Abr Fl. ex I.S. p [...]g. 733.¶Know you the refore, that this sir Iohn Uere earle of Oxford (that withdrew himselfe from Barnet field, and with all spéed fled into Scotland) in the yere 1473, and the thirtéenth of Edward the fourth, did (after he had sometime soiourned there) saile into France, about the borders whereof he was continu|allie houering, as hoping to win some preie (to sup|port his estate) of such passengers as for merchan|dize cause or otherwise must keepe their course a long the sea.The earle of Oxford leuieth a power and commeth into England. Whose good successe therein did not deceiue his mind. For in the end (what of one and other) hée got such riches and other furniture, as he was able to support a chosen number of followers. Wherwith he (being reléeued and incouraged to aduenture to set foot in his countrie in despite of king Edward) did with his companie of 397 persons, and with his saile of ships land in the west countrie the last of september, where (partlie by force of his, and part|lie through feare of the inhabitants, but mostlie by a subtill shift) he gat and entered the castell of saint Michaels mount, a place of strength, and such an harborough, as he determined to kéepe the same a|gainst all assailants. During the time of his remaine there, he would with his companie manie times des|cend the hill, and come abrode in the countrie, where (for his loue, for his honour, and for the hatred they bare to king Edward) he was well interteined of manie gentlemen and others of the countrie.
But this matter vnpossible long to be kept in se|cret, was at the length brought to the knowledge of king Edward; who being somewhat mooued, thought in the beginning to withstand such mischéefe, least suffering too long, & the earle growing to strength, he might be put to as great plunge for the crowne as he had bene twise before: wherwith séeing he was possessed, he grew resolute to kéepe it both by policie and puissance, maugre the open violence and priuie practises as well of his professed as secret enimies. For he ran through the pikes yer he could obteine it, and offered his bodie to manie desperate perils in hope to get it: which if he had either feared or shun|ned, it is a matter of demand whether he had euer had it. For pretious things, as principalities and such like, vnlesse they be hereditarie, as they are hard|lie kept, so are they not easilie gotten: for he that de|sireth to gather a rose, must not be tender ouer his fingers bicause of thornes; and he that would tast honie fresh out of the hiue, must not be scared with the stinging of bées, as the poet verie swéetlie noteth:
Non quisquam fruitur veris odoribus,Hyblaeos latebris nec spoliat fauos,Si fronti caueat si timeat rubos,Armat spina rosas, mella tegunt apes.
Wherefore king Edward gaue in charge to Bo|dringham, ruler or shiriffe of Cornewall,Shiriffe Bo|dringham be|siegeth the mount that the earle had taken. to assem|ble such power as he could; and besieging the mount, he should either take or kill the earle of Oxford. The which the shiriffe did accordinglie, but that so feintlie and fauourablie, as he permitted the earle of Ox|ford (now in distresse) to reuittell the mount, know|ing that there was no waie to expell the earle from thence but by famine. These things thus doone (the king not pleased, and the earle not displeased) one Fortescue (which surname is deduced from the strength of his shield, whereof that familie had first originall) was with a stronger and faithfuller com|panie sent by king Edward to laie siege to the ca|stell; which he did, and long continued.The name of Fortescue wherevpon it grew. For it was not easie to be had, being (of it selfe) by nature stronglie set, by policie well vittelled, and by manhood valiant|lie defended: which mooued the king to assay an other means therefore, and to sée if policie might doo that which force could not.