Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the meane season, king Richard was credi|blie aduertised, what promises and oths the earle and his confederates had made and sworne togither at Reimes, and how by the earles means all the Eng|lishmen were passed out of Britaine into France. Wherefore being sore dismaid, and in a maner des|perate, bicause his craftie chieuance tooke none effect in Britaine, he imagined & deuised how to infringe and disturbe the earles purpose by an other meane; so that by the marriage of ladie Elizabeth his néece,K. Richards deuise to in|fringe and de|feat the earle of Richmõds purpose. he should pretend no claime nor title to the crowne. For he thought if that marriage failed, the earles cheefe combe had béene clearlie cut. And bicause that he being blinded with the ambitious desire of rule before this time in obteining the kingdome, had committed and doone manie curssed acts, and detest|able tyranies, yet according to the old prouerbe; Let him take the bull that stale awaie the calfe: he thought all facts by him committed in times passed to be but of small moment, and not to be regarded in comparison of that mischéeuous imagination, which he now newlie began and attempted.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 There came into his vngratious mind a thing not onelie detestable to be spoken of in the remem|brance of man, but much more cruell and abhomina|ble to be put in execution. For when he reuolued in his wauering mind, how great a founteine of mis|cheefe toward him should spring, if the earle of Rich|mond should be aduanced to the marriage of his néece: which thing he heard saie by the rumor of the people, that no small number of wise and wittie per|sonages enterprised to compasse and bring to con|clusion; he cléerelie determined to reconcile to his fa|uour his brothers wife quéene Elizabeth, either by faire words, or liberall promises; firmelie beleeuing hir fauour once obteined, that she would not sticke to commit (and louinglie credit) to him the rule and gouernance both of hir and hir daughters, and so by that meanes the earle of Richmond of the affinitie of his néece should be vtterlie defrauded and be|guiled.A subtill and l [...]wo practise of king Ri|chard to be|guile the earle of Richmond.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 And if no ingenious remedie could be otherwise inuented, to saue the innumerable mischeefes which were euen at hand, and like to fall, if it should hap|pen quéene Anne his wife to depart out of this pre|sent life, then he himselfe would rather take to wife his cousine and néece the ladie Elizabeth; than for lacke of that affinitie the whole realme should run to ruine, as who said, that if he once fell from his estate and dignitie, the ruine of the relme must néeds short|lie insue and follow. Wherefore he sent to the queene (being in sanctuarie) diuerse and often messengers, which first should excuse and purge him of all things before against hir attempted or procured, and after should so largelie promise promotions innumerable, and benefits, not onelie to hir, but also to hir sonne lord Thomas Marquesse Dorset, that they should bring hir (if it were possible) into some wanhope, or (as men saie) into a fooles paradise.