Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The same night also they burnt a manor of the ab|bats called Holdernesse barne,The manoor of Holdernesse barne. with two other ma|nors called the Almoners barne, and Haberdone, al|so the granges that stood without the south gate, and the manour of Westlie, in which places they burned in corne & graine, to the value of a thousand pounds.The manour of Westlie burnt. The next daie they entered into the abbeie court, and burnt all the houses on the north side, as stables, brewhouses, bakehouses, garners, and other such ne|cessarie houses and conuenient roomes of offices; and on the other side the court, they burnt certeine hou|ses belonging to the Almonrie. On the next daie they burned the mote hall, and Bradford hall, with the new hall, and diuerse chambers and sollers to the same halles annexed, with the chapell of saint Lau|rence at the end of the hospitall hall. Also the manor of Eldhall, the manor of Horninger, with all the corne and graine within and about the same.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The next day they burnt the soller of the Sollerer, with a chapell there: also the kitchin, the larder, and a part of the farmarie. On the thursdaie they burnt the residue of the farmarie, and the lodging called the blacke lodging, with a chapell of S. Andrew therein. In executing of all these riotous disorders, one Gef|frie Moreman was an aider, who with diuerse other persons vnknowne, departed foorth of the towne of Burie, and by the assent of the other his complices he burnt the manor of Fornham.The manoor of Fornham burnt. The same day also other of their companie, as William the sonne of Iames Neketon, Rafe Grubbe, Richard Kerie, and a great number of other persons vnknowne, by the assent and abbetment of the other that committed the said disorders, burnt two manors belonging also to the said abbeie in great Berton, with all the corne and graine there found.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Upon knowledge had of these great riots, and pe|rillous commotions, there was a commission direc|ted from the king, vnto Thomas earle of Northfolke high marshall of England, to Thomas Bardulfe, Robert Morlie, Peter Wedall, Iohn Howard, and Iohn Walkfare, authorising them with the power of the countesse of Suffolke and Norffolke, to appre|hend, trie and punish such lewd disordered persons, and rebellious malefactors, which had committed such felonious enterprises, to the breach of the kings peace, and dangerous disquieting of his subiects: but the said commissioners procéeded not according to the effect of their commission in triall of anie felo|nies by the same persons committed and doone, but onelie caused them to be indicted of trespasse: albeit Robert Walkfare, and Iohn Clauer, with their as|sociats iustices of peace, in their sessions holden at Elueden the tuesdaie next after the feast of the apo|stles Simon and Iude, in the said first yeare of this EEBO page image 345 K. Edward the third procéeded in such wise against the said malefactors, that Iohn de Berton cordwai|ner, Robert Foxton, and a great number of other were indicted of felonie, for the misdemenours afore mentioned, and the indictements so found were after sent and presented vnto Iohn Stonore, Walter de Friskenie, Robert Malberthorpe, and Iohn Bous|ser, who by vertue of the kings commission of oier and determiner to them directed, sat at S. Edmunds|burie the wednesdaie next after the feast of saint Lucie the virgine; and then and there sent foorth pre|cepts to the shiriffe, commanding him to apprehend the said Berton, Foxton, and others, that were indi|cted of the foresaid felonies, and also to returne a suf|ficient iurie to trie vpon their arreignment the said malefactors by order of law, the fridaie next after the said feast of S. Lucie. Herevpon Alane de Latoner, and Robert Dalling, with seauenteene others, being arreigned, were found guiltie, and suffered death ac|cording to the order appointed for felons.