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The Contents of the second Booke.

    Compare 1577 edition: 1
  • 1 Of the ancient and present estate of the church of England.
  • 2 Of the number of bishoprikes and their seuerall circuits.
  • 3 Of vniuersities.
  • 4 Of the partition of England into shires and counties.
  • 5 Of degrees of people in the com|mon-wealth of England.
  • 6 Of the food and diet of the English.
  • 7 Of their apparell and attire.
  • 8 Of the high court of parlement & authoritie of the same.
  • 9 Of the lawes of England since hir first inhabitation.
  • 10 Of prouision made for the poore.
  • 11 Of fundrie kinds of punishment appointed for malefactors.
  • 12 Of the maner of building and fur|niture of our houses.
  • 13 Of cities and townes in England.
  • 14 Of castels and holds.
  • 15 Of palaces belonging to the prince.
  • 16 Of armour and munition.
  • 17 Of the nauie of England.
  • 18 Of faires and markets.
  • 19 Of parkes and warrens.
  • 20 Of gardens and orchards.
  • 21 Of waters generallie.
  • 22 Of woods and marishes.
  • 23 Of baths and hot welles.
  • 24 Of antiquities found.
  • 25 Of the coines of England.

3.1. Of the ancient and present estate of the church of England. Chap. 1.

Of the ancient and present estate of the church of England. Chap. 1.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _THere are now two prouinces onelie in England, of which the first and greatest is sub|iect to the sée of Canturburie, comprehending a parte of Lhoegres, whole Cambria, & also Ireland, which in time past were seuerall, & brought into one by the archbishop of the said sée & assistance of the pope; who in respect of méed, did yéeld vnto the ambitious desires of sundrie archbishops of Can|turburie, as I haue elsewhere declared. The second prouince is vnder the sée of Yorke, and of these; ei|ther hath hir archbishop resident commonlie within hir owne limits, who hath not onelie the cheefe dea|ling in matters apperteining to the hierarchie and iurisdiction of the church; but also great authoritie in ciuill affaires touching the gouernement of the common wealth: so far foorth as their commissions and seuerall circuits doo extend.

In old time there were thrée archbishops, and so manie prouinces in this Ile; of which one kept at London, another at Yorke, and the third at Caer|lheon vpon Uske. But as that of London was translated to Canturburie by Augustine, and that of Yorke remaineth (notwithstanding that the grea|test part of his iurisdiction is now bereft him and gi|uen to the Scotish archbishop) so that of Caerlheon is vtterlie extinguished, and the gouernement of the countrie vnited to that of Canturburie in spirituall cases: after it was once before remoued to S. Da|uids EEBO page image 132 in Wales by Dauid successor to Dubritius, and vncle to king Arthur, in the 519 of Grace, to the end that he and his clearkes might be further off from the crueltie of the Saxons, where it remained till the time of the Bastard, and for a season after, before it was annexed vnto the sée of Canturburie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The archbishop of Canturburie is commonlie cal|led primat of all England; and in the coronations of the kings of this land, and all other times, wherein it shall please the prince to weare and put on his crowne, his office is to set it vpon their heads. They beare also the name of their high chapleins continu|allie, although not a few of them haue presumed (in time past) to be their equals, and void of subiection vnto them. That this is true, it may easilie appéere by their owne acts yet kept in record; beside their e|pistles & answers written or in print; wherein they haue sought not onelie to match but also to mate them with great rigor and more than open tyrannie. Our aduersaries will peraduenture denie this ab|solutelie, as they doo manie other things apparant, though not without shamelesse impudencie, or at the leastwise defend it as iust and not swaruing from common equitie; bicause they imagine euerie arch|bishop to be the kings equall in his owne prouince. But how well their dooing herein agreeth with the saieng of Peter, & examples of the primitiue church, it may easilie appéere. Some examples also of their demeanor (I meane in the time of poperie) I will not let to remember, least they should saie I speake of malice, and without all ground of likelihood.

Of their practises with meane persons I speake not, neither will I begin at Dunstane the author of all their pride and presumption here in England. But for somuch as the dealing of Robert the Nor|man against earle Goodwine is a rare historie, and deserueth to be remembred, I will touch it in this place; protesting to deale withall in more faithfull maner than it hath heretofore beene deliuered vnto vs by the Norman writers, or French English, who (of set purpose) haue so defaced earle Goodwine, that were it not for the testimonie of one or two méere Englishmen liuing in those daies, it should be impossible for me (or anie other) at this present to declare the truth of that matter according to hir cir|cumstances. Marke therefore what I saie. For the truth is, that such Normans as came in with Em|ma in the time of Ethelred, and Canutus, and the Confessor, did fall by sundrie means into such fauor with those princes, that the gentlemen did grow to beare great rule in the court, and their clearkes to be possessors of the best benefices in the land. Hervpon therefore one Robert, a iolie ambitious préest, gat first to be bishop of London, and after the death of Eadsius, to be archbishop of Canturburie by the gift of king Edward; leauing his former sée to William his countrieman. Ulfo also a Norman was prefer|red to Lincolne, and other to other places, as the king did thinke conuenient.

These Norman clerkes, and their freends, being thus exalted, it was not long yer they began to mocke, abuse, and despise the English: and so much the more, as they dailie saw themselues to increase in fauour with king Edward, who also called diuerse of them to be of his secret councell, which did not a litle incense the harts of the English against them. A fraie also was made at Douer, betwéene the ser|uants of earle Goodwine and the French, whose mai|sters came ouer to see and salute the king: whereof I haue spoken in my Chronologie, which so inflamed the minds of the French cleargie and courtiers a|gainst the English nobilitie, that each part sought for opportunitie of reuenge, which yer long tooke hold be|twéene them. For the said Robert, being called to be archbishop of Canturburie, was no sooner in posses|sion of his sée, than he began to quarrell with earle Goodwine (the kings father in law by the mariage of his daughter) who also was readie to acquit his de|meanor with like malice; and so the mischiefe begun. Herevpon therefore the archbishop charged the earle with the murther of Alfred the kings brother, whom not he but Harald the sonne of Canutus and the Danes had cruellie made awaie. For Alfred and his brother comming into the land with fiue and twen|tie saile, vpon the death of Canutus, and being lan|ded; the Normans that arriued with them giuing out how they came to recouer their right, to wit, the crowne of England; & therevnto the vnskilfull yoong gentlemen, shewing themselues to like of the ru|mour that was spred in this behalfe, the report of their demeanor was quicklie brought to Harald, who caused a companie foorthwith of Danes priuilie to laie wait for them, as they roade toward Gilford, where Alfred was slaine, and whence Edward with much difficultie escaped to his ships, and so returned into Normandie.

But to proceed. This affirmation of the archbishop being greatlie soothed out with his craftie vtterance (for he was lerned) confirmed by his French fréends, (for they had all conspired against the erle) and there|vnto the king being desirous to reuenge the death of his brother, bred such a grudge in his mind against Goodwine, that he banished him and his sons cleane out of the land. He sent also his wife the erles daugh|ter prisoner to Wilton, with one onelie maiden at|tending vpon hir, where she laie almost a yeare be|fore she was released. In the meane season, the rest of the peeres, as Siward earle of Northumberland surnamed Digara or Fortis, Leofrijc earle of Che|ster, and other went to the king, before the departure of Goodwine, indeuouring to perfuade him vnto the reuocation of his sentence; and desiring that his cause might he heard and discussed by order of law. But the king incensed by the archbishop and his Normans would not heare on that side, saieng plainelie, and swearing by saint Iohn the euangelist (for that was his common oth) that earle Goodwine should not haue his peace till he restored his brother Alfred aliue againe vnto his presence. With which answer the peeres departed in choler from the court, and Goodwine toward the coast.

Comming also vnto the shore and readie to take shipping, he knéeled downe in presence of his con|duct (to wit at Bosenham in the moneth of Septem|ber, from whence he intended to saile into Flanders vnto Baldwine the earle) and there praied openlie before them all, that if euer he attempted anie thing against the kings person of England, or his roiall estate, that he might neuer come safe vnto his cou|sine, nor sée his countrie any more, but perish in this voiage. And herewith he went aboord the ship that was prouided for him, and so from the coast into the open sea. But sée what followed. He was not yet gone a mile waie from the land, before he saw the shore full of armed souldiers, sent after by the arch|bishop and his freends to kill him yer he should de|part and go out of the countrie: which yet more in|censed the harts of the English against them.

Being come also to Flanders, he caused the earle, the French king, and other of his fréends, among whome also the emperour was one, to write vnto the king in his behalfe; but all in vaine: for nothing could be obteined from him, of which the Normans had no liking, wherevpon the earle and his sonnes changed their minds, obteined aid, and inuaded the land in sundry places. Finallie ioining their powers they came by the Thames into Southwarke néere London where they lodged, and looked for the king to EEBO page image 132 [...] EEBO page image 133 incounter with them in the field. The king séeing what was doone, commanded the Londoners not to aid nor vittell them. But the citizens made answer, how the quarrell of Goodwine was the cause of the whose realme, which he had in maner giuen ouer vn|to the spoile of the French: and therevpon they not onelie vittelled them aboundantlie, but also recei|ued the earle and his chiefe fréends into the citie, where they lodged them at their ease, till the kings power was readie to ioine with them in battell.

Great resort also was made vnto them from all places of the realme, so that the earles armie was woonderfullie increased, and the daie and place cho|sen wherein the battell should be fought. But when the armies met, the kings side began some to flée to the earle, other to laie downe their weapons, and not a few to run awaie out right; the rest telling him plainelie that they would neuer fight against their owne countriemen, to mainteine Frenchmens quarrels. The Normans also seeing the sequele, fled awaie so fast as they might gallop, leauing the king in the field to shift for himselfe (as he best might) whi|lest they did saue themselues elsewhere.

In the meane season the earles power would haue set vpon the king, either to his slaughter, or apprehen|sion; but he staied them, saieng after this maner: The king is my sonne (as you all know) and it is not for a father to deale so hardlie with his child, neither a subiect with his souereigne; it is not he that hath hurt or doone me this iniurie, but the proud Nor|mans that are about him: wherefore to gaine a king|dome, I will doo him no violence. And therewithall casting aside his battell ax he ran to the king, that stood altogither amazed, and falling at his féet he cra|ued his peace, accused the archbishop, required that his cause might be heard in open assemlie of his péeres; and finallie determined as truth and equitie should deserue.

The king (after he had paused a pretie while) see|ing his old father in law to lie groueling at his féet, and conceiuing with himselfe that his sute was not vnreasonable; seeing also his children, and the rest of the greatest barons of the land to knéele before him, and make the like request: he lifted vp the earle by the hand, had him be of good comfort, pardoned all that was past, and freendlie hauing kissed him and his sonnes vpon the chéekes, he lead them to his palace, called home the quéene, and summoned all his lords vnto a councell.

Wherein it is much to read, how manie billes were presented against the bishop & his Normans; some conteining matter of rape, other of robberie, extortion, murder, manslaughter, high treason, adul|terie; and not a few of batterie. Wherwith the king (as a man now awaked out of sléepe) was so offen|ded, that vpon consultation had of these things, he ba|nished all the Normans out of the land, onelie thrée or foure excepted, whome he reteined for sundrie ne|cessarie causes, albeit they came neuer more so néere him afterward as to be of his pritie councell.

After this also the earle liued almost two yeares, and then falling into an apoplexie, as he sat with the king at the table, he was taken vp and carried into the kings bedchamber, where (after a few daies) he made an end of his life. And thus much of our first broile raised by the cleargie, and practise of the arch|bishop. I would intreat of all the like examples of tyrannie, practised by the prelats of this sée, against their lords and souereignes: but then I should rather write an historie than a description of this Iland.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Wherefore I refer you to those reports of An|selme and Becket, sufficientlie penned by other, the which Anselme also making a shew,Anselme. as if he had bin verie vnwilling to be placed in the sée of Cantur|burie, gaue this answer to the letters of such his fréends, as did make request vnto him to take the charge vpon him. Secularia negotia nescio, quia seire no|lo, eorum námque occupationes horreo, liberum affectans ani|mum. Voluntati sacrarum intendo scripturarum, vos disso|nantiam facitis, verendúmque est nè aratrum sanctae ecclesiae, quod in Anglia duo boues validi & pari fortitudine, ad bo|num certantes, id est rex & archiepiscopus, debeant trahere, nunc oue vetula cum tauro indomito iugata, distorqueatur à recto. Ego ouis vetula, qui siquietus essem, verbi Dei lacte, & operimento lanae, aliquibus possem fortassis non ingratus esse, sed sime cum hoc tauro coniungitis, videbitis pro disparilitate trahentium, aratrum non rectè procedere, &c. Which is in English thus: Of secular affaires I haue no skill, bicause I will not know them, for I euen abhor the troubles that rise about them, as one that desireth to haue his mind at libertie. I applie my whole indeuor to the rule of the scriptures, you lead me to the con|trarie. And it is to be feared least the plough of holie church, which two strong oxen to equall force, and both like earnest to contend vnto that which is good (that is the king and the archbishop) ought to draw, should thereby now swarue from the right forrow, by matching of an old shéepe with a wild vnta|med bull. I am that old shéepe, who if I might be quiet, could peraduenture shew my selfe not altogi|ther vngratfull to some, by féeding them with the milke of the word of God, and couering them with wooll: but if you match me with this bull, you shall sée that thorough want of equalitie in draught the plough will not go to right, &c: as foloweth in the pro|cesse of his letters.Thomas Becket. The said Thomas Becket was so proud, that he wrote to king Henrie the second, as to his lord, to his king, and to his sonne, offering him his counsell, his reuerence, and due correction, &c. Others in like sort haue protested, that they owght nothing to the kings of this land, but their counsell onelie, reseruing all obedience vnto the sée of Rome.

And as the old cocke of Canturburie did crew in this behalfe, so the yoong cockerels of other sees did imitate his demeanor, as may be séene by this one example also in king Stephans time, worthie to be remembred; vnto whome the bishop of London would not so much as sweare to be true subiect: wherein also he was mainteined by the pope, as ap|peareth by these letters.

Eugenius episcopus seruus seruorum Dei, dilec|to in Christo filio Stephano illustri regi Anglorũ salutẽ, & apostolic ã benedictionẽ. Adhaec superna prouidẽtia in ecclesiapontifices ordinauit, vt Chri|stianus populus ab eis pascua vitae reciperet, & tam principes seculares, quàm inferioris conditionis homines, ipsis pontificibus tanquam Christi vica|rijs reuerentiam exhiberent. Venerabilis siqui|dem frater noster Robertus London episcopus, tan|quam vir sapiens & honestus, & relligionis ama|tor, à nobilitate tua benignè tractandus est, & pro collata à Deo prudentia propensiùs honorandus. Quia ergò, sicut in veritate comperimus cum ani|mae suae salute, ac snae ordinis periculo, fidelitate quae ab eo requiritur astringi non potest: volumus, & ex paterno tibi affectu consulimus, quatenus praedictum fratrem nostrum super hoc nullatenus inquietes, immò pro beati Petri & nostra reueren|tia, eum in amorem & gratiam tuam recipias. Cùm autem illud iuramentum praestare non possit, sufficiat discretioni tuae, vt simplici & veraci verbo promittat, quòd laesionem tibi velterrae tuae non inferat: Vale. Dat. Meldis 6. cal. Iulij.

Thus we sée, that kings were to rule no further than it pleased the pope to like of; neither to cha|lenge more obedience of their subiects than stood al|so EEBO page image 134 with their good will and pleasure. He wrote in like sort vnto quéene Mawd about the same matter, making hir Samsons calfe (the better to bring his purpose to passe) as appeareth by the same letter here insuing.

Solomone attestante, didicimus quòd mulier sa|piens aedificat domum; insipiens autem construc|tam destruet manibus. Gaudemus pro te, & deuo|tionis studium in Domino collaudamus; quoniam sicut relligiosorum relatione accepimus, timorem Deiprae oculis habens, operibus pietatis intẽdis, & personas ecclesiasticas & diligis & honoras. Vt ergo de bono in melius (inspirante Domino) profi|cere valeas, nobilitatẽ tuam in Domino rogamus, & rogando monemus, & exhortamur in Domino, quatenus bonis initijs exitus meliores iniungas, & venerabilem fratrem nostrum Robertum London episcopũ, pro illius reuerentia, qui cùm olim diues esset, pro nobis pauper fieri voluit, attentiùs dili|gas, & honores. Apud virum tuum & dilectum filium nostrum Stephanum, in signem regem An|glorum efficere studeas, vt monitis, hortatu, & cõ|silio tuo, ipsum in benignitatem & dilectionem su|am suscipiat, & pro beati Petri, & nostra reueren|tia propensiùs habeat commendatum. Et quia sicut (veritate teste) attendimus eum sine salute, & sui ordinis periculo, praefato filio nostro astringi non posse; volumus, & paterno sibi & tibi affec|tu consulimus, vt vobis sufficiat, veraci & sim|plici verbo promissionẽ ab eo suscipere, quòd laesio|nem vel detrimentum ei, velterrae suae nõ inferat. Dat. vt supra.

Is it not strange, that a peeuish order of religion (deuised by man) should breake the expresse law of God, who commandeth all men to honour and obeie their kings and princes, in whome some part of the power of God is manifest and laid open vnto vs? And euen vnto this end the cardinall of Hostia also wrote to the canons of Paules, after this maner; co|uertlie incoraging them to stand to their election of the said Robert, who was no more willing to giue ouer his new bishoprike, than they carefull to offend the king; but rather imagined which waie to kéepe it still maugre his displeasure: & yet not to sweare obedience vnto him, for all that he should be able to do or performe vnto the contrarie.

Humilis Dei gratia Hostiensis episcopus, Londi|nensis ecclesiae canoniois spiritũ consilij in Domi|no. Sicut rationi contraria prorsus est abijcienda petitio, ita in hijs, quae iustè desyderantur, effec|tum negare omninò non conuenit. Sanè nuper ac|cepimus, quòd Londinensis ecclesia, diuproprio de|stituta pastore, communi voto, & pari assensu cleri & populi,Forfitan natu|ralem. venerabilem filium nostrum Robertum, eiusdem ecclesiae archidiaconum, in pastorem & episcopum animarum suarum susceperit & ele|gerit. Nouimus quidem eum esse personam, quam sapientia desuper ei attributa, & honestas conuer|sationis, & morum reuerentia plurimùm commẽ|dabilem reddidit. Inde est quòd fraternitati ve|strae mandando consulimus, vt proposito vestro bo|no (quod vt credimus ex Deo est) & vt ex literis domini papae cognoscetis, non tepidè, non lentè de|bitum finem imponatis: ne tam nobilis ecclesia, sub occasione huiusmodi, spiritualium, quod absit, & temporalium detrimentum patiatur. Ipsius nám|que industria credimus, quòd antiqua relligio, & formadisciplinae, & grauitas habitus, in ecclesia vestra reparari: & si quae fuerint ipsius contenti|ones, ex pastoris absentia, Dei gratia cooperante, & eodem praesente, poterint reformari. Dat. &c.

Hereby you sée how king Stephan was dealt withall. And albeit the archbishop of Canturburie is not openlie to be touched herewith, yet it is not to be doubted, but he was a dooer in it, so far as might tend to the maintenance of the right and prerogatiue of holie church. And euen no lesse vnquietnesse had another of our princes with Iohn of Arundell, who fled to Rome for feare of his head, and caused the pope to write an ambitious and contumelious letter vnto his fouereigne about his restitution. But when (by the kings letters yet extant) & beginning thus; Thomas proditionis non expers nostrae regiae maiestati insidias fabricauit, the pope vnderstood the botome of the mat|ter, he was contented that Thomas should be depri|ued, and another archbishop chosen in his sted.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Neither did this pride state at archbishops and bi|shops, but descended lower, euen to the rake-helles of the clergie and puddels of all vngodlinesse. For beside the iniurie receiued of their superiors, how was K. Iohn dealt withall by the vile Cistertians at Lincolne in the second of his reigne? Certes, when he had (vpon iust occasion) conceiued some grudge a|gainst them for their ambitious demeanor; and vpon deniall to paie such summes of moneie as were al|lotted vnto them, he had caused seizure to be made of such horsses, swine, neate, and other things of theirs, as were mainteined in his forrests. They denounced him as fast amongst themselues with bell, booke and candle, to be accurssed and excommu|nicated. Therevnto they so handled the matter with the pope and their friends, that the kings was faine to yéeld to their good graces: insomuch that a meeting for pacification was appointed betwéene them at Lincolne, by meanes of the present archbishop of Canturburie, who went oft betweene him and the Cistertian commissioners before the matter could be finished. In the end, the king himselfe came also vnto the said commissioners as they sat in their cha|piter house, and there with teares fell downe at their feet, crauing pardon for his trespasses against them, and heartilie requiring that they would (from thencefoorth) commend him and his realme in their praiers vnto the protection of the almightie, and re|ceiue him into their fraternitie: promising moreo|uer full satisfaction of their damages susteined; and to build an house of their order in whatsoeuer place of England it should please them to assigne. And this he confirmed by charter, bearing date the seauen and twentith of Nouember, after the Scotish king was returned into Scotland, & departed from the king. Whereby (and by other the like, as betweene Iohn Stratford and Edward the third, &c:) a man may ea|silie conceiue how proud the cleargie-men haue beene in former times, as wholie presuming vpon the primassie of their pope. More matter could I al|ledge of these and the like brotles, not to be found a|mong our common historiographers: howbeit to ser|uing the same vnto places more conuenient, I will ceasse to speake of them at this time, and go forward with such other things as my purpose is to speake of. At the first therefore there was like and equall autho|ritie in both our archbishops: but as he of Cantur|burie hath long since obteined the prerogatiue aboue Yorke (although I saie not without great trouble, sute, some bloudshed & contention) so the archbishop of Yorke is neuerthelesse written printate of Eng|land, as one contenting himselfe with a péece of a ti|tle at the least, when (all) could not be gotten. And as he of Canturburie crowneth the king, so this of Yorke dooth the like to the quéene, whose perpetuall chapleine he is; & hath beene from time to time, since the determination of this controuersie, as writers doo report. The first also hath vnder his iurisdiction to EEBO page image 135 the number of one and twentie inferiour bishops,Twentie one bishoprikes vnder ye see of Canturburie. Onelie foure sees vnder the archbishop of Yorke. the other hath onlie foure, by reason that the churches of Scotland are now remooued from his obedience vnto an archbishop of their owne, whereby the great|nesse and circuit of the iurisdiction of Yorke is not a little diminished. In like sort each of these seauen and twentie sées haue their cathedrall churches, wherein the deanesDeanes (a calling not knowne in England be|fore the conquest) doo beare the chéefe rule, being men especiallie chosen to that vocation, both for their lear|ning and godlinesse so néere as can be possible. These cathedrall churches haue in like maner other digni|ties and canonries still remaining vnto them,Canonries as héeretofore vnder the popish regiment. Howbeit those that are chosen to the same are no idle and vn|profitable persons (as in times past they haue béene when most of these liuings were either furnished with strangers, especiallie out of Italie, boies, or such idiots as had least skill of all in discharging of those functions, wherevnto they were called by vertue of these stipends) but such as by preaching and teaching can and doo learnedlie set foorth the glorie of God, and further the ouerthrow of antichrist to the vttermost of their powers.

These churches are called cathedrall, bicause the bishops dwell or lie néere vnto the same, as bound to keepe continuall residence within their iurisdicti|ons, for the better ouersight and gouernance of the same: the word being deriued A cathedra, that is to saie a chaire or seat where he resteth, and for the most part abideth. At the first there was but one church in euerie iurisdiction, wherinto no man entred to praie, but with some oblation or other toward the mainte|nance of the pastor. For as it was reputed an infa|mie to passe by anie of them without visitation: so it was a no lesse reproch to appeare emptie before the Lord. And for this occasion also they were builded ve|rie huge and great, for otherwise they were not ca|pable of such multitudes as came dailie vnto them, to heare the word, and receiue the sacraments.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 But as the number of christians increased, so first monasteries, then finallie parish churches were buil|ded in euerie iurisdiction: from whence I take our deanerie churches to haue their originall, now called mother churches, and their incumbents, archpréests; the rest being added since the conquest, either by the lords of euerie towne, or zealous men, loth to trauell farre, and willing to haue some ease by buil|ding them neere hand. Unto these deanerie churches also the cleargie in old time of the same deanrie were appointed to repaire at sundrie seasons, there to re|ceiue wholesome ordinances, and to consult vpon the necessarie affaires of the whole iurisdiction; if neces|sitie so required: and some image hereof is yet to be seene in the north parts. But as the number of chur|ches increased, so the repaire of the faithfull vnto the cathedrals did diminish: whereby they now become especiallie in their nether parts rather markets and shops for march [...]dize, than solemn places of praier, wherevnto they were first erected. Moreouer in the said cathedrall churches vpon sundaies and festiuall daies,Ordinarie sermons. the canons doo make certeine ordinarie ser|mons by course, wherevnto great numbers of all e|states doo orderlie resort: and vpon the working daies thrise in the wéeke, one of the said canons, or some other in his stéed,Ordinarie ex|positions of the scriptures dooth read and expound some péece of holie seripture, wherevnto the people doo ve|rie reuerentlie repaire. The bishops themselues in like sort are not idle in their callings, for being now exempt from court and councell, which is one (and a no small) péece of their felicitie (although Richard archbishop of Canturburie thought otherwise, as yet appeareth by his letters to pope Alexander, Epistola44. Petri Blesensis, where he saith; Bicause the clear|gie of his time were somewhat narrowlie looked vn|to, Supra dorsum ecclesiae fabricant peccatores, &c:) they so applie their minds to the setting foorth of the word,The bishops preach dili|gentlie, whose predecessors heretofore haue beene oc|cupied in tem|porall affairs. that there are verie few of them, which doo not eue|rie sundaie or offener resort to some place or other, within their iurisdictions, where they expound the scriptures with much grauitie and skill; and yet not without the great mistaking and contempt of such as hate the word. Of their manifold translations from one sée to another I will saie nothing, which is not now doone for the benefit of the flocke, as the prefer|ment of the partie fauoured, and aduantage vnto the prince, a matter in time past much doubted of, to wit, whether a bishop or pastor might be translated from one sée to another; & left vndecided, till prescription by roiall authoritie made it good. For among princes a thing once doone, is well doone, and to be doone oftentimes, though no warrant be to be found there|fore.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 They haue vnder them also their archdeacons,Archdecons. some one, diuerse two, and manie foure or mo, as their circuits are in quantitie, which archdeacons are termed in law the bishops eies: and these (beside their ordinarie courts, which are holden within so manie or more of their seuerall deanries by them|selues or their officials once in a moneth at the least) doo kéepe yearelie two visitations or synods (as the bishop dooth in euerie third yeare, wherein he confir|meth some children, though most care but a litle for that ceremonie) in which they make diligent inqui|sition and search, as well for the doctrine and behaui|our of the ministers, as the orderlie dealing of the parishioners in resorting to their parish churches and conformitie vnto religion. They punish also with great seueritie all such trespassers, either in per|son or by the pursse (where permutation of penance is thought more gréeuous to the offendor) as are pre|sented vnto them: or if the cause be of the more weight, as in cases of heresie, pertinacie, contempt, and such like, they referre them either to the bishop of the diocesse, or his chancellor, or else to sundrie graue persons set in authoritie,High com|missioners. by vertue of an high com|mission directed vnto them from the prince to that end, who in verie courteous maner doo sée the offen|dors gently reformed, or else seuerlie punished, if ne|cessitie so inforce.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Beside this,A prophesie or conference. in manie of our archdeaconries we haue an exercise latelie begun, which for the most part is called a prophesie or conference, and erected onelie for the examination or triall of the diligence of the cleargie in their studie of holie scriptures. Howbeit, such is the thirstie desire of the people in these daies to heare the word of God, that they also haue as it were with zealous violence intruded themselues among them (but as hearers onelie) to come by more knowledge through their presence at the same. Herein also (for the most part) two of the yoonger sort of ministers doo expound ech after other some péece of the scriptures ordinarilie appointed vn|to them in their courses (wherein they orderlie go through with some one of the euangelists, or of the e|pistles, as it pleaseth the whole assemblie to choose at the first in euerie of these conferences) and when they haue spent an houre or a little more betwéene them, then commeth one of the better learned sort, who be|ing a graduat for the most part, or knowne to be a preacher sufficientlie authorised, & of a sound iudge|ment, supplieth the roome of a moderator, making first a breefe rehearsall of their discourses, and then adding what him thinketh good of his owne know|ledge, wherby two houres are thus commonlie spent at this most profitable méeting. When all is doone, if the first speakers haue shewed anie peece of dili|gence, they are commended for their trauell, and in|couraged EEBO page image 136 to go forward. If they haue béene found to be slacke, or not sound in deliuerie of their doctrine, their negligence and error is openlie reprooued be|fore all their brethren, who go aside of purpose from the laitie, after the exercise ended, to iudge of these matters, and consult of the next speakers and quan|titie of the text to be handled in that place. The laitie neuer speake of course (except some vaine and busie head will now and then intrude themselues with of|fense) but are onelie hearers; and as it is vsed in some places wéekelie, in other once in foureteene daies, in diuerse monethlie, and elsewhere twise in a yeare, so is it a notable spurre vnto all the ministers, thereby to applie their bookes, which otherwise (as in times past) would giue themselues to hawking, hun|ting, tables, cards, dice, tipling at the alehouse, shoo|ting of matches, and other like vanities, nothing commendable in such as should be godlie and zea|lous stewards of the good gifts of God, faithfull distri|butors of his word vnto the people, and diligent pa|stors according to their calling.

But alas! as sathan the author of all mischéefe hath in sundrie manners heretofore hindered the e|rection and maintenance of manie good things: so in this he hath stirred vp aduersaries of late vnto this most profitable exercise, who not regarding the commoditie that riseth thereby so well to the hearers as spekers; but either stumbling (I cannot tell how) at words and termes, or at the least wise not liking to here of the reprehension of vice, or peraduenture taking a misliking at the slender demeanours of such negligent ministers, as now and then in their courses doo occupie the roomes, haue either by their owne practise, their sinister information, or suggesti|ons made vpon surmises vnto other procured the suppression of these conferences, condemning them as hurtfull, pernicious, and dailie bréeders of no small hurt & inconuenience. But hereof let God be iudge, vnto whome the cause belongeth.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Our elders or ministers and deacons (for subdea|cons and the other inferiour orders,Ministers & deacons. sometime vsed in popish church we haue not) are made according to a certeine forme of consecration concluded vpon in the time of king Edward the sixt, by the cleargie of England, and soone after confirmed by the thrée e|states of the realme, in the high court of parlement. And out of the first sort, that is to saie, of such as are called to the ministerie (without respect whether they be married or not) are bishops, deanes, archdeacons, & such as haue the higher places in the hierarchie of the church elected; and these also as all the rest, at the first comming vnto anie spirituall promotion, doo yéeld vnto the prince the entire taxe of that their li|uing for one whole yeare, if it amount in value vnto ten pounds and vpwards, and this vnder the name and title of first fruits.

With vs also it is permitted, that a sufficient man may (by dispensation from the prince) hold two liuings, not distant either from other aboue thirtie miles; whereby it commeth to passe, that as hir ma|iestie dooth reape some commoditie by the facultie, so the vnition of two in one man dooth bring often|times more benefit to one of them in a moneth (I meane for doctrine) than they haue had before perad|uenture in manie yeares.

Manie exclame against such faculties, as if there were mo good preachers that want maintenance, than liuings to mainteine them. In déed when a li|uing is void, there are so manie sutors for it, that a man would thinke the report to be true and most certeine: but when it commeth to the triall, who are sufficient, and who not, who are staied men in conuer|sation, iudgement, and learning; of that great num|ber you shall hardlie find one or two, such as they ought to be: and yet none more earnest to make sute, to promise largelie, beare a better shew, or find fault with the state of things than they. Neuerthe|lesse, I doo not thinke that their exclamations if they were wiselie handled, are altogither grounded vpon rumors or ambitious minds, if you respect the state of the thing it selfe, and not the necessitie growing through want of able men, to furnish out all the cures in England, which both our vniuersities are ne|uer able to performe. For if you obserue what num|bers of preachers Cambridge and Oxford doo yeare|lie send foorth; and how manie new compositions are made in the court of first fruits, by the deaths of the last incumbents: you shall soone sée a difference. Wherefore, if in countrie townes & cities, yea euen in London it selfe, foure or fiue of the litle churches were brought into one, the inconuenience would in great part be redressed.

And to saie truth, one most commonlie of these small liuings is of so little value, that it is not able to mainteine a meane scholar; much lesse a learned man, as not being aboue ten, twelue, sixteene, seuen|téene, twentie, or thirtie pounds at the most, toward their charges, which now (more than before time) doo go out of the same. I saie more than before, bicause euerie small trifle, noble mans request, or courtesie craued by the bishop, dooth impose and command a twentith part, a three score part, or two pence in the pound, &c: out of our liuings, which hitherto hath not béene vsuallie granted, but by consent of a synod, wherein things were decided according to equitie, and the poorer sort considered of, which now are equal|lie burdened.

We paie also the tenths of our liuings to the prince yearelie, according to such valuation of ech of them, as hath beene latelie made: which neuerthelesse in time past were not annuall but voluntarie, & paid at request of king or pope. Herevpon also hangeth a pleasant storie though doone of late yeares, to wit 1452, at which time the cleargie séeing the continu|all losses that the king of England susteined in France, vpon some motion of reléefe made, granted in an open conuocation to giue him two tenths to|ward the recouerie of Burdeaux, which his grace ve|rie thankefullie receiued. It fortuned also at the same time that Uincentius Clemens the popes fac|tor was here in England, who hearing what the cler|gie had doone, came into the conuocation house also in great hast and lesse spéed, where, in a solemne ora|tion he earnestlie required them to be no lesse fauou|rable to their spirituall father the pope, and mother the sée of Rome, than they had shewed themselues vnto his vassall and inferiour, meaning their soue|reigne lord in temporall iurisdiction, &c. In deliue|ring also the cause of his sute, he shewed how grée|uouslie the pope was disturbed by cutthrotes, var|lots, and harlots, which doo now so abound in Rome, that his holinesse is in dailie danger to be made a|waie amongst them. To be short when this fine tale was told, one of the companie stood vp and said vnto him; My lord we haue heard your request, and as we thinke it deserueth litle consideration and lesse eare, for how would you haue vs to contribute to his aid in suppression of such, as he and such as you are doo continuall vphold, it is not vnknowen in this house what rule is kept in Rome.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 I grant (quoth Uincent) that there wanteth iust re|formation of manie things in that citie, which would haue béene made sooner, but now it is too late: neuer|thelesse I beséech you to write vnto his holinesse, with request that he would leaue and abandon that Babylon, which is but a sinke of mischiefe, and kéepe his court elsewhere in place of better fame. And this he shall be the better able also to performe, if by your EEBO page image 137 liberalitie extended towards him, vnto whome you are most bound, he be incouraged thereto. Manie o|ther words passed to and fro amongst them, howbeit in the end Uincent ouercame not, but was dismissed without anie penie obteined. But to returne to our tenths, a paiement first as deuised by the pope, and afterward taken vp as by the prescription of the king, wherevnto we may ioine also our first fruits, which is one whole yeares commoditie of our liuing, due at our entrance into the same, the tenths abated vnto the princes cofers, and paid commonlie in two yeares. For the receipt also of these two paiments, an especiall office or court is erected, which beareth name of first fruits and tenths, wherevnto if the par|tie to be preferred, doo not make his dutifull repaire by an appointed time after possession taken, there to compound for the paiment of his said fruits, he in|curreth the danger of a great penaltie, limited by a certeine statute prouided in that behalfe, against such as doo intrude into the ecclesiasticall function, and refuse to paie the accustomed duties belonging to the same.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 They paie likewise subsidies with the temporaltie, but in such sort, that if these paie after foure shillings for land, the cleargie contribute commonlie after six shillings of the pound, so that of a benefice of twen|tie pounds by the yeare, the incumbent thinketh him|selfe well acquited, if all ordinarie paiments being discharged he may reserue thirtéene pounds six shil|lings eight pence towards his owne sustentation, and maintenance of his familie. Seldome also are they without the compasse of a subsidie, for if they be one yeare cleare from this paiement, a thing not of|ten seene of late yeeres, they are like in the next to heare of another grant: so that I saie againe they are seldome without the limit of a subsidie. Herein also they somewhat find themselues grieued, that the laitie may at euerie taxation helpe themselues, and so they doo through consideration had of their decaie and hinderance, and yet their impouerishment can|not but touch also the parson or vicar, vnto whom such libertie is denied, as is dailie to be séene in their ac|compts and tithings.

Some of them also, after the mariages of their children, will haue their proportions qualified, or by fréendship get themselues quite out of the booke. But what stand I vpon these things, who haue rather to complaine of the iniurie offered by some of our neighbors of the laitie, which dailie indeuor to bring vs also within the compasse of their fifteens or taxes for their owne ease, whereas the taxe of the whole realme, which is commonlie greater in the cham|peigne than woodland soile, amounteth onelie to 37930 pounds nine pence halfepenie, is a burden easie inough to be borne vpon so manie shoulders, without the helpe of the cleargie, whose tenths and subsidies make vp commonlie a double, if not trou|blesome vnto their aforesaid paiments. Sometimes also we are threatned with a Meliùsinquirendum, as if our liuings were not racked high inough alreadie. But if a man should seeke out where all those church lands, which in time past did contribute vnto the old summe required or to be made vp, no doubt no small number of the laitie of all states should be con|tributors also with vs, the prince not defrauded of hir expectation and right. We are also charged with armor & munitions from thirtie pounds vpwards, a thing more néedfull than diuerse other charges im|posed vpon vs are conuenient, by which & other bur|dens our case groweth to be more heauie by a great deale (notwithstanding our immunitie from tempo|rall seruices) than that of the laitie, and for ought that I sée not likelie to be diminished, as if the church were now become the asse whereon euerie market man is to ride and cast his wallet.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The other paiments due vnto the archbishop and bishop at their seuerall visitations (of which the first is double to the latter) and such also as the archdea|con receiueth at his synods, &c: remaine still as they did without anie alteration, onelie this I thinke be added within memorie of man, that at the comming of euerie prince, his appointed officers doo common|lie visit the whole realme vnder the forme of an ec|clesiasticall inquisition, in which the clergie doo vsual|lie paie double fées, as vnto the archbishop. Hereby then, and by those alreadie remembred, it is found that the church of England, is no lesse commodious to the princes coffers than the state of the laitie, if it doo not farre exceed the same, since their paiments are certeine, continuall, and seldome abated, howsoe|uer they gather vp their owne duties with grudg|ing, murmuring, sute, and slanderous speeches of the paiers, or haue their liuings otherwise hardlie valu|ed vnto the vttermost farding, or shrewdlie cancel|led by the couetousnesse of the patrones, of whome some doo bestow aduousons of benefices vpon their bakers, butlers, cookes, good archers, falconers, and horssekéepers, in sted of other recompense, for their long and faithfull seruice, which they imploie after|ward vnto their most aduantage.

Certes here they resemble the pope verie much, for as he sendeth out his idols, so doo they their para|sites, pages, chamberleins, stewards, groomes, & lac|kies; and yet these be the men that first exclame of the insufficiencie of the ministers, as hoping there|by in due time to get also their glebes and grounds into their hands. In times past bishopriks went al|most after the same maner vnder the laie princes, and then vnder the pope, so that he which helped a clerke vnto a see, was sure to haue a present or purse fine, if not an annuall pension, besides that which went to the popes coffers, and was thought to be ve|rie good merchandize. Hereof one example may be touched, as of a thing doone in my yoonger daies, whi|lest quéene Marie bare the swaie and gouerned in this land. After the death of Stephan Gardiner, the sée of Winchester was void for a season, during which time cardinall Poole made seizure vpon the re|uenues and commodities of the same, pretending authoritie therevnto Sede vacante, by vertue of his place. With this act of his the bishop of Lincolne cal|led White tooke such displeasure, that he stepped in like a mate, with full purpose (as he said) to kéepe that sée from ruine. He wrote also to Paulus the fourth pope, requiring that he might be preferred therevn|to, promising so as he might be Compos voti, to paie to the popes coffers 1600 pounds yearlie during his naturall life, and for one yeere after. But the pope no|thing liking of his motion, and yet desirous to reape a further benefit, first shewed himselfe to stomach his simonicall practise verie grieuouslie, considering the dangerousnesse of the time and present estate of the church of England, which hoong as yet in balance readie to yéeld anie waie, sauing foorth right, as he alledged in his letters. By which replie he so terrified the poore bishop, that he was driuen vnto another is|sue, I meane to recouer the popes good will, with a further summe than stood with his ease to part with|all. In the end when the pope had gotten this fleece, a new deuise was found, and meanes made to and by the prince, that White might be bishop of Winche|ster, which at the last he obteined, but in such wise as that the pope and his néerest friends did lose but a lit|tle by it. I could if néed were set downe a report of diuerse other the like practises, but this shall suffice in stéed of all the rest, least in reprehending of vice I might shew my selfe to be a teacher of vngodlinesse, or to scatter more vngratious séed in lewd ground EEBO page image 138 alreadie choked with wickednesse.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 To procéed therefore with the rest, I thinke it good also to remember, that the names vsuallie giuen vn|to such as féed the flocke remaine in like sort as in times past, so that these words, parson, vicar, curat, and such are not yet abolished more than the canon law it selfe, which is dailie pleaded, as I haue said elsewhere; although the statutes of the realme haue greatlie infringed the large scope, and brought the exercise of the same into some narrower limits. There is nothing read in our churches but the cano|nicall scriptures, whereby it commeth to passe that the psalter is said ouer once in thirtie daies, the new testament foure times, and the old testament once in the yeare. And herevnto if the curat be ad|iudged by the bishop or his deputies, sufficientlie instructed in the holie scriptures, and therewithall able to teach, he permitteth him to make some expo|sition or exhortation in his parish, vnto amendment of life. And for so much as our churches and vniuer|sities haue béene so spoiled in time of errour, as there cannot yet be had such number of able pastours as may suffice for euerie parish to haue one: there are (beside foure sermons appointed by publike order in the yeare) certeine sermons or homilies (deuised by sundrie learned men, confirmed for sound doctrine by consent of the diuines, and publike authoritie of the prince) and those appointed to be read by the cu|rats of meane vnderstanding (which homilies doo comprehend the principall parts of christian doc|trine, as of originall sinne, of iustification by faith, of charitie, and such like) vpon the sabbaoth daies, vnto the congregation. And after a certeine number of psalmes read, which are limited according to the daies of the month, for morning and euening praier, we haue two lessons, wherof the first is taken out of the old testament, the second out of the new, and of these latter that in the morning is out of the gospels, the other in the after noone out of some one of the e|pistles. After morning prater also we haue the leta|nie and suffrages, an inuocation in mine opinion not deuised without the great assistance of the spirit of God, although manie curious mindsicke persons vtterlie condemne it as superstitious and sauoring of coniuration and sorcerie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 This being doone, we procéed vnto the communion, if anie communicants be to receiue the eucharist, if not we read the decalog, epistle and gospell with the Nicene créed (of some in derision called the drie com|munion) and then procéed vnto an homilie or ser|mon, which hath a psalme before and after it, and fi|nallie vnto the baptisme of such infants as on euerie saboth daie (if occasion so require) are brought vnto the churches: and thus is the forenoone bestowed. In the after noone likewise we méet againe, and after the psalmes and lessons ended we haue commonlie a sermon, or at the leastwise our youth catechised by the space of an houre. And thus doo we spend the sa|baoth daie in good and godlie exercises, all doone in our vulgar toong, that each one present may heare and vnderstand the same, which also in cathedrall and collegiat churches is so ordered, that the psalmes onelie are soong by note, the rest being read (as in common parish churches) by the minister with a lowd voice, sauing that in the administration of the com|munion the quier singeth the answers, the créed, and sundrie other things appointed, but in so plaine, I saie, and distinct maner, that each one present may vnderstand what they sing, euerie word hauing but one note, though the whole harmonie consist of ma|nie parts, and those verie cunninglie set by the skil|full in that science.

Certes this translation of the seruice of the church into the vulgar toong, hath not a litle offended the pope almost in euerie age, as a thing verie often at|tempted by diuers princes, but neuer generallie ob|teined, for feare least the confenting thervnto might bréed the ouerthrow (as it would in déed) of all his re|ligion and hierarchie: neuerthelesse in some places where the kings and princes dwelled not vnder his nose, it was performed maugre his resistance, Ura|tislaus duke of Bohemia, would long since haue doone the like also in his kingdome, but not daring to venter so farre without the consent of the pope, he wrote vnto him thereof, and receiued his answer in|hibitorie vnto all his proceeding in the same.

Gregorius septimus Vratislao Bohemorum duci, &c. Quia nobilitas tua postulat, quòd secundũ Sclauonicã linguã apud vos diuinum celebrari annueremus officium, scias nos huic petitioni tuae nequaquàm possefauere, ex hoc nempe se voluen|tibus liquet, non immeritò sacram scripturam optimo Deo pla|cuisse quibusdam locis esse occultam; ne si ad liquidum cun|ctis pateret, fortè vilesceret, & subiaceret despectui, aut prauè intellecta à mediocribus in errorem induceret. Neque enim ad excusationem iuuat, quòd quidam viri hoc quod sim|plex populus quaerit patienter tulerunt, seu incorrectum dimi|serunt: cum primitiua ecclesia multa dissimulauerit, quae à sanctis patribus postmodum, firmata christianitate & reli|gione crescente, subtili examinatione correcta sunt: vnde id nè fiat, quod à vestris imprudenter exposcitur, authoritate beati Petri inhibemus; téque ad honorem optimi Dei huic vanae temeritati viribus totis resistere praecipimus, &c. Da|tum Romae, &c.

I would set downe two or thrée more of the like instruments passed from that see vnto the like end, but this shall suffice, being lesse common than the o|ther, which are to be had more plentifullie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 As for our churches themselues, belles, and times of morning and euening praier, remaine as in times past, sauing that all images, shrines, tabernacles, roodlofts, and monuments of idolatrie are remoo|ued, taken downe, and defaced; onelie the stories in glasse windowes excepted, which for want of suffi|cient store of new stuffe, and by reason of extreame charge that should grow by the alteration of the same into white panes throughout the realme, are not altogither abolished in most places at once, but by little and little suffered to decaie, that white glasse may be prouided and set vp in their roomes. Final|lie, whereas there was woont to be a great partition betwéene the quire and the bodie of the church; now it is either verie small or none at all: and to saie the truth altogither needlesse, sith the minister saith his seruice commonlie in the bodie of the church, with his face toward the people, in a little tabernacle of wainscot prouided for the purpose: by which means the ignorant doo not onelie learne diuerse of the psalmes and vsuall praiers by heart, but also such as can read, doo praie togither with him: so that the whole congregation at one instant powere out their petitions vnto the liuing God, for the whole estate of his church in most earnest and feruent manner. Our holie and festiuall daies are verie well reduced also vnto a lesse number; for whereas (not long since) we had vnder the pope foure score and fiftéene, called fe|stiuall, and thirtie Profesti, beside the sundaies, they are all brought vnto seauen and twentie: and with them the superfluous numbers of idle waks, guilds, fraternities, church-ales, helpe-ales, and soule-ales, called also dirge-ales, with the heathnish rioting at bride-ales, are well diminished and laid aside. And no great matter were it if the feasts of all our apostles, euangelists, and martyrs, with that of all saincts, were brought to the holie daies that follow vpon Christmasse, Easter, and Whitsuntide; and those of the virgine Marie, with the rest vtterlie remooued from the calendars, as neither necessarie nor com|mendable in a reformed church.

EEBO page image 139 The apparell in like sort of our clergie men is com|lie,Apparell. & in truth, more decent than euer it was in the po|pish church: before the vniuersities bound their gra|duats vnto a stable attire, afterward vsurped also e|uen by the blind sir Iohns. For if you peruse well my chronologie insuing, you shall find, that they went either in diuerse colors like plaiers, or in gar|ments of light hew, as yellow, red, greene, &c: with their shooes piked, their haire crisped, their girdles armed with siluer; their shooes, spurres, bridles, &c: buckled with like mettall: their apparell (for the most part) of silke, and richlie furred; their cappes laced and butned with gold: so that to méet a priest in those daies, was to behold a peacocke that spreadeth his taile when he danseth before the henne: which now (I saie) is well reformed.Hospitalitie. Touching hospitali|tie, there was neuer anie greater vsed in England, sith by reason that mariage is permitted to him that will choose that kind of life, their meat and drinke is more orderlie and frugallie dressed; their furniture of houshold more conuenient, and better looked vnto; and the poore oftener fed generallie than heretofore they haue béene, when onlie a few bishops, and dou|ble or treble beneficed men did make good cheere at Christmasse onelie, or otherwise kept great houses for the interteinment of the rich, which did often see and visit them. It is thought much peraduenture, that some bishops, &c: in our time doo come short of the ancient gluttonie and prodigalitie of their prede|cessors: but to such as doo consider of the curtailing of their liuings, or excessiue prices whervnto things are growen, and how their course is limited by law, and estate looked into on euery side, the cause of their so dooing is well inough perceiued. This also offen|deth manie, that they should after their deaths leaue their substances to their wiues and children: wheras they consider not, that in old time such as had no le|mans nor bastards (verie few were there God wot of this sort) did leaue their goods and possessions to their brethren and kinsfolks, whereby (as I can shew by good record) manie houses of gentilitie haue gro|wen and béene erected. If in anie age some one of them did found a college, almeshouse, or schoole, if you looke vnto these our times, you shall see no fewer déeds of charitie doone, nor better grounded vpon the right stub of pietie than before.Mariage. If you saie that their wiues be fond, after the deceasse of their hus|bands, and bestow themselues not so aduisedlie as their calling requireth, which God knoweth these curious surueiors make small accompt of in truth, further than thereby to gather matter of reprehen|sion: I beséech you then to looke into all states of the laitie, & tell me whether some duchesses, countesses, barons, or knights wiues, doo not fullie so often of|fend in the like as they? for Eue will be Eue though Adam would saie naie.Thred-bare gownes from whence they come. Not a few also find fault with our thred-bare gowns, as if not our patrones but our wiues were causes of our wo. But if it were knowne to all, that I know to haue beene performed of late in Essex, where a minister taking a benefice (of lesse than twentie pounds in the Quéenes bookes so farre as I remember) was inforced to paie to his patrone, twentie quarters of otes, ten quarters of wheat, and sixtéene yéerelie of barleie, which he called hawkes meat; and another left the like in farme to his patrone for ten pounds by the yéere, which is well woorth fortie at the least, the cause of our thred|bare gownes would easilie appeere, for such patrons doo scrape the wooll from our clokes. Wherfore I may well saie, that such a thred-bare minister is either an ill man, or hath an ill patrone, or both: and when such cookes & cobling shifters shall be remooued and wee|ded out of the ministerie, I doubt not but our pa|trons will prooue better men, and be reformed whe|ther they will or not, or else the single minded bishops shall sée the liuing bestowed vpon such as doo deserue it. When the Pragmatike sanction tooke place first in France, it was supposed that these enormities should vtterlie haue ceased: but when the elections of bishops came once into the hands of the ca|nons and spirituall men, it grew to be farre worse. For they also within a while waxing couetous, by their owne experience learned aforehand, raised the markets, and sought after new gaines by the gifts of the greatest liuings in that countrie,Number of churches in France. wherein (as Machiauell writeth) are eightéene archbishoprikes, one hundred fortie and sixe bishoprikes, 740 ab|bies, eleuen vniuersities, 1000700 stéeples (if his re|port be sound.) Some are of the opinion, that if suf|ficient men in euerie towne might be sent for from the vniuersities, this mischiefe would soone be reme|died; but I am cleane of another mind. For when I consider wherevnto the gifts of felowships in some places are growen:Pretie pac|king. the profit that ariseth at sun|drie elections of scholars out of grammar schooles, to the posers, schoolemasters, and preferrers of them to our vniuersities, the gifts of a great number of almeshouses builded for the maimed and impotent souldiors, by princes and good men heretofore moo|ued with a pittifull consideration of the poore di|stressed: how rewards, pensions, and annuities also doo reigne in other cases, wherby the giuer is brought somtimes into extreame miserie, & that not so much as the roome of a common souldior is not obteined oftentimes, without a What will you giue me? I am brought into such a mistrust of the sequele of this de|uise, that I dare pronounce (almost for certeine) that if Homer were now aliue, it should be said to him:

Túque licèt venias musis comitatus Homere,
Si nihil attuleris ibis Homere foras.

More I could saie, and more I would saie of these and other things, were it not that in mine owne iudgement I haue said inough alreadie for the ad|uertisement of such as be wise. Neuerthelesse, be|fore I finish this chapter, I will adde a word or two (so brieflie as I can) of the old estate of ca|thedrall churches, which I haue collected togither here and there among the writers, and whereby if shall easilie be seene what they were, and how neere the gouernment of ours doo in these daies approch vnto them, for that there is an irreconciliable ods betwéene them and those of the papists, I hope there is no learned man indéed, but will acknowlege and yéeld vnto it.

We find therefore in the time of the primitiue church,Old estate of cathedrall churches. that there was in euerie see or iurisdiction one schoole at the least, whereinto such as were cate|chistes in christian religion did resort. And hereof as we may find great testimonie for Alexandria, Anti|och, Rome, and Hierusalem; so no small notice is left of the like in the inferior sort, if the names of such as taught in them be called to mind, & the histories well read which make report of the same. These schooles were vnder the iurisdiction of the bishops, and from thence did they & the rest of the elders choose out such as were the ripest scholars, and willing to serue in the ministerie, whome they placed also in their ca|thedrall churches, there not onelie to be further in|structed in the knowledge of the word, but also to in|vre them to the deliuerie of the same vnto the peo|ple in sound maner, to minister the sacraments, to visit the sicke and brethren imprisoned, and to per|forme such other duties as then belonged to their charges. The bishop himselfe and elders of the church were also hearers and examiners of their doctrine, and being in processe of time found meet workmen for the lords haruest, they were forthwith sent abrode (after imposition of hands, and praier generallie EEBO page image 140 made for their good proceeding) to some place or other then destitute of hir pastor, and other taken from the schoole also placed in their roomes. What number of such clerks belonged now and then to some one sée, the chronologie following shall easilie declare: and in like sort what officers, widowes, and other persons were dailie mainteined in those seasons by the offe|rings and oblations of the faithfull, it is incredible to be reported, if we compare the same with the decaies and ablations séene and practised at this present. But what is that in all the world which auarice and negli|gence will not corrupt and impaire? And as this is a paterne of the estate of the cathedrall churches in those times, so I wish that the like order of gouern|ment might once againe be restored vnto the same, which may be doone with ease, sith the schooles are al|readie builded in euerie diocesse, the vniuersities, places of their preferment vnto further knowledge, and the cathedrall churches great inough to receiue so manie as shall come from thence to be instructed vnto doctrine. But one hinderance of this is alrea|die and more & more to be looked for (beside the pluc|king and snatching commonlie séene from such hou|ses and the church) and that is, the generall contempt of the ministerie, and small consideration of their former paines taken, whereby lesse and lesse hope of competent maintenance by preaching the word is likelie to insue. Wherefore the greatest part of the more excellent wits choose rather to imploy their stu|dies vnto physike and the lawes, vtterlie giuing ouer the studie of the scriptures, for feare least they should in time not get their bread by the same. By this meanes also the stalles in their quéeres would be bet|ter filled, which now (for the most part) are emptie, and prebends should be prebends indéed, there to liue till they were preferred to some ecclesiasticall function, and then other men chosen to succéed them in their roomes, whereas now prebends are but su|perfluous additaments vnto former excesses, & per|petuall commodities vnto the owners, which before time were but temporall (as I haue said before.) But as I haue good leisure to wish for these things: so it shall be a longer time before it will be brought to passe. Neuerthelesse, as I will praie for a reforma|tion in this behalfe, so will I here conclude this my discourse of the estate of our churches, and go in hand with the limits and bounds of our seuerall sées, in such order as they shall come vnto my present re|membrance.

3.2. Of the number of bishoprikes and their seuerall circuits. Chap. 2.

Of the number of bishoprikes and their seuerall circuits. Chap. 2.

_HAuing alreadie spoken gene|rally of the state of our church, now will I touch the sées se|uerallie, saieng so much of ech of them as shall be conueni|ent for the time, and not one|lie out of the ancient, but also the later writers, and some|what of mine owne experience, beginning first with the sée of Canturburie, as the most notable, whose archbishop is the primat of all this land for ecclesia|sticall iurisdiction, and most accompted of common|lie, bicause he is néerer to the prince, and readie at e|uerie call.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The iurisdiction of Canturburie therefore, exec|ted first by Augustine the moonke,Canturburie. in the time of Ethelbert king of Kent, if you haue respect to hir prouinciall regiment, extendeth it selfe ouer all the south and west parts of this Iland, and Ireland, as I haue noted in the chapter precedent, and few shires there are wherein the archbishop hath not some pecu|liars. But if you regard the same onelie that was and is proper vnto his see, from the beginning, it rea|cheth but ouer one parcell of Kent, which Rudburne calleth Cantwarland, the iurisdiction of Rochester including the rest: so that in this one countie the greatest archbishoprike and the least bishoprike of all are linked in togither. That of Canturburie hath vnder it one archdeaconrie, who hath iurisdiction ouer eleauen deanries or a hundred sixtie one parish chur|ches; & in the popish time in sted of the 3093 pounds, eighteene shillings, halfepenie, farthing, which it now paieth vnto hir maiestie, vnder the name of first frutes, there went out of this see to Rome, at euerie alienation 10000 ducates or florens, beside 5000 that the ne [...]h elect did vsuallie paie for his pall, each ducat being then worth an English crowne or there|about, as I haue béene informed.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The sée of Rochester is also included within the li|mits of Kent,Rochester. being erected by Augustine in the 604 of Grace, and reigne of Ceolrijc ouer the west-Saxons. The bishop of this sée hath one archdeacon, vnder whose gouernment in causes ecclesiasticall are thrée deanries, or 132 parish churches: so that hereby it is to be gathered, that there are 393 parish churches in Kent, ouer which the said two archdea|cons haue especiall cure & charge. He was woont to paie also vnto the court of Rome at his admission to that see 1300 ducats or florens, as I read, which was an hard valuation, considering the smalnesse of circuit belonging to his sée. Howbeit, in my time it is so farre from ease by diminution, that it is raised to 1432 crownes, &c: or as we resolue them into our pounds, 358 pounds, thrée shillings, six pence, halfe-pennie, farthing, a reckoning a great deale more preciselie made than anie bishop of that sée dooth take any great delight in. He was crosse-bearer in times past vnto the archbishop of Canturburie. And there are and haue béene few sées in England, which at one time or other haue not fetched their bishops for the most part from this see: for as it is of it selfe but a small thing in déed, so it is commonlie a preparatiue to an higher place. But of all that euer possessed it, Thomas Kempe had the best lucke, who being but a poore mans sonne of Wie (vnto which towne he was a great benefactor) grew first to be doctor of both lawes, then of diuinitie; and afterward being promo|ted to this sée, he was translated from thence to Chi|chester, thirdlie to London, next of all to Yorke, and finallie after seauen and twentie yeares to Cantur|burie, where he became also cardinall, deacon, and then preest in the court of Rome, according to this verse, Bis primas, ter praeses, bis cardine functus. Certes I note this man, bicause he bare some fauour to the furtherance of the gospell, and to that end he either builded or repared the pulpit in Paules churchyard, and tooke order for the continuall maintenance of a sermon there vpon the sabaoth, which dooth continue vnto my time, as a place from whence the soundest doctrine is alwaies to be looked for, and for such stran|gers to resort vnto as haue no habitation in anie pa|rish within the citie where it standeth.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The sée of London was erected at the first by Lucius,London. who made it of an archeflamine and temple of Iupiter an archbishops sée, and temple vnto the liuing God, and so it continued, vntill Augustine translated the title thereof to Canturburie. The names of the archbishops of London are these; The|on, Eluan, Cadoc, Owen, Conan, Palladius, Stephan, Iltutus restitutus, anno 350, Theodromus, Theodre|dus, Hilarius, Fastidius, anno 420, Guittelinus, Vodi|nus slaine by the Saxons, and Theonus Iunior. But EEBO page image 141 for their iust order of succession as yet I am not re|solued, neuerthelesse the first bishop there was ordei|ned by Augustine the moonke, in the yeare of Christ 604, in the time of Ceolrijc, after he had remooued his see further off into Kent: I woote not vpon what secret occasion, if not the spéedie hearing of newes from Rome, and readinesse to flee out of the land, if any trouble should betide him. For iurisdiction it in|cludeth Essex, Middlesex, and part of Herefordshire, which is neither more nor lesse in quantitie than the ancient kingdome of the east Angles, before it was vnited to the west Saxons. The cathedrall church be|longing to this sée, was first begun by Ethelbert of Kent, Indic. 1. 598 of Inuber as I find, whilest he held that part of the said kingdome vnder his go|uernement. Afterward when the Danes had sundrie times defaced it, it was repared and made vp with hard stone, but in the end it was taken downe, and wholie reedified by Mawrice bishop of that sée, and sometimes chapleine to the bastar [...] Henrie the first, allowing him stone and stuffe from Bainards ca|stell néere vnto Ludgate, then ruinous for the furthe|rance of his works. Howbeit the moold of the quire was not statelie inough in the eies of some of his successors; wherefore in the yeare of Grace 1256, it was taken downe and brought into another forme, and called the new worke, at which time also the bo|dies of diuerse kings and bishops were taken vp and bestowed in the walles, to the end their memories should be of longer continuance. The iurisdiction of this sée also vnder the bishop, is committed to foure archdeacons, to wit, of London, Essex, Middlesex, and Colchester, who haue amongst them to the num|ber of 363 parish churches, or thereabouts, beside the peculiars belonging to the archbishop and chapiter of that house, and at euerie alienation the bishop paieth for his owne part 1119 pounds, eight shillings and foure pence (but in old time 3000 florens) which diuerse suppose to be more, than (as it now standeth) the bishop is able to make of it. Of the archdeconrie, of S. Albons added therevnto by king Henrie the eight (whereby the bishop hath fiue eies) I speake not, for although it be vnder the bishop of London for vi|sitations and synods, yet is it otherwise reputed as member of the sée of Lincolne, and therefore worthi|lie called an exempt, it hath also fiue and twentie pa|rishes, of which foure are in Buckingham, the rest in Herefordshire.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The first beginning of the sée of Chichester was inChichester the Ile of Seales or Seolseie, and from thence tran|slated to Chichester, in the time of William the ba|stard, and generall remoouing of sées from small vil|lages vnto the greater townes. It conteineth Sus|sex onelie vnder hir iurisdiction, wherein are sixtéene deanries, and 551 parish churches, it paid at euerie alienation to the sée of Rome 333 ducats: and after Edbert the first bishop, one Cella succéeded, after whome the pontificall chaire (not then worth 677 pounds by the yéere as now it is) was void by many yeares. It was erected in Seoleseie also 711, by the decrée of a synod holden in Sussex, which borowed it from the iurisdiction of Winchester, whereof before it was reputed a parcell. Of all the bishops that haue béene in this sée, Thomas Kempe alwaies excepted, I read not of anie one that hath béene of more esti|mation than William Read, sometime fellow of Merteine college in Oxford, doctor of diuinitie, and the most profound astronomer that liued in his time, as appeareth by his collection which sometime I did possesse; his image is yet in the librarie there, and manie instruments of astronomie reserued in that house (a college crected sometime by Walter Mer|ton bishop of Rochester, and lord chancellor of Eng|land) he builded also the castell of Amberleie from the verie foundation, as Edward Scorie or Storie his successor did the new crosse in the market place of Chichester.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The bishop of Winchester was sometime calledWinchester bishop of the west Saxons, and of Dorchester, which towne was giuen to Birinus and his successors, by Kinigils and Oswald of the Northumbers, in whose time it was erected by Birinus and his fellowes. In my time it hath iurisdiction onelie ouer Hamshire, Surrie, Iardeseie, Gardeseie, and the Wight, con|teining eight deaneries, two hundred seuentie and six parish churches, and beside all this he is perpetuall prelate to the honorable order of the Garter, deuised by Edward the third: he paid in old time to Rome 12000 ducates or florens, but now his first fruits are 2491 pounds nine shillings eight pence halfe penie. Canturburie was said to be the higher racke, but Winchester hath borne the name to be the bet|ter mangier. There are also which make Lucius to be the first founder of an house of praier in Winche|ster, as Kinigils did build the second, and Kinwal|dus his sonne the third; but you shall sée the truth her|of in the chronologie insuing. And herevnto if the old catalog of the bishops of this sée be well consi|dered of, and the acts of the greatest part of them in|differentlie weighed, as they are to be read in our histories, you shall find the most egregious hypo|crites, the stoutest warriours, the cruellest tyrants, the richest monimoongers, and politike counsellors in temporall affaires to haue, I wote not by what se|cret working of the diuine prouidence, beene placed herein Winchester, since the foundation of that sée, which was erected by Birinus 639 (whome pope Ho|norius sent hither out of Italie) and first planted at Dorchester, in the time of Kinigils, then translated to Winchester, where it dooth yet continue.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Salisburie was made the chéefe sée of Shirburne by bishop Harman (predecessor to Osmond)Salisburie. who brought it from Shirburne to that citie; it hath now Barkeshire, Wilshire, and Dorsetshire vnder hir iurisdiction. For after the death of Hedda, which was 704, Winchester was diuided in two, so that onelie Hamshire and Surrie were left vnto it, and Wilton, Dorset, Barkeshire, Summerset, Deuon & Corne|will assigned vnto Shirburne till other order was ta|ken. Bishop Adelme did first sit in that bishoprike (704 as I said) and placed his chaire at Shirburne vpon the said diuision. And as manie lerned bishops did succéed him in that roome, before and after it was remooued to Sarum; so there was neuer a more no|ble ornament to that sée than bishop Iuell, of whose great learning and iudgement the world it selfe beareth witnesse, notwithstanding that the papists prefer S. Osmond (as they call him) because he buil|ded the minster there, and made the portesse called Ordinale ecclesiastici officij, which old préests were woont to vse. The bishops also of this sée were sometimes called bishops of Sunning, of their old mansion house neere vnto Reading (as it should seeme) and a|mong those that liued before the said Iuell, one Ro|ger builded the castell of the Uies in the time of Henrie the first, taken in those daies for the strong|est hold in England, as vnto whose gate there were regals and gripes for six or seuen port cullises. Fi|nallie this sée paid vnto Rome 4000 florens, but vnto hir maiestie in my time 1367 pounds twelue shillings eight pence, as I did find of late.

Excester hath, Deuonshire and Cornewall,Excester. some|time two seuerall bishopriks, but in the end brought into one of Cornewall, and from thence to Excester in the time of the Bastard or soone after. It began vp|on this occasion, Anno Gratiae 905, in a prouinciall councell holden by the elder Edward & Plegimond archbishop of Canturburie, among the Gewises, EEBO page image 142 wherein it was found, that the see of Winchester had not onelie béene without hir pastor by the space of se|uen yéeres, but also that hir iurisdiction was farre greater than two men were able well to gouerne; therefore from the former two, to wit, Winchester and Shirburne, three other were taken, whereby that see was now diuided into fiue parts; the latter thrée being Welles, Kirton, and Cornwall: this of Corn|wall hauing hir sée then at saint Patroks, not farre from north-Wales vpon the riuer Helmouth: he of Deuon holding his iurisdiction in Deuonshire, Kirton, or Cridioc: and the bishop of Welles be|ing allowed Dorset and Barkshires for his part, to gouerne and looke vnto according to his charge. Fi|nallie, these two of Deuon and Cornwall being vni|ted, the valuation thereof was taxed by the sée of Rome at six thousand ducats or florens, which were trulie paid at euerie alienation; but verie hardlie (as I gesse) sith that in my time, wherein all things are racked to the verie vttermost, I find that it is litle worth aboue fiue hundred pounds by the yéere, bicause hir tenths are but fiftie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Bath,Bath. whose see was sometime at Welles, before Iohn the bishop there annexed the church of Bath vn|to it, which was 1094, hath Summersetshire onlie, and the valuation thereof in the court of Rome was foure hundred & thirtie florens: but in hir maiesties books I find it fiue hundred thirtie and three pounds, and about one od shilling: which declareth a precise examination of the estate of that sée. Of the erecti|on of this bishoprike, mentioned in the discourse of Excester, I find the former assertion confirmed by another author, and in somewhat more large maher, which I will also remember, onelie because it plea|seth me somewhat better than the words before alle|ged out of the former writer. This bishoprike (saith he) was erected 905, in a councell holden among the Gewises, whereat king Edward of the west-Sax|ons, and Plegimond archbishop of Canturburie were present. For that part of the countrie had béene seuen yéeres without anie pastorall cure. And ther|fore in this councell it was agréed, that for the two bishoprikes (whereof one was at Winchester, ano|ther at Shireburne) there should be fiue ordeined, whereby the people there might be the better instruc|ted.The bishop|rike of Shir|burne diuided into thrée. By this meanes Frithstan was placed at Win|chester, and Ethelme at Shireburne, both of them being then void. Shireburne also susteined the sub|diuision; so that Werstane was made bishop of Cridioc or Deuonshire (whose sée was at Kirton) Herstan of Cornwall, and Eadulfe of Welles, vn|to whome Barkshire and Dorsetshire were appoin|ted. But now you sée what alteration is made, by consideration of the limits of their present iurisdic|tions.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Worcester sometime called Episcopatus Wicciorum (that is,Worcester. the bishoprike of the Wiccies or Huiccies) hath Worcester, & part of Warwikeshires. And be|fore the bishoprike of Glocester was taken out of the same, it paid to the pope two thousand ducats of gold at euerie change of prelat: but now the valuation thereof is one thousand fortie nine pounds, seauen pence halfe penie farthing (except my remembrance doo deceiue me.) This sée was begunne either in, or not long before the time of Offa king of the east-Angles, and Boselus was the first bishop there; after whome succéeded Ostfort, then Egwine who went in pilgrimage to Rome, with Kinredus of Mercia and the said Offa, and there gat a monaste|rie (which he builded in Worcester) confirmed by Constantine the pope. In this sée was one of your lordships ancestors sometime bishop, whose name was Cobham, and doctor both of diuinitie and of the canon law, who, during the time of his pontifica|litie there, builded the vault of the north side of the bodie of the church, and there lieth buried in the same (as I haue béene informed.) Certes this man was once elected, and should haue béene archbishop of Canturburie in the roome of Reginald that died 1313 vnder Edward the second: but the pope frus|trated his election, fearing least he would haue she|wed himselfe more affectionate towards his prince than to his court of Rome; wherefore he gaue Can|turburie to the bishop of Worcester then being. And furthermore, least he should seeme altogither to re|iect the said Thomas and displease the king, he gaue him in the end the bishoprike of Worcester, where|into he entred 1317, Martij 31, being thursdaie (as appeereth by the register of that house) after long plée holden for the aforesaid sée of Canturburie in the court of Rome, wherein most monie did oftenest preuaile. This is also notable of that sée, that fiue I|talians succéeded ech other in the same, by the popes prouision; as Egidius, Syluester, Egidius his nephue (for nephues might say in those daies; Father shall I call you vncle? And vncles also; Son I must call thée nephue) Iulius de Medices, afterward pope Cle|ment, and Hieronymus de Nugutijs, men verie like|lie, no doubt, to benefit the common people by their doctrine. Some of these being at the first but poore men in Rome, and yet able by selling all they had to make a round summe against a rainie daie, came first into fauor with the pope, then into familiaritie, finallie into orders; and from thence into the best liuings of the church, farre off where their parentage could not easilie be heard of, nor made knowne vnto their neighbours.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Glocester hath Glocestershire onelie,Glocester. wherein are nine deanries, and to the number of 294 parish churches, as I find by good record. But it neuer paid anie thing to Rome, bicause it was erected by king Henrie the eight, after he had abolished the vsurped authoritie of the pope, except in quéene Maries, if a|nie such thing were demanded, as I doubt not but it was: yet is it woorth yeerelie 315 pounds, seauen shillings thrée pence, as the booke of first fruits de|clareth.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Hereford hath Herefordshire and part of Shrop|shire,Hereford. and it paid to Rome at euerie alienation 1800 ducats at the least, but in my time it paieth vnto hir maiesties cofers 768 pounds, ten shillings, ten pence, halfe penie, farthing. In this sée there was a bishop sometime called Iohn Bruton, vpon whome the king then reigning, by likelihood for want of competent maintenance, bestowed the keeping of his wardrobe, which he held long time with great ho|nour, as his register saith. A woonderfull preferment that bishops should be preferred from the pulpit, to the custodie of wardrobes: but such was the time. Neuerthelesse his honorable custodie of that charge is more solemnlie remembred, than anie good ser|mon that euer he made, which function peraduen|ture he committed to his suffragane, sith bishops in those daies had so much businesse in the court, that they could not attend to doctrine and exhortation.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Lichefield, wherevnto Couentrie was added,Lichfield. in the time of Henrie the first, at the earnest sute of Robert bishop of that see, hath Staffordshire, Darbi|shire, part of Shropshire, and the rest of Warwike|shire, that is void of subiection to the sée of Worces|tershire. It was erected in the time of Peada king of the south Mercians, which laie on this side the Trent, and therein one Dinas was installed, about the yeare of Grace 656, after whom Kellac first, then Tunher an Englishman succéeded, this later being well learned, and consecrated by the Scots. In the time of the bastard, I wot not vpon what occasi|on, one Peter bishop of this sée translated his chaire EEBO page image 143 to Chester, and there held it for a season, whereby it came to passe that the bishops of Lichfield were for a while called bishops of Chester. But Robert his suc|cessor not likeing of this president, remooued his chaire from Chester to Couentrie, and there held it whilest he liued, whereby the originall diuision of the bishoprike of Lichfield into Lichefield, Chester, and Couentrie, dooth easilie appeare, although in my time Lichfield and Couentrie be vnited, and Chester re|maineth a bishoprike by it selfe. It paid the pope at euerie alienation 1733 florens, or (as some old bookes haue) 3000, a good round summe, but not without a iust punishment, as one saith, sith that anno 765, E|dulfe bishop there vnder Offa king of Mercia, would by his helpe haue bereaued the archbishop of Cantur|burie of his pall, & so did in déed vnder pope Hadrian, holding the same vntill things were reduced vnto their ancient forme. Before the time also of bishop Langton, the prebends of this see laie here and there abroad in the citie, where the vicars also had an house, of which this honest bishop misliked not a little for sundrie causes; wherefore he began their close, and be|stowed so much in building the same, and pauing the stréets, that his hungrie kinsmen did not a little grudge at his expenses, thinking that his emptie cofers would neuer make them gentlemen, for which preferment the freends of most bishops gaped ear|nestlie in those daies. King Iohn was the greatest benefactor vnto this sée, next vnto Offa; and it is cal|led Lichfield, Quasi mortuorum campus, bicause of the great slaughter of christians made there (as some write) vnder Dioclesian. Howbeit in my time the va|luation thereof is 703 pounds, fiue shillings two pence, halfepenie, farthing, a summe verie narrow|lie cast by that auditor which tooke it first in hand.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Oxford hath Oxfordshire onelie, a verie yoong iu|risdiction, erected by king Henrie the eight, & where in the time of quéene Marie, one Goldwell was bi|shop, who (as I remember) was a Iesuit, dwelling in Rome, and more conuersant (as the constant fame went) in the blacke art, than skilfull in the scriptures, and yet he was of great countenance amongst the Romane monarchs. It is said that obseruing the canons of his order, he regarded not the temporali|ties of that sée: but I haue heard since that he wist well inough what became of those commodities, for by one meane and other he found the swéetnesse of 354 pounds sixtéene shillings thrée pence halfe penie, yearelie growing to him, which was euen inough (if not too much) for the maintenance of a frier toward the drawing out of circles, characters, & lineaments of imagerie, wherein he was passing skilfull, as the fame then went in Rome, and not vnheard of in Oxford.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Elie hath Cambridgshire, and the Ile of Elie.Elie. It was erected 1109 by Henrie the first, being before a rich and wealthie abbeie. One Heruie also was made bishop there, as I haue found in a register, be|longing sometime to that house being translated from Bangor. Finallie it paid to the pope at euerie alienation 7000 ducats, as the registers there do te|stifie at large. Albeit that in my time I find a note of 2134 pounds sixteene shillings thrée pence halfe pe|nie farthing, whose disme ioined to those of all the bi|shopriks in England, doo yéeld yearelie to hir maie|sties coffers 23370 pounds sixtéene shillings thrée pence halfe penie farthing: whereby also the huge sums of monie going out of this land to the court of Rome dooth in some measure appéere. Ethelwold af|terward bishop of Winchester builded the first mo|nasterie of Elie vpon the ruines of a nunrie then in the kings hands, howbeit the same house, whereof he himselfe was abbat, was yer long destroied by eni|mies, and he in lieu of his old preferment rewarded by king Edgar, with the aforesaid bishoprike, from whence with more than lionlike boldnesse he expel|led the secular préests, and stored with moonkes pro|uided from Abandune néere Oxford, by the helpe of Edgar and Dunstane then metropolitane of Eng|land. There was sometime a greeuous contention betwéene Thomas Lild bishop of this see, and the king of England, about the yeare of Grace 1355, which I will here deliuer out of an old record, because the matter is so parciallie penned by some of the bre|thren of that house, in fauour of the bishop; & for that I was also abused with the same in the entrance thereof at the first into my chronologie. The blacke prince fauoring one Robert Stretton his chapleine, a man vnlearned and not worthie the name of a clearke, the matter went on so farre, that what for loue, and somewhat else, of a canon of Lichfield he was chosen bishop of that see. Herevpon the pope vn|derstanding what he was by his Nuncio here in En|gland, staied his consecration by his letters for a time, and in the meane season committed his exami|nation to the archbishop of Canturburie, and the bi|shop of Rochester, who felt and dealt so fauourablie with him in golden reasoning, that his worthinesse was commended to the popes holinesse, & to Rome he goeth. Being come to Rome the pope himselfe ap|posed him, and after secret conference vtterlie disa|bleth his election, till he had prooued by substantiall argument and of great weight before him also, that he was not so lightlie to be reiected. Which kind of reasoning so well pleased his holinesse, that Ex mera plenitudine potestatis, he was made capable of the be|nefice and so returneth into England; when he came home, this bishop being in the kings presence told him how he had doone he wist not what in preferring so vnméet a man vnto so high a calling. With which speach the king was so offended, that he commanded him out of hand to auoid out of his presence. In like sort the ladie Wake then duchesse of Lancaster, stan|ding by, and hearing the king hir cousine to gather vp the bishop so roundlie, and thereto an old grudge against him for some other matter, dooth presentlie picke a quarrell against him about certeine lands then in his possession, which he defended & in the end obteined against hir by plée and course of law yer long also afore hapned in a part of hir house, for which she accused the bishop, and in the end by verdict of twelue men found that he was priuie vnto the fact of his men in the said fact, wherfore he was con|demned in nine hundred pounds damages, which he paid euerie penie.

Neuerthelesse, being sore grieued, that she had (as he said) wrested out such a verdict against him, and therein packed vp a quest at hir owne choise: he taketh his horsse, goeth to the court, and there com|plaineth to the king of his great iniurie receiued at hir hands. But in the deliuerie of his tale, his speech was so blockish, & termes so euill fauoredlie (though maliciouslie) placed, that the king tooke yet more of|fense with him than before; insomuch that he led him with him into the parlement house, for then was that court holden, and there before the lords accused him of no small misdemeanor toward his person by his rude and threatening speeches. But the bishop egerlie denieth the kings obiections, which he still a|uoucheth vpon his honor; and in the end confirmeth his allegations by witnesse: wherevpon he is bani|shed from the kings presence during his naturall life by verdict of that house. In the meane time the duchesse hearing what was doone, she beginneth a new to be dealing with him: and in a brabling fraie betweene their seruants one of hir men was slaine: for which he was called before the magistrat, as chiefe accessarie vnto the fact. But he fearing the sequele EEBO page image 144 of his third cause by his successe had in the two first, hideth himselfe after he had sold all his moouables, and committed the monie vnto his trustie friends. And being found giltie by the inquest, the king sei|zeth vpon his possessions, and calleth vp the bishop to answer vnto the trespasse. To be short, vpon safe|conduct the bishop commeth to the kings presence, where he denieth that he was accessarie to the fact, ei|ther before, at, or after the deed committed, and there|vpon craueth to be tried by his péeres. But this pe|tition was in vaine: for sentence passeth against him also by the kings owne mouth. Wherevpon he cra|ueth helpe of the archbishop of Canturburie and pri|uileges of the church, hoping by such meanes to be solemnlie rescued. But they fearing the kings dis|pleasure, who bare small fauour to the clergie of his time, gaue ouer to vse anie such meanes; but rather willed him to submit himselfe vnto the kings mer|cie, which he refused, standing vpon his innocencie from the first vnto the last. Finallie, growing into choler, that the malice of a woman should so preuaile against him, he writeth to Rome, requiring that his case might be heard there, as a place wherein greater iustice (saith he) is to be looked for than to be found in England. Upon the perusall of these his letters also, his accusers were called thither. But for so much as they appéered not at their perempto|rie times, they were excommunicated. Such of them also as died before their reconciliations were taken out of the churchyards, and buried in the fields and doong-hilles, Vnde timor & turba (saith my note) in Anglia. For the king inhibited the bringing in and receipt of all processes, billes, and whatsoeuer instru|ments should come from Rome: such also as aduen|tured contrarie to this prohibition to bring them in, were either dismembred of some ioint, or hanged by the necks. Which rage so incensed the pope, that he wrote in verie vehement maner to the king of En|gland, threatening far greater cursses, except he did the sooner staie the furie of the lady, reconcile himself vnto the bishop, and finallie, making him amends for all his losses susteined in these broiles. Long it was yer the king would be brought to peace. Ne|uerthelesse, in the end he wrote to Rome about a re|conciliation to be had betwéene them: but yer all things were concluded, God himselfe did end the quarrell, by taking awaie the bishop. And thus much out of an old pamphlet in effect word for word: but I haue somewhat framed the forme of the report after the order that Stephan Birchington dooth deliuer it, who also hath the same in manner as I deliuer it.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The see of Norwich called in old time Episcopatus Donnicensis, Dononiae, Norwich. or Eastanglorum, was erected at Felstow or Felixstow, where Felix of Burgundie (sometime schoolemaster to Sigebert of the east-Angles, by whose persuasion also the said Sigebert erected the vniuersitie at Cambridge) being made bi|shop of the east-Angles first placed his sée, afterward it was remooued from thence to Donwich, & thence to Helmham, Anno 870, about the death of Celno|thus of Canturburie; thirdlie, to Theodford, or Thet|ford; & finallie, after the time of the Bastard, to Nor|wich. For iurisdiction it conteineth in our daies Norffolke and Suffolke onelie, whereas at the first it included Cambridgeshire also, and so much as laie within the kingdome of the east-Angles. It began about the yéere 632, vnder Cerpenwald king of the east-Saxons, who bestowed it vpon Felix, whome pope Honorius also confirmed, and after which he held it by the space of seauenteene yéeres. It paid sometimes at euerie alienation 5000 ducats to Rome. But in my time hir maiestie hath 899 pounds, 8 shillings 7 pence farthing, as I haue been informed. In the same iurisdiction also there were once 1563 parish churches, and 88 religious houses: but in our daies I can not heare of more churches than 1200: and yet of these I know one conuerted into a barne, whilest the people heare seruice further off vpon a greene: their bell also when I heard a ser|mon there preached in the gréene, hanged in an oke for want of a stéeple. But now I vnderstand that the oke likewise is gone. There is neuerthelesse a litle chappellet hard by on that common, but nothing capable of the multitude of Ashlie towne that should come to the same in such wise, if they did repaire thi|ther as they ought.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Peterborow,Peterborow. sometimes a notable monasterie, hath Northampton and Rutland shires vnder hir iurisdiction, a diocesse erected also by king Henrie the eight. It neuer paid first fruits to the pope before queene maries daies (if it were then deliuered) wher|of I doubt, because it was not recorded in his anci|ent register of tenths and fruits, although peraduen|ture the collectors left it not vngathered, I wot not for what purpose; it yéeldeth now foure hundred and fiftie pounds, one penie abated. I haue seene and had an ancient iarror of the lands of this monasterie, which agréeth verie well with the historie of Hugo le Blanc monke of that house. In the charter also of do|nation annexed to the same, I saw one of Wulfhere king of Mercia, signed with his owne, & the marks of Sigher king of Sussex, Sebbie of Essex, with the additions of their names: the rest of the witnesses also insued in this order:

  • Ethelred brother to Wulfehere,
  • Kindburg and Kindswith sisters to Wulfhere,
  • Deusdedit archbishop,
  • Ithamar bishop of Rochester,
  • Wina bishop of London,
  • Iarnman bishop of Mearc,
  • Wilfride and Eoppa préests,
  • Saxulfe the abbat.

Then all the earles and eldermen of England in order; and after all these, the name of pope Agatho, who confirmed the instrument at the sute of Wil|fride archbishop of Yorke, in a councell holden at Rome 680, of a hundred & fiue and twentie bishops, wherein also these churches were appropriated to the said monasterie, to wit, Breding, Reping, Ce|denac, Swinesheued, Lusgerd, Edelminglond, and Barchaing: whereby we haue in part an euident te|stimonie how long the practise of appropriation of be|nefices hath béene vsed to the hinderance of the gos|pell, and maintenance of idle moonks, an humane inuention grounded vpon hypocrisie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Bristow hath Dorsetshire sometime belonging to Salisburie,Bristow. a sée also latelie erected by king Hen|rie the eight, who tooke no small care for the church of Christ, and therefore eased a number of ancient sées of some part of their huge and ouer-large circuits, and bestowed those portions deducted, vpon such o|ther erections as he had appointed for the better re|giment and féeding of the flocke: the value thereof is thrée hundred foure score and thrée pounds, eight shillings, and foure pence (as I haue béene infor|med.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Lincolne of all other of late times was the grea|test;Lincolne. and albeit that out of it were taken the sees of Oxford and Peterborow, yet it still reteineth Lin|colne, Leicester, Huntingdon, Bedford, Bucking|ham shires, and the rest of Hertford; so that it exten|deth from the Thames vnto the Humber, and paid vnto the pope fiue thousand ducats (as appeereth by his note) at euerie alienation. In my time, and by reason of hir diminution it yéeldeth a tribute to whom tribute belongeth, of the valuation of eight hundred ninetie and nine pounds, eight shillings, seauen pence farthing. It began since the conquest, EEBO page image 145 about the beginning of William Rufus, by one Re|migius, who remooued his sée from Dorchester to Lincolne (not without licence well paid for vnto the king.) And thus much of the bishopriks which lie within Lhoegres or England, as it was left vnto Locrinus. Now it followeth that I procéed with Wales.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Landaffe,Landaffe. or the church of Taw hath ecclesiasticall iurisdiction in Glamorgan, Monmouth, Brechnoch, and Radnor shires. And although it paid seuen hun|dred ducats at euerie exchange of prelat; yet is it scarselie worth one hundred fiftie and fiue pounds by the yeare (as I haue heard reported.) Certes it is a poore bishoprike, & (as I haue heard) the late incum|bent thereof being called for not long since by the lord president in open court made answer. The daffe is here, but the land is gone. What he meant by it I can not well tell; but I hope, that in the séed time and the frée planting of the gospell, the meate of the labourer shall not be diminished and withdrawen.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 S. Dauids hath Penbroke and Caermardine shires,S. Dauids. whose liuerie or first fruits to the sée of Rome was one thousand and fiue hundred ducats, at the hardest (as I thinke.) For if record be of anie suffici|ent credit, it is little aboue the value of foure hun|dred fiftie and seauen pounds, one shilling, and ten pence farthing, in our time, and so it paieth vnto hir maiesties coffers; but in time past I thinke it was farre better. The present bishop misliketh verie much of the cold situation of his cathedrall church; and ther|fore he would gladlie pull it downe, and set it in a warmer place: but it would first be learned what suertie he would put in to sée it well performed: of the rest I speake not.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Bangor is in north-Wales,Bangor. and hath Caernar|uon, Angleseie, and Merioneth shires vnder hir iu|risdiction. It paid to Rome 126 ducats, which is verie much. For of all the bishoprikes in Eng|land it is now the least for reuenues, and not woorth aboue one hundred and one and thirtie pounds, and sixtéene pence to hir maiesties coffers at euerie alie|nation (as appéereth by the tenths, which amount to much lesse thair of some good benefice) for it yeeldeth not yéerelie aboue thirtéene pounds, thrée shillings, and seauen pence halfe penie, as by that court is manifest.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 S. Asaphes hath Prestholme and part of Den|bighS. Asaphes. and Flintshires vnder hir iurisdiction in causes ecclesiasticall, which being laid togither doo amount to little more than one good countie, and therefore in respect of circuit the least that is to be found in Wales, neuerthelesse it paid to Rome 470 ducates at euerie alienation. In my time the first fruits of this bishoprike came vnto 187 pounds eleuen shil|lings six pence, wherby it séemeth to be somewhat bet|ter than La [...]daffe or Bangor last remembred. There is one Howell a gentleman of Flintshire in the compasse of this iurisdiction, who is bound to giue an harpe of siluer yearelie to the best harper in Wales, but did anie bishop thinke you deserue that in the popish time? Howell or Aphowell in English is all one (as I haue heard) and signifie so much as Hugo or Hugh. Hitherto of the prouince of Can|turburie, for so much therof as now lieth within the compasse of this Iland. Now it resteth that I procéed with the curtailed archbishoprike of Yorke, I saie curtailed because all Scotland is cut from his iuris|diction and obedience.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The see of Yorke was restored about the yeare ofYorke. Grace 625, which after the comming of the Saxons laie desolate and neglected, howbeit at the said time Iustus archbishop of Canturburie ordeined Pauli|nus to be first bishop there, in the time of Eadw [...]jn king of Northumberland. This Paulinus sate six yeares yer he was driuen from thence, & after whose expulsion that seat was void long time, wherby Lin|deffarne grew into credit, and so remained vntill the daies of Oswie of Northumberland, who sent Wil|fred the priest ouer into France, there to be consecra|ted archbishop of Yorke: but whilest he taried ouer long in those parts, Oswie impatient of delaie pre|ferred Ceadda or Chad to that roome, who held it three yeares, which being expired Wilfred recouered his roome, and held it as he might, vntill it was seuered in two, to wit, Yorke, Hagulstade, or Lind [...]ffarne, where Eata was placed, at which time also Egfride was made bishop of Lincolne or Lindsie in that part of Mercia which he had goten from Woolfhere. Of it selfe it hath now iurisdiction ouer Yorkeshire, No|tinghamshire (whose shire towne I meane the new part thereof with the bridge was builded by king Edward the first surnamed the elder before the con|quest) and the rest of Lancastershire onelie not sub|iect to the sée of Chester; and when the pope bare au|thoritie in this realme, it paid vnto his see 1000 du|cates, beside 5000 for the pall of the new elect, which was more than he could well spare of late, conside|ring the curtailing & diminution of his sée, thorough the erection of a new metropolitane in Scotland, but in my time it yéeldeth 1609 pounds ninetéene shillings two pence to hir maiestie, whom God long preserue vnto vs to his glorie, hir comfort, and our welfares.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Chester vpon Dee, otherwise called Westchester,Chester. hath vnder hir iurisdiction in causes ecclesiasticall, Chestershire, Darbishire, the most part of Lanca|stershire (to wit vnto the Ribell) Richmond and a part of Flint and Denbigh shires in Wales, was made a bishoprike by king H. 8. anno regni 33. Iulij 16, and so hath continued since that time, being valued 420 pounds by the yeare beside od twentie pence (a streict reckoning) as the record declareth.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Durham hath the countie of Durham and Nor|thumberlandDurham. with the Dales onelie vnder hir iuris|diction, and hereof the bishops haue sometimes béene earles palantines & ruled the rost vnder the name of the bishoprike and succession of S. Cuthbert. It was a sée (in mine opinion) more profitable of late vnto hir maiesties coffers by 221 pounds eighteene shillings ten pence sarthing, and yet of lesse coun|tenance than hir prouinciall, neuertheles the sunne|shine thereof (as I heare) is now somewhat eclipsed and not likelie to recouer the light, for this is not a time wherein the c [...]rch may looke to increase in hir estate. I heare also that some other flitches haue for|gone the like collops, but let such maters be scanned by men of more discretion. Capgraue saith how that the first bishop of this sée was called bishop of Lind|seie (or Lincolne) & that Ceadda laie in Liechfield of the Mercians in a mansion house néere the church. But this is more worthie to be remembred, that Cu|thred of the Northumbers, and Alfred of the West|saxons bestowed all the land betwéene the These & the Tine now called the bishoprike vpon S. Cuth|bert, beside whatsoeuer belonged to the sée of Hagul|stade. Edgar of Scotland also in the time of the Bastard gaue Coldingham and Berwike withall their appurtenances to that house; but whether these donations be extant or no as yet I cannot tell. Yet I thinke not but that Leland had a sight of them, from whome I had this ground. But whatsoeuer this bi|shoprike be now, in externall & outward apparance, sure it is that it paid in old time 9000 ducates at e|uerie alienation to Rome, as the record expresseth. Aidan a Scot or Irishman was the first bishop of this sée, who held himselfe (as did manie of his succes|sors) at Colchester and in Lindeffarne Ile, till one came that remooued it to Durham. And now iudge EEBO page image 146 you whether the allegatlon of Capgraue be of anie accompt or not.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Caerleill was erected 1132 by Henrie the first,Caerleill. and hereof one Ethelwoolfe confessor to Osmond bi|shop of Sarum was made the first bishop, hauing Cumberland & Westmerland assigned to his share; of the deaneries and number of parish churches con|teined in the same as yet I haue no knowledge, more than of manie other. Howbeit hereof I am sure, that notwithstanding the present valuation be risen to 531 pounds foureteene shilings eleuen pence halfe penie, the pope receiued out of it but 1000 florens, and might haue spared much more, as an aduersarie thereto confessed sometime euen be|fore the pope himselfe, supposing no lesse than to haue gained by his tale, and so peraduenture should haue doone, if his platforme had taken place. But as wise men oft espie the practises of flatteries, so the pope saw to what end this profitable speach was vttered. As touching Caerleill it selfe it was sometime sac|ked by the Danes, and eftsoones repared by Wil|liam Rufus, & planted with a colonie of southerne men. I suppose that in old time it was called Cair|doill. For in an ancient booke which I haue séene, and yet haue, intituled, Liber formularum literarum curiae Romanae, octo capitulorum, episcopatus Cardocensis. And thus much generallie of the names and numbers of our bishoprikes of England, whose tenths in old time yearelie amounting vnto 21111 pounds, twelue shillings one penie halfe penie farthing, of currant monie in those daies, doo euidentlie declare, what store of coine was transported out of the land vnto the papall vses, in that behalfe onelie.

Certes I take this not to be one quarter of his gaines gotten by England in those daies, for such commodities were raised by his courts holden here, so plentifullie gat he by his perquisits, as elections, procurations, appeales, preuentions, pluralities, tot quots, trialities, tollerations, legitimations, bulles, seales, préests, concubines, eating of flesh and white meats, dispensations for mariages, & times of cele|bration, Peter pence, and such like faculties, that not so little as 1200000 pounds went yearelie from hence to Rome. And therefore no maruell though he séeke much in these daies to reduce vs to his obedi|ence. But what are the tenths of England (you will saie) in comparison of all those of Europe. For not|withstanding that manie good bishoprikes latelie e|rected be left out of his old bookes of record, which I also haue séene, yet I find neuertheles that the whole sum of them amounted to not aboue 61521 pounds as monie went 200 yeares before my time, of which portion poore saint Peter did neuer heare, of so much as one graie grote. Marke therfore I praie you whether England were not fullie answerable to a third part of the rest of his tenths ouer all Europe, and therevpon tell me whether our Iland was one of the best paire of bestowes or not, that blue the fire in his kitchen, wherewith to make his pot seeth, beside all other commodities.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Beside all these, we haue another bishoprike yet in England almost slipped out of my remembrance,Man. because it is verie obscure, for that the bishop thereof hath not wherewith to mainteine his countenance sufficientlie, and that is the see of Mona or Man, som|time named Episcopatus Sodorensis, whereof one Wi|mundus was ordeined the first bishop, and Iohn the second, in the troublesome time of king Stephan. The gift of this prelacie resteth in the earles of Dar|bie, who nominate such a one from time to time ther|to as to them dooth séeme conuenient. Howbeit if that sée did know and might reape hir owne commo|dities, and discerne them from other mens possessi|ons (for it is supposed that the mother hath deuoured the daughter) I doubt not but the state of hir bishop would quicklie be amended. Hauing therefore cal|led this later sée after this maner vnto mind, I sup|pose that I haue sufficientlie discharged my dutie concerning the state of our bishoprike, and maner how the ecclesiasticall iurisdiction of the church of England is diuided among the shires and counties of this realme. Whose bishops as they haue béene heretofore of lesse learning, and yet of greater port & dooings in the common-wealth, than at this present, so are they now for the most part the best learned that are to be found in anie countrie of Europe, sith neither high parentage, nor great riches (as in other countries) but onelie learning and vertue, commen|ded somewhat by fréendship, doo bring them to this honour.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 I might here haue spoken more at large of di|uerse other bishopriks, sometime in this part of the Iland, as of that of Caerlheon tofore ouerthrowen by Edelfred in the behalfe of Augustine the moonke (as Malmesburie saith) where Dubritius gouerned, which was afterward translated to S. Dauids, and taken for an archbishoprike: secondlie of the bishop|rike of Leircester called Legerensis, whose fourth bi|shop (Unwon) went to Rome with Offa king of Mercia: thirdlie of Ramsbirie or Wiltun, and of Glocester (of which you shall read in Matth. Westm. Glocester a verie ancient bishoprike. 489) where the bishop was called Eldad: also of Ha|gulstade, one of the members whereinto the see of Yorke was diuided after the expulsion of Wilfrid. For (as I read) when Egfrid the king had driuen him awaie, he diuided his see into two parts, making Bosa ouer the Deiranes that held his sée at Hagul|stade or Lindfarne: and Eatta ouer the Bernici|ans, who sate at Yorke: and thereto placing Edhe|dus ouer Lindseie (as is afore noted) whose successors were Ethelwine, Edgar, and Kinibert, notwithstan|ding that one Se [...]ulfus was ouer Lindseie before Edhedus, who was bishop of the Mercians and mid|dle England, till he was banished from Lindseie, and came into those quarters to séeke his refuge and succour.

I could likewise intreat of the bishops of White|herne, or Ad Candidam Casam, an house with the countrie wherein it stood belonging to the prouince of Northumberland, but now a parcell of Scotland, also of the erection of the late sée at Westminster by Henrie the eight. But as the one so the other is ceased, and the lands of this later either so diuided or exchanged for worse tenures, that except a man should sée it with his eies, & point out with his finger where euerie parcell of them is bestowed, but a few men would beléeue what is become of the same. I might likewise and with like ease also haue added the successors of the bishops of euerie sée to this dis|course of their cathedrall churches and places of a|bode, but it would haue extended this treatise to an vnprofitable length. Neuerthelesse I will remem|ber the same of London my natiue citie, after I haue added one word more of the house called Ad Candidam Casam, in English Whiteherne, which taketh denomination of the white stone wherwith it was builded, and was séene far off as standing vp|on an hill to such as did behold it.

3.2.1. The names and successions of so manie archbishops and bishops of London, as are extant, and to be had, from the faith first receiued.

EEBO page image 147
The names and successions of so manie archbishops and bishops of London, as are extant, and to be had, from the faith first receiued.


    Compare 1577 edition: 1
  • Theon.
  • Eluanus.
  • Cadocus.
  • Ouinus.
  • Conanus.
  • Palladius.
  • Stephanus.
  • Iltutus.
  • Restitutus, who li|ued 350 of grace.
  • Tadwinus aliàs Theodwi|nus, some doo write him Tacwinus & Tatwinus.
  • Tidredus aliàs Theodred.
  • Hilarius.
  • Fastidius liued Anno Dom. 430.
  • Vodinus, slaine by the Sa|xons.
  • Theonus.

The see void manie yeares.

    Compare 1577 edition: 1 2
  • Augustine the moonke, sent ouer by Gregorie the great, till he remooued his sée to Canturburie, to the intent he might the sooner flée, if persecution should be raised by the infidels, or heare from, or send more spéedilie vnto Rome, without anie great feare of the interception of his letters.


    Compare 1577 edition: 1
  • Melitus.

The see void for a season.

    Compare 1577 edition: 1 2
  • Wina.
  • Erkenwaldus.
  • Waldherus.
  • Ingaldus.
  • Egulphus.
  • Wigotus.
  • Eadbricus.
  • Edgarus.
  • Kiniwalchus.
  • Eadbaldus.
  • Eadbertus.
  • Oswinus.
  • Ethelnothus.
  • Cedbertus.
  • Cernulphus.
  • Suiduiphus.
  • Eadstanus.
  • Wulfsinus
  • Ethelwaldus.
  • Elstanus.
  • Brithelmus
  • Dunstanus.
  • Tidricus.
  • Alwijnus.
  • Elswoldus.
  • Robertus a Norman.
  • Wilhelmus a Norman.
  • Hugo a Norman.

I read also of a bishop of London called Elsward, or Ailward, who was abbat of Eouesham, and bishop of London at one time, and buried at length in Ramseie, howbeit in what order of succession he li|ued I can not tell, more than of diuerse other aboue remembred, but in this order doo I find them.

The see void twelue yeares.

    Compare 1577 edition: 1 2
  • 1 Mauricius.
  • 2 Richardus Beaumis.
  • 3 Gilbertus vniuersalis a notable man for thrée things, auarice, riches, and learning.
  • 4 Robertus de Sigillo.
  • 5 Richardus Beaumis.
  • 6 Gilbertus Folioth.
  • 7 Richardus.
  • 8 Wilhelmus de sancta Maria.
  • 9 Eustathius Falcon|berg.
  • 10 Rogerus Niger.
  • 11 Fulco Bascet.
  • 12 Henricus Wingham. Richardus Talbot electus.
  • 15 Richard. Grauesend.
  • 16 Radulfus Ganda|censis.
  • 17 Gilbertus Segraue.
  • 18 Richardus de New|port.
  • 19 Stephanus Graue|send.
  • 20 Richard. Bintworth.
  • 21 Radulfus Baldoc who made the tables hang|ing in the vesterie of Paules.
  • 22 Michael.
  • 23 Simon.
  • 24 Robertus.
  • 25 Thomas.
  • 26 Richardus.
  • 27 Thomas Sauagius.
  • 28 Wilhelmus.
  • 29 Wilhelm. Warham.
  • 30 Wilhelmus Barnes.
  • 31 Cuthbertus Tunstall.
  • 32 Iohannes Stokesleie.
  • 33 Richardus fitz Iames.
  • 34 Edmundus Boner, re|mooued, imprisoned.
  • 35 Nicholas Ridleie re|mooued and burned.
  • Edm. Boner, restored, re|mooued, & imprisoned.
  • 36 Edmundus Grindall.
  • 37 Edwinus Sandes.
  • 38 Iohannes Elmer.

Hauing gotten and set downe thus much of the bi|shops, I will deliuer in like sort the names of the deanes, vntill I come to the time of mine old ma|ster now liuing in this present yeare 1586, who is none of the least ornaments that haue beene in that seat.


  • 1 Wulmannus, who made a distribution of the psalmes conteined in the whole psalter, and apointed the same dai|lie to be read amongst the prebendaries.
  • 2 Radulfus de Diceto, whose noble historie is yet extant in their li|brarie.
  • 3 Alardus Bucham.
  • 4 Robertus Watford.
  • 5 Martinus Patteshull.
  • 6 Hugo de Marinis.
  • 7 Radulfus Langfort.
  • 8 Galfridus de Berie.
  • 9 Wilhelmus Stãman.
  • 10 Henricus Cornell.
  • 11 Walterus de Salerne.
  • 12 Robertus Barton.
  • 13 Petrus de Newport.
  • 14 Richardus Talbot.
  • 15 Galfredus de Fering.
  • 16 Iohannes Chishull.
  • 17 Herueus de Boreham.
  • 18 Thomas Eglesthorpe.
  • 19 Rogerus de Lalleie.
  • 20 Wilhelmns de Mont|fort.
  • 21 Radulfus de Baldoc postea episcopus.
  • 22 Alanus de Cantilup postea cardinalis.
  • Iohan. Sandulfe electus.
  • Richardus de Newport e|lectus.
  • 23 Magister Vitalis.
  • 24 Iohannes Euerisdon.
  • 25 Wilhelmus Brewer.
  • 26 Richardus Kilming|don.
  • 27 Thomas Trullocke.
  • 28 Iohannes Appulbie.
  • 29 Thomas Euer.
  • 30 Thomas Stow.
  • 31 Thomas More.
  • 32 Reginaldus Kenton.
  • 33 Thomas Lisieux aliàs Leseux.
  • 34 Leonardus de Bath.
  • 35 Wilhelmus Saie.
  • 36 Rogerus Ratcliffe.
  • 37 Thom. Winterburne.
  • 38 Wilhelmus Wolseie.
  • 39 Robert Sherebroke.
  • 40 Iohãnes Collet, foun|der of Paules schoole.
  • Richardus Paceus.
  • Richardus Sampson.
  • Iohannes Incent.
  • Wilhelmus Maius resig|nauit.
  • Iohannes Fakenham aliàs Howman resignauit.
  • Henricus Colus, remoo|ued, imprisoned.
  • Wilhelmus Maius, resto|red.
  • Alexander Nouellus.

And thus much of the archbishops, bishops, and deanes of that honorable sée. I call it honorable, be|cause it hath had a succession for the most part of learned and wise men, albeit that otherwise it be the most troublesome seat in England, not onelie for that it is néere vnto checke, but also the prelats thereof are much troubled with sutors, and no lesse subiect to the reproches of the common sort, whose mouthes are alwaies wide open vnto reprehension, and eies readie to espie anie thing that they may re|prooue and carpe at. I would haue doone so much for euerie see in England, if I had not had consideration of the greatnesse of the volume, and small benefit ri|sing by the same, vnto the commoditie of the rea|ders: neuerthelesse I haue reserued them vnto the publication of my great chronologie, if (while I liue) it happen to come abrode.

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EEBO page image 48

The second Booke, of the hystoricall description of Britaine, conteining these chapters following.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • 1. Of riuers and waters that lose their names before they come at the sea, & first of those betwene the Thames and Sauerne.
  • 2. Of such riuers as fall into the greater afore mentioned, betweene Sauerne, & the Humber.
  • 3. Of those that fall into the mayne riuers, betwene Humber and the Thames.
  • 4. Of the particion of Englande into shyres and counties.
  • 5. Of the number of Byshopricks in Englande.
  • 6. Of our Vniuersities
  • 7. Of cities & townes.
  • 8. Of castels & holdes.
  • 9. Of pallaces belo(n)ging to the prince.
  • 10. Of the manner of buylding and furniture of our houses.
  • 11. Of fayres and markets.
  • 12. Of armour & munition.
  • 13. Of the nauy of Englande.
  • 14. Of Bathes & hote Welles.
  • 15. Of parkes and warrens.
  • 16. Of wooddes & marises
  • 17. Of antiquities fou(n)d.
  • 18. Of the marueyles of England.

2.1. Of ryuers and waters that loſe their before they come at the ſea. Cap. 1.

Of ryuers and waters that loſe their before they come at the ſea. Cap. 1.

I Haue in the former Treatise made report of most of the greatest riuers in Englande, wherewyth our seafaring men are very well acquainted, not only by reason of their notable issues into the Ocea(n), but also for the ofte(n) herborow & passage, which they haue by diuers of them, farre vp into the countrey. Nowe therefore will I proceede, with the descriptio(n) of such as are yet in parte vntouched, and whereby the chanels and courses of the first are not a litle increased. In tractation whereof I will not omitte to reiterate the description of those maine riuers, that are not already perfitely set downe, neyther the insertion of such as earst I had no knowledge of. And as I first beganne with the Thames in that booke, so will I nowe make mine entraunce with such riuers as fall into the same, not letting any one escape, wherein a man in the Winter season may wet hys horse foote up unto the footelockes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 How and where this riuer issueth out of the grounde, I haue before set downe, noting the place to be within a myle of Tetbury, wherof some doe utterly mislike, bycause that ryll in sommer drowthes is oft so drie, that there is litle or no water at all seene running in the same. For this cause therefore many affirme the very head of Isis to come from the poole aboue Kemble. Other [sic] confounde it with the head of the Cyrne or Chyrne, called in latine Corinium that riseth aboue Coberley. For my part I followe Lelande, as he doeth the Monke of Malmesbury, that wrate the hystorie entituled Eulogium historiarum, who searched the same of set purpose, and pronounced wyth Lelande, although that at this present that course be very smal, and choked up as I doe here with mowldes. Proceeding therefore from the hed, it first of all receyueth the Kemble water called the Coue, which ryseth aboue Kemble towne, goeth by Kemble it selfe vnto poole and Somerford, & accompanyeth ye Thames, unto Canes, Ashto(n) Canes, & Howsto(n), until they meete with the Chirne, the next of all to be described.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Chyrne is a faire water, rysing out of the grounde aboue Coberley. From whence it runneth to Cowley, Cowlesburne, Randcome, and so into the Isis on the left side aboue Crekelade. These three waters beyng thus united & brought into one chanell, within a little space of the head of Isis, it runneth by Crekelade, beneath which towne it receyueth the Rhe, descending from Elcombe, Escot, Redburne,Widhil, and at the fall into Isis, or not farre of ioyneth with another that runneth west of Purton by Brade(n) forest &c.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Next of all our Isis meeteth with the Amney on the left hande, which comming from aboue Holly roode Amney, runneth by Downe Amney, and finally into the Isis a litle aboue Isey. In lyke sorte I reade of another that meeteth withall on the right hand aboue Isey also, which so farre as I can call to remembraunce, commeth from about Dryfield and falleth so into our Isis, that they runne as one vntill they come at the Colne, although not so nakedly and without help, but that in this voyage, the maine streame doth crosse one water that descendeth from Swindon, & going also by Stratton toward Seuingham, is it selfe increased with two rilles by the way whereof one commeth from Liddenton by Wambrey, as I haue bene informed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Colne is a fayre riuer rysing by north neere to Witchington, and from thence goeth to Shiptons, Compton Abdale, Wittenton, Yarneworth, Colnedeanes, and Colne Rogers, Winston, Bybery, Colne Alens, Quenington, Faireford, and west of Lachelade into the riuer Isis, which hereabout on the southside also taketh in another, whereof I find this remembraunce. The Isis being once EEBO page image 58 once past Seuingham, crosseth a brooke from southeast that mounteth about Aſhebyry and receyuing a ryll from by weſt, (that com|meth from Hinton) beneath Shrineham, it afterward ſo deuideth it ſelfe, that the armes therof include Ingleſham, and by reaſon that it falleth into the Iſis at two ſeuerall places, there is a pleaſant Iſlande producted, wher|of let thys ſuffiſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Lenis.Beyng paſt Lechelade a mile, it runneth to S. Iohns bridge, & thereabout méeteth wyth ye Leche, on the left hande. This brooke wher|of Lechlade taketh the name (a towne wher|vnto one péece of an olde Vniuerſity is aſcri|bed, which it dyd neuer poſſeſſe, more then Crekelade did the other) ryſeth eaſt of Hãp|net, frõ whence it goeth to Northlech, Eſtẽ|ton, Anleſworth, eaſt Leche, ſouth Thorpe, Farendon and ſo into the Iſis. From hence thys famous water goeth by Kẽſkot toward Radcote bridge, (taking in the rill that riſeth in an odde péece of Barkeſhyre, and runneth by Langford) & being paſt ye ſaid bridge, (now notable thorowe a conſpiracye, made there ſometimes by ſundrye Barons againſt the eſtate) it is not long eare it croſſe two other waters, both of thẽ deſcending from another adde parcell of the ſaide countie, whereof I haue this note gyuen me for my further in|formation. There are two falles of water in|to Iſis, beneath Radcote bridge, whereof the one commeth from Shilton, in Barkeſhire by Areſcote, blacke Burton and Clarrefield. The other alſo riſeth in the ſame piece and runneth by Briſenorton vnto Bampton, and there receyuyng an armelet from the firſt that break of at Blackeburton, it is not long ore they fall into Iſis, and leaue a pretye I|land. After theſe confluences, the main courſe of the ſtreame,winruſh. haſteth by Shifford to New|bridge, where it ioyneth with the Winruſh.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Winruſh ryſeth aboue Shyeburne, in Gloceſterſhyre, frõ whence it goeth to Win|ruſh, and comming by Barringtõ, Burford, Widbroke, Swinbeck caſtel, Witney, Duc|kington, Cockthorpe, Stanlake, it méeteth wyth the Iſis weſt by ſouth of Northmore. From hence it goeth beneath Stantõ, Har|tingcourt and Enſham, betwéene which and Caſſenton,Briwerue it receyueth as Lelande calleth it the Bruerne water.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It ryſeth aboue Limington, and going to Norton in the Marſhe, and thorowe a patche of Worceſter ſhire vnto Euenlode, betwene [...] and the foure ſhyre ſtones,Comus. it taketh in a rill called Come, comming by the Long and the little Comptons. After this alſo it goeth by Bradwell, Odington, and ſo to Bleddenton, aboue which towne, it taketh in the Rolriche water, that iſſueth at two heades, in ye hilles that lie by weſt of little Rolriche, and ioyne aboue Kenkeham, and Church hill. [...] From thẽce alſo it goeth vnto Bruerne, Shiptõ vn|derwood, Aſcot, Short hamton, Chorlebury, Cornebury parke, Stonfielde, Longcombe, and ſouth eaſt of Woodſtocke parke, taketh in the Enis, that riſeth aboue Emſtone, [...] and go|eth to Cyddington, Glymton, Wotton (wher it is increaſed wyth a rill (that runneth the|ther frõ Steple Barton, by the Béechia trée) Woodſtocke, Blaydon, ſo that after this con|fluence, the ſayde Enys runneth to Caſſentõ and ſo into the Iſis, which goeth frõ hence to Oxforde, and there receiueth the Charwell, now preſently to be deſcribed. [...]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The heade of Charwell is in northampton ſhyre, where it ryſeth out of a little poole, by Charleton village, ſeauen miles aboue Ban|berye northeaſt, and there it iſſueth ſo faſt at the verye ſurge, that it groweth into a pretye ſtreame, in maner out of hand. Sone after al|ſo it taketh in taketh in a rillet called ye Bure, [...] which falleth into it, about Ormere ſide, but foraſmuch as it ryſeth by Binceſter, ye whole courſe thereof is aboue foure myles, and therefore cannot be great. A friende of myne proſecuiting the reaſt of this deſcription re|porteth thereof as followeth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Before the Charwell commeth into Oxforde ſhyre, it receiueth the Culen, which falleth in|to the ſame, a lyttle aboue Edgecote, & ſo dyſ|cẽding toward Wardington, it méeteth with another comming from by northweſt, be|twéene Wardington & Cropredy. At Ban|burye alſo it méeteth wyth the Come (which falleth from Fenny Cõton by Farneboro, [...] and afterwards going by Kings Sutton, not farre from Ayne, it receiueth the diſcharge of dyuers ryllettes, in one bottome before it come at Clifton. The ſayde water therefore ingendred of ſo many brookelettes, conſiſteth chiefly of two, whereof the moſt ſoutherly cal|led Oke, commeth from Oke Norton, [...] by Witchington or Wiggington, and the Ber|fords, and carying a few blind rilles withal, doth méete with the other that falleth from by northweſt into the ſame, within a myle of Charwell. That other as I coniecture, is in|creaſed of thrée waters, whereof eache one hath his ſeuerall name, the firſt of them ther|fore, height Tudo, which comming betwéene Epwell and the Lée by Toddington, ioyneth about Broughton with the ſeconde that run|neth from Hornetõ, named Ornus, as I geſſe. Ornus. The laſt falleth into Tudo or Tudelake, beneath Broughton and for that it riſeth not far from Sotteſwel in Warwijcſhyre, Southbroke ſome are of the opinion, that it is to be called Sotbroke, EEBO page image 49 broke. The next water that meeteth with our Charwell beneath Clifton commeth from about Croughton, and after this is the Sowar Sowar. or Swere, that riseth north of Michael Tew, & runneth by nether Wootton. The last of all is the rey alias Bure, Burus whose hed is not farre aboue Burcester, alias Bincester: & frõ whence it goeth by Burecester to Merton, Charleton, Fencote, Addington, Noke Islip, and so into Charwell, that holdeth on hys course after this augmentation of the waters, betwene Woode and Water Eton to Marston, and the east bridge of Oxford by Magdalene colledge, and so beneath the southbridge into our aforesayd Isis.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 In descrybing this ryver, this one thyng right honourable is come into my mynde, touchyng the centre and nauell as it were of England. Certes, there is an hilly plotte of ground in Helledon paroche, Middest of England whereabouts. not farre from Banberry, where a man may stand & behold the heds of three notable ryvers, whose waters, and those of such as fall into them, do aboundantly serue the greatest parte of England on this side of the Humber: the first of these waters is the Charwel, already described. The second is the Leme that goeth westward into the fourth Auon: and the third is the head of the Nene or fift Auon it selfe, of whose courses there is no Carde but doth make sufficient mention, and therefore your honour may behold in the same how they do coast the country, and also measure by compasses how this plot lyeth in respect of all the rest, contrary to common iudgement, which maketh Northampton to be the midst of our countrey. But to go forward with my description of the Ouze, which beyng past Oxford goeth by Islip, Kennington, Sanforde, Rodleye, Newnham, and so to Abington, with out increase, where it receyveth the Oche, otherwyse called the Coche, a little beneth S. Helenes, Ocus. which runneth thither of two brockets as I take it, whereof one cõmeth from Compton, out of the vale and west of the hill of the White horse, the other from Kinges Letcombe and Wantage in Barkshire, and in one chanell entreth into the same, upõ the right side of his course. From Abington likewyse (taking the Arun withall southwest of Suttõ courtney) it goeth by Appleford, long Wittenham, Clifton, Wittenham the lesse, and beneth Dorchester taketh in the Tame water, from whence the Isis looseth the preheminence of the whole denomination of this ryuer, and is contented to imparte the same with the Tame, so that by the coniunction of these two waters, Thames is produced, & that name continued euen unto the sea.

Thame ryuer rysethin the easterly partes Thame. of Chilterne hils, toward Penley parke, at a towne called Tring west of the saide park, which is vij myles from the stone bridge, that is betwene Querendon and Aylesburye (after the course of the water) as Lelãd hath set downe. Running therfore by long Merstõ and Puttenham, Hucket and Bearton, it receyueth soone after a Ryll that commeth by Querendon from Hardwicke, and ere long an other on the other side that riseth aboue Wyndouer in the Chilterne, and passyng by Halton, Weston, Turrell, Broughton, and Aylesbury, it falleth into the Tame, west of the sayd towne, except my memory doe faile me. From this confluence, then the Tame goeth by Ethorpe, the Winchingtons, Coddington, Chersley, Notley Abbey, and commyng almost to Tame, it receyveth one water from southeast aboue the sayd towne, and another also from the same quarter beneath the towne, so that Tame standeth enuironed upon three sides, with three seuerall waters, as may be easily sene. The first of these commeth from the Chilterne east of Below or Bledlow, from whence it goeth to Hinton Horsenden, Kingsey, Towsey, and so into the Tame. The other descendeth also from the Chilterne, and goyng by Chinner, Crowell, Siddenham, and Tame parke, it falleth in the end into Tame water, and then they proceede together as one, by Shabbington, Kycote parke, Dracote, Waterstoke, Milton, Cuddesdon, and Chiselton. Here also it taketh in another water from by east, whose hed commeth from Chilterne hils, not farre from Stocking church in the way from Oxford to London. From whence it runneth to Weston (and meetyng beneth Cuxham with Watlington ryll) it goeth on to Chalgraue, Stadham, and so into the Thame. Frõ hence oure streame of Thame runneth to Newento(n), Draton, Dorchester (sometyme a Byshops see, and a noble city) and so into the Thames, which hasteth in lyke sorte to Bensington, Crowmarshe or Wallingford, Blausus where it receyueth the Blaue, descendyng from Blaueburg, now Blewbery as I learn. Thus haue I brought the Thames unto Wallingforde, situate in the vale of white horse that rũneth a long therby. Frõ hēce it goeth by Newenham, Northstoke, Southstoke, Goring, Bassilden, Pangburne, where it meeteth with a water that commeth from about Hamstede Norrys, runneth by Frizelham, Bucklebury, Stanford, Bradfeld, Tidmarsh & Pangburne. After which confluence it goeth on betwene Maplederham and Purley to Cauersham, and Cauersham manour, and a little beneath, EEBO page image 59 beneath receyueth the Kenet that commeth therinto from Readyng.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Cenethus.The Kenet ryſeth aboue Ouerton, v. or vj. myles weſt of Marleborow, or Marlingſbo|row as ſome call it, and then goyng by Fy|feld, Clatford, Maulon, and Preſhute, vnto Marlebury, it holdeth on in lyke order to Ramſbury, and northweſt of little Cote, ta|keth in a water by north deſcending from ye hils aboue Alburne chaſe, weſt of Alburne town. Thence it rũneth to little cote, Charn|ham ſtréete, and beneth Charnham ſtréete, it croſſeth the Bedwin, which (taking ye Chalk|burn ril withal) cõmeth frõ great Bedwijne, & at Hũgerford alſo,Bedwijne. Chalkes burne. two other in one botom ſomewhat beneth the towne. From hence it goeth to Auington, Kinbury, Hamſted mar|ſhall, Euburne, Newbery, and beneath thys towne,Lamburne taketh in the Lamburne water that cõmeth by Iſbiry, Egerſton, the Sheffords, Weſtford, Boxford, Donington Caſtle, and Shaw. From Newbery it goeth to Thatchã, Wolhampton, Aldermaſton, a little aboue which village, it receyueth the Alburne, an other broke increaſed wt ſundry rilles,Alburnus. & thus goyng on to Padworth, Oſton, and Michael, it commeth at laſt to Readyng, where as I ſayd it ioyneth with the Thames, and ſo they go forward as one by Sonning to Shiplake, and there on the eaſt ſide receyue the Lod|don that commeth downe thither from the ſouth, as by his courſe appeareth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Lodunus.The Loddon ryſeth in Hamſhire betwéene weſt Shirburne, and Wootton, towarde the ſouthweſt, afterwarde directyng his courſe toward the northweſt, thorowe the vine, it paſſeth at the laſt by Bramley, and thorow a piece of Wiltſhire to Stradfield, Swallow|field, Arberfield, Loddon bridge, leauyng a patch of Wiltſhire on the right hande, as I haue bene informed. This Loddon not farre from Turges towne, receyueth two waters in one botome, whereof the weſterly called Baſingwater, commeth from Baſingſtoke, and thorow a parke vnto the aforeſaid place. The other deſcendeth of two heds, from Ma|pledour well, and goeth by Skewes Newen|ham, Rotherwijc, and ere it come at Hartly, ioyneth with the Baſing water, from whẽce they goe togyther to Turges, where they méete with the Loddon, as I haue ſayd alre|dy.Diris va|dum. The next ſtreame toward the ſouth is cal|led Ditford brooke. It ryſeth not farre from Vpton, goeth by Gruell and beneath Wha|rnborow caſtle,Ikelus. receyueth the Ikell (cõmyng from a parke of the ſame denomination) frõ whence they go togither by Maddingley vn|to Swalowfield, [...]luci [...]. and ſo into the Loddon. In this voyage alſo, the Loddon méeteth with the Elwy or Eluey that commeth from [...]+der ſhare, not farre by weſt of [...] and about Eluctham, likewyſe with another cõ|ming from Dogmanſfield, named ye De [...]ke, [...] and alſo the third not ſuferior to the reſt, [...]õ|nyng from Er [...], whoſe head is in Surrey; [...] and goyng by Aſhe, becommeth a [...], firſt betwene Surrey & Hamſhire, then betwene Hamſhire and Barkeſhire, and paſſyng by Aſhe, Erynley, blackewater, Yer [...]y, & Fin| [...]amſted, it ioyneth at laſt with the Ditford, before it come at Swalowfield. [...] therfore with our Loddon, ha [...]ng receiued all theſe waters, and after the laſt [...] with thẽ now beyng come to Loddon bridge, it paſſeth on by a part of Wiltſhire to T [...]|forde, then to Wargraue, and ſo into the Thames that now is merueilouſly intre [...]|ſed and grown vnto triple greatneſſe to that it was at Oxford Being therfore paſt Ship|lake and Wargraue, it runneth by Horſe|penden or Hardyng, then to Henley vpon Thames, where ſometyme a great will voy|deth it ſelfe in the ſame. Then to Remẽham; Greneland (goyng all this way from Ship|lake iuſt north, and now turnyng eaſtwards agayne) by Medenham, Hurley, Byſham, Marlow the greater, Marlow the leſſe,Vſe it mée|teth with a brooke ſoone after that conſiſteth of the water of two rilles, whereof the [...] called the Vſe, ryſeth about weſt Wickham out of one of the Chiltern hils, and goeth frõ thence to eaſt Wickham or high Wickham, a prety market towne. The other named Higden,Hig [...] deſcendeth alſo from thoſe moun|taynes, but a myle beneath weſt Wickham; and ioyning both in one at ye laſt in the weſt ende of eaſt wickham town, they go togyther to Wooburn, Hedſor, and ſo into ye Thames. Some call it the Tide and that word do I vſe in my former treatiſe, but to procéede. After this confluence, our Thames goeth on by Cowkham, Topley, Maydenhead (aliâs Sud|lington) Bray, Dorney, Clure, new Wind|ſore, (takyng in neuertheleſſe, at Eaton by ye way, the Burne which riſeth out of a Moore, and commeth thither by Burneham) olde Windſor, Wrayborow, and a little by eaſt therof, doth croſſe the Cole, whereof I finde this ſhort deſcription enſuyng.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Cole riſeth néere vnto Flamſted, frõ whence it goeth to Redburn, S. Mighels,Col [...], Ve [...] Vert [...] S. Albons, Aldẽham, Watford, and ſo by More to Richemanſworth, where there is a conflu|ence of thrée waters, of which this Cole is the firſt.Gadus. The ſecond called Gadus riſeth not farre from Aſheridge, an houſe or pallace be|longyng to the prince. From whence it run|neth to great Gaddeſden, Hemſted, betwene EEBO page image 50 [...] EEBO page image 60 called Brane, that is in the Britiſſh tong (as Leland ſaith) a frogge. It riſeth about Edge|worth, and commeth from thence by Kingeſ|biry, Twiford, Peri [...]ll, Hanwell, and Au|ſterley. Thence we followed our riuer to old Brẽtford, Mortlach, Cheſwijc, Barnelmes, Fulham and Putney, beneth which townes it croſſed a becke from Wandleſworth, that ryſeth at Woodmans turne, and goyng by Eaſthalton, méeteth another comming from Croydon by Bedington, and ſo goyng on to Mitcham, Marton Abbey & Wandleſworth, it is not long ere it fall into the Thames. Next vnto this is the Maryburne rill on the other ſide,Mariburn which commeth in by Saynt Iames, ſo that by this tyme we haue eyther brought the Thames, or the Thames con|ueighed vs to London, where we reſted for a ſeaſon to take viewe of the ſeuerall tydes there, of which ech one differeth frõ other, by 24. minuts, that is 48. in an whole day, as I haue noted afore, except the wether alter thẽ. Beyng paſt London, and in the way toward the ſea: the firſt water that it méeteth with al, is on Kent ſide, weſt of Grenewich, whoſe hed is in Bromley pariſh, and goyng from thence to Lewſham, it taketh in a water frõ by eaſt, & ſo directeth hys courſe foorth right vnto the Thames.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Lée.The next water that it méeteth withall, is on Eſſex ſide, almoſt agaynſt Woolwiche, and that is the Lée, whoſe hed rileth ſhorte of Kempton in Hertfordſhire, 4. myles ſouth eaſt of Luton, and goyng thorowe a péece of Brokehall park (leauing Woodhall park, on the north, and Hatfield on the ſouth, with an other park adioyning) it goeth toward Hart|ford towne. But ere it come ther, it receiueth a water (peraduenture the Marran) riſing at northweſt in Brodewater hundred frõ a|boue Welwin,Marran. northeaſt of Digeſwell, & go|ing to Hartingfeld bury, wher the ſaid cõflu|ence is within one mile of the towne. Beneth Hatfield alſo it receyueth the Beane (as I geſſe) commyng from Boxwood by Bening|ton,Beane. Aſton, Watton, and Stapleford, and a little lower, the third arme of increaſe from aboue Ware, which deſcẽdeth frõ two heds: whereof the greateſt commeth from Barke|way in Edwinſter hundred, the other from Sandon in Oddeſey hundred, and after they be met beneth little Hornemeade, they goe togither by Pulcherchurche, or Puckriche, Stonden, Thunderydge, Wadeſmill, Ben|ghoo and ſo into the Lée, which from hence runneth on tyll it come at Ware, and ſo to Amwell, where on the north ſide it receiueth the water that commeth from little Hadhã, thorow a péece of Singleſhall parke, then by great Hadham, and ſo from Midford to the aforeſayde towne. From hence alſo they go as one to olde Stanſtede called le veil, draunchyng in ſuch wyſe ere it come there, that it runneth thorow the towne in ſundry places. Thence it goeth forth to Abbots St [...]ſted, beneath which it méeteth wyth the Stoure, weſt as I remember, of Roydon. This Sture riſeth at Wenden lootes, [...] from whence it goeth to Langley, Claueryng, Berden Manh [...]en, & Byrcheanger (where it receyueth a ryll commyng from Elſing [...] & Stanſted Mount [...]tcher.) Thence it hy [...] on to biſhoppes Stourford, Sakrichworth, and beneath this town, croſſeth with another frõ the eaſt ſide of Elſingham, that goeth to Hatfield Brodock, Shityng, Harlo, and [...] into the Stoure, and from whence they goe togither to Eſtwyc, Parmedon, and next in|to the Lée. Theſe thinges beyng thus perfor|med, the Lée runneth on beneth Hoddeſdon, Broxburne, Wormley, where a water brea|keth out by weſt of the maine ſtreame, a [...] lower then Wormely it ſelfe, but yet within the paroche, and is called Wormeley locke. It runneth alſo by Cheſton Nunry, and out of this a little beneath the ſayde houſe, brea|keth an arme called the Shirelake, bicauſe it deuideth Eaſt [...] and Hartford ſhires [...] ſunder, and in the length of one medow cal|led Frithey, this lake rũneth not but at great [...], and méeteth againe with a ſuccor of ditchwater, at a place called Hockeſdich, half a myle from his firſt breakyng out, and half myle lower at Mar [...]h point, wyneth agayne with the ſtreame from whence it came be|fore. Thence commeth the firſt arme to [...] Mauly bridge (the firſt bridge weſtward vp [...] that ryuer) vppon Waltham cauſey, and halfe a myle lower then Mauly bridge at the corner of Ramney meade, it méeteth with the kinges ſtreame, and principal courſe of Luy or Lée, as it is commonly called. The ſecond principall arme breaketh out of the kynges ſtreame at Hallyfielde halfe a myle lower then Cheſton Nunnery, and ſo to the fullyng mill and two bridges by weſt of the kynges ſtreame, where into it falleth about a ſtones caſt lower at a place called Malkins ſhelf, [...]|cept I was wrong informed. Cheſton and Harfordſhire men ſay, do ſay that the kings ſtreame at Waltham, doth part Hartford|ſhire and Eſſex, but the Eſſex men by forreſt charter do plead their liberties to holde vnto S. Maulies bridge. On the eaſt ſide alſo of ye kinges ſtreame breaketh out but one princi|pall arme at Halifield, thrée quarters of a myle aboue Waltham, and ſo goeth to the corne myll in Waltham, and then to ye kings EEBO page image 51 ſtreame agayne, a little beneath the kynges bridge. From hence the Lée runneth on till it come to Stretforde Langthorne, where it brauncheth partly of it ſelfe, and partly by mans induſtry for mils. Howbeit herein the dealyng of Alfrede ſometyme king of Eng|land, [...]de. was not of ſmalleſt force, who vnder|ſtandyng the Danes to be gotten vp wyth their ſhips into the countrey, there to kil and ſlay, by the conduct of this ryuer: he in the meane tyme before they could returne, dyd ſo mightely weaken the mayne chanell by drawyng great numbers of trenches from the ſame, that when they purpoſed to come back, there was nothyng ſo much water left as the ſhips dyd draw, wherfore being ſet on ground, they were ſoone fired, and the aduer|ſaries ouercome. Finally beyng paſt Weſt|ham, it is not long ere it fal into ye Thames. One thyng I read more of this riuer before the conqueſt, that is, how Edward the firſt, & ſonne of Alfrede, builded Hartford towne v|pon it, in the yeare of grace 912. at which tyme alſo he had Wittham a town in Eſſex in hande as hys ſiſter called Aelflede repay|red Oxford and London, and all this 4. yeres before the buildyng of Maldon. But concer|nyng our ryuer it is noted, that he buylded Hertford or Herudford betwene 3. waters that is, the Lée, the Benefuth, and Me [...]|ran, but how theſe waters are diſtinguiſhed in theſe dayes, as yet I cannot tell. It is poſ|ſible, that the Bene may be the ſame which commeth by Beningtõ and Bengh [...], which if it be ſo, then muſt the Memmarran be the ſame that deſcendeth from Whit wel, for not farre from thence is Branfield, which might in tyme poſt right well be called Marran|field, for of lyke inuerſion of names I coulde ſhew many examples.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]on or [...]mus.Beyng paſt the Lée (whoſe chanell is be|gun to be purged 1576. with further hope to bring the ſame to the northſide of London we come vnto the Rodon, vpon Eſſex ſide in lyke maner, and not very farre (for [...] is the moſt) from the fall of the Lée. This water ryſeth at little Canfielde, from [...]ence it goeth to great Canfield, high R [...]+dyng Eythorpe Roding, Ledon Rodyng, White Rodyng, Beauchampe Roding, [...]+feld, [...]er. Shelley, high Ongar, and Cheyyng Ongar, where the Lauer falleth into it, that ariſeth betwixt Matchyng and high Lauer, and takyng another rill withall commyng from aboue Northweld at Cheping Ongar, they ioyne I ſay with the Rhodõ, after which confluẽce, Leland coniectureth that ye ſtreame is called Iuel: [...]us. for my part, I wote not what to ſay of it, but hereof I am ſure that ye whole courſe beyng paſt Ongar; it goeth to Stan|ſted riuers, The [...] [...], Heybridge, Chigwell, W [...]dford bridge, Ilforde bridge, Backyng and ſo into the Thames.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Darwent mée [...]eth with our ſayde Thames vpon Ken [...]s ſide,Darwent. two [...]yles and more beneth Erith. It riſeth at Tanridge, or the [...]bantes, as I haue bene informed by Chriſtofer Saxtons Card late made of the ſame and all the ſeuerall ſhyres of England at the infinite charges of ſix Thames Sack|forde might, and maiſter of the requeſtes, whoſe [...] vnto his countrey herein & can|not but remember, and ſo much the rather|forth that he meaneth to imi [...]te Ortelius, and ſomewhat beſide this hath holpen me. In the names of the townes, by which theſe ryuers doe run. Mould to God hys plats were ones finiſhed. [...] to procéede. The Darwent I ſay, riſing at [...]ridge, goeth on by Tit [...]y toward Br [...]ted, and receiuyng on eche ſide of that towne (and ſeueral bankes) a riuer or rill, it goeth on to Nockhold, Shorehã, Kent|ford, Horton, Darnehith,Craye. Dartford or Der|wentford, and there takyng in the Cray on the left hand that commeth from Orpington by [...]ary Cray, Powles Cray, North Cray, and Cray [...]e, it is not long ere it fall into the Thames.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The next water that falleth into the Thames, in weſt of the [...] Iſles, a [...]ill of no great [...], neyther long courſe, for ri|ſing about Coringham, it runneth not many miles eaſt & by ſouth, ere it fall into ye mouth of this riuer, which I doe now deſcribe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The chiefe hed of this ſtreame, ryſeth in Wood forreſt, ſouthweſt of Eaſt greneſted, Medeuius. This ri|uer is de|ſcribed al|redy, but here with more dili|gence, bet|ter helpe, and after their opi|nion that accompt it not to fall into the ſea but in|to ye Tha|mes. & goyng by Hartfield and Whetelin, it recei|ueth a rill from the ſecond hed, that commeth in from ſouth eaſt, and eyther from the north ſide of Argas hill, or at the leſt wiſe out of the ſouth part of Waterdon forreſt, as Saxton hath ſet it downe. After this confluence it is not long ere it take in another by weſt from [...]owden warde, and the third aboue Pen|ſher [...], growing frõ two heds, wherof one is in Kingfield parke, the other weſt of Craw|herſte [...] ioyning aboue Edinbridge, it doth fall into the Midway beneth He [...]er towne, & Chid [...] [...]. From Penhirſt our [...] ſtream [...]ſteth to Kigh, Eunbridge, & Twid|ley, and beneth the towne, it croſſeth a water from North, whereof one hed is at the Mote, another at Wroteham, the thirde at weſt Peckham, and likewyſe an other from ſouth eaſt, that runneth eaſt of Capell. Next after this it receiueth the Theſe, whoſe forked hed is at Tiſehirſt, which deſcendyng downe to|ward the north, taketh in not frõ Scowy EEBO page image 61 a brooke out of the northſide of Waterdẽ fo|reſt, whoſe name I find not except it be the Dour. After this confuence our ryuer goeth to Goldhirſt, and commyng to the Twiſt, it brauncheth in ſuch wyſe that one parte of it runneth into Midwaye, another into the Ga|ran or rather Cranebrooke, if my coniecture be any thyng.Garunus. Cranus. The Garan as Leland calleth it, or the Crane as I do take it, riſe [...]h nere to Cranebrooke, and goyng by Siſſinghirſt, it receyueth ere long one water that commeth by Fretingdon, and another that runneth from great Charde by Sinerdon & Hedcorn, croſſing two rils by the way from by north, Hedcorne it ſelfe ſtanding betwene thẽ both. Finally, the Garan or Crane méetyng with the Midway ſouth of Yallyng, they on ye one ſide, and the Theſe on the other, leaue a pre|ty Iſland in the midſt, of foure miles in lẽgth and two miles in bredth, wherin is ſome hil|ly ſoyle, but neyther towne nor village, ſo far as I remember. From Yalling forward, the Midway goeth to weſt Farlegh, eaſt Far|legh, and ere it come at Maidſtone, it enter|tayneth a rill that riſeth ſhort of Ienham, & goeth by Ledes and Otterinden. Being paſt Maidſtone, the Midway runneth by Alling|ton, Snodland, Hallyng, Cuckſtane, Roche|ſter, Chatham, Gillingham, Vpchurch, and ſone after braunching, it embraceth ye Grene at hys fall, as his two heds do Aſhdon foreſt, that lyeth betwene them both. I would haue ſpoken of one creke that cõmeth in at Cliffe, and another that runneth downe from Halt|ſto by S. Maries, but ſithe I vnderſtand not with what backewaters they be ſerued, I let them paſſe as not ſkilfull of their courſes. And thus much of the riuers that fal into the Thames, wherin I haue done what I may, but not what I would for myne owne ſatiſfa|ction, till I came from the hed to Lechelade.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 Auon 2.Being paſſed the Thames and hauing as I thinke ſufficiently in my former treatiſe de|ſcribed all ſuch waters as are to be found be|twéene the Stoure in Kent, & Auon in Wilt|ſhire, it reſteth that I procéede with this ry|uer, and here ſupply many thinges that I be|fore omitted, although not by mine owne o|uerſight ſo much as by the abuſe of ſuch as ſhoulde haue better preſerued the pamphlets to be inſerted. Certes this Auon is a goodly riuer ryſing as I ſayde before néere vnto Wolfe hall, although he that will ſéeke more ſcrupulouſlye for the head in déede, muſt looke for the ſame about the borders of the forreſt of Sauernake (that is Soure oke) which lieth as if it wer embraced betwene ye firſt armes therof, as I haue bene enformed. Theſe heds alſo do make a confluence by eaſt of Martin|ſhall hill, and weſt of Wootton. From whẽre it goeth to Milton, Powſey, Manningfield Abbey, Manningfielde croſſe, & beneth New|ington taketh in one rill weſt from Rudbo|row, and another a little lower that riſeth al|ſo weſt of Alcanninges, and runneth into the ſame by Patney, Merden, Wilford, Charle|ton, and Ruſtiſal. Beyng therfore paſt New|ington, it goeth to Vphauen (wherof Leland ſpeaketh) to Cheſt [...]bury, Cumpton, Abling|ton, little Almſbury, Darntford, Woodford, olde Saliſbury, and ſo to newe Saliſburye, where it receiueth one notable riuer from by northweſt, and another frõ north eaſt, which two I wyll firſt deſcribe, leauyng the Auon at Saliſbury. [...] The firſt of theſe is called the Wilugh, and riſeth among the Deuerels, and runnyng thence by hill Deuerell, & De|uerell long bridge, it goeth toward byſhops ſtraw, taking in one rill by weſt, and another from Vpton by Werminſter at northweſt. From biſhops ſtraw it goeth to Nortõ, Vp|ton, Badhampton, Stepiyngford, and Sta|pleford, where it méeteth with the Winter|bury water from by north, deſcending from Maddenton by Winterburne. From Sta|pleford it haſteth to Wiſhford, Newtõ, Chil|hampton, Wilton, and thither cõmeth a wa|ter vnto it from ſouthweſt, which ryſeth of two heds aboue Ouerdonet. After this it go|eth by Wordcaſtle, to Tiſbury, and there re|ceiueth a water on eche ſide, whereof one cõ|meth from Funthill, the other from two iſ|ſues (of which one riſeth at Auſ [...]y, the other at Swalodiſe) and ſo kepyng on ſtill with his courſe, our Wilugh runneth next next of all by Sutton. Thence it goeth to Fo [...]ant, Bo|berſtocke, Southburcombe, Wilton, [...] (where it taketh in the Fomington or Naddet wa|ter) Weſtharnam Saliſbury and Eaſthar|nam, and this is the race of Wilugh. The o|ther is a naked arme or ſtreame without a|ny braunches. It riſeth aboue Collingburne Kingſton in the hils, and thence goeth to Co|lingburne, the Tidworthes (wherof ye more ſoutherly is in Wiltſhire) Shipton, Chol [...]e [...]|ton, Newton, Toney, Idmerſon, Porton, the Winterburnes, Lauerſtock, and ſo into [...] eaſt of Sar [...]ſbury. And thus is the confl [...] made of the aforeſayd waters, with thys [...] ſecond Auon, whereinto another water fal|leth (called Becquithes brooke) a myle beneth Harneham bridge, [...] whoſe head is fiue miles from Sarum, and thrée myles aboue Bec|quithes bridge, as Lelande doth remember, who noteth the Chalkeburne water to haue hys due recourſe alſo, [...] at thys place into the aforeſayde riuer. Certes it is a pretye brooke, and riseth sixe miles from Shaftes bury [page ] bury, and in the way toward Salisbury in a botom on the right hand, whence it commeth to Knighto(n) and Fennystratford, to Honington, that is about 12. myles from the hed, and about two miles and an halfe from Honington beneth Odstocke, goeth into the Auon, a mile lower then Harnham bridge, except he forget himselfe. This Harneham whereof I now entreate was sometime a prety village before the erection of new Salisbury, & had a church of S. Martine belonging vnto it, but now in steade of this church there is onely a barne standyng in a very low meade on the northside of S. Mighels hospitall. The cause of the relinquishyng of it was the moistnesse of the soile, very oft ouerflowen. And whereas the kinges high way lay sometyme thorough Wilton, licence was obteyned of the kyng & bishop of Salisbury, to remoue that passage vnto new Salisbury also, & upo(n) this occasion was the maine bridge made ouer Auon at Harneham. [...] [...]nes [...]yed by [...]nging [...]e [...]. By this exchaunge of the way also olde Salisbury fel into vtter decay, and Wilton which was before the hed towne of the shire, and furnished with 12. paroche churches, grew to be but a poore village, and of small reputation. Howbeit, this was not the onelye cause of the ruine of olde Salisbury, sith I read of two other, wherof the first was a salue vnto the latter, as I take it. For where as it was giuen out that the townesmen wanted water in olde Salisbury, it is flat otherwise, sithe that hill is very plentifully serued with springes and wels of very sweete water. The truth of ye matter therfore is this. In the tyme of ciuill warres, the souldiors of the castle and Chanons of old Sarum fell at oddes, in so much that after often brawles, they fell at last to sad blowes. It happened therefore in a Rogation weeke that the clergy goyng in solemne procession, a co(n)troversie fell betwene them about certayne walkes and limites, which the one side claymed and the other denied. Such also was the whote entertainement on eche part, that at the last the Castellanes espying their tyme, gate betwene the clergy and the towne, and so coyled them as they returned homeward, yt they feared any more to gange about their bounds for yt yere. Hereupon the people missing their belly chere (for they were wont to haue ba(n)ketting at euery statio(n), a thing practised by the religious in old tyme wherewith to linke in the com(m)ons vnto them) they conceyued forthwith a deadly hatred against the Castellanes, but not beyng able to cope with them by force of armes, they consulted with their bishop, and he with them so effectually, that it was not long ere they, I meane the Chanons, began a church upo(n) a peece of their owne ground, pretending to serue God there in better safetie, and with farre more quietnesse then they could do before. The people also seyng the diligence of the chanons, and reputyng their harmes for their owne inconuenience, were as earnest on the other side to be nere vnto these prelates, and therfore euery man brought hys house vnto that place, & thus became old Sarum in few yeres vtterly desolate, and new Salisbury raysed vp in stede therof, to the great decay also of Harnham and Wilton, whereof I spake of late. Nowe to returne agayne from whence I thus digressed. Our Auon therefore departyng from Sarisbury [sic], goeth by Burtforde, Longford, and taking in the waters afore mencioned by the way, it goeth by Stanley, Dunketon, Craiforde, Burgate, Fordyng bridge, Kingwood, Auon, Christes church, and finally into the sea. But ere it come all there, and a little beneth Christs church, it crosseth the Stoure, or Sture, a very faire stream, whose course is such as may not be lefte vntouched. It ryseth of sixe heds, wherof thre lie on the north side of the Parke at Sturton within the pale, the other ryse without the parke, and of this riuer the towne and Barony of Sturton doth take his name as I gesse, for except my memory do to much faile me, the lord Sturton giueth the sixe heds of the said water in hys armes, but to proceede. After these braunches are conioyned in one botome, it goeth to long Layme mill, Stilto(n), Milton, and beneth Gillingham receyueth a water that descendeth from Mere. Thence ye Sture goeth to Bugley, Stoure, Westouer bridge, Stourprouost, and ere long taketh in the Cale water, from Pen that commeth downe by Wickhampton, to Moreland, and to Stapleford, vij. miles from Wickhampton, passing in the sayd voyage, by Wine Caunton, and the fiue bridges. After this co(n)fluence, it runneth to Hinton Maries, Lidden. Deuilis. & soone after crosseth the Lidden and deuilish waters all in one chanell, whereof the first ryseth in Blackmore vale, and goeth to bishops Cau(n)dell: the second in the hils south of Pulham, and so runneth to Lidlinch: the third water issueth nere Ibberton, and goyng by Fifehed to Lidlington, and there meetyng wyth the Lidden, they receiue the blackewater aboue Baggeburne, and so go into the Stour. Iber. Black-water After this the Stoure runneth on to Stoureton minster, Fitleford, Hammond (and soone after takyng in one water that commeth fro(m) Hargraue by west Orcharde, and a seconde fro(m) Funtmill, it goth on to Chele, Ankeford, Handford, Durweston, Knighto(n), Brianston Bland EEBO page image 62 Blandford, Carleton, and crossing ere long a rill that riseth about Tarrent, and goeth to Launston, Munketon, Caunston, Tarrant, it proceedeth forth by Shepwijc, and by and by receyuing an other brooke on the right hand (that riſeth about Strickeland, and go|eth by Quarleſton, Whitchurch, Anderſtõ & Winterburne) it haſteth forward to Stour|minſter, Berforde lake, Alen bridge, Win|burne, aliâs Twinburne minſter, whether commeth a water called Alen (from Knoltõ, Wikechãpton, Eſtumbridge, Hinton, Barn|ſley) which hath two heds, wherof one ryſeth ſhort of Woodcotes, and eaſt of Farneham, named Terig,This ſtoure a|boundeth with pike, perche, roche, dace, Gudgeon and eles. the other at Munketon aboue S. Giles Winburne, and goyng thence to ſ. Gyles Aſheley, it taketh in the Horton beck, as the Horton doth the Cranburne. Finally, méetyng with the Terig aboue Knoltõ, they run on vnder the name of Alen to the Stour, which goeth to the Canfordes, Preſton, Kingſton, Perley, and Yolneſt. But ere it come at Yolneſt, if taketh in two brookes in one bottom, wherof one commeth frõ Wood|land parke by Holt parke and Holt, another from aboue vpper Winburne, by Ed [...]i [...]nde|ſham, Vertwood, and Manning [...], & ioyning about S. Leonardes, they go to Hornbridge, and ſo into Stoure. After which confluence, the ſayd Stoure runneth by I [...]r bridge, and ſo into Auon, leauyng Chriſtes church aboue the méetyng of the ſayde waters, as I haue ſayd before.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hauyng in this manner paſſed Chri [...]es church hed,Burne. we come to the fall of the Burn, which is a little brooke runnyng frõ Stou [...]e|field heath, without braunches, and not tou|ched in my former voiage for want of know|ledge, and information therof in tyme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When we had left the Burne behynde vs, we entred Pole hauen, now far better known vnto me then it was at the firſt. Goyng ther|fore into the ſame, betwene the north and the ſouth pointes, to ſée what waters wer there, we left Brunke ſey Iſland and the caſtle on the left hand within the ſaid pointes, and paſ|ſing about by Pole, and leauing that Creke, becauſe it hath no freſh, we came by Holton and Keſworth, where we beheld two falles, of which one was called the north, the other the ſouth waters. The north ſtreame [...]ight Piddle as I heare.Piddle. It riſeth about Alton, and goeth from thẽ [...]e to Piddle trentch hed Pid|dle hinton, Walterſtow, and ere it come at Birſtã, receiueth Deuils brooke that cõmeth thither from Brugham, and Melcombe by Deuiliſh town.Deuils. Thence it goeth to Tow pid|dle, Aſhe piddle, Turners piddle (takyng in ere it come there, a water that runneth from Holton by [...], Milburne and [...] then to Hide, and ſo into Pole hauen, an [...] this water Mariani [...]s Scotus ſpeaketh, except I be deceyued. The ſouth water is properly called Frome for Frame. It riſeth were vn|to Euerſhot, [...] and going down by Fromeq [...]|tain, Thelmington, and Catſ [...]ke, it recey|ueth there a rill from beſide Rowſham, and Wraxehall. After this it goeth on to Ch [...]|frome, and thence to Maden Newtõ, where it méeteth with the Owke, [...] that riſeth eyther two miles aboue H [...]keparke at Kenforde, or in the great [...]ine within [...]oke par [...], and goyng by the [...]olla [...]des, falleth into the Frome about M [...]en Newton, and ſo go as one from thẽce to Fromevanchirch, Cro [...]|wey, Frampton, and Muckilford, and recei|ueth nere vnto the ſame a rill frõ aboue Vp|ſ [...]lyng by S. Nicholas Sidlyng, and Grim|ſton. From hence it goeth on by Stratton & Bradford Peuerell, [...] and beneath this Brad|ford, it croſſeth the Silley, aliâs Mintern and Cherne brookes both in one chanell: [...] whereof the firſt riſeth in vpper Cherne pariſh, the o|ther at Minterne, and méeting aboue middle Cherne, they go by [...]her Cherne, Forſton, Godmanſt [...]n, and aboue Charneminſter in|to Frome. In ye meane time alſo our Frome br [...]cheth and leaueth an Iſlande aboue Charneminſter, and ioyning agayne néere Dorcheſter, it goeth by Dorcheſter, & For|thington, but ere it come at Beckington, [...] ma [...]eth with an other Becke that runneth thereinto from Winterburne, St [...]pleton, Martinſtow, Heringſtow, Caine and Staf|ford, and from thence goeth without any fur|ther increaſe as yet to Beckington, Kingh|ton, Tinkleton, Morton, Wooll, Bindon, [...] Stoke, and beneath Stoke, receiueth ye iſſue of the Luckeforde lake, from whence alſo it paſſeth by Eaſtholme, Warham, and ſo into the Bay. From this fall, we went about the arme point by Slepe, where we ſaw a little creke, then by Owre, where we behelde an o|ther, and then commyng againe toward the entraunce by S. Helens, and Furley caſtell, we went abroade into the maine, and ſounde our ſelues at liberty.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 When we were paſt Pole hauen, we left the handfaſt point, the Peuerell point, S. A|delmes chappell, and came at laſt to Lugh|port hauen, wherby and alſo the Lucheford [...] lake, all this portion of ground laſt remem|bred, is left in maner of a byland or peninſu|la, and called the Iſle of Burbecke, wherin is good ſtore of alam. In lyke ſort goyng ſtill weſterly, we came to Sutton pointes, where is a créeke. Then vnto Way or W [...]lemouth, by kinges Welcombe, whereinto when we EEBO page image 53 were entred, we ſaw thrée falles, whereof thẽ firſt and greateſt commeth from Vpwey by Bradwey, and [...]adypoll, receiuyng after|ward the [...] that ran from eaſt Che [...]e|rell, and likewiſe the third that maketh the grounde betwene Weymouth and Smal|mouth paſſage almoſt an Iſlande. Goyng by Portland and the point therof, called ye Raſe, we ſayled along by the Shingle, till we came by S. Katherines chappel, where we ſaw the fal of a water that came downe from Black|den Beaconward, by Porteſham and Ab|boteſbury. Thence we went to another that fell into the ſea, mete Byrton, and deſcended from Litton by Chilcombe, then vnto the Bride or Brute porte, [...]. a prety hauen and the ryuer it ſelfe ſerued with ſundry waters. It riſeth as I ſayd before, halfe a myle or more aboue Bemiſter, and ſo goeth from Bemi|ſter to Netherbury by Parneham, then to Melplaſhe, and to Briteport, where it taketh in two waters from by eaſt in one chanel, of which one ryſeth eaſt of Nettlecourt, and go|eth by Poreſtoke, and Milton, the other at Aſkerwell, & runneth by Longlether. From hence alſo ou [...] Bride goyng toward the ſea, taketh the Simen on the weſt that commeth by Simenſburge into the ſame, the [...] ſtreame ſoone after fallyng into the ſea, and leauyng a prety hauenet.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The next porte is the Chare, ſerued wyth two rilles in one confluence, beneath Chare|mouth. The chiefe hed of this riuer is as Le|land ſayth in Marſhewoode parke, and com|meth downe by Whitchurch: the other run|neth by weſt of Wootton, and mée [...]yng be|neth Charemouth towne, as I ſaid, doth fall into the ſea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then came we to the Cobbe, and beheld the Lime water, which the towneſmen call the Buddle, [...]. and is alredy deſcribed vnder ye ſame denomination. Certes, there is no hauẽ here that I coulde ſée, but a quarter of a mile by weſt ſouthweſt of ye towne, is a great and coſtly Iutty in the ſea for ſuccour of ſhippes. The towne is diſtaunt from Colyton, about 5. miles, and here we ended our voyage from the Auon, which conteyneth the whole coſt of Dorceſter, or Dorcetſhire, ſo that next we muſt enter into Somerſet Countie, and ſée what waters are there.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The firſt water that we méete with all in Somerſetſhire is ye Axe, which riſeth as you haue heard, not far from Bemiſter, and to ſay it more preciſely nere vnto Cheddington in Dorſetſhire, from whence it runneth to Moſterne, Feborow, Claxton, Weyforde bridge, Winſham fourde, and receiuing one rill from the eaſt by Hawkechurch, and ſoone [...] another comming from northweſt by Churchſtone, from Waindroke,Yate aliâs Artey. it goeth to Axem [...]iſter, beneath which it croſſeth the Yare, that commeth from about Buckland, by Whit [...]unton, Yareco [...], Long bridge, Stockeland, Killington bridge (where it re|ceiueth a brooke from by ſouth, that runneth by Dalw [...]) and ſo into the Axe. From hence our Axe goth to Drake, Muſbury, Cullyford, but ere it come altogither at Calliſhop, it ma|teth wt a water yt riſeth aboue Ca [...]e [...], & goeth frõ thẽce by Widworthy, Culli [...], & there re|ceuiing a rill alſo procéedeth on after ye [...] aboue C [...]ford bridge into the Axe, & frõ thence hold on together into ye maine ſea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 By weſt of Be [...]eworth point [...]eth a creke ſerued ſo farre as I remembe [...], with a freſhe water that commeth from the hils ſouth of S [...]ley to Branſc [...]mbe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sidmouth hauen is the next,Sid. and thither cõ|meth a freſhwater by S. Martes from the ſayd hils that goeth from S. Mar [...]es afore|ſaid, to S [...]bury, and betwene Saltcombe & Sidmouth into the maine ſea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 By west of Auterton point also lyeth another hauen, and thither commeth a prety riueret, Autri aliâs Otterey. whose hed is in the Hackpendon hils, and commeth downe first by Vpauter, then by a parke side to mohuns Auter, Munketo(n), Honnyton, Buckewell, and north of Autry receiueth a rill called Tale, Tale. that riseth north west of Brodembury in a woode, and from whence it runneth by Pehembury, Vinnito(n), and making a confluence with the other, they go as one betwene Cadde and Autry, to Herford, Luton, Collaton, Auterton, Budeley and so into the sea. This riuer is afore described vnder the name of Otterey, as Leland left it to me: now will I cast about the Start point that I may come to Exe. Exe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Exe riſeth in [...]xe [...]ore in Somerſet ſhire (as I ſaid before out of Leland) and go|eth from thence to Exeford, Winſforde, and Exton where it receiueth a [...] comming from Cutcombe by north. A [...]et this conflu|ence it goeth on toward the ſouth, til it méete with a prety brook, riſing northeaſt of Whet|tel (goyng by Brunton regis) increaſed at the left with thrée r [...]les which come all from by north. Theſe beyng once met, this water rũ|neth on by weſt of the beacon that beareth ye name of Haddon, and ſome after taketh [...] the Barle that receiueth in like ſort ye Do [...]e at Hawkebridge,Barley. and from hence goeth by Daue [...]n, and Combe,Doue aliâs Doue ſtroke. and then doth méte with the Exe, almoſt in the very confines be|twene Dorſet and Somerſetſhires. Beyng paſt this coniunction our Exe, paſſeth be|twene Bruſhford and Murba [...]h and then to EEBO page image 63 Ere bridge, where it taketh in as I heare a water by Weaſt, from Eaſt Auſtye, and after thys likewyſe another on eche ſide, whereof one commeth from Di [...]forde and Baunton,Woodburn. the other called Woodburne, ſomewhat by caſt of Okeforde. From theſe méetinges it goeth to Caue & thorough ye for|reſt and wooddes to Hatherland and Waſh|fields vntill it come to Tiuerton, and here it receiueth the Lomund water, that ryſeth a|boue Athebrittle, and commeth downe by Hockworthy vpper Loman, and ſo to Tiuer|ton that ſtandeth almoſt euen in the very cõ|fluẽce. Some cal this Lomũd the Simming brooke or Sunninges bathe.Lomund or Sim|ming. After this our Exe, goeth to Bickley, Theuerten (takyng in a rill by weſt) nether Exe, Bramford, be|neath which it ioyneth with the Columbe,Columb. that riſeth of one heade, northeaſt of Clary Hayden, and of another ſouth of Shildõ, and méeting beneath Columbe ſtocke, goeth by Columbe and Bradfeld, and there croſſing a rill that commeth by Aſhforde [...] runneth ſouth to Woode, More haies, Columbton, Brandnicke, Beare, Columbe Iohn, Hor|ham, and ioyning as I ſayde wyth the Exe at Bradford it paſſeth vnder but one bridge, ere it méete wyth another water by weſt,Cride. Forten. growyng of the Forten and Cryde wa|ters, except it [...]ée ſo that I doe iudge amiſſe. The Cride riſeth aboue Wolleſworthy, and néere vnto Vpton, after it is paſt Dewriſh, croſſeth a rill from betéewne Puggill and Stockley by Stocke engliſh, &c. From hence it goeth to Fulford where it méeteth with the Forten, whereof one braunche commeth by Caldbrook, the other from S. Mary Ted|burne, and ioyning aboue Crediton, the cha|nell goeth on to the Cride (which ere long al|ſo receiueth another from by north, cõming by Stockley & Combe) then betwene Haine and Newton Sires to Pines and ſo into the Exe which ſtayeth not vntill it come to Ex|ceſter. From Exceſter it runneth to Were there takyng in a rill from by weſt, and ano|ther lower by Exeminſter, next of all vnto Toppeſham,Cliuus. beneath which towne the Cliue entereth therinto, which riſing about Plym|trée, goeth by Clift Haydon, Clift Laurence, Brode Clift, Honiton, Soutõ, biſhops Clift, S. Mary Clyft, Clyft S. George, & then in|to the Exe, that runneth forward by Notwel Court, Limſtõ and Ponderham caſtle. Here as I here,Ken. it taketh in the Ken (or Kenton brooke, as Leland calleth it) commyng from Holcombe Parke, by Dunſdike, Shilling|ford, Kenford, Ken, Kenton, and ſo into Exe hauen, at whoſe mouth lye certaine rockes, which they call the chekeſtones, except I be deceiued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The next fal, wherof Leland ſayth nothing at all, commeth by Aſhecombe and Dul [...] and hath hys hed in the hils therby.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Teigne mouth is the next fall that we came vnto, [...] and it is a goodly port. The hed of this water is alredy touched in my firſt [...] to be in Dartmore among the Gidley hilles From whence it goeth to Gydley towne Teignton drue, [...] where it receyueth the Cro|kerne commyng from by north, and ljkewiſe another weſt of Fulford parke. Thẽ it goeth to Dufford, Bridforde, Kirſlow, Chidley, Knighton, and beneath the bridge there re|ceyueth the Bo [...]y whoſe courſe is to north Bouy, Lilley, and Bouytracy. [...] Thence i [...] runneth to kinges Teingneton, taking in Eidis a brooke beneath Preſton that cõmeth from Edeford by the way, [...] and whẽ it is paſt this confluence, at Kings Teigneton, it croſ|ſeth the Leman which commeth from Sad|dleton rocke by Beckington, [...] and Newton Buſhels, [...] and ſone after the Aller that riſeth betwene Danbury and War [...]g well, after|ward fallyng into the ſea by biſhops Teign|ton, ſouth of Teignemouth towne.

From hence we goe ſtill ſouthwardes (as we haue done long alredy by ſouthweſt) by Worthſtone, and finding thrée or foure ſmal crekes betwene Worthſtone rocke and the Biry point, we go furder to Mewſtone rock, and ſo into Dartmouth hauen, where into ſundry waters haue their direct courſes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The riuer of Darnt commeth out of Da|rntmore, xv. myles aboue Tomeſſe (as I ſaid before) from whence it goeth to Bucklande Hole, and ſoone after taking in the Aſhebur [...] water on the one ſide that runneth frõ Sad|dleton rocke by north, [...] and the Buckfaſtlich that commeth from north weſt, [...] it runneth to Staunton, Darington, Hemſton, and there alſo croſſing a rill on eche ſide, paſſeth forth to Totneſſe, Bowden, and aboue Gabriell Stoke, [...] méeteth with the Hartburne that rũ|neth vnder Roſt bridge, two miles aboue Totneſſe, or as an other ſayeth, by Ratter, Harberton, Paineſford, and Aſprempton in|to Darnt, which ere long alſo commeth to Cornworthy, Greneway, Ditſham, Darnt|mouth, betwene the Caſtels, and ſo into the ſea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 From hence we went by Stokeflẽming to another water, which commeth from blacke Auton, then to the ſecond that falleth in ea [...] of Slapton, and ſo coaſting out of this bay by the Start point, we ſaile almoſt directly weſt, till we come to Saltcombe hauẽ. Cer|tes this port hath very little freſh water cõ|myng vnto it, yet the hed of ſuch as it is, ry|ſeth EEBO page image 54 nere Buckland, and goeth to Do [...]ook, which ſtandeth betwene two créekes. Thẽce it hieth to Charelton, where it taketh in a ril whoſe hed commeth from ſouth and north of Shereford. Finally, it hath another créeke that runneth vp by Ilton, and the laſt of all that falleth in north of Portlemouth, whoſe hed is ſo nere the bay laſt afore remembred, that it maketh it a ſory peninſula, as I haue heard it ſayd.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then come we to the Awne, whoſe hed is in the hils farre aboue Brent towne, from whence it goeth to Dixford wood, Loddewel, Hache, Aunton, Thorleſton, and ſo into the ſea ouer againſt a rocke called inſul borow.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Arme riſeth aboue Harford, thence to St [...]|ford, Iuy bridge, Armington bridge, Fléete, Orchardton and Ownewell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Yalme goeth by Cornewood, Slade, Strat|ley, Yalmeton, Collaton, and Newton ferry.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Being paſt theſe Portlets, then next of all we come to Pli [...]mouth hauen, a very buſie péece to deſcribe, becauſe of the [...] waters that reſort vnto it, & ſmall helpe that I haue for the knowledge of their [...], yet will I doe what I may [...] this, [...] the reſt, and ſo much I hope by God [...] [...] performe, as ſhall iuſtice my purpoſe in [...] behalfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Plimme or Plym, is the very same water that gyueth name vnto Plimpton towne. It ryseth in the hilles west of Cornewood, and commeth downe a short course of three miles to Newenham after it bee issued out of the ground. From Newenham also it ru(n)neth to Plimpton, and soone after into the Stour, [...]re [...] Cat| [...]. which Stour aryseth northwest of Shepistour, and goeth from thence to Memchurch, Hele, Shane Bickley, & so to Eforde where taking in the Plym, it runneth downe as one under the name of Plymme, vntill it go past Plymmouth and fall into the hauen South est of Plymmouth aforesayd. Plymmouth it self standeth betweene two creekes, not serued wyth anye backewater, therefore passing ouer these two, wee enter into the Thamar that dischargeth it selfe into the aforsaid haue(n), going therefore vp that streame which for the most part partheth Deuonshire from Cornewall, [...]e or [...]y. the first riueret that I met withall on the est side is called Tauy, the hed wherof is amo(n)g the mountaines foure miles aboue Peeters Tauy, beneath which it meeteth with another water from by west, so that these two waters include Marye Tauye, betweene them though nothing neere the confluence. From hence the Taue or Tauy runneth to Tauistocke, aboue which it taketh in a rill from by west, and another aboue north Bucklande whose head is in Dartmore, and commeth thereunto by Sandforde and Harrow bridge. From hence it goeth into Thamer, by north Buckland, Monks Buckland, Beare, and Tamerton Folly. Hauing thus dispatched the Tauy. The next that falleth in on the est side vpwardes is the Lidde, Lidde. which rysing in the hilles aboue Lidforde, runneth downe by Curryton and Siddenham, and so to Lidstone, aboue which it receyueth the Trushell brooke, Tru [...]hell. which rising north east of Brediston, goeth by Trusholton to Thaine, where it receyueth a rill that commeth by Bradwood from Germanswijc, and after the confluence runneth to Liston, and fro(m) thence into the Thamar. The next aboue this is the Corewater, Core. this riseth somewhere about Elwell or Helwell, and goyng by Virginston, runneth on by S. Giles without any increase vntill it come to Thamar. Next of all it taketh in two brookes not much distant in sunder, whereof the one commeth in by Glaunto(n), the other from Holsworthy, and both east of Tamerton, which standeth on the further banke, and other side of the Thamar, & west northwest of Tedcote, except the quarter deceiue me.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Certes, the Thamar it selfe riseth in Somersetshire, Thamar. about three miles northeast of Hartlande, and in maner so crosseth ouer the whole west country betweene sea and sea, that it leaueth Cornewall, a bylande or peninsula. Being therfore descended from the hed, by a tract of vj. myles, it commeth to Denborow, Pancrase well, Bridge Reuel, Tamerton, Tetcote, Luffencote, Boyton, & Wirrington, Artey. where it meeteth wyth a water on the west side called Artey, that riseth short of Iacobstow. Two miles in like sort from this confluence, we met with the Kensey, Kenſey. whose hed is short of Warpeston, by south east, fro(m) whence it goeth by Treneglos, Tremone, Tresmure, Trewen, Launston, and so into the Thamar that runneth fro(m) hence by Lowwhitton vnto Bradston, and goyng on toward Dunterton, taketh in a rill from seuth Pitherwijc, and by Lesant. Beneath Dunterton also it crosseth the Enian. This ryuer riseth at Dauidston, Enian. and directeth his race by S. Clethir, Lancast, and Trelask first, and then vnder sundry bridges, vntill it meete w(ith) the Thamar. From hence also the Thamar goeth by Siddenham to Calstocke bridge, Calstocke towne, Clifton, Targreue (there aboutes takyng in a creeke aboue Landilip) and runnyng on from thence, hasteth toward Saltashe, where it receiueth the Liuer water. Liuer. The head of Liuer is about Broomwelly hill EEBO page image 64 hill from whence it goeth on to North hill, Lekenhorne, South hill, and taking in a rill by east (from aboue Kellington) it runneth on to Newton, Pillaton, Wooto(n), Blofflemyng, S. Erne, and beneth this village crosseth a rillet that runneth thither from Bicton by Quithiocke, S. Germaines and Sheuiocke. But to proceede after the confluence, it goeth betweene Erly & Fro Martine castle, and soone after takyng in a ril from by north, that passeth west of S. Steuens, it is not long ere it fall into the Thamar, which after this (receiuing the Milbrooke creeke) goeth on by Edgecomb, and betwene S. Mighels Isle and Ridden poine into the maine sea. And thus haue I finished the descriptio(n) of Plimmouth water, and all such falles as are betweene Mewston rocke on the east side, & the Ra(m)me hed on the other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sutton. After this we proceeded on with our iourney toward the west, and passing by Longstone, we came soone after to Sothan baie, where we crossed the Seton water, whose hed is about Liscard, and his course by Mynheniet, Chafrench, Tregowike, Sutton, and so into the sea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Then came we to Lowe, and goyng in betweene it and Mount Isle, Low. we finde that it had a braunched course, and thereto the confluence aboue Lowe. The chiefe heade ryseth in ye hils, as it were two miles aboue Gaine, and goyng by that towne, it ceaseth not to continue his course, east of Duloe, til it come a little aboue Low, where it crosseth and ioyneth with the Brodoke water that runneth fro(m) Brodokes by Trewargo, & so into ye sea. Nexte unto these are two other rils before we come at Faw, or Fawy, whereof in my former treatise, I made some small intreaty. Foy or Fawy riuer riseth in Fawy more, on side of an hill, Fawy. from whence it runneth by certayne bridges, till it meete with the Glin water west of Glyn towne, Glyn. which rising aboue Temple, and meting with a rill that com(m)eth in from S. Neotes, doth fall into Fawy a mile and more aboue Kesprin from by east. After this conflue(n)ce then, it goeth to Kesprin bridge, Lesterme(n) castle, Lostwithiel bridge, Pill, s.Kingtons, s.Winnow, and Golant, and here also receiueth the Lerine water out of a park, Lerinus. that taketh his way into the main streame by Byconke, Tethe, and the fining house. Beyng thus vnited, it proceedeth vnto Fawy towne, taking in a rill or creeke from aboue it on one side, and another beneath it south of Halling on the other, of which two this latter is the longest of course, sith it runneth three good myles before it come at the Foy, and thus much had I to adde vnto the description of the sayd Fawy conteined in my former treatise. I might haue touched the creeke that lyeth betweene Knaueland & blackbottle pointes ere I came at Foye or Fawy, but sith it is serued only with the salt, I make small account to speake of it. But to proceede, entering finally into the baie commonly called Trewardith baie, which lyeth into the land betwene the Canuasse and the blacke head pointe, we sawe the fall of two small brookes, not one uery far distant from another. The first of them entring west of Trewardith, the other east of s.Blayes and both directly agaynst Curwarder rocke, except I mistake my compasse. Neyther of the(m) are of any great course, and the longest not full three miles and an halfe, wherefore sith they are neither braunched nor of any great quantity, what should I make long haruest of a little corne, and spend more tyme then may well be spared about them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When we were past the blackhed, [...] we came to Austell broke, which is increased with a water that commeth from aboue Mewan, & within a myle after the confluence they fall into the sea at Pentoren, from whence we went by the black rocke, and about the Dudman pointe, till we came to Chare haies, where falleth in a prety water, [...] whose hed is two miles aboue S. Tues. The(n)ce we went by here & there a meere salt creeke, til we passed ye gray rocke, in Gwindraith baie, & s.Anthonies point, where Leland maketh his big acco(m)pt to enter into Falamouth haue(n), to the former description whereof, I wil adde another here, wherby the first shal be more plain and easie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 The Fala riseth a little by north of Penuenton towne, and goyng westwarde til it come downwardes toward s.Dionise, [...] it goeth fro(m) thence to Melader, s. Steuens Grampont, Goldon, Crede, Cornley, Tregue, Moran, Tregu(n)an, it falleth into the hauen with a good indifferent force, and this is the course of Fala. But lest I should seme to omit those creekes that are betwene this and S.Antonies point, I will go a little backe again, and fetch in so many of them as come now to my reme(m)braunce. Entring therefore into ye port, we haue a creeke that runneth vp by s. Antonies toward s.Gereus, then another that goeth into the lande by east of s.Maries castle, with a forked hed passing in the meane time, by a great rocke, that lieth in the very midst of the hauen, in maner of the thirde poynts of a Triangle, betweene S.Maryes castle and pendinant. Thence we cast about by the sayde castle, and came by another creeke, that falleth in by east, then the second aboue s.Justus, the third at Ardenors, the fourth at Kilan EEBO page image 55 Kilan, and hauing as it wer visited all these in order, we come backe againe about by Tregonnian, and then goyng vpward betwene it and Taluerne, til we come to Fentangolan, we founde the confluence of two great creekes beneath S.Clementes, wherof one hath a fresh water comming down by s.Merther, ye other another fro(m) Truro, increased w(ith) sundry brau(n)ches, though not one of the(m) of any greatnesse, and therfore vnworthy to be handled. Polewhole standeth vpon the hed almost of the most easterly of them. S.Keuwen and Truro stand aboue the confluence of other two [sic]. The fourth falleth in by west, fro(m) certaine hils: as for the fift and sixt, as they be little creekes and no fresh, so have I lesse language and talke to spend about them. Of s.Caie, [...]e. [...]ks. and s.Feokes creekes, I spake inough before, the towne of s.Feoke standyng betwen the both. That also called after ye saint, rising aboue Pera(n)narwothill, and comming thence by Kyrklo, falleth into Falamouth, northeast of Milor, which standeth vpon the point betwene it & Milor creeke. Milor creek (for Lela(n)d did kepe no order in their description) is next Restronguet. Some cal it Milor poole, from whence we went by Trefuus point, and there found an other great fall fro(m) Perin, which beyng braunched in the toppe hath Perrin towne almost in the very confluence. Thus leauing Fala hauen, as more troublesome for me to describe, then profitable for seafaring men without good aduise to enter into, we left the rocke on our left hand, and came streight southwest to Helforde hauen, whose water commeth downe from Wreeke (where is a confluence of two small rilles whereof that ryll consisteth) by Mawgan and Trelawarren, [...]le. and then it receyueth a rill on the north ripe from Constantine, after whose confluence, it goeth a maine vntill it come to the Oceane. Beneath thys also is another rill commyng from s.Martirs, by whose course, and another ouer against it on the west side that falleth into ye sea by Winniton, all Menage is left almost in maner of an Island. From hence we go south to ye Manacle point, then southwest to Lysard, and so north and by west to Predannocke pointes, beyonde which we meete with the fall of the said water, that riseth in the edge of Menage and goeth into ye sea by Melian on the north, and Winniton on the south. By north also of Winniton is the Cury water that ryseth short of Magan, and toucheth with the Ocean south of Pengwenian point.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 From hence we sayled to the Loomouth which some call Lopole, because it is narower at the fall into the sea, then it is betweene the sea and Hailston. It riseth aboue s.Sethians, and commyng downe by Wendron, it hasteth to Hailston or Helston, from whence onely it is called Loo, but betwene Helston & the hed, men call it commonly Cobor. Here Leland omittyng a great number of waters betwene this and the landes end, and so forth about the point vnto the Haile, as you may see in my former treatise, I thinke it good so far as to me is possible, to supply his want in this place, although I confesse that I cannot do it so exactly as I would. Beyng therefore passed the Loo, I came to another water that desce(n)deth without any increase from Crowan by Symney, whose whole course is not aboue 3. myles in all. Then goyng by the Cuddan point, we entred the mountes Bay, and goyng streight north (leauing saint Mighels mount a little vpon the left hand) we came to the Lyd, which rising short of Tewidnacke, descendeth by Lidgeuan, and so into the sea. Certes the course of these waters can not be long, sith in this very place, the bredth of la(n)d is not aboue foure miles, and not more then fiue at the very landes ende. There is also a rill east of Korugy, and Guluall, and another west of the same hard at hand, and likewise the third east of Pensantz and not a ful quarter of a myle from the second, southwest of Pensantz, also lieth the fourth that co(m)meth from Sancrete warde by Newlyn, from whence goyng southwest out of the Baye by Moushole Isle, that lyeth south of Moushole towne, we come to a water that entreth into the Ocean betwixt Remels and Lamorley point. Truly the one hed therof commeth fro(m) by west of Sancrete, the other by from west of an hill that standeth betwene them both, and ioyning aboue Remels, it is not long ere they salute their grandame. After this and before we come at Rosecastle, there are two other creekes, whereof one is called Boskenny that riseth south of s.Buriens, and another somewhat longer then the first that issueth by west of the aforesayd towne, wherein is to be noted, that our cardes made heretofore do appoint s.Buriens to be at the very landes ende of Cornewall, but experience now teacheth vs that it commeth not neere the lands end by three miles. This latter rill also is the last that I do read of on the south side, and likewyse on the west, and north tyll we haue sayled to s.Ies baye, which is full x. myles from the landes ende, or Bresan Isle eastward, and rather more if you reckon to the fall of the Haile, which lieth in the very midst and highest part of the bay of the same. The soile also is very hilly here, as for s.Ies towne, it is almost (as I sayd) a byland, and yet EEBO page image 65 yet is it well watred with sundry rilles that come from those hils vnto the same.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Haile. The Haile riseth in such maner, and from so many heds, as I haue before described out of Leland. Howbeit, I will adde somewhat more vnto it for the benefite of my readers. Certes, the chiefe hed of Haile riseth by west of Goodalfin hils, and goyng downe toward s.Erthes, it receyueth the second and best of the other three rilles from Godalfin towne: Finally, commyng to s.Erthes, and so vnto the maine bay,Clowart. it taketh in the Clowart water from Guymer, south of Phelacke which hath two heds, the sayd village standyng directly betwixt them both.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Caine. The Caine ryseth southeast of Caineburn towne, a myle and more, from whence it goeth without encrease by west of Gwethian, and so into the sea west of Mara Darway. From hence we coasted about the point, Luggam. and left the bay till we came to a water that ryseth of two heds from those hils that lye by south of the same: one of them also runneth by s.Vni, another by Redreuth, and meetyng within a myle they fall into the Oceane, beneath Luggam or Tuggan. A myle and a halfe from this fall we come vnto an other small rill, and likewyse two other creekes betwixt which the towne of s.Agnes sta(n)deth, and likewyse the fourth halfe a mile beyond the most easterly of these, whose head is almost three myles within the land, in a town called s.Alyn. S. Pirãs créeke. The(n)ce going by the Manrock, and west of s.Piran in the Sande, we finde a course of three myles and more from the hed, and hauyng a forcked braunch, the partes do meete at west aboue s.Kybbard, and so into the sea. I take this to be s.Piranes creeke, for the next is Carantocke pill or creeke, Crantock. whose hed is at Guswarth, from whence it goeth to Trerise, and soone after takyng in a rill, from by west it runneth into the sea east of s.Carantakes. Beyonde this is an other creeke that ryseth aboue little s.Colan, and goeth by lesse s.Columb, and east & by north hereof, commeth down one more, whose hed is almost south of the nine stones, and goyng from thence to great S.Columbes, it passeth by Lanherne, and so into the sea. S. Merous creeke is but a little one, rysing west of Padstow, Padſtowe. and fallyng in almost ouer against the Gull rocke. Then turning betwene the point and the blacke rock, we entred into Padstow hauen, whose waters remayne next of all to be described.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alen. The Alane ryseth flat east from the hauen mouth of Padstow, well neere eight or nyne myles, about Davidston, neere vnto which the Enyam also issueth, Enyam. that runneth into the Thamar. Goyng therfore from hence, it passeth to Camelford, s.Aduen, s.Bernarde, (both Cornish saintes) and soone after receyueth a rill at north east descending fro(m) Rowters hil. Thence it goeth to Bliseland, & Helham, the first bridge of name that standeth vpon Alyn. Ere long also it taketh in one ryll by south from Bodman, another from s.Laurence, the third by west of this, and the fourth that commeth by Wethiell, no one of them excedyng the course of three miles, and all by south. From hence it goeth towarde Iglesale warde and there receyueth a water on the east side, which co(m)meth about two miles from aboue s.Teath, by Michelston, s.Tuchoe, s.Maben (mo Cornish patrones) and finally south of Iglesall, meeteth with the Alen that goeth from thence by s.Breaca to Woodbridge. [...] Here about I finde that into our Aleyn or Alen, there should fall two riuerets, whereof the one is called Carnsey, [...] the other Layne, and commyng in the end to the full notice of the matter, I see them to issue on seuerall sides beneth Woodbridge almost directly the one against ye other. That which descendeth from northwest, and riseth about s.Kew, is named Carnesey as I heare, the other that commeth in on the southwest banke high Laine, and noted by Leland to rise two miles aboue s.Esse, but how so euer this matter standeth, there are two other creekes on eche side also beneth these as Pethrike creek, [...] and Minner creeke, so called of two Cornish saintes (for that soyle bred many) wherewith I finish the description of Alen, or as some call it Dunmere, and other Padstow water. [...]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Beyng past Padstow hauen, and after we had gone three myles, we came to Portgwin a poore fisher towne, where I finde a brooke and a peere. Then I came to Portissec two myles further, and founde there a brooke a peere, and some succour for fisher botes. Next of all vnto a brooke that ran from south east, directly north into the Sauern sea, and within halfe a myle of the same lay a great black rocke lyke an Islande. From this water to Treuenni is about a myle, where the paroch church is dedicated to s.Symphorian, and in which paroch also Tintagel castle standeth, which is a thyng inexpugnable for the situation, and would be made with little reparations one of the strongest things in England. For it standeth on a great high terrible crag enuironned with the sea. There is a chappell yet standyng in the dungeon thereof, dedicated to s.Vlet. Tintagell towne and Treuenni are not a myle in sunder. The next creeke is called Bosynni, which is a myle fro(m) Tintagell, [...] and to the same Tredwy water resor teth EEBO page image 56 teth, and so they go to the sea betwixt two hils, wherof that on the one side lyeth out like an arme or cape, and maketh the fashion of an hauenet or peere, whether shiplets sometyme do resort for succour. A Frier of late dayes toke vpo(n) him to make an hauen at this place, but in vayne. There lie also two black rocks as Islets, at the west northwest point, or side of this creeke, the one (sauyng that a little gut doth part them) ioyning with the other, and in these by all likelyhoode is great store of gulles. I can not tell whether this be the water that runneth by Boscastle or not, but if it be not, then haue I this description of the latter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]caf [...]le. [...] Boscastle creeke that lyeth east of Tintagiel, is a small thyng running at the most not aboue two myles into the land, yet it passeth by foure townes, wherof the first is called Lesneth, the second s.Juliet, the third, Minster, and the fourth Boscastle or Bushcastle as some men doe pronounce it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]. In Bede bay, I find the Bedewater, whose chiefe hed is not farre from Norton. Thence runnyng to Stratton, [...]ncels. it receiueth the Launcels rill before it come at Norham. And here also it crosseth another whose hed is cast of s. Mary wijke, from whence it runneth by Wolston and Whalesborow, and thence into the sea betwene Efford and Plough hyll. And thus much of ye waters that lie betwene the poynt of Cornwall, and the Hartland hed vpon the northside of Cornwall. Now let vs do the lyke with those that remayne of Deuonshire, wherof the said Hartland is the very first point in this our poeticall voiage. Hauing therfore brought Hartland point on our backs, we come next of all to Barstable bar, and so into the Hauen, wherinto two principall streames do perpetually vnburden their chanels.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The first and more westerly of these is called Ocus, [...]. whose hed is not farre west of the hed of Darnt, & both in Darntmore. Rising therefore in the aforesayd place, it runneth northwest to Snorton, and so to Okehampton, beneath which towne it meeteth with an other water commyng from southeast, and riseth not much west from the hed of Tawe. From hence it goeth to Stowe Erborne, Munke Okington, and Iddesley, where it taketh in the Tanrige a very prety streamelet, [...]anridge. whose issue is not a full mile by east from the hed of Thamar. Commyng therfore by west and east Putforde, Bulworthy, Bockington, Newton, and Shebbor, it receiueth a forked rill that runneth from eche side of Bradworthy by Sutcombe, Treborow, Milton, and so to Thornebiry, where meetyng with another forked water (wherof one head commyng from Dunsland, ioyneth with the other north of Cockebiry) it goeth with spede into the Tanrige water. After this coflue(n)ce it runneth on to Sheepewash (by west wherof falleth in the Buckla(n)d water fro(m) by north) then to high Hainton, and so to Haytherlay, Buckland. north wherof it taketh in a rill fro(m) by south, and endeth his race at Iddesley, by ioynyng with the Oke. Hence then the Ocus hasteth to Dowland, and betwene it and Doulton, receiueth one rill from by east, as it doth an other betwene Doulton and Marton fro(m) by west, and so proceeding on with his course, it commeth east of Torrington the lesse, and taking in a water at east, that runneth from three heds (by Wolly parke) betwene which Combe and Roughborow are situate, it descendeth to Torington the more, and meting with the Langtree water on the one side, Langtrée. and the Ware brooke on the other, it proceedeth to Bediford, Were or Ware. crossing a rill by the way that commeth vnto it betwene Annary and Littham. From Bediford bridge it goeth without any increase to Westley, Norham, Appledour, and so into the hauen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Taw of both is the more noble water, Taw. and hath most rils descendyng into hys chanell. Howbeit by these two is all the hart of Deuonshire well watered on the northside of ye Moores. The Tawy riseth directly at south.west of Throwley, and north of the head of Darnt. From thence also it runneth to Sele, South Taueton, Cockatre, Bathe, Northtaueton, Atheridge, Colridge, and soone after receiueth the Bowmill creeke, Bowmill. whereof one hed riseth at Bow, the other at Mill, and meting beneth bishops Morchard, they fall into the Taue north of Nimeth Rowland, as I haue bene informed. From hence then it runneth by Edgeforth, to Chimligh, by south wherof, it meeteth with a ril comming down of two heds from about Rakenford, by Wetheridge and Chawley. Thence it goeth to Burrington, and Chiltenholtwood, and there taketh in the Moulebray water consisting of two in one chanell, Moule|bray. wherof the Mol doth ryse aboue north Moulton, and co(m)myng to Moulton, receiueth another rill running fro(m) Moland, and soone after the second that growing by two brookes (ye hed of one beyng Knawston, and of the other west of Crokeham, and both vniting themselues beneath Mariston) doth fal into the same ere long also, Bray. and so go togyther till it crosse the Bray, which (beyng the second of the two that maketh the Moulbray) riseth at Bray, commeth by Buckland and south of Holtwood doth make his confluence with Taw. Beyng past the woode, it go eth EEBO page image 66 on to Brightley hall, Taueton, Tauestocke, and Berstable, sometyme a pretye walled towne with foure gates, but nowe a little thyng and such in deede, as that the suburbes thereof, are greater than it selfe. I suppose that the name of this towne in the Brittish speache was Abertaw, because it stoode toward the mouth of Taw, and Berdnesse pronounced short as I gesse, for Abernesse. As for Staple it is an addition for a market, and therfore hath nothyng to doe in the proper name of the towne. King Athelstane is taken here for the chiefe priuileger of the towne, this is also worthy to be noted hereof, that the houses there are of stone, as most are in all the good townes thereabout.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But to proceede with our purpose. Beneath this Towne there falleth in a water that hath one head nere about Challacombe, and another at east Downe, whereof this descendyng by Stoke ryuer, and the other by Sherwell, they vnite themselues within three myles of Berstaple. Soone after also it taketh in another that descendeth from Bitenden by Asheford, and the last of all east of S.Anthonies Chappell, named thw Doneham, Doneham. because one hed is at west Done, and the other at Ham, both of them meetyng west of Ashe. And thus is Taue described, which is no great water nor quick streame, as may appeare in Low water mark at Berstable, & yet is it a prety riueret. This also is worthy to be noted therof, that it receiueth no brooke from by west, whereof I would somewhat meruaile, if Taurige were not at hand.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Beyng past the Taue, Cride bay and Bugpoint aliâs Bagpoint, we go by More baye, Morestone aliâs Mortstone, and then toward the northeast, till we come to a creekelet to Ilfare combe, & so to Combe marton, where at (I meane eche of them) are sundry creekes of saltwater, Paradine. but not serued with any fresh, that I as yet do heare of. Marry there is betwene Martinbowe and Trensowe, a creeke that hath a backewater, which descendeth fro(m) Parracombe (so farre as I call to mynd named Parradine beck) but the gretest of all is betwene Linton and Connisbery called Ore, which riseth in Somersetshire in Exmore, Orus. (East of Hore oke, more then a myle) and goyng by Owre, falleth into the sea betweene Linton & Connisbery, so that the whole race therof, amou(n)teth in & out to an 8. miles as I haue heard reported. Thus haue I finished ye discourse of the waters of Deuo(n)shire, whose bredth in this place from hence ouerthwart to the checkestones in the mouth of Exe, The bre [...]|th o [...] De|uonſhire [...] Cornewal. on the south side of the Isle, is 38. miles or vnder 40. and so much likewyse is it fro(m) Plimouth to Hartla(n)d point, but the brodest part there commeth to 36. miles, where as the broadest part of Cornewall doth want two myles of 40.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Beyng past the aforesayd limites of the counties we came to Portloch bay, whether commeth a water named Loche that descendeth from Stokepero, Lucham and Portloch without increase. Thence to Dunsteir brook, which runneth from one about Wootton, and Courtney by Tunbercombe and Dunsteir, then to another that commeth west of Olde Cliffe, leauyng a parke on the west side, next of all to Watchet water, whereof one hed co(m)meth from the Quantock hils south of Bickualer by westquantocke head, and almost at Doniford, receyueth the Wiliton becke, the(n) to east Quantocke brooke (omitting a creket) & next of all to Doddingto(n) water, yt goeth by Holford, Alfoxton, & afterward into the sea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 From hence we go by Bottesall pointe, to Stert pointe, where two noble riuers doe make their confluence, which I will seuerally describe, as to my purpose appertayneth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The first of these is called the Iuell. Iu [...] It ryseth aboue Oburne, .al [...] and at Shirburne receyueth a water whereof Lela(n)d saith thus. There are seuen springes in an hill called the seuen sisters, northest fro(m) Shireburn, The [...] ſi [...] which gather into one botom, & come into ye Mere. Another brooke likewise co(m)meth by Heydo(n) fro(m) Pusca(n)dell, three myles from thence by flat east, betwixt the parke and the Mere, full so great as the streame of the Mere, and ioyning at the lower mill of Shireburn, with the Mere water, it is not long ere it fall into the Euill. Thence our Euill goeth on toward Glasen, B [...]dford, and ere it come there taketh in a forked rill from by ſouth, deſcending from a|bout weſt Chelbury and Chetnall in Dorſet|ſhire, beneth which towne ye other hed falleth into the ſame, ſo that they run forth by Bear|haggard & Thornford (til they méet with the Iue [...]) & ſo to Clifton, Euil, Trent, Mutforde, Aſhinton, and eaſt of Limminton it méeteth with the Cade that runneth from Yarling|ton, by north Cadbiry,Cade. and ſoone after croſ|ſing a rill alſo from by eaſt, that cõmeth frõ Blackeford by Compto [...], it haſteth to ſouth Cadbiry, Sparhford, Quéenes Camel, weſt Camell, & ſo into Iuell, which runneth on to Kimmington, Ilcheſter, Ilbridge; long Sut|ton, and ere it come at Langport, [...] taketh in two famous waters in one chanell next of all to be remembred before I go any further. The firſt of all theſe riſeth ſoutheaſt betwene the Parets (where it is called Parret water) and goeth to Crokehorne,Parret. and at Meri [...]t ta|keth in a brooke from the eaſt, which cõſiſteth EEBO page image 57 of two courſes vnited at Bowbridge, wherof the one deſcendeth from Pen by Haſilbury, the other from aboue the thrée Chenocks, as I doe vnderſtand. From hence alſo they goe as one with the Parret water, toward ſouth Pederton (takyng in at eaſt a becke cõming from Hamden hil) thence to Pederton, Lam|brooke, Thorney bridge, & Muchelney where it méeteth with the ſeconde called Il or Ilus, whoſe hed is aboue Chellington, & comming down frõ thẽce by Cadworth, before it come at Dunniet, it taketh in a ril that runneth by Chafcomb and Knoll. Thence leauing Ilmi|ſter on the eaſt ſide, it méeteth with another from by Eaſt, deſcendyng from aboute Whitlakington. Then it goeth to Poking|ton (where it croſſeth ye Ilton water by weſt) next to Ilbruers, [...]on. and there it ioyneth with a rillet that riſeth by weſt at Staple, and run|neth by Bicknell and Abbots Ily, and after this confluence goeth on toward Langport. And here after ſome mens opinion, the Iuell looſeth hys name, and is called Parret, but this coniecture cannot holde, ſithe in the olde writers it is called Iuell, till it fall into the ſea. Neuertheleſſe, how ſo euer this matter ſtandeth, beyng paſt Langport, it goeth by Awber toward ſ. Antonies, where it méeteth with the Tone next of all to be deſcribed. The Tone iſſueth at Clatworthy, [...]ne. and goeth by weſt of Wiuelſcombe, to Stawley, Ritford, Runton, Wellington and Bradford, beneath which it taketh in a faire water commyng from Sanford Combe, Elworthy, Brunte Rafe, Miluerton, Oke and Hilfarens. After this confluence alſo it runneth to Helebridge and there below meteth with one water that runneth by Hawſe, Hethforde and Norton, then another frõ Crokeham by biſhops Sle|diard, and the third and fourth at Tawnton, that deſcendeth from Kingſton by north, and another by ſouth that ryſeth about Pidmi|ſter, and thus is the Tone increaſed, which goeth from Taunton to Riſton, Creche, Northcurry, Ling, and ſo by Anthony into ye Iuell, that after this confluence méeteth ere long with the Chare, [...]are or [...]re. a prety riuer that com|meth by eaſt from Northborow, by Carletõ, Badcare, Litecare, Somerton, Higham Au|dry more, Audry, and Michelſborow. From whence goyng on betwene Quéenes moore and North moore, it receyueth one brooke cal|led Peder from by ſouthweſt, that runneth thorough Pederton parke and Northmoore, [...]der. and likewyſe another that paſſeth by Dur|ley, ere it doe come at Bridgewater. From Bridgewater it goeth by Chilton directly northweſt, and then turnyng flat weſt, it go|eth northwardes towards the ſea, takyng in two waters by the way, wherof one runneth by Coripole and Cannington, and beareth ye name of Cannington,Cãmingtõ Brier. the other by Sidding|ton and Comage, and then receyuyng the Brier before it come at Start point, they fol as [...]ne into the Ocean, wherof let this ſuffice for the deſcription of the Iuel, whoſe ſtreame doth water al the weſt part of Somerſetſhire and leaue it very fruitfull.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Brier, Bruer, or Bréer,Brier. ryſeth of two waters, wherof one is in Selwood foreſt, and commeth downe by Bruecombe, Bruham,Lelãd wry+teth ye firſt Brieuelus & the ſeconde Mellodun [...] or ye Mil|ton water. and Bruton. The other which Lelãd nameth Mellos, is northeaſt of Staffordell towne, & goyng by the ſame, it runneth by Redlinche, to Wike where it meteth with the other hed, and thence go on as one to Awnſford, Alford (where it taketh in a water called Dulis frõ by north that ryſeth nere Dolting,Dulis. and com|meth by Euerchurch parke) then to the Lid|fordes, Baſborow wood, the Tor hil,Soway. Pont perilous bridg (wherinto they fable that Ar|thur beyng wounded to death did throw Ca|lybur hys ſword) by Glaſſenbury and ſo into the Méere. Beſide this riuer there are two o|ther alſo that fall into the ſaid Méere, wherof the one called Soway commeth from Crée|church parke, & Pulton by Hartlack bridge, the other named Cos or the Coſcombe wa|ter, from aboue Shepton,Cos. Mallet (which eaſt of Wyke taketh in a water commyng from Welles) by Wyke, Gedney, and ſo into the Méere. Finally, returning all into one cha|nell it runneth to Burtlehouſe, and ſoone af|ter diuiding it ſelfe, one arme goeth by Ba|ſtian aliâs Brent bridge, to High bridge, lea|uyng Hunteſpill a market towne by South weſt, the other by Marke to Rokes bridge, Hebbes paſſage, and ſo into the ſea, leauing a faire Iſland wherin beſide Brentmarſh are 7. or 8. townes, wherof Vphill is none, which is contrary to my former aſſertion, and here in therfore not onely the ſame, but alſo an o|ther errour in the name of this riuer is wor|thy to be redreſſed, beſide a third touching the courſe of the ſaid Axe, which brauncheth not ſo low, but rather runneth into the braunche of Brier that lyeth moſt eaſterly, as experi|ence by the eie of him that of ſet purpoſe hath of late ridden to view it, doth manifeſtly con|firme. Now as touching the water that com|meth from Wels, which falleth as I ſaid in|to ye Coſcomb water on the right hand of the Cawſey. You ſhall vnderſtand that as many ſprings are in Wels, ſo the chiefe of them is named Andres well, which ryſeth in a me|dow plat not farre from the eaſt ende of the cathedrall church, and afterward goeth into the Coſcomb, in ſuch place as I haue noted. EEBO page image 67 Leland ſpeaketh of the Milton and Golafer waters,Milton. Golafer. which ſhould fall likewyſe into the Brier, but whether thoſe be they wherof the one ryſeth aboue Staffordell, and in the diſ|cent runneth by Shipton, Pitcomb, and ſo to Awnſford on the one ſide, as the other doth riſe betwene Batcomb and Vpton noble on the other halfe: or vnto whether of them ey|ther of theſe names are ſeuerally to be attri|buted, as yet I do not read.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Axe. 2. The Che|der brooke, driueth .12. milles within a quarter of a myle of his heade.The ſecond Axe iſſueth out of Owky hole, from whence it goeth by Owky towne, af|terward meeting with the Chederbrook that commeth from the Cheder rocks, it runneth by Were, Ratcliffe, and after a little com|paſſe into the northeaſt braunch of the afore|ſayde riuer laſt deſcribed, betwene Rokes bridge and Hebbes paſſage, as I haue bene informed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Bane.From the fall of Axe we come to an other called Bane, northeſt of Woodſpring, whoſe hed is about Banwel parke, or els in Smal|don wood. Then to another, and to the third, called Artro,Artro. which riſeth about Litton, and goyng by the Artroes, Vbbey, Perrybridge (receiuyng a rill ere it come the [...]her from by ſouth) beneth Cungeſbiry, or as I learne be|twene Kingſton and Laurens Wike it mée|teth with the ſea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sotteſ|pill.Sotteſpill water ryſeth betwene Cheue|ley and Naileſey, howbeit it hath no en|creaſe before it come into the ſea at Sotte|ſpill, more then the next vnto it, which is na|med Cleueden water, of a certaine towne néere to the fall therof. It ryſeth ſoutheaſt of Barrow,Cleueden goeth by Burton Naileſey, and ſo vnto Cleuedon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Auon. 3.The Auon commonly called the third Auon is a goodly water, and growen to be very fa|mous by ſondry occaſions, to be particularly touched in our deſcriptiõ of Briſtowe. It ry|ſeth in the very edge of Tetbury, and goeth by long Newtõ to Brokenton, Whitchurch, and Malmſbury, where it receiueth two wa|ters, that is to ſay, one from by weſt cõming by Foxeley, and Bromleham, which rũneth ſo néere to the Auon in the weſt ſuburbe of Malmeſbury, that the towne thereby is al|moſt made an Iſland. Another from Okeſey parke by Hankerton, Charleton, and Gareſ|den. After this confluence it haſteth to Cole parke, then goeth it toward the ſoutheaſt, till it méete with a water comming from ſouth weſt (betwene Hullauington and Bradfield) by Aſton: and ſoone after with another at the northſide from Bynall by Wootton Baſſet (thorow the parke to Gretenham, and Ido|uer bridges) and after ye confluẽce to Daunt|ſey, Segar, Sutton, Chriſtmalford, Auon, Calwaies houſe, & then to weſt Tetherton. Beneth this towne alſo it taketh in a water increaſed by two brokes, wherof one cõming from Cleue by Hilmarton, Whitley houſe and Bramble, (and there receiuyng another that commeth by Calne) paſſeth on by Stan|ley into the Auon, which from thẽceforth go|eth to Chippenham, Rowdon, Lekham, and then receiuing Coſham water, [...] goeth to La|cocke, Melſham, and ere it come at Whad|don, croſſeth two other in one chanell, wher|of one riſeth about Brumham houſe, and go|eth to Sene, the other about the Diuizes, and frõ thence runneth to Potterne wood, Creke|wood, Worton, Maſton, Bucklington, and ioyning with the other aboue Litleton, they run by Semmington, and north of Whad|don aforeſayd into the maine ſtreame, wher|of I now intreat. From hence our Auon run|neth to Stauerton, and ſouth weſt of that towne méeteth with the Were that cõmeth from Vpton by Dilton, Brooke parke (there croſſing a ril from Weſtbiry vnder ye plane) then to north Bradley, Trubridge, [...] and ſo in|to Auon that goeth from thence to Bradford, and within a myle or there about, before it come at Freſhford, it meteth with ye Frome, whoſe deſcription doth inſue.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Frome ryſeth in the eaſt part of Mẽ|dip hils, and from thence rũneth by Aſtwijc, [...] ye Cole pits, Lye vnder Mendippe, Whate|ley, Elmeſbridge, and ſoone after taketh in the Nonney water, [...] comming from Nonney caſtle, thẽce to Walles & Orcharley bridge, where it receiueth a prety brooke deſcending from Frome Selwoode weſt of Brackley, increaſed with ſundry rils, wherof two come out of Selwood forreſt (and one of them from the Fratry) another out of Long lead parke, from Horningſham, and the fourth from Coſley. Hence our Frome goeth to Lulling|ton, Beckington, Farley caſtle, Borde and Freſh foord, [...] and taking in the Silling brooke falleth into the Auon beneath Bradford, and eaſt of Freſhford. From thence goyng be|neath Stoke, it receyueth on the left hande a water commyng from ſouthweſt, increaſed by ſundry brookes, whereof one commeth frõ Camelet by Litleton, and Dankerton, the o|ther from Stone Eſton, Midſommer Nor|ton, by Welſton, Rodſtocke, Wrigleton, Foſcot, and Wellow (and there takyng in a rill from Phillips Norton, it goeth) by Cla|uerton to Hampton, & there it méeteth wyth another water commyng from Barthforde, whoſe hed is at Littleton, from whence it rũ|neth by weſt Kineton to Caſtle comb (where it ioyneth with a rill riſing by north from Litleton drue) and thence commeth ſouth to EEBO page image 58 Slaughtenford, Haſelbury, Box, Baithford, and ſo into the Auon, which turnyng playne weſt haſteth to Baithw [...]jc, and (méeting wt another in his paſſage from Coldaſton) to Bathe the Tiuertons and Coſton. Here alſo it taketh in a rill by the way from Markeſ|biry by Wilmerton and Newton, and then goyng on to Sawford, it méeteth with one rill ſoone after weſt of Northſtocke, called Swinford, [...]ford and another by Bittõ, from Dur|hain by Wike, and ſo procéedeth ſtil holding on his way to Cainſham, [...]ford [...]h [...]erſet [...]oce| [...] yres [...]er. where it croſſeth the Chute, which iſſueth at Winford, and go|eth by biſhops Chue to Penford, and there receiueth the Clue commyng from Cluton, and from thence to Chute, and ſo into Auon. The Auon likewyſe after all theſe confluen|ces goeth to Briſelton, and ſo to Briſtow, be|neath which it receyueth a rill on eche ſide, (whereof one commeth from aboute Stoke lodge in Glouceſter ſhire, beyng a faire wa|ter and running by Acton, Framptõ, Ham|broch, Stapleton, and thorow Briſtow, the other by ſouth from Dundrey hill & towne, by Biſport and Bedminſter) and ſo diſcen|ding yet lower, goeth to Rawneham paſſage & Clyfton, then by S. Vincentes rocke and Laie, next of all to Crocampill, and finally into the ſea, whether all waters by nature do reſort.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Beſide this water, Leland maketh menti|on of Alderley brook, which in ſome auncient recordes is alſo called Auon, and runneth by Barkeley. In like maner he talketh of Dou|reſley becke, [...]rley [...]eſley. whoſe principal h [...]d is in Dou|reſley towne, howbeit he ſaith no thing of it more, then that it ſerueth ſundry t [...]cking l [...]o|king milles, [...]orth & goeth by Tortworth or foure miles further, before it come at the Sauern. Finally, making mention of an excellent quarrey of hard ſtone about Doureſley, he telleth of the Tortworth becke that runneth within a flight ſhot of Barkeley towne, and faileth on the left hande into Sauerne mar|ches, taking with all the Alderley or Auon, except I miſtake his meanyng, which may ſoone be done among his confuſed notes.

2.2. Of the Sauerne, and ſuch riuers as fall into the ſame, as alſo of other, whereby the reſt afore mencioned, are increaſed be|fore we come to the Humber. Chap. 2.

Of the Sauerne, and ſuch riuers as fall into the ſame, as alſo of other, whereby the reſt afore mencioned, are increaſed be|fore we come to the Humber. Chap. 2.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 THe Sa [...]r [...]e ſpringeth from the hyghe mountaines of ſouthwales, as I haue before remembred, and run [...]yng frõ the ſide, the firſt water that it re [...]eiueth of any name, is called Dulas, [...]. which commeth therinto o [...] the ſouth ſide, & ſouth weſt of Lan Idlos. It riſeth as it ſhould ſéeme of diuers heds in the edge of Radnorſhire, and taking in ſundry ſmall rils,Brueham. it méeteth at the laſt with ye Brue|ham brooke, and ſo they go togither till they fal into the Sauerne. Beneth lan Idlos like|wiſe it taketh in the Clewdoghe from north weſt,Clewdogh producted by the influence of foure prety brookes, wherof one is called Bacho,Bacho. another Dungum (commyng out of lin Glaſlin) the third Lhoid riſing in lin Begilin,Dungum. Lhoid. Bigga. & the moſt ſoutherly Bigga. After which confluẽce our Sauerne procéedeth on by Berhlaid toward Landyman, taking in by the way on the eaſt ſide the Couine, thence to Cairfuſe caſtle,Couine. Carnon. Taran. where it méeteth with the Carnon and the Taran both in one chanell, and going not far from the aforeſaid fortreſſe. After this it croſ|ſeth the Hawes,Hawes. Duleſſe. 2. on the north halfe beneth A|berhawes, next of all the Duleſſe, that riſeth in the edge of Radnorſhire, and meteth with it before it come at Newton, otherwiſe cal|led Trenewith, as I finde in Brittiſhe lan|guage. Being paſt Newton, it runneth forth by Land [...]louarne, and ſo forth on till it come to the fall of the Mule,Mule. whoſe hed is in ye edge of Radnor alſo, and therto his paſſage by Ke|ry and Lamnereyw [...]g.Kenlet. Camalet. Tate. After this alſo it pro|céedeth further till it méete with the Kenlet or the Camalet (which taketh in alſo ye Tate or Tadbrookewater, ryſing out of the hilles a myle from Biſhops towne) the whole courſe therof beyng about ſeuen miles from the hed as I haue often heard. Of this alſo I find two deſcriptions, wherof one I borrow out of Le|land, who ſaith that it is a prety brooke run|nyng in the vale by Mountgomery, and com|myng within halfe a myle of the place where Chirbiry priory ſtood, it falleth into ye ſauern, about a [...] from thence. Of the rils ſaith he that run from the hils thorow Mountgome|ry, which are a myle from the Sauern ſhore,Laindlos. & likewiſe of the Lan Idlos brooke that me|teth with all within foure miles of the hed, I ſpeake not but thinke it ſufficient to touche thoſe of ſome eſtimation, onely leauing ye reſt ſo ſuch as may hereafter deale with thinges more particulerly, as time and trauaile may reueale the truth vnto them, and hitherto Lelande whole wordes I dare not alter. But another noteth this Camalet or Ken|let to ran by More, Lidd [...]om, Sned, Church|ſtocke, Chirbury, Walcote and Winſbiry, and ſo into the Sauerne. From hence then, and after this confidence it goeth on by For|don, Leighton and Landbrouy toward Mel|uerley, & there it méeteth with ſundry waters in one chanell,Tauet. wherof the one called the Ta|uet, is a very prety water (wherinto the Pe|uerey EEBO page image 68 or Murnewy doth fall,Peuery or Murnewy Auerney. which deſcẽdeth from the hils by weſt of Matrafall not farre from Lhan Filin) the other Auerny, and ioy|ning beneath Abertannoth or aboue Lanna|monach nere vnto the ditch of Offa, it is not long ere they méete with the Mordant brook,Mordaunt and there looſe their names ſo ſoone as they ioyne and mixe their waters with it. The hed of ye Mordant iſſueth out of Lanuerdan hils, where diuers ſay that the paroche church of croſſe Oſwald or Oſweſter ſometimes ſtood. Certes, Oſweſter is 13. miles northweſt frõ Shrewſbury, and conteyneth a myle within the walles. It hath in like ſort foure ſuburbs or great ſtréetes, of whiche one is called Stratlan, another Wulliho, the third Bete|rich (wherin are 140. barnes ſtandyng on a row belonging to the citizens or burgeſſes) and the fourth named the black gate ſtréete, in which are 30. barnes mainteyned for corn and hay. There is alſo a brooke running tho|rough the towne by the croſſe, comming frõ Simons well,Simons beeke. a bowe ſhot without the wall, and goyng vnder ye ſame betwene Thorow|gate and Newgate, it runneth alſo vnder the blacke gate. There is an other in lyke ſorte ouer whoſe courſe the Baderikes or Bete|rich gate ſtandeth, and therfore called Bede|rich brooke.Bederiche. The third paſſeth by the Willi|gate or Newgate, and theſe fall altogether with the croſſe brooke, a myle lower by ſouth into the Mordant that runneth (as I ſayd) by Oſweſter. From hence alſo it goeth to Mor|dant towne, and betwéene Landbreuy & Mel|uerley doth fall into the Sauerne. After this our principall ſtreame goeth to Sheauerdon caſtle, Mountford, and Bicton chappell, and here it receiueth a water on the left hande, that riſeth of two heds, whereof one is aboue Merton, the other at Elliſmere, and ioynyng betwéene Woodhouſes and Bagley, the con|fluence runneth on by Radnall, Haltõ, Ted|deſmer, Roiton, Baſchurch, Walford, Graf|ton, Mitton, and ſo into the Sauerne. From hence it runneth to Fitz, Eton, or Leyton, Barwijc, Vpper Roſſall, Shelton, and ſo to Shrewſbury, where it croſſeth the Mele wa|ter, whoſe head as I heare, is ſayd to bée in Weſton.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Mele.The Mele therfore riſing at Weſton, go|eth by Brocton, Worthen, Aſton Pigot, Weſtley, Aſterley, and at Lea it méeteth with the Haberley water,Haberley. that cõmeth down by Ponteſford and Aunſton. After this con|fluence alſo it runneth to Newenham, and Crokemels (there taking in a ril on ye other ſide that deſcendeth by Weſtbury & Stret|ton) & thence goyng on to Hanwood, Noball, Pulley, Bracemele and Shrewſbury, it fal|leth as I ſayd, into the open Sauerne. From hence our Sauerne haſteth to Vffington, Preſton, and betwéene Chilton and Bram|pton taketh in the Terne a faire ſtream and worthy to be well handled if it lay in me to performe it. This riuer riſeth in a Mere be|ſide Welbridge park, néere vnto Tern Mere village in Staffordſhire. Frõ whence it run|neth by the parkes ſide to Knighton, Norton, Betton, [...] and at Draiton Hales croſſeth with a water commyng from aboute Adbaſton, (where M. Brodocke dwelleth) and runneth by Chippenham and Amming: ſo that the Terne on the one ſide, [...] and this brooke on the other, do incloſe a great part of Blore h [...]th, where a noble battaile was ſõetime purpo|ſed betwéene king Henry the vj. and ye Duke of Yorke, but it wanted execution. But to procéede after this confluence, it runneth to Draiton Hales, Ternehill bridge, & ere long takyng in a ril from Sandford by Blechley, it goeth to Stoke Allerton, Peplaw, and Ea|ton, where it croſſeth with a brooke that ry|ſeth about Brinton, and goyng by Higham Morton, the great Mere, Forton, Pilſon, Pickſtocke, Keinton, Tibberton and Bola [...], it ioyneth with the ſaid Terne not far from Water Vpton. Thence paſſing to Crogen|ton, it meteth with another brooke, that com|meth from Chaltwen Aſton, by Newport [...], Longford, Aldney, and ſo thorow the Wilde moore to Kineſley and Sléepe, and finally in|to the Terne, which haſteth from thence to Eſton bridge, and nere vnto Walcote taketh in the Roden. [...] This water riſeth at Halton in Cumber méere lake, and commyng to A|uerley croſſeth a rill from: Cowlemere by Leniall. Thence it goeth to Horton, [...] and (ioy|ning with another rill beneth N [...]melay that commeth from Midle) runneth on to Wen, Aſton (there croſſing a rill beneth Lacon hall from Préesward) and ſo to [...]ée, Befford [...], Stanton, Morton, Shabrée, Paynton, Rodẽ, Rodington, and then into Terne that run|neth from thence by Charlton, Vpton, N [...]|ton, Ba [...]wijc, Accham, & ſo into ye Sauerne two miles beneath Shrewſbery as I wéene. Thus haue I deſcribed the Terne in ſuche wyſe as my ſimple ſkill is able to performe. Now it reſteth that I procéede on as I may, with the Sauerne ſtreame with which after this former confluence it goth vnto Roxater, Brampton, Eaton vpon Sauerne, [...] Drai|ton (where it ioyneth-with the Euerne that rũneth from Frodeſleyward, by Withi [...]ll & Pitchford) Creſſedge, Garneſton Leighton, and betwéene the two Bilda [...]es croſſeth the [...]he or W [...]ul [...]ke water, [...] and ſo goeth vnto Browſley and Hoord parke, where it vniteth EEBO page image 59 it ſelfe with another brooke to be deſcribed in this place whileſt the Sauerne reſt, and re|create it ſelfe here among the pleaſaunt bot|tomes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This water ryſeth aboue Tongcaſtle, and ere it haue run any great diſtaunce from the hed, it méeteth with a rill commyng by Shi|riffe Hales, and Staunton. Thence it goeth on to Hatton, Royton, & there croſſing ano|ther from Woodhouſes, [...]beck cõmyng by Haugh|ton and Euelin, it procéedeth to Bechebiry and Higford, and not omitting here to croſſe ye Worſe that runneth vnto it out of Snow|don pole, it paſſeth forth to Badger, Acleton, Ringleford, and ſo into Sauerne, ſomewhat aboue Bridgenorth except myne informati|on deceiue me. [...]brok. From Bridgenorth our Sa|uerne deſcendeth to Woodbury, Quatford, and there taking in the Marbrooke beneath Eaton (that riſeth aboue Collaton, and goeth by Moruil and Vndertõ) it runneth by Did|manſton, Hempton, Aueley, and beneath in the way to Bargate, croſſeth with a brooke commyng from Vpton parke, by Chetton, Billingſley, and Highley, which beyng ad|mitted, it holdeth on to Areley, Cyarnewood parke, Hawbache, and Dowleſſe. Here alſo it méeteth with the Dowleſſe water, [...]ſſe. a pretye brooke iſſuyng out of Cle hils in Shropſhire, which are 3. myles from Ludlow, and run|ning thorow Clehiry park in Wire forreſt, and takyng with all the Lempe, [...]e. doth fall in|to the Sauerne not very far from Bewdley. But to procéede. From Bewdley our Sa|uerne haſteth directly to Ribford, Areley and Redſton, and here it méeteth with a water called Stoure, [...]re. deſcending from Eley, or out of the pondes of Hales owen in Worceſter ſhire, where it receyueth one rill from ye left hand, and an other from the right, and then goeth on to Sturbridge (taking in there the third water ere long running from Sturton caſtle) then to Kniuer Whittenton, Ouerley and Kydormiſter, aboue which it croſſeth one brookelet that commeth thyther by churche hill, and another beneath it that runneth by Belborow, betwixt which two waters lyeth and odde péece of Staffordſhire included, and alſo the Cle hill. From hence the aforeſayde Sauerne haſteth by Redſton to Shrawley, and aboue this towne receiueth the Aſteley water, [...]y. as beneath the ſame it doth an other. From Witley thẽ it goeth on to Holt caſtle, and ſo to Grimley, taking in therabout with the Dour, [...]r. [...]waye. and Sulway waters, whereof this riſeth at Chadſwijc, and runneth by Stoke priory, & Droitwiche, the other aboue Chad|deſley, and commeth by Dourdale. After this it goeth forth vnto Worceſter, in olde tyme called Cair Brangon, or Cair [...]rangon, where it méeteth with the Tiber,Tiber. or Tibertõ water on the right hand aboue that city, and beneath it néere vnto Powijc with ye Temde, whoſe deſcription ſhall be ſet downe before I procéede or goe any further wyth the Sa|uerne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 The Temde or as ſome name it ye Tame,Temde. riſeth vp in Radnorſhire out of the Melẽnith hils, and ſoone after hys iſſue, méeting with a water from Withal, it runneth to Begeldy, Lanuerwaterden, and ſo to Knighton, which is v. or vj. miles as I heare from hys origi|nall. From Knighton it goeth ouer the ditch of Offa vnto Standiſh, and croſſyng a rill that commeth from betwene the parkes, na|med Clude (and is a bound of Radnorſhire) it goeth to Buckton, Walford, and Lanuarde,Clude. where it méeteth with the Bardwell or Ber|field, and the Clun both in one chanell, of which I find theſe deſcriptions here follow|yng worde for worde in Lelande. The Bar|dwell or Barfield riſeth aboue new chappel,Berfielde. Clun. in the honour of Clun, hard by the ditche of Offa, and goeth by Bucknell. The Clun iſſu|eth out of the ground betwéene Lhan Vehan and Maiſton, and going on by Bucton, Clun|caſtle, Clundon, Purſlaw, and Clunbiry, it croſſeth with a brooke that runneth along by Kempton and Brampton. Thence goyng forth by Clunbury, Brome, Abcot and Mar|low, it méeteth with the Bardwell, and ſo in-the Temde, not very farre from Temder|ton. I ſuppoſe that Lelãd calleth the Barde|well by the name of Owke,Owke. but I will not a|bide by it becauſe I am not ſure of it. After theſe confluences therfore our Temde, goeth by Trippleton, Dounton, Burrington, and Broomefield,Oney. where it méeteth with the O|ney, which is an indifferent ſtreame, and in|creaſed with ſundry waters, wherof I ſay as followeth. The firſt of all is called the Bow.Bow. It riſeth as I learne in the hilles betwéene Hiſſington and Shelue, and from thence cõ|meth down by Lindley and Hardwijc, where it croſſeth the Warren that iſſueth out of the ground about Rotly chappell,Warren. and runneth by Adſton and Wentnor. After the confluence alſo goyng on by Choulton and Cheynies, it taketh in the Queney and Strabroke both in one chanell,Queney & Strabrok. wherof the firſt riſeth at Le|botwood, and commeth downe by the Stret|tons till it paſſe by Fellanton. The ſeconde mounteth about Longuill, & goeth by Ruſhe|bury, Newhall, Harton, and Alcaſter, from whence it is not long ere it fal into the Que|ny, and ſo by Stratford into the Oney, which hath borne that name ſithens the confluence of the Bow and Warrẽ at Hardwijc, wher|of EEBO page image 69 I ſpa [...]te before. Finally, the Oney which ſome call the Somergill beyng thus increa|ſed,Somergil. it runneth on to Hawford chappel, New|tõ, Oneybury, Bromefield, & ſo into Temde, and next of all to Ludlow. The Temde be|yng thus brought to Ludlow, méeteth with ye Corue which commeth thorowe Coruedale frõ aboue Brocton by Morehouſes,Corue. Shipton, Hungerford, and a little beneath takyng in a ril that commeth by Tugford, and Brancoſt caſtle, goeth on to Corſham caſtle, and there croſſing another from ſ. Margarets Clée, it hyeth to Stanton Lacy, and ſo likewyſe to Ludlow. From Ludlow in lyke ſort it goeth to Ludford, the Aſhefordes, little Hereford, Burrington and at Burfford vniteth it ſelfe with the Ladwich that commeth beneth Mil|burne ſtoke,Ladwiche. from betwéene Browne, Clée|hill, and Stitlertons hill, to Middelton, Hen|ley, Ladwich, Conam, and ſo into Temde, which beneth Temdbury receyueth another rill on the other ſide, and the ſecond on ye left hand called Rhe,Rhe. that commeth from aboue Ricton, Staterton, Hounde, Nene, Clebiry, Knighton, and then into the Temde. From hence the Temd goeth by Aſtha, Lingridge, Shelley Welch, Clifton, Whitburne (and croſſing a water that commeth from ye Sa|pies) to Knightwijc and Bradwaies. Here about againe it intertaineth a rill that deſ|cendeth from aboute Kidbury on the right hand, and goeth by Collomathern, Credeley, Aufrike, and ſo into Temd, and then procee|dyng forwarde the ſaid ſtreame, renneth to Braunforde, & ere long (taking in the Lang|herne that ryſeth about Martley,Lang|herne. and paſſeth by Kengewijc) it goeth to Powijc, and ſo in|to the Sauerne before it come at Wickece|ſter. Thus haue I brought all ſuch ſtreames before me that fall into the Sauerne, from the hed, vntill I come to Powijc, wherof as you may eaſily perceiue the Temde, is the moſt excellent. Now it reſteth that I procéed with the reſt of the diſcourſe intended con|cernyng this our riuer. Certes, frõ Powijc mils which are about halfe a myle beneath Worceſter, ye Sauerne runneth on to Kemp|ſey and Cleueld, whence after it hath croſſed a brooke commyng from Eowley, it haſteth firſt to Stoke, and ſo to Vpton, but ere it come there, it drouneth another fall deſcen|dyng from Maluerne hilles by Blackemore parke, and ſoone after the third growyng by two braunches, whereof one commeth alſo from Maluerne hils by little Maluerne and Welland, the other from Elderford by Pen|dock and Longdon. After theſe confluences in lyke ſort, it runneth to Buſhelley, & Tew|keſbiry, where it receiueth the Auon, that fo|loweth next of all in order to be deſcribed, before I procéed any further in my diſcourſe of Sauerne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 The Auon riſeth at Naueſby in the bor|ders of Northampton ſhire,A [...] a [...]ittle ſide hãd of Gilleſhnrow, and foote of the hils whereon Nauebey ſtandeth, and euẽ out of the church+yard of the ſayde village. From hence it go|eth to Welford, Stamforde, Lilburne, Clif|ton, and Rugby, by north wherof it croſſeth a water called Swift, which commeth from aboue Kymcote, to Lutterworth, [...] Browne o|uer and Colſford. From thence alſo it goeth to Newbold, Wolſton, Ruington, & betwene the Stonlies taketh in the Sow.So [...] This Sowe is a prety water cõming from aboue Calen|don to Whitley, & ſoone after méeting with a riueret from Couentry, which ſome doe call Shirburne water, it goeth thence to Bag|ginton where it taketh in a rill called Kynel, as I haue red from Kenelſworth,Ky [...] frõ whence it runneth to Stonley, and ſo into the Auon. After this confluence the Auon procedeth on to Stonley Abbey, Aſhehow, Miluerton, Ed|monds cote, and a pace to Warwijc. But ere it come there, it méeteth from ſouth eaſt with two waters in one chanell, wherof the leaſt commeth to Marton from biſhops Itching|ton, by Herburbiry and Thorpe, where it croſſeth a rill from Southam. The other is called Leame,Le [...] or Lime that deſcendeth from about Helladon, or néere vnto Catoſby in Northampton ſhire, and goyng by Ouẽcote, Braunſton, Lemington and Merton, it ioy|neth with the other, and then go from thence together vnder the name of Leame, to Hun|nington, Cobbington, and ſo into the Auon as I gaue notice before. At Warwycke alſo the Auon taketh in a water runnyng north|weſt from Groue parke. Thence it goeth on to Bereford, and there croſſing another from Shirburne, it paſſeth forth to biſhops Ham|pton, meting finally with the third, frõ Kine|ton that runneth by Walton and Charlcot [...]. After this laſt reherſed confluence, it haſteth to Stretford vpon Auon, and thẽ to Ludding|ton ward, where it taketh in the Stoure that riſeth aboue Cherington,St [...] and whoſe courſe from thence is ſuch, as that beyng once paſt the head, it goeth by Weſton, and ere long croſſing a water from Campden, hangyng Aſton, and Todnam, it runneth to Barche|ſton, Aldermaſton, Clifford, and ſo into the Auon. From hence then the ſayd Auon goeth to Luddington, Burton, Bitford, and Cleue, and beyng parted from the ſaid towne, ere it come at Sawford, it receiueth the Arrow or Aur,Arr [...] which riſing in the blacke hils in Wor|ceſter ſhire, commeth by Alchurche, Beley EEBO page image 60 parke, Ypſley, Studley, & thẽ taking in ano|ther ril called Alne, [...]lne. out of Fecknam foreſt, & going by Cowghtõ park, it haſteth to Alceſ|ter, Arrow, Ragley, Wheteley, Bouington, Stãdford, & ſo into Auõ, which after this cõ|iunctiõ goeth to Vffentõ, & thẽ to Eoueſholm: But ere it come there it receyueth twoo waters in one Chanell, whereof the firſt ry|ſeth about Willerſey, ye other néere to Buck|land, and ioyning beneath Badſey, they fall into Auon, [...]ludor. vnder the name of Pludor brooke before it come to Eoueſholme. Beyng paſt Eoueſholme it croſſeth ye Vincell, which ry|ſing out of the hilles ſomewhere about Sud|ley, [...]ncêlus. runneth twoo myles farther to Win|chelcome, and Gretton, and taking in a ryll by the waye from Hayles, procéedeth on (go|ing within one quarter of a myle of Hayles Abbaie) to Tuddington, or Doddington, be|neath which when it hath croſſed another rill that commeth from Stanwaie, it goeth to Warmington, Sedgeborow, and receyuing there the laſt on the ryght hande alſo (as all aboue rehearſed) it falleth into the Auon whẽ it is come by Hinton, vnto a towne called Hamptõ, or as ſome do write it Ampton. Af|ter this confluence the Auon goeth to Charl|ton, to Crapthorne (and there taking in a rill on the left hand) to Fladbyry wike, & almoſt at Perſore bridge, méeteth with a braunched water that commeth by Piddle, whereof one heade is at Alberton, [...]idle. an other at Pidle. Frõ Perſore it goeth to Birlingham, and ſoone after carrying a brooke withall diſcending from Fakenham, by Bradley, Himbleton, Huddenton, Crowley, Churchehill, Pibletõ, Beſſeforde and Deſſeforde, it fléeteth to Ec|kington, Bredon, Twining, Mitton, & Tew|keſbiry, where it ioyneth with the Sauerne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Now to reſume the courſe of the Sauerne, you ſhall vnderſtande that from Tewekeſ|biry it goeth to Derehirſt, [...]hilus. thẽ how paſſage, and ſoone after receyuing the Chiltenham water that commeth thither by Bodenton, Sawton, & Nortõ, it runneth to Aſhelworth, Sainthirſt, & here it parteth it ſelf till it come to Gloceſter, where it vniteth it ſelf againe. But in the meane time ye eaſterly braũch re|ceyueth a forked chanell, wherof one heade is not farre from Leke hãpton, the other about Witcõb, frõ whẽce it goeth to Brockworth. The other braunche or arme, taketh in the Leaden that cõmeth down by Preſtõ, Dim mock, Pantley vper Leadon, Leadon court and there taking in one rill that commeth from Linton by Axeknoll, [...]den. and another be|neath it frõ Tainton by Rudforde, it falleth into the ſayde braunche on the right ſide, be|fore it come at Gloceſter. The Sauerne therefore being paſt Gloceſter, it méeteth wyth a little ryll on the ryght hande, and thence holdyng on his courſe by Elmore, Minſterwoorth Longuey to Framilode, it re|ceyueth ere it come at this latter the Strowd brooke, which riſing not farre from Syde,Strowd. goeth by Maſſade, Edgeworth Frampton Strowde, and receyuing there a water that commeth from Panneſwijc Lodge, by Pit|teſcombe on the one ſide, and another from Radbridge on the other, it proſequteth hys voyage to Stone houſe, Eflington, whyte Myſen, and ſo toward Framilode where the ſayde Strowde doth fall into the Sauerne. After the fall of Strowde, the Sauerne go|eth from thence to Newenham, and Arling|ham, and ſoone after receyuing a water on eche ſide, whereof one commeth from Vley by Cham and Chambridge, the other by Blackney and Catcombe, it goeth forth tyll it méete with another water, on eche ſyde, whereof that on thengliſhe halfe is forked, ſo that one heade thereof is to be founde about Boxwell, the other at Horton, and méeting a|boue Tortworthy, they runne by Stone and Barkeley Caſtell, and ſo into the Sauerne. That on ye welch halfe is named Newarne,Newarne. which commeth from the forreſt of Deane, and ſo into the Sauerne.

The next ryuer that falleth into the ſayde ſtreame is the Wie, or Guy,Wy or Guy. whoſe deſcrip|tion I haue not ſo exactly as I would wiſh, & therfore I muſt be contented to ſet it down as I may, the like alſo muſt I doe wt the reſt of thoſe of wales, becauſe mine information faileth me, without all hope of redreſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Guy therefore ryſeth out of ye blacke mountaines of wales, in Radnor ſhire & cõ|ming by Lhãgerik, & Riadargoy it receiueth one ryll from northeaſt by ſ. Harmon, & ano|ther from the weſt called Darnoll.Darnol. Thence it goeth to Lhanuthel, and in the way betwixte Riadar and Lanuthell,Elland. it ioyneth wyth the Elland (whoſe heade is néere to Comeryſt|with) & taketh likewiſe into him the Clard|wen that deuideth for a ſeaſon Radnor ſhire from Brecknoch.Clardwẽ. From Lhanuthel it goeth weſt of Diſſart, where it receyueth ye Ithan,Ithan. a riuer riſing aboue Lhanibiſter, and from whence it runneth to Landwy, and Lanba|derne vawr. Beneath this alſo it croſſeth a water on eche ſide, wherof that on the ryght hand conſiſteth of the Duleſſe,Duleſſe. Cluedoch. Lomaron. Hawy. and the Clue|doch, after their confluence, other the hight Lomaron whoſe heade is aboue Lanihan|gle. After theſe confluences, it runneth on crinkeling in ſtraunge maner, till it come to Diſſart, (taking in the Hawy on the left ſide ere it come there) and then into ye Wy, which EEBO page image 70 directeth his courſe to Bealt, aliâs Lhanuear where it receyueth the Yrwon,Yrwon. a notable ſtreame, and inlarged by ſondry faire wa|ters,Weuery. Duleſſe. Comarch. Duleſſe. Dehon. as the Weuerey, the Dulas, and the Comarch on the one ſide, and likewiſe an o|ther Duleſſe, beſide ſondry ſmall rils on the other. After this our Irwon goeth to Lhan|nareth where it croſſeth the Dehon on the one ſide, then to Aberedwy,Edwy. and there recey|ueth the Edwy on the other, and after that the Machawey that runneth by Caſtle pain,Machauy. and ſo going on méeteth in proceſſe of tyme with the Leuẽni,Leuenni, wherof Leland in his com|mentaryes, doth write as here inſueth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Euer. Euery.The Leuenni, otherwiſe called the Euer or Euery, is a faire ſtreame riſing in Welche Talgarth hard by Blain Leuenni, among the Atterill hilles, from whence it goeth to Brecknock Mere, which is two miles long, and a myle brode, and where mẽ fiſh in Vni|ligneis or botes of one péece, as they doe in Lhin Seuathan, which is foure myles from Brechnoch. Finally bringing great ſtore of Red ſande withall,Brennich. and there with the Bren|nich water (that hath his originall iſſue at Mennith gader, and is encreaſed with the Truffrin) it falleth into ye Wie aboue Gleſ|ſebyry thrée miles from Haie,Trufrin. at a place that of the onelye fall of this brooke is named A|berleuenni. Being come to Haie (a pretye towne where much Romaine coine is found, which the people call Iewes money) it mée|teth with the Duleſſe that cõmeth alſo from the Atterell by Kerſop,Duleſſe. and from thence go|eth to Clifford caſtel, the Whitneies, Win|ferton, Letton, Bradwarden, Brobery, Mo|nington, Byforde, Bridgeſalers, Eaton, Brynton and Hereforde, where it méeteth with a water ryſing ſhorte of Wormeſley, and goeth by Maunſell, Lacy, Brinſop, Cre|dn [...]ll, Stretton and Huntington, and ſoone after into the Wye, beſide a little ryll that runneth betwene them both euen into Here|forde towne. From hence in lyke ſorte the Wye haſteth to Rotheras church, Hamptõ, and Mordeford, where it taketh in ſundrye waters in one chanell,Lug. of which the Lug or Luy is the principall, and next of all to be de|ſcribed before I go any furder with ye courſe of the Wye, whereinto it diſchargeth the chanell. It ryſeth as I reade, harde by Me|leninth neare to a chappell of our Ladye of Pylale, from whence it goeth to Kineton, Titley, Stanbach, Staunton, Pembridge, Areſtande, Storbach, Euington, Bryarley, beneath which it croſſeth the Wadele,Wadel. com|ming from new Radnor, Harton, olde Rad|nor, Naſh, and hereabout méeting with an other running by Weſton hall, to Monacht, Fulbrooke, Preſton (a market towne) and ſo to Byton, where ioyning with ye Wadel, they run on as one to ouer Lée, Aliminſter, Kingeſlande, Elton, and Leon Minſter (or Lemiſter) taking in the Oney by the waye,On [...] before we come at the towne. At Lemiſter it ſelfe in like ſort thrée waters doe méete, and almoſt enuironne the towne, that is to ſay, the Lug,Pin [...] the Pinfulley or Pinſell (a ryue|ret ryſing at Kingeſlande two myles from Lemiſter) and the Kenbrooke, which com|meth out of the blacke mountaines.Ken [...] From Lemiſter the Lug or Luy goeth on to Eton, and there taketh in a rill beneath Hampton, whereof one heade is betwéene Hatfield and Buckleton, an other neare vnto Marſton, & méeting both at Humber. From Hampton it goeth to Wellington, Morton, Sutton, Shelwijc, Lugwardine, & Longward, where it croſſeth the Fromey or frome a pretie wa|ter, and woorthy to be remembred.Fro [...] It ryſeth aboue Wolferelaw, from whence it com|meth downe to Bromeyarde, Auenbary, Frome caſtell, Stretton vpon Frome, Actõ [...] Lod [...] and there taking in a water (called Acton, or Lo|den as I take it) comming from aboue By|ſhoppes Grendon, by Pencomb, Cowarne, Stoke Lacy, Cowarne, and Engleton, it (I meane Frome) goeth on to Yarkeley, Dor|nington, and Longwarde, and ſo into the Lug, which runneth furthwith to Mordford or Morthford, & ſo into the Wye, vnto whoſe deſcription I nowe returne agayne. Being come therefore vnto Mordforde, it goeth to Hamlacy, Ballinghã, Capull regis (where it receyueth a water called Treſke,Treſ [...] from Berche by Treſke) Fawley, Brokanton, Howe capull, Inkeſton, Foy, Bramp|ton, Bridſtowe, Wilton Caſtell, the Roſſe (and there a rill from Biſhoppes Opton by Budhall,) Wereferde, Ham, Glewſton, Godderiche, (here in lyke ſort méeting with another that commeth from Ecleſwall, by Peniard Caſtell and Coughton) to Welche Bicknor, Engliſhe Bicknor, Hunteſham & Whitchurch, where it taketh in Gaynar wa|ter that cõmeth from Birche, by Lanwarne,Gay [...] Michaell church, and at Langarran croſſing the Garran brooke,Gar [...] that ryſeth in Gregwood ſixe myles from Monemouth by Norweſt, theſe two doe runne as one, to Marſton, Whitchurch and ſo into the Wye, which go|eth from thence to Dixton and Monemouth, where I will ſtay a whyle till I haue deſcri|bed the Mone, next of all to be remembred here.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Mona ryſeth in the forreſt of Hene,Mon [...] twentie myles from Monemouth by weſt in Eiriſlande, and going by Creſwell, or Craſ|wall, EEBO page image 69 after it hath runne a good diſtaunce frõ the head, [...]on. it receyueth the Elkon on the one ſide, [...]ill. and the Oſkill or Heſgill on the other: but firſt of all this laſt remembred that com|meth thither by Lanihengle, Eſkill and the olde Court. As for the other it commeth frõ aboue Knedoch by Landuehans churche, and this is all that I can ſay of theſe two. Af|ter theſe confluences therfore, the Mona go|eth to Cluedoch, [...]ney. & taking in the Hodiry that rũneth by [...]ne Capell, Lantony abbay, Stã|ton, Michaell churche, it haſteth on to Wal|derſton, Landſillo, and then ioyneth wyth the Dour, [...]r. that ryſeth a little aboue Dour|ſton, which is ſixe miles aboue Dour abbay, ſo that it runneth thorow the Gilden dale, by Peterchurch, Fowchurche, Norhampton, Newcourt, [...]eſſe. Dour, and beneath Dour taketh in the Duleſſe, from Lanueihengle, by Har|leſwas caſtell on the one ſide, and eare long the Wormeſbecke from aboue Keuernal by Didley, [...]meſ| [...]e. Deuerox, Workebridge and Ken|derchurch on the other, and ſo running all in one chanell vnto Mona, that riuer goeth on to Kinech churche, Griſmonde, Cardway, Skenfrith, Warnethall, Perthire and ſo to Monemouth, where it méeteth wyth the Wye.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Guy or Wye therfore being increa|ſed with thus many brookes and waters, paſ|ſeth on from hence, [...]olly. and going toward Lan|dogo, it méeteth with ye Trolly becke, whoſe head is aboue Lannam ferry and goeth from thence by Lhantellio, Lanihangell, Grace|dieu, Diggeſtow, Wonaſtow, Troy and ſo into Wye, that runneth alſo by Wies wood chaſe, [...]wy. taking in there the Elwy that cõmeth from aboue Landelwy by Langowen, Lan|niſſen, Penclaſe, Trilegh, and Langogo, where méeting with the aforeſayde ſtreame, the Wye directeth his courſe from thence by Tinterne abbay, Chepſtowe and ſo into the ſea, leauing the Treacle (a Chappell ſtan|ding on a rocke) on the left hande betwéene it and Sauerne, ouer againſt the point that lyeth ſouth of Betteſly. Next vnto the Wye, I finde a rill of no great courſe, comming downe from Mounton chappell, by a place of the biſhops of Landaffe. Thence paſſing by Charſton rocke, and the point whereon Trinitie chappell ſtandeth, I come vnto the fall of Trogy, which ryſch ſhort of Trogy caſtell, [...]ogy. & runneth towarde the ſea, by Land|uair, Dewſton, Calycot and ſo into the O|cean.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]nny I| [...]de in ye [...]ddeſt of [...] Sa| [...]ne.The next fall is of a water that commeth from aboue Penho by Sainct Brides, north and by weſt of Denny Iſlande, which lieth midway betwene that Fall & Porſhot point, and before I touche at Goldcleffe point, I croſſe another fall of a freſhe brooke, whoſe heade is aboue Landueigo, and courſe by Lhanbed, Langſton, Lhanwarne, & thorowe the more to Witſton.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The [...]ſke or Wiſke,Vſke. in latin Oſca riſeth in ſuch ſort as I haue already deſcribed, & run|ning in proceſſe of tyme, by Trecaſtell, it ta|keth in the Craie brooke,Craie. on the right hande before it come to Ridburne chappell. Going alſo frõ thence toward Deuinock, it croſſeth the Senney on the ſame ſide, (which riſeth a|boue capel Senney) next of all the Camblas,Senny. Camblas. Brane. and at Abbraine the Brane, or the Bremich whoſe head is thrée miles from Brecknock, and running by Lanihengle, it méeteth I ſay with the Vſke, about Mayſter Awbries Ma|ner. Beneath Aber Yſter, it receyueth the Y|ſter, which riſeth aboue Martir Kinoch and commeth by Battell chappell,Yſter. and goyng from thence by Lanſpythed, and Newton, it runneth in the ende to Brecknocke, where it taketh in the Hodney, on the one ſide, whoſe head is in Blaine Hodney,Hodney. and commyng downe from thence by Defrune chappell, Lamhãgle, & Landiuilog it méeteth with the Vſke at Breknocke townes ende, which of the fall of this water, was ſometime called Aberhodni, as I haue béene informed: on the other halfe likewiſe it receyueth ye Ter|tarith that ryſeth among the Bane hylles,Tertarith. fyue myles from Brecknoch and commeth likewiſe into the very ſubburbes of ye towne beneath Trenewith, or newe Troy wherby it taketh the courſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After theſe confluẽces, the Vſke procéedeth on towarde Aberkinurike,Kynuricke or the fall of a wa|ter whoſe heade is in the rootes of Menuch|denny hil, and paſſage by Cantreffe. Thence it goeth by Lanhamlaghe, Penkethley ca|ſtell, Lanſanfreid Landetty, Langonider, & ſoone after receyuing the Riangall (which ri|ſeth about the hill whereon Dynas Caſtell ſtandeth,Riangall. and runneth by Lanyhangle and Tretoure) it paſſeth betwéene Laugattocke and Cerigkhowell, to Langroyny, and there croſſeth the Groyny brooke,Groyni. that diſcendeth from Monegather Arthur hill, by Peter Church, as I finde. When the Vſke is paſt this brooke, it taketh in thrée other ſhort rils, from by ſouth with in a little diſtance, wher|of the firſt hight Cledoch Vaur,Cledoch|vaur. Fidan. Cledoch|vehan. Geuenni. the ſeconde Fydan, & the thirde Cledochvehan. Of theſe alſo the laſt falleth in néere to Lanwenarth. From hence the Vſke runneth to Aberge|uenni towne, where it méeteth with the Ge|uenni water from by north (that riſeth ſhort of Bettus Chappell) & ſo goeth on to Hard|wijc, beneath which it croſſeth thrée nameles EEBO page image 71 rilles on the right hande before it come at Lamhangle vpon Vſke,Geuenni. of whoſe courſes I know not any more then that they are not of any length nor the chanel of ſufficient great|nes ſeuerally to entreate of. Betwéene Kem|meys and Troſtrey it méeteth with [...]uch an other rill that commeth downe by Bettus Newith.Birthin. Cairuſke ſtandeth on one ſide of Vſe, and Carliõ on the other, but Cair vſke by di|uers miles farder into the land. Thence it goeth to Cair Vſke or Brenbigei, but eare it come there, it recey|ueth the Birthin on the right hande, which is a pretie water deſcending from two heades, wherof the firſt is north weſt of Manyhylot, as the other is of Lanyhangle & Pentmorell. Next vnto this it ioyneth with the Elwy a|boue Lanbadocke, whoſe heade is Eaſt of Penclaſe, and running weſtwardes by Pen|claſe, Lanniſlen, Langowen (and beneath Landewy taking in a broket from Ragland caſtell, that commeth downe thither by Ra|glande parke) it bendeth ſouthweſt vntill it come at the Vſke, which crinckling toward the South méeteth with thrée rilles before it come to Marthey chappell, wherof the firſt lyeth on the right hande, and the other on the left. Frõ Marthelly it haſteth to Kemmeys, and care it come at Carleon, taketh in two waters on the ryght hande, of which the firſt commeth downe betwéene Landgwy & Landgweth, & by Lhan Henoch, without any farder increaſe: but the other is a more beau|tifull ſtreame, called Auon, and thus deſcri|bed as I finde it among my pamphlettes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Auon.The Auon ryſeth in the hilles that ſéeme to part Monemouth and Breckenock ſhires in ſunder, and running downe from thence by Capell Newith and Triuethin, it recey|ueth a water from by ſouth almoſt of equall courſe, & from that quarter of the countrie and in proceſſe of time, another little one frõ the ſame ſide, eare it come to Lanyhangle, from whence it goeth to Gwennocke & Pen|roſe, and ſo in Vſe before it go by Carleon. Being paſt Carlion it runneth to Cryndy, where M. Harbert dwelleth, and there cary|ing another brooke withall, that deſcendeth by Henlis and Bettus chappell, it runneth furth to Newport (in Welch caſtel Newith) and from thence into the ſea taking the Ebo|with water withall,Ebowith. whoſe race I deſcribed in my firſt booke, but hauing nowe more in|telligence of his courſe, I will ones againe deale with it in this manner as I reade it. The Ebowith riſeth in ye very edge of Mone|mouth ſhyre, aboue Blainegwent, and com|ming downe by Lanheleth and Tumberlow hyll (croſſing a ryll, from North eaſt by the way) it taketh in therabout ye Serowy, that runneth by Treſtrent, and is of leſſe race hi|therto,Serowy. then the Ebowith, and frõ that ſame quarter. After this confluence it goeth to Ri|ſley, Rocheſton caſtell, next of all thorowe a parke, and ſo to Grenefeld caſtell, and is not long ere it fall into the ſea, being the laſt iſſue that I doe finde in the county, which beareth the name of Monemouth, & was in olde time a part of the region of the Silures.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Remeney or as ſome corruptly call it the Nonney is a goodly water, [...] and from the head a march betwéene Monemouth & Gla|morgan ſhires. It receyueth no water on the eaſt ſide, but on the weſt diuers ſmal beckes, whereof thrée are betwéene the riſing & Bra|thetere chappell, the fourth commeth in by Capel Gledis, the fift from betwéene the Faldray and Lanvabor, the ſixt and ſeuenth before it come to Bedwas, and the eyght o|uer againſt Bedwas it ſelfe, from chappell Martin: after which confluences it runneth on by Maghan, Keuen, Mabley and Rome|ney, and ere long croſſing a becke at North eaſt, that commeth by Lanyſſen, and Rathe it falleth ſoone after into the Sauerne, Sea, but ſée more of this in my former Treatize.

The Taffe riſeth among the woddy hilles, [...] that lye weſt, and by north of Menuchdeny hill, and going downe to Capell Nanty, it taketh in a ryllet from by weſt, & afterward another from by eaſt,Taffe [...]han. comming by Morlais caſtell, called Taffe vehan (as the former is named Taffe vaur) ſo that Menuch hill doth lye betwéene theſe two heades, and therto is an hill of no ſmal height and greatneſſe. Be|ing ioyned they go on to Martyr Tiduill as one, & ſo procéede til they méete with Cunnõ, [...] (or rather Kenon, tenne myles from Clauth conſtable, a faire Brooke running to Aber|dare, and after that with the Rodney, [...] before deſcribed) whereinto the Cledungh falleth, a myle from Retgowghe & an halfe, [...] on ye weſt ſide, after which confluence it haſteth to the ſea without any farder increaſe, by Caſtell Coche, Whitchurche, Landaffe, and Car|diffe, as I geſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lay ryſeth in the hylles aboue Lan|triſſent (for all the regyon is very hillye.Lay.) From whence comming by Lantriſſent, it runneth by Coit Marchan parke, Lambed|der ſ. Brides, Lhannihangel, Leckwith, Lã|dowgh, Cogampyll, and ſo into the ſea, with|out anye manner increaſe by anye rylles at all ſauing the Dunelais, [...] which ryſeth foure myles from his fall, eaſt northeaſt, & méeteth withall a little more then a quarter of a myle from Pont Velim Vaur, and like|wiſe by weſt, the Methcoide that commeth from Glinne Rodeney, and wherein to the Pedware diſchargeth that ſmall water ga|thered in his chanell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 62Leauing the Laie which ſome call Elaye, and paſſing the Pennarth baie, that lyeth betwéene the Pennarth and the Lauerocke pointes, we le [...] Scilley Iſlet (which lyeth in the mouth of Scilley hauen before deſcribed) and came vnto the Barry whoſe heade is a|boue wrinſton caſtell, [...] and from whence hée runneth by Deinſpowis, Cadoxton, Barry and ſo into the ſea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] Thawan is the next ſtreame (ſauing Come Kidy touched afore) nowe to be deſcribed. It ryſeth of two headlettes aboue Lanſan|tian, and thence goeth to Cowbridge, Lan|blethian, Landoghe, Beanpéere, Flymſton, Gy [...]ton, and betwéene the eaſt and the weſt Aberthawan into the Sauerne Sea. But ere it come all there it receyueth a brooke cal|led Kenſan, or Karnſan, or Kenſec, on the Eaſtſyde, whoſe heade is eaſt of Bol|ſton, and commyng by Charnethoyde, Lhancaruan, and Lhancadle, it falleth in|to the former aboue eyther of the Thawans, Lelande ſayth, [...] that Kenſan hath two heades whereof the more Northerly called. Brane, lieth in Luenlithan, & runneth ſeauen myles before it méete wyth the other. Leauyng this water we ſayled on, caſting about the naſhe point, omytting two or thrée waters whereof I haue made mencion in my former treatiſe by the way, becauſe I haue nothing more to adde vnto their deſcriptions, except it be that the Colhow taketh in a rill frõ Lan Iltruit, of whoſe courſe (to ſaye the truth) I haue no manner knowledge.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 [...] The Ogur or Gur, which ſome falſely call Ogmur, is a welfaire ſtreame, (as we were wont to ſaye in our olde engliſhe) whoſe head is in the ſame hilles, where the Rodeneis are to be founde, but much more weſterlye, and running a long courſe ere it come to any vil|lage, it goeth at the length beneth Langume|uere, to S. Brides vpon Ogur, then to newe caſtell, [...] and Marthermaure, beneath which it méeteth the Wenny, halfe a mile from Ogor caſtell on the eaſt banke. It ryſeth fiue or ſixe miles from this place, among the hilles, and comming downe at laſt by Lanharne, it croſſeth a ryll ere long from northeaſt, and the confluence paſſeth forth by Coitchurch, Ogor caſtell, and ſo into the Ogor. Lelande wryting of the waters that fall into thys Ogor ſayth thus. [...]rrow, Into the Ogur alſo reſor|teth the Garrow two myles aboue Lanſan|fride bridge, [...]enne, deſcending from Blaingarow. It taketh furthermore ſayeth hée ano|ther called Leuenny ryſing in the Paroch of Glin Corug, [...]rug at Northweſt, and then run|ning two myles lower, vniteth it ſelfe with the Corug brooke, a little ſhort thing & wor|thie no longer ſpeach. From this confluence the Leuenni goeth ſeuen myles farder eare it méete with the Ogor on the weſt ſide, at Lanſanforde, two myles aboue Penbowt, and ſo farre Lelande. Next vnto the Ogur, is the Kenſig water, that commeth downe by the Pyle and Kenſige caſtell,Kenſig. and being paſt the ſame we croſſe the Margan rill,Margan. Auon. where Sir Edwarde Manxell dwelt, and ſo vnto A|uon, which hauing two heades as is ſaid, the more eaſterly of them commeth downe by Hanudaport chappell, the other by Glin Co|rug, Michaell church, Aber Auon, and ſo into the ſea. From hence we went along by the Cole pittes to the mouth of the Neth.Neth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Neth is a faire water, ryſing of fine heades,Nethuehã. whereof the more eaſterlye named Nethvehan riſeth not farre from the head of the Kennon,Neth Vaur. Trau|garth. Meltay. Hepſay. and comming downe to Aber|pirgwin, it recieueth Nethvaur, a litle aboue the towne, which riſing not farre ſoutheaſt of the head of Tauy, receiueth ye Trangarth, the Meltay and the Hepſay (all which are ac|compted, as members of his heade) in one chanell about a myle or more before it ioyne with Nethvehan. After thoſe confluences, the maine ſtreame runneth in and out by ſundry myles till it mette with the Duleſſe,Duleſſe. whoſe head is aboue Chappel Krenaunt. Thence it goeth to Cadox towne, or betwéene it and Lamultyde, then to Nethtowne, and beneath the ſame receiuing the Cledoch,Cledoch. that rũneth by Kelebebiſch, and alſo Neth abbay where M. Crumwell dwelleth, it goeth on by Coit|franke forreſt, Nethwood, Bryton ferry and ſo into the ſea.Tauy.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Tauy (for I paſſe ouer the Crimline becke, bicauſe I want his deſcription) riſeth in the thickeſt of the blacke mountaines, and comming downe weſt of Calw [...]n chappell, it receyueth on the eaſt banke a ryll,Coilus. named Coiell, that runneth thither by Coielburne chappell, and beyng thus vnited the chanell paſſeth forth by Iſtragnules,Torche. and then mée|ting with the Turche, or Torche water that commeth from the foote of the blacke moun|taine, it runneth to Langoge, Lanſamled, S. Iohns, Swanſey, and ſo into the Baie. Being paſt this we come by another litle fal, whoſe water runneth thrée or foure myles, ere it come into Swanſey Baie, but without name. Thence going about by Oyſtermont caſtell & Mumbles point, we go forth toward the ſouthweſt, by Pennarth point,Ilſton. tyll wée come to Ilſton water, whoſe head is not far within the lande, and yet a rill or two doth fall into the ſame. Then caſtyng about by Oxwiche point, wée go onwarde there by and ſayling flat north by the Holme, and S. EEBO page image 72 Kennettes chappell and then North eaſt by Whitforde point, we went at length to the Lochar,Lochar. or Loghor, or as Lhoyd nameth it the Lychwr. It ryſeth aboue Gwenwy chap|pell, from whence it goeth to Landbea, and aboue Bettus receiueth a rill named Amone that entereth thereinto frõ northeaſt.Amone. Being paſt Bettus it paſſeth by Laneddy, Arthelas bridge, and ouer againſt Landilo Talabout, it croſſeth from by weſt the Combwily and afterwarde the Morlais aboue Langnarche on the ſame ſide.Comwilly. Morlais. Then comming to Loghor caſtell,Lhu. it taketh in on the eaſt ſide, the Lhu whoſe courſe is not aboue fiue myles, and thence loſing the name of Lochar, it is called Burray as I geſſe vntill it come to the ſea.Burray. From this water we paſſed by Bachannis Iſle,Lheddy. to the Aberlheddy water, whoſe heade being aboue Prenacrois, it paſſeth by Lha|nelthey & thence into the ſea. Then went we to the Duleſſe,Duleſſe. thence by the Pembray and Calicolt pointes, till we came about to the Wandres or Vendraith mouth,Wandres. whoſe de|ſcription is ſufficiently ſet downe in the for|mer Treatize, and therfore but in vaine to be repeated here, except I might adde ſome|what therevnto therby to make it more per|fite.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Towy.The Towy ryſing in ſuch ſorte and place as I haue ſayde, parteth Brecknocke from Cardigon ſhyre, for a certaine ſeaſon, till it come by the water of Trauſnant (that fal|leth thereinto from by eaſt,Trauſnãt) vnto Pylin Ca|pell, and ſo to Iſtrodefine where it méeteth with the Tothée that commeth thether from Lhinuerwin where it ryſeth and ſo thorowe Reſcoth forreſt,Tothe. till it vnite it ſelfe with the Peſcotter,Peſcotter. which moũting out of the ground in thedge of Cardigan ſhyre, runneth along as a limite and marche vnto the ſame, till it ioyne with the Tothée, & both come togither beneath Iſtrodefine into Towy. After this confluence it cõmeth to Lhanuair Awbrey, Lonyhowell and Landonuery, and here it receyueth two waters in one chanell, where|of the firſt is called Brane,Brane. Gutherijc. the other Guthe|rijc (which lyeth more ſoutherly of the two) & fall as I ſayd into Towy beneath Landon|verey,Duleſſe. which rũneth on till it méete with the firſt Duleſſe that goeth by Lanurdy, then with the Marlais,Morlais. & theſe on the Northweſt. But a litle lower it taketh in many waters in one chanell beneath Langadocke, called Modewy from by eaſt, whereof I haue thys aduertiſement.Modwy. The Modewy or as ſome pro|nounce it Motheuy, ryſeth of two heades, which ioyning aboue Lanyhangle, ye ſtreame runneth on till it mette with the Cledoch on the left hande,Cledoch. procéeding alſo farder toward Langadocke, it receiueth not far from thence the Sawthey whoſe two heades deſcende frõ the blacke mountaines or eaſt edge of Car|mardiueſhyre, [...] as mine information leadeth me. [...] After this confluence the ſeconde Du|leſſe doth méete with the Towy (whoſe head is in the hilles aboue Talthogay abbay) then comming downe by Landilouaur, Dinefar caſtell, and Golden groue, it receyueth the thirde Duleſſe, [...] from by north that commeth in by Driſlan caſtell and after that the Co|they, whoſe race is ſomewhat long and ther|fore his deſcription not vtterly to be paſſed ouer. Not farre from the head (whoſe place is alreadie ſet downe) and ſomewhat beneath Lanapinſent chappell, [...] it taketh in the Tur|chebecke, that runneth thither from Lana|croyes. Thence it goeth to Lanſawell, Aber|gorlech, Breghuangothy, Lannigood and ſo into Towy, which haſting forwarde by chap|pell Dewy, receyueth the Rauelthy, [...] from by north, then the Gwily frõ northweſt, whoſe head is aboue Lany Pinſent, & race by Can|well, Eluert, Comewyly, and Merling hill, as I haue often heard, After this confluence with the Gwyly, the Towy goeth to Caer|mardine, then to Lanygang, then to Lanſte|phan, ſ. Iſmaeles and ſo into the ſea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Next vnto the Towy is the Taue, [...] whoſe head is in the blacke mountaines as is afore|ſayde, at the rootes of Wrenni vaur hill in Pembrokeſhyre, from whence it runneth by Lanunrieach, Langludien, Lanualteg, and taking in the Duddery from ſouthweſt, [...] out of the ſame countie by Lanbederuelfray, it goeth to Egleſware chappell, beneath which it croſſeth the Marlais by North that run|neth by Lanbedy & Whitlande. [...] Thence mée|ting with one rill (called Venni as I take it) [...] that commeth thorow Cardith forreſt on the one ſide,Ca [...] & the Cayre on the other that run|neth into it weſt of Landowrox, it haſteth to S. Clares where it taketh in the Karthkyn|ny, or Barthkinni, as Leland calleth it, [...] & the Gow both in one chanell, of which the firſt ryſeth aboue Capell Bettus, from whence it runneth by Talacouthe, Kilſant and Lan|gynnyn, the other iſſueth out of the grounde aboue Trologh Bettus, by Mydrun, & ioy|ning with the former a little aboue ſ. Clares they runne into the Taue, and from thence to Lanyhangle, and betwéene it and Aber|cowen, admitteth finally the Gowẽ ſtreame, [...] which comming likewyſe from the blacke mountaines goeth by Ebbernant, and ſo in|to the Taue, who directeth his courſe, by La|charne caſtell and then into the ſea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The next water that we come to is the Gwair, [...] which is but a ſmall thing ryſing a|boue EEBO page image 63 Crugwair, and going into the ſea, at Argwaire. Then paſſed we by another com|ming out of Rath forreſt called Coit Rathe, the water it ſelfe riſing ſhort of Templeton. Thence leauing the Monkeſton rocke, we came to Tenby or Dy [...]bechy Piſcood, and paſſing into the Port betwéene the caſtell and ſ. Catherines rocke, we founde it ſerued with two little backewaters, of ſo ſmal oſ|tenaunce, that they are not worthye of any farder talke to be ſpent in their deſcriptions. After this we paſſed betwéene Lo [...]dy and an other Iſlet or rock lying by northweſt of the ſame,Lon| [...] Cal| [...]rtie [...]s. to Ludſop point, and ſo to Abertrewẽt where I founde a ſilly freſhe water, that ry|ſeth a myle or there about within the lande. [...]ent. Frõ thence we went ſouthwards by Brode hauen, til we came to S. Gowans point. Ehẽ gathering weſt & by North before we came at Shepe Iſlande, we founde another freſhe water, that riſeth ſhort of Kyriog Maharen, and running ſouth of Vggarſton, Windmill hill, or betwéene it and Caſtell Norton and Gupton, it holdeth on flat weſt all the way, till it come at the Oceane. [...]pe I| [...] The Shepe Iſle not afore deſcribed is but a little plot, lying at the very point of the Bay before we came at ye Blockhouſe, which ſtandeth north of the ſame at the very entrie into Milfordtha [...] vpon the eaſt ſide. By north of Shepe Iſle & betwéene it and the Stacke rocke (which ly|eth in the very middeſt of the hauen) at ano|ther point is Rat Iſle, yet ſmaller than the former. [...] Iſle. Being therfore paſſed theſe, we c [...]ſt about towarde the northweſt, by the P [...]pi [...] and Pennar, [...]nar. till wée come to the Pen [...]r mouth, out of which the Salt water [...] that in maner enuironmeth Pembrook Frõ this (omitting ſundry ſalt créekes on both ſides of the hauen) we came to the fall of two waters in one chanel aboue whoſe cõfluence, Williamſton parke ſtandeth, & whereof [...] (a méere ſalt courſe,) incloſeth thrée partes of Carew caſtell. The other ryſing neare to Coit Rath forreſt is a freſhe, and going by Geffraiſton, Creſwel and Lawrenny, it lea|ueth the Sparek on the ſouth ſide, and [...]eth into the hauen after confluence with the for|mer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Nowe I come to the two swordes, afore mencioned whose courses I finde described in this order. [...]hey. The Clothy ryseth at the foote of Wrenny vaur hill and comming downe to Monachlodge, Langelman, Lannakeuen, and Egremond, it receyueth a ryll from by northwest before it come at Lanhaddon castell. Eare long also it taketh in another on the east side from Narbarth castell, by Robeston, then going by Cunaston, Slebach, Picton castell, at Rise castell poynt west of Coit Kenles (as I haue beene informed) it meeteth with the other sworde, Dugledy. named Dugledy wherof I reade as followeth. The hed of the Dugledy, is somewhere at northwest, betweene S. Laurences and S. Dugwels, from whence it ru(n)neth to Trauegarne, Redbaxon, and taking in a rill by the waye from Camrose at the west, it goeth to Hauerford west, and there vniteth it selfe with a water, which peraduenture, is the same that Lela(n)de called Guyly. Certes it riseth about Walto(n) Gwyly. and comming by S.Leonardes chappel and Pendergest, it falleth, I say into the Dugledy, ouer against the towne of Hauerforde, or Herforde west, but in Welch Hulforde as Lhoid doth set it downe. Beneath Herforde it taketh another water from southwest, whose head is short of S.Margarettes chappell, and enteraunce betweene Harraldston, and Herforde, which Harraldstone, receyueth the name of Harralde the successour of Edwarde the confessour as some call him, who was a grieuous mall vnto the Britons that remayned in the time of the sayde Edwarde as I haue noted alreadie. The Cultlell co(m)meth into the Dugledy beneath Bolston, with a streight course from by North, of three or foure myles, after whose vnition with the aforesayde water, they runne on as one till they mette with the Clothy casting out by the waye sundry salt creekes as the maine chanell doth from thenceforth vntill it passe the Sandy haue(n), the Dale rode (whither a silly fresh rill commeth of small value) and he come about agayne into the large Oceane. Hauing thus shewed the courses of those few fresh waters that come to Milford hauen, we cast about by the blockehouse and S. Annes chappell to Gateholme Isle, Gateholme Iſle. Stocke|holme Iſle that lyeth betweene S. Annes and the Wilocke point, directlye ouer against Stockeholme Island that is scituate farder of into the sea, towarde the southwest, and is full halfe so great as the Scalmey yt I before described.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Betweene the Willocke point also and the Scalmey, directly west, is the midlande Isle, full so great as Gateholme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Gresholme lyeth directlye west of Scalmey, Midlande Iſle. Greſholme from whence if you sayle thyther on the south side, you must needes past by the newstone rocke: if on the north of Scalmey, you must leave the Yarlande stons on your lefthand. Whervnto if you note well the scituation of these Islands already named, and conferre them with the Ramsey and S.Dauids land, you shall finde them to produce as it were two dangerous pointes, includyng the Brid baie, wherein (notwithstanding the great EEBO page image 73 greatnesse) are 1000. perilles, and no freshe Brookes for me to deale withall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 S. Brides Iſlande.Firſt of all therefore I ſawe S. Brides I|ſlande, a very little patche of grounde, néere the lande, before I came at Galtroy rode. From thence we went aboute by the little hauen, Dolnach Hauen, Caruay Hauen, Shirelace rocke, Carnbuddy, and Carnay Bayes, Port [...]ai [...], and ſo into the ſounde betwéene Ramſey and the point. In thys ſound lykewiſe is a litle Iſle, almoſt annex|ed to the maine, but in the middeſt thereof is a rocke called the horſe (a myle and more by north of Ribby rocke, that lyeth ſouth eaſt of Ramſey) and more infortunate then tenne of Seianes coltes, but thanked be God I neuer came on his back. Thẽce paſſing by S Ste|phens baie,A ſorte of dangerous rockes ly|ing on a row vpon the weſt ende of ſouthwals called the biſhop and his clarkes and Whiteſande baie, we ſaluted the Biſhop and his Clarkes, as they went in Proceſſion on oure left ſyde (beyng lothe to take any ſalted holy water at their hands) and came at laſt to the point called S. Da|uids head. From whence we coaſted along toward the ſoutheaſt, till wée came ouer a|gainſt S. Catherins, where goyng north|wardes by the br [...]ade hauen, and the Strom|bles heade, we ſayled thence northeaſt, and by north, to Langlas head, then [...]at ſouth by the Cow and calfe (two cruell rockes) which we left on the [...] hande, and ſo coſted ouer as Abergwin or Fiſcarde, where we founde a freſhe water named Gwin,Gwerne. or Gwernel, whoſe courſe is in manner directly out of the eaſt into the Weſt, vntill it come within a myle of the aforeſayde Towne. It ryſeth flat north of the peri [...]y hill, from whence it go|eth by Pont vain, Lauerellidoch, Lanchar, La [...]ilouair, and ſo to Abergwine, or Aber|gwerne, for I doe read both. Frõ Abergwin, we caſt about by Dyuas heade, till we come to the fall of Neuerne,Neuerne. where Newport ſtan|deth. The head of thys ryuer is aboue Capell Nauigwyn, from whence it runneth by Whitchurch, but care it come at Kylgwin, it taketh in a little water that ryſeth ſhort of Wreny vaur, & thence go foorth as one vntill they come to Newport. Cardigan hauen is the next fall that I dyd ſtumble on, wherein lyeth a little Iſlande ouer againſt the north point.Teify or Tiue. Hereinto alſo commeth the Teify, whereof I haue ſpoken ſomewhat in my for|mer treatiſe, but ſith it ſufficeth not for the for the full knowledge of the courſe of thys ſtreame, I wyll ſupply the want euen here in ſuch order as inſueth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The Teify or Tiue ryſeth in Lintiue as is aforeſayde, and after it hath runne from thence a little ſpace, it receyueth a brooke frõ ſoutheaſt that commeth out of Lin Legnant and then after the confluence runneth on to Stradfleur Abbaie, beneath which it méeteth with the Myricke water (that ryſeth aboue Stradmyrich) and ſoone after with the Lan|durch, [...] (both from the northweſt) and finally the Bromis aboue Tregaron, that com|meth in by the eaſt as Leland hath ſet down. [...] Néere to Landwybreuy alſo it croſſeth the Brennige by eaſt, & then goeth to Landuair, [...] Cledoghe, Kellan, & ſoone after taking in the Matherne from by Eaſt that parteth Car|digan partely from Carmardine ſhire, [...] and likewiſe ye Dulas aboue Lanbedder, [...] (which ryſeth aboue Langybby, and goeth thence to Bettus) on the northweſt, it goeth next of all to Lanbedder towne, then to La [...]ydair, be|neath which it croſſeth the Grauelth, thence to Pẽcarocke, Lanibether, Lanlloyny,Gra [...] La|nyhangle, and Landiſſel, and there it vniteth it ſelfe with the Clethor, which cõmeth down thither by Lantiſilued chappell, Lanframe,deth [...] and finaly Landiſſell from by north as I doe here. After this confluence it procéedeth on to La [...]d [...]y, Alloyne, Bangor, Langeler, Lan|deureog and Newcaſtell, ere long taking in the Kery from by north,Kery. whoſe heade is not farre from that of Clethor, and whoſe courſe is ſomewhat inlarged by ſuch rilles as diſ|cend into the ſame. For weſt of Capel Kenõ, two becks in one chanell doe fall into it, al|though they be nameleſſe, and but of a lyttle length Beneth Tredwair, alſo croſſeth ano|ther from by weſt, that runneth along by Britus, Euan, and finally méeting wyth the Teify, they runne as one by Kennarth (ſtill parting Cardigon ſhire, from Carmardin, as it hath done ſith it met wyth ye Matherne) and ſo forth on till they ioyne with the Che|ach which ryſing aboue Chapple Euan,Che [...] doth part Carmardine and Brecknecke ſhire in [...], till it come vnto the Teify. Frõ this confluence, and being ſtill a [...]nil [...]e [...] vnto Cardigon ſhire, it goeth by Marierdiue, and ſo to Cardigan, taking in one rill from by north and two on the ſouth weſt ſide, but af|terwarde none at all, before it come to the ſea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ayron ryſyng as is aforeſayde aboue Blain Pental,Ayr [...] runneth on by Lamber wod|dy Langy [...], Treg [...]garon hill, Treuilian, and ſoone after taking in a ryll from by ſouth it rũneth by Iſtrade, Kylkẽnen, Lanicharin, and finally into the Sea, croſſyng by the way EEBO page image 64 the Bidder brooke, which comming from Dehewide, doth fall into the ſame, betwéene Lanychayrin, and Henvenney.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Arth is no great thing, neyther of any any long courſe, yet it ryſeth thrée or foure myles or more within the lande ſlopewiſe, & cõming by Lambadern, & Treueglois, it fal|leth into the ſea, northeaſt of Aberarth. The Ris or rather the Werey, ryſeth of two hea|des, [...]ias aboue whoſe cõfluence ſtandeth a town, named Lanyhangle, Redrod, & from whence it goeth by Lanygruthen to Lariſted, and ſo into the Ocean.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] The Yſtwith ryſeth in the blacke moun|teynes, aboue Comerſtwith from whence it runneth certeine myles, vntill it come vnto Yſpitty, Iſtwith, Lanauon, Lanyler, Lan Nachairne, and ſo into the ſea taking withal the Ridall or Redholl not far from the ſhore, whereof I haue this diſcription. [...] The Ridall ryſeth in the toppe of Plimlymmon hyll out of a lake named Lin Ridal, from whence go|ing towarde Spitty Kinwen, it croſſeth one water on the north, and another benoath it on the ſoutheaſt, and ſo goth on by Lanbeder vaur, till it come to Aberiſtwith, the Iſtwith and ſo into the Ocean.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] The Salique brooke deſcendeth in like ſorte from the blackmounteines, and going Vm|maboue, toward Gogarth, or Gogyrthar, it receyueth the Maſſalique, and from thence goeth into the ſea. [...]ali| [...]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Lery ryſeth toward the lower ground of the blacke hylles, and going by Lanihan|gle caſtell Gwalter, it runneth from thence northeaſt into the Ocean. Thus haue I brought me ſelfe out of Cardigon ſhire, vnto the Wy, that ſéemeth for a certeine ſpace to be marche betwéene the ſame and Merion|neth, & here wt alſo I ende with the deſcripti|on of ſouthwales, and likewiſe of all that re|gion remayning, [...]eſſe whereof I haue no farder knowledge, [...]eſſe [...] [...]nny [...]euen| [...] [...]. [...]uer. [...]our. more then is alreadye ſet downe in my firſt booke, ſith thoſe yt promiſed helpe herein haue vtterlye deceyued me. Yet thus much will I note of ſuch waters as fall into the ſayde riuer on the ſouth ſide, that aboue Mathanlaith it croſſeth the Dowlaſſe Dée and Dowlaſſe Ruen both in a chanell, whoſe heades lye by weſt of ye Ruoluadian hill. Be|neath the ſayde towne likewiſe I fynde the Leuennaunt, [...]og [...]hanell [...] by ye [...]uence [...] and [...]lais, [...]mite [...]éene [...]cke & which hauing two heades, the more ſoutherly of them is Limes betwéene Radnor ſhire & Mõemoth. After theſe it croſ|ſeth the Eynon, the Kinuer, and the Cledour, and thus farre for wales I ſaie againe, ſith for the reſt I yéelde vnto a non plus, vntill I come to ye Dée, of whoſe courſe I haue ſome informatiõ, (after it hath receyued ye Kyriog & the Morlais, both in one bottome,) on the ſouth ſide of Chirke caſtell, but not from the very head for want of information. Hauing therfore, mette with the aforeſayde water, the De procéedeth to Beſtocke, Orton Ma|docke, Orton bridge and Bangor, where the ſlaughter of monkes was made, or not far of from thence, and of which Monaſterie I find this note inſuing. Their abbaye of Bangor ſtoode ſometime in Engliſhe Maylor,The ſcitu|ation of the mona|ſtery of Bangor. by hy|ther and ſouth of the riuer Dée. It is nowe ploughed ground where that houſe ſtoode, by the ſpace of a Welch myle (which reacheth vnto a myle and an halfe Engliſhe) and to thys daye the rillers of the ſoyle there, doe plowe vp bones as they ſaye of thoſe monks that were ſlaine in the quarell of Auguſtine, and wythin the memorie of man, ſome of them were taken vp in their rotten wéedes, which were much lyke vnto thoſe of our late monkes, as Lelãd doth ſet it down, yet Eraſ|mus is of the opinion, that the apparel of the Benedictine monkes, was ſuch as moſt men did were at their firſt inſtitutiõ. But to pro|céede, thys Abbaye ſtoode in a fayre valley, and in thoſe tymes the ryuer ranne harde by it. The compaſſe thereof lykewiſe, was as ye ciruite of a walled Towne, and to this daye two of the the gates may eaſily be diſcerned, of which the one is named Port Hogan ly|ing by north, the other Port Clais, ſcituate vpõ the ſouth. But ye Dée hauing now chan|ged his chanell, runneth thorow ye very mid|deſt of the houſe betwixt thoſe two gates, the one of them being at the leſt a full halfe myle frõ the other. As for the ſquared ſtone that is founde hereabout, and the Romaine coine, there is no ſuch neceſſity, of the rehearſell thereof, but that I maye paſſe it ouer with|out any farther mencion.

The Dée therefore beyng paſt Bangor, goeth to Wrothenbury, and there recey|ueth ſundry waters into one chanell, wherof the chiefe ryſeth néere to Blackmere (a ma|ner pertayning to the Earle of Shreweſbu|ry) from whence it goeth to Whitechurch, Ouſacre hall, and ſoone after taketh in a ryll that diſcendeth from Coiſley, after which cõ|fluence, it runneth on by nether Durtwiche, to Olde caſtell, Tallarne, and ere long croſ|ſeth two other waters in one channell alſo, whereof one runneth by Penly chapell, ano|ther from Hawmere, and ioyning at Em|berhall, they go from thence to Worthenbu|ry, and ſo into the Dée, which by and by vni|teth it ſelfe with another at Shockebridge that commeth in from Ridding. Thence it runneth betwéene Holt caſtell, and Farue, and ere it come to Alford two waters com|myng EEBO page image 74 out of Wales doe ioyne withal, wher|of the one is named Alin and deſcendeth by Grafforde,Alen. Marfforde, Cragwilly and Alen towne, the other goeth by Pewford & Pot|ton. Beneath Alford towne end likewiſe the Dée receyueth the Gowy,Gowy. whoſe heade is at Pecforten at two ſeuerall places, and after the confluence goeth by Beſton caſtell, & Be|ſton towne: thence to Tréerton and Hakeſly where it deuideth it ſelfe, ſo that one arme runneth by Totnall, Gowburne (where M. Venables lyeth) Lée hall and beneath Alford againe into the other braunche of the ryuer Dée, which goeth in the meane time by Sta|pleforde, Hocknell plat, Plemſtow, & a litle aboue Thorneton croſſeth a water that com|meth from Cheſter, and goeth to Thornetõ by the Baites, Charletõ, Blackford, Crow|ton, and Stoke, whereby Wyrall is cut frõ the maine of Englande and left as a very I|ſlande. Finally our Dée goeth from Alforde to Eaton hall, Eccleſton, Huntungdon hall, Boughton and ſo by Cheſter towne into the hauen adioyning, and thus much of the Dée, which receyueth in like ſort the Alen mencio|ned euen now wherof I gaue ſome notice in the former Treatize,Alen. and I haue found more ſithens that time in Leland which I will not here omitte, to ſet downe worde for word as I reade it in his Commentaries. One of the greateſt riuers, ſaith he, that falleth into this ſtreame, (meaning Dée) is named Alen. It ryſeth in a pole called Lin Alen, and goeth from thence by Lanteglan, Lan Armon, Lanueris, Moleſdale, and at Hiſpalin rũneth into the grounde for a certaine ſpace, about a quarter of a mile in length, and there after it is ryſen againe with a great vehemencie, becommeth a marche betwéene Moleſdale (a Lordſhip full of very fine riuerets, called in Welche Stradalyn) and Flint, for a fiue miles grounde. From thence going thorow Hoxedale, Bromefielde aliâs Maylor & Cam|ridge, halfe a myle beneath Holt, it falleth into the Dée, which hath the beſt Trowtes in England.Beſt Trowtes in Dée Rue De|doch. Beſide this it receyueth alſo the Rue Dedoch, which commeth downe within a quarter of a myle of Wrexam, & méeteth wythall a myle aboue Holt, a verye pretie ſtreame, and ſuch a one in déede as bréedeth the ſame Trowt, for which the Dée is com|mended.Abon. The Abon falleth into ye Dée, with|in a myle of Ruabon churche. I had almoſt forgotten (ſaith the ſayde Authour) to ſpeake of the Terig otherwiſe named Auon Terig,Terig. which being almoſt ſo great as the Alen, cõ|meth thorow a péece of Yale Lordſhip into Moleſdale,Howne. and ſo into Alin. I ouer paſſe alſo the Howne that commeth by the ſouth ende of Moleſdale towne, and ſoone after into this water. Alſo the Brone, [...] deſcending frõ Regi|nalds tower, & after thre quarters of a myle lykewyſe into the Alen.Wyr [...] Finally the Wyral which ryſeth within leſſe then a quarter of a myle of Cheſter, & falleth into Dée at Floc|kers brooke, without the north gate, wherein is a Docke called Port pole for great ſhips to ride at a ſpring tyde. Hitherto Lelande, whoſe ſayings herein ſhal not periſh, becauſe they may be profitably vſed in the next publi|cation of this booke, yf it euer happen to be liked and come thereto.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Being paſt the Dée we come next of all vn|to the Wiuer,Wiuer. then the which I reade of no riuer in England that fetcheth more or halfe ſo many windleſſes and crincklinges, before it come at the ſea. It ryſeth in Buckle hilles, which lye betwene Ridley & Buckle towns, and ſoone after making a lake of a myle and more in length called Ridley pole, it rũneth by Ridley to Chalmõdly. Thence it goeth to Wrenbury where it taketh in a water out of a moore that commeth from Marbury: [...] and beneath Sanford bridge the Combrus from Combermer or Comber lake: and finallye the thirde that commeth from about Mone|ton, and runneth by Langerflaw, then be|twéene Shenton and Atherly parkes, and ſo into the Wiuer, which watereth all the weſt part of England, and is no leſſe notable then the fift Auon or thirde Ouze, whereof I haue ſpoken already. After theſe confluences it ha|ſteth alſo to Audlem, Hawklow, and at Bar|derton croſſeth the Betley water,Bet [...] that run|neth by Duddington, Widdenbery and ſo by Barderton into the aforeſayde ſtreame. Thence it goeth to Nantwiche, but eare it come at Marchforde bridge, [...] it meeteth with a rill called Salopbrooke, as I geſſe cõming from Caluerley warde, [...] and likewiſe beneth the ſayde bridge, with the Lée and the Wul|uarne both in one chanell, wherof the firſt ri|ſeth at Weſton, the other goeth by Copnall. From thence the Wiuer rũneth on to Min|chion and Cardeſwijc, and the next water that falleth into it is the Aſhe,Aſhe (which paſſeth by Darnall Graunge,) and afterwarde go|ing to Warke, the vale Royall, and Eaton, it commeth finally to Northwiche where it receyueth the Dane,Dane to be deſcribed as fol|loweth. The Dane riſeth in the very edges of Cheſter, Darbyſhyre, and Staffordſhyre, and comming by Wharneforde, Switham|ley and Boſley, is a limite betwéene Staf|forde and Darby ſhyres, almoſt euen from the very head, which is in Maxwell forreſt. It is not long alſo ere it met with the Bidle water, that commeth by Congerton,Bidle and af|ter EEBO page image 65 the cõfluence goeth to Swetham, the He|remitage, Cotton and Croxton, there taking in two great waters whereof the one is cal|led Whelocke, [...]elocke. which comming frõ the edge of the countie by Morton to Sa [...]dbach croſ|ſeth another that deſcendeth from Churche Cawlton, and after the confluence goeth to Warmingham (ioyning alſo beneath Mid|lewiſh with the Croco or Croxtõ, the ſecond great water, [...]roco. whoſe head commeth out of a lake aboue Bruerton as I heare) and thence both the Whelocke and the Croco go as one to the Dane, at Croxſton, as the Dane doth from thence to Boſtocke, Dauenham, She|bruch, Shurlach and at Northwiche into the aforeſayd Wyuer. After this confluence the Wyuer runneth on to Barneton, and there in like ſort receiueth two brookes in one cha|nell, wherof one commeth from aboue Allo|ſtocke, by Holme and Laſtocke, the other from beyonde Birtles mill, by Chelforde (where it taketh in a [...], called Piuerey) thence to ouer Peuer, [...]iuerey. Holforde & there croſ|ſing the Waterleſſe brooke [...]cowing of two beckes and ioyning at nether Tabley) it go|eth forth to Winſhambridge, [...]terleſſe and then mée|ting with the other, after this confluẽce they procéede till they come almoſt at Barneton, where the ſaide chanell ioyneth with a pretie water running thorow two Lakes, whereof the greateſt lyeth betwéene Cumberbach, Rudworth, & Marbury. But to go forwarde with the courſe of the maine riuer. After theſe cõfluences our Wiuer goeth to War|ham, Actonbridge, and Dutton, ouer againſt which towne, on ye other ſide it méeteth with a rill, comming from Cuddington, alſo the ſecond going by Norley, and Gritton, final|lye the thirde ſoone after from Kimſley, and then procéedeth on in his paſſage, by Aſheton chappell, Frodeſham, Rockeſauage, and ſo into the ſea: and this is all that I doe finde of the Wyuer, whoſe influences might haue béene more largely ſet downe, yf mine in|ſunctions had béene more amplye deliuered, yet this I hope maye ſuffice for his deſcrip|tion, and knowledge of his courſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 [...]erſey.The Merſey riſeth among the Peke hils, and from thence going downe to the Wood|houſe, and taking ſundrie rilles withal by the waye, it becommeth the confines betwéene Cheſter and Darbyſhyres. Going alſo to|ward Goitehal, it méeteth with a faire brooke increaſed by ſundrye waters, [...]it. called Goyte, whereof I finde this ſhort and briefe deſcrip|tion. The Goyte riſeth not far frõ the Shire méere hill (wherein the Doue and the Dane haue their original) that parteth Darbyſhire and Cheſteſhyres in ſunder, and thence com|meth downe to Goyte howſes, D [...]rth, Ta [...]|hall, Shawcroſſe, and at Weybridge taketh in the Frith,Frith. Set. and beneath Berdhall the Set that riſeth aboue Therſethall and rũneth by Ouerſette. After this confluence alſo the Merſey goeth to Goyte hall, and at Storford towne méeteth with the Tame,Tame. which deui|deth Cheſterſhire and Lancaſterſhyres in ſunder, and whoſe heade is in the very edge of Yorkeſhyre, from whence it goeth South|warde to S [...]leworth Firth, then to Mu [...]el|hirſt, S [...]aly hal, Aſhdon Vnderline, Dunke|field, Denton, Reddiſh, and ſo at Stockeford or Stopford into the Merſey ſtreame, which paſſeth forth in like ſort to Doddeſbyry, re|ceyuing a brooke by the waye that commeth from Litt [...] parke, by Br [...]thall parke and Chedley. From Doddeſbury it procéedeth to Northen, Aſhton, A [...]ſton, Flixſton, where it receiueth the Irwell a notable water,Irwell. and therefore his deſcription is not to be omitted before I doe go forward any farder with the Merſey. It riſeth aboue Bacop, and goeth thence to Roſendale, and in the waye to Ay|tenfielde it taketh in a water from Haſelden. After this confluence it goeth to Newhall, Brandleſham, Brury, and aboue Ratcliffe ioyneth with ye Rache water, Raeus, or Rache. a faire ſtreame and to be deſcribed when I haue finiſhed the Irwell, as alſo the next vnto it beneath Rad|cliffe, bycauſe I woulde not haue ſo manye endes at once in hande wherewith to trouble my readers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Beyng therfore paſt theſe two, our Irwel goeth on to Clifton, Holl [...]nde, Edgecroft,Lelande ſpeaketh of of the Corue water a|boute Mancheſ|ter, but I knowe no|thing of his courſe. Yrke. Medlocke. Strang wayes, and to Mancheſter, where it vniteth it ſelfe with the Yrke, that runneth thereinto by Royton Midleton, Heaton h [...]ll, and Blackeley. Beneath Mancheſter alſo it méeteth with the Medlocke that cõmeth thy|ther frõ the north eaſt ſide of Oldham, & be|twéene Clayton and Garret Halles, and ſo betwéene two parkes, falling into it about Holne. Thence our Irwel going forward to Woodſall, Whicleſwijc, Erles, Barton, & Deuelhom, it falleth néere vnto Flixton, in|to the water of Merſey, where I will ſtaye a while withall, till I haue brought the other vnto ſome paſſe, of which I ſpake before.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Rache conſiſteth of ſundrye waters,Rache. whereof eche one in a maner hath a proper name, but the greateſt of all is Rache it ſelf, which ryſeth among the blacke ſtony hilles, from whence it goeth to Littlebrough, and beyng paſt Clegge, receyueth the Beyle,Beile. that commeth thither by Myluernaw chap|pell. After thys confluence alſo, it méeteth with a rill néere vnto Rachedale, and ſoone after with the Sprotton water,Sprotton. and then the EEBO page image 75 Sudley brooke,Sudley. whereby his chanell is not a litle increaſed, which goeth from thence to Griſehirſt and ſo into the Irwell, before it come at Ratcliffe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Bradſha.The ſecond ſtreame is called Bradſha. It ryſeth of two heades, aboue Turetõ church, whence it runneth to Bradſha, and ere long taking in the Walmeſley becke,Walmeſley. they go in one chanell till they come beneath Bolton in the More. From hence (receyuing a water that commeth from the rootes of Rauenpike, hill by the way) it goeth by Deane and Bol|ton in the more, and ſo into Bradſha water, which taketh his way to Leuermore, Farn|worth, Leuerleſſe, and finally into the Ir|well which I before deſcribed, and whereof I finde theſe two verſes to be added at the laſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1
Yrke, Irwell, Medlocke, and Tame,
When they meete with the Merſey, do loſe their name.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Nowe therefore to reſume our Merſey you ſhall vnderſtande that after his conflu|ence with the Irwel, he runneth to Parting|ton, and not farre from thence interteineth ye Gles,Gles. or Gleſbrooke water, increaſed wyth ſundrye armes whereof one commeth from Lodward, an other from aboue Houghton, the thyrde from Hulton Parcke, and the fourth from Shakerley: and beyng all vni|ted néere vnto Leighe, the confluence goeth to Holcroft,Bollein broke. and aboue Holling gréene into ye ſwift Merſey. After this increaſe the ſaide ſtreame in lyke ſort runneth to Rigſton, & there admytteth the Bollein brooke water into his ſocietie, which riſing néere ye Cham|ber in Maxwell Foreſt goeth to Ridge, Sut|ton, Maxfield, Bollington, Preſtbyry, and Newton, where it taketh in a water cõming frõ about Pot Chappell, which runneth frõ thence by Adlington, Woodforde, Wymſley Ryngey, and Aſhley, there receyuing the Byrkin brooke that commeth from betwene Allerton and Marchall,Birkin. by Mawberly, and ſoone after the Marus or Mar,Mar. that cõmeth thereinto from Mar towne, by Rawſtorne, and after theſe confluences goeth on to Downham, and ouer againſt Rixton beneth Croſforde bridge into the Merſey water, which procéeding on, admitteth not another that méeteth with all néere Lym before it go to Thelwall. Thence alſo it goeth by Bruche and ſo to Warrington, a little beneath croſ|ſing a brooke that commeth from Par by Browſey, Bradley and Saukey on the one ſide, and another on the other that commeth thither from Gropenhall, and with theſe it rũneth on to nether Walton, Acton grange, and ſo to Penkith, where it interteineth the Bolde, and ſoone after the Grundiche water on the otherſide, that paſſeth by Preſton, [...] and Dareſbyry. Finallye our Merſey goyng by Moulton, it falleth into Lirepoole Hauen, when it is paſt R [...]ncorne. And thus much of the Merſey, comparable to the Wyuer, and of no leſſe fame then moſt ryuers of thys I|ſlande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Beyng paſt theſe two we come next of all to the Tarbocke water that falleth into the ſea at Harbocke, [...] without finding any [...] tyll we be paſt all Wyrall, out of Leirpoole hauen, and from the blacke rockes, that lye vpon the north point of the aforeſayd Iſland. Then come we to the Altmouth,Alt. whoſe freſh ryſing not farre into the lande, commeth to Feſton, and ſoone after receiuing another on the ryght hand, that paſſeth into it by Augh|ton, it is increaſed no more before it come at the ſea. Neyther finde I any other falles till I méete with the mouth of the Yarrow and Dugleſſe, which haue their recourſe to the ſea in one Chanell as I take it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Dugleſſe commeth from by weſt of Rauenſpike hill [...] and ere long runneth by Andertonford to Worthington, & ſo (takyng in two or thrée rylles by the waye) to Wige, where it receyueth two waters in on chanel, of which one commeth in ſouth from Bryn Parke, the other from northeaſt. Being paſt thys it receyueth one on the north ſide from Standiſhe, and another by ſouth from Hol|lond, & then goeth on towarde Rufford chap|pell taking the Taude with all, that diſcen|deth from aboue Skelmerſdale towne, [...] and goeth thorow Lathan Parke, belonging as I here vnto the Earle of Daxby. It méeteth alſo on the ſame ſide, [...] with Merton méere water, in which méere is an Iſlande called Netholme, and when it is paſt the hanging bridge, it is not long ere it fall into the Yar|rowe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Yarowe ryſeth of two heades,Yar [...] Bag [...] wherof the ſecond is called Bagen brooke, & making a confluence beneath Helby woode, it goeth on to Burghe, Egleſton, Crofton, and then ioyneth next of all with the Duggleſſe, after which confluence, the maine ſtreame goeth forth to Bankehall, Charleton, How, Heſ|ket, and ſo into the ſea. Lelande wryting of ye Yarow, ſaith thus of the ſame, ſo farre as I now remember. Into the Dugleſſe alſo run|neth the Yarrow, which commeth wythin a myle or thereabout, of Chorleton towne, that parteth Leland ſhire, frõ Darby ſhire, vnder the foote of Chorle alſo I finde a ryll, named Ceorle, and about a myle and an half frõ thence a notable quarrey of ſtones wher|of the inhatants doe make a great boſt and EEBO page image 66 price, and hetherto Leland.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]ll.The Rybell as concerning his heade is ſufficiẽtly touched already in my firſt booke. Beyng therefore come to Giſborne, it goeth to Sawley or Salley, Chatburne, Clithe|row caſtell, & beneath Mitton, méeteth with the Odder, [...]e. which ryſeth not farre from the croſſe of grete, and going thence to Shil|burne, Newton, Radholme parke, & Stony hirſt, it falleth ere long into the Ribble wa|ter. From hence the Ribble hath not gone farre, [...]der. but it méeteth with the Calder. Thys brooke ryſeth aboue Holme church, goeth by Towley and Burneley, (where it receiueth a trifeling rill) thence to Higham, and ere long croſſing one water that commeth from Wicoler, by Colne, and another by and by named Pidle brooke that runneth by Newe church, [...]le. in the Piddle: it méeteth with ye Cal|der, which paſſeth forth to Paniam, & thence (receyuing a becke on the other ſide) it run|neth on to Altham, and ſo to Martholme, where the Henburne brooke, doth ioyne with all, [...]burne that goeth by Akingtõ chappell, Church, Dunkinhalghe, Riſhton, and ſo into ye Chal|der as I haue ſayde before. The Chalder therefore being thus inlarged, runneth forth to Reade (where M. Nowell dwelleth) to Whalley, and ſoone after into Ribell, that goeth from this confluence to Saliſbury hal, Ribcheſter, Oſbaſton, Sambury, Keuerden, Law, Ribles bridge, and then taketh in the Darwent, [...]rwent. before it goeth by Pontwarth in|to the ſea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Darwent deuideth Lelande ſhire from Anderneſſe, and it ryſeth by eaſt aboue Darwent chappel, [...]cke| [...]ne. [...]leſ| [...]th. [...]nnocke and ſoone after vniting it ſelfe with the Blackeburne, & Rodleſworth water, it goeth thorowe Howghton Parke, by Howghton towne, to Walton hall, and ſo into the Ribell. As for the Sannocke brooke, it ryſeth ſomewhat aboue Longridge chap|pell, goeth to Broughton towne, Cotham, Lée hall, and ſo into Ribell: and here is all that I haue to ſay of this ryuer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]re.The Wire ryſeth eight or ten miles from Garſtan, out of an hill in Wireſdale, from whence it runneth by Shireſhed chappell, & then going by Wadland, Garſtan, & Kyrke|lande hall, [...]lder .2. it firſt receyueth the ſeconde Cal|der, that commeth down by Edmerſey chap|pell, then another chanel increaſed with ſun|drie waters, which I will here deſcribe be|fore I procéede with the Wire. I ſuppoſe that the firſt water is called Plympton brooke. [...]mpton. It riſeth ſouth of Goſner, and cõmeth by Cawforde hall, [...]rton. and eare long receyuing the Barton becke, [...]ooke. it procéedeth forward till it ioyneth with the Brooke rill, that cõmeth by Claughton hall where M. Broke hales doth lie, and ſo thorow Merſco forreſt. After this confluẽce the Plime or Plimton water méeteth with the Calder, and then with the Wire which paſſeth forth to Mighel church, and the Raw cliffes,Skipton. and aboue Thorneton croſſeth the Skipton, that goeth by Potton, then into the Wire rode, and finally into the ſea, according to his nature.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Beyng paſt the fall of the Wire, wée coa|ſted vppe by the ſalt cotes to Coker mouth,Cokar. whoſe ſhortneſſe of courſe deſerueth no diſ|criptiõ. The next is Cowdar,Cowdar. which cõming out of Wire dale (as I take it) is not increa|ſed with any other waters, more then Co|ker, and therefore I wyll rydde my handes thereof ſo much the ſooner. But beyng paſt theſe twoo, I came to a notable ryuer called the Lune,Lune. whoſe courſe doth reaſt to be de|ſcribed as followeth, & whereof I haue two deſcriptions, the firſt being ſet down by Le|land as M. More, of Catherine hall in Cam|bridge, deliuered it vnto him: the next I ex|habite as it was giuen vnto me, by one that hath taken paynes as he ſayth to ſearche out and view the ſame, but very lately to ſpeake of. The Lune ſaith M. More riſeth at Croſſe|hoe, in Dentdale, in the edge of Richmonde ſhire out of thrée heades. North alſo from Dentdale, is Garſdale, and thereby runneth a water, which afterward commeth to Seb|bar vale, where likewiſe is a brooke méeting with Garſdale water, ſo that a little lower they go as one into Dentdale becke, which is the ryuer that afterwarde is called Lune, or Lane, as I haue verye often noted it. Beſide theſe waters alſo before mencioned, it receyueth at the foote of Sebbar vale, a great brooke which cõmeth out of ye Worth, betwéene Weſtmerlande and Richmonde ſhires, which taking with him the aforeſaide chanelles, doth runne ſeauen myles ere it come to Dentdale foote. From hence it ente|reth into Lanſdale, corruptlye ſo called per|aduenture for Luneſdale, and runneth therin eyght or nyne myles ſouthwarde, and in this dale is Kyrby. Hetherto M. More (as Leland hath exemplified that percell of his letters) but mine other note wryteth hereof in thys maner. Burbecke water ryſeth at Wuſtall heade, by weſt,Burbecke and going by Wuſtall foote to Skaleg,Breder. it admitteth the Breder that deſ|cendeth thither from Breder dale. From hence our Burbecke goeth to Breder dale foote, and ſo to Tybary, where it méeteth with foure rylles in one bottome, of which one commeth from beſides Orton, another from betwéene Raſebecke and Sunbiggin: the thirde and fourth from eche ſide of Lang|dale, EEBO page image 76 and after the generall confluẽce made, goeth towarde Roundſwathe aboue which it vniteth it ſelfe with the Barow.Barrow. Thence it runneth to Howgill, Delaker, Firrebanke, and Killingtõ, beneth which it méeteth with a water comming from the Moruill hilles, and afterwarde croſſing the Dent brooke (that runneth thither from Dent towne) be|neath Sebbor,Dent. they continue their courſe as one into the Burbecke, from whence it is called Lune. From hence it goeth to Bur|borne chappell, where it taketh in an other rill comming from by eaſt, then to Kyrby Lanſdale, and aboue Whittenton, croſſeth a brooke comming from the Countie ſtone, by Burros, and ſoone after beneath Tunſtal the Gretey,Gretey. which deſcẽding from about In|gelborow hill paſſeth by Twyſelton, Ingle|ton, Thorneton, Burton, Wratton & neare Thurlande caſtell toucheth finally with the Lune, which brauncheth and ſoone after vni|teth it ſelfe againe. After this alſo it goeth on towarde New parke, & receyueth the Wen|ny,Wenny. Hinburne. and the Hinburne both in one chanell, of which this riſeth north of the croſſe of Grete, and going by Benthams and Robertes hill, aboue Wray taketh in the Rheburne that ri|ſeth north of Wulfcragge.Rheburne After thys con|fluence alſo aboue New parke, it maketh his gate by Aughton, Laughton, Skirton, Lan|caſter, Excliffe, Awcliffe, Sodday, Orton, and ſo into the ſea. Thus haue you both the deſcriptions of Lune, make your conference or election at your pleaſure for I am ſworne to neyther of them both.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Docker. Kery.The next fall is called Docker, and perad|uenture the ſame that Lelande doth call the Kery, it ryſeth north of Docker towne, and going by Barwijc hall, it is not increaſed be|fore it come at the ſea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Being paſt this we finde a forked arme of the ſea called Kenſandes: into the firſt of which diuers waters doe runne in one cha|nell, as it were from foure principal heades, one of them comming from Grarrig hall, another from by weſt of Whinfielde, & ioy|ning with ye firſt on the eaſt ſide of Skelmere parke.Sprota. The third called Sprot or Sprota ry|ſeth at Sloddale, and commeth downe by weſt of Skelmer parke, ſo that theſe two brookes haue the aforeſayde parke betwéene them, and fall into the fourth eaſt of Barne|ſide, not very farre in ſunder. The fourth or laſt called Ken,Ken. cõmeth frõ Kentmeres ſide, and going to Stauelop it taketh in a rill frõ Chappleton Inges. Then leauing Colnehed parke by eaſt, it paſſeth by Barneſide, to Kendall, Helſton, Sigathe, Siggeſwijc, Le|uenbridge, Milnethorpe, and ſo into the ſea. Certes this Ken is a pretie déepe riuer, & yet not ſafely to be aduentured vpõ with Botes and Balingers by reaſon of rolling ſtones, and other huge ſubſtaunces that oft annoy & trouble the middeſt of the chanell there. The other péece of ye forked arme,Win [...] is called Win|ſtar, ye head wherof is aboue Winſtar chap|pell, and going downe almoſt by Carpma|unſell, and Netherſlake, it is not long eare it fall into the ſea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Winander water ryſeth about Dum|balraſe ſtenes,Win [...] from whence it goeth to Lan|gridge, where it maketh a méere: thẽ to Am|bleſide, and taking in eare it come there, two rilles on the left hande, and one on the right that commeth by Clapergate, it maketh as I take it the greateſt méere, or freſhe water in Englande, for as I reade it is well neare ten myles in length. Therinto alſo doe thrée or foure waters come, whereby the quantity thereof is not a little increaſed: finally com|ming to one ſmal chanell aboue Newbridge, it is not long eare it fall into the ſea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the weſt ſide of the point alſo commeth another thorow Furneſſe felles,Spa [...] and frõ the hilles by north thereof, which eare long ma|king another Lake not farre from Hollin|how, and going by Bridge ende, in a narrow chanell, paſſeth forth by Cowlton & Sparke bridge, and ſo into the ſea. There is in like ſorte a water called the Foſſe,Foſſe that ryſeth neare vnto Arneſide, and Tillerthwates, & goeth forth by Griſdale, Saterthwate, Ruſ|lande, Powbridge, Bowth, & ſo falleth with the Winander water into the maine ſea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hauing paſſed the Leuen or Conyſandes or Winander fall (for all is one) I come to the Lew which riſeth at Lewike chappell,Leu [...] & falleth into the ſea beſide Plumpton. The Rawther deſcending out of lowe Furneſſe hath two heades,Raw [...] whereof one commeth frõ Pennyton, the other by Vlmerſtone abbay, and ioyning both in one chanell, they haſten into the ſea whither all waters dir [...]ct theyr voyage. Then come we to another rill ſouth weſt of Aldingham, deſcending by Glaiſton caſtell, and likewyſe the fourth that ryſeth neare Lyndell, and running by Dawltõ ca|ſtell and Furneſſe abbay, not farre from the Barrow heade, it falleth into the ſea ouer a|gainſt Wauey and Wauey chappell, except myne aduertiſementes miſleade me.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Dodon cõmeth frõ the Shire ſtone hill bottome, & going by Blackhil,Dodon Southwake ſ. Iohns, Vffay parke, and Broughton, it fal|leth into the ſaltwater, betwéene Kyrby and Mallum caſtell, and thus are we now come vnto the Rauenglaſſe point.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Comming to Rauenglaſſe, I finde harde EEBO page image 67 by the towne a water comming from two heades, and both of them in Lakes or Poles, wherof one iſſueth out of Denock méere, & is called Denock water, [...]enocke. the other named Eſke from Eſke pole, [...]ſke. which runneth by Eſkedale, Dalegarth, and ſoone after méeting with the Denocke, betwéene Mawburthwate, & Ra|uẽglaſſe falleth into the ſea. On the other ſide of Rauenglaſſe alſo cõmeth the Mite brooke, from Myterdale as I reade: [...]ite.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then finde we another which commeth from the hylles, and at the fyrſt is forked, but ſoone after making a Lake, they gather againe into a ſmaller chanell: finally méeting with the Brenge, [...]renge. they fall into the ſea at Carleton ſoutheaſt, as I wéene of Drig.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 [...]ander.The Cander or as Lelande nameth it the Calder, commeth out of Copeland Forreſt, by Cander, Sellefielde and ſo into the ſea. Then come we to Euer water deſcending out of a pole aboue Coſwaldhow, and thence going by Euerdale, it croſſeth a water from Arladon, and afterward procéedeth to Egre|mond, S. Iohns, and taking in another ryll from Hide, it is not long ere it méeteth with the ſea. The next fall is at Moreſby, wherof I haue no ſkill. Frõ thence therefore we caſt about by ſ. Bées to Derwentſet hauẽ, whoſe water is truely written Dargwent, or Der|uent.Dargwent It riſeth in the hilles about Borrodale, from whence it goeth to the Graunge, thẽce into a Lake, in which are certaine Iſlandes, and ſo to Keſwijc where it falleth into the Burſemere, or the Burthmere pole. In like ſort the Burthmere water,Burth| [...]éere. riſing among the hils goeth to Tegburtheſworth, Forneſide, S. Iohns and Threlcote: and there méeting with a water from Griſdale, by Waketh|wate,Griſe. called Griſe, it runneth to Burneſſe, Keſwijck and there receiueth the Darwent. From Keſwijc in like ſorte it goeth to Thor|neſwate (& there making a plaſh) to Arman|ſwate, Iſel, Huthwate and Cokermouth, & here it receyueth the Cokar,Cokar. which riſing a|mong the hilles, commeth by Lowſewater, Brakenthwate, Lorton and ſo to Cokar|mouth towne, frõ whẽce it haſteth to Bridge|ham, and receiuing a rill called the Wire on the ſouth ſide that rũneth by Dein, it leaueth Samburne and Wirketon behinde it, & en|treth in the ſea.Wire. Leland ſayth that the Wire is a creeke, where ſhippes lie oft at rode, and that Wirketon or Wirkington towne doth take hys name thereof. But to procéede, the Elme riſeth in the mines aboue Amau|trée,Elmus. and from Amautre goeth to Yereſby Harby, Brow, and there taking in a rill on the left hande comming by Torpenny it go|eth to Hatton caſtell, Alwarby, Byrthy, De|reham & ſo into the ſea. Thence we go about by the chappell at the point, and come to a baie ſerued with two freſh waters, whereof one riſing weſtward goeth by Warton, Ra|by, Cotes, & ſo into the maine, taking in a ril withall from by ſouth,Croco. called Croco that cõ|meth from Crochdale, by Bromefield.Vamus. The ſecond is named Wampole brooke, and this riſeth of two heades, whereof one is about Cardew, thence in lyke ſorte, it goeth to Thureſby, Croſton, Owton, Gamleſby, Wampall, the Larth, and betwéene White|ridge and Kyrby into the ſaltwater. From hence we double the Bowlneſſe, and come to an Eſtuary, whether thrée notable ryuers doe reſorte, (and this is named the Soluey mouth) but of all, the firſt excéedeth which is called Eden, and whoſe deſcription doth fol|lowe here at hande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Eden deſcendeth as I heare from the hilles in Athelſtane moore at the foote of Huſ|ſiat Moruell hill where Swale alſo riſeth and ſoutheaſt of Mallerſtang forreſt.Eden. Frõ thence in like maner it goeth to Mallerſtãg towne, Pendragon caſtell, Wharton hall, Netby, Hartley caſtell, Kyrkeby Stephen, and eare it come at great Muſgraue it receiueth thrée waters, whereof one is called Helbecke,Helbecke. Bellow. by|cauſe it commeth from the derne and elinge mountaines by a towne of the ſame denomi|nation, the other is named Bellow and deſ|cendeth frõ the eaſt mountaines by Sowarſ|by, and theſe two on the northeaſt: the thirde falleth from Rauenſtandale, by Newbyg|gin, Smardale, Soulby, Blaterne and ſo in|to Eden,Orne. that goeth from thence by War|cop and taking in the Orne about Burelles on the one ſide, and the Moreton becke on the other, it haſteth to Appleby,Moreton. thence to Cowlby where it croſſeth the Driebecke,Dribecke. Trowt becke. thence to Bolton, and Kyrby, and there mée|ting with the Trowt becke and beneath the ſame with the Liuenet,Liuenet. (whereinto falleth an other water frõ Thurenly méeting wyth all beneath Clebron) it runneth finally into Eden. After the confluences alſo the Eden paſſeth to Temple, and ſoone after méeting with the Milburne and Blincorne waters,Milburne Blincorne in one chanell, it runneth to Winderwarth and Horneby where we will ſtaie till I haue deſcribed ye water that méeteth withall néere the aforeſayde place, called the Vlſe.Vlſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This water commeth out of a Lake, which is fedde with ſixe rilles wherof one is called the Marke,Marke. and neare the fall therof into the plaſh is a towne of the ſame name: the ſe|conde hight Harteſop,Hartſop. & runneth frõ Harte|ſhop hall by Depedale: the thirde is Pater|dale rill: the fourth Glent Roden,Paterdale. Roden. the fift EEBO page image 77 Glenkwent,Glenk|guin. but the ſixth runneth into the ſayde lake, ſouth of Dowthwate. Afterward when this lake cõmeth toward Pole towne, it runneth into a ſmall chanell, and going by Barton, Dalamaine, it taketh in a rill by the waye from Daker caſtell. Thence it go|eth to Stockebridge, Yoneworth, and ſoone after méeteth wyth a prety brooke, called Lo|der,Loder. comming from Thornethwate by Bau|ton, and here a ril, then by Helton, and there another, thence to Aſkham, Clifton, and ſo ioining with the other called Vlſe, they go to Brougham caſtel, Nine churches, Horneby, and ſo into Eden, taking in a ryll as it goeth that commeth downe from Pencath. Beyng paſt Hornby our Eden runneth to Langun|by and ſoone after receiuing a ryll that com|meth from two heades, and ioyning beneath Wingſel, it haſteth to Laſenby, then to kirke Oſwalde, (on eche ſide whereof commeth in a ril from by eaſt) thence to Nonney, & there a ryl, Anſtable, Cotehyll, Corby caſtel. We|therall, Neweby, where I wyll ſtaye till I haue deſcribed the Irding, and ſuch waters as fall into the ſame before I go to Carleill.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Irding.The Irding ryſeth in a Moore in the bor|ders of Tindale, néere vnto horſe hed Crag, where it is called Terne becke vntil it come to Spycrag hill,Terne. that deuideth northumber|land and Gilleſland in ſunder, from whence it is named Irding. Beyng therefore come to Ouerhal, it receiueth the Pultroſe becke, by eaſt,Pultroſe. and thence goeth on to Ouerdenton, Netherdenton, Leuercoſt, and Caſtelſteade, where it taketh in the Cambocke, that run|neth by Kyrke Cambocke,Cambocke Aſkerton caſtel, Walton, and ſo into Irding, which goeth from thence to Irdington, Newby, and ſo into Eden. But a litle before it come there, it croſſeth with the Gilly that commeth by Tankin,Gilly. and ſoone after falleth into it. Af|ter theſe confluences, our Eden goeth to Lin|ſtocke caſtell, (and here it enterteyneth a brooke, comming from Cote hill warde by Aglionby) thẽ vnto Carleill, which is almoſt enuironed wyth foure waters. For beſide ye Eden it receyueth the Peder,Pedar ali|as, Logus. which Leland calleth Logus from ſouth eaſt. This Peder ryſeth in the hiles ſouthweſt of Penruddock, from whence it goeth to Penruddocke, then to Graſtocke caſtell, Cateley and Ken|derſidehall, and then taking in a water from Vnthanke, it goeth to Cathwade, Pettrell way, Newbiggin, Carleton, & ſo into Eden, northeaſt of Caerleill. But on the north ſide the Bruferth brooke doth ſwiftely make hys entraunce running by Leuerdale,Bruferth. Scalby caſtell, and Houſedon as I am informed. The thirde is named Candan, (if not De|ua after Lelande) which ryſing about the Skidlow hilles, runneth to Moſedale, Cald|becke Warnell, Saberham, Roſe Caſtell, Dawſton, Brounſton, Harrington, and weſt of Cairleill falleth into Eden, which goyng from thence by Grimſdale, Kyrke Andros, Beaumont, falleth into the ſea beneath the Rowcliffe caſtell. And thus much of the E|den, which Lelande neuertheleſſe deſcribeth, after another ſort, whoſe wordes I will not let to ſet downe here in this place, as I finde them in his commentaries.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Eden after it hath runne a prety ſpace from his head,Vlſe af+ter [...] méeteth in time with the Vlſe water, which is a great brooke in Weſtmer|lande, and ryſing aboue Maredale, a myle weſt of Loder;Loder. it commeth by the late diſſol|ued houſe of Shappe Priory, thrée myles frõ Shappe, and by Brampton village into Lo|der or Lodon. Certes thys ſtreame within halfe a myle of the head, becommeth a great lake for two myles courſe, and afterwarde waxing narrow againe, it runneth forth in a meane and indifferent botome. The ſayde Eden in lyke ſort receyueth the Aymote a|bout thrée myles beneath Brougham caſtell and into the ſame Aymote,A [...]mot [...] falleth the Dacor becke (already touched) which riſeth by north weſt in Materdale hilles, foure myles aboue Dacor caſtell,Dacor. and then goyng thorowe Da|cor Parke, it runneth by eaſt a good myle lower into Eymote, a lyttle beneath Dela|maine, which ſtandeth on the left ſide of Da|cor. In one of his bookes alſo he ſayeth, how Carleill ſtandeth betwéene two ſtreames,Deua. that is to ſaye the Deua, which cõmeth the|ther from by ſouthweſt, and alſo the Logus that diſcendeth frõ the ſouth eaſt. He addeth moreouer howe the Deua, in times paſt was named Vala or Bala,Vala. and that of the names of theſe two, Lugibalia for Caerleill hath béene deriued. &c And thus much out of Le|lande, but where it had the cauſe of this hys coniecture as yet I haue not reade. Of thys am I certeine that I vſe the names of moſt ryuers here and elſe where deſcribed, accor|cordingly as they are called in my time, al|though I omitte not to ſpeake here and there of ſuch as are more auncient, where iuſt oc|caſion mooueth me to remember them, for ye better vnderſtãding of our hiſtories, as they doe come to hande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Blacke Leuen and white Leuen waters,Leuen. fall into the ſea in one chanel, and with them the Lamforde and the Eſke,Lamforde Eſke. the laſt conflu|ence beyng not a full myle from the mayne ſea. The white & black Leuen, ioyning there|fore aboue Buckneſſe, the confluence goeth to Bracken hill, Kirkleuenton,Tomunt. & at Tomunt EEBO page image 68 water méeteth with the Eſke. In lyke ſorte the Kyrſop ioyning with the Lydde out of Scotland at Kyrſop foote, [...]irſop. [...]ydde. running by Stan|gerdike ſide, Harlow, Hath water, & takyng in the Eſke aboue the Mote, it looſeth the for|mer name, and is called Eſke, vntill it come to the ſea.

Hauing in this maner finiſhed the deſcrip|tion of the courſes of moſt of the ryuers ly|ing vpon the weſt coaſt of our country: now it reſteth that wée cut ouer vnto the weſt ſide of the ſame, and as it were call backe vnto mynde, the moſt notable of ſuch as wée erſt omitted, vntill we come at the Humber, and from thence vnto the Thames.

[...]wede.Firſt of all therfore as touching ye Twede, this I haue to note, that the olde and aunci|ent name of the Till that falleth into ye ſame is not Bromis,Till. from the heade as ſome doe nowe call it, [...]romis. (and I following their aſſerti|ons haue ſet downe) but rather Brenniche, [...]renniche & beſide that Lelande is of the ſame opinion. I finde howe the kingdome of Brenicia, tooke denomination of thys water, and that only therof it was called Brenicia, or Bren|nich, and vpon none other occaſion.

In my tractatiõ alſo of ye Tine, I reſerued the courſes of one or two waters vnto this booke of purpoſe, but ſithens the impreſſiõ of the ſame, I haue found the names & courſes of ſundrye other, which I will alſo deliuer in this place, after I haue touched the Alen or Alon, and one or two more which I appoin|ted hether, becauſe that at the firſt I vnder|ſtoode but little of them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]ſt Alen.The Alen or Alon, hath two heades wher|of one is called eaſt Alen, ye other weſt Alen. The firſt of them riſeth ſouth eaſt of Sibton Sheles, and going by Simdorp, it taketh in a rill withall from by eaſt: After which con|fluence it runneth to Newſhele, Allington, Caddon, Olde towne, and in hys waye to Stauertpele, méeteth with the weſt Alen. The Weſt Alen ryſeth in the hilles aboue Wheteley ſhéeles, [...]eſt Alen from whence it goeth to Spartwell, Hawcopole, Owſton, & taking in a rill thereaboutes, it procéedeth on to Permandby, and croſſing there another ril in lyke maner from by Weſt, it goeth to Whitefielde, and ioyning ſoone after with ye eaſt Alen, they run as one to Stauert poole, Plankforde, and ſo into the Tine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 [...]dde.Into the north Tine likewiſe falleth the Ridde, at Riddeſmouth. It riſeth within thrée myles of the Scottiſhe marſhe, as Lelande ſaith & commeth thorowe Riddeſdale where|vnto it giueth the name. Another writeth howe it ryſeth in the rootes of the Carter, & Redſquire hylles, [...]elhop. and ere it hath gone farre from the heade,Cheſlop. it taketh in the Spelhop frõ the north and the Cheſlop on the ſouth, beſide ſundrye other w [...]ld rylles nameleſſe and ob|ſcure, and therfore not worthy to be remem|bred here. After it hath paſſed Otterburne, it goeth to the medow Howgh, Woodburne, Riſingham, Leame, and ſo into the Tine, a little lower, then Belindgeham, which ſtan|deth ſomewhat aloofe from north Tine, and is as I take it ten myles at the leaſt aboue the towne of Hexham. Beneath ye confluence in like ſort of both the Tines, ſtandeth Cor|bridge, a towne ſometime inhabited by the Romaines,Corue. and about twelue myles from Newcaſtell, and hereby doth the Corue run, that méeteth ere long with the Tine. Not far of alſo is a place called Colcheſter, wher|by Lelande geſſeth that the name of ye brooke ſhould rather be Cole then Corue, and in my iudgement his coniecture is very lykely, for in the lyfe of S. Oſwijn (otherwiſe a féeble authoritie) the worde Colbridge is alwaies vſed for Corbridg, wherof I thought good to leaue this ſhort aduertiſement, and hether|to of part of my former reſeruatiõs. Now it reſteth that I touch ye names of a few riuers & beckes togither as Lelande hath left them, whoſe order and courſes may peraduenture hereafter be better knowne then they are to me at this preſent, for lacke of ſound inſtruc|tion. The Deuilles brooke,Dill. he ſuppoſeth to be called Dill, of a town not far of that is com|monly called Dilſtan,Darwent. wherby ye Tine doth runne. As the Darwent alſo doth fall into ye Tine, beneth Blaidon, ſo doe ſundry brookes into the Darwent in two chanels,Blacke|burne. Horſlop. as Black|burne, which goeth into Horſlop burne, as Horſlop doth into Darwent, on the eaſt ſide, and on the other banke the Hawkeſburne,Roueſlop. that rũneth into Roueſlop, as Roueſlop doth finally into Darwent, which is ſayde to ryſe of two heades, whereof one is néere Knedon, the other at Kidlamhope, and after the con|fluence, going to Hunſterworth, alias Rid|lamhope. Blaunche|lande, Acton, Aſperſheles, Blackehedley, Panſheales, Newlande, Darwent cote (by by north eaſt whereof commeth in a ryll on the other ſide) Spen, Gibſide, Hollinſide, Swalwel, and ſo into the Tine.Hedley. In like ſorte Lelande ſpeaketh of a water called Hedley, that ſhould fall into the Tine, whoſe heade is at Skildrawe, from whence it runneth to Vptthelde, Lamſley, Rauenſworth towne,Wickham. Rauenſworth caſtell, Redhughe, and ſo into Tine, Southweſt of Newcaſtel, but he omit|teth wickham brooke (he ſayth) becauſe it ry|ſeth ſhort of the towne, and is but a little rill. Finally ye Themis doth fal into Tine a mile or therabout aboue Getiſhead,Themis. & not very far EEBO page image 78 beneth Rauenſworth caſtell, riſing ten miles by ſouth into the land, as Lelande hath like|wiſe ſet downe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Were. Ptolomy wryting of the Were, calleth it Vedra, a ryuer well knowne vnto Beda the famous Prieſt, who was brought vp in a monaſtery yt ſtood vpon his bankes. It recei|ueth ſaith Lelande the Derneſſe,Derneſſe. Brome. whereinto the Brome alſo doth emptie his chanell, that ryſeth aboue Repare parke, as I haue béene informed. In lyke ſorte I fynde howe it ad|mitteth lykewyſe the Coue, that commeth from Lancheſter,Coue. which is ſixe myles high|er then Cheſter in the Streate, and then go|eth to Cheſter it ſelfe, whereabout it méeteth with the Hedley.Hedley. Gaund|leſſe. Finally the Gawndeleſſe, that ryſeth ſixe myles by weſt of Akelande caſtell, and running by the ſouth ſide thereof paſſeth by weſt Akeland S. Helenes Ake|lande, ſ. Andrewes Akeland, Biſhops Ake|land and eare long into the Were, and thus much of waters omitted in ye Tine & Were.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe.Lelande writing of the Theſe, repeateth the names of ſundry riuerets, whereof in the former Treatize I haue made no mencion at all, notwithſtanding ye ſome of their cour|ſes may perhaps be touched in the ſame, as the Thuriſgill whoſe heade is not farre frõ the Spittle that I do reade of in Stanmoore.Thureſgil The Grettey commeth by Barningham & Mortham and falleth into the Theſe aboue Croftes bridge.Gretty. The Dare or Dere runneth by Darlington,Dare. & likewiſe into the Theſe a|boue the aforeſayd bridge.Wiſke. As for the Wiſke it commeth thereinto from by ſouth vnder Wiſke bridge, Danby, Northalberton, and eare long alſo into a greater ſtreame, which going a little lower vnder an other bridge doth runne by one chanell into the aforeſayd ryuer before it come at the Theſe. And theſe are the brookes that I haue obſerued ſith the impreſſion of my firſt booke in Leland, thoſe that followe I referred hither of purpoſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thorpe. alias Le|uend.The Thorpe, riſeth of ſundry heads, wher|of one is aboue Pinching Thorpe, from whence it goeth to Nonnethorpe, and ſo to Stokeſley. The ſeconde hath two braunches, and ſo placed that Kildale ſtandeth betwéene them both: finally méeting beneath Eaſby they go by Eaton and likewiſe vnto Stokeſ|ley. The laſt hath alſo two braunches, wher|of one commeth from Ingleſby, and méeteth with the ſeconde beneath Broughton, & go|ing from thẽce to Stokeſley they mete with the Thorpe aboue the towne, as the other fal into it ſomewhat beneath the ſame. From hence it goeth to Ridley and there taketh in another rill comming from Potto, thence to Crawthorne brooke,Craw|thorne. Leuanton, Miltõ, Hil|ton, Ingleſby & ſo into the Theſe, betwéene Yarne and Barwijc, whereof I made men|tion before although I neither named it, nor ſhewed ye deſcriptiõ. Some cal it not Thorpe but the Leuend brooke, or Leuen water, and thus much of ſome of the waters eyther o|mitted or not fullye touched in the former Treatize.