Compare 1577 edition: 1 More, William Gillingham a moonke of saint Sauiours in Canturburie; Iohn Chilmarke a fel|low of Marton colledge in Oxford, a great philoso|pher and mathematician; Iohn Sharpe a philosopher, and a diuine, wrote manie treatises, a great aduer|sarie to Wickliffe; Richard Lauingham borne in Suffolke, and a frier of Gipswich, an excellent logi|cian, but a sore enimie to them that fauoured Wic|kliffes doctrine; Peter Pateshull, of whome ye haue heard before: it is said that he was in the end con|streined for doubt of persecution to flie into Bo|heme; William Woodford a Franciscane frier, a chosen champion against Wickliffe being now dead, procured thereto by the archbishop of Canturburie Thomas Arundell; Iohn Bromyard a Dominicke frier, both a notable lawyer & a diuine, a sore enimie also to Wickliuists; Marcill Ingelne an excellent philosopher and a diuine, one of the first teachers in the Uniuersitie of Heidelberge, which Robert duke of Bauier and countée palantine of the Rhene had in|stituted about that season; Richard Northall sonne to a maior of London (as is said) of that name, he be|came a Carmelite frier in the same citie; Thomas Edwardson prior of the friers Augustines at Clare in Suffolke, Iohn Summer a Franciscane frier at Bridgewater, an enimie to the Wickliuists; Ri|chard Withée a learned priest & an earnest follower of Wickliffe, Iohn Swafham a Carmelite frier of Lin, a student in Cambridge, who became bishop of Bangor, a great aduersarie to the Wick|liuists.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Finallie, and to conclude, William Egumond a frier heremit of the sect of the Augustins in Stam|ford; Iohn Tissington a Franciscane frier, a main|teiner of the popes doctrine; William Rimston or Rimington a moonke of Salleie, an enimie also to the Wickliuists; Adam Eston well séene in the toongs, was made a cardinall by pope Gregorie the eleauenth, but by pope Urban the sixt he was com|mitted to prison in Genoa, and at the contemplation of king Richard he was taken out of prison, but not fullie deliuered till the daies of Boniface the ninth, who restored him to his former dignitie; Iohn Beau|fu a Carmelite of Northampton, proceeded doctor of diuinitie in Oxenford, and was made prior of his house; Roger Twiford aliàs Goodlucke, an Augustine frier; Iohn Treuise a Cornishman borne, and a secu|lar préest and vicar of Berklie, he translated the bi|ble; Bartholomew De proprietatibus rerum; Polychro|nicon of Ranulph Higden, and diuerse other treatises, Rafe Spalding a Carmelite frier of Stamford; Iohn moone an Englishman borne, but a student in Paris, who compiled in the French toong the Ro|mant of the Rose, translated into English by Gef|frie Chaucer, William Shirborne; Richard Wich|ingham borne in Norffolke, and diuerse other.
Thus farre Richard of Burdeaux, whose depriuation you haue heard; of his lamentable death here|after, to wit, pag. 516, 517.Henrie the fourth, cousine germane to Richard the second, latelie depriued.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 _WHen king Richard had re|signed (as before is specified) the scepter and crowne; Hen|rie Plantagenet borne at Bullingbroke in the countie of Lincolne, duke of Lanca|ster and Hereford, earle of Derbie, Leicester, and Lin|colne, sonne to Iohn of Gant duke of Lancaster, with generall consent both of the lords & commons, was published, proclamed, and declared king of England and of France, and lord of Ireland, the last daie of September, in the yeare of the world 5366, of our Lord 1399, of the reigne of the emperour Wenceslaus the two and twentith, of Charles the sixt king of France the twentith, and the tenth of Robert the third king of Scots. After that king Ri|chard had surrendered his title, and dispossessed him|selfe (which Chr. Okl. noteth in few words, saieng:
King Henrie made certeine new officers.New officers made. And first in right of his earledome of Leicester he gaue the office of high steward of England (belonging to the same earledome) vnto his second sonne the lord Thomas, who by his fathers commandement exer|cised that office, being assisted (by reason of his ten|der age) by Thomas Persie earle of Worcester. The earle of Northumberland was made constable of England: sir Iohn Scirlie lord chancellor, Iohn Norburie esquier lord treasuror, sir Richard Clifford EEBO page image 510 lord priuie seale.The pa [...]lemẽt new sũmoned. Forsomuch as by king Richards re|signation and the admitting of a new king, all plées in euerie court and place were ceased, and without daie discontinued, new writs were made for sum|moning of the parlement vnder the name of king Henrie the fourth, the same to be holden, as before was appointed,Record Tu [...]is. on mondaie next insuing. Upon the fourth day of October, the lord Thomas second sonne to the king sat as lord high steward of England by the kings commandement in the White-hall of the kings palace at Westminster, and as belonged to his office, he caused inquirie to be made what offices were to be exercised by anie maner of persons the daie of the kings coronation, and what fées were be|longing to the same, causing proclamation to be made, that what noble man or other that could claime anie office that daie of the solemnizing the kings coronation, they should come and put in their bils cõprehending their demands. Whervpon diuers offices & fees were claimed,Claiming of offices at the coronation. as well by bils as other|wise by spéech of mouth, in forme as here insueth.—post breue tempusIn Angl. praelijs.Exüit insigni sese diademate, sceptrumHenrico Lancastrensi regale relinquens)