Compare 1577 edition: 1 On the same daie, that is to wit, the thursdaie in Whitsunweeke, the foresaid Robert Foxton, and di|uerse other came in, and were attached by the shiriffe to answer the abbat to his action of trespasse, which he brought against them, and putting the matter to the triall of an inquest,A condem|nation. they were condemned in sixtie thousand pounds, to be leuied of their goods and chattels, vnto the vse of the abbat, and in the meane time they were committed to prison. But first they made suit that they might be put to their fines for their offenses committed against the kings peace, and their request in that behalfe was granted, so that vpon putting in sufficient suerties for their good a|bearing, their fines were assessed, as some at more and some at lesse, as the case was thought for to re|quire.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Thus rested the matter a long season after, vntill the fift yeare of this kings reigne, in which the thurs|daie next after the feast of the blessed Trinitie, the K. being himselfe in person at S. Edmundsburie afore|said,An agréemẽt. a finall agreement and concord was concluded betwixt the said abbat and his conuent on the one partie, and Richard Draiton and others of the inha|bitants of that towne on the other partie, before the right reuerend father in God Iohn bishop of Win|chester and chancellor of England, and the kings iu|stices Iohn Stonore and Iohn Cantbridge sitting there at the same time, by the kings commandement. The effect of which agreement was as followeth.
11.1. The articles of agreement betweene the moonks of Burie and the inha|bitants of Burie.
The articles of agreement betweene the moonks of Burie and the inha|bitants of Burie.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 _FIrst, wheras the said abbat had recouered by iudgement before the said Iohn Sto|nore and other his associats iustices of oier and deter|miner in the said towne of Burie, the summe of seuen score thousand pounds for trespasses to him and his house committed and doone by the said Richard Draiton, and other the inhabitants of Bu|rie: now at the desire of the said king, and for other good respects him moouing, he pardoned and released vnto the said Ri|chard Draiton, and to other the inhabi|tants of Burie, to their heires, executors, and assigns the summe of 122333 pounds, eight shillings eight pence, of the said to|tall summe of 140000 pounds.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 EEBO page image 346And further the said abbat and conuent granted and agreed for them and their suc|cessors, that if the said Richard Draiton, & other the inhabitants of the said towne of Burie, or any of them, their heires, exe|cutors or assignes, should paie to the said abbat & conuent, or their successors within twentie yeares next insuing the date of that present agreement, 2000 marks, that is to saie, 100 marks yearelie at the feasts of S. Michaell & Easter, by euen portions: that then the said Richard & other the in|habitants of the towne of Burie should be acquited & discharged of 4000 marks, par|cell of 17666 pounds, thirteene shillings foure pence residue behind for euer.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer, whereas the said abbat and conuent, & the said abbat by himselfe, since the 19 yeare of the reigne of king Edward the second vnto that present time, had sea|led certeine charters, deeds, & writings, as well with the proper seale of the abbat, as with the common seale of the abbat & con|uent, if the said Richard and the inhabi|tants of the said towne of Burie did restore vnto the said abbat & conuent all the same writings, or take such order, that neither the abbat nor conuent be impleaded, or in any wise hindered, indamaged nor molested by force of the same: and further if neither the said Richard, nor any the inhabitants of the said towne, nor their heires, execu|tors, nor assignes, shall go about to reuerse the iudgements against them, at the suit of the said abbat, nor shall seeke to impeach the executions of the same iudgements by anie false or forged acquitances or relea|ses, nor implead nor molest any of the iurie, by whom they were conuict, that then they and their heires, executors & assignes shall be acquited & discharged of ten thousand pounds parcell of the said 17666 pounds, 13 shillings foure pence.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 And furthermore, if the said Richard and other the inhabitants of the said towne of Burie, doo not hereafter maliciouslie rise against the said abbat or conuent, nor seeke to vex them by any conspiracie, confedera|cie, or by some other secret vniust cause, nor likewise euill intreat any man by reason of the inditement found against them, nor yet claime to haue any corporation of them|selues within that towne, that then the said Richard, & the said inhabitants, their heires, successors & assignes, shall remaine acquited and discharged of all the residue of the said 17666 pounds, thirteene shil|lings foure pence for euer. And the said ab|bat and conuent doo grant for them & their successours, that their intention is not, that if any singular person of his owne pri|uate malice, shall rise against the said ab|bat and conuent, their successors, moonks bailiffes, or seruants, to doo them, or any of them iniurie or displeasure; that those which be not partakers of the offense, shall be in any wise punished for the same, so that the offendors be not mainteined by any of the same towne, but that the inhabitants there, doo assist the abbat and conuent their successours, bailiffes, seruants & officers, that the same offendors may be punished, according to their demerits, as reason and law shall allow.