſo appoyn|ted the K. of Scottes,
with the D. of Glouceſter,The King of Scots ſerueth King
Henry. Dreux beſie|ged, and ren|dred to the en|gliſhemen. to
beſiege the towne of Dreux. They comming thither about the .18. of Iuly,
planted ſiege on e|uery ſide, both of towne & Caſtell, &
what with power of baterie, and other forcible meanes, ſo cõſtreined thẽ
within, ye on the .8. day of Auguſt, they cõpounded, that if no ſufficient
reſcue came to reiſe the ſiege, before the end of twelue dayes next enſuing,
both the towne and Caſtell ſhould be deliuered to the K. of Englands vſe, ſo
as the ſouldiers might depart with their goods whither they would, except
one Engliſhmã, which was knowen to be amõgſt thẽ, being fledde for
trea|ſon out of the kings dominions. On the twẽtith day of Auguſt, which
was the day of the apoint|ment, ye K. of Scottes receiued the towne
& Ca|ſtell, to the behoofe of his ſoueraigne L. the kyng of England,
who during al the time of the ſiege, lay at Moraumall. The Towneſmen yt
would remaine ſtill in their houſes, were ſworne to bee true ſubiectes to
the K. and the other whyche re|fuſed, departed with the ſouldiers. The
Engliſh|man yt was excepted, was deliuered, according to the couenantes,
and after executed, as hee had deſerued. The Earle of Worceſter was made
Captaine of Dreux, and ſir Henrye Mortimer Bailife there. This done, the K.
hearing that the Dolphin ſhould be at Baugencie aſſembling his power, haſted
thitherwards, but at his comming into thoſe parties, he founde no appearance
of e|nimies in ye field, & ſo he remained there a fifteene dayes,
in which meane while, the Erle of Suf|folke was ſent forth, to diſcouer the
Countrey, & the K. wan by aſſault the towne of Baugencie, &
after when vittailes began to faile, hee marched forward, meaning to purſue
the Dolphin,King Henry purſueth the Dolphin. but
ye Dolphin doubting the Engliſh puiſſance, con|ueyed al ye vittailes forth
of thoſe quarters, & re|tired himſelfe to Bourges in Berrie, choſing
that place as his ſureſt refuge, and therefore determi|ned there to remaine,
till Fortune turning hir wheele, ſhould looke on them with a more fauo|rable
countenance: heereof in ſcorne was he cõ|monly called K. of Berrie.The Dolphin, why called K. of Berry. The K. of
England followed, till vittailes and forrage began ſore to faile on al
ſides, & then returning, paſſed towards Orleans, taking the Caſtel
of Rouge Mont by aſſault: he ſtayed three dayes before Orleans, &
from thence for want of vittailes, marched tho|rough Gaſtinois, til he came
to Vigny-ſur Yõ|ne, where he remained for a ſeaſon, to refreſh his EEBO page image 1214 people that were fore trauelled, in that
painefull paſſed iourney,Titus Liuius. in which
ye K. loſt not only ma|ny of his menne for lacke of vittailes, but alſo a
great nũber of horſes and carriages. Some haue written that about ye ſame
time, he ſhould win the Citie of Sens, otherwiſe called ye kings new towne
by ſurrender,Les hiſtories des duez de Normandie.
but after hee had remained for a time at Vignie, wee finde that he remoued
to Paris, where he was honorably receiued.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Shortly after, he
conſidering with himſelfe yt the towne of
Meaux in Brie beeing repleniſhed with enimies, was not to be ſuffered to
remayne in that ſtate, in the middes of his new gottẽ ſub|iects, determined
to take away the open ſcruple yt might poiſon and infect the members,
dwelling hard by: wherfore with a great number of Erles and Barons in his
company, he came to beſiege it. This towne was no leſſe well vittelled than
manned, and no better manned than fortified, ſo that the King could neither
haue it to him dely|uered at his pleaſure,
nor gaine it by aſſaulte, without ye great loſſe of his people, yet
neuerthe|leſſe, he determined not to depart, til he had gote it by one meane
or other. The riuer of Marne deuided this towne into two parts, ſo that
there was no entrie from the one into the other, but by a bridge, reiſed vp,
& made ouer ye riuer, ſuſteined with many arches. The one parte is
called the city, and the other Le marche, being the ſtrongeſt
& beſt fortified. The K. firſt lodged a mile off, in a Caſtel,The ſtrong towne of
Me+aux beſieged by the Eng|liſhmen. and ſente the D. of Exeter to
begin the ſiege, which he did, according to his inſtructions, vpon the ſixth
of October. Shortly after, the K. himſelf came, & lodged in the
Abbey of Pharon, the D. of Exeter in the Abbey de Chage, the erle
of March at the grey F [...]iers, & the Erle of War|wike directly againſte that parte that
is called la Marche. They within defended themſelues right
valiantly, ſo that the Engliſhmen were not al at their caſe, but ſpecially
through lacke of vittailes many dyed,
& many fel ſicke, by reaſon whereof, no ſmall nũber returned home
into Englande, where in ye meane time,A Parliament
called by the Duke of Bed|forde, the king beeing in France. on the
firſte of Decẽber, a Parliamente was called and holden at Weſt. by the D.
of Bedford, gouernor of the Realm in the kings abſence. In this Parliament,
a fiftẽth was granted to the K. towards the maintenãce of the warres, the
one moitie to be paid at Cãdle|mas, and the other at Martiumas, of ſuch
mo|ney, as at the time of the grante was currante.
Compare 1587 edition:
Windſore. The birth of King Henry the ſixte.This
yeare at Windſor, on the day of Sainct Nicholas in December, the Queene was
dely|uered of a ſon named Henry, whoſe Godfathers were Iohn Duke of Bedford,
and Henry B. of Wincheſter, and Iaquete, or as the Frenchmen called hir,
Iaqueline of Bauiere, Coũtes of Hol|land was his Godmother. The K. beeing
certi|fied hereof, as he lay at ſiege before Meaux, gaue God thankes, in
that it hadde pleaſed his [...] prouidence to ſende him a ſon, which might ſuc|ceede in his Crowne
& ſcepter. But whẽ he heard reported the place of his natiuitie,
were it that hee fantaſied ſome olde blind prophecie, o [...] hadde ſome foreknowledge, or elſe iudged of his ſonnes fortune, he
ſaide to the Lord Fitz Hugh his tru|ſtie Chamberlaine theſe wordes,King Henry prophecieth of his ſonne My [...] Henrie borne at Monmouth, ſhall ſma [...]
[...] reigne, and much get, & Henrie borne at [...] ſore, ſhall long reigne, and all leeſe, but [...] will, ſo be it. The King held his Chriſt [...] the ſiege before Meaux, for he would not giue o|uer that ſiege,
although his army was greately diminiſhed, by reaſon of lacke of vittailes,
ex|treame colde, foule weather, and other diſcom|modities, that bredde great
ſtore of diſeaſes and ſicknes among his people: notwithſtanding,Tit. Liuius. all the helps and meanes that might bee,
he deuiſed to remedie the ſame, ſo that beſide ſuch as dyed, as well of
ſickneſſe as by the enimies hand, ma|ny returned home into their
Countreys.1422 But yet he ceaſſed not to
continue the ſiege, beatyng the walles with hys ordinaunce, and caſting
downe bulwarkes and rampiers on eache ſyde the Towne, made approches as well
by water as land, with mightie engines deuiſed of bourds to defende the
Engliſhmen, as they approched the walles, and gaue aſſaultes. The walles
alſo were in diuers places vndermined. After this, the Engliſhmen found
meanes, by bridges made of boates, to paſſe the riuer, but yet the Souldiers
and other within, defended their rampiers, and breaches moſt ſtoutely, and
with gunnes and quarrels ſtill ſhot at the Engliſhmen, of whome they ſlew
many, and among other, the Earle of Worceſter was ſlaine, with a bullet of
the great Artillerie, and the Lord Clifford, with a quarrel of a Croſſebowe,
but yet the Engliſhmen ſtill wanne ground, and got neerer and neerer to the
walles. They alſo wonne the chiefeſt part of a bridge from the enimies, and
kepte watche and ward vppon and about the ſame. The Earle of Warwike had
alſo taken a Vaumure from thẽ of the market place, built on the South ſyde
thereof, able to receiue and lodge a good number of men, whiche ſeruing to
good purpoſe, for the better brideling of them within, he cauſed to bee
kept, and thus were they within Meaux ſore op|preſſed on euery ſide, ſo that
in February, ye Cap|taines doubting leaſt the Citie could not be de|fended
long, cauſed all the vittailes and goods to be conueyed into the market
place, and retired all the men of warre into the ſame, leauing none in the
other part of the Citie, but the commons, and ſuch as were not able to do
any auailable ſeruice in warre. The King aduertiſed hereof, commã|ded in
all haſt to aſſaulte the Citie, whiche was EEBO page image 1215 quickly
done,M [...] I taken by aſſault. ſo that the Citie by fine force, was
within three houres taken and ſpoyled, and the ſame day, was the market
place beſieged round about, and a Mille wonne, adidyning to the ſame.
Compare 1587 edition:
An. reg. 10. Queene [...]a| [...]e faileth into Fraunce.In April, the Queene paſſed ouer into
Frãce, with a faire retinue of men, vnder the conduit of the Duke of
Bedforde, the Duke of Glouceſter remayning Lorde gouernour of the Realme in
his place.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At hir comming thither,
ſhe was ſo welcom|med, and honorably receiued, firſt of hir huſbãd, and
after of hir father and mother, that ſhee ap|peared to be no leſſe loued of
hir noble huſbande, than of hir deere and naturall parents.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Whileſt the ſiege ſtill
continued before Me|aux,Oliuer Mãny Oliuer Manny,
a valiant man of warre of the Dolphins part, (which before was Captaine of
Faleife, and yeelding it, ſware neuer to beare armour againſte the King of
England) aſſem|bled a great number of menne of warre, as well Britaines as
Frenchmen, that is to ſay, the lord Montborchier, the Lord of Coynon, the
Lorde of Cha [...]giron, the Lord Ti [...]gnace, the Lord de la Howſſay, and diuers other, whiche entred into
the Countrey of Conſtantine in Norman|die, and robbed and killed the
Engliſhmenne, where they mighte either eſpie or take them at their
aduantage, but the Earle of Suffolke, kee|per of thoſe marches, hearing of
their doings, ſent for the Lord Scales, ſir Iohn Aſton Bai|life of
Conſtantine, Sir William Hall, Sir Iohn Banaſter, and many other, out of the
gar|riſons within that territorie, the which encoun|tred with their enimies,
at a place called le Barke leueſque, in Engliſh, the Biſhops
Parke.A ſore conflict There was a ſore fight
and a long betwixte them, but finally, the Frenchmen were put to flight ſo
[figure appears here on page 1215] in the conflict and chace were ſlaine,
the Lorde of Coynon, the Lord of Caſtellgiron, and three hundred other: and
there wer taken priſoners, the Lord de la Howſay, and Sir Oliuer Manny, with
threeſcore others. The King pardoned ſir Oliuer Manny his life, though he
ill deſerued ſo great a benefite, for that he had broken his othe and
promiſe, but he was ſent into Englãd, there to learne to ſpeake Engliſh,
and ſo beeing brou|ght to London, ſhortly after dyed, being as then
a very aged man, and was buried in the
white Friers.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The King lying ſtill
before the market place at Meaux in Brie (as ye haue hearde) ſore beate the
walles with his ordinance, and caſt downe Bulwarkes and tampiers on euerye
ſide the Towne, ſo that he hadde made an open breache for his people to
enter, wherof the Lord of Offe|mont beeyng aduertiſed, with a companye of
choſen perſons ſente by the Dolphin, aſſayed in the night ſeaſon to enter the Towne, to the ſuc|cours of
them within: but though diuers of hys people got ouer ye walles, by help of
ladders whi|che they had ſet vp, yet ſuch was his chance, that as be paſſed
a plãke, to haue come to the walles, he fell into a deepe ditche, and in
the meane time, the Engliſhmen perceyuing by the noyſe what the matter
meant, came running to the ditche, tooke the Lorde of Offemont, and ſlewe
dyuers of his company that ſtoode in defence.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Captaines
within,Continuation des Chroni|ques de
Flan|dres. perceyuing in what caſe they ſtoode, by reaſon their
ſuccours were thus intercepted, and doubting to be taken by aſ|ſault, for
that they wanted monition and wea|pon, began to treate with the King of
England, who appointed the Earle of Warwike, and the Lord Hungerford, to
commune with them, and in concluſion, an accord was taken, and ſo the Towne
and market place, with al the goods, were deliuered into the Kyng of
Englandes handes, the tenth daye of May, in the yeare 1422.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The appoyntmente taken
with them of thys towne was this,
Tit. Liuius. The conditiõs of the ſurren|der of Meaux into the
kings handes. that they ſhould yeeld thẽſelues ſimply to the
kings pleaſure, their liues only ſa|ued: and here vpon, many of thẽ were
ſente ouer into England, amongſt whome, was the B. of ye towne, which
ſhortly after his ariuall heere, fel ſicke and dyed. There were alſo foure
perſons excepted, agaynſt whome, the Kyng myghte by order of lawe and
iuſtice, proceede as hee ſawe cauſe, for theyr faultes and treſpaſſes
commit|ted. As firſte, the Capitaine of the towne, named the baſterde of
Vaureu, the whiche hadde done many greeuous oppreſſions to the people of the
Countrey thereaboutes, in ſpoylyng them EEBO page image 1216 of their goodes,
and ranſoming them at his plea|ſure. He had alſo put diuers to death moſt
cruel|ly, when they were not able to pay ſuch finance and raunſomes as he
demaunded: wherevppon, being now put to deathe himſelfe, his body was hanged
vppon a tree that ſtoode on an hill with|out the towne, on the which, hee
had cauſed both huſbandmen, and towneſmen, and other priſo|ners, to be
hanged before time.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 His ſtãdert alſo which
was wont to be borne before him in
battell, was ſet vp in the ſame tree.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Bailife alſo of the
towne, and two of the chiefeſt burgeſſes that had bin of counſell with him
in his vnlawful doyngs, were lykewiſe exe|cuted.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Alſo beſyde theſe, there
were founde in thys towne diuers that were accuſed to be giltie of the Duke
of Burgoigne his deathe, wherefore they were putte to theyr triall, in the
Parliamente at Paris, and ſome of them beeing founde giltie, were executed.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When the deliuerie of the
ſtrong towne of Meaux was publiſhed through the Countrey, all the Townes and
fortreſſes in the Iſle of Fraunce, in Lannoys, in Brie and in Cham|pai [...]ne, yeelded themſelues to the King of Eng|land, which appointed in the
ſame valiant Cap|taines, and hardie ſouldiers.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After that hee had thus
got poſſeſſion of Me|aux, and the other fortreſſes, he returned agayne
to Boys de Vincennes, and beeing there
recei|ued of the King and Queene of Fraunce, and of the Queene his wife the
thirtith day of May, be|ing Whitſon euen, they remoued altogither vn|to
Paris, where the King of England lodged in the Caſtell of Loure, and the
Frenche King in the houſe of Saint Paule.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Theſe two kings kept
great eſtate with their Queenes,The royall port of the K.
of Englande. at this high feaſt of Pentecoſt, but the King of
Englandes Court greatly exceeded, ſo that
al the reſort was thither. The Pariſiẽs that beheld his princely port and
high magnificence, iudged him rather an Emperour than a Kyng, and their owne
King to be in reſpect to him like a Duke or a Marques. The Dolphin hauyng
knowledge by eſpials where the King of Eng|land and his power lay, came with
all his puiſ|ſance ouer the riuer of Loyre, and beſieged Coſ|ney,Coſney beſie|ged by the Dolphyn. a towne ſcituate
vpon that riuer, a ſixe ſcore miles diſtant from Paris, and appointed parte
of his army to waſt and deſtroy the
confynes of the Duchie of Burgoigne, to the intẽt to deuide the power of
the Kyng of Englande, from the ſtrength of the Duke of Burgoigne, ſuppoſing
as it came to paſſe indeede, that the Duke would make haſt towardes
Burgoigne, to defende hys owne lands. In the meane time, they within Coſney
were ſo hard handled, that they promi|ſed to render their towne to the
Dolphin, if they were not reſcued by the King of Englãd with|in tenne
dayes. King Hẽry hearing theſe newes, woulde not ſend any one creature, but
determi|ned to goe himſelfe, to the reyſing of that ſiege, and ſo with all
deligence came to the Towne of Corbeil, and ſo to Senlis, where,The king fal|leth ſicke. (whithout were with heate of
the ayre, or that he wiſh hys daily labour were [...]obled or weakened) he began to ware ſicke, yea and ſo ſicke, that hee
was con|ſtreyned to tarrie, & ſend his brother the Duke of Bedford
to reſcue them of Coſney, which he did,Coſney reſcu|ed by
the duke of Bedford. to his high honor, for the Dolphin hearing
that the Duke of Bedford was comming to reiſe his ſiege, departed thence
into Berrie, to his greate diſhonor, and leſſe gaine.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Aboute the ſame time, the
Duke of Britaine ſent his Chancellor ye Biſhop of Mauntes,
Titus L [...]. The Duke of Britayne ſea|deth ambaſſa|dors to the K. of
England. with the Biſhop of Vannes, and others of his coun|ſell,
as Ambaſſadors from him vnto K. Henrye, with full commiſſion, to ratifie and
allowe for him and his people the peace cõcluded at Troy|es: but by reaſon
of the Kings greeuous ſicknes, nothing as then was done in that matter.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Neuertheleſſe, the Duke
himſelfe in perſon came afterwardes to Amiens, and there perfor|med that
which he had appoynted his Ambaſſa|dors at this time in his name to haue
done, and accompliſhed.
Compare 1587 edition:
3 In the meane ſeaſon,The king of Englande is brought ſick [...] to Boys de Vincennes. King Henrye waxed ſicker, and ſicker,
and ſo in an horſelitter was cõ|ueyed to Boys de Vincennes, to whome
ſhort|ly after repared the Dukes of Bedforde & Glou|ceſter, and the
Earles of Saliſburie and War|wike, whome the King louingly welcomed, and
ſhewed himſelfe right glad of their preſence: and when he ſaw thẽ penſiue
for his ſickneſſe & great danger of life wherin he preſently
laye,His aduice vp|on his death bedde. he with
many graue, curteous, & pithie words, recomfor|ted them the beſt he
could, and therwith exhorted them to be truſtie and faithfull vnto his ſon,
and to ſee that he might be wel and vertuouſly brou|ght vp, and as
cõcerning the rule and gouernãce of his realmes, during the minoritie
& yong yea|res of his ſaid ſonne, he willed them to ioyne to|gether
in frendly loue and concorde, keping con|tinuall peace and amitie with the
duke of Bur|goigne, and neuer to make treatie with Charles that calleth
himſelfe Dolphyn of Vyenne, by the whyche any part eyther of the crown of
France, or of the Duchies of Normandie and Guyenne may be leſſened, or
dimyniſhed, and further, that the Duke of Orleauns, and the other Princes
ſhoulde ſtyll remayne Priſoners, tyll hys ſonne came to lawfull age, leaſt
retournyng home a|gaine, they myght kindle more fyre in one day, than myght
be quenched in three. He further ad|uiſeth thẽ, that if they thought it
neceſſarye, that EEBO page image 1217 it ſhoulde be good to haue his brother
Humfrey duke of Gloceſter to be protector of Englande, during the nonage of
his ſonne, and his brother the duke of Bedford, with the helpe of the duke
of Burgongne to rule and to be regent of France, commaunding him with fire
and ſword to per|ſecute the Dolphyn, til he had either brought him to reaſon
and obeyſance, or elſe to driue and ex|pell hym out of the realme of
Fraunce. And here|with he proteſted vnto them,Titus
Liuius. that neyther the
ambitious deſyre to enlarge his dominions, ney|ther to purchaſe vayne
renowne and worldlye fame, nor any other conſideration hadde moued him to
take the warres in hande, but onely that in proſecuting his iuſt title, he
might in the end atteyn to a perfect peace, and come to enioy thoſe peeces
of his inheritance, whiche to him of right belonged, and that before the
beginning of the ſame warres, he was fully perſwaded by menne bothe wyſe and
of greate holyneſſe of lyfe, that vppon
ſuche intent, he myghte and ought bothe beginne the ſame warres, and follow
them til he had brought them to an end iuſtly and rightly, and that without
all daunger of Gods diſplea|ſure or perill of ſoule.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The noble men preſent,
promiſed to obſerue his preceptes, and to perfourme his deſires, but their
hearts were ſo penſife, and repleniſhed with ſorow, that one could not for
weping, behold an other. Then he ſayd the .vij. pſalmes, and recey|ued
the ſacrament, and in ſaying the
Pſalmes of the Paſſion,
[...]e departed [...] life. ended his dayes here in this world, the laſt of
Auguſt, in the yere a thouſand, foure hundred twentie and two.
Compare 1587 edition:
The c [...]men|d [...] of kyng Henry the fifte, [...] expreſſed by [...]er Hall.This Henry was a king, whoſe lyfe was im|maculate,
and his liuing without ſpotte. Thys king was a Prince whome all men loued,
and of none diſdayned. This Prince was a captain againſt whome fortune neuer
frowned, nor miſ|chance once ſpurned. This
captain was a ſhep|heard, whom his flocke both loued and obeyed.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 This ſhephearde was ſuche
a Iuſticiarie, that lefte no offence vnpuniſhed, nor frendſhip vnre|warded.
Thys Iuſticiarie was ſo feared, that all rebellion was baniſhed, and
ſedition ſuppreſ|ſed. Hys vertues were no more notable, than his qualities
were worthie of praiſe: for in ſtren|gthe and nimbleneſſe of bodie from his
youthe, fewe were to hym comparable, for in wraſtling leaping, and running,
no mã almoſt durſt with him preſume, in
caſting of great iron barres and heauie ſtones he excelled commonly all
menne. No colde made him ſlouthfull, nor heat cauſed him to ſhrinke, and
when he moſte laboured, his head was vncouered. He was no more weary of
harneſſe, than of a lyght cloake. Hunger and thirſte were not to him
noyſome. He was neuer afearde of a wounde, nor ſorrowed for the pain: He
neyther tourned his noſe from euill fauour, nor from ſmoake or dull, hee
woulde not cloſe his eyes. No man coulde be founde more tem|perate in eatyng
and drynkyng, whoſe dyed was not to delicate, but rather more meete for
menne of warte, than for dayntie and de [...]e perſons. Euery honeſt perſon was permitted to come to him, ſitting
at his meale, and eyther ſe|cretely or openly to declare his mynde and
in|tente. Highe and weyghtie cauſed as well be|twene men of wee &
other, he wold gladly he [...], and either determined them himſelf, or cõma [...]d them to other to giue ſentence he ſlept very lit|tle, and that
onely by reaſon of bodily labor and vnquietneſſe of minde, from the which,
no ſmall noiſe coulde awake him, in ſo muche that when his ſouldiors either
ſong in the nightes, or theyr mynſtrels played, that the campe ſounded
ther|with, he then ſlept moſt ſoundly: his corage was inuincible, and his
heart ſo vnmutable, that fear was baniſhed from him. If any alarum chaun|ced
to be raiſed by his enimies, he was firſt in ar|mure, and the firſt that was
ſet forward. In the time of warre he found meanes to get knowlege not only
what his enimies didde, but what they ſaid, and intended, ſo that al things
to him were knowne, and of his deuices fewe perſons before the thing was at
the poynt to be done, ſhould be made priuie. He had ſuch knowledge in
ordring and guiding an armie, and ſuch a gift to encou|rage his people, that
the Frenchmẽ ſayd he could not be vanquiſhed in battayle. He had ſuch wit,
ſuche prudence, and ſuche policie, that he neuer enterpriſed anye thyng,
before he had fully deba|ted it, and foreſeene all the mayne chaunces that
mighte happen, and when the ende was once concluded, hee wyth all diligence
and courage, ſette hys purpoſe forewarde. What pollicie he hadde in fyndyng
ſodayne remedies, for preſente myſchieues, and what practiſe hee vſed in
ſa|uyng him ſelfe and his people in ſodayne diſtreſ|ſes, excepte by hys
actes they dyd playnely ap|peare, I thinke it were a thyng almoſt
incredi|ble to be tolde. Meruayle it is to heare, howe he didde continually
abſteyne hymſelfe from laſ|ciuious lyuing and blynde auarice, in ſuche
e|ſtate of wealth, richeſſe, and prouoking youth: yea in the tyme of loſſe
he was no more ſadde, than in the time of victorie, whiche conſtancie fewe
menne can vſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
5 What ſhoulde I ſpeak of
his boimtyfulneſſe and liberalitie? No mã could be more free, gen|tle, and
liberall, in beſtowyng rewardes to all perſons, according to their deſer [...]s ſaying that he neuer deſyred money to kepe, but to giue and ſpend.
What ſhuld I ſay, he was the blaſing co|mete and apparant lanterne in his
days. He was the myrroure of Chriſtendome, and the glorye EEBO page image 1218 of his countrey, the floure of kings paſſed, and the glaſſe of them that
ſhoulde ſucceede. No prince had leſſe of his ſubiectes, & no kyng
con|quered more, whoſe fame by hys deathe liuely floriſhed, as his acts in
his life were ſeene and remembred. The loſſe of ſuch a prince (ye may be
ſure) was exceedingly lamented of his ſub|iects, blaming fortune, whiche had
taken away ſo precious a Iewell, ſo noble ornament, and ſure defẽce: for no
doubt as much hope as was taken away from
the engliſhmẽ for the getting of Fraunce, by his ſodain deathe, ſo much
truſt was encreaſſed in the ſtomackes of the Frenche nation, to recouer
their late loſſes. Peter Baſ|ſet eſquier, whiche at the time of his death
was his chãberlain affirmeth, that he died of a pleu|reſie, though other
writers alledge otherwiſe: as the Scots, whiche write that hee died of the
diſeaſe of ſaint Fiacre, which is a palſey and a crampe: Enguerant ſaith,
that he died of ſaint Anthonies fier: but
bycauſe a pleureſie was ſo rare a ſickneſſe in that ſeaſon, and ſo ſtrange a
diſeaſe, that the name was to the moſt parte of men vnknowen, and phiſitions
were acquain|ted as little with any remedy for the ſame, and therfore euery
man iudged as he thought, and named a ſickneſſe that bee knewe, ſhooting not
nere the prick nor vnderſtandyng the nature of the diſeaſe. This king
reigned .ix. yeres .v. mo|neths and .xxiij. daies, and liued not full .38.
yeares.He vvas of an
indifferent ſt [...]|ture n [...]er to high n [...]
[...]o lovv of bodye ſlender and leane, but of a maruelou [...]e ſtrength, as Ti|tus [...]uins vvri|teth. He was of ſtature higher than the com|mon
ſort, of body leane, well mẽbred & ſtrong|ly made, of face
beautiful, ſomwhat long nec|ked, blacke heared ſtoute of ſtomacke, eloquent
of tong, in martiall affaires a perfect maiſter, & of chiualry the
very paragone. His body was embalmed and cloſed in lead, & layd in a
chari|ot royall, richly apparelled with cloth of gold, vpon his corps was
laid a repreſentation of his perſon, adorned with robes, diademe, ſcepter,
& ball, lyke a king, the whiche
chariot .vi. hor|ſes drewe richly trapped, with ſeuerall armes, the firſt
with the armes of ſaint George, the ſe|cond with the armes of Normandy, the
thirde with the armes of king Arthur, the fourth with the armes of ſaint
Edwarde, the fifte with the armes of Fraunce, and the ſixte with the armes
of Englande and Frãce. On this chariot gaue attendaunce Iames king of
Scots, the prin|cipall mourner, his vncle Thomas duke of Ex|ceter,
Richarde earle of Warwicke, the erle of
Marche Edmund, the earle of Stafforde Hũ|frey, the earle of Mortaigne
Edmunde Beau|fort, the lord Fitz Hughe Henry, the lorde Hũ|gerford Walter
ſir Lewes Robſert L. Bour|chier, ſir Iohn Cornwall lord Fanhope, and the
lord Crumwell were the other mourners. The lord Louell, the lord Audeley,
the lord Morley, the lord Sowche bare the baner of ſaints, [...] the baron of Dudley barethe ſtander [...], and the earle of Longuile bare the ban [...]. The ba [...]|mentes were borne onely by Captaines to the number of .xij. and roũd
about the chariot ro [...]e v.C. mẽ of armes all in black armour and their horſes barded blacke
with the but ends of their ſpeares vpwards. The conduit of this dolorous
funeralles was cõmitted to ſir William Phil|lip, Threaſourer of the kings
houſhold, and to ſir Wiliam Porter, his chief caruer, and other. Beſide
this, on euery ſide of the chariot wente iij.C. perſons, holding long
torches, and lords bearing baners, baneroles, and penons. With this funerall
pompe he was conueied frõ Bais de Vincẽnes, to Paris, and ſo to Roan to
Ab|uile, to Calais, to Douer, and ſo through Lon|dõ to Weſtminſter, where
he was buried with ſuche ſolemne ceremonies, ſuche mourning of lordes, ſuch
prayer of prieſtes, ſuch lamenting of cõmons, as neuer was before thoſe
days ſene in the Realme of England. Shortly after this ſolempne buriall, his
ſorowfull Queene retur|ned into England, and kepte hir eſtate with the king
hir yong ſon. Thus ended this puiſſaunte Prince hys moſte noble and
fortunate, raigne, whoſe life (ſaith Hall) althoughe cruell Atro|pos
abbreuiated, yet neyther fyre, ruſt nor fret|ting time ſhall amongſt vs
engliſhmen, eyther appall his honor, or blot out his glory, whiche in ſo few
yeares, and ſhorte dayes, atchieued ſo high aduẽtures. Of lerned men
& writers, theſe I finde remembred by Baleand others, to haue liued
in the dais of this noble and valiant king Henry the fift. Fyrſt Alain de
Linne, borne in Lynne, and profeſſed a Carmelite Frier in that town, and at
length became Prior of that conuent, but proceeded doctor of diuinity in the
Vniuerſitie of Cambridge, and wrote manye treatiſes: Thomas Otterborne that
wrote an hiſtorie of Englande, is thought to liue aboute this ſeaſon, he was
a Franciſcan or grey Frier, as they called them, and a greate ſtudent bothe
in diuinitie and philoſophy: Iohn Seguarde and excellent Poet, and a
Rhetoritian, he kepte a ſchoole, and read to his ſchollers in Norwich, as is
ſuppoſed, writing ſundry treatiſes, repro|uing aſwell the profaning of the
Chriſtian reli|gion in Monkes and Prieſtes, as the abuſe of poetrie in thoſe
that tooke vppon them to write filthye Verſes, and rithmes: Roberte Roſe a
Frier of the Carmelites order in Norwiche commonly called the white Friers,
both an ex|cellent Philoſopher, and a diuine, hee procee|ded Doctor at
Oxforde, he was promoted to bee Priour of his houſe, and wryting diuers
treatiſes: amongeſt all the Sophiſtes of his tyme (as ſayeth Bale,) he
offended none of the EEBO page image 1219 Wicleuiſts, which in that ſeaſon
ſet foorth pure|ly the worde of God, as maye appeare by hys workes: Iohn
Lucke, a Doctor of diuinitie in Oxford, a ſore enimie to the Wicleuiſts:
Rich. Caiſter borne in Norffolke, Vicar of S. Ste|phens in Norwiche, a man
of greate holyneſſe and puritie in lyfe, fauoring though ſecretly, the
doctrine of Wicliffe, and reprouing in his Ser|mons, the vnchaſte manners
and filthie exam|ple that appeared in the Clergie: Of Sir Iohn Oldcaſtell Lord Cobham ye haue heard before:
William Walleys a blacke Frier in Lyn, and prouinciall of his order here in
England: Rich. Snetiſham, a ſtudent in Oxford, where he pro|fited ſo greatly
in lerning and wiſedome, that he was accõpted for the chiefeſt in all that
vniuerſi|tie, in reſpect wherof he was made chancellor of the ſaint, he was
choſen alſo to be one of the xij. to examine and iudge vpon Wiclifes
doctrine by the Archbi. of Canterbury: Iohn Langdene a monk of Chriſts church in Canterbury, another of the
.xij. that were choſen to iudge of Wiclifes opinions: William Taylor a
prieſt, and a mai|ſter of arte in Oxford, a ſtedfaſt follower of Wi|clefes
doctrine, and was brente for the ſame in Smithfield at London, the ſecõd
day of March in the yeare of our Lord .1422. and laſt of Kyng Henry the
fifths reigne: Richard Graſdale ſtu|died in Oxforde, and was one of thoſe
.xij. that were appointed to iudge of Wiclefs doctrine.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 William Lyndwood a lawyer
excellently lear|ned, as well in the Ciuill as Canon lawes, hee was
aduaunced to the ſeruice of this king Henry the fifth, and made by hym
keeper of the priuye Seal, was ſent in ambaſſade bothe to the kyng of Spayne
and of Portingale, aboute buſineſſe of moſt weightie importance. It is ſaid
that he was promoted to the Biſhopryke of S. Dauid: Bartholomew Florarius,
ſuppoſed (as Bale ſai|eth) by Nicholas Brigham, to be an engliſhmã, wrote a
treatiſe called Florarium, wherof he took his ſurname, and alſo an
other treatiſe of abſti|nence, in whiche he reproueth certaine corrupte
maners in the clergie, and the profeſſion of Fri|ers mendicants: Adã
Hemmelington, a Car|melite Frier, ſtudied both in Oxford and in Pa|ris:
William Batecon be is placed by Bale, a|bout the tyme of other learned men,
which liued in king Henry the fifthes tyme, but in what ſea|ſon he liued, he
ſaith he knoweth not: he was an excellent Mathematician, as by the title of
hys workes which he wrote it ſhoulde appeare. Ti|tus Liuius de Foro Luviſijs
lyued alſo in theſe dayes, and wrote the lyfe of this Henry the fifth, an
Italian borne: but ſith he was bothe refiant here, and wrote the lyfe of
this Kyng, I haue thought good to place him among other of oure Engliſhe
writers. One there was that tranſla|ted the ſayd hiſtorie into Engliſhe,
adding as it were by waye of notes in manye places of that booke ſundrye
thinges for the more large vnder|ſtanding of the hiſtorie, a copie wherof I
haue ſeene belonging to Iohn Stow citizen of Lon|don. There was alſo aboute
the ſame tyme an other writer, who (as I remember) hath follo|wed the ſayd
Liuius in the order of his booke, as it were chapiter for chapiter, onely
chaunging a good, familiar and eaſy ſtile, which the ſaid Li|uius vſed, into
a certayn Poeticall kinde of wri|ting, a copie wherof I haue ſeene (and in
the life of this king partly followed) belonging to mai|ſter Iohn Twine of
Kent, a lerned Antiquarie, and no leſſe furniſhed wyth olde and autentike
monumentes than ripe iudgemente and ſkilfull knowledge for the perfect
vnderſtanding therof, as by the fruites of his labors, parte wherof (as I am
enfourmed) he meaneth to leaue to poſte|ritie, it will (no doubt,) ryght
euidently appere.