Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 First, the lord Henrie the kings eldest sonne, to whome he as in right of his duchie of Lancaster had appointed that office, claimed to beare before the king the principall sword called Curtana,Curtana. and had his sute granted.The earle of Summerset. Iohn erle of Summerset, to whom the king as in right of his earledome of Lincolne, had granted to be caruer the daie of his coronation, and had it confirmed. Henrie Persie earle of Nor|thumberland,The earle of Northum|berland. and high constable of England, by the kings grant claimed that office, and obteined it to inioy at pleasure.The Ile of Man. The same earle in right of the Ile of Man, which at that present was granted to him, and to his heires by the king, claimed to beare on the kings left side a naked sword, with which the king was girded, when before his coronation he entered as duke of Lancaster into the parts of Holdernesse,Lancaster sword. which sword was called Lancasters sword. Rafe erle of Westmerland, and earle marshall of England, by the kings grant claimed the same office,The earle of Westmerland. and obteined it, notwithstanding that the attornies of the duke of Norfolke, presented to the lord steward their petiti|on on the dukes behalfe,The duke of Norffolke. as earle marshall, to exer|cise the same. Sir Thomas Erpingham knight exercised the office of lord great Chamberleine,Sir Thomas Erpingham. and gaue water to the king when he washed, both before and after dinner, hauing for his fées, the bason, ewer, and towels, with other things whatsoeuer belong|ing to his office: notwithstanding Auberie de Ueer earle of Oxenford put in his petitions to haue that office as due vnto him from his ancestors.The earle of Warwike. Thomas Beauchampe earle of Warwike by right of inheri|tance, bare the third sword before the king, and by like right was pantler at the coronation. Sir Wil|liam Argentine knight,Sir William Argentine. by reason of the tenure of his manour of Wilmundale in the countie of Hert|ford, serued the king of the first cup of drinke which he tasted of at his dinner the daie of his coronation: the cup was of siluer vngilt, which the same knight had for his fées: notwithstanding the petition which Iuon Fitzwarren presented to the lord steward,Iuon Fitz|warren. re|quiring that office in right of his wife the ladie Maud, daughter and heire to sir Iohn Argentine knight.The lord Furniuall. Sir Thomas Neuill lord Furniuall, by rea|son of his manour of Ferneham, with the hamlet of Cere, which he held by the courtesie of England after the decesse of his wife, the ladie Ione decessed, gaue to the king a gloue for his right hand, and susteined the kings right arme so long as he bare the scepter.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 The lord Graie.The lord Reginald Graie of Ruthen, by reason of his manour of Ashleie in Norfolke couered the tables, and had for his fees all the tableclothes, as well those in the hall, as else-where, when they were taken vp; notwithstanding a petition exhibited by sir Iohn Draiton to haue had that office.Great sp [...]s. The same lord Graie of Ruthen, bare the kings great spurs before him in the time of his coronation by right of inheri|tance, as heire to Iohn Hastings earle of Penbroke. Iohn erle of Summerset,The second sword. by the kings assignement bare the second sword before him at his coronation, albeit that the said lord Graie of Ruthen by petition exhibited before the lord steward demanded the same office, by reason of his castell & tower of Penbroke, and of his towne of Denbigh. Thomas earle of A|rundell cheefe butler of England,The earle of Arundell. obteined to exer|cise that office the daie of the coronation, and had the fées thereto belonging granted to him, to wit, the goblet with which the king was serued, and other things to that his office apperteining (the vessels of wine excepted) that laie vnder the bar, which were ad|iudged vnto the said lord steward, the said earle of A|rundels claime notwithstanding.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The citizens of London chosen foorth by the citie,The citizens of London. serued in the hall, as assistants to the lord cheefe but|ler, whilest the king sate at dinner, the daie of his co|ronation: and when the king entered into his cham|ber after dinner, and called for wine, the lord maior of London brought to him a cup of gold with wine, and had the same cup giuen to him, togither with the cup that conteined water to allay the wine. After the king had drunke, the said lord maior and the alder|men of London had their table to dine at, on the left hand of the king in the hall. Thomas Dimocke,Thomas D [...]|mocke. in right of his moother Margaret Dimocke, by reason of the tenure of his manor of Scriuelbie, claimed to be the kings champion at his coronation, and had his sute granted; notwithstanding a claime exhibited by Baldwin Freuill, demanding that office by reason of his castell of Tamwoorth in Warwikeshire.Baldwin Freuill. The said Dimocke had for his fees one of the best cour|sers in the kings stable, with the kings saddle and all the trappers & harnesse apperteining to the same horsse or courser: he had likewise one of the best ar|mors that was in the kings armorie for his owne bodie, with all that belonged wholie therevnto.