For which cause, as Fortescue still continued the said siege, the K. supposed it best (if possiblie he might) to weaken the earles part,Deuises to withdraw the earles power from him. by withdrawing the strength and hearts of his people from him: which might not be doone but with rich promises and strong pardons. On which consideration he sent liberallie pardons to them, and in the end so secretlie wrought with the earles men: that if the earle (fearing the woorst, and iudging it better to trie the kings mer|cie, than to hazard the extreamitie of taking, in which rested nothing but assured death) had not wholie sub|mitted himselfe to king Edward,The earle of Oxford sub|mitteth him|selfe & yéeldeth the castell into the kings hands. he had beene by his owne men most dishonestlie betraied, and suddenlie taken prisoner. Wherevpon the earle comming foorth to Fortescue, did there yeeld himselfe and the castell into the kings hands. At what time (being the fiftéenth of Februarie, which from the first entrance of the earle into that castell being the last of sep|tember, was about foure moneths and foureteene daies) the same Fortescue entred the mount, & tooke possession thereof, finding it yet sufficientlie vittelled to haue susteined an other siege more than one halfe yeare. After all things were thus quieted, the earle, the lord Beaumont, two brothers of the said earle, and Thomas Clifford, were brought vp as prisoners vnto king Edward. And now to our present historie againe.]
Compare 1577 edition: 1 When the earle of Richmond saw the earle of Oxenford, he was rauished with an incredible glad|nesse, that he being a man of so high nobilitie, of such knowledge and practises in feates of warre, and so constant, trustie and assured (which alwaie had studi|ed for the maintenance and preferment of the house of Lancaster) was now by Gods prouision deliuered out of captiuitie and imprisonment; and in time so necessarie and conuenient come to his aid, succour, and aduancement; in whome more surer than anie o|ther he might put his trust and confidence, and take lesse paine and trauell in his owne person. For it EEBO page image 750 was not hid from him, that such as euer had taken part with king Edward before this time, came to doo him seruice, either for malice they bare king Ri|chard, or else for feare to liue vnder his cruell rule and tyrannous gouernance.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Not long after, the French king returned againe to Paris, whome the earle of Richmond followed, intending there to solicit his matter to the conclu|sion. Wherevpon he be sought king Charles to take vpon him the whole tuition and defense of him and his cause, so that he and his companie being (by his means) aided and comforted, should confesse and saie, their wealth, victorie, and aduancement to haue flowed and budded foorth of his bountifulnesse and liberalitie, which they would (God willing) shortlie acquite. In the meane season, diuerse Englishmen, which either fled out of England for feare,Diuers Eng|lish [...] volun|tarilie submit themselues to the earle of Richmond in France. or were at Paris to learne and studie good literature and vertu|ous doctrine, came voluntarilie and submitted them|selues to the earle of Richmond, and vowed & sware to take his part. Amongst whom was Richard Fox a priest, a man of great wit and no lesse learning, whome the earle incontinent receiued into secret fa|miliaritie, and in bréefe time erected and aduanced him to high dignities and promotions, and in conclu|sion made him bishop of Winchester.