Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 One Adam Miniot stood mute, and refused to be tried by his countrie, and so was pressed to death, as the law in such case appointeth. Diuerse other were saued by their bookes, according vnto the order of clerkes conuict, as Alexander Brid person of Hoge|set, Iohn Rugham person of little Welnetham, Iohn Berton cordwainer, and diuerse other. Some were repriued, as one woman named Iulian Bar|bor, who being big bellied was respited, till she were deliuered of child. Benedict Sio and Robert Russell were repriued, and committed to the safe kéeping of the shiriffe, as triers or appeachers (as we tearme them) of other offendors: and bicause there was not anie as yet attached by their appeales, they were commanded againe to prison. One Robert de Cres|well was saued by the kings letters of speciall par|don, which he had there readie to shew. As for Robert Foxton, Adam Cokefield, and a great number of o|ther, whome the shiriffe was commanded to appre|hend, he returned that he could not heare of them within the precinct of his bailiffewéeke, wherevpon exigents were awarded against them, and the shi|riffe was commanded, that if he might come to at|tach them, he should not faile but so to doo, and to haue their bodies there at Burie before the said iustices, the thursdaie in Whitsunwéeke, next in|suing.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Diuerse also were arreigned at the same time of the said felonies, and thereof acquited, as Michaell Scabaille,The common people often deceiued by lewd infor|mations. Rafe Smeremonger, and others. Indéed those that were found guiltie, and suffered, were the chéefe authors and procurors of the commotion, bea|ring others in hand, that the abbat had in his custo|die a certeine charter, wherein the king should grant to the inhabitants of the towne of Burie, certeine liberties, whereby it might appeare that they were free, and discharged from the paiment of diuerse cu|stomes and exactions, wherevpon the ignorant mul|titude easilie giuing credit to such surmised tales, were the sooner induced to attempt such disorders as before are mentioned. ¶ Thus haue yée heard all in effect that was doone in this first yeare of king Ed|ward the third his reigne, by and against those offen|dors. But bicause we will not interrupt matters of other yeares with that which followed further of this businesse, we haue thought good to put the whole that we intend to write thereof here in this place.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Yée shall therefore vnderstand, that diuerse of those, against whome exigents were awarded, came in, and yéelded their bodies to the shiriffes prison, be|fore they were called on the fift countie daie. Albeit a great manie there were that came not, and so were outlawed. Robert Foxton got the kings pardon, and so purchasing foorth a supersede as,Rob. Foxton pardoned. the suit therevpon against him was staied. The shiriffe therefore in Whitsunwéeke, in the second yeare of this kings reigne, made his returne touching Benedict Sio, Robert Russell, & Iulian Barbor, so that he deliuered them vnto the bailiffes of the libertie of the abbat of Burie, by reason of an ancient priuilege,A priuilege. which the abbat claimed to belong to his house. The bailiffes confessed they had receiued the said prisoners, but for|somuch as they had beene arreigned at a Portmane mote, which was vsed to be kept euerie thrée wéeks,Portman mote. and vpon their arreignment were found guiltie of certeine other felonies by them committed within the towne of Burie, and therevpon were put to exe|cution,The abbats officers bla|med. Adam Finchman the kings attournie there tooke it verie euill, & laid it greeuouslie to the charge of the abbats officers, for their hastie and presumptu|ous proceeding against the said prisoners, namelie, bicause the said Sio and Russell were repriued, to the end that by their vtterance, many heinous offen|ses might haue béene brought to light.