Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But to let this passe to the consideration of the learned: according to our order, I will shew what writers of our English nation liued in his daies, as we find them in Iohn Bales centuries. First Hen|rie Bederie, otherwise surnamed of Burie, after the name of the towne where he is thought to haue béene borne, an Augustine frier; Simon Alcocke, Uthred Bolton a moonke of Durham, borne in the borders of Walles beyond Seuerne; William Iordan a blacke frier, Iohn Hilton a frier Minor, Iohn Clipton a Carmelite [...]ier in Notingham, Henrie Daniell a blacke frier and a good physician, Ralfe Marham, Iohn Marchele [...] a grate frier or cordelier as some call them, Thomas Broome a Carmelite frier of London, Iohn Bridlington borne in Yorkeshire, William Tho [...]ne an Augustine frier of Canturbu|rie, an historiographer, Adam Meremouth a canon of saint Paules church in London, that wrote two tre|tises of historicall matters, the one intituled Chroni|con 40 annorum, and the other Chronicon 60 annorum; Simon Bredon borne in Winchcombe a doctor of physicke and a skilfull astronomer, Iohn Thompson borne in Norfolke in a village of that name, and a Carmelite frier in Blacknie.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 More, Thomas Winterton borne in Lincolnshire, an Augustine frier in Stamford; William Pack|ington secretarie sometime to the Blacke prince an excellent historiographer, [...]e [...]traie Hingham a ci|uilian, Iohn Botlesham borne in Cambridgeshire a blacke frier, William Badbie a Carmelite frier, bi|shop of Worcester, and confessor to the duke of Lan|caster; William Folleuill a frier Minor borne in Lincolnshire, Iohn Bourgh parson of Collingham in Notinghamshire a doctor of diuinitie, and chan|cellor of the Uniuersitie of Cambridge; William Sclade a moonke of Buckfast abbie in Deuonshire, Iohn Thoresbie archbishop of Yorke and lord chan|cellor of England, was admitted by pope Urbane the fift into the college of cardinals, but he died be|fore K. Richard came to the crowne, about the eight and fourtith yeare of king Edward the third, in the yeare of our Lord 1374. Thomas Ashborne an Au|gustine frier, Iohn Astone an earnest follower of Wickliffes doctrine, and therfore condemned to per|petuall prison; Casterton a moonke of Norwich and an excellent diuine, Nicholas Radelife a moonke of saint Albons, Iohn Ashwarbie a diuine and a fa|uourer of Wickliffes doctrine, Richard Maidstone so called of the towne in Kent where he was borne, a Carmelite frier of A [...]lesford.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Adde to these Iohn Wardbie an Augustine frier, and a great diuine; Robert Waldbie excellentlie EEBO page image 509 learned as well in diuinitie as other arts, for the which he was first aduanced to a bishoprike in Gas|coigne, [...]nen [...]is [...]iscopus. and after he was admitted archbishop of Du|bline; William Berton a doctor of diuinitie, & chan|cellor of the Uniuersitie of Oxford, and aduersarie to Wickliffe; Philip Repington abbat of Leicester a notable diuine and defender of Wickliffe, Thomas Lombe a Carmelite frier of Lin, Nicholas Here|ford a secular priest, a doctor of diuinitie, and scholer to Wickliffe; Walter Brit also another of Wickliffes scholers wrote both of diuinitie & other arguments, Henrie Herklie chancellor of the Uniuersitie of Ox|ford, an enimie to Wickliffe, and a great sophister; Robert Iuorie a Carmelite frier of London, and the twentith prouinciall of his order here in England; Lankine a Londoner, an Augustine frier, professed in the same citie, a doctor of diuinitie, an aduersarie to Wickliffe.