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5.1. The tenour of the French kings letters of protection.

The tenour of the French kings letters of protection.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 _LVdouicus rex Francorum, omnibus ad quos prae|sentes literae peruenerint salutem. Nouerit vni|uersitas vestra quòd nos recipimus in protectione & custodia nostra totam terram Henrici regis Angliae charissimi fratris nostri, in cismarinis partibus sitam, si contigerit eumin Angliam transfretare vel peregrè profici|sci. Ita planè, vt quãdo balliui sui de terra transmarina nos re|quisierint, bona fide & sine malo ingenio eis consilium & aux|ilium praestabimus, ad eiusdem terrae defensionem & protectio|nem. Actum apud Nicenas. The English wherof is thus.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Lewes king of France, to all those to whom these present letters shall come greeting. Know all ye that we haue receiued into our protection & custodie all the lands of Henrie king of England our deare bro|ther, lieng and being in the parts of this side the sea, if it chance him to passe ouer into England, or to go any waie foorth from home, so that when the bailiues of his lands on this hither side the sea shall require vs, we shall helpe them and counsell them faithfullie and without male-engine for defense and protecti|on of the same lands. Giuen at Nicens.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Shortlie after, king Henrie returned into Eng|land from Normandie, and at Woodstocke made his sonne Geffrey knight. This yeare pope Alexander sent into all parts legats to summon the bishops and prelates to a generall councell to be holden at Rome in the beginning of the Lent in the yere next follow|ing. Whereabout two legats came into England,A generall councell sum|moned at Rome. the one named Albert de Suma, who had in commis|sion to summon them of England and Normandie: and the other called Petro de Santa Agatha, who was appointed to summon them of Scotland, Ire|land, and the Iles about the same: wherevpon obtei|ning licence to passe through the king of Englands dominions, he was constreined to sweare vpon the holie euangelists, that he should not attempt any thing in his legatship that might be hurtfull to the king or his realme, and that he should come and visit the king againe as he returned homewards.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 This yeare on the sundaie before the natiuitie of S. Iohn Baptist, being the 18 of Iune, Ger. Dor. after the set|ting of the sunne, there appeared a maruellous sight in the aire vnto certeine persons that beheld the same. For whereas the new moone shone foorth verie faire with his hornes towards the east,A strange sight about the moone. streightwais the vpper horne was diuided into two, out of the mids of which diuision a burning brand sprang vp, casting from it a farre off coles and sparks, as it had beene of fire. The bodie of the moone in the meane time that was beneath, séemed to wrest and writh in resemblance like to an adder or snake that had béene beaten, and anon after it came to the old state a|gaine. This chanced aboue a dozzen ti [...]es, and at length from horne to horne it became blacke.

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1.5. Henry the ſeconde.

EEBO page image 395

Henry the ſeconde.

[figure appears here on page 395]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Henry the ſe|conde. An. reg. 1. _HEnry the ſecond of that name, a Frenche manne borne, the ſeconde ſonne of Geffrey Plantagenet Earle of Aniou, begot|ten of Maude the Em|preſſe, daughter to Hen|ry the firſte, beganne hys raigne ouer Englande the fiue and twentith of October, in the yeare after the creation of the worlde . [...]12 [...]. and in the yeare after the incarna|tion of our Sauioure .1154.1154 about the begin|ning of the thirde yeare of the Emperour Frede|ricke the firſte, the ſecond of Pope Anaſtaſius the fourth, the ſeuententh yeare of Lewis the ſeuenth Kyng of Fraunce, and ſeconde of Malcolme then King of Scotlande. Immediately after he was aduertiſed of the deathe of Kyng Stephen, hee came ouer into England,Nic. Treuet. Math. Paris. landing at Oſtreham about the ſeuenth day of December. After he had got togither his company whiche by tempe [...] had bin ſcattred in his paſſage, he came firſt to Win|cheſter, where the nobles of the Realme beeyng come vnto him, he receyued of them their homa|ges and fealties. This do [...]e he ſet foorth towards London, where he was Crowned K. by Theo|bald Archbyſhoppe of Caunterbury the twentith day of December.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 Nic. Treuet. The Archbi|ſhop Rouen.There were preſente at hys Coronation, the Archbiſhoppe of Rouen with three of his ſuffra|gants, and the Archbyſhoppe of Yorke, with ma|ny other Biſhops of Englande. There was alſo, the Earle of Flaunders Theodorus, with a great number of other Earles, Lords and Barons. He was at that time about the age of three and twẽ|tie yeres,Polidor. and to winne the peoples loue, he ſpake many comfortable wordes vnto them to put thẽ in hope (as the manner is) that they ſhoulde finde him a louing and courteous Prince. Hee vſed the Lordes alſo very gently. And firſt of all, after hys atteynyng to the Crowne he choſe to hym Coũ|cellors of the graueſt perſonages,Counſellors choſen. and beſt learned in the Lawes of the Realme, with whoſe pru|dent aduice, he peruſed thoſe lawes, and amended them where he thought neceſſary, commaunding chiefly, that the lawes eſtabliſhed by hys graund|father Henry the firſt ſhoulde be obſerued:Ran. Higd. and in many thyngs he ſtayed vpõ the aduice of Theo|bald Archbiſhoppe of Caunterbury,Thomas Becket Lorde Chauncellor. at whoſe ſute hee admitted Thomas Becket to be his Chaun|cellour, whyche Becket, the ſayde Archbiſhop, had made Archdeacon of Caunterbury the yeare be|fore. Moreouer, by the ſentence and dome of hys Councellours, to the intente that peace and quiet order might take place, and be the better mayne|teyned,1155 he commaunded by way of publiſhyng a proclamation, that all Straungers (which to get ſomewhat by the warres, Nic. Treuet. Polidor. VVil. Paruus. Strangers ap|poynted to de|parte the Realme. hadde flocked into the Realme, duryng the time of the ciuill diſcord be|twene hym and Kyng Stephen) ſhoulde departe home without further delay: wherefore hee ap|poynted them a day, before the whyche they ſhuld auoyde vppon the perrill that might enſue there|of. Heerevppon it was a wonder to vnderſtande home ſuddaynely theſe Aliens were quite va|niſhed away,Aliens auoyde the lande. as though they hadde bin Phanta|ſmes. Their abiding here was nothing profitable for the ſubiects of the Realme, as they that were ſtill accuſtomed to attempt euery ſhrewde turne in others necke, and thinke it lawfull for them ſo to doe. Amongſt them, there was a great number of Flemings, whome the Kyng hated more than the reſidue: and by vertue of this Edict,William de Ipres. William of Ypres whome Kyng Stephen (as yee haue heard) had made Earle of Kent, was conſtreyned with other to departe the Realme, King Henry ſeaſing all his poſſeſſions into his owne handes.Caſtels ouer|throwen. Polidor. Mat. Paris. Diuers C [...]ſtells were alſo throwen downe, and made plain [...] with the ground by the Kings com|maundement, which priuate men by King Ste|phens permiſſion had builded, or elſe for that they ſtoode not in ſuche places as was thought meete and expedient, yet ſome he cauſed to be fortifyed:VVil. Paeruus. Mat. Paris. and furthermore, tooke into hys handes agayne ſuch lands and poſſeſſions as apperteyned to the Crowne, and were alienated vnto anye manner of perſon of what degree ſo euer he was. Thys wounded the mynds of many with an inwarde grudge, as well ynough perceyuing that ye Kyng woulde looke ſo neere to his owne commoditie, yt nothing ſhould be left for them that mighte anye way be recouered and gotten to hys vſe. Queene Eleanore was deliuered of hir ſeconde ſonne na|med Henry, the laſt of February, within the Citie of London.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Alſo about the ſame time,Nic. Treuet. Mat. Paris. Math. VVeſt. William Pe|uerell diſheri|ted. William Peuerell of Notingham a nobleman and of great poſſeſ|ſions, was diſhinherited by the King for ſorcerie and witchcrafte whiche he had practiſed to bryng to death Ranulfe Erle of Cheſter, as it was now reuealed openly, and brought to light. In accom|pliſhing of whiche haynous crime and deteſtable practiſe, many other were of councell, and founde giltie with him, which went not away withoute EEBO page image 396 puniſhment for that their wicked enterpriſe. The tenth day of Aprill, King Henry aſſembled the peeres and greate Lords of his Realme togyther at Walingford,Nic. Treuet. and there cauſed them to ſweare their allegiaunce vnto his eldeſt ſonne William, prouiding, that if he chanced to die,Mat. Paris. Nic. Treuet. that then they ſhould do the like vnto his brother Henry. Alſo, whereas Hugh de Mortimer had fenſed his Ca|ſtels againſt K. Henry, he beſieged the ſame,Hugh de Mortimer. The Caſtell of Cleberie. and taking the Caſtell of Cleberie, hee deſtroyed it. [figure appears here on page 396] Wherevpon, the foreſaid Hugh ſhortly after was accorded with the K. and ſurrendred to hym the two Caſtels of Wigmore & Bridgenorth, which hitherto he had holden. Moreouer, whereas there was variãce kindled betwixt the King, and Ro|ger Fitz Miles of Glouceſter,Roger Fitz Miles. that was Earle of Hereford, for the landes of Glouceſter, that vari|ance was alſo quenched: for after the ſame Ro|ger was dead, his brother Walter ſucceding him in the Earledome of Hereforde, was conſtreyned to departe with the Citie of Glouceſter, whyche the K. held, An. reg. 2. The King go|eth into the North. and reteyned in his owne handes. In the ſeconde yeare of his raigne, K. Henry wente vnto Yorke, and in that countrey receyued into his hands diuers Caſtels whiche had bin long in poſſeſſion of priuate men, namely the Caſtell of Scarbarrough,The Caſtell of Scarbrough VVil. Paruus. Nic. Treuet. The death of the Kings ſon William. whiche William Earle of Albe|marle held, and now was conſtreyned to reſigne it vp, full ſore againſt his will. This yeare alſo William the Kings eldeſt ſonne departed thys life, and was buryed at Reading. The Realme of Englande alſo was brought on all ſydes into very good quiet, but ere long, worde came to K. Henry,Geffrey the Kings brother rebelleth. that his brother Geffrey had begunne a Rebellion in the parties on the other ſide of the Sea: for their father Geffrey when he dyed, lefte three ſonnes behinde him, Henry, Geffrey, and William, ordeyning by his teſtamente, when Henry ſhould haue gotten poſſeſſion of England and Normandy, that then the Countrey of An|iou ſhould remaine vnto Geffrey, and in ye meane time, hee to haue theſe three Townes, Chinon, Lodun and Myrabell to maineteyne his eſtate, and that when the time came that the whole he|ritage ſhould fall vnto hym, hee might by poſſeſ|ſion of theſe three, haue a readier meane to come by all the reſt. Furthermore, fearing leaſt his el|deſt ſonne Henry who as then was abſent would not conſent to the performance of this his wil,VVil. Par [...] he cauſed certaine Biſhops and other of the Nobles to ſweare, that they ſhould not ſuffer his body to be cõmitted to buriall, till his ſonnes had ſworne to fulfill his laſt will and teſtamente in all other things, but eſpecially in this behalfe, wherein hee iudged not amiſſe: for though Henry was loth to take his oth, yet bycauſe his fathers body ſhoulde not remayne vnburied, hee was contented to ſweare. But after he had obteyned the kingdome of England, his couetous deſire to haue, encrea|ſing ſtill with abundance already obteined,Pope Adrian an Engliſhmã borne A diſpenſatio [...] for an oth. Nic. Treuen. found meanes to procure of Pope Adrian the fourth (an Engliſhman borne,) a diſpenſation for that othe: wherevpon (hauing got licence to depart from the office both of right, law and equitie) neglecting his fathers ordinance, he paſſed ouer into Normãdy, & making war againſt his brother the ſaid Gef|frey, eaſily expulſed him out of thoſe places, whi|che were aſſigned him by the ordinance of hys fa|thers Teſtament, and ſo tooke the Earledome of Aniou into his own poſſeſſion: Howbeit, he gaue vnto his ſaid brother a pencion of a thouſand lb, Engliſh, & two thouſand lb of the money of An|iou, with ye Towne of Lodun, and certaine other lands to liue vpon, who yet thinking himſelfe e|uil vſed at the Kings handes rebelled and dyed. Shortly after whẽ K. Henry had ſped his buſines in Normandy,1156 & made an end of ye troubles there betwixt him & his brother Geffrey,King Henry goeth agai [...] the Scottes. returned into Englãd, bicauſe he receiued aduertiſemẽt yt Mal|colme K. of Scotlãd began to make war againſt EEBO page image 397 his ſubiects that bordured next vnto him, where|vpõ he haſted Northwards: and firſte comming into Cũberland,He wanne Carleil and Newcaſtell and others. tooke ye Citie of Carleile, & ſeyſed all the Countrey into his hands, and after goyng into Northumberland, he wanne the Towne of Newcaſtel, with the Caſtel of Bamburg, and ſo tooke all that countrey into his poſſeſſion, whiche his mother the Empreſſe had ſometimes graun|ted vnto King Dauid, the graundfather of thys Malcolme (as before ye haue hearde,) but yet by|cauſe he would not ſeme to offer too much wrõg, and hee eſteemed vnthankfull of benefytes before time receiued, he ſuffered King Malcolme to en|ioy the Earledome of Huntington,The Erledome of Huntingtõ. whych Kyng Stephen had giuen vnto hys father Earle Hen|ry, ſonne to K. Dauid, as before is partly tou|ched.William Erle of Mortaigne. Math. Paris. Nic. Treuet. Alſo William the Erle of Mortaigne, and Warrenne ſonne of King Stephen, was com|pelled to ſurrender to King Henry, the Caſtell of Penſey, with the Citie of Norwiche, and other ſuch Townes and Caſtels as he held, which ap|perteyned to the demaine of the Crowne: and the King in recompence reſtored to him thoſe landes which his father Kyng Stephen held in the days of Kyng Henry the firſt. An. Reg. 3. 1157 In like manner, Theo|derike Earle of Flaunders goyng with his wife vnto Ieruſalem,Theoderike Earle of Flan|ders. committed hys ſonne Phi|lippe with all hys landes, to the cuſtodie of the Kyng of England.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 Alſo Hugh Bigot reſigned his Caſtels into the Kings handes. But whileſt Kyng Henry was aboute (as before yee haue hearde) to re|couer and bring home againe the portions of hys kingdome, made away, and diſmembred by hys predeceſſors, he was enformed that the Welch|men made Rebellion againſte him, to repreſſe whoſe attemptes,Rebellion of Welchmen. hee haſted foorthe with all dili|gence. At his firſt approch to their countrey, hys Souldiers being ſet vppon in the ſtraytes,The King in|uadeth them. were right fiercely put backe by the enimies, in ſo much that a rumor was reyſed how Kyng Henry was ſlayne, whiche puffed vppe the Welchmen with no ſmall hope, and put the Engliſhmẽ in no leſſe feare. In deede, diuers of the Engliſhe nobilitie were ſlayne,Euſtace Fitz Iohn, and Ro|bert de Cur [...]y. and amongſt other Euſtace Fitz Iohn, and Robert de Curey, men of great honor and reputation, and namely the ſayde Euſtace. Thoſe that eſcaped in returning backe, not kno|wing how the King was got through ye ſtraites without daunger, declared to theyr fellowes that followed and were approching to the ſtraightes, that (ſo farre as they knew) the Kyng and all the reſidue were loſt. Theſe newes ſo diſcomforted the companies,Henry of Eſſex. that Henry of Eſſex whiche bare the Kings ſtanderd by right of inheritãce, threw downe the ſame ſtãderd, and fledde, which diſho|norable doing, was afterward layd to his charge by one Roberte de Mountfort, Math. VVeſt. VVi. Paruus. A combate be|twixt Henry de Eſſex, and Robert de Montford. with whome by order taken of the King, hee fought a combate in triall of the quarrell, and was ouercome: but yet the K. qualifying the rigor of the Iudgement by mercy, pardoned him of life, and appoynted hym to be ſhorne a Monke,Mat. VVeſt. and put into the Abbey of Reading, taking his landes and poſſeſſions into his handes as forfeyted: but this Combate was not tried till about the ninth yeare of thys Kyng Henries raigne. The king hearing that his army was thus diſcomforted, came to his men, & ſhe|wing himſelfe to them with open viſage, greatly reioyced the whole multitude, and then proceding foorth againſt the enimies, his people were after|wardes more ware in looking to themſelues, and ſo at length when the King prepared to inuade the Welchmen both by water & land,The Welch|men ſubmit themſelues. they ſought to him for peace, and wholly ſubmitted thẽſelues vnto his grace and mercy.

[figure appears here on page 397]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 398 The Caſtell of Rutland and Baſingwerke built. Math. Paris. About the ſame time, King Henry builded the Caſtell of Rutland, and alſo the Caſtell of Ba|ſingwerke, and one houſe alſo of Templers. In the moneth of September, this yeare, the Kyngs thirde ſonne was borne at Oxeforde, and named Richard.

An. Reg. 4.

Thomas Bec|ket Lorde Chauncellour.


Math. Paris.

Alſo the ſame yeare was Thomas Becket preferred to be the Kings Chauncellour. The K. holding his Chriſtmas at Worceter in great royaltie, ſate in the Church at ſeruice, with his Crowne on his head as the Kings vſed in thoſe dayes on ſolemne feaſtes, but as ſoone as Maſſe was ended,The King layeth hys Crowne on the Aulter. hee tooke his Crowne beſydes his head, and ſet it downe vpõ the Aulter in ſigne of humbleneſſe, ſo that hee neuer after paſſed for the wearing of a Crowne. The ſame yeare alſo the King altered his Coyne,Coine altred. abrogating certaine peeces called Baſels.

[figure appears here on page 398]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 In the moneth of Auguſt he went ouer into Normandy, and came to an enteruiew with the Frenche King neere to the Riuer of Eata, where they entreated of a friendſhip, and of a marriage, which was after agreed vpon betwixt Henry, the ſonne of King Henry,Additions to Iohn Pike. The Lord Chauncellour Becket ſent into Fraunce. Mat. VVest. and the Lady Margaret, daughter to the Frenche King, at whiche tyme, Thomas Becket that was then the kings Chã|cellour, was ſent vnto Paris in great aray for to fetch hir: among other furnitures he had nine lõg charrets, as Math. Paris writeth. After that this Lady was deliuered to the Lorde Chauncellour Becket, and broughte from Paris, ſhee was ap|poynted from thẽcefoorth to remaine in the houſe of a noble man of great honor named Roberte de Newburge, vntil ſuch time as ye marriage ſhuld be ſolemnized. After the two kings were departed in ſunder, King Hẽry prepared an army to make warre againſte Conan Duke of Britaine, who had ſeaſed the Citie of Nauntes into his handes, after the deceſſe of Geffrey the Kings brother, who was Earle of Nauntes: at length, the ſame Conan perceyuing himſelfe not able to reſiſt the King of Englande, vppon the day of the feaſt of Saint Michael ye Archangell, came to K. Henry and ſurrendred into his hands the Citie of Naũ|tes, with all the whole Countrey therevnto belonging. Soone after whiche reſignation, & vp|pon the four and twentith daye of Auguſt,Geffrey the Kings found ſonne borne. Gef|frey the Kings fourth ſonne was borne of hys wife Queene Eleanor. Alſo in December follo|wing, Theobalde Earle of Bloys was accorded with K. Henry, to deliuer vnto him two of hys Caſtels. Likewiſe Petroke Earle of Perch,Petroke Earle of Perch. ſur|rendred vp two Caſtels vnto K. Henry, which he had vſurped of the demeanes of Normandy in the dayes of King Stephan. And the King gaue to him againe one of thoſe Caſtels, receyuing of him homage for the ſame. Moreouer, K. Henry and Raymond Earle of Barzelone met togither at Blayme,Raymonde Earle of Bar|zelone. Richard the Kings ſonne offered to Erle Raymond [...] daughter. where they concluded a league by way of allegiance, ſo that Richarde the ſonne of K. Henry ſhould take to wife the daughter of the ſaid Raymond in time conueniente, and that the King of England ſhould giue vnto the ſaw Ri|chard the Duchie of Aquitaine, and the Countie of Poictow. This Erle Raymond had married the daughter and heire of the King of Arragone. In the meane time, a ſecret grudge that had long depended betweene King Henry and K. Lewis of Fraunce did ſtill continue, and though there was a friendſhip agreed betwene them (as ye haue heard) to haue extinguiſhed the ſame, yet was it but a fained friendſhip:A fayned friendſhip. William Duke of Aquitayne. for vpon euery new occa|ſion, they were ready to breake againe, as it came to paſſe ſhortly after by this meanes, William Duke of Aquitaine, Grandfather to Quene Ele|anor, married the daughter and heire of the Earle of Tholouze, and going into the warres of the holy land, he engaged that Erledome vnto Ray|mond the Earle of S. Giles,Earle of Sai [...] Giles other|wiſe Tholou [...] and dyed before hee could returne. His ſonne William, father to Q. Eleanor, eyther wanting wherewith, or takyng no heede to the matter, ſuffered his Earledome to remayne ſtill vnredeemed, ſo that the Earle of S. Giles, continuing in poſſeſſion thereof vnto hys dying daye, left it to his ſonne Raymonde, who likewiſe continuing in poſſeſſion, when Kyng Lewis (hauing married the foreſaide Eleanor) demaunded reſtitution as in the right of his wife, Earle Raymond flatly at the firſt denyed to re|ſtore it, but after conſidering his lacke of power to reſiſt the Kings puiſſance, he fell to ſue by petitiõ, and ſo preuayled by fayre words, that in the ende Kyng Lewis graunted hym hys ſiſter Con|ſtance in marriage (which Conſtance as ye haue heard, was married before vnto Euſtace the ſon of K. Stephan) & with hir he granted alſo liberty to reteyne the Erledome of Tholouze as it were by way of endowment: whereto the other accor|ded. But King Henry hauing married the fore|ſayd Queene Eleanore, after the diuorſe had be|twixt hir and King Lewis,An. reg. 6. made clayme to the EEBO page image 389 ſayde County of Tholouze in the nighte of hys wife.

An. reg. 5. Mat. Paris. Math. VVeſt.


Herevpon Earle Raymond truſting nowe to the ayde of his brother in lawe King Lewis, denyed to reſtore it, ſo that King Henry deter|mined to recouer it by force, and entring by and by into Gaſcoigne with an Army, hee drewe to|wards the Countrey of Tholouze; and began to inuade the ſame with greate force and courage. There ioyned with King Henry in his warre which he attempted againſte the Earle of Saint Giles,VVi. Paruus. diuers great Lords of thoſe parties, as the Erle of Barzelone,William Trencheuill. and the Lord Wiliam Trẽ|cheuille a mã of great power in thoſe parties ha|uing vnder hys rule many Cities, Caſtels and Townes, (notwithſtanding that he had of la [...] loſt many of them by violence of the foreſayde Earle of Tholouze, but now by the aide of King Henry,Nic. Treuet. he recouered them all againe.) Alſo Mal|colme King of Scotland came vnto King Hen|ry whileſt he was foorth in this iourney, to aſſoci|ate him in this buſineſſe. The Earle hearing of King Henries comming with an army, was put in great feare, and thereof wrote his letters vnto his brother in law King Lewis, requiring hym with all ſpeede poſſible to come vnto his ayde. K. Lewis vpon receipt of the letters, and vnderſtan|ding the preſent daunger of the Earle, made ſuch haſt in continuing his iourney both daye and night, that he came to Tholouze before K. Hẽry could ariue there: wherevpon, when King Henry vnderſtood it, and perceyued how he was preuen|ted, he chaunged his purpoſe of beſieging the Ci|tie, and fell to ſpoyling of the Countrey there a|boutes, at which time, he recouered cert [...]yne pla|ces which lately before had reuolted from his go|uernement,The Citie of Cahors. as the Citie of Cahors and other pla|ces, whiche Citie of Cahors hee furniſhed with men, munition and vittayles,Nic. Triuet. appoyntyng hys Chauncellour Thomas Becket to the ke [...]ying thereof:The Lorde Chauncellour Becket. and therewith fortifyed other places alſo which he had gotten, placing C [...] [...] of warre to attend vpon the defen [...] the [...]. Whileſt the King was thus f [...] [...] iourney in the parties of Aquitaine, Rob. Houed. William Erle of Bolleigne. William Earle of Bollongne and Mortaingn, the ſonne of King Stephen, and Harmon Earle of Glouceſter de|parted this life, whiche two Earles went thither with him. Finally, when hee had ſet things in a ſtay in thoſe parties he returned towards Nor|mandy, and comming to the Citie of Towers, he gaue the order of Knighthoode vnto Malcome King of Scotlãd, and ſo in the moneth of Octo|ber, he came backe into Normandy, & there a [...]g|menting his army with new ſupplyes, entred in|to the Countie of Beauvoiſin,The Countie of Beauvoiſin. and in the ſame brenned many villages, and deſtroyed the ſtrong Caſtell of Gerbery, except one turret whyche his Souldiers could not take by reaſon of the fire and [figure appears here on page 389] ſmoke which ſtayed and kept thẽ from it. More|ouer, Simon Earle of Auranches, deliuered vnto K. Henry ſuch fortreſſes as he held in France, as Rochfort, Montfort, and ſuch other, which was no ſmall annoyance to the French K. bycauſe the garniſons placed in thoſe fortreſſes, impeach [...]d ye paſſage betwixt Paris and Orleãce. But ſhort|ly after,A truce taken. Anno reg. 6. a truce was taken to dure from the mo|neth of December, vnto the feaſt of the holy Tri|nitie in the yeare next following. And then in the moneth of May was a peace concluded with the former articles and conditions,


A peace con|cluded. A marriage [...] concluded.

and for a further confirmation thereof, the marriage was ſolem|nized betwixte Henry the Kyngs ſonne beeyng of the age of ſeuen yeares, and the Lady Marga|ret daughter to the Frenche Kyng, beeyng not paſt three yeares olde,Mat. Paris. as Writers doe reporte. The marriage was celebrate at Newborough on the ſeconde daye of Nouember, by the autho|ritie of two Legates of the Apoſtolike See,Legates. EEBO page image 400 Henry Biſhop of Piſa, and William Biſhoppe of Pauia Prieſts Cardinals.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 VVil. Paruus Certayne of the Valdoyes came into Engl [...] being Dutchmen.About the ſame time, came certayne Teutch|men ouer into this Realme, about the number of thirtie or moe, the which helde opinions in Re|ligion contrary to the faythe of the Romayne Church. They were of the number of thoſe whi|che are called Valdoys, for as one author affir|meth, they which firſt ſpred the opinions abroade whiche theſe men helde, came out of Gaſcoigne, and did ſo muche in ſetting foorthe their doctrine, that theyr number mightely encreaſed through the large Regions of Spayne, Fraunce, Italy, and Germany. Rude ſimple men they were for the moſt part, as is written of them, and not rea|dy to conceyue reaſon. Howbeit, thoſe whyche at this time came ouer into England, were indiffe|rently well learned, and the name of the chiefe of them was Gerard.A Counſell a [...] Oxforde. A Counſell alſo was aſſem|bled at Oxeford, where in the ſame Counſell they [figure appears here on page 400] were examined vppon certayne poyntes of theyr profeſſion, and the foreſayde Gerard tooke there vpon hym to aunſwere for them all, proteſtyng that they were Chriſtians,The profeſsi|ons of the Waldoys. and had in all reue|rence the doctrine of the Apoſtles. Moreouer, be|ing examined what they thought of the ſubſtãce of the Godhead and merites of Chriſt, they aun|ſwered rightly vpon that poynt,Their exami|nation and proteſtation. but being further examined in order vpon other the Articles of the Chriſtian faith then receyued, they ſwarned from the Churche touching the remedies whereby the infirmitie of man ſhoulde bee relieued, that is to witte, in the vſe of the diuine Sacramentes, dero|gating ſuch grace from the ſame, as the Churche by hir authoritie had attributed vnto them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 To conclude, they would in no wiſe renounce theyr opinions,The Vall [...]s con [...]ned. ſo that they were condemned, brenned in the forehead with an hote iron, and in the colde ſeaſon of winter ſtripped naked from the girdle ſteede vp, and ſo whipped out of ye Town, with proclamation made, that no man ſhoulde be ſo hardie as to receyue them into anye houſe, relieue them with meate,They are for|bidden meate and drinke. They are ſter|uẽ to death. drinke, or by any other kynd of wayes or meanes: and ſo they were ſtar|uen to deathe through colde and hunger: and yet in ſuche their affliction, they ſeemed to reioyce, in that they ſuffered for Gods cauſe as they ac|compted of it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 The ſame yeare Mathew, ſonne to the Earle of Flaunders, married the Lady Mary the Ab|beſſe of Ramſey, daughter to King Stephen,Nic. Triuet. and with hir had the Countie of Bolongne:

The firſt fal|ling out be|twixt the king and Thomas Becket.

Anno reg. Mat. Par. Math. VVeſ [...]


and a|bout this marriage chaunced the firſte falling out betwixte the King, and his Chauncellor Tho|mas Becket (as ſome haue written,) but chiefly, the ſaide Mathewe was much offended with the ſayd Chancellor, bycauſe he was ſo ſore agaynſt the ſayd contract. Kyng Henry ſhortly after the marriage conſummate betwixt his ſonne and the French Kings daughter, got into hys handes the Caſtell of Giſors, with two other Caſtels, ſitu|ate vppon the Riuer of Eata in the confynes of Normandy and Fraunce. For it was accorded betwixt the two Kings, that when the marriage ſhould be conſummate, King Henry ſhould haue thoſe three Caſtels, bycauſe they apperteyned to Normandy, and in the meane time, the ſame Caſtels were delyuered into the handes of Ro|berte de Poyron, Toſtes de Saint Omer, and Roberte Haſtings, three Knightes templers,Rob. Houed. the whiche vpon the conſummation hadde of the marriages as before is ſayd, and according to the truſt committed to them, ſurrendred the poſſeſſi|on of the ſaide Caſtels into the handes of Kyng Henry. But ye French King was not a little mo|ued, for that King Henry had ſeyſed vpon them withoute his licence, in ſo muche, that hee reyſed a power of menne, and ſente them into Nor|mandie, EEBO page image 403 where they fought one cruell conflict a|boue the reſt with the Normans, till the nyghte parted them in ſunder, Gaguinus. The Frenche and Normans fight. by meane whereof the Frenchemen withdrew to Chaumount, and the Romains vnto Gyſours. The next daye as the Frenchmen came forth again purpoſing to haue wonne Giſors, they were beaten back by ye Nor|mans which came forth of ye towne to ſky [...]iſh with them.N. Triuet. Thus was the warre begon agayne betwixt thieſe two Princes: and by the ſe [...]ing [...]on of Theobalde Erle of Bloys, the matter grewe to that point, that the [...] French powers comming forth with into the fielde, and mar|ching one againſt an other they were almoſt ap|proched ſo neare together, that battayle was pre|ſently looked for, firſt in Veulgeſſyne, and after in the territorie of Dune, but yet in the end a means was made and concluded betwixt them, & ſo their armies brake vp.Thre knightes Templers. Rog. Houed. The .iij. Templers alſo ranne in diſpleaſure of the French king for the deliuerie of the caſtels before they knew his mynde, ſo that he baniſhed them the realm of France for euermo [...] but K. Henry receiued them, and gaue them ho|norable entertaynement. Some write that there were but two Caſtels Giſors, and Meall, whiche wer thus put into their hãds,M. Paris. & by them d [...]uered as before is mentioned:The death of Theobald Ar|chebishop of Canterbury. But to proceed About this time Theobald Archbiſh. of Canterbury de|parted this lyfe after he had gouerned that ſea the ſpace of .22. yeares, which Theobald at his going to Rome, and receipt of the Pall of Pope Inno|cent the ſecond, was alſo created Legate of the ſea Apoſtolike, which office he exerciſed ſo diligently, and ſo much to the auaile of the church there, that the dignitie of Legateſhip remayned euerafter to the Archbiſhop of Canterbury by a ſpecial decree,The povver Legantine an|nexed to Cant. VV. Paruus. ſo that they were entitled Legati nati, that is to ſay, born Legates (as myne author doth report.) This Theobald fauored greatly Thomas Bec|ket, that afterward ſucceeded him. Which Bec|ket was alſo borne in London: moreouer his fa|ther hight Gilbert, but his mother was a Syrian borne, and by religion a Sarazin: howbeit (with|out all reſpect of his parents) this Becket grew ſo highly in fauour with the king,

The authoritie of Becket.

An. reg. 6.

and might doe ſo much in England, that he ſeemed to reigne as if he had bin aſſociat with him alſo in the kingdom, and being lord Chancellor, the king ſent ouer in|to England Richard Lucy in his company with ſundry letters in his fauoure, thereby to procure his election to that ſea, whiche was broughte to paſſe according to the kings deſire at Weſtmin|ſter:

He is conſecrat Archbishop. VVil. Paruus


Quadrilog [...]um ex vita etuſdẽ Tho [...].

afterward alſo he was ordeined at Canter|bury on the Saterday in the Whitſon weeke by Henry Biſhop of Wincheſter (although there be that write how Walter biſhop of Rocheſter did conſecrate him) whiche conſecration was in the xliiij. yeare of his age, and in the fifth yeare after his firſt aduancement to the office of Lord Chã|cellor, ſo that he was the .38. Archbiſh. which go|uerned in that ſea. The ſame yeare but towarde the end, Henry the kings ſo [...]eceyued homage of the barons, firſt Normandie, and after in En|gland. In the yeare enſu [...]g the King his father comitted him to the Archebiſhop Becket,The Archbis. a better cour|tyer than a preacher. that he might ſee him brought vp and trained in maners and court [...]y behauior, as apertained to his eſtate. Whervpon the Archbiſh in ga [...] called by in his ſin.

The Queene brought to be [...] of a daughter. An entervevv

An. reg. 9.


N. Triuet.

This yeere at Rohan Queene Elianor was brought wh [...]of a daughter that was named E|lianor [...] like [...]ner the th [...]kings, of Englãd and France, at Cocy vpon [...]yre receiued Pope Alexander the third, with al honor and reuerence, in ſomuch that they att [...]ded on his ſti [...]pe a foote like pages or footmen, the one vpon his right ſide, & the other on his left. In I [...]uary alſo enſuing, the king returned into Englande,Homage of the K. of Scottes. & the ſame yere the K. of Scottes did homage vnto Henrye the yonger, and deliuered to the Kyng his father his younger brother Dauid, with dyuers other the ſonnes of his lordes and barons in pledge for aſ|ſurance of the peace to be kepte betwene them for euermore, with ſome ſuch caſtels, with the con|cluſion of the leage (as he required.) In the mean tyme the Archbiſhop Thomas went to the coun|ſell holden by Pope Alexander at Towres in the Octaues of Pentecoſt,A Counſel at Tours. when he reſigned into the Popes handes (as the fame went) his Biſhoprick, by reaſon he was troubled in conſcience in that he had receiued it by the kings prefermẽt: but this was ſhortely doone, and the Pope allowing his purpoſe, cõmitted the ſame paſtorlike dignitie to him again by his eccleſiaſtical power, wherby the Archbiſh. was eaſed very wel of his grief, & ſhort|ly after his returne alſo from this counſell, he ſee|med deſirous to bring home ſuch rights as he pre|tended to belong vnto the church of Canterbury, wherby he ran into the diſpleaſure of many, na|mely of the mightieſt: moreouer he required of the king the keeping of Rocheſter Caſtell and the to|wer of London.The Archbish. practiſeth trea|ſon ſecretly. Alſo he alledged that Saltwood and Hi [...]h belonged perticularly to the ſeigniorie of hys ſea: he called alſo Roger Earle of Clare vnto Weſtminſter, to doe his homage vnto him for the Caſtell of Tunbridge:Homage for the caſteil of Tunbridge. but the Earl [...] de|nyed it through ſetting on of the king, alledging all the fee thereof to appertayne rather to the king than to the Archbiſhop Thus the Archbiſh. was troubled, and therwithall the kings fauour more and more apered dayly to fal from hym, as afore. For ye muſt vnderſtãd that this was not the firſt nor ſecond tyme, that the king had ſhewed tokens of his diſpleaſure againſt him, but the eight tyme.Mat. Paris. Mat. VVest.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After this, vpon the fyrſte day of Iuly, Ryſe Prince of Southwales with diners other lordes and nobles of Wales didde homage both to the EEBO page image 404 king and to his ſonne Henry at Woodſtocke:

An. reg. 10. Iomage of the velchmen.


N. Triuet.

& Hamlyn ye kings baſtard brother maried ye Coũ|teſſe of Warrein, the widow of William Earle of Mortaigne that was baſtarde ſonne to king Stephen. This counteſſe was the ſole daughter and heire of William the third earle of Warrein, which went with Lewes king of Fraunce into the holy land & there dyed. Sone after ye Welche|men rebelled with their Prince Ryce and his vn|cle Owen, and did diuers diſpleaſures on ye Mar|ches: and by the death of Waltar Gyfford earle of Buckingham, which deceaſed this yeare with|out heyre, that Earledome came to the Kinges handes. The .xx. daye of Septẽber were .iij. cir|cles ſeene to compaſſe the ſunne,Mat. Paris. and ſo continued the ſpace of .iij. houres together: which whẽ they vaniſhed away, it appered ye two Sunnes ſprang forth again after a maruellous manner. Whiche ſtrange ſight the cõmon people imagined to be a ſigne or token of the controuerſie that was then in hand betwixt the king and the Archbiſhop.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Moreouer, the king called a Parliamente at [figure appears here on page 404] Weſtminſter, to treate therin of matters concer|ning the ſtate of the cõmon wealth,Diſcord ſtill kindeleth be|evvixt the king and the Archb. in the which here aroſe great diſcord betwixt the king and the Archbiſh. Becket, about certain points touching the liberties of the Church. For the K. hauing an earneſt zeale vnto iuſtice, & cõmanding the Iud|ges to puniſh offẽders without reſpect, vnderſtod by them, that many things by them of the ſpiri|tualtie (againſt whõ their authoritie mighte not be extended) wer cõmitted contrary to cõmon or|der: as theft, rapine, murther, & manſlaughter, in ſomuch that in his preſence it was opened & no|tified that ſith the beginning of his reigne there had bin aboue an hundred mãſlaughters cõmit|ted within ye precinct of his realme of England by prieſts,Murders com|mitted by prie|ſtes. & mẽ within orders. Whervpõ he be|ing moued in his minde, ſet forth lawes ageinſt the ſpiritualtie, wherin he ſhewed in deed ye zeale of Iuſtice. For as the cauſe proceded frõ the Bi|ſhops of ye age,VVil. Paruus ſo did the fault appertain vnto thẽ which contrary to their owne Canons permitted the Prieſts to liue ouer licentiouſly without due correction,Mat. Paris. only ſtudying to mayntein ye liberties and immunities of the church, and not to reform the vices of the miniſters. One Philip de Broc, a Canon of Bedford, being arreigned of a murder before the kings iuſtice, vttered diſdaynful words againſt ye ſame Iuſtice: whiche whẽ he could not deny before the Archb. he was depriued of his pre|bend, & baniſhed ye land for .ij. yeres ſpace. Theſe things troubled the king, who therfore hauing al|redy decreed ſuch orders as ſhuld bridle ye ſpiritu|altie from their wicked doings, thought that if he might get them confirmed in parliament by con|ſent of the biſhops and clergie thẽſelues, that then the ſame ſhuld take place & be receiued for lawes: and therefore he earneſtly required at this parlia|mẽt that it might be enacted,

The king meaneth to [...]|dic the ſpiri|enaltie from pre+ſumptuous dea|lyng.

Th prelates againſt the king Gerua. Dora.

that all ſuche of the Spiritualtie as ſhulde be taken and conuicted for any haynous offẽce, ſhuld looſe the priuilege of ye Churche, & be deliuered vnto ye ciuill magiſtrate who ſhuld ſee them put to executiõ for their offẽ|ces in like maner as he might any of ye kings ſub|iectes being lay men: for otherwiſe the king alled|ged, ye they woulde boldly preſume to doe muche more miſchief, if after ſpirituall puniſhment, no ſecular correction ſhuld be extended towards thẽ, ſince ſure it was, that thoſe woulde paſſe but little of diſgradyng and loſſe of theyr order, whiche in contempte of their calling, woulde not abſteyne from committing ſuche miſche|uous deedes and haynous enormittes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vnto theſe reaſons thus proponed by the Kyng, to haue hys purpoſe to take effecte, the Archbiſhoppe and his Suffraganes the reſt of the Biſhoppes anſwered very pithely, to proue EEBO page image 403 that it was more againſte the liberties of the Church, than that they might with reaſon wel allow of. Wherevppon the Kyng beyng mo|ued greeuouſly towardes them, aſked of them whether they would obſerue his royall lawes and cuſtomes which the Archbyſhops and By|ſhops in time of his grandfather dyd hold and obſerue or not: who therevnto made aunſwer, that they would obſerue them,Their order ſaued. their order in all things ſaued. But the King being highly offẽ|ded with ſuch exceptions, vrged the matter ſo, that he woulde haue them to take their oth ab|ſolutely, and withoute all exceptions, but they woulde none of that.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng offended vvith the Bishops.At length hee departed from London very much diſpleaſed with the Biſhoppes, when he had firſte taken from the Archbiſhop Thomas all his offices and dignities which he occupyed ſince his firſt being created Chancellour.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Howbeit, after this, many of the Biſhoppes ſeeyng whervnto thys geare would turne, be|gan to ſhrinke from the Archbiſhop, and encli|ned to the Kings ſyde. But the Archbyſhoppe ſtiffely ſtoode in hys opinion, and woulde not bende at all, till at length not only his Suffra|ganes the Biſhops, but alſo the Byſhoppe of Liſeux that was come ouer to do ſome good in the matter,R. Houe. and likewiſe the Abbot of Elemo|ſina, ſente from the Pope, perſwaded him to a|gree to the Kyngs will, in ſo much, that final|ly ouercome with the earneſt ſute of his friẽds, hee came firſte to Wodſtocke,

R. Houe.


Ger. Dor. A Counſell at Clarendõ.

and there promi|ſed the King to obſerue his lawes faithfully without all deceipt or colluſion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 Shortly after, in the feaſt of Saint Hilarie, a Counſell was holden at Clarendon, to the which the Archbiſhoppe, and in manner all the Lordes ſpirituall and temporall of the lande, made their repaire, where the aforeſayde Arch|biſhop would willingly haue ſterted from hys promiſe, if firſt ye Biſhops, and after the Erles of Leiceſter & Cornewall, Roberte and Reig|nald (which Reignald was Vncle to the K.Geruaſius Dorobern.) had not come vnto him, & laſtly two knightes Templers, to perſwade him to yeld to ye kings will. But chiefly the two Knightes, the one named Richarde de Haſtings, and the other Hoſteus de Boloigne were very earneſt, and at length preuayled with him in reſpect of the daunger which by refuſing to ſati [...]fie the kings requeſt, he ſhould bring not onely to himſelfe, but alſo to all other the Biſhops there preſent. Theſe Knightes ſeemed to lament his caſe, as if already they had ſeene naked ſwordes ſha|ken about his eares. And indeede, certaine of the Kings ſeruaunts that attended vppon hys perſon after the manner of a gard, wente too and fro, ruſſhing vp and downe the chambers, ſhaking their brighte battayle axes ready ap|poynted, and lookyng as if they woulde forth|with runne vppon the Byſhoppes, wherevp|pon the Archbiſhop touched with compaſſion, & ſeeming to ſtriue againſte his determinat pur|poſe, conſented to obey the Kyngs pleaſure, and ſo promiſed in ye worde of a Prieſte,M. Paris. ſwe|ring furthermore, that hee woulde obſerue the Kings lawes and cuſtomes,The Archb. Becket re|ceiueth an oth. withoute expreſ|ſing thoſe words mine order ſaued, whyche hee had vſed before. The like oth did all the By|ſhops take. But the Archbiſhop refuſed at that time to ſeale to the writing that contayned the Articles of the oth which he ſhould haue obſer|ued requiring as it were a time to conſider of thẽ ſith in ſo waighty a matter, nothing ought to be done without good and deliberate aduiſe, and therefore he tooke with him a copie thereof, and likewiſe did the Archbiſhop of Yorke an other, and the thirde remained with the Kyng. Shortly after, the Archbiſhoppe conſidering further of this oth whiche he had taken,He repẽteth him in that he had recei|ued an oth. Mat. Paris. repen|ted himſelfe greeuouſly therof, in ſo much, that he abſteyned from ſaying of Maſſe, till he had by confeſſion and frutes of penaunce (as ſaith Math. Paris) obteyned abſolution of ye Pope. For ſending foorth with all ſpeede meſſengers vnto the Pope with a certificate of the whole matter as it lay, he required to be aſſoiled of ye bond which he hadde vnaduiſedly entred into, which was ſoone graunted, and the Pope dire|cted his eſpecial letters vnto him, conteynyng the ſame abſolution in very ample and large maunce as Math Paris doth report it. And thus there began a newe ſturre. The Archby|ſhop in the meane time perceyuing that the li|berties of the Church wore now extinguiſhed, and beeyng loth to attempte anye further matter againſte his former dealings, as yet woulde not withoute the Kyngs knowledge, haue departed the Realme: and therevppon cõming to Romney, hee tooke ſhipping to haue paſſed ouer into Fraunce,The Archb. Becket vvould haue fled out of the Realme. ſo to haue gone to ye Popes Court, but by a contrary wind he was brought backe into England againe, & therby fell further into ye Kings diſpleaſure than be|fore, in ſo much, that whereas there was an ac|tion commenced againſt him of late for a ma|nor which the Archbiſhoppes of Caunterbury had of long time holden: nowe the matter was ſo vſed, that the Archbiſhop loſt the manor, and was moreouer condemned to pay the arrerages,The Archb. cited to ap|peare at Northamp|ton. R. Houed. and ſo the troubles encreaſed. Finally the Arch|biſh. was cited to appere before the king at Nor|thampton, where the king vſed him ſomewhat ſtrangely, as placing his horſes at his Iune, and moreouer, layde diſobedience to his charge, for that hee didde not appeare at a certayne place EEBO page image 404 before him in perſon, vpon Summons giuen to him for the ſame purpoſe: and although the Archbiſhop alledged that he had ſent thither a ſufficient perſon to make anſweare for him, yet coulde he not be ſo excuſed,Sentence gi|uen againſt the archb. but that he was found gyltie, and his goodes confiſcate to the kings pleaſure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 When he hearde that ſentence was in ſuche wiſe there pronoũced againſt him, What ma|ner of iudgement, ſaith he, is this? I holdyng my peace, yet the age that ſhal herafter folow, wil not keepe it in ſilence for ſithens the world began, it hath not bin heard, that any Archbi|ſhop of Canterbury hath bin adiudged in any Court of the kings of England for any maner of cauſe, both for the dignitie and authoritie of his office, & for bicauſe he is ſpiritually the fa|ther of the king, & of all other his people. This is therfore a new forme & order of iudgement, that the Archbiſhop ſhould be adiudged by his Suffragan, or the father by his ſonnes. The next day the king required of him the repaimẽt of fiue. C. markes which he had ſent to hym, when he was Chancellor, and though he affir|med that he receiued the ſame by way of gyft, and not by way of loue,The archb. condemned in fiue hun|dred Markes An aſſembly of bishops. yet bicauſe he cõfeſſed the receit, he was condemned in that debt, for ſo much as he could not proue the title of the gift. Vpon the morowe after, when the Archbiſhop with his felow biſhops were ſet in Councell [figure appears here on page 404] by commaundement of the king (the doores being locked, that they ſhould not iſſue forth) there was proponed againſt the Archbiſhop, that wheras he held cetaine Biſhops Sees as then vacant, with Abbeys, and other reuenues of his ſoueraigne Lord the king in his hands,The archb. called to an account. & had made none account to him for the ſame of long time, the king required to be aunſwered now at his hands, & that with al ſpeede, for he would haue no delay. The ſumme amounted to thirtie thouſand markes. The archb. when he had heard the variable ſentences of the Bi|ſhops in this caſe, anſwered after this maner: I would (ſaid he) ſpeak with two earles which are with the king, and named thẽ. They being called, and the doore being ſet opẽ, he ſaid vnto them We haue not here at this preſent to ſhew wherby the thing may be more manifeſt: ther|fore we aſke reſpite for anſwere tyl to morow. The Councell therefore being broken vp, the multitude of people which came with ye archb. thither, being afraid of the kings diſpleaſure, went frõ him. He therfore cauſed his ſeruaunts to fetch vnto his lodging a gret nũber of poore & impotent people, ſaying that by the ſeruice of ſuch maner of men of warre, a more ſpeedye victory might be got, than by thẽ which in time of temptation ſhamefully drue backe: his houſe therfore was anone filled, & the tables ſet with ſuch as his ſeruauntes had brought forth of the lanes and ſtreates abrode.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Vpon the Tueſday the Biſhops all ama|ſed and full of care, came vnto hym, and bi|cauſe of the diſpleaſure whiche the King had conceiued againſt him,The bishops perſvvade the archb. to ſubmit hym ſelfe to the kings plea|ſure. they counſell hym to ſubmyt hym ſelfe to the kings wyll, or els in fine, they tolde hym plainely, that he woulde be adiudged for a periured perſon, bicauſe he had ſworne vnto the King, as to his earthly Soueraigne, as touching all earthly honour in life, lymme, and member, and namely to obſerue al his royal lawes & cuſtomes, which he of late had eſtabliſhed. Hereunto he anſwered: My brethrẽ,The archb. anſvvere to his breth. [...]. ye ſee how ye world roreth againſt me, the enimie riſeth vp, but I more lamẽt that the ſonnes of my mother fight againſt me. If I EEBO page image 405 ſhoulde holde my peace, yet woulde the worldes to come declare, how ye leaue me alone in ye bat|taile, and haue iudged againſt me now theſe two dayes paſt, I being your father, though neuer ſo much a ſinner but I commaunde you by vertue of your [...], and vpon peryll of your order, that you be not preſent in any place of iudgmẽt where my perſon maye fortune to bee adiudged. And in teſtimonie hereof,He appealeth to the churche of Rome. I appeale to our mo|ther the Churche of Rome. Furthermore, if it chance that Temporall men lay their hands vp|pon me, I charge you likewiſe by vertue of your obedience, that yee exerciſe the cenſures of the Churche for your father the Archbiſhop as it be|commeth you. This one thing knowe yee well, that the worlde roreth, the fleſh trembleth and is weake, but I by Gods grace wil not ſhrinke, nor leaue the flocke committed vnto me.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this be entred into the Churche, and ce|lebrated Maſſe of Saint Stephen, otherwiſe thã he was accuſtomed to doe with his Pall, whyche beeing ended, he put on his ſacrificing veſtures with a Coape vppon them all,He goeth to the courte going ſo to the Court.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Furthermore, bycauſe he was afrayd, he tooke alſo the Sacrament ſecretely with him, & taking moreouer the Croſſe in his owne handes, he bare it himſelfe in his right hand, and the reyne of hys brydell in his left, and ſo comming to the court, he alyghted, and entred the place, ſtill bearyng the Croſſe hymſelfe, till he came to the kings chamber doore, the other Biſhoppes followyng him with greate feare and trembling. Being come thither, the Biſhoppe of Hereforde woulde gladly haue taken the Croſſe to haue borne it be|fore him [...]bu [...]h [...] wold not ſuffer him, but ſayd: It is moſt reaſon that I ſhould beare it my ſelf, vn|der the defence wherof I may remaine in ſafetie: and beholding this enſign, I nede not to doubte vnder what Prince I ſerue. At length when the king exhibited againſt him greate complaintes vnto them al generally, they cryed that he was a Traytor,He is reputed a Traytour. the he had receyued ſo many benefites at the Kings handes, and now refuſed to do vn|to him all earthly honor as he had ſworne to do. To be ſhort when the Biſhops came to ſit vpon the matter in councell, they appealed to the ſea of Rome againſt the Archebiſhop, accuſing him of periurie: and in the worde of trueth bound them|ſelues by promiſe, to do what in them might lye, to depoſe him, if the King would pardon them of that iudgemente whiche nowe hanged ouer the Archbiſhops heade: and comming to the Arch|biſhop they ſaid: Somtime thou waſt our Arch|biſhop, and wee were bound to obey thee: but ſith thou haſte ſworne fealtie to the Kyng, that is to ſay, life, member and earthly honour, and to ob|ſerue his lawes and cuſtomes, and nowe goeſt aboute to deſtroye the ſame,The bishops diſallovve the Archbishop. wee ſaye that thou arte guiltie of periurie, and wee will not from hencefoorth obey a periured Archebiſhoppe, and therfore we cite ther by appellation to [...] be|fore the Popes preſence, there to anſwer to theſe thynges, and ſo they appoynted hear a daye, in whiche they meant to proſecute their appeale. I heare you wel ſaid the Archebiſhop In lyke maner did the Princes and peeres of the Realme iudge him to bee a periured perſon and & [...]y|coure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Leyceſter being accompanyed with Reginalde Earle of Cornewall, came vn|to him, and ſayde alſo: The Kyng commaun|deth thee to come and render an accompt of that whiche is obiected againſt thee, or elſe heare thy iudgement. Iudgement (ſayd the Archbyſhop) and therewyth ryſing vp ſayde, Nay founde [...], fyrſt heare thou: It is not vnto thee [...] howe faythfull I haue bene to the Kyng, and in conſideration thereof, he promoted erle to the Archebiſhops ſea, as God can bee my iuge a|gaynſt my will: For I knewe myne owne in|firmitie, and I was con [...]ted to take it vppon mee rather for his pleaſure, than for Gods cauſe, and therefore dothe God bothe withdrawe hym ſelfe and the king from me In the [...] election he made me flee, and diſcharged [...] all Courtely bondage: and [...] thoſe things from the whiche I am [...], I am not bounde to anſwere, neyther wyll I: So muche as the ſoule is more woorth than the bodye, ſo muche the more arte thou bounde to obey God and mee, rather than any earthly crea|ture. Neyther wil lawe nor reaſon peruillte that the ſonnes ſhould iudge or condemne the fur|ther: wherevpon I refuſe to ſtande to the iudge|ment eyther of the kyng, or of any other appea|ling to the preſence of the Pope, by whome vn|der God I ought to be iudged, putting all that I haue vnder Gods protection and hys and vn|der defence of his authoritie I departe oute of thys place, and ſo wente incontinent to take his horſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 As he wente his waye, the kings ſeruauntes and others of the Courte, didde ſpeake manye reprochefull woordes agaynſte hym, callyng hym traytour and falſe forſworne caylife.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At whyche woordes, tournyng hymſelf, Gerua. Dor [...] The ſtoute comage of th [...] Archbishop. and lookyng backe with a ſtrene countenaunce he made thys aunſwere: That if it were not for his order of Prieſthoode, and that it were law|full for hym, he woulde ſurely cleere hymſelfe of periurie & treaſon, in defending his cauſe againſt them with weapon in hande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At his commyng to the vtter gate, he founde the ſame faſt locked, whereof they beganne all to be amazed: but one of his ſeruaunts eſpying EEBO page image 406 where a bunche of keyes were tyed to a clubbes ende that didde hang on a pinne, he tooke them downe, and tryed whiche was the right key, and findyng it at the laſt, he opened the gate, and ſo the Archebiſhop wente foorth, whyleſt the Por|ters ſtoode as him amazed, and ſpake not one woord againſt it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus as hee got foorthe, a greate number of poore, weake and impotent people met him, ſay|ing: Bleſſed is God, whiche hath deliuered hys ſeruant from the face of his enimie. Thus with a greate route or companie, and with the Cler|gie, he was honourably conueyed vnto the Ab|bey of Saint Andrew: and looking behynd and before him, as hee paſſed thitherwarde, he ſayde vnto thoſe that went with him: Howe glorious a proceſſion doth bring me frõ the face of the eni|mie: Suffer all the poore people to come into the place, that we maye make merie togither in the Lorde. Who were by and by called in, ſo that all the hall, parloures, and chambers were ſette with tables for them to ſit downe at, where they were ſerued with victuals at the full.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame night alſo before the cocks crowing he iſſued foorth by a little poſterne gate, Reg. Houedẽ The Archebi| [...]op Becket [...] avvay in [...]e night. and ta|kyng with him only two Monkes of the Ciſte|aux order, the one named Roberte Canne, and the other, S. Cayman, with one of his owne ſer|uances called Roger de Broe, he fled away diſ|guiſed in a white veſture, and a Monkes coule, and chaunging his name, cauſed hymſelfe to be called Dereman: He iourneyed ſtill all the night and by daye laye cloſe in one freendes houſe or other al finally, he got to Sandwiche, and there getting a ſhippe ſayled ouer into Flaunders, and ſo went into Fraunce, where at the citie of Sens he founde Pope Alexander, to whome he opened all the manner and occaſion of his commyng awaye.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king vpon knowledge that the Archebi|ſhoppe was fled the realme, [...]bert Folli|oith biſhop of London vvas ſente to the French king. ſendeth with al ſpeed Gilbert Follioth biſhop of London, and Williã Earle of Arundell in ambaſſade to the kyng of Fraunce to ſignifye vnto him the whole matter and circumſtance of the falling out betwixt him and the Archebiſhoppe, requiring him not to re|ceyue the Archebiſhop into his realme: but this requeſt was little regarded of the Frenche King as appeared: for the Archbiſhoppes cauſe was fauoured of manye, and the blame imputed to king Henry, ſo that the Archbiſhop found greate frendſhippe bothe in the Frenche king and in the Pope, as after ſhall appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henry therfore bearyng that he was thus accuſed by the ſame Archebiſhop vnto the Pope, [...]onsio [...]. Paris. Gerud Doro. appoynted Roger Archebiſhop of Yorke, the foreſayd Gilbert Biſhoppe of London, Hil|larius Biſhop of Chicheſter, Roger Byſhop Worceſter, Bartholomewe biſhop of Exceſter, with other Biſhoppes, Deanes, Archedeacons, and other learned men of good accompte, to the number of .xv. to paſſe in Ambaſſade vnto the Pope, that they myght excuſe his doyngs, and burdeyn the Archebiſhoppe with the note of re|bellion, wherof he had good proofe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe perſonages being admitted to declare theyr meſſage in the conſiſtorie before the Pope,Roger Archbi|shop of Yorke vvith others, are ſent to the Pope. they open the whole circumſtance of the matter, from the beginning to the ende, declaring howe that betwixt Thomas the Archebiſhop of Can|terburie and the king, there was a controuerſie moued, and by bothe their conſentes, a day ap|poynted for the hearing and determining therof, as Iuſtice ſhould require. At the whiche day by the kings commaundement all the chiefeſt lordes of the realme both ſpirituall and temporall were called together, to the ende that the more gene|rall the Aſſemblie ſhould be, the more manifeſte might the diſcoueryng of the fraude and ma|lice of the Archbiſhop appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vpon the daye appoynted, there came (ſaye they) before the Catholike Prince his preſence, the nobles of his Realme: and amongeſt other, the Archebiſhop the diſquieter bothe of the king|dome and Churche, who as one not well aſſu|red of the qualitie of his owne deſeruings, bleſ|ſed himſelfe with the ſigne of the Croſſe at his comming into the houſe, as thoughe he ſhoulde haue come before ſome tyraunt or ſchiſmaticall perſon: and for al this, was not the kings maie|ſtie any thing offended therwith, but cõmitted ye iudgement of his cauſe to the faythfull order of the Biſhops, ſo to delyuer himſelf of all ſuſpiti|on of wrong dealing. And thus it reſted in the Biſhops handes to make an ende of the contro|uerſie, and to ſet al things ſtreight betwixt them. But the Archebiſhoppe woulde none of that, al|ledging howe it ſhoulde bee a derogation to the ſea Apoſtolike and dignitie thereof, for hym to ſtand before the king in iudgement, or any other temporall Magiſtrate. And albeit (ſaye they) ſome derogation might haue chanced to the dig|nitie of the Churche by that iudgemente, yet it had bin his parte to haue diſſembled the matter for the tyme, to the ende that peace mighte haue bene reſtored to the Church. He further obiected (aſcribyng to hymſelfe the name of Father, the whiche ſeemed to ſmell ſomewhat of arrogan|cye) that the chyldren ought: not to come togy|ther to iudge the fathers cauſes, where it had bin farre more neceſſarie rather that the humbleneſſe of the ſons ſhould mitigate and temper the pride and ambition of the father.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 To conclude, after this the kings Ambaſſadors made earneſt ſuite that two Legates mighte bee ſente from the Pope to haue the hearyng and EEBO page image 407 diſcuſſing of all the maſter betwixt the king and the Archebiſhop without any other appealyng.The kings tale coulde not be hearde. But the kings tale coulde not bee hearde in that Courte, the Archebiſhoppe hauyng already per|ſwaded the Pope to the contrarie. For comyng to the Pope, hee vttered his complaynte as fol|loweth:The Archebi|shop Becket. Mat. Paris.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moſte holye father, I doe here come for ſuc|cor to your audience, lamenting that the ſtate of the Church, & the liberties therof are brought to ruine by the couetous dealyng of Kinges and Princes. Wherfore whẽ I thought to reſiſt the diſeaſe aproching, I was ſodenly called before ye king to reder accõpts as a lay mã about certaine wards the which while I was the kings Chan|cellour, I had notwithſtanding accompted for) and alſo, when I was made biſhop, and entred into the dignitie of ruling the Archebiſhops ſea, I was releaſed & diſcharged of al accompes and bondes by the kings eldeſt ſonne, and by the chief Iuſtice of the Realme: ſo that nowe where I looked ſo haue found ayde, I was deſtitute ther|of to my great hinderance and vexation. Con|ſider furthermore I pray you, howe my lordes and brethren the Biſhoppes are readye at the pleaſure of the noble then of the Courte to giue ſentence againſt me, ſo that all men being about to run vpon me, I was almoſte oppreſſed: and therfore am now come as it were to take breath in the audience of your clemencie, whiche doth not forſake youre children in their extreeme ne|ceſſitie, afore the whiche I heere ſtand readye to declare and teſtifye that I am not to be iudged there, nor yet at all by them. For what other thyng ſhoulde that bee but ſo plucke awaye the rightes of the Churche? what elſe then to ſub|mit ſpirituall things to temporall? This enſam|ple therefore once ſprong vp, myght giue an oc|caſſion too manie enormities to followe. The bi|ſhoppes doe ſay. Thoſe things that are Ceſars, ought to be reſtored to Ceſar: but admitte that in manye thinges the King is to be obeyed, Is he yet therefore to bee obeyed in thinges where|in he is no King? For thoſe belong not to Ce|ſar, but to a tyrant. In the whyche if for my cauſe they woulde not, yet oughte the Biſhops for their owne cauſes to haue reſiſted him: For what ſhould bee the cauſe of ſuche hatred that ſo deſtroye mee, they ſhoulde deſtroy them ſelues? Therfore whyleſt for temporall thyngs they ne|glecte ſpirituall, they fayle in bothe. Weygh therfore, moſte holye father, my fleeing awaye, and my perſecution, and howe for your ſake I haue bene prouoked with iniuryes, vſe therefore your rigour, conſtrayne them to amendement, thorough whoſe motion thys hathe chaunced, lette them not be borne out by the king who is rather the obſtinate miniſter of this practiſe, than the fynder out of it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Pope hauyng hearde his woordes, tooke deliberation in the matter, wyth aduice of hys Cardinalles, and thervpon anſwered the Arch|biſhop in effecte as foloweth.The Popes an|ſvvere to [...] Archbishop.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 That the lower power maye not iudge the greater, and chiefly hym whome hee is bounde to obeye, as the lawes bothe of God and manne doe witneſſe, and the ordinaunces of the Aun|cient Fathers do manifeſtly declare: And here|vpon wee (to whome it appertayneth to reforme diſorders) doe clearely reuerſe and make voyde the Iudgement pronounced agaynſt you by the Barons and Biſhoppes, wherby as well againſt the order of Lawe, as agaynſte the cuſtomes of the Churche, your goodes were adiudged for|fayte, where as the ſame goodes were not yours, but the churches of Canterburye, ouer whyche you haue the only cure and charge. But if thoſe that haue violently entred vppon the poſſeſſions and goodes of youre Churche, and haue there|by wronged eyther you or yours, will not vp|on admonition gyuen to them, make reſtitu|tion with ſufficiente amendes, then maye you i [...] you ſhall thincke conueniente, exerciſe eccleſiaſti|call Iuſtice vpon them, and wee ſhall allowe of that whiche you ſhall reaſonably doe in that be|halfe: But as touching the King himſelfe, we wil not giue you any ſpeciall commaundement, neither yet do we take from you any right belon|ging to your biſhoplike office, whiche you recey|ued at your conſecration. But the king only wee will ſpare, and preſerue out of the daunger of all your excomunications and cenſures.The Archebi|shop reſigneth his Palle. The arch|biſhop reſigned his Palle vnto the Pope, but the Pope gaue it vnto him againe, and appoynted him to remaine at Pountney an Abbey of Mon|kes Ciſteaux, in the dioceſſe of Auxerre, tyll the matter were brought to ſome good ende betwixt the king and him: This was done in the yeare of our Lorde .11164.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king hauing knowledge by his ambaſ|ſadors what aunſwere the Pope had made, be|came grieuouſly offended in his minde, and ther|vpon confiſcated all the goods that belonged to the Archebiſhop and his complices, and ſeyſed their reuenues into his handes, appoyntyng one Randall de Broe, to haue the cuſtodie of al that belonged to the ſea,Gerua. Dota. whiche Broe was nothyng friendly to the Archbiſhop, as an enimie knowne to hym of olde, but the Monkes he fauoured and would not ſuffer that they ſhuld ſuſteyne wrong or diſpleaſure at any hande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeare folowing, to wit. 1165.


Mat. VVest. Math. Paris.

Queene Elenore was deliuered of a daughter which was named Ioane: Alſo on the .26. day of Ianuarie, there chanced a maruellous earthquake in Nor|folke in the Ile of Ely, and in Suffolke,Mat. Paris. ſo that EEBO page image 408 men as they ſtood on the grounde were ouerthro|wen therewith, and buildings ſo ſhaken, that the belles in ſteeples knolled: The like had alſo chan|ced in the aduent ſeaſon then laſte before paſſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The VVelche|men make vvar on the English marches.The Welchemen this yeare ſpoyled a greate parte of thoſe Countreyes that were borderers vpon them: Wherewith the king being ſore mo|ued, with all ſpeede leuyed an armie as well of Engliſhmen as ſtraungers, VV. Paruus. Polidore The king inua|deth VVales. and (without regard, of the difficulties and daungers) goeth againſte the rebelles, and fynding them withdrawne in|to theſe ſtarting holes (I meane the wooddes and ſtrayt paſſages,) he compaſſed the ſame about in verie forcible maner. The Welchemen percey|uing themſelues nowe to bee brought into ſuche danger, as that they coulde not well deuiſe howe to eſcape the ſame, cõſulted what was beſt to be done. After conſultation, caſting away their we|pons, they came foorth to the king, aſking mer|cie, which they ſomwhat hardly obteyned. Few of them alſo were executed in compariſon of the numbers that offended: But yet the capitaynes and chiefe authors of this rebellion were ſo pu|niſhed, that it was thoughte they woulde neuer haue preſumed ſo raſhely to offend: him in lyke ſorte agayne. Rog. Houedẽ. The ſeuere pu|nishement vſed by king Henry againſte the VVelchmen. For (as ſome writers affirme) hee did iuſtice on the ſonnes of Riz or Rees, and al|ſo of the ſons and daughters of other noble men that were his complices very rigorouſly: cauſing the eyes of the yong ſtriplings to be raced out of their heades, and theyr noſes to be cut off or ſlit: and the eares of the yong Gentlewomen to bee ſtoufed. But yet I fynde in other authors, that in this iourney king Henrie did not greatly pre|uayle againſt his enimies, but rather loſt many of his men of warre, both horſemen and footmen: for by his ſeuere proceeding againſt them, Geruaſ. Dor. Radulphus Cogeſhall. Cardigan Ca|ſtel vvonne by the VVelche|men. he ra|ther made them more eger to ſeeke reuenge, than quieted them in any thyng. They tooke the Ca|ſtell of Cardigan, and in the aſſieging of Bri|ges, the King was in no ſmall daunger of hys lyfe: For one of the enimies ſhooting directly at him, had perced him through the bodie,Huberte de Saint Clere co|neſtable of Colcheſter. if Hubert de Saint Clere coneſtable of Colcheſter, percey|uing the arrowe comming, had not thruſt hym|ſelfe betwixt the King and the ſame arrowe, and ſo preſeruing his mayſter, receyued the ſtrype hymſelfe, whereof he dyed preſently after, beſee|ching ye king to be good lorde to one only daugh|ter which he had,VVilliam de Langualee. whõ the king beſtowed in ma|riage vpõ William de Langualee, togither with hir fathers inheritance, whiche William begate of hir a ſonne that bare bothe his name and ſur|name.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But to conclude with this iourney which K. Henry made at this time againſte the Welche|men,VVil. Parstus although by reaſon of the cumberſom dif|ficulties of the places, he coulde not enter within the countrey ſo farre as he wiſhed, yet he ſo ham|pered them vp, and cõſtrained them to kepe with|in the woods and mountains, that they durſt not come abrode, & at lẽgth wer glad to ſue for peace.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 William king of Scots that ſucceeded Mal|colme (who departed this lyfe in the yeare laſte paſt) after he had receyued the crowne of Scot|lande,VVilliam king of Scots doeth his homage to king Henry. came aboute this preſente tyme into En|gland, and fynding king Henry at London, did his homage to him as his predeceſſour Malcolm had doone before him. He made ſuite alſo to haue Northumberlande reſtored to hym, whiche the king of Englandes mother the Empreſſe had in tymes paſt giuen vnto King Dauid.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But king Henry layde dyuers reaſons to ex|cuſe him ſelfe why hee myghte not deliuer that countrey to him at that preſente, namely with|out conſent of a parliament: and ſo king Wil|liã perceyuing how ye matter went, gaue ouer his ſute for that preſent, meaning when occaſion ſer|ued, to attẽpt to get it by force, ſith that by prayer he ſawe well inough he ſhould not obteyne it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Moreouer, the Scottiſhe king being required by kyng Henrye to go ouer with him into Nor|mandie, he graunted ſo to doe. And now king Henrye hauyng ſette all thyngs in order with|in his Realme of Englande in the Lent follo|wing, he paſſed ouer into Normandie. N. Triuet. Mat. Parus Gerua. Dore. An edicte a|gainſt the Arch+bishop Becket. But be|fore he tooke his iourney, he ſette foorth a decree that no manne ſhould bring any letters or com|maundemente from Pope Alexander, or from Thomas Archebiſhop of Canterburie into En|gland, conteyning an Interdiction of the realm: vpon perill to be apprehended and puniſhed as a traytour to the [...]ng, and enimie to the realme:

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Alſo that no religious perſon or Prieſt ſhuld bee permitted to paſſe the ſeas, or to come into the Realme of Englande, excepte he had Let|ters of ſafeconducte from the Iuſtices for paſ|ſage ouer,Appeales for|bidden. and of the King for his returne from thence. Alſo it was generally forbidden, that no manne ſhoulde appeale to the ſayd Pope or Archebiſhoppe, nor by their appoyntemente to holde any pleas: And if any perſon were found doing contrary herevnto, he ſhould be taken and committed to priſon. Furthermore, if anye maner of perſon eyther Spiritual or Temporal, were obedient to the ſentence of the Interdicti|on, the ſame perſone ſhoulde bee banyſhed the Realme withoute delaye, and all hys lignage wyth hym, and ſo as they ſhould not conueye wyth them anye of theyr goodes, the whyche together wyth theyr poſſeſſions ſhould be ſea|ſed into the kings handes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo all ſpirituall perſons that had any be|nefices within Englande were appoynted to haue warnyng giuen to returne into England within foure moneths after the ſame ſummons EEBO page image 409 pronounced, and that if they fayled hereof, then ſhoulde the Kyng ſeyſe vpon their goodes and poſſeſſions.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo the Biſhoppes of London and Nor|wiche, were ſummoned to appeare before the Kyngs Iuſtices to aunſwere in that they bad interdited the landes of Earle Hugh, and ex|communicated the ſayd Garle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo that the pens of Saint Peter ſhould be gathered and kept.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The kings of Englande and Fraunce enter|vievve. Chro. Sigeb. Mat. Paris. K. Iohn borne.In the Octaues of Eaſter king Henry came, to an entervew with the Frenche King at Gy|ſoures, where they hadde conference together of ſundrye matters.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thys yeare the Queene was delyuered of a ſonne named, Iohn that was after king of this calme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Gerua. Dore.Moreouer, kyng Henry calſyng a counſel of his Biſhops and Barons there in Normandie, a collection was ordeyned by their aduiſe to be made through all his countreys and domini|ons of two pence of the pounde of euery mans landes and goodes,A cõtribution. iewells and apparell onely excepted: to be payde this yeare .1166. and for the ſpace of foure yeares nexte enſuyng, one pe|nye of euerye pounde to be payde yearely, and thoſe that hadde not the woorth in goodes or lan|des the value of twentie ſhillings, and were yet, houſeholders, or had any office, they ſhoulde pay a penye to this contribution, whiche was one|ly graunted for the reliefe of the Chriſtians in the Eaſte partes, and thoſe that warred a|gaynſte the miſereantes there. The payemente therof was appoynted to be made in the feaſte daye of Saynte Remigius, or within fifteene dayes after: and all ſuche as departed this lyfe within the tearme that this collection was cur|raunt, theyr debtes beyng payde, were appoyn|ted by the ſame ordinaunce to gyue the tenthe parte of all the reſidue of theyr goodes vnto this ſo neceſſarie a contribution.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henry remayning nowe in Norman|die, and vnderſtanding that dyuers Lordes and Barons of Mayne, and of the marches of Bri|tayne, woulde not in his abſence ſhewe them|ſelues obedient vnto his wyfe Quene Eleanor, but were aboute to practiſe a rebellion. He rey|ſed an armie, and wente agaynſte them, eaſily ſubduyng thoſe, whom be founde obſtinate: and beſieging the Caſtell of Foulgiers,The caſtell of Foulgiers. Mat. Paris. tooke and vtterly deſtroyed it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Soone after the Archebiſhop of Canterbury came from Pountney to Vizeley,Vizeley. The Archebi|shop Becket accurſed thoſe in Englãd that mainteyned the cuſtomes of their elders. and there on the Aſcention day when the Churche was moſte full of people, he got him into the Pulpet, and with booke, bell, and candell, ſolemnely accur|ſed all the obſeruers, defendours, and mayntey|nees, with the promoters of ſuche cuſtomes as within the realme of Englande they terme the Cuſtoms of theyr elders: And amongeſt other were namely accurſed Richarde de Lucy, Ri|charde the Archedeacon of Poyctiers, Iocelyn de Bailleville, Alane de Neuille, and manye other. But they beeing abſente, neyther called nor conuicte (as they alleaged) notwithſtanding they were thus excommunicate,) ſente theyr meſſengers vnto the Archebiſhoppe, and appea|led from hym, and ſo feared not to enter into theyr churches.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He hadde before this written alſo vnto hys Suffraganes certayne Letters,R. N. and in the ſame denounced ſome of theſe perſones by expreſſe name accurſed, and alſo other, not onely for mayntenyng the matter agaynſt hym, touching the aunciente cuſtome of the Realme: but alſo for the ſchiſme reyſed in Almayne by Reginald Archebiſhoppe of Coleyn, for the which he ac|curſed one Iohn of Oxforde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, he accurſed Raynulfe de Brocke, Hugh Saynt Clere, and Thomas Fitz Ber|narde, for violently ſeyſing vpon and deteyning the goods and poſſeſſions belonging to his Arch|biſhoprike, without his conſente or agreemente thervnto had.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The kyng on the other parte baniſhed out of Englande, and all the parties of his other do|minions, all thoſe perſons that were knowen to be of kinne vnto the Archebiſhoppe, both yong and olde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And furthermore he ſent aduertiſement to the Abbot of Pountney, and to his Monkes, with whom the Archebiſhoppe by the Popes appoint|mente remayned, that if they kepte hym ſtyll in theyr houſe, he woulde not fayle to banyſhe out of Englande alll the Monkes of their order. And ſo the Archebiſhop of his owne accorde af|ter he had remayned there vneth two yeares, de|parted from thence, and came to the kyng of Fraunce, who courteouſly receyued hym, and ſent him to the Abbey of Saint Columbes nere to the Citie of Sins, where he remayned a cer|tayne ſeaſon, as ſhall be ſhewed hereafter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortely after this, Math. Paris Legates from the Pope. came vnto Montmi [...]iall two Legates from the Pope, William of Pa|uia, and Iohn of Naples, bothe Cardinalles, whome the Archbiſhoppe ſuſpected rather to fa|uour the kings cauſe than hys: yet he was con| [...]tuted that they ſhoulde haue the Iudgemente thereof committed vnto them: ſo that fieth ac|cording to the rules of the Church there might reſtitution bee made bothe to hym and to hys, of ſuche goodes as had bin taken from them. For being diſpoyled as he was, he woulde not ſtande to any iudgement, nor could not be com|pelled therevnto by anye reaſon (as he ſayde) ſo that the two Legates when they ſawe EEBO page image 410 that they coald not bring any thing to paſſe, de|parted againe without any thing concluded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]omes Sa| [...] [...]enſis.About this time Williã Talvan erle of Sa|gium by the cõſent of his ſons and nephues, de|liuered into the handes of king Henry the caſtels of Aleriũ, [...]. Triues. [...]lerium and Roche Laberie, with al the appur|tenances to the ſame caſtels belonging.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About this ſeaſon alſo Conane the Duke of Britayne departed this lyfe, [...]onan Duke [...] Britayne de| [...]aſſeth. Mat. Paris. leauing behynd him no iſſue, but one only daughter begot of his wife the Ducheſſe Conſtance the daughter of the K. of Scotlande, which ſucceeded him in the aſtate. Whervpon K. Henry made earneſt ſute to pro|cure a mariage betwixte hir and his ſonne Gef|frey, [...] mariage con| [...]uded be|tvvixt Geffrey [...]e kings ſonne [...] the Ducheſſe [...] Britayne. VV. Paruus. whiche at length he brought to paſſe, to the high comforte and contentation of his mynde, in that his ſonne had by ſuch good fortune atteyned to the dukedome of Britayne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were in that ſeaſon in Britayn certain noble mẽ of ſuch ſtrength & power, that they diſ|dained to acknowledge thẽſelues ſubiects to any ſuperior power, & throgh ambitions deſire of rule & preeminẽce, they warred cõtinually one againſt an other, to the greate deſtruction and vtter vn|doing of their miſerable countrey, ſo that the fiel|des ſometyme fruitfull and batefull by nature, were become as a wylde deſert. Herevpon, thoſe that were the weaker partie, perceiuing themſel|ues too muche ouerpreſſed by their aduerſaries, ſubmit themſelues vnto king Henry, requiring him of ayde and ſuccour.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henrie reioycing to haue ſo good an oc|caſion and oportunitie to reduce them to reaſon, with all ſpeede ayded them that required healpe, and ſubdued thoſe that reſiſted his power,An reg. 13. not|withſtandyng their greate puiſſaunce, and the ſtrength of the places whiche they kept.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And in the meane while the kings ſonne Hen|rye came ouer to his Father,


[...]. Triues. king Hẽry in| [...]deth the erle [...]f Anuergnes [...]dos.

and founde him at Poytiers, from whence ſhortly after Eaſter, he remoued, and with an army entred into the lan|des of the Earle of Aluergue, the which he wa|ſted and ſpoyled, bycauſe the ſayd Earle had re|nounced his allegiance to King Henrye, & made his reſorte to the French king, ſeekyng to ſowe diſcorde betwixte the foreſayd two kyngs: which diſcord was kindled the more by a chalenge pre|tended about the ſendyng of the money ouer in|to the holye lande whiche was gathered within the countie of Tours: for the Frenche Kyng claymed to ſende it, by reaſon that the Churche there appertained to his dominion: and the king of Englande would haue ſente it bicauſe that it was gathered within the countrey that belon|ged to his gouernenente. Geruaſ. Dor. The Earle of Bolongne pre|pareth .600. ships to inuade Englande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thys yeare a greate preparaſion of ſhippes was made by the Earle of Bolongne, to haue inuaded Englande, but by the warlyke proui|ſyon of Richarde Lucye, Lorde gouernoure of the realme, the ſea coaſtes were ſo prouided of ſufficiente defence, that the Earles attemptes came to nothyng.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The cauſe why he made thys bragge, was for that the kyng withhelde from hym certaine reuenues which he claimed to haue here in Eng|land, & therfore he ment to recouer them by force.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Empreſſe Maude mother to the Kyng of Englande, a woman in ſtouteneſſe of ſto|macke and warrelyke attemptes more famous than commonly any of that ſexe,The deceaſſe of the empreſſe Maude. Mat. VVest. deceaſſed this yeare the tenth of September.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo Roberte biſhoppe of Lincolne depar|ted thys lyfe, after whoſe deceaſſe the Sea of Lincolne was vacant by the ſpace of ſeuentene yeares, the king in al that meane tyme receiuing the profites.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Elect of Coleyn came ambaſſador fromAn. reg. 14. [figure appears here on page 410] the Emperoure vnto the Kyng of Englande,An ambaſſade from the Em|perour. requyring to haue one of his daughters giuen in mariage vnto the Emperoures ſonne, and an other of them vnto Henrye Duke of Saxonie: which requeſt the king did willingly grant, and thervpon was the Queene ſent for to come ouer into Normandie, and to bring with hir the lord Richard hir ſonne and hir daughter the Ladye Maude:1168. the whyche Ladye was maryed vnto the Duke of Saxonie, in the beginning of the yeare nexte enſuyng. She had iſſue by him .iij. ſonnes, Henry, Otho, and William,Mat. VVest of whiche the middlemoſt came to be Emperor.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The variance ſtil depending betwixt the king & the Archbiſhop of Canterbury:Debate be|tvvixt the pope & the em|perour. there was alſo about the ſame time a great debate betwixte the Emperour Frederike the firſt & Pope Alexander the third: whervpon king Hẽry wrote to the em|peror, & ſignified vnto him,King Henry of|fereth to ayde the emperour that he wold ayd him if nede ſhould require againſte the Pope, whiche maynteyned ſuch a runagate traitor as the arch|biſhop Becket was. Moreouer at the ſame time the king cauſed all his ſubiects within the realme EEBO page image 411 of Englande, from the chylde of .xij. yeares olde vnto the aged perſon, to forſweare all obedience that might be pretended, as due to the ſame Pope Alexander. The king for the ſpace of two yeares togither remaining ſtill in Normandie, and in other places beyonde the ſeas, ſubdued diuers re|belles, as the earle of Angouleſme, Aymerike de Aueyg [...], and his ſonnes Robert and Hugh.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo he came to an entervew with the king of France betwixt Pary and Maunte,An entervevve betvvixt the king [...] of En|glãd and king of Fraunce. where they communed of ſuche iniuries as were thought to be attempted on eyther part: For the Poictovins had made their reſorte to the Frenche king, and were confederate with him againſt their ſupreme Lorde King Henry,The kings met agayne to cõ|men of peace. and had deliuered pledges for aſſurance therof, which pledges the Frenche king woulde not reſtore.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 But yet there was a truce concluded betwixt them to endure tyl the feaſt of Saint Iohn Bap|tiſt.A truce. Patrike Earle of Salisburye ſlayne. About the feaſt of Eaſter alſo Patrike Erle of Saliſburye was ſlayne by treaſon of ye Poyc|tovyns and was buryed at Saint Hillary. After him his ſon Williã ſucceded in ye earledom. The Britons practyſed dayly Rebellions: but King Henry entring their countrey, wan diuers ſtrõg townes and caſtels, and brought them at length vnder his ſubiection. Moreouer in this ſommer ſeaſon ye two kings met again at Fert Bernarde to talke of peace, but they departed without con|cluding any agreemente at all. For there were manie of the Poyctovyns and Brytons, whiche tooke parte with the kyng of Fraunce, and ha|uing deliuered vnto him hoſtages, had a promiſe made to them, that the French kyng ſhould not conclude an agreement with the king of Eng|lande without theyr conſent. Herevpon therfore they made warres eyther vpon other,

An. reg. 15.


Geruaſ Dore. N. Triues.

till finally about the feaſt of the Epiphanie a peace was ac|corded betwixt them: And then Henry the king of Englands ſonne made his homage vnto the Frenche king for the countie of Aniou, and the Frenche king graunted to hym the office of the Seneſchalcie of France, which anciently belon|ged vnto the Erles of Aniou.Geffrey duke of Britayn. Alſo Geoffrey duke of Britayne did homag to his elder brother the aforeſayde Henry, by commaundement of his father,Heruey de Yuon. for the duchie of Britain. And afterwards the ſame Geffrey went into Britain, & at Rhey|nes receiued the homage and fealtie of ye Lordes and barons of that countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 K. Henrye in that meane while ſubdued cer|tain rebells in Gaſcoine, & retourning into Nor|mandie, buylt a goodly towne and fortreſſe nere to Hay de Malafrey, cleped Beauver.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Aboute the ſame tyme one Haruey de Yuon that had marryed the daughter of one William Goieth (who dyed in his iourney which he toke into the holy land) deliuered certaine caſtels into he handes of king Henry, bicauſe he was in de|ſpaire to keepe them againſt Theobald Earle of Chartres, the which through the Frenche kyngs ayd, ſought to diſpoſſeſſe him of the ſame caſtels: And ſo herevpon the warre was renued betwixte the king of England and the ſaid Erle of Char|tres. Neuertheleſſe king Henry making no great accompt of thoſe warres, wente into Britayne with his ſonne Geoffrey, where going about the countrey to viſite the Cities and townes, he re|formed many miſorders, laying as it wer a ma|ner of a new fundation of things there, fortify|ing the Caſtels, Cities and townes, and com|muning in courteous manner with the Lordes and peeres of the countrey, ſought to win their good willes: and ſo in ſuche exerciſes, he ſpent a great parte of the tyme.

An. reg. 16.


He kept his Chriſtmaſſe at Nauntes, whether all the greate lordes and barons of Britayne reſorted to him, and when the ſolemnitie of that feaſt was paſte, he entred into the lands of an Erle called Eudo, and wa|ſted the ſame, tyll the ſayd Earle ſubmitted him ſelfe. At length after that the king had taken or|der for the good gouernment of Normandie, and his other Countries on that ſide the ſea, he retur|ned into England in the firſt weeke of the month of March, but not without great daunger, by re|ſon of a tempeſt that took him on the ſeas, begin|ning about mydnight, and not ceaſſing til .ix. of the clocke in the morning, about which houre he came a lande at Porteſmouth, not with many of his ſhips, the reſte being toſſed and driuen to ſeeke ſuccour in ſundrye creekes and hauens of the lande, and one of them which was the chie|feſt and neweſt, was loſte in the middle of the flouds, togyther with .iiij. C. perſons of menne and women: amongeſt the which were Henry de Aguell with .ij. of his ſonnes Gilbert Sul [...]e|muy and Rafe Beumount the kings Phyſition and houſhold ſeruaunt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this the king held his Eaſter at Wyn|ſor, Polidor. Dauid vvas made knighte by king Henry as Houeden hath. whyther came to him William the Scot|tiſhe king, wyth his brother Dauid to welcom him home, and to congratulate his happie ſuc|ceſſe in his buſineſſe on the further ſyde the ſeas. They were honourably entertained, and at their departure princely rewarded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King beeyng returned thus into Eng|lande, puniſhed the Sheriffes of the lande right grieuouſly for their extortion, brybery, and ra|pine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this,A prudent con|ſideratiõ in the king. ſtudying howe to aſſure the eſtate of the Realme vnto his ſonnes, vpon good con|ſideration, remembring that no liuing creature was more ſubiecte to the vncertayntie of death than Adams heires,Mans nature ambicious. and that there is ingrafted ſuche a feruent deſyre in the ambitions nature of man to gouerne, that ſo ofte as they once come EEBO page image 412 in hope of a kingdome, they are without regard eyther of right or wrong, God or deuyll, tyll they be in poſſeſſion of theyr deſyred pray: Hee thought it not the worſt poynt of wyſedome to foreſee that whyche myghte happen: for if hee ſhoulde chaunce to departe thys lyfe, and leaue his ſonnes young, and not able to maynteyne warres through lacke of knowledge, it myght fortune them thorough the ambition of ſome to be defrauded and diſappoynted of theyr lawfull inheritaunce. Therefore to preuente the chaun|ces of fortune, he determined whyleſt hee was alyue to crowne his eldeſt ſonne Henry, being nowe of the age of .xvij. yeares, and ſo to in|ueſte hym in the kingdome by his owne acte in his lyfe tyme: which died turned hym to much trouble, as after ſhall appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus being vpon this poynt reſolued, he cal|leth togyther a parliament of the nobles bothe ſpirituall and temporall at London,Rog. Houedẽ. and there [on Saint Bartholomews daye] proclaymed his ſayd ſonne Henry fellowe with hym in the kyngdome, whome after this on [the Sundaye followyng] beyng the fourtenth daye of Iune 1170.Henrye the ſon crovvned the 18. of Iuly hath Math. Paris. Roger the Archbiſhoppe of Yorke dyd crowne accordyng to the manner, commaun|ded ſo to doe by the kyng. Thys office apper|tayned vnto the Archbiſhoppe of Canterbury, but bycauſe he was baniſhed the Realme, the Kyng appoynted the Archbiſhoppe of Yorke to doe it, which he ought not to haue done with|out licence of the Archebyſhop of Canterbury within the precincte of his prouince,VVil. Paruus (as was alledged by the Archbyſhop Becket) who com|playned thereof vnto Pope Alexander, and ſo incenſed the Pope, that hee beyng hyghly mo|ued, by his letters forbad, not only the Archbi|ſhop of Yorke,The Archebi|shop of Yorke is to b [...]ddẽ the vſe of the Sa|cramentes. but alſo Gilberte Biſhoppe of London, and Iocelyn Biſhop of Saliſburye, (which were preſente at the Coronation) the vſe of the Sacramentes, whiche made king Henry farre more diſpleaſed wyth the Archebiſhoppe Thomas than he was before. Mat. Paris. Polidore The king be|come ſeruatour to his ſonne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vpon the day of the Coronation, king Hen|ry the father ſerued hys ſonne at the Table as ſewer, bringing vp the Bores head with trum|pettes afore it, accordyng to the maner. For the whiche the yong man conceyuing a pride in his hearte,Honors change manners. beheld the ſtanders by with a more ſtate|ly countenaunce than he had bin wonte. Wher|vpon the Archebiſhoppe of Yorke whiche ſat by hym, turnyng vnto hym, ſayde, Be glad my good ſonne, there is not an other Prince in the worlde that hath ſuche a ſewer at his table. To this the newe king anſwered,Yong men ſet [...] dignitie [...] forget [...] [...]e [...]uce. as it were diſdain|fully thus: Why, doeſt thou maruell at that? My father in doing it, thinketh it not more thã becommeth him, that he being borne of princely bloud onely on the mothers ſyde, ſerueth mee that am borne, hauyng both a Kyng to my fa|ther, and a Queene to my mother.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Thus the yong man of an euill and peruerſe nature, was puffed vp in pryde by his fathers vnſeemely dooings. But the Kyng hys father hearyng his talke, was right ſorrowfull in his mynde, and ſayde to the Archbiſhoppe ſoftlye in his eare: It repenteth me [...]n it repenteth mee my Lorde, that I haue thus aduaunced the boy. For he gueſſed hereby what a one he woulde proue afterwarde, that ſhewed himſelfe ſo diſo|bediente and frowarde already. But although he was diſpleaſed with hym ſelf in that he had done euyll, yet nowe when that whyche was done, coulde not bee vndoone, he cauſed all the nobles and lords of the realme, togither with the king of Scots and his brother Dauid, to do homage vnto his ſayde ſonne thus made fellow with hym in the kingdome: but he would not releaſe them of theyr othe of allegiance wherin they ſtoode bounde to obeye him the father, ſo long as he lyued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Yet there hee that write, that hee renounced his eſtate firſte afore all the Lordes of the land, and after cauſed his ſonne to be crowned but in ſuche vncertayne poyntes ſet foorth by parciall wryters, that is to be receyued as a truth, which is confirmed by the order and ſequele of thyngs after done and put in practiſe. For trouthe it is, that kyng Henry the father ſo long as his ſonne lyued, did ſhewe himſelfe ſometyme as fellowe with his ſon in gouernmẽt, & ſomtime as abſo|lute kyng: And after his ſons deceaſe, he conti|nued in the entier gouernment, ſo long as he lyued. But to proceede.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Frenche kyng hearyng that hys ſonne in lawe was thus crowned, and not his daugh|ter, the wyfe of Henry the ſonne,The Frenche king offended he was high|ly offended therewith, and threatened to make warre againſt kyng Henry the father, excepte hys daughter Margarete myghte receyue the Crowne alſo, as Queene immediately.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The cauſe why ſhe was not crowned, was by reaſon of hir yong yeares, and had not as yet companyed with hir huſbande. But king Hen|rye the Father, vnderſtandyng the Frenche kyngs threates, ſayled ouer into Normandye, where whyleſt they prepare for warre on bothe ſydes, by the earneſte diligence of Theobalde Earle of Bloys,An entervevve of the kings, Rog. Houede [...] bothe the Kyngs come to an entervewe at Vendoſme, where at length they were accorded, vppon promyſe made by kyng Henrye, that he woulde cauſe his ſonne to bee crowned agayne, and wyth hym his wyſe the ſayde Margarete the Frenche kings daughter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenche kyng contented therewyth, de|parted homewardes, and kyng Henry retour|nyng came to Vernon, where hee fell into ſo great a ſickeneſſe, that anone it was bruted tho|roughout EEBO page image 413 In deede he him ſelfe was in ſuche diſpayre of yfe,He made his teſtament. that he made his Teſtament: wherein he [...]ſſigned his ſonne Richard the Duchie of A|quitayne, and all thoſe landes which came by Queene Elianor the mother of the ſame Ri|chard.R. Houe. And to his ſonne Geffrey he bequea|thed Britaigne (with the daughter of Earle Conan) the which he had purchaſed to his vſe of the French kyng. And to his ſonne Kyng Henry he gaue the Duchie of Normandy, and all thoſe landes which came by his father Gef|frey Earle of Anion. And to his youngeſt ſonne Iohn he bequeathed the Earledome of Mortaign. And further he appoynted where he woulde haue his body to be buryed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Polid. King Henry the ſone his miſordr.In this meane tyme Henry the ſonne re|maynyng at home in Englande, fell from all good order of meaſure keeping, and gaue hym ſelfe to all exceſſiue riot, ſpending and waſting his reuenewes inordinately. Of whiche dea|ling his father being aduertiſed, returned into Englande, where he taryed not long, but paſ|ſed ouer againe into Normandy,A [...]n re|gn. 16. hauyng his ſaid ſonne in his companye, meaning thereby to remoue hym from the company of thoſe that were very like to corrupt his nature, and frame the ſame to all lewdneſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane while Thomas the Archbi|ſhop of Canterbury remayned in exile almoſt ſixe yeares,1170. and could not be reſtored, tyll part|ly through the minatorie threates of the Pope, and partly through the earneſt ſuite made by Lewes the French Kyng, Theobald Earle of Bloys, and other, King Henry beganne ſom|what to ſhew hym ſelfe conformable towards an agreement.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ex Qua|drilogio. The king & the archb. Becket met together in preſence of the French kyng.Wherupon at diuers tymes the two kings met, and the Archbiſhop Thomas came with the French King, and at one tyme he humbled hym ſelfe ſo to the King of Englande, that kneeling downe at his feete, ſaide: My ſoue|raigne liege Lorde, I commit the whole cauſe of the controuerſie betwixt your Grace and me, vnto your maieſties order, Gods honour onely reſerued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The King offended with that ambiguous exception, ſaid to the King of Fraunce:

What ſo euer diſpleaſeth this man, is taken, as he in|terpreteth it, contrary to Gods honour, and ſo by that ſhyft wyll he challenge to hym ſelfe all that belongeth vnto me. But bicauſe ye ſhall not thinke that I goe about to reſiſt Gods ho|nour, or hym, in any reaſonable order, looke what the greateſt and moſt holy of all his aun|ceſtours haue done vnto the meaneſt of myne aunceſtours, let hym doo the ſame vnto me, and I am contented therwith.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 All the company preſent cryed, that the king humbled hym ſelfe enough. My Lord Arch|biſhop, ſaid the French King, wyll ye be grea|ter than Saintes? and better than Saint Pe|ter? Whereof ſtande you in doubt? Beholde, your peace is at hand.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Archbiſhop made anſwere in commen|dation of the preſent ſtate of holy Churche, as thus: My holy predeceſſours in their tyme,The preſent ſtate of the church in Beckets dayes. al|though they cut not all things away that ex|tolled it ſelfe againſt God, yet dyd they cut of diuers of them: but if they had plucked vp all by the harde rootes, which might offende, who ſhould nowe haue raiſed the fire of temptation agaynſt vs? Wee are in muche better caſe, thankes be to God, ſo that as we haue laboured in their lot and number, ſo are we partakers of their labour and rewarde. What if any of them had bin faint, or exceeded in any poynt, are we bounde to folowe the example of their faintneſſe or exceſſe? We blame Peter for his denying of Chriſte, but we prayſe hym in re|prouyng of Neroes violence, with daunger of his lyfe. The Churche hath riſen and increa|ſed out of many daungerous oppreſſions, our fathers haue ſuffered many things, bicauſe they woulde not forſake the name of Chriſte, and ought I to ſuppreſſe his honour, to be reconci|led vnto any mans fauour? God forbyd, ſaid he, God forbyd.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the Noble men preſent hearde this anſweare of a ſubiect againſt his Soueraigne,The archb. Becker bla|med of arro|gancie. they all held againſt him, imputing the fault to the Biſhops arrogancie, that the peace was not made betweene the king and hym, in ſo muche that there was an Earle which openly ſaid, ſyth that hee reſiſteth the wyll of both the Realmes, he is not worthy to be ſuccoured by either of them from henceforth: and there|fore being caſt out of Englande, let not France receyue hym.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Councell then being broken vp, the Kings departed without biddyng the Arch|biſhop farewell, and ſuch as were mediatours for peace, in departing from this meting, ſpake many reprochefull wordes to hym,Archb. Bec|ket vvilful in his ovvne opinion. alledgyng that he had benne euer ſtoute and wiſe in his owne conceit, and a folower of his owne will and opinion: adding that it was a great hin|deraunce to the Churche, that he was ordey|ned Archbiſhop, and that by hym the Churche was alreadye in part deſtroyed, and woulde ſhortly be altogether brought to ruine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But the Archbyſhop ſettyng a watche be|fore his mouth, kept ſilence as though he had not heard, and folowed the Frenche king with his people. Many ſaide by the way as they iourneyed, Beholde the Archbiſhop yonder, whiche in talke the laſt night, woulde not for EEBO page image 414 the pleaſure of the King denie God, nor keepe his honor in ſilence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 After this, when the Archbiſhop was come to Sens, and aduiſed with himſelfe whether it ſhoulde bee beſt for him to goe, at length hee ſaide, God is able in the laſt poynte of miſerie and diſtreſſe, to help thoſe chat be his: and here|with came a meſſenger from the French King to bring him to the Court, for the French King as one that had bin better inſtructed in the mat|ter, repented himſelfe that he had iudged euil of his aunſweres at the laſt meeting, and herevp|pon receyued him againe into his fauour, and reſted not to trauell ſo muche in his cauſe,The French King recey|ueth the Archbishop Becket a|gayne into fauoure. that at length another meeting was aſſigned at a certayne place neere the confines of Norman|dy, whther King Henry came, and there foũd Kyng Lewes, the Archbiſhop of Rouen, and diuers other Biſhops togither, with the fore|ſaide Archbiſhop,The Archb. is reconciled to the king. who after they had reaſoned of the matter throughly as they ſaw cauſe, K. Henry receiued the Archbiſhop into his fauour againe, and promiſed to redreſſe all that hadde bin done amiſſe, and pardon all thoſe that had followed him out of the Realme, wherevppon the King and the Archbiſhop being recõciled, the Archbiſhoppe the ſame day came before the Kings preſence, and talked with him. And a|mongſt other things, the Archbiſhop required of the King, that it might be lawfull vnto him withoute the offending of his maieſtie, to pu|niſh, a [...] or [...]ing o [...] the ſenſures of the Churche, the iniurie done vnto him by the Archbyſhop of Yorke, and other Biſhops in the Coronati|on of his ſonne, which the King graunted, and ſhewed himſelfe in all things to the Archby|ſhop at that time ſo curteous, that as it is ſaid, he held his ſtirrop when he mounted on Horſ|backe. But whereas twice within a few dayes after,The King vvould not kiſſe the paxe vvith the Archb. the King and the ſaid Archbiſhop met at Maſſe, the King refuſed the kiſſe of peace with him, which was marked as a ſigne of a fained reconciliation, though indeede he afterwardes entertained him very curteouſly, and at his de|parture ouer into England, tooke leaue of hym in frindly manner, and directed letters vnder his ſeale, to his ſonne the newe King in forme as followeth.M. Paris.

Knowe yee that Thomas the Archbiſhop of Cãterbury hath made his peace with mee at my will and pleaſure, and there|fore I commaunde you, that both hee and hys may remayne in peace, and that he and al thoſe which for his cauſe departed out of ye Realm, may haue to them reſtored all their goodes in reſt and quiet, and in ſuche eſtate as they were poſſeſſed of them at any time within three mo|nethes before their departure from thence. And further, cauſe to come before vs of the beſt, and moſt auncient Knightes,The honor of Saltvved of the honor of Sal|wood, that vppon their othes, they maye find what fee the Archbiſhop ought to haue within that honor, and that which ſhall appeare to ap|perteyne vnto him, as in ſee let him enioy to ſame. And thus fare ye well.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Archbiſhop before he tooke his iourne into England, went to viſit the French King, and to giue him thankes for his greate paynes and trauell ſuſteyned in his cauſe,The French Kings aduice [...] the Arch|b [...]h. Becket. who aduiſed him in no wiſe as yet to committe hymſelfe to preſente daunger amongſt his new reconciled enimies, but rather to ſtay til their malice wer ſomewhat aſwaged: for he perceyued by Kyng Henries words and countenaunce ſuch a deepe rooted diſpleaſure in his hart, that hee agreed to receyue him into fauoure rather by compulſi|on and againſt his will than otherwiſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 But when the Archbiſhop would nedes de|part and goe ouer into Englande, the Frenche K. ſuffered him ſo to doe, doing him al the ho|nor he could at his leaue taking. M. Paris. The Archb. Becket re|turneth into Englande. Thẽ ye Arch|biſhoppe departing out of Fraunce, came into England, and landed at Sandwiche about the [figure appears here on page 414] firſt of December, in the ſeuenth yeare after his firſt departure out of the Realme. Shortly af|ter his arriuall, Roger ye Archbiſhop of Yorke Gilbert Biſhop of London, and Ioſcelline the Biſhop of Saliſbury, with diuers other, came vnto him, as to the Popes Legate, and requi|red that it might pleaſe him to reſtore them to the miniſtration of their offices againe. Theyr requeſt he graunted, but yet vpon condition yt they ſhuld vndertake to ſtand to his iudgemẽt and order in al things, which to do, they by the Counſell of the Archbyſhop of Yorke vtterly refuſed. Heere authors agree not, as Polidor truely ſaith, for ſome write, howe the Archbi|ſhop Thomas immediately vpon his returne into England, denounced the Archbiſhoppe of Yorke with the Biſhops of Saliſburie & Lõ|dõ accurſed, wheras before they were depriued EEBO page image 413 of the vſe and adminiſtration of the Sacra|mentes: and ſome agayne wryte, that nowe at his comming ouer into Englande from his exile, he depriued them onely of the miniſtra|tion of the Sacramentes together wyth the Biſhoppes of Execſter, Cheſter, Rocheſter, Saint Aſaph, and Landaffe, whiche had bin preſente at the Coronation of king Henry the ſonne, to the derogatiõ of the dignitie of their primate the Archbiſhop of Canterbury (as be|fore ye haue herd.) It ſhuld ſome yet by Geru. Dorobernenſis, that the Archbiſhop of York, & the Biſhop of Durham were ſuſpended, and the Biſhops of London, Saliſbury, & diuers other were excommunicate.

The archbish. of Yorke and other go ouer to the king to complayne of the Archebish. Becket.

Gerua. Dore.

But how ſoeuer he vſed them, the Archbiſhop of York, the two Biſhops of London, & Saliſbury being offen|ded with his doings, ſailed ouer into Normã|die, and there complayned vnto kyng Henry of iniuries done to them by the Archebiſhoppe Thomas, grieuouſly accuſing him, that hee went about to take away the libertie of prieſt|hood, to deſtroy, corrupte, and fynally to abo|liſhe bothe the lawes of God and man, toge|ther with the auncient decrees and ſtatutes of their elders: inſomuch that he tooke vpon him to exclude Biſhoppes at his pleaſure from the companie of Chriſtian men, and ſo being ex|cluded, to baniſhe them for euer. Alſo to dero|gate things merely preiudiciall to the kinges royall prerogatiue. And finally to take away from all men the equitie of Lawes and Ci|uill orders.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng giuyng eare to theyr tale, was ſo diſpleaſed in his mynde towardes the Arch|chebiſhop Thomas, that in open audience of his Lordes, Knightes, and Gentlemenne, he ſayd theſe or the lyke wordes: In what my|ſerable ſtate am I,The occaſion of the kinges vvoordes that coſt bishoppe Becket his life. that can not bee in reſte within myne owne Realme, by reaſon of one onely Prieſte? neyther his there any of my fol|kes that will helpe to deliuer me out of ſuche troubles.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were that ſtoode aboute the King whyche gueſſed by theſe woordes, that hys mynde was to ſignifye he woulde haue ſome man to diſpatche the Archebiſhop out of the waye.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kinges diſpleaſure towardes the Archbiſhop was knowne well ynough, which cauſed men to haue no reuerence to him at all, ſo that as there goeth a tale: it chaunced on a tyme, that hee came to Strowde in Kente, where the inhabitauntes meanyng to do ſom|what to his infamye, beyng thus oure of the Kings fauour, and deſpiſed of the world, cut off his horſſes tayle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were of the Kinges ſeruauntes that thought after an offer maner of ſort to reuẽge the diſpleaſure done to the kyngs maieſtie,The knightes the knightes that ſlevve the Ar [...]hbi. Becket. as Sir Hugh Moreville, ſir William Tracy, ſir Richard Britaigne, and Sir Reignold Fitz Vrſe, knightes, the whiche taking aduyce to|gither, and agreeing in one mynde and will, tooke ſhipping, and ſayled ouer into England, landyng at a place called Dogges hauen, nere vnto Douer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The firſte nighte they lodged in the Ca|ſtel of Saltwood, which Randolffe de Brocke hadde in keepyng, the nexte morning beeing the nyne and twentie of December, & fifte day of Chriſtmas which as that yeare came aboute fel vpon a tuiſday. They (hauing got togyther certain ſouldiors in the countrey thereabouts) came to Canterbury, and firſt entring into the court of the abbey of S. Auguſtine, they talked wyth Clarenbalde, the electe Abbotte of that place. And after conference hadde with hym, they proceeded about their buſineſſe in maner as followeth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The fyrſte knyght Sir Reynold Fitz Vrſe came to hym aboute the eleuenth houre of the daye,Reynolde Fitz Vrſe. That is be|tvvene 4. and 5. of the euening as the Archebiſhop ſatte in his chamber and ſitting downe afore his feete vppon the grounde without any manner of greeting or ſaluation, At lengthe beganne wyth hym thus:

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Wee beeing ſente of oure Soueraigne Lorde the king from the parties of beyond the ſea, doe here preſent vnto you his graces com|maundementes, to witte, that you ſhoulde go to his ſonne the King, to doe vnto hym that whiche appertayneth vnto you to doe vnto your ſoueraigne Lorde, and to do your fealtie vnto hym in takyng an othe, and further to a|mende that wherin you haue offended againſt his Maieſtie. Whervnto the archbiſhop aun|ſwered: For what cauſe ought I to confirme my fealtie vnto him by othe? or wherin am I giltie in offending the Kinges Maieſtie?An othe requi|red of him for his Baronie Sir Reignold ſayde: For your Barony fealtie is demaunded of you wyth an othe, and an o|ther othe is required of thoſe Clerkes, whiche you haue broughte wyth you, if they meane to continue within the lande. The Archebiſhop aunſwered: For my Baronie I am redye to doe to the Kyng whatſoeuer Lawe or Rea|ſon ſhall allowe of. But lette him for certaine holde, that he ſhall not get any othe eyther of me or of my Clerkes. We knowe that (ſayd the knight, that you woulde not doe anye of theſe thinges whiche wee proponed vnto you. Moreouer the King commaundeth you, that you ſhall abſoyle thoſe Biſhoppes that are excommunicated by you without his lycence. Whereunto he ſayde: The biſhops are excõmu|nicated EEBO page image 414 not by mee, but by the Pope, who hath therto authoritie from the Lorde. If in deede he hathe reuenged the iniurie doone to my Chur|che, I confeſſe that I am not diſpleaſed there|with. Then ſayde the knyght: Syth that ſuch thinges in deſpyte of the King do pleaſe you, it is to be thought that you would take from him his crowne, and bee called and taken for Kyng your ſelf, but you ſhall miſſe of your purpoſe ſure|ly therin. The Archbiſh then againe anſwered: I do not aſpire to the name of a king, rather would I knitte three crownes vnto his crowne if it laye in my power.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 The knightes cõmaunde the Monkes to ſee the Archbis. kept ſafe.At length after ſuch words, the Knights tur|ning them to the Monkes, ſayd: Vpon the behalf of our ſoueraigne Lord the King, we commaund you, that in any wyſe ye kepe this man ſafe, and preſente him to the king when it ſhall pleaſe his grace to ſend for him. The Archbiſhop ſaid: Doe ye thinke that I will run away? I came not to run away, but looke for the outrage and malice of wicked men. Truly (ſayd they) you ſhall not run away, and herewith they going forth with noyſe and threatnings, maiſter Iohn of Saliſbury his Chancellor ſayde vnto him:Iohn de Salis|bury the Arch|bishop Bec|kets chancellor My Lorde, this is a wonderfull matter that you wil take no mans counſell: had it not bin mete to haue giuen them a more meeke and gentle anſwere? but the Arch|biſhop ſaid: Surely I haue alreadie taken all the counſel that I will take,The archebi|shops reſolu|tion. I know what I ought to do. Then ſayd Saliſburie, I pray God it may be good, the knightes therfore departing oute of the place, and going aboute to putte on their ar|mour, certaine perſons came to the Archebiſhop,The knightes put on their ar|mour. and ſayd: My Lord, they arme themſelues. Then ſayd he: What forceth it? let them arme them|ſelues. Nowe when they were once armed, and with many other about thẽ, entred into the Arch|biſhops palace. Thoſe that were about the Arch|biſhop cryed vppon him to flee, but he ſat ſtill and woulde not once remoue, til the Monkes brought him euen by force and againſte his will into the Churche.The Monkes vvith force bring the Arch+bishop into the Church. The comming of the armed men bee|ing knowne, ſome of the Monkes contynued in ſinging of euenſong, & ſome ſought places where to hide themſelues, other came to the Archbiſhop, who was lothe to haue entred into the Churche, and when he was within he woulde not yet ſuf|fer them to make faſt the dores, ſo that there was a great ſturre among them, but chiefly when they perceyued that the armed men went about to ſeke for the Archbiſh by meane wherof their euenſong was left vnfiniſhed.The knightes enter the churche. At length ye knights wt their ſeruaunts hauing ſought the palace, came ruſhing into the Churche by the Cloyſter dore with theyr ſwordes drawen,As thoughe Archebishops cã be no trai|tours. ſome of them aſkyng for the Traytor, and ſome of them for the Archbyſhoppe who came and mette them, ſaying here am I, no traytor but the Archebiſhop. The formoſt of the knightes ſayde vnto him flee, thou art but deade. To whome the Archebiſhop ſaide I will not flee: The knight ſtepte to hym taking him by the ſleue and with his ſworde caſte his cappe beſides hys heade, and ſayde, come hither for thou art a pri|ſoner, I will not ſayde the Archbiſhop) doe wyth me here what thou wylte, and plucked his ſleeue with a myghty ſtrength out of the knights hand. Wherwith the knight ſtepped back .ij. or three pa+ces:The courage [...] the Archbishop Then the Archebiſhope turning to one of the knightes ſayde vnto him, what meaneth this Reygnolde? I haue done vnto thee many hygh pleaſures, and cõmeſt thou now vnto me into the Church armed, vnto whom the knight anſwered and ſayde, Thou ſhalte knowe a none what is ment. Thou arte but deade: It is not poſſyble for thee longer to liue. Vnto whome the Archbyſhop ſayde: And I am redy to dye for my God and for the defence of his Iuſtice and the lybertye of the Church, gladdely do I imbrace death, ſo that the Church may purchaſe peace and lyberty in the ſhedding of my bloud: And herewith takyng on other of the knightes by the Habergeon, hee ſloung him from him with ſuche violence, that hee hadde almoſte throwne hym downe to the grounde. This was ſyr Wylliam Thracye, as he himſelf did after confeſſe. After this the arch|byſhoppe inclyned hys heade after the manner of one that ſhoulde pray, pronouncing theſe his laſte wordes: Vnto God and to Saint Marye and to the Saintes that are Patrons of thys Churche, and to Sainte Deniſe, I commende my ſelfe and the Churches cauſe. There wyth Sir Reig|nalde Fytz Vrſe ſtrykyng a full blowe at hys heade, chaunced to light vpon the arme of a clerke named Edwarde of Cambridge,Edvvarde de Cambridge. who caſte vp his arme to ſaue the Archebyſhoppe: but when hee was not able to beare the weight of the blowe, hee plucked his, arme backe, and ſo the ſtroke ſtayed vppon the Archbyſhoppes heade, in ſuche wyſe that the bloud ran down by hs face: and then they ſtroke at hym one after an other,The Archbish. is ſlayne. and thoughe hee fell to the grounde at the ſeconde blowe, they lefte hym not tyll they hadde cutte and tourned out his braynes and ſtrowed them aboute vppon the Churche panement, whiche done, they went to the ryfling of hys houſe, ſpoyled all his goodes and toke them to their owne vſes, ſuppoſing it lawefull for them ſo to doe beeyng the kinges ſer|uauntes. But yet doubtyng howe the mat|ter woulde bee taken, after they hadde wrought theyr feate, they gotte them into the Byſhoprike of Dureſme, there to remayne tyll they myght heare howe the Kyng woulde take thys theyr vnlawfull enterpryſe: Althoughe (as they tooke it and alledged) they hadde luſtily defended hys cauſe, and reuẽged his quarell as faithful ſeruãts EEBO page image 417 ought to do, but it chaunced otherwiſe than they looked it ſhould haue done. for King Henry con|ned them ſo little thanke for theſe preſumptuous acte, ſounding to ye euill exãple of other in breache of his lawes, that they diſpairing vtterly of par|don, fledde one into one place,The murthe| [...]rs come to [...] euil ende. Math. Paris. VV. Paruus. and another into another, ſo that within four years they al dyed an euill death (as it hath bin reported). Some write, that they wente to Rome by the Kinges com|maundement, and there preſented them ſelues be|fore the Pope to receiue ſuche pennaunce for their wicked acte as he ſhould enioyne them. Herevpon the Pope appointed them to goe vnto Ieruſalem, there to doe their penaunce, where they remained certaine yeares, applying themſelues right dili|gently to performe the ſatiſfaction of there offer, according to the maner preſcribed to them by the Pope, and ſo at length they departed this life.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 [...]r. reg. 17. And this was the ende of Thomas Becket Archbiſhop of Canterbury, whiche was after hee firſt entred into that ſea eight yeres and ſixe mo|nethes, in the yeare after the birthe of our Lorde 1171.


[...]rer their ac| [...]mpt that [...]g in the yere Chriſtmas [...]y.

On Chriſtmas day before his deathe, which fel that yeare on the fryday, he preached a ſermon [figure appears here on page 417] to the people, and when he had made an end ther|of, he accurſed Nigell de Sackeuille, the violente incumbent of the Church of Berges, and Robert de Brocke, [...]ert de [...]ke. yt which had vpõ a deſpite curtayled yt horſe of the ſayde Archbiſhoppe: and as the ſame day whileſt he was at the aulter according to his cuſtome altogether in teares and lamentation, ſo at dinner he ſhewed him ſelfe very pleaſaunt and merry, in ſo muche, that when thoſe that were at the table ſemed ſomewhat doubtful to eate of the fleſh that was ſette before them, bycauſe it was Fryday, why doe ye abhorre, why do ye abhorre (ſaithe he) to eate fleſhe, this daye fleſhe hathe a greate priueledge, for this ſame day the worde was made fleſhe, and came into light, & appeared vnto vs. Theſe his words greatly contented all the company. But to let this matter paſſe.King Henry ſory for the Archbiſhop Beckets death. Kyng Henry doubtleſſe was right penſiue for his death, bycauſe hee wiſt well ynough that it woulde be iudged, that he himſelfe was priuie to the thyng: and euen ſo came it to paſſe, for immediately vp|pon notice giuen into France of the Archbiſhops death, K. Lewis,Polidor. and the Earle of Bloys Theo|bald, as they that loued hym moſt deerely, were moſt ſorowful for it, & iudging ſtraight way that K. Henry was the procurer, they wrote their let|ters vnto Pope Alexander, giuing him to vnder|ſtand both of ye ſlaughter, & how K. Henry hadde cauſed it to bee put in execution, requiring moſt inſtantly, that ſuche an iniurie done to the Chri|ſtian Religion, might ſpeedily be puniſhed. The Pope was muche offended, and determined to haue the matter throughly conſidered and orde|red, ſo as mighte ſtand with his dignitie and ac|cordingly as the haynous ſtate of the caſe requi|red K. Henry whileſt theſe things were a doing, lay certaine dayes at Argentõ ſo much diſpleaſed in his mind, that he would ſuffer no man once to ſpeake to him about any maner of buſineſſe.King Henry ſendeth Am|baſſadors to the Pope. At length, he ſent his Ambaſſadors to Rome, partly to purge himſelfe of the Archbiſhops death, partly to excuſe his faulte, for that in his furie he hadde vttered wordes againſt ye Archbiſhop whiche had giuen occaſion to naughty men to contriue hys death, partly to require the Pope to ſend his Le|gates into England, to make enquire both for ye deathe of the Archbiſhop, & alſo of the ſtate of the Cleargie. The Kings Ambaſſadours found the Pope at Tiuoli, & there were herd to declare their meſſage: but little credite was giuen to theyr words, in ſo muche, that the Pope playnely tolde them, that he vnderſtoode the matter to be muche otherwiſe than they had declared. Yet accordyng to the kings requeſt, he ſent two of his Cardinals into Englãd, whiche vpõ due examinatiõ, might vnderſtand ye truth of ye matter throughly as ap|perteined. There be that write, that the K.Math. Paris. ſente Ambaſſadors twice vnto ye Pope, for the firſte yt went, could not come to his preſence, nor be ſuf|fered to declare their meſſage thoſe that were ſent the ſecond time, were receiued of ſome of ye Car|dinals, but yet onely with wordes withoute any other way of friendly entertainement. At length, whẽ ye feaſt of Eaſter drew neere, on ye which ey|ther abſolution or excommunication was to bee denounced againſt euery man, there were certain of the Cardinals whiche gaue intelligence to the Engliſhe Ambaſſadours, that the Pope by ad|uice of the Colledge, ment on the thurſday before Eaſter day to declare the ſentence of interdictiõ againſt the K. of Englande, and againſt all hys dominions, and to confirme that whiche had bin already pronounced againſt Richarde the Arch|biſhop of Yorke, and the other Biſhops his com|plices EEBO page image 418 plices. The Ambaſſadors beeing broughte to a ſtrait iſſue herwith by help of ſome of ye Cardinals ſound meanes to haue it put into the Popes head, how the Engliſh Ambaſſadors had commiſſiõ to vndertake that the K. of England ſhould obey in al things what order ſoeuer it pleaſed the Pope & his court to award him. Herevpon they toke their othe, that it ſhould ſo be, and ſo by ye meanes they auoided the interdiction. The meſſengers of the Archbiſhop of Yorke and the other Biſhops vſed the like ſhifte, but yet ye ſame day the Pope did ex|communicate the knights that had murthred the Archbiſhop Thomas, and all thoſe that had pro|cured,Ger. Do. ayded, ſuccoured, or abetted them therein. Some write, that thoſe Ambaſſadors which ye K. ſent to ye Court of Rome,The Ambaſ|ſadors were glad to vſe a ſhift by briberie. could not be ſuffered to come to ye Popes preſence, till according to ye fa|ſhiõ, they had giuẽ .500. markes in reward, and ſo at length were admitted to his preſence. Howſoe|uer ye matter paſſed, ye K. ſtoode in great feare leaſt his land ſhuld be interdited, in ſo much, that he cõ|manded ye wardens of ye portes both on this ſide ye ſea & beyond, to take good heed, leaſt any cõmyng with letters of interdictiõ ſhould paſſe into Eng|land, but if any ſuch came, ye the bringer ſhould be areſted & committed to priſon. Alſo he cõmanded, yt no clearke wer ſuffered to come ouer into Eng|lãd, except he firſt toke an oth that he came about no buſineſſe yt might turne to ye preiudice of ye K. or his realme. This commandement he ſet foorth, at what time he tranſported ouer into Englande himſelfe, where he lãded this yere at Porteſmouth ye third day of Auguſt. About which time it came into ye kings mind, to make a Conqueſt of Irelãd vpõ this occaſion.Sundry rulers in Ireland. It chanced, whereas diuers ru|lers (or as we may cal them) pety kings, gouerned ye ſame ſeaſon in that Iland (whiche was deuided into ſeueral eſtates or kingdomes) that continuall ſtrife & diſſentiõ remained amongſt them, ſo yt of|tentimes they made ſore war after the manner of their countrey one againſt an other. Herevppon it fortuned, that one of thoſe kings or rulers about ye 14. yere of this kings raigne, was ſore afflicted and oppreſſed by his neighbours, whervpõ taking ad|uice what he might beſt doe for remedie in yt caſe, Math. Paris. VVi. Parius. See more hereof in Irelande. at length he ſent his ſon into England to reteyne ſouldiers & men of war, & to bring them ouer vnto his aid in hope of gaine, & ſuch commoditie as he aſſured them of. Now it came to paſſe, that by ye aſſiſtance of ſuch Engliſhmen as then came ouer, the foreſaid Iriſh K. began to recouer his loſſes, & in the end waxed ſo ſtrong, that he ſubdued all his enimies. Whẽ he had thus obteined the victory, he did not only not ſend backe his aiders, but ſo libe|rally reteined them ſtil with him, that they had no haſt to returne home, but ſetled themſelues in that countrey, where they liued a pleaſant and very li|cẽtious life. For this cauſe alſo the ſtouteſt Lords and Rulers of the Iriſh nation began ſore to ſto|macke ye matter againſt, him ye had thus brought the Engliſhe nation into their Countrey, in ſo much, that the Engliſhmen perceiuing their ma|lice, and therewithall hauing ſome feare of them|ſelues, bycauſe of their ſmall number, they ſent o|uer into England for ſuch as wanted liuings and were willing to ſeeke for it in other countreys, of which ſort, great nũbers went ouer thither within a ſhort ſpace, whereof the multitude of the Eng|liſhe greatly encreaſed: but for as muche as they had no ruler to gouerne them,Earle Stra [...] bowe. Nic. Trim [...] they procured Ri|chard Strãgbow erle of Struguille, alias Chep|ſtow in Wales to come ouer thither, & to receyue the ſoueraigne gouernement, with ſuch honorable prouiſion for maintenance of his eſtate, as ſhould ſeme requiſite. Some write,N. Triuet. VVil. Pa [...] yt this Erle Richarde (being alſo Erle Marſhal of England) for a Re|bellion moued againſt K. Henry, had before thys time forfeited al his lãds, but other affirme ye tho|rough riot and more ſumptuous port thã his abi|lity might beare he had made away & conſumed ye moſt parte of his liuings, [...]. and was runne ſo farre in debt, that he knew not how to ſatiſfie his credi|tors, and therefore was he the redier to incline to their requeſt, which made labor vnto him to come ouer into Ireland to haue the gouernance of ſuche Engliſh people, as had already planted thẽſelues there to inhabite and remaine. Heerevpon he pre|pared a nauie & aſſembled togither a great num|ber of ſuch as lacked liuings, and ſhortly determi|ned to paſſe ouer into Irelande.Strangbo [...] conterm [...] But euen as hee was ready to ſet forwarde, there came vnto hym meſſengers from K. Henry, commanding him to ſtay, & not to take that iourney in hand. But the Earle hauing nothing in Englande whereof to make anye greate accompte, notwithſtanding the kings commandement, taketh the ſea, and paſſeth ouer into that countrey, where he greatly reioyced ſuche Engliſhmen as dayly had looked for his re|paire and comming thither. Heere by the way yee ſhal note, that whatſoeuer I haue here ſet downe touching theſe Iriſhe matters, I tooke the ſame foorthe of ſuche authors as yee may find heere al|ledged, before I got ſight of Giraldus Cambrẽ|ſis his booke entituled Vanticinalis hiſtoria, wher|in is cõteined ye trueſt report of al theſe doings, as partly may appeare by that which in ye hiſtorie of Ireland is exẽplified out of Campiõ, & ſomewhat enlarged by mine owne collections out of the ſaid Giraldus his booke. But for ſo much as time wil not ſerue me to tranſpoſe that which I haue here inſerted into the Iriſh hiſtory (as I wiſhed) for ye more large ſetting foorth thereof, as place and oc|caſion might haue required, I haue here deliuered the hiſtorie vnto you as I firſt gathered it out of thoſe authors which firſt came to my handes, re|ferring the conſideration thereof to the Readers EEBO page image 419 diſcretion vpon conference of the ſame with that which is conteined in the ſaid hiſtorie of Ireland. To proceede therefore with Earle Strangbowe? Shortly after, ioyning thoſe whiche he broughte oute with him, with the other that were there be|fore his cõming, he thought to worke ſome feate, whereby he mighte make his name famous, and cauſe the Iriſhmẽ to haue him in feare. And here|vpon he firſt aſſailed the Citie of Dublin,Dublin won. Additions to Iohn Pike. and by force wan it. He likewiſe, wan Waterford, and [figure appears here on page 419] diuers other Townes neere vnto the Sea ſyde. Alſo to haue ſome friendſhip amongſt thoſe bar|barous people,Strangbow marrieth Dermutius his daughter. he married the daughter of the cõ|federate King, and ſo grewe into very greate eſti|mation in that countrey and Region. Howbeit, with theſe and the lyke doings of the Erle, King Henry tooke ſuch diſpleaſure (but chiefly for diſo|beying his commaundemente) that hee confyned him the realme,Strangbow vnfined. ſeaſed his lands as forfeyted, and by proclamation reſtreyned all his ſubiectes from paſſing into Ireland with any kind of marchan|diſe, prouiſion of vittailes, or other commodities what ſoeuer. By reaſon whereof, Earle Strang|bowe partly by conſtreynte, and partly in hope to returne into fauoure with King Henry, and for other reſpectes as maye be coniectured, [...]o ſeeketh to [...]ocure the [...]ngs fauour. aduertiſed him of the whole ſtate of the countrey of Irelãde, promiſing him, that if it woulde p [...]aſe his grace to come ouer thither, he woulde ſo worke that hee ſhould be admitted ſoueraigne Lord of al ye land. Heerevpon King Henry pardoned him of al for|mer treſpaſſes, [...]he King [...]rdoneth [...]m. [...]ic. Triuet. and reſtored vnto him al his lands and inheritances within England and Normã|dy. And further, confyrmed to him ſuche liuings abrode in Ireland out of the walled Townes, as he helde already in right of his wife. And further|more ordeyned, that he ſhould be high Stewarde of Irelãd vnder him. Kyng Henry then retur|ning out of Normandy into England about the ſixth day of Auguſt as is aforeſaid, cauſed a nauie of .400. Ships to be made ready, and to aſſemble at Milford haue [...] in Penbrokeſhie [...], [...]g. Hon. with all ſuch prouiſſion and furniture as was thought neceſſa|ry for ſuch a iourney. Heerewith alſo he leuieth a great army both of Horſemen and footemen, and came forward with the ſame vnto Penbroke,Milford Ha|uen. King Henry landeth in Ireland. and ſo when all his prouiſion and Ships were ready, be entreth the Sea at Milford hauen aforeſaid the ſixtenth day of October, and landed in Irelande, [figure appears here on page 419] at a place called Crouch,Crowch. not paſt a ſeuen myles from Waterford the day next following, about nine of the clocke: and on the morrow after being S. Luke the Euangeliſts day, hee with all hys o [...]nly marched foorthe to Waterforde, where hee foũd William Fitz Alde [...] his Sewer, and Ro|bert Fitz Bernard, with other whom he had ſent thither before him for ſuch purpoſes as he thought moſt conuenient. He remayned at Waterforde fiftene dayes, during whiche tyme, there came in vnto him the K. of Corke, the K. of Limerike, the K. of Offorie, ye K. of Merth, Reginald de Wa|terford, and diuers other great Princes of Irelãd. EEBO page image 420 At his firſt arriuall, the foreſayd Earle Richarde ſurrendred into his hands all thoſe Townes and places whiche he had ſubdued in that Countrey.The ſurrender made by Earle Strangbow. Herewithal, the whole land began to tremble, ſo that the Rulers of Townes and Countreys ſent vnto him meſſengers, offering to become tribu|taries, and to deliuer hoſtages: for whileſt euery of thoſe Rulers whiche had the gouernemente of Ireland in their hands feared their owne eſtate,Sundry Ru|lers in a land what weake|nes it cauſeth. & miſtruſted their owne powers, they all in maner ſubmitted themſelues, ſo that this victory chaun|ced to K. Henry, withoute the drawing foorthe of his ſword, & in ſuch wiſe, that hee coulde not haue wiſhed for better or more ſpeedy ſucceſſe therein. For whereas the whole Ilande was deuided into ſundry dominions, and ruled by ſundry gouer|nours, not drawing all one way, but through fa|ctions and contrary ſtudies one enuying an o|thers welth, nothing more hindred the fierce and vnquiet nation from making reſiſtance, than in that they could not agree to take councell togy|ther for defending of their liberties, and entier ſtate of the common wealth. Wherevpon, why|leſt euery of them a part by himſelfe is in doubt to attempt the hazard of warre againſt ſo mighty a King, they are all ouercome, as were the Britons likewiſe in the time of Ceſar and of the Saxons. King Henry therefore gladly receiued their hum|ble ſubmiſſion, and they doing homage vnto him, ſware to be his liege and faithfull ſubiects. Onely Roderike gouernour of Connagh refuſed to ſub|mit himſelfe. This Roderike pretended to be the chiefe King of Ireland,Roderike K. of Connagh. and therefore kept conti|nuall warre with the other Rulers, whiche was partly the cauſe wherefore they ſubmitted them|ſelues ſo ſoone vnto King Henry. Math. Paris. Polidor. The nature of the Countrey of Connagh. This Roderike held that part of Ireland which lieth towarde the Weſt, being full of great and thicke woodds, and hereto defended with very high and great Moun|taines, alſo cloſed with waters and mariſhes, ſo that it ſhoulde bee very harde, and ſpecially in the winter ſeaſon, to bring an army vnto it: whyche was the only cauſe why King Henry attempted nothing againſt Roderike at that time, but tooke in hand to plãt garniſons of Souldiers in places conuenient, to keepe the lande in quiet, whiche hee had wonne already, and to giue order for the go|uernement of the whole eſtate of the Countrey to his behoofe and commoditie. Herevpon going to Dublin which is the chiefeſt Citie of all Ireland, he aſſembled all the Rulers and Lordes as well ſpirituall as temporall togither there in Counſel, conſulting with them for the aſſurance of the do|minion of the land to him and his heires for euer|more. The Iriſh men alledge for themſelues,The allegatiõ of the Iriſhmẽ that his deuiſe therein coulde not be broughte to paſſe without the Popes authoritie were therein firſte obteyned: for they affirmed, that immediately vp|pon receyuing the Chriſtian faith, they did ſub|mit themſelues, and all that they hadde, vnto the Sea of Rome, ſo that they could not acknowlege any for their ſoueraigne Lord, but only the Pope, which opinion ſome of them (although vaynely) haue holden vnto theſe our dayes. King Henry then vnderſtanding this matter, diſpatched Am|baſſadors to Rome, requiring of Pope Alexan|der, that he would by his authoritie graunte hym licence to adioyne the Countrey of Ireland vnto the Realme of England, who went thither with all expedition according to their charge. And cer|tainely, theſe Ambaſſadours whiche the Kyng ſent now out of Ireland to Rome in this behalfe, returned with better ſpeede in their meſſage, than did ye other which he had ſent to him out of Nor|mandy to excuſe him of the deathe of the Archby|ſhop Thomas: for the Pope vpon good aduice ta|ken in this matter (conſidering that he had nowe no profit growing to him by that Ile, and that the Iriſh people being wilde and rude, were farre off from all good order of Chriſtianitie in diuers poyntes, he thought it would be a mean to bring ſome gaine to his cofers, and the people more ea|ſily from their naughty cuſtomes, if they were once made ſubiect vnto ſome Chriſtian Prince, that was of puiſſance able to tame them, and cõ|ſtreine them by force to be more meeke and trac|table.) In conſideration whereof, he was content to graunt vnto the K. all that herein he required. Wherevpon, K. Henry conſidering in what re|ſpect the Pope was ſo ready to accompliſhe hys requeſt, called a Counſell of the Biſhops to aſ|ſemble at Caſſille,A Counſell Caſſhill. where many things were de|creed and ordeined for the reforming of diuers cu|ſtomes vſed before amongſt the Iriſhmen, and meerely repugnant to the lawes of the Chriſtian Religion.Rob. Hou Ther were alſo appointed as ſolicitors in theſe matters, and to ſit as aſſiſtants with the Iriſh Biſhops,The Arch [...] con of [...] one of the kings Chaplaynes na|med Nicholas, and one Raulf the Archdiecon of Landaf. Amongſt other things there concluded it was ordeined, yt children ſhuld be brought to ye Churche, three to receiue Baptiſme in [...]|ter, with three dippings into the ſame, inuaine of the Father, the Sonne, and the holy Chriſt, & that by the Prieſts hands, except in caſes where daun|ger of death was feared: whiche then mighte bee done by any other perſon, and in any other place. Alſo it was ordeined, that [...]ythes ſhould be layde to Churches, and that ſuche lay men as woulde keepe wiues, ſhould keepe them according to the lawes of holy Churche, and not otherwiſe. The Peterpence alſo ye Adrian [...] his B [...]es, ſent to the K. touching the ſauior [...]ther in the be|ginning of his raigne, with diuers other thyngs were in like maner appointed to be payde that nothing was omitted that mighte pleaſ [...]e the EEBO page image 421 Pope, or recouer his gracious fauour already loſt in the matters of Thomas Becket, wherof you haue heard alredy. Thus you heare what ſucceſſe our Ambaſſadours had in this voyage. Now wil I tel you ere I proceede any further, what ſtrãge things did happen in England whileſt the King was thus occupied in Irelãd, and within the cõ|paſſe of that yere, and firſt of al, in the night before Chriſtmas day laſt paſſed, [...]n. reg. 18. there chaunced ſuch a tempeſt of lightning and thũder, that the like had not bin heard of. [...]at. Paris. [...]at. VVest. [...]ore tempeſt And this tempeſt was not only generally throughout all England, but alſo in o|ther forraine parties neere adioyning, namely in Irelande, where it continued all that nighte, and Chriſtmas day following,1172 to ſo great terror of ye people, that they looked for preſent deathe. The ſame night at Andeuer in Hamſhire, a Prieſt be|ing in his prayers afore the Aulter, was ſtriken with the Tempeſt, ſo that he died ere it was nine of the clocke in the morning. Alſo, a Temporall man that was there the ſame time, was brenned with the lightning, [...]ghtning. and whereas his brother bee|ing preſent, ranne to him to haue ſuccoured hym, hee likewiſe was caught with the fire, and in lyke maner conſumed. [...]lidor. In Irelande alſo, euill diet in eating of freſh fleſh and drinking water contrary to the cuſtome of the Engliſhmen, broughte the flixe and other diſeaſes in the Kyngs army, ſo that many dyed thereof. Wherefore, about the be|ginning of Lent, the Kyng remoued from Dub|lin, and went vnto the Citie of Wexford, [...]g. Houd. where he remayned till towardes Eaſter, and then pre|pared to returne into England: but before he toke the Sea hee gaue, and by his charter confirmed vnto Hugh Lacy, all the landes of Meeth, with ye appurtenances, [...]he Kings [...]t vnto [...]ugh Lacy. tohold of him and his heires in fee by Knightes ſeruice, as to finde him an hundred Knightes or men of armes as wee maye tearme them for euermore. Hee gaue alſo vnto the ſame Hugh, the keeping of the Citie of Dublin, and made him chiefe Iuſtice of Ireland. Vnto Ro|berte Fitz Bernarde hee commited the Cities of Waterford, and Weſſeford, that he ſhould keepe the ſame to his vſe, and build in them Caſtels, for a more ſure deſenſe againſt the enimies. And thus when the King had planted garriſons of Soul|diers in thoſe and in other places alſo where was thought needefull. And further had giuen order for the politike gouernemente of the whole coun|trey, ſo farre as he had conquered, he firſte ſent o|uer his houſhold ſeruants whiche tooke the water on Eaſter day, and landed at Millefourd, but hee himſelfe and other of the nobles ſtayed there all that day, by reaſon of the high ſolemnitie of that feaſt howbeit the day next after they tooke ye Sea togither, [...]he King re| [...]neth into [...]glande. and lãded neere to S. Dauids in South Wales, from whence withoute delay hee haſted forthe to Douer, and hauing his ſonne the yong K. with him, Ger. Do. The Popes Legates. hee ſailed ouer into Normandy in the Croſſe weke to meete the Popes Legates, the which he vnderſtod to be already come thither. At his meeting with them there, hee ſhewed them a right good countenance, and gaue them alſo very honorable entertainemẽt, omitting nothing that mighte, do them pleaſure. Heere when the matter came to be diſcuſſed touching the death of ye Arch|biſhop Thomas, bycauſe it could not be certaine|ly tried out in whome the fault reſted, much rea|ſoning too and fro paſſed about obiections and excuſes layde as in doubtfull cauſes it often hap|peneth, ſo that welneere the ſpace of foure mo|nethes was ſpente in debating of that matter, in which meane time, the King to auoyde all con|tention and ſtrife betwixte him and King Le|wis, ſent his ſonne Henry togither with his wife, ouer into England, there eftſoones to receyue the Crowne, and with them came Rotrod the Arch|biſhop of Rouen, Giles Biſhop of Eureux,Ger. Do. Rog. Houd. Ro|ger Biſhop of Worceter, and dyuers other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon the yong king being arriued in En|glande called an aſſemblie of the Lords ſpiritual and temporal at Wincheſter,Rog. Houd. where both he and his ſayde wife Margaret daughter to the French king was crowned with all ſolemnitie, by the handes of the ſaid Rotrode Archbiſhop of Roan vpon the .xxj. of Auguſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 In the meane tyme (ſayeth one writer) his father king Henry might haue foreſeen & founde meanes to haue auoyded the diſcord which euen nowe began to ſpring vp betwixt him and hys children, cauſing a ſore and ciuile warre, if hee had not bin a man that vtterly did deteſte all ſu|perſtitious admonitions: for being told I wote not by whom, that if he did not repent, and take more regarde to miniſter Iuſtice, which is a ver|tue (that conteyneth in it ſelfe all other vertues) it would come to paſſe, that within ſhorte tyme he ſhoulde fall into great and manyfold calami|ties. In his returne alſo out of Irelande (ſayth an other) vpon the Sunday nexte after the feaſt of Eaſter, commonly called Lowſunday, as he ſhould take his horſe at Cardiffe in Wales, there appeared vnto him a man of pale and wanne co|lour, barefooted, and in a white kirtell, the which boldly in the Dutche language ſpake vnto him, and admoniſhed him of amendmente of lyfe, and to haue regard that the Sabboth day commonly called the Sundaye, myghte bee more duely kept and obſerued, ſo that no markettes nor bo|dily workes be holden, vſed, or done vppon that day within the boundes of hys domynions, ex|cepte that whyche apperteyneth to dreſſing of meates. And if thou doe (ſayeth hee) after thys commandemente, I aſſure thee that all things whiche thou doeſt enterpriſe of good intente and purpoſe, ſhall ſort to good effect, & very lucky end. EEBO page image 422 But the K. was not greatly pleaſed with theſe wordes, and in Frenche ſaide to the Knight that helde his bridle. Aſke of this Chorle whether hee hathe dreamed all this that hee telleth or not, and the Knight expounded it in Engliſh, wherevnto the man aunſwered, whether I haue dreamed it in my ſleepe or not, take thou heede to my words, and marke what day this is, for if thou do not a|mende thy life and doe as I haue aduertiſed thee, before a twelue moneth come to an ende, thou ſhalt heare ſuch tidings as will make thee ſorow|full all the dayes of thy life after. The man when this was ſaide, vaniſhed away ſuddenly, and the King tooke his wordes but in ſporte: howbeit hee wondered that hee was ſo ſuddenly gone, as hee did likewiſe at his ſuddayne appearing. Many o|ther warnings the King had (ſaith mine author,) but he ſet little thereby. The ſeconde warnyng hee receyued of an Iriſhman, that tolde hym tokens that were moſt priuie. The thirde tyme a Knighte of Lindſey called Philip of Cheſterby, paſſing the Sea, came to the Kyng into Nor|mandy, and there declared vnto him ſeuen Arti|cles which he ſhould amend, and if he ſo did, then he told him that he ſhould raigne ſeuen yeares in great honor, and winne the holy Croſſe, and ſub|due Gods enimies. If he did not amend and re|dreſſe thoſe poyntes, then ſhould he come to death with diſhonor in the fourth yeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The firſt article or point was, that he ſhoulde ſeeke to maynteyne holy Church.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſeconde, that hee ſhoulde cauſe rightfull lawes to be executed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The thirde, that he ſhoulde condemne no man without lawfull proces.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The fourth, that he ſhoulde reſtore the landes, goodes and heritages to thoſe rightfull owners from whome he had taken them by any wrong|full dome, or other vnlawfull meanes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The fifth, that he ſhould cauſe euery manne to haue right, without bribing and giuing of meede.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſixth, that he ſhould pay his debtes as wel due to any of his ſubiects, for any ſtuffe taken vp of them to his vſe, as to his ſeruantes and Soul|diers, whiche bycauſe they coulde not haue theyr wages truely payde to them, fell to robbing and ſpoyling of true labouring men.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſeuenth & laſt Article was, that he ſhould cauſe the Iewes to be auoyded out of the lande, by whome the people were ſore empoueriſhed with ſuche vnmercifull vſurie as they exerciſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 The K. notwithſtanding theſe and other like warnings, tooke no regard to the amendmente of his ſinfull life, wherevpon as is thought, the trou|bles which enſued light vppon him by Gods iuſt appoyntment. But nowe to returne to his ſonne the yong King, by whome the troubles were mo|ued, who after that he had receyued the Crowne togither with his ſayde wife,Ro. Houd. Gerua. D [...]. they both paſſed the ſeas incontinently backe againe into Norman|dy, where on the ſeuen and twentith of Septem|ber, at a generall aſſemble holden within the Ci|tie of Auranches in the Church of the Apoſtle S. Andrew,King Henry purgeth him ſelfe of the Archbiſhop Beckets [...] King Henry the father before the Car|dinals the Popes Legates, and a greate number of Biſhops and other people, made his purgation in receyuing an oth vppon the holy relikes of the Saints, and vpon the ſacred Euangeliſtes, that he neyther willed, nor commaunded the Archby|ſhop Thomas to be murthred, and that when hee heard of it he was ſorie for it. But bycauſe hee could not catch them that ſlew the Archbiſhoppe, and for that he feared in his conſcience, leaſt they had executed that vnlawfull acte vpõ a preſump|tuous boldneſſe, for that they had perceiued hym to bee offended with the Archbiſhop, hee ſware to make ſatiſfaction for giuing ſuch occaſion in this maner: Firſt, that he woulde not depart frõ Pope Alexander, nor from his Catholike ſucceſſours, ſo long as they ſhoulde repute him for a Catholike King. Agayne, that hee would neyther impeache Appeales, nor ſuffer them to bee impeached, but that they might freely be made within ye Realme vnto the Pope, in cauſes eccleſiaſticall, ſo yet that if the King haue the parties ſuſpected, they ſhall finde hym ſureties that they ſhall not procure harme or hinderance whatſoeuer to him or to his Realme. He alſo ſware, that within three yeares after the natiuitie of our Lorde next enſuing, he ſhoulde take vpon him the Croſſe, and in perſon paſſe into the holy lande, excepte Pope Alexander or his ſucceſſors tooke other order with him. But if vpon any vrgente neceſſitie he chaunced to goe into Spaine to war againſte the Sarazens there, then ſo long ſpace of time as he ſpẽt in that iour|ney, hee mighte deferre his going into the Eaſt partes. In the meane time, he bound hymſelfe by his oth to employ ſo muche money as the Tem|plers ſhoulde thinke ſufficiente for the finding of two hundred Knightes or men of armes, for one yeares tearme, in defenſe of the holy lande. Fur|thermore, hee pardoned his wrath conceyued a|gainſte thoſe which were in exile for the Archby|ſhop Thomas his came, ſo that they mighte re|turne againe into the Realme. He further ſware, to reſtore all the lands and poſſeſſions which had bin taken away from the See of Canterbury, as they were belonging thereto in the yere before the departure of ye Archbiſhop Thomas out of Eng|land. He ſware alſo to take away and aboliſh all thoſe cuſtomes which in his time had burbrought in againſt the Church, as preiudiciall thereto. All theſe Articles faithfully, and withoute male in|gene to performe and fulfil in euery degree, he re|ceiued a ſolemne oth, and cauſed his ſon the yong K. being there preſent, to receiue the ſame for per|formance EEBO page image 423 of all thoſe Articles, ſuch as touched his owne perſon only excepted: and to the intente the ſame ſhoulde remayne in the Popes conſiſtorie as matter of record, he put his ſeale vnto the writing wherein the ſame Articles were ingroſſed, togy|ther with the ſeales of the abouementioned Car|dinals. Shortly after. K. Henry the father, ſuffe|red the yong K. his ſon to goe into Fraunce, to|gither with his wife, to viſit his father King Le|wis, accordingly as their duties required, whyche iourney verily bred the cauſe of the diſſentiõ that followed betwixt him and his father. King Le|wis moſt louingly receiued them as reaſon was, and cauſed diuers kindes of triumphant playes & paſtimes to be ſhewed to the honor and delectati|on of his ſon in law and daughter. But yet whi|leſt this yong Prince ſoiourned in France, King Lewis not hartily fauouring the K. of England, and there withall perceiuing the raſh and hedſtrõg diſpoſition of the yong K. did firſt of all inuegle him to conſider of his eſtate,The French [...]ng ſeeketh [...]t [...]w ſeditiõ betwixt the [...]tner and the [...]nne. and to remember yt he was now a K. equal vnto his father, and ther|fore he aduiſed him ſo ſhortly as he could, to get ye entire gouernemente out of hys fathers handes: wherevnto hee furthermore promiſed him all the aide that lay in hym to performe. The yong K. being ready ynough not only to worke vnquiet|neſſe, but alſo to folow his father in lawes coun|ſel, (as he that was apt of nature to aſpire to the ſole gouernement, and loth to haue anye parte|ner in authoritie, and namely ſuch one as mighte controll him,) was the more encouraged thereto, by a number of prodigall curry fauours, who by flatterie ſet him aloft, declaring vnto him that hee was borne to rule, and not to obey, and therefore it became not his highneſſe to reigne, by the ap|pointmẽt of other, but rather to haue ye gouerne|ment freely in his owne handes. Whereupon, the youthfull courage of the yong King being tickled herewith, began to waxe of a contrary minde to his father: howbeit, beeing called home out of France, he returned vnto him with all ſpeede, hys father (indeede ſuſpecting yt which chanced, which was, leaſt hys ſonnes yong yeares not able yet to diſcerne good and wholeſome councell from e|uil, might eaſily bee infected there with ſome ſini|ſter practiſe,) thought it not good to ſuffer hym to be long abſente from him, and therefore ſente for him: who taking leaue of his father in law Kyng Lewis in courteous maner, returned and came to his father K. Henry into Normandy,

[...]og. Hou.

An. Reg. 19.


who when ye feaſt of Chriſtmas drew nere, repaired towards Aniou, where in the Towne of Chinon, he ſolẽ|nized that feaſt, hauing left his ſon the yong K. and his wife al that while in Normãdy: but ſen|ding for him after the feaſt was ended, they went both into Auvergne, where being at Mount Fer|rat,Hubert Earle Morienne. there came vnto them Hubert Erle of Mori|enne, bringing with him his eldeſt daughter A|lice, whom K. Henry ye father bought of him, for the ſumme of fiue M. markes, that he mighte be|ſtow hir in marriage vpon his yongeſt ſon Iohn, with the heritage of the countie of Morienne if hir father died without other iſſue,A marriage contracted. or at the leaſt wiſe ye ſaid Hubert chanced to haue any ſon law|fully begottẽ, yt then ſhuld he leaue vnto them and to their heires the Countie of Ruſſellon,Comitatus bellenſis. ye Coun|tie of Belle, as he thẽ held the ſame, Pierre Caſtel with the appurtenances, ye Valley of Noualleyſe, alſo Chambry with the appurtenaunces, Aiz, Aſ|permont, Rochet, Mont Magor, & Chambres, wt Burg, al which lying on this ſide ye Mountaines with their appurtenances, ye ſaid Hubert granted to them immediatly for euer. And beyõd ye Moũ|taines he couenanted to giue vnto them Tunne with ye appurtenances, the Colledge of Gauoreth with ye appurtenãces, & al ye fees which the Erles of Canaues helde of him, togither with ye fealties & ſeruices. And alſo, the fees fealties, and ſeruices which belong to him in ye Countie of Amunde, & in the valley called Vale Doſta. And in like ma|ner, the Towne of Caſtellone, and al theſe afore|named places the foreſaide Erle (I ſay) gaue and granted to ye ſayd Iohn, ſon to the K. of Englãd for euermore, with his daughter, ſo freely, whol|ly & quietly (in men & Cities, Caſtels, fortreſſes, or other places of defence, in medowes, leaſſewes, milnes, woddes plaines, waters, valleys & Moũ|taines in cuſtomes & all other things) as euer hee or his father hadde held or enioyed the ſame. And furthermore, the ſaide Erle would, that immedi|ately (whẽ it pleaſed the K. of England) his peo|ple ſhuld do homage & fealtie to ye K. of Englãds ſon, ſauing ye fealtie due to him ſo lõg as he liued.The Countie of Granople.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Moreouer, the ſaid Earle Hubert granted to the ſaid Iohn and his wife all the right that he had in the Countie of Granople, and what ſoeuer might be got & euicted in the ſame Countie. It was al|ſo couenanted, that if ye elder daughter died, then ſhould the ſaid Iohn marry the yonger daughter with al & the like portions & parties of inheritance as he ſhould haue enioyed with the firſt: and that theſe couenantes, graunts & agreements ſhuld be performed on ye part & behalf of the ſaid Erle Hu|bert, both he, the ſaid Erle, & the Erle of Geneua, & in manner al the great Lords & Barõs of thoſe countreys receiued an oth, and vndertoke to come and offer thẽſelues as hoſtages to remaine with ye K. of Englande, in caſe the ſaide Earle Huberte failed in performance of any of the aforeſaide Ar|ticles, til he framed himſelf to ſatiſfie ye kings ple|ſure in ſuch behalfe. And furthermore, Peter, the reuerend Archbiſhop of Tarenſaſia, & Ardune the B. of Geneua, & alſo William the B. of Moriẽ|ne, with ye Abbot of S. Mighell promiſed vppon their oth to be ready at the appointmẽt of ye K. of England, to put vnder the cenſures of the Church the ſayde Earle and hys landes, refuſing to EEBO page image 424 performe the foreſayde couenauntes, and ſo to keepe him and the ſame lands bound, till he hadde ſatiſfied the K. of Englande therein. William Earle of Mandeuill,The Earles of Mandeuille and Arundell. and William Earle of A|rundell ſware on the parte of K. Henry, that hee ſhould performe the Articles, couenaunts and a|greements on his part, as firſt to make payment immediatly vnto ye ſaid Hubert of one thouſande marks, & aſſoone as he ſhould receyue his daugh|ter, he ſhuld pay to him an other thouſand marks at the leaſt, and the reſidue then remaining behind of the ſaid ſumme of fiue M. marks, ſhuld be paid when ye marriage was cõſummate. It was pro|uided alſo, yt the ſaid Earle Hubert might marry his yonger daughter where he woulde, withoute any great deminiſhing of the Earledome after yt the firſt marriage were conſummate with ye K. of Englands ſon, ye Lord Iohn: and that if either ye ſaid Lord Iohn, or his affianced wife chãced to die before ye conſummation of the marriage, then ſhould the money whiche the Erle had receyued, be repayed to the K. againe, or diſpoſed, ſo as the K. ſhuld appoint. Shortly after yt the parties wer agreed vpon theſe couenaunts & agreemẽts afore recited, the Marques of Montferrate & one Gef|frey de Plozac with his ſon Miles & other noble mẽ came to the K. as Ambaſſadors from ye Erle of Moriẽne, & receiued an oth, that they ſhuld ſee & procure ye ſaid Erle to performe the couenaunts & agreemẽts concluded betwixt the K. and hym. And thus after yt theſe things were ordred, as ſee|med good to both parties for the eſtabliſhment of ye foreſaid marriage, the K. the father, and the K. the ſonne remoued to Limoges, whether came to them ye Erle of S. Giles,The Earle of Saint Giles. and was there accorded wt K. Henry, & his ſon Richard Duke of Guyen, concerning ye controuerſie yt had bin moued for ye Countie of Tholouze, doing his homage as well vnto ye father,Nic. Triuet. as to the ſon for the ſame Countie, & further couenanted to ſerue them with an hun|dred Knightes or men of armes as we may call thẽ, for the tearme of 40 dayes at all times, vpon lawful ſummonãce: & if ye King or his ſon Duke Richard would haue his ſeruice longer time after ye 40. dayes were expired, they ſhould pay wages both to him and to his men in reaſonable maner. Moreouer, the ſaid Erle condiſcended and agreed to giue yerely for Tholouſe an hundred markes,Tribute for Tholouſe. or elſe ten Horſes with ten marks a peece. More|ouer, whileſt the K. ſoiourned at Lymoges, there came thither to him the Erle of Moriẽne & requi|red to vnderſtãd what parcels of lande he woulde aſſigne foorth vnto his ſon Iohn: wherevpõ ye K. reſolued to aſſigne vnto him ye Chappell of Chi|non, Lodun and Mirabel,Gerua. D [...]n. wherewith he offended his eldeſt ſon ye yong K. as after it may appeare. Who alſo was glad to haue ſuch occaſion there|by to broch hys conceiued purpoſe of Rebellion which he of late had imagined, and now began to put it in practiſe vpon occaſion, as after ſhall ap|peare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The ſame yeare the Monkes of Canterbu|rie by the kings aſſent, choſe for their Archbiſhop one Richard that before was ye prior of Douer, he was the .39. in number that had ruled the Church of Canterbury, being a man of an euill life, as he well ſhewed,Mat. VV [...] Nic. Triuet. in that hee waſted the goodes of the Church inordinatly. Roger the Abbot of Bechel|louin was firſt choſen, but hee refuſed that digni|tie, more as ſome take it, bicauſe of ſlouthfulnes, than of wiſedome, ſo hard a thing it is to pleaſe ye people whiche meaſure all things to be honeſt or diſhoneſt, as they abound or deminiſh in profit & gaine. The ſaid Richard, after yt hee was elected,Mat. Paris. did homage vnto K. Henry, & ſware fealtie vnto him, hys order always ſaued, withoute makyng mẽtion of ye cuſtomes of ye Kingdom. This was done at Weſtminſter in the Chappell of S. Ka|therin, the kyngs iuſtice giuing his aſſent there|vnto, where a Counſel was holden ye ſame time.A Counſell holden at Weſtminſter. [figure appears here on page 424] EEBO page image 425 In the which Councell the Popes letters were read before the Biſhoppes and Barons of the Realme, conteyning amongeſt other things this that followeth:

Compare 1587 edition: 1 We do admoniſh you all, and by the authori|tie which we reteyne, wee ſtraightly charge you, that you celebrate the daye of the ſuffring of the bleſſed man Thomas the glorious Martyr,The Popes letters for a new holyday. ſom|time Archbiſhop of Canterburie, euery yeare in moſt ſolemne wiſe, and that with deuout prayers ye endeuour your ſelues to purchaſe forgiueneſſe of ſinnes, that he which for Chriſtes ſake ſuffred baniſhment in this life, and martyrdome in death by conſtancie of vertue, through continuall ſup|plication of faythfull people, may make interceſ|ſion for vs vnto God.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The tenor of theſe letters were vneth read, when euery man with loude voice beganne to re|cite this Pſalme or Hymne, Te Deum landamus. And bycauſe his ſuffraganes had not exhibited to hym theyr father, due reuerence eyther in time of his baniſhment, or at his returne from the ſame, but rather had perſecuted him, that they might confeſſe their errour and wickedneſſe to all men openly,A Collect de|uiſed in honor of the Archbi|ſhop Becket. they made this Collect: Be fauou|rable good Lorde to our ſupplication and prayer, that we which acknowledge our ſelues guiltie of iniquitie, may be deliuered by the interceſſion of Thomas thy bleſſed Martyr and Biſhop.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This prayer was vſed by the Couent of Saint Albones in the day of his Martyrdome.

The ſame yeare alſo, the ſiſter of the ſame Archbiſhop was made Abbeſſe of Berking.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ser. Do. The Archbi|ſhops conſecra|ſion diſturbed by the yong king.But now touching the new elected Archbi|ſhop Richard, we finde that comming to Can|terbury the Saterday after his election, in hope to be there conſecrated, he was diſappoynted by let|ters that came from King Henrye the ſonne, in forme as followeth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


Henry by the grace of God king of England, duke of Normandie, and erle of Anion, ſon of K. Henrie,

To our deare and faythfull friend Od [...], Prior of the Church of Canterburie, and to al the conuent there ſendeth greeting.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 By the aſſured report of ſome we vnderſtãd, that in your church and in other Churches alſo, my father goeth a|bout to inſtitute certaine perſons not verie meete for ſuch calling: and bycauſe without our con|ſent it ought not ſo to be done, who by reaſon of our kingly annoynting haue taken vpon vs the kingdome and charge of the whole realme: here|vpõ we haue in the preſence of many perſons ap|pealed to the ſea of Rome, and haue ſignified our appeale in that behalfe, made vnto our reuerende fathers & friends Albert, and Theodorike, Cardi|nals & legates of the Apoſtolike ſea by our wri|ting and meſſenger, who like wiſe and diſcreete perſonages haue aſſented therevnto. We haue likewiſe ſignified the ſame our appeale vnto our faythfull friendes the Biſhops of London, Exe|ter, and Worceſter, and as we haue appealed, ſo likewiſe we doe appeale vnder your teſtimonie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Here the Biſhops were driuen to their ſhiftes, ſome of them deſiring to goe forwarde with the conſecration, and ſome ſuppoſing it better to yeelde vnto the appeale.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The elect Archbiſhop herevpon ſent firſt meſ|ſengers vnto Rome with letters, not written on|ly by himſelfe, but alſo by all the Biſhops and cõ|uent of Canterburie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this he followed himſelfe in perſon, and comming to the Popes court, found there diuerſe aduerſaries to his cauſe. For ſome there were that tooke part with the king the father, & ſome with the king the ſonne, and ſo his buſineſſe could haue no ſpeedie diſpatch. And in the meane time the rancor which king Henrie the ſonne had concey|ued agaynſt his father was ſo ripened, yt it coulde not but burſt out, and ſhew it ſelfe to the breach of all dutifull obedience which nature requireth of a ſonne towards the father.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ye haue heard howe king Henrie promiſed to the Earle of Morienne when the mariage was concluded betwixt his ſonne Iohn and the ſayde Erles daughter, to giue vnto the ſayd Iohn cer|tain townes in Normandie, for the better main|teyning of his eſtate and his wyues.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This gift of the fathers cauſed his eldeſt ſonne the yong king Henrie, the ſooner to poure out his poyſon which he had ſucked before at his beeing with his father in law king Lewes. For concey|uing an offence, that his father ſhould giue away any portion of his inheritance, he would not con|diſcend to any ſuch giftes, but alledged ye ſithence he was king of England, and that al belonged to him, his father coulde not nowe haue any tytle to giue away that whiche did in no wiſe apper|teyne vnto him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was another cauſe that troubled hys minde alſo,VVil. Par. and moued him to grudge at his fa|ther, which was for that the proportion of his al|lowance for maintenance of his houſholde and port was verie ſlender, and yet more ſlenderly payed. Alſo his father remoued from him certaine of his ſeruants, as Aſtoulf de S. Hillarie,Aſtoulf de S. Hillarie a coũ|ſeller, or rather corruped of K. Henrie the ſ [...] Polidor. & other whome hee ſuſpected to giue him euill counſell. Wherefore thoſe that were procurers of him to attempt the leaſing of the gouernment into hys handes, vpon this occaſion ſlept not, but put into his head ſuche matter, that at length hee openly demaunded to haue the whole rule committed to him: which when he ſaw woulde not be obteyned of his father by quiet meanes, he fled ſecretly a|way vnto his father in law king Lewes,King Henrie the ſonne fled to the French king. requy|ring him of ayde to recouer his right, which king Henrie the elder vniuſtly deteyned from him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 426The Frenche King recomforted him, and badde him bee of good cheare, for he ment to doe for him al that in hym lay. Herewith he proclay|med hym Duke of Normandie, and receyued of him homage for the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 His father King Henrie, vnderſtanding that his ſonne was thus fledde to the Frenche King, ſent Ambaſſadours forthwyth to the ſame king, requyring him to gyue his Sonne ſome good wholſome counſayle, that hee myght repente, and not followe ſuche wilfulneſſe of mynde in ſwaruing from hys fathers friendſhippe, but rather with ſpeede to returne home agayne, and to promiſe in hys name, that if any thing were otherwyſe than well, hee woulde bee conten|ted to ſuffer the ſame to bee reformed by hys order and correction. But ſo farre was king Lewes from meaning to ſette a quietneſſe be|twixt the father and the ſonne, that hee woulde not heare the Ambaſſadors declare their meſſage, bycauſe they named the father King to the de|rogation of the ſonnes ryght, to whome hee ſayde hee offered manifeſt wrong in vſurping the gouernment whiche hee had alreadie gyuen ouer and reſigned. Inſomuche that when the Ambaſſadours had declared ſome part of theyr meſſage,VVil. Par. hee aſked them what hee was that wylled ſuche things of hym, and when they an|ſwered that the King of Englande hadde ſent them with that Meſſage. That is a falſe lye (ſayeth he) for beholde here is the king of Eng|lande, who hathe gyuen you no Commiſſion to declare anye meſſage from hym vnto mee at all.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henrie the father perceyuing hereby that warres woulde followe,King Henrie the father knoweth not whom he may tru [...]t.Polidor. prepared the beſt hee coulde for his owne defence: but hee was in great doubt on euery ſide, not knowing whome he might truſt. And to encreaſe this miſchiefe, his wife Queene Elenore ſtudied to mainteyne the ſtrife betwixt hir ſonnes. The yong King then getting an armye togyther entered into Guian.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henrie was not haſtie to go agaynſte hym, but ſought rather wyth gentleneſſe and all courteous meanes to reconcile him. Inſomuch that where as diuerſe graue perſonages that were of the yong Kinges Counſayle, doub|ting to runne into the diſpleaſure of hys Fa|ther,Richard Barre Chauncellor to the yong K alſo his Chap| [...]ain ſir Wal| [...]er A [...]lwarde with others. [...]g. Houed. reuolted from the Sonne to the Father, and brought with them the ſonnes Seale which hee vſed in ſealing of Letters, the Father recey|ued them not, but ſent them backe againe to his ſonne, commaunding them to continue fayth|full in ſeruing him as he ſhoulde appoynt them, and herewith hee ſent Ambaſſadours vnto hys ſonne to entreate with him of peace and con|corde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 But whileſt the father goeth about to aſſwage the ſonnes diſpleaſure, the mother Queene E|lenore doth what ſhee coulde to pricke him for|warde in his diſobediente attemptes. For ſhe be|ing enraged agaynſt hir huſband bycauſe he kept ſundrie Concubines, and therefore delyted the leſſe in hir companie, ſhe cared not what miſchief ſhe procured againſt him: and herevpon ſhe made hir complaynt ſo grieuouſly vnto hir ſonnes Ri|chard and Geffray, that they ioyned with theyr brother agaynſt theyr father, and came to hym into Guien, to ayde him to the vttermoſt of their powers. The yong king reioyſing that bee had his brethren thus on hys ſide readie to take hys part, became more ſtoute than before, and for aunſwere vnto the Meſſengers that came to him from his father, hee declared that if his fa|ther woulde delyuer vp the whole gouernment into his handes, hee woulde bee contented to breake vp his armie. And thoſe Souldiers that woulde wyllingly take his part in this quarell, he cauſed them to ſweare that they ſhould fayth|fully ſerue him agaynſt his aduerſaries: And thoſe that had leauer ſerue on the other ſyde, hee lycenſed them freely to departe, and to got to hys father.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henrie the Father receyuing ſuche a rebellious aunſwere from his Sonne, muche lamented the matter, and ſo muche the more, for that he ſaw there was no remedie,Twentie thou|ſand Braban|ders were re|teyned by king Henrie the fa|ther as hath R. Houed. but to haue the controuerſie decided by the ſword. Therfore leaſt he ſhoulde be taken vnprouided, hee kept his ar|mie in a readineſſe about him, hauing reteyned certain bands of Brabanders called the Rowtes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Thoſe Lordes that tooke part with hys ſonne, being aduertiſed by eſpyals of the doings of the father,VVil. Par. Nic. Triue [...] Polidor. and hearing that hee was readie (as is ſayde) if he were conſtrayned to defende himſelfe by battaile, and yet willing to receyue his ſonnes into hys fauour agayne, if they would be ſo refourmed, they tooke greate thought howe to cauſe his ſonnes to perſiſt in theyr enterpriſe, till the father were compelled by force to reſigne the gouernment vnto them. But namelye the Frenche king coueted to mainteyne the diſcorde, till it might be ended by force of armes: and ther|fore ſente vnto King Henrie the ſonne, willing him to come to Paris, where hee cauſed a Coun|cell to bee called, and there made a league be|twixt the ſayde Henry and hymſelfe, with Wil|liam King of Scotlande,Nic. Triuet. Polidor. Hugh Earle of Che|ſter, William Patrike the elder, with the three ſonnes of Robert Earle of Mellent, whoſe Ca|ſtels K. Henry the elder had in poſſeſſion, Roger Moumbray, Hugh Bigot, & diuerſe other cõpli|ces of the cõſpiracy that toke part with Henry the ſon. Here after they had cõſulted of ye maner how to maintein the warre, bicauſe they would aſſure EEBO page image 427 the yong king that they ment not to forſake him, Firſt king Lewes,The French king taketh an oth to ayde K. Henry the ſon. R. Houed. Ger. Do. and after all the reſidue tooke an othe to ayde him with men and money, tyll his father ſhould either be driuen out of his king|dome, or brought to agree with him at his will & pleaſure. And on the other part, he ſware neuer to conclude any peace with his father without their conſent & good wil.Philip Erle of Flanders. Mathew Erle of Bollongne. He alſo promiſed vpõ his othe to giue, & by his charter vnder his ſeale he confir|med vnto Philip Earle of Flaunders for his ho|mage a thouſande pounds of yearely reuenues in England, and the countie of Kent, with the ca|ſtels of Douer and Rocheſter, and to Mathewe Earle of Bolloigne for his homage, he likewyſe promiſed and confirmed the Soke of Kitketon in Lyndſey, and the Earledome of Morton, with the honour of Hey. Alſo to Theobalde Earle of Bloys, for his homage hee gaue and graunted fiue hundred Markes of yerely reuenue in Aniou with the Caſtell of Amboys, and all that which he claymed as hys right within the Countrie of Touraine, and releaſed to him all the right which he and his father claimed and demaunded to haue in Chateau Reignald.Chateau Reig|nalde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 To the king of Scottes he gaue and graun|ted all Northumberlande, vnto the Ryuer of Tyne, for to haue his aſſiſtance. And vnto hys brother Dauid to haue his ſeruice,Earle Dauid. hee graunted the Counties of Huntington, and Cambridge. To Hugh Bygot for his ſeruice he gaue the Ca|ſtell of Norwich.Hugh Bigot.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 All theſe giftes and grauntes with dyuerſe o|ther vnto other perſons, promiſed, made and graunted, hee confirmed with his newe ſeale whiche the king of Fraunce had cauſed hym to make.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Theſe things being thus ordered at Paris,Polidore e|uery man reſorted to his charge, that hee might prouide for the warre with all ſpeede conuenient. King Henrie the father aduertiſed of this newe league of the conſpiratours agaynſte hym, was in greate perplexitie of mynde for that hee ſawe hymſelfe in daunger, not onely of outwarde e|nimies, but alſo of his owne ſubiectes at home. Yet bycauſe the Winter ſeaſon was alreadie at hande, taking away all conuenient occaſions of attempting any great exployte by warre for that time, he was in hope to compaſſe ſome agreemẽt with his ſonnes ere the ſpring of the yeare ſhould returne, and therefore he made not ſo great pro|uiſion for his defence, as had beene neceſſarie in ſo daungerous a caſe. But the Frenchmen who were bent to ſet forwarde this warre with all di|ligence,The confede|rates inuade the dominions of king Henrie the father. were readie in the ſteid immediatly vpon the comming of the ſpring with king Henrie the ſonne, and euen at one inſtant they made theyr inuaſions vpon the landes of king Henrie the fa|ther in three ſeuerall parties, that is to witte, to Normandie, Guian, and Brytaine, whiche a|gaynſt the will of his ſonne Geffrey Duke there|of, king Henrie the father did holde and retaine in his own handes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenche men thus inuading the fore|ſayde Countreys, did muche hurte wyth rob|bing and ſpoyling, and alſo tooke dyuerſe caſtels and townes.

[figure appears here on page 427]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king of Scots inuadeth Cumberland.Moreouer, aboute the ſame time, William king of Scotland entred with a great power, firſt into Cumberland and beſieged Carleil, but hea|ring that an armie was prepared agaynſt hym in the South parties of the Realme, and readie to ſette forwarde, he rayſed his ſiege and entred into Northumberlande (which Prouince king Henrie the ſonne had gyuen him in the laſt aſ|ſembly holden at Paris) endeuouring himſelfe to bring it into his poſſeſſion. But the more earneſtly hee went aboute to enforce the people to his will, the more ſtyffely did they wyth|ſtande EEBO page image 396 his purpoſe, hating him ſo much, that in no condition they were willing to come vnder his rule, whereby the Scottes were put backe and re|pulſed, and that to their great loſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The kings power alſo comming into the coũ|trey followed them, and paſſing ouer the water of Tweede, which deuided then (as it doth at this day) the two Realmes in ſunder,VVil. Par. made the lyke ſpoyle in the lande of the enimies, as they had made in the Countreys of Northumberland, and Cumberlande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But in Normandie whileſt others in other places, make theyr hande in fetching prayes and booties out of the enimies countrey,Vernueil beſieged. king Lewes beſieged Vernueil, whiche towne being ſtrong of it ſelfe, Rog. Houed. Hugh Beau|champe. Hugh Beauchampe and others that had charge therof valiantly defended, ſo yt the French king was a moneth before it, ere he coulde winne any part thereof.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This towne of Vernueil was in thoſe dayes deuided into three portions beſide the caſtel euery of them a part from other with mighty walles & deep ditches ful of water. One of theſe parts was called the great borough wtout the walles wherof the French king had pight his field & planted hys engines. About a moneth after whoſe comming thither, vitails began to fail thẽ within, ſo that at length they required a truce for three days only, & if no ſuccor came within thoſe three dayes, they promiſed to yeeld ye parte of the towne called the great borough, & the day peremptorie was ye vigil of S. Laurence. Herevpon were hoſtages by the burgeſſes deliuered vnto the French king, & if they deliuered the towne at the day appointed for wãt of ſuccors to come to relieue thẽ, king Henrie the ſon, & Robert ye french kings brother with ye erles of Troys & Blayes, Henry, & Theobald, & Wil. Archb. of Sens, vndertooke vpon their othes that the hoſtages ſhould thẽ be reſtored free & without any hurt or domage. K. Henry being certified frõ them within of the compoſition thus made, was driuẽ to a very hard ſhift: for he doubted nothing leſſe then that any ſuch thing ſhould haue chaun|ced. Yet conſidering with himſelf, that the ſauing of the towne ſtood in his ſpeedy cõming to the re|ſcue, without any ſtay he haſted thither, & came to the place the day before the thirde and laſt day of the truce.The French king require [...] to talke. King Lewes perceyuing him to bee come, doubting leaſt he ſhuld loſe the pray which he looked for, ſent vnto the king, & required that he might common with him on the next daye tou|ching ſome meanes of agreement to be had be|twixt him and his ſonnes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 This did he of a plicie to feede him in hope of ſome ende to be made in the troubles betwixt him and his ſonnes, till hee had got poſſeſſion of the Towne. And euen as he forecaſt in that matter, ſo it came to paſſe, for whileſt a great peece of the next day was ſpent in feyned talke about an a|greement, king Lewes appoynted a great part of his hoſt to cloſe the towne aboute, and to de|clare vnto them within that king Henrie was put to flight, which talke they within Vernueil be|leeuing, yeelded the towne and themſelues to the French men. Soone after, king Lewes miſtru|ſting leaſt he ſhoulde not be able to keepe it, ſet it on fire, and ſo burnt it contrarie to the compoſiti|on betwixt him and them agreed and concluded vpon.Rog. Houed He kept alſo the ſouldiers that had yeelded it into his handes togither with the hoſtages as priſoners and doubting to cope with his enimie went awaye in the night with as ſtill noyſe as was poſſible.The ninth [...] Auguſt being Thurſd. ſay [...] Rog. Houed King Lewes fleeth away [...] the night. King Henrie at length perceyuing the fraude, ſent certaine bandes of his horſmen after to purſue the enimie: but for that king Le|wes was alreadie gotten into the inner partes of his owne Countrey, thoſe whiche were ſente turned vpon thoſe that were left in the hynder|moſt warde, of whome they ſlue a great num|ber bothe of Horſemen and footemen.

[figure appears here on page 396]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henrie following hys men came to Vernueil, and ſtaying there that nyght, tooke order for the repayring and newe fortifying of the towne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the morrow after he went to the Caſtell of Danuille and wanne it,Danuille. taking diuers knights and yeomen within it. This Caſtell belonged to one Gilbert de Tileres.Gilbert de Tilleres. And thus it came to paſſe touching the attempt of the French king for the winning of Vernueil, as in ſome Authours we finde reported.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Other write otherwiſe of the matter, as thus,VVil. Par. the French king beeing ſummoned by king Hen|rie the father, eyther to departe from the ſiege EEBO page image 429 of Verneuyle, or to looke for battaile: and hearing alſo that in performaunce of the meſſage king Henrie approched with his power, he ſent a Bi|ſhop and an Abbot vnto him to vnderſtande if he ment to giue battaile in deede. The Meſſengers met King Henrie as hee was aduaunced before his hoſte vpon ſome occaſion, with a ſmall com|panie about him, vnto whom they declared that theyr maſter the French king requyred to bee aſ|ſured whether he ſhould haue battail or no. King Henrie armed as he was, with fierce countenance and dreadfull voyce made this ſhort anſwere. [...]g Henry ſhort an| [...]re vnto the [...]ch Kings [...]ſſengers. Get you hence and tell your king that I am here at hande. The Meſſengers returning to theyr maiſter, declare what they had ſeene and hearde. Wherevpon without longer ſtay hee rayſed hys field, and with his braue & mighty army departed home to his great diſhonor, not winning ye towne at all, as by the ſame Authors it ſhould appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time the Erle of Flanders, one of the confederates beſieged the towne of Albe|marle, [...]bemarle [...]n by the erle Flanders. and the Earle thereof within it, the which Earle was thought to betray the towne, bycauſe it was ſo eaſily woonne, and both he himſelfe, and thoſe which king Henrie the father had ſent thi|ther to defende the towne were taken priſoners. Diuerſe other places which belonged to the ſame Earle were alſo immediately deliuered into the enimies handes which encreaſed the ſuſpition.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this the towne of Newcaſtell otherwiſe called Drincourt in thoſe frontiers was beſieged, Rog. Houed. la. Meir. Ger. Do. The Earle of Bollongne wounded. and finally woonne by ſurrender, by the ſayd Erle of Flaunders, who reioyced nothing at the gaine of that towne, for hys brother Mathew the Erle of Bollongne which ſhoulde haue beene his heire was ſhot into the knee with an arrow as he ap|proched to the walles, and died of the hurt within a few dayes after. The Erle of Flanders was ſo penſife for his brothers death, that he brake vp his iourney and returned, blaming the euill happe and folly in that he had attempted warre againſt his couſin germain king Henrie which neuer had harmed him, but rather had done him many great and ſingular pleaſures from time to time.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Moreouer Henrie the elder after the iourney of Verueuile ended, came backe to Rouen, and there vnderſtanding that Hugh Earle of Cheſter, and Rauf de Foulgieres, mẽ of ſingular prowes, that long before were reuolted to his ſonne Henrie, had taken the Caſtell of Dole in Baytaigne, and there making warre, brought al the Countrey in|to trouble, he ſent forth ſtreyght wayes certaine of his captaynes with the Brabanders to ayd his people in thoſe parties, the whiche on the .xx.Rog. Houed. day of Auguſt being Munday, encountring with the enimies diſcomfited them in battayle, tooke ſeuentene Knightes, beſide diuerſe other bothe Horſemen and footemen, ſlue aboue fiftene hun|dred [figure appears here on page 429] of the enimies, being Brytaynes, and pur|ſuing the reſidue, they entred the towne it ſelfe, which they wanne, and droue their aduerſaries into the Caſtell where they beſieged them, and with all ſpeede aduertiſed the king of that enter|priſe, who immediately with all poſſible haſte came thither, applying his whole diligence to winne the place, that he might haue them at his commaundement which were within the ſame. To be ſhort, it was not long ere he had his deſire, for they being ſuche a multitude that they were not able long to continue within ſo ſtrayte a roumth for want of vittayl fell to a compoſition, yeelding the Caſtell vnto the king, theyr bodies with lyues & members ſaued on the .xxv. day of Auguſt. There were taken within this caſtel [...] knights beſides yeomen, and other common ſoul|diers. In like maner, and with the ſemblable good fortune about ye ſame time his contains in Eng|land ouercame his enimies for where as Robert EEBO page image 428 Erle of Leyceſter it at tooke part with king Hen|rie the ſonne, had aſſembled at the towne of Ley|ceſter a great hoſt of men, in purpoſe to ſet vpon Reginalde Earle of Cornewall, and Richarde Lucie Captaynes on the ſyde of king Henrie the father: they vnderſtanding his meaning, mar|ched ſtreight towards Leyceſter, and by the way met with their enimie Earle Robert, whom they ſo fiercely aſſaile that they put him to flight,The Earle Leyceſter [...] to flight. and after approching the towne, had it ſurrendred vnto them, permitting the Inhabitantes to de|part with bagge and baggage, and then burned [figure appears here on page 428] the towne: but the Caſtell which in thoſe dayes was of great ſtrength by ſituation of the place, they could not win. Mat. Paris. Leyceſter won by force. Yet there be that write, how by vndermining, the walles of the town were re|uerſed & throwne downe, ſo that the towne was entred by force, although they within withdrew into the caſtell & other ſtrong houſes whiche they defended for a time, til at length they ſurrẽdred al but one parcell of the Caſtel by compoſition pay|ing by way of a fine the ſumme of three. C. poũd to the vſe of king Henrie the father. The ſiege be|gon the .vij. day of Iuly, & finally on the xxviij. day of Iuly the army departed frõ thence, a truce being graunted to thoſe that ſtill defended a cer|taine tower of the caſtel into the which they were withdrawne.The king of Scots inuadeth Northumber|lande. William alſo the Scottiſh king with an armye of Scottes and Gallowaymen inuaded Northumberland, and paſſing by the cõ|fines of the Biſhoprike of Durhã did much hurt by ſlaughter, burning and ſpoyling the countrey: but hearing of a power rayſed by the Engliſhe Lords in thoſe parties to reſiſt him,He re [...]yreth. he withdrew into his country. But the Engliſh army follow|ing him,

The Engliſhe ſpoyle Lou|thiao.

A truce.

waſted the countrey of Louthian, till at length by mediation of certaine religious men, a truce was graunted to the Scots to endure tyll the feaſt of S. Hillarie. For the which truce hap|pely ſome rewardes went betwixt, & ſo the Eng|liſh Lords with ſpoyles and gain returned home|wards againe. A fewe dayes after theſe luckie chaunces thus happening to king Henrie, king Lewes perceyning fortune to be on that ſide, de|termined to aſſay whether he coulde obteyne hys purpoſe by ſome meanes of treatie, or at the leaſt put King Henrye in hope of a peace for a time, knowing that he woulde rather ſuffer all incom|modities whatſoeuer, than once to trie the mat|ter by battaile with his ſonnes, and therefore of|fered to come to a communication with him be|twixt Gyſors & Trye, Rog. Ho [...] A treatie [...] peace. ſhewing bread in the one hande (as they ſay) and hyding a ſtone in the o|ther. King Henry was eaſily intreated to heare of anye talke for peace, and therefore comming to the place on a Tueſday the .xv. daye of Sep|tember, made ſo large offers, that he had almoſte conuerted the yong mens myndes vnto concord: Rog. Ho [...] The offer [...] Henry the [...] ther to his ſonnes. firſt he offred to his ſonne Henrie the yong king, the moitie or one halfe of all the reuenues belon|ging to the demaines of the crown within Eng|land, & foure conuenient caſtels within the ſame. Or if his ſon had leuer remain in Normandy, he offred the halfe of all ye reuenues of that duchie, wt al the rents & reuenues that were his fathers per|teyning to the Earledome of Aniou, with certain Caſtels in Normandie, one Caſtel in Aniou, one in Mayne, and one in Towraine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 To his ſonne Rychard, he offred halfe the re|uenues of Guyen, and foure conuenient Caſtels in the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And to his ſonne Geffrey, hee offred all thoſe landes that belonged by right of inheritance vn|to the daughter of Conan Earle of Brytayne, if he might by the Popes licence marry hir.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And further King Henrie the father put him|ſelf to the order of the Archbiſhop of Tharent, and other the Popes legates, not refuſing to giue vnto EEBO page image 431 his ſonnes what more rentes and reuenues they ſhould ſay to be reaſonable, reſeruing only to him the adminiſtration of Iuſtice, and the regall power.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe ſeemed to be large offers, but yet they might not be accepted. For certain ſonnes of Be|tiall, ſet vpon nothing but miſchiefe, troublers of common peace and quietneſſe, wrought ſo with them, that no conditions of peace were the ſame neuer ſo reaſonable could cõtent thẽ ſo that without effect this communication brake vp, but not without contumelious words paſſed betwixt the parties, inſomuch that the Earle of Leyceſter (who bring put from all his ayde in Englande, was come ouer to the Frenche king to purchaſe ayde at his handes) coulde not refraine, but after many opprobrions wordes vttered agaynſt king Henrie the father,The Earle of Leyceſter of|fered to ſtrike [...]he king. he layde hand on his ſworde to haue ſtriken him, but the ſlanders by woulde not ſuffer him, and ſo they departed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the morrow after, the Frenche men and Engliſhe men ſkirmiſhed togither, and made fray betwixt Curſeils and Gyſors, in the which fight Enguerane Chaſtillone de Trys was ta|ken priſoner by Earle William de Mande|uille, who preſented him to the King of Eng|lande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Lewes though he iudged it his part to preſerue his ſonne in lawe from daunger, yet he ment nothing leſſe than to ioyne battayle wyth the Engliſhmen at that preſent. But within a fewe dayes after, he ſent Robert Earle of Ley|ceſter into England with an armie of Flemings and other, there to ioyne with Hugh Bigotte, that both of them might as well by force as falle promyſes and gentle perſwaſions, bring the whole Realme vnto the obedience of King Henrie the ſonne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Leyceſter therefore landing at Walton the .xxj. [...]dditions to Iohn Pike. of September, paſſed through the Countrey vnto Framingham, where he was receyued of hugh Bigot Earle of Norffolke, and after that an other fleete of Flemings were arri|ued in their ayde, they went vnto Gipſwich, where after they had remayned a few dayes and augmented theyr forces by certaine handes of men of warre that belonged vnto Earle Bigot,Rog. Houed. they goe to the Caſtell of Hogheuel (that belon|ged vnto Ranulph Broc) which they tooke, ſpoy|led and burned, and then returned to Framing|ham.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, hearing that the Counteſſe of Ley|ceſter was arriued at Orreforde with an other power of Flemings, they went to meete hir: and ſo the Earle of Leyceſter hauing nowe a ſtrong armie aboute him, tooke leaue of Earle Bygot, and ment to paſſe through the Countrey into Leyceſterſhyre, there to ſuccour his friendes, and to worke ſome feate auayleable to the behoofe and furtherance of their quarell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane time the arriuall of the Earle of Leyceſter beeing knowne, the people of the Countrey were aſſembled togyther.Rog. Houed. Alſo Ry|charde Lucie Lorde, chiefe Iuſtice, and Hum|fery de Boun highe Coneſtable of Englande with the Kings power of Horſemen which late|ly before had beene in Scotlande, and made rodes there as before is mentioned, came with al ſpende to ſaue the Countrey from ſpoyle, hauing firſt taken a truce (as before is ſayde) with the king of Scottes, tyll the feaſt of Saint Hilla|rie next enſuing (or rather Eaſter) hoſtages be|ing deliuered on both ſides. Vpon knowledge then had where the enimies were lodged, and what they intended to doe, the ſayde Richarde Lucie and Humfrey de Boun came to Saint Edmondſburie,Rog. Houed. whither reſorted vnto them Re|ginalde Earle of Cornewall the kings vncle, Robert Earle of Glouceſter, and William Erle of Arundell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 In this meane while, the Earle of Leyceſter was aduaunced forward on his waye ſo farre as Fornham a village a little beſide S. Edmondſ|burie: the Lord chief Iuſtice, and the Erles afore mentioned with a great array, & amongeſt other the ſaid Hũfrey de Boun that had the leading of 300. knightes or mẽ of armes at the kings wages came out of the towne of S. Edmondſbury, ha|uing the baner of S Edmond borne before them, and in a moore or mariſh groued betwixt Forn|ham & S. Edmondſbury, they encountred with the ſaid Erle of Leyceſter,The Earle of Leyceſter ta|ken priſoner. & after long and cruell fight diſcomfited his people, & tooke him priſoner, togither with his wife the Counteſſe Petronille, [figure appears here on page 431] EEBO page image 432 after he had done all that belonged to a valiant Captain.Rog. Houed. Polidor. Some write that there ſhould be killed that day of his people to the number of ten thou|ſand [and almoſt as many taken] verily [all the footemen of the Flemings being in number foure or fiue thouſand were either taken or ſlain.] The reſidue that eſcaped fled towards Leyceſter,VVil. Par. that they might both defende the towne and themſel|ues from the daunger of their enimies. But here is to be noted, that it ſeemeth by the report of that which ſome write, how the Erle of Leyceſter had not ſo great an army there at that battaile, as by others account of the number ſlaine and taken it ſhould appeare he had. For at his departure from his companion in armes Hugh Bygot, he tooke vpon him to paſſe through the countrey (as ſome write) partly vpon truſt that he had of the force & number of his ſouldiers being about foure or fiue thouſand ſtoute & valiant footemen, beſides .lxxx. choſen and wel appointed horſmen, and partly in hope that many of thoſe which were in his aduer|ſaries campe, would rather turne to him thã fight againſt him: he had a great confidence in the Fle|mings, the which in deede preſumed muche vpon their owne ſtrength, ſo that they made account of ſome great conqueſt in ſuch wiſe, that when they came into any large plain where they might reſt,Mat. Pa. they would take eche others by the hand, and lea|ding a daunce, ſing in their countrey language, Hoppe hoppe VVilkine, hoppe VVilkine, Eng|land is myn and tyn. But as ye haue heard, they were cut ſhort by the martial power of the Eng|liſh captaines, and al their iolitie layd in the duſt. The foreſayde battaile was fought on the .xvij. day of October.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henrie receyuing aduertiſement of the victorie which his captaines had gotten thus in England, was marueylous ioyfull thereof, com|maunding that the priſoners ſhould be brought ouer vnto him into Normandie: and this done he went into Aniou, & there fortified the townes and caſtels of the country with ſure garriſons of men, to reſiſt all ſodaine inuaſions, ſecret practiſes, and other attempts of the enimies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo on the feaſt of S. Andrew the Apoſtle, R. Houed. The towne Vandoſme wonne. he tooke by force the towne of Vandoſme, the which Buchard de Lauerdyn held agaynſt him, hauing firſt expulſed his father the Erle of Vandoſme.

[figure appears here on page 432]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About this ſeaſon or rather ſomewhat before, king Henrie the father contrarie to the prohibiti|on of the king his ſonne, and after the appeale made vnto the Pope, gaue not onely vnto Ry|chard, prior of Douer, the Archbiſhoprike of Cã|terburie, but alſo to Reginald Fitz Iocelyne the Biſhoprike of Bath, to Richarde de Yoreceſter Archdeacon of Poicters, he gaue the Biſhoprike of Wincheſter, to Robert Foliot the Biſhoprike of Hereford, to Geffrey Ridel Archdeacon of Cã|terburie he gaue the Biſhoprike of Ely, and to Iohn de Oxenford the Biſhoprike of Chicheſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Mat. Paris.But now to our purpoſe. The nobles of the realme of England after the battaile of S. Ed|mondſburie with an infinite nũber of men went agaynſte Hugh Bigot, in purpoſe to abate hys pride. But whereas they might eaſily haue had him at their pleaſure, by meanes of ſuch ſummes of many as he gaue in brybes, a peace was graũ|ted to him til Whitſontide, in which mean while hauing got togither .xiiij. thouſand Flemings, he paſſed through Eſſex, and ſo getting ouer into Kent, came to Douer, where he tooke ſhippe and tranſported ouer into France.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henry the father helde his Chriſtmaſſe this yeare at Cain in Normandie.An. Reg. [...] 1174 And aboute the ſame time was a truce taken betwixt hym and king Lewes to endure tyll Eaſter, or as o|thers, write for the tearme of ſixe monethes. For ye haue to vnderſtande, yt the ſame of the victorie EEBO page image 433 got by the Captaynes of king Henry the father, agaynſt the Earle of Leyceſter, being not onely ſpred through Englande, but alſo blowne ouer into Fraunce, put thoſe that tooke part agaynſt him in great feare, and ſpecially king Lewes miſ|truſting the matter began to waxe wearie that he had attempted ſo farre, and ſuſteined ſo great tra|uaile and expences in an other mans cauſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ger. DorWhileſt this truce endured, the Archbiſhop of Canterburie being readie to returne home in de|ſpayre of his buſineſſe, vpõ a feigned rumor ſpred that there was a peace cõcluded betwixt the two kings, the father and ſonne, hee was called backe and conſecrated by the Pope the Sunday after Eaſter: and then furniſhed with the dignities of Primate and Legate of England, and other pri|uiledges according, he tooke his way homewards towards Englande, after he had layd forth great ſummes of Money to diſappoint the purpoſes of his aduerſaries.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare in Iune, the Lorde Geffrey the e|lect of Lincolne the kings ſonne beſieged the Ca|ſtell which Roger de Mowbray had repayred at Kinarde Ferie, within the Ile of Oxholme, and compelling the ſoldiers within to yeelde, he beate downe & razed the ſame caſtel vnto ye very groũd. Robert Mowbray Coneſtable of that caſtell, as he paſſed through the country towards Leyceſter there to procure ſome ayde, was taken by the mẽ of Clay, & kept as a priſoner. Moreouer the ſaid elect of Lincolne tooke the caſtel of Malcſert that belonged to the ſaid Roger Mowbray, which be|ing now taken, was deliuered vnto the keeping of the Archb. of Yorke. The ſayd elect alſo fortified a caſtel at Topelif, & tooke it to the keeping of Wil. Stuteuille. In this meane while the king tooke the ſtrengthes and fortreſſes which his ſonne Ri|chard had fortified at Xanctes, & tooke in the ſame fortes & Church which was alſo fortified againſt him .lx. knightes or men of armes, and foure .C. Archbaleſters, that is, ſuch as bare Croſſebowes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The othe of the Earle of Flaunders.Philip Erle of Flanders in the preſence of the French king and other the peeres of Fraunce, lay|ing his hand vpon the holy Relikes, ſware that within .xv. dayes next enſuing the feaſt of Saint Iohn then inſtant to enter Englande with an armie, and to doe his beſt to ſubdue the ſame to king Henry the ſon. Vpon truſt wherof the yong king the more preſuming came downe to Whit|ſande, the .xiiij. day of Iuly, that he might from thence ſend ouer into England Raufe de la Hay with certaine bandes of ſouldiers. Before this the Earle of Flanders had ſent ouer three .C. & .xviij. knightes or men of armes as we may call them. But after their arriuall at Orwel, which chaun|ced the .xiiij. of Iune,Additions to Iohn Pike. by reaſon that their aſſoci|ates were diſperſed, & for the more part ſubdued, they tooke with them Earle Hugh Bigot, and marching to Norwich, aſſaulted the Citie and wan it, gayning there great riches, and ſpecially iu readie money, & led away a great ſort of priſo|ners whõ they raunſomed at their pleaſure. This chaunced the .xviij. of Iune.Mat Par. Ger. Do.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 I doe remember that William Paruus wri|teth, that the Citie of Norwiche was taken by the Flemings that came ouer with the Earle of Leyceſter in the yeare laſt paſt, by the conduct of the ſayde Earle before hee was taken, and that after he had taken that Citie, being accompanied with Earle Bigot, he ledde thoſe Flemings alſo vnto Dunwiche, purpoſing to winne and ſacke that towne alſo: but the Inhabitantes beeing better prouided agaynſt the comming of theyr enimies than they of Norwiche were, ſhewed ſuche countenance of defence, that they preſerued their towne from that daunger, ſo that the two Earles with their Flemings were conſtrayned to depart without atchieuing their purpoſe. But whether that this attempte agaynſt Dunwiche was made by the Earle of Leyceſter (before hys taking) in companie of Earle Bigot, I haue not to auouch. But verily for the wynning of Nor|wiche, I ſuppoſe that William Paruus miſta|keth the tyme, except wee ſhall ſay that it was twice taken, as firſt by the Earle of Leyceſter in the yeare .1173. For it is certaine by conſent of moſt wryters, and eſpecially thoſe that haue re|corded particulerly the incidentes that chaun|ced here in this lande during theſe troubles be|twixt the king and his ſonnes, that it was taken nowe this yeare .1174. by Earle Bigot, (as be|fore we haue ſhewed.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now to proceede. The Lordes that had the rule of the land for king Henry the father, per|ceyuing Erle Bigots proceedings, ſent know|ledge therof with all expedition to the king, as yet remayning in the parties of beyonde the ſea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt theſe things were a doing, although the myndes of many of the conſpirators agaynſt king Henrie the father were inclined to peace,Additions to Iohn Pike. yet Roger Mombray, and Hugh Bigot (by reaſon of this new ſupply of men got out of Flaunders) ceaſſed not to attempt new exploytes: and chiefly they ſolicited the matter in ſuch wiſe with Wil|liam king of Scotlande, that whileſt they in o|ther quarters of the Realme played theyr partes, hee entred into the confines of Cumberlande,The king of Scots inuadeth England. and fyrſt beſieged the Citie of Carleil, but per|ceyuing hee coulde not winne it in any ſhorte tyme, hee left one part of hys armie to keepe ſiege before it, and with the reſidue marched in|to the Countrey alongeſt by the Ryuce of Eden, taking by force the Caſtels of Bourgh and Ap|pleby,Caſtels wonne by the Scots. with diuers other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This done, be paſſed ouer the Ryuer, and came through Northumberlande (waſting the EEBO page image 424 Countrey as hee went) vnto Alnewike, whiche place he attempted to winne, though his labour therein proued but in vaine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This enterpriſe whiche hee made into Nor|thumberlande, hee tooke in hande chiefely at the ſuyte and requeſt of Roger Mounbray, from whom Geffrey (that was after Biſhop of Lyn|colne) king Henrie the elders Baſtard ſonne had taken two of hys Caſtels, ſo that hee kept the thirde with muche a doe. Hee had gyuen hys eldeſt ſonne in hoſtage vnto the ſayde King of Scottes for aſſuraunce of ſuche couenaunts to be kepte on hys behalfe as were paſſed betwixt them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane tyme one Duncane or Roth|lande, Polidor [...] Duncane a Scottiſh cap|taine waſted Kendall. with an other part of the Scottiſhe ar|mye entered into Kendall, and waſted that Countrey in moſte cruell wiſe, neyther ſpa|ring [figure appears here on page 424] age nor ſexe, inſomuche that he brake into the Churches, ſlue thoſe that were fledde into the ſame for ſafegarde of theyr lyues as well Prieſtes as other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Engliſh power of Horſemen which paſ|ſed not the number of foure hundred) was aſſem|bled at Newcaſtell,VVil. Par [...]s. Rog. Houed. vnder the leading of Robert de Stouteuille, Raufe Glanuille, William Ve|ſie, Bernarde Balliolle, [and Odouette de Vm|freyuille.]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe Captaynes hauing knowledge that Duncane was in one ſide of the Countrey, and king William in another, they determined to iſ|ſue forth and trie theyr chaunce agaynſte the e|nimies, ſithe it ſhoulde be a great rebuke to them to ſuffer the Country to be waſted after that ſort without reuengement. Herevpõ ryding forth one morning, there roſe by chaunce ſuch a thick fogge and myſt that they coulde not diſcerne any way forth about them, ſo that doubting to fall within the lappes of theyr enimyes at vnwares, they ſtayed a while to take aduiſe what ſhould be beſt for them to do. Here whẽ they were almoſt fully reſolued to haue turned backe again, by the com|fortable wordes and bolde exhortation of Ber|narde Balliolle,Barnarde de Balliolle. they chaunged theyr purpoſe, and rode forwarde, tyll at length the Northren winde beganne to waken, and droue awaye the myſt, ſo that the Countrey was diſcouered vn|to them, and perceyuing where Alnewike ſtoode, not knowing as yet whether the Scottes had wonne it or not, they ſtayed theyr pace, and ryding ſoftly, at length learning by the Inha|bitaunts of the Countrey, that the Scottiſhe King diſpayring to wynne Alnewike, had ray|ſed hys ſiege from thence the ſame daye, they turned ſtreyght thyther, and lodging there all nyght, in the morning gotte to theyr Horſes verye earely, ryding foorth towardes the eni|myes that were ſpredde abroade in the Coun|trey to forrey the ſame. They had anon eſpied where the King was, and incontinently com|paſſe hym aboute on euery ſyde, who percey|uing the Engliſhe Horſemen to bee readie thus to aſſayle him, wyth all diligence calleth backe his menne from the ſpoyle, but the more parte of them beeing ſtrayed farre of throughe the ſweeteneſſe they founde in getting of prayes, coulde not heare the ſounde of the Trumpette, yet notwithſtanding wyth thoſe his horſemen whiche hee coulde get togyther, hee encountred the Engliſhe men which came vppon him verie haſtily.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The battaile was begonne right fiercely at the firſt, and well foughten for a time, but the Scot|tiſh horſemen being toyled before in forraying the Countrey, could not long continue agaynſt the fierce aſſault of the Engliſh men, but were either beaten downe, or elſe conſtrayned to ſaue them|ſelues by flight.

EEBO page image 435

[figure appears here on page 435]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king of [...]ots taken.The king with a fewe other, which at the firſt had begonne the battaile was taken. Alſo many of the Scottes which being farre off, and yet hea|ring of the fray, came running towarde the place, and were taken ere they could vnderſtande howe the matter had paſſed. This taking of the king of Scots chanced on a Saterday, being the ſeuenth of Iuly. [...]r. Do.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Engliſh captains hauing thus taken the Scottiſhe king in the midſt of his army contey|ning the number of .80000.VVil. Par. men, returned to Newcaſtell, greatly reioycing of their good ſuc|ceſſe, aduertiſing king Henrie the father hereof with all ſpeede,Mat. Par. [...]at. VVeſt. VVil. Par. [...]er. De. who as then was come ouer from Normandie, & was the ſame day that the Scot|tiſh king was taken at Canterburie, in making his prayers there before the ſepulture of the Arch|biſhop Becket (as after it ſhall appeare.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 Polidor.In this meane while and ſomewhat before this time, the Erle of Leyceſters men which lay at Leyceſter vnder the conduct of Robert Ferreys Erle of Darbie, (as ſome write) or rather of An|ketille Malorie Coneſtable or gouernour (if we ſhall ſo call him) as Roger Houedẽ hath, came to Northampton, where they fought with them of that towne, and getting the victorie they tooke two hundred priſoners,This chanced little a [...]ter Whitſuntide. and ſlue or wounded nere hande as many more, and ſo with this good ſuc|ceſſe in yt enterpriſe they returned againe to Ley|ceſter, from whence they firſt ſet forth. The kings horſmen herevpon came ſtreightwayes ſo Nor|thampton, & following the enimies, could not o|uertake them.Rob. Ferreis. Robert Ferreis Erle of Darbie be|ing nowe come vnto Leyceſter in ayde of them that lay there, ſtayed not there paſt ten dayes: but finding meanes to encreaſe his number of horſmen, Polidor. Rog. Houed. Notingham taken. ſodenly made to Notinghã, the which Reginald de Lucy had in keeping, & cõming thi|ther earely in the morning tooke it, droue out the kings ſouldiers that lay there in gariſon, burned the towne, ſlue yt inhabitãts, & deuided their goods amongſt his ſouldiers: which thing put the coun|try about in ſuch feare, that many of ye inhabitãts ſubmitted thẽſelues vnto him. K. Henrie the ſon being hereof aduertiſed by letters oftentimes ſent vnto him by this Robert Ferreys, and other hys friends here in Englande, eftſoones conceyued ſome good hope to obteyne his purpoſe: and there|fore determined to prepare for the war. And here|vpon purchaſed ayd of king Lewes, who (bycauſe the truce whiche hee had taken wyth king Henrie the father was now expired) thought it was rea|ſon to further his ſonne in lawes enterpriſe ſo far as in him lay.VVil. Par. He made his prouiſion at Graue|ling, and there encamping with his people, ſtayed till his ſhips were readie to tranſport him and his armie ouer, which conſiſted of certaine Horſe|men, and of a number of Brabanders. King Henrie the father beeing aduertiſed both of his ſonnes purpoſe, and of the doings in Englande, with all poſſible ſpeede determined alſo to paſſe o|uer into Englande, and therefore gotte his ſoul|diers a Shippebourde, among the whiche were certaine bands of his Brabanders:Polidor. and ſo ſoone as the winde blewe to his minde, hee cauſed the ſayles to be hoyſted vp, and the nauie to ſet for|ward. Being landed he firſt repayred vnto Can|terbury, there to make his prayers, doubting leaſt the bloud of the Archbiſhop Thomas Becket be|ing ſpilt through his occaſiõ,VVil. Paruus. did yet require ven|geance againſt him for that fact. From Canter|burie he came to London, and tooke order for the placing of captains wt their bãds in certen towns about ye coaſt to defend the landing places, where he thought his ſon was like to arriue.Huntington caſtell wonne Then went he vnto Hũtingtõ, & ſubdued the caſtell there the xix. of Iuly: for the knights & other ſoldiers yt wer within it yeelded themſelues to the kings mercy EEBO page image 436 theyr liues and limmes ſaued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 R. Houed.After this, aſſembling his people on all ſides, hee made his generall muſters at Saint Ed|munds burie, and determined to beſiege the Ca|ſtels of Bunghey and Framingham, which the Erle Hugh Bigot held agaynſt him. Mat. Par. Erle Bigot is accorded with the king. The which Earle miſtruſting that he was not able to defend himſelfe and thoſe places agaynſte the king, a|greed with the King to haue peace, paying to the king the ſumme of a thouſande Markes by compoſition.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This agreement was concluded the .xxv. of Iuly.The Flemings ſent home. Herevpon a multitude of the Flemings whiche Philip Earle of Flaunders had ſent into England (as before is mencioned) vpon their oth receyued, not afterwards to come as enimies into England, had licence to returne into their coun|trey. Alſo the bandes of ſouldiers that came into the realme with Raufe de la Hay departed with|out impeachment by the kings ſufferance.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Rog. Hou.The king hauing thus accõpliſhed that which ſtoode with his pleaſure in thoſe parties, remoued from thence and drewe towardes Northamton. To which towne after his comming thither,The king of Scots preſen|ted to the king of Englande. the king of Scots was brought with his feet bounde vnder the horſes belly. Alſo thither came the Bi|ſhop of Durham, and deliuered to the king the ca|ſtels of Durhã, Norham, & Allerton. There came alſo thither vnto the K. Roger Mowbray, & ſur|rendred to him the Caſtell of Treſke, and Ro|bert Erle Ferrers deliuered vp into his hands the Caſtels of Tutburie and Duffield, and Anketill Mallorie, and William de Diue Conſtables to the Erle of Leyceſter, yeelded to the king the Ca|ſtels of Leyceſter, Groby, and Mountſorell, to the intent that he ſhould deale more curteouſly with the Erle their maiſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo William Earle of Glouceſter,The Earle of Glouceſter. The Earle Ri|chard of Clare and Erle Richard of Clare ſubmitted themſelues to the king, and ſo he brougth all his aduerſaries within the realme of Englande vnto ſuche frame as hee himſelfe wiſhed. And thus may ye ſee oftentimes vpon ſmall occaſions, greate mutations and chaunges do happen. And ſo the king hauing at|chieued the vpper hande of his enimies returned to London.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About this time or ſhortly after,Queen Elenor is commi [...] to cloſe priſon he commit|ted his wife Queen Elenor vnto cloſe priſon, by|cauſe ſhe had procured his ſonnes Richarde and Geffrey to ioyne with their elder brother agaynſt him their father (as before ye haue partly heard.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But to proceede, king Lewes being aduertiſed that there was no great number of men of warre left in Normandie to defend the countrey, rayſeth a power, and comming to Rouen, beſieged it right ſtraitly.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after alſo king Henrie the ſonne and Philip Erle of Flanders came thither,Polidor. meaning to obteyne firſt the poſſeſſion of Normandie, and after to go into England.Rouen beſie|ged by the French king VVil. Par. The Citizens of Ro|uen perceiuing in what daunger they ſtood, with|out fainting heartes, prepare all things neceſſary for defence, and do euery thing in order, purpo|ſing not to giue ouer their Citie for any threates or menaces of their enimies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt they within were buſie in deuiſing how to repulſe the aſſault, and to defende them|ſelues, the aduerſaries aboute midnight came forth of their campe, and approching the walles with their Ladders, rayſe them vp and begin to [figure appears here on page 436] ſcale the Citie: But the Citizens being aduized therof, boldly got them to the loupes and towers, ouerthrow the Ladders of the enimies that were comming vp, and with arrowes, ſtones and dartes beate them backe, to their great loſſe and hynderance. Howbeit though the enimies coulde not preuaile thus to get the citie by thys aſſault, yet they continue the ſiege, and ſuffer not them within to bee in quiet, but daye and night they aſſayle them by one meanes or other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henrie the father being aduertiſed here|of, Rog. Houed King Henrie returneth in Normandie. after hee had ſet order in his buſineſſe tou|ching the ſuretie and ſafe defence of the Eng|liſh eſtate, hee returneth into Normandie, and landeth at Harfleete on a Thurſday beeing the viij. day of Auguſt, bringing with him backe EEBO page image 437 againe hys Brabanders, and a thouſande Welchmen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane while, king Lewes continu|eth ſtill his ſiege before Rouen, conſtrayning them within by all meanes hee coulde deuiſe to yeelde vp theyr Citie. At length came the feaſt of Saint Laurence, on which day the French king commaunded that no man ſhoulde attempt any enterprice againſt the Citizens, graunting them truce for that day, in worſhip of that Saint.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 This truce was ſo acceptable a thing to them within, that they forgetting themſelues, without all reſpect to the daunger wherin the Citie ſtood, threwe off theyr armour, and gaue themſelues to ſleepe and reſt. Some alſo fell to banketting and other paſtimes for their recreation, in ſo diſſolute maner, that the Frenchmen perceyuing their er|rours, required licence of the French king to giue aſſault to the Citie, declaring in what ſtate the matter preſently ſtoode. The king not mea|ning to violate the reuerence of that day, and hys promiſed fayth, with any ſuch vnlawful attempt, commaunded his men of warre that made the requeſt, in no wiſe to ſtirre. But the ſoldiers not|withſtanding vpon couetouſneſſe of the ſpoyle, rayſe the Ladders to that part of the wall whiche they iudged to be moſt without warders, [...]e French [...]n aſſault [...] Citie with| [...] commaun|dment of [...] king. [...]o Prieſtes. ſo that ſome of them mounting vp, got vpon the walles, and were about to helpe vp their fellowes, when by chaunce it happened ſo well for the Citie, that two prieſts being gone vp into the Steple of the chiefe Churche, to looke about them for their plea|ſures, fortuned to ſee where the French men were about to enter the Citie, and ſtreight wayes gaue knowledge to the Citizens beneath. Herevpon the alarme roſe, and with all ſpeede the people ranne to the place, and with ſuch violence came vppon theyr enimies which were entred vpõ the walles,The French [...] are re| [...]ſed. that ſtreyght wayes they had ſlaine them, and chaſed the reſidue oute of the Ditches, ſo that they returned with many a bleeding wound vn|to theyr campe, repenting them of theyr vn|happye, begunne enterprice, that ſo turned to theyr coſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Polidor.The ſame day alſo a little before night, king Henrie the father came vnto Rouen, and was re|ceyued into the Citie with great ioy and glad|neſſe: for he came thither by chaunce euen about the time that the Citie had thus like to haue bene taken at vnwares.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Mat. Par.There be that write, howe the French King immediately vpon the arriuall of king Henrie, le|uyed his fielde and departed, greatly to his diſho|nour, burning vp his engines of warre, and not ſtaying till his men might haue leyſure to charge theyr wagons with theyr armor and other ſtuffe which they were glad to leaue behinde for a pray to the Engliſh men iſſuing forth vpon them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 But other declare, that the French king being nothing abaſhed of king Henries comming, con|tinued the ſiege, in hope to winne the Citie.The next day early in the morning (or as other ſay in the night ſeaſon) the king did ſende forth a cer|taine number of the Welchmen to paſſe ouer the Ryuer of Sayne, whiche they did, Rog. Houed. The Welch mens good ſe [...] and by force made themſelues way through the French camp, getting without loſſe or daunger vnto a greate wood, and ſlue that day of their aduerſaries a|boue an hundred men.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, lying abrode in the cuntry, they ſkir|miſhed dayly with the Frenche horſemen,Nic. Triuets. and oft times cut off ſuch prouiſion of vitails as came to vitaile the campe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king himſelfe on the other ſide remaining within the Citie, cauſed his people to iſſue out at the gates, and to keepe the enimies occupied with ſkirmiſhes afore the Citie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And moreouer where there was a great trench caſt betwixt the French campe and the walles of the Citie,Rog. Houed. he cauſed the ſame to be filled vp with fagottes, ſtones, and earth, and the French men ſawe this doing well ynough, but none of them iſſued forth of theyr tentes to hinder the Engliſh men of their purpoſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Lewes therefore being thus vexed with his enimies on eche ſyde, and perceyuing the Citie woulde not be wonne wythin any ſhorte tyme, beganne to waxe wearie, and to repente himſelfe (as afore) for taking in hande ſo charge|able and great a warre for another mans qua|rell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And herevppon cauſed William Biſhoppe of Sens, And Theobalde Earle of Bloys,The French king maketh an ouercure for peace. to goe vnto King Henrie, and to promiſe vppon abſtenence of warre to be had for a tyme, to finde meanes to agree hym and his ſonnes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henrie being moſt deſyrous hereof, ta|king a truce, appoynted to come vnto Gyſors, Nic. Triuet. A truce. [in the feaſt of the Natiuitie of our Ladie] and there to meete King Lewes, that they myght talke of the matter to bring it to ſome good paſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The French King ſo ſoone as hee vnderſtoode that truce was taken,The French king leaueth his ſiege. rayſed his ſiege and retur|ned home, and within a fewe dayes after (accor|ding to the appoyntment) came to Gyſors, and there communed with King Henrie: but bycauſe he could not make any agreement betwixt him and his ſonnes at that time, he appoynted an o|ther time to meete about it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henrie the father whileſt the truce con|tinued with the French king, and with his ſonne Henrie, went into Poictow, where his ſonne Ri|chard (whileſt his father had beene occupied in o|ther places) had gotte the moſt part of the coun|trey into hys poſſeſſion: but nowe hearing of EEBO page image 438 his fathers comming, and howe that truce was taken with the french king, and with his brother, he conſidered with himſelfe that without their aſ|ſiſtance he was not able to withſtand his fathers power.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Richarde the kings ſonne prepareth to reſiſt his fa|ther.At length yet chooſing rather to trie the matter with force of armes, than recreantly to yeelde, he repayreth for defence, furniſhing diuerſe townes and caſtels with gariſons of mẽ: and aſ|ſembling togither al the other power that he was able to make, commeth into the field, and pitched downe his tentes not farre of from his father. In the meane while, which way ſoeuer his father paſ|ſed, the townes and Caſtelles ſubmit themſelues vnto him,He beginneth to diſpayre of god ſucceſſe. ſo that Richarde beganne to diſpayre in the matter, inſomuch that he durſt not approch neare vnto his father, but kept allofe, doubting to be entrapped. At length when he had conſidered his owne ſtate, and weyed howe vnthankefully the French king and his brother had dealt with him,Polidor. in hauing no conſideration of him at the tyme when they tooke truce, he determined to al|ter his purpoſe, and hauing ſome good hope in his fathers clemencie, thought beſt to trie it, which he found to be the beſt way that he could haue taken. For ſo oftentymes it chaũceth, yt latter thoughts [...] better aduiſed than the firſt. Herevpon thys Richard laying armour aſide, commeth of hys owne accorde vnto his father, [...] him| [...] the [...]. vpon the .xxj. of September, and aſketh pardon. His father moſte courteouſly receyuing him, made ſo much of him as though he had not offended at all. Which ex|ample of curteſie did much to the alluring of hys other ſonnes to come to a reconciliation. For the bringing whereof to ſpeedie effect, he ſent this Ri|charde vnto king Lewes, and to his other ſonne Henrie, to commen with them of peace, at which time Erle Richard did ſo effectually his meſſage, that he brought them both in good forwardneſſe to agree to his fathers purpoſe, ſo that there was a day appoynted for them to meete with hys fa|ther, betwixt Towres in Touraigne, and Am|boiſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 King Henrie reioyſing hereat, kept his day, (being the morrow after the feaſt of Saint Mi|chaell) and there met him both king Lewes, Gor. Do. The father and ſonnes are ac|corded. The conditi|ons of the a|greement. and his two ſonnes Henrie and Geffrey, where final|ly the father and the ſonnes were accorded. Hee promiſing to receyue them into fauor vpon theſe conditions. Firſt the priſoners to be releaſed free|ly without raunſome on both ſides, and their of|fences to be likewiſe pardoned, which had taken eyther the one part or the other. Excepted out of this article,Rog. Houed. all thoſe which before the concluding of this peace had alreadie compounded for theyr raunſomes, as the king of Scots, the Earles of Leiceſter and Cheſter, and Raufe Fulgiers, with their pledges. Alſo it was agreed, that all thoſe Caſtels which had bene buylded in time of thys warre, ſhould be razed & throwne downe, and all ſuch cities, townes, Caſtels, countreys & places, which had bene woon by either part during theſe warres, ſhoulde bee reſtored vnto thoſe perſones that helde the ſame, and were in poſſeſſion of them .xv. dayes before the departure of the ſonnes from king Henrie the father.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Againe king Henrie the father ſhould aſſigne to his ſonnes more larger reuenues for mainte|nance of theyr eſtates, with a caution included, that they ſhoulde not ſpende the ſame riotouſlye in any prodigall ſort or maner.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Firſt to the king his ſonne,Rog. Ho [...] he gaue two Ca|ſtels in Normandie, with an encreaſe of yearely reuenues, to the ſumme of .xv. thouſande pounde Aniouyn.Richard. And to his ſonne Richard he gaue al|ſo two houſes in Poictou, with the one halfe of al the reuenues of the Countie of Poictou to be re|ceyued in money.Geffrey. Vnto his ſonne Geffrey hee graunted alſo in money, the moitie of that which he ſhould haue by the mariage of Erle Conanes daughter, and after that he had maried hir by li|cenſe purchaſed of the Pope, he ſhoulde enioy all the whole liuings and reuenues that diſcended to hir, as in hir fathers wryting thereof more at large was conteyned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the other part king Henrie the ſonne, co|uenanted and graunted to and with the King his father, that hee ſhoulde perfourme and con|fyrme all thoſe gyftes of almes whiche his father ſhoulde graunt oute of his landes, and alſo all thoſe gyftes of landes which hee eyther had made and aſſured, or hereafter ſhoulde make and aſſure, vnto any of his men for any of their ſeruices. And likewiſe thoſe gyftes whiche hee had made vnto his ſonne Iohn the brother of King Henrie the ſonne, that is to witte,Iohn. a thouſande poundes in landes by yeare in Englande of his demaine and excheates with the appurtenaunces, and the Ca|ſtell and Countie of Notingham, with the Ca|ſtell of Marlebrough, and the appurtenances. Al|ſo a thouſand poundes Aniouyn of yearely reue|nues in Normandie, and two Caſtelles there. And in Aniou a thouſande poundes Aniouyn, of ſuche landes as belonged to the Earle of An|iou, with one Caſtell in Aniou and one in Tou|raine and another in Maine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus were the father and ſonnes agreed and made friendes, the ſonnes couenanting neuer to withdrawe theyr ſeruices and bounden dueties from theyr father, but to obey him in all things from that day forwarde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herewith alſo the peace was renued betwixt King Henrie and King Lewes, and for the fur|ther confyrmation, a newe alliaunce was accor|ded betwixt them,A maria [...] conclude [...]. whiche was that the Ladie Adela the daughter of king Lewes ſhoulde be gi|uen EEBO page image 439 in maryage vnto Earle Richarde the ſonne of King Henrie, and bycauſe ſhe was not yet of age able to mary, ſhee was conueyed into Eng|lande to be vnder the guyding of King Henrie, till ſhe came to lawfull yeares.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus the peace being concluded, king Hen|rie for getting all paſſed in [...]reyes, brought howe his ſonnes in maner aforeſayde. And they [...] will pleaſed with the agreement, attended theyr father into Normandie,VVil. Par. where Richarde and Geffrey did homage to theyr father receyuing theyr othes of allegiance according to the maner in that eaſe requyred. But king Henrie the ſonne did no homage, Rog. Houed. VVil. Par. ſayth that he did homage alſo. for his father (in reſpect that he was a king) woulde not ſuffer him, and there|fore tooke onely ſureties of him for performance of the couenants on his part, as was thought expedient.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Wil. king of Scots deliue|red out of priſon with other.At length king Henrie goeth to Faleyſe, and there delyuereth out of captiuitie William king of Scotlande, Robert Earle of Leyceſter, Hugh Earle of Cheſter, with diuerſe other noble men whiche were kepte there as priſoners, putting them to theyr raunſomes, and receyuing of them pledges with an othe of allegiance.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Mat. Par. Priſoners re|leaſed.King Henrie the father releaſed for hys part the number of nine hundred .lxix. knightes or menne of armes (if yee lyſt ſo to tearme them) which had beene taken ſith the begynning of theſe paſſed warres.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And king Henrie the ſonne ſet at lybertie a|boue an hundred, and that without raunſome paying, according to the Articles of the peace (as before ye haue heard.) But yet ſome (as before we haue ſpecified were excepted out of the benefit of that article, as William king of Scotlande, who being not able to pay his raunſome in pre|ſent money, deliuered vp in gage foure of the ſtrongeſt Caſtelles within his realme into king Henries handes, Barwike, Edenbourgh, Rox|bourgh, and Sterling,Caſtels deliue|red by the K. of Scottes. with condition, that if he brake the peace, and payed not the money be|hinde due for his raunſome, king Henrie and his ſucceſſours ſhoulde enioy for euer the ſame Ca|ſtelles. He alſo couenaunted, not to receyue any Engliſh Rebels into his realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Nic. Triuet: Mat. Par.Other write that the king of Scottes did not onely become the king of Englands liegeman at this time, and couenanted to doe homage vnto him for the Realme of Scotlande, and all other his landes, but alſo deliuered the Caſtels of Bar|wike, and Roxbourgh to be poſſeſſed of the ſame king of Englande and hys heyres for euer with|out any couenant mentioned of morgage.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Things beeing ſetled thus in good order, King Henry leauing his ſonne Henrie at Ro|uen, goeth to Argenton, and there helde hys Chriſtenmaſſe, and afterwardes, that is to wit, in the feaſt of the Purification of our Ladie,Rog. Hou. 1175 both the kings as well the father as the ſonne, were at Ma [...]ns, and vpon their return from thence into Normandie, they came to a communicati|on with the Frenche King at Gyſors,The Kings of Englande and France meete at Giſors. and then being come backe into Normandie at Bure, the ſonne to put the father out of all doubt and myſ|twiſt of any euill meaning in him, ſware [...] to him agaynſt all perſons, and ſo became hys liegeman in the preſence of Rothrod Archebi|ſhops of Ro [...]len, Henrie Biſhop of Baycax, Wil|liam Earle of Mandauille, Richarde de Humez his [...], and many other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this they kept theyr Eaſter at Ch [...]|bourgh, and from thence they came to Ca [...],Philip Earle of Flanders. where they mette wyth Philippe Earle of Flan|ders, who had lately before taken vpon hym the Croſſed to goe into the holy lande: and there King Henry the father requyred him to releaſſe all ſuche couenauntes as King Henry the ſonne had made vnto him in tyme of his laſt warres, whiche hee freely did, and delyuered vppe the wryting whiche hee hadde of the ſame King concerning thoſe couenauntes, and ſo then they confyrmed vnto him the yearely rent whiche hee was wont to receyue out of Englande before the ſayde warres.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Finally after that king Henrie had viſited the moſt parte of the Countrey,Polidor. he commeth to Harflewe, and cauſeth his Nauie to bee becked and rigged, that hee might ſayle ouer into Eng|lande. Whileſt he taryed here tyll his ſhips were readie, hee ſendeth letters to his ſonne King Henrie, willing him to repayre vnto him, mea|ning that he ſhoulde accompanie him into Eng|lande. At the firſt the ſonne was loth to obey hys fathers pleaſure herein, bicauſe ſome enuious per|ſons aboute him, had put in his heade a doubt,Enuious per|ſons readie to forge matters of ſuſpition. leaſt his father had not altogither forgot his for|mer grudge, and that he ment at his comming into Englande to commite him to priſon. But yet the father handled him ſo gently with cour|teous letters and meſſages, that ſhortly after hee came to his father of his owne accorde vnto Har|flewe, from whence ſhortlye after they ſayled both togyther ouer into Englande,The two kings the father and the ſonne re|turne into England. landing at Portſmouth on a Fryday the .ix. of May, they tooke the way frõ thence ſtreight vnto London, al the wayes beeing full of people that came to ſee them, & to ſhewe thẽſelues glad & ioyfull of theyr concord and happy arriual. At their comming to the citie they were receyued with great reioycing of the people, beſieching God long to preſerue thẽ both in health and honour.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame yeare William de Breauſe hauing got a great number of Welchmen into the Ca|ſtell of Begemini,William de Breauſe. vnder a colourable pretext of a communication, proponed this ordinance to be EEBO page image 440 receyued of them vnder a corporall othe, that no trauayler by the waye amongeſt them ſhoulde beare any vow, or other vnlawful weapon: which othe when they refuſed to take,The Welchmẽ not well deale with. bycauſe they woulde not ſtande to that ordinance, he condem|ned them all to death. And this deceyt he vſed to|wardes them in reuenge of the death of his vncle Henrie of Hereford, whom vpon Eaſter euen be|fore, they had through treaſon murthered, & were now acquited with the like againe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The ſame yeare died Reignald Erle of Corn|wall, haſtard ſonne to king Henry the firſt with|out heyres male, by reaſon whereof the K. Nic. Triuet. Reginald Erle of Cornwall departed this life. tooke into his handes all the inheritance of landes and liuings which he helde within Englande, Nor|mandie & Wales, except certaine portions which the daughters of the ſame Erle had by aſſignmẽt allotted to them. Alſo Richard Earle of Glou|ceſter deceaſſed this yere, & his ſon Philip ſucceded him. Mat. VVil. A Sinode [...]|den at London The ſame yeare was a Sinode of the Hen|rie kept at Weſtminſter, wherein many things were decreed for the conſeruation of Religion, [figure appears here on page 440] and among other things it was prouided, that thoſe Abbayes and Churches which were voyde of gouernours, and could haue none placed in them by the time of the late ciuill warres, ſhoulde now be committed vnto men worthie to enioye the ſame, for the reformation of enormities being growne and diuerſely repleniſhed in time of the vacations.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Realme being nowe brought into good order and delyuered from the troubles of warre, as well at home as abrode, the king being at good leyſure determined to ride about a great part of the realme, VVil. Par. The king of Scottes doth homage to the king of Eng|lande. and comming to Yorke, ſent for the king of Scots to come and do his homage, which was done: for the king of Scots according to co|uenants before concluded, came vnto Yorke in the Moneth of Auguſt, where doing his homage about the .xx. day of the ſame Moneth in S. Pe|ters Church, graunted further by his letters pa|tents, that he and his ſucceſſours kings of Scot|lande, ſhoulde doe homage and fealtie to kings of Englande ſo often as they ſhoulde be neceſſarily requyred therevnto. And in ſigne and token of that ſubiection, the king of Scots offred his Hat, and his Saddle vpon the Aulter of S. Peter in Yorke, which Hatte and Saddle for a remem|braunce hereof was kept there many yeres after that day.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Charter alſo conteyning the Articles of the peace and agreement concluded betwixt the two kings was read there in S. Peters church at the ſame time, the tenor whereof enſueth.The tenor of the Charter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 VVIlhelmus rex Scotia deuents home ligius domini regis Anglia contra omnes homi|nes, de Scotia & de alijs terris ſuis,Ro. Houed. & fidelitatem ei fecit vt ligio domino ſuo ſicut alij homines ſui ipſi facere ſolent. Similiter fecit homagium Herico filio regis ſalua fide domini regis patris ſui. Omnes vero Epiſcopi, Abbates & Clerus terrae Scotiae & ſucceſſores ſui facient domina regi ſicut ligio domino fidelitatem, de quibus labere voluerit ſicut alij E|piſcopi ſui ipſi facere ſolere, & Homico filio ſuo & Dauid et haeredibus eorum. Cãceſsit autem rex Sco|tiae, et frater eius, & Baronis, & alij homines ſui domino regi, quod eccleſia Scotiae talem ſubiectio|nem amedo faciet eccleſia Angliae, qualem facore debet, & ſolebat tempore regum Angliae praede|ceſſorum fucrum. Similiter Richardus Epiſcopus Sancti Andrea, & Richardus Epiſcopus Dunkel|den et Gaufridus Abbas de Dũfermlyn. & Her|bertus Prior de Coldingham conceſſerunt, vt Eccle|ſia Anglicana illud habeat ius in Eccleſia Scotiae, quod de iure debet habere: & quod ipſi non erunt contra ius Anglicanae Eccleſiae. Et de hac conceſsione ſicut quando ligiam fidelitatem domino regi & domino Henrico filio ſuo fecerint, ita cos in|de EEBO page image 441 eſſecur auerint. Hoc idem facient alij epiſcopi & clerus Scotiae, per conuentionem inter dominum regẽ Scotiae & Dauid featrẽ ſuum & barones ſuos fac|tam, Comites & barones & alij homines de ter|ra regis Scotia (de quibus dominus rex habere volu|erit) facient ei homagium contra omnem hominem, & fidelitatem vt legio domino ſuo ſicut alij homines ſui facere ei ſolent, & Henrico filio ſuo & haeredi|bus ſu [...] ſalua fide domini regis patris ſui. Simili|ter haeredes regis Scotiae & baronum & hominum ſuorum homaguum & ligiantiam faciet haeredibus domini regis contra omnem hominem. Preterea rex Scotiae & homines ſui nullum amodo fugitiuum de terra domini regis pro ſelonia receptabunt, vel in alia terra ſua neſi voluerit venire ad rectum in curia domini regis & ſtare iudicio curia. Sed rex Scotiae & homines ſui quam citius poterunt eum capient, & domino regi reddent, vel iusticiarijs ſu|is dut balliuis ſuis in Anglia. Si autem de terra re|gis Scotia aliquis fugitinus fuerit pro felonia in Anglia, niſi voluerit venire ad rectum in curia domini regis Scotiae, & ſtare iudicio curiae, non re|ceptabitur in terra regis, ſed liberabitur hominibus regis Scotia, per balliuos domini regis vbi inuen|tus fuerit. Praeterea homines domino regis habebũt terras ſuas quas habebant, & habere debent de do|mino rege, & hominibus ſuis, & de rege Scotiae & de hominibus ſuis. Et homines regis Scotiae habebunt terras ſuas, quas habebant, & habere debent de do|mino rege & hominibus ſuis: pro iſta vero conuen|tione & ſine firmiter obſeruando domino regi & Hẽrico filio ſuo & haeredibus ſuis à rege Scotiae & haeredibus ſuis, liberauit rex Scotiae domino regi Ca|ſtellum de Rockeſburgh, & Caſtellum Puellarũ, & Caſtellum de Striueling, in manu domini Regis, & ad cuſtodienda Caſtella aſsignabit rex Scotiae de redditu ſuo meſurabiliter ad voluntatem Domini regis. Preterea pro predicta conuentione & ſine exe|quendo, liberauit rex Scotiae domino regi Dauid fratrem ſuum in obſidem & comitem Duncanum, & comitem VValdenum, ſimiliter alios comites & barones cum alijs viris potentibus quorum numerus xviij. Et quando caſtella reddita fuerint illis, rex Scotiae & Dauid frater ſuus liberabuntur. Comites quidem & barones praenominati vnuſquiſ poſtquã liberauerit obſidem ſuum, ſcilicet filiũ legittimum, qui habuerit, & alij nepotes ſuos vel propinquio|res ſibi haeredes, & caſtellis vt dictum eſt redditis li|berabuntur. Preterea rex Scotiae & barones ſui prae|nominati aſſecurauerint, quod ipſi bona fide, & ſine malo ingenio, & ſine occaſione facient vt epiſcopi & barones et caeteri homines terrae ſuae, qui non af|fuerunt quãdo rex Scotiae cum domino rege finiuit, eandem ligiantiam & fidelitatem domino regi & Henrico filio ſuo quam ipſi fecerunt, & vt barones, & homines qui affuerunt obſides liberabunt domi|no regi de quibus habere voluerit. Preterea epiſcopi comites & barones conuentionauerunt domino re|gi & Henrico filio ſuo, quod ſirex Scotiae aliquo ca|ſu à fidelitate domini regis & filij, & à conuen|tione praedicta rocederet, ipſi cum domino rege tene|bunt ſicut cum ligio domino ſuo contra regem Sco|tiae & contra omnes homines ei inimicantes. Et e|piſcopi ſub interdicto ponent terram regis Scotiae do|nec ipſe ad fidelitatem domini regis redeat. Praedi|ctam itaque conuentionem firmiter obſeruandam bona fide, & ſine malo ingenio domino regi & Hẽ|rico filio ſuo & heredibus ſuis à VVilhelmo rege Scotiae & Dauid fratre ſuo & baronibus ſuis prae|dictis & haeredibus eorum aſſecurauit ipſe rex Sco|tiae & Dauid frater cius & omnes barones ſui pre|nominati ſicut ligij homines Domini regis contra omnem hominem & Hẽrici filij ſui (ſalua fidelita|te pat is ſui) hijs teſtibus, Richardo epiſcopo Abrin|cenſi, & Iohanne Saliſburiae decano, & Roberto ab|bate Malm [...] ſburiae, & Radulpho abbate Mundeſ|berg, nec no [...] alijs abbatibus, comitibus & baro [...]ibu [...] & duobus filijs ſuis ſcilicet Richardo & Galfrido.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe things therefore beeyng recited in the Church of Saint Peters in Yorke in the preſence of the ſayde Kings and of Dauid the King of Scottes his brother, and before an innumerable number of other people, the Biſhops, Erles, Ba|rons and Knightes of Scotland ſware to the K. of England and to Henry his ſonne, and to their heires fealtie againſt all men, as to their liege and ſoueraigne Lordes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 King Henry hauyng ended hys buſineſſe at Yorke with the King of Scottes and other, whi|che likewiſe did homage to him there, he returned to London. In the Octaues of S. Michaell,A parliament at Windſor. king Henry the father called a Parliament at Wind|ſor, in the whiche were preſente King Henry the ſonne, Richard Archbiſhop of Canterbury, and o|ther Biſhops of England, Laurence Archbiſhop of Dublin with a greate number of Earles and Barons of this Realme. About the ſame tyme the Archbiſhop of Tuamon,Ambaſſadors from Kyng Connagh. and the Abbot of Saint Brandon with Laurence the Chauncelloure of Roderike King of Connagh in Irelãd wer come as Ambaſſadours from the ſayde Roderike, vnto [figure appears here on page 441] EEBO page image 442 King Henry, who willingly heard them, as hee that was more deſirous to grow to ſome accord with thoſe ſauage people by ſome friendly order, than to warre with them that hadde nothing to loſe: ſo that he might in purſuing of them ſeeme to fiſhe with an hooke of golde. Therefore in this Parliament the matter was debated, and in the ende a peace was concluded at requeſt of the ſaid Ambaſſadors, the King appointing Roderike to pay vnto him in token of ſubiection, a tribute of Oxe hides.A tribute of Oxe hides. The tenor of the charter of the agreement The charter of the agreemente was written and ſubſcribed in this forme. Haec eſt finis & Concordia quae facta fuit apud VVindeſhore in Octauis ſancti Michaelis Anno gratiae .1175. inter dominum regem Angliae Henricum ſecundum, & Rodericum regem Conaciae, per Catholicũ Tua|menſem Archiepiſcopum & Abbatem C. ſancti Brandani, & magiſtrum L. Cancellarium Regis Co|naciae. Scilicet quòd rex Angliae concedit praedicto Roderico ligio homini ſuo regnũ Conaciae, quãdiu ei fideliter ſeruiet, vt ſit Rex ſub eo, paratus ad ſerui|cium ſuum ſicut homo ſuus, & vt teneat terram ſuam ita bene & in pace, ſicut tenuit, antequam dominus rex Angliae intraret Hiberniam, redden|do ei tributum & totam aliam terram, & habita|tores terrae habeat ſub ſe, & inſticiet vt tributum Regi Angliae integrè per [...]luant, & per manum eius ſua iura ſibi conſeruent. Et illi qui modo tenẽt, teneant in pace quandiu manſerint in fidelitate re|gis Angliae, & fideliter & integrè perſoluerint tributum & alia iura ſua quae ei debent per ma|num regis Conaciae, ſaluo in omnibus iure & hono|re domini regis Angliae & ſuo. Et ſi qui ex eis re|gi Angliae & ei rebelles fuerint, & tributum & alia iura regis Angliae per manum eius ſoluere no|luerint, & à fidelitate regis Angliae receſſerint, ipſe eos iuſticiet & amoueat. Et ſi eos per ſe iuſtici|are non poterit, Conſtabularius regis Angliae, & familia ſua de terra illa iuuabunt eum ad hoc faci|endum, cùm ab ipſo fuerint requiſiti, & ipſi vide|rint quod neceſſe fuerit. Et propter hunc finem, red|det praedictus Rex Conaciae domino regi Angliae tributum ſingulis Annis, ſcilicet de ſingulis de|cem animalibus vnum corium placabile mercatori|bus, tam de tota terra ſua quàm de aliena. Excepto [...] de terris illis quas dominus Rex Angliae re|tinuit in dominio ſuo, & in dominio Baronum ſuo| [...]ũ, nihil, ſe intromittet, ſcilicet Duvelina cum per|tinentijs ſuis, & Midia cum omnibus pertinentijs ſuis, ſicut vnquã Marchat VVamailethlachlin, eã melius & plenius tenuit, aut aliqui qui eam de eo tenuerint. Et excepta VVeſefordia, cum omnibus pertinentijs ſuis, ſcilicet cum tota lagenia. Et ex|cepta VVaterfordia cum tota terra illa, quae eſt à VVaterford vſ ad Dunca [...]nam, ita vt Duncarnã ſit cum omnibus pertinentijs ſuis infra terram illã. Et ſi Hibernenſes qui aufugerint redire voluerint ad terram Baronũ regis Angliae, redeant in pace, reddendo tributum praedictum quod alij reddun [...], vel faciendo antiqua ſeruicia quae facere ſolebant pro terris ſuis. Et hoc ſit in Arbitri [...] dominorum ſuorum. Et ſi aliqui eorum redire noluerint, domi|ni eorum & rex Conaciae accipiat obſides ab omni|bus quos ei commiſit dominus rex Angliae ad vo|luntatem domini regis & ſuam. Et ipſe dabit obſ [...]|des ad voluntatem domini regis Angliae illos vel alios, & ipſi ſeruient domino de canibus & auibus ſuis ſingulis annis de preſentis ſuis. Et nullum om|ninò de quacunque terra regis ſit, retinebunt con|tra voluntatem domini regis & mandatum. Hijs teſtibus, Richardo Epiſcopo VVintoniae, Gaufrido epiſcopo Elienſi, Laurentio Duvilinenſi archiepiſ|copo, Gaufrido, Nicholao, & Rogero Capellanis re|gis, Guilhelmo Comite de Eſſex, & alijs multis.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, at this Parliament, the King gaue vnto an Iriſhman that was named Auguſtine, the Biſhopricke of Waterford, whiche ſee was then voyd, and ſent him into Ireland with Lau|rence the Archbiſhop of Dublin, to be conſecrated of Donate the Archbiſhop of Caſſels.A great de [...] The ſame yeare, both Englande, and the countreyes adioy|ning, were ſore vexed with a greate mortalitie of people, and immediately after followed a ſore dearth and famine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henry helde his Chriſtmas at Wind|ſor,

An. Reg. [...]


and about the feaſt of the conuerſiõ of Saint Paule, he came to Northampton, and now after that the mortalitie was well ceaſſed,A Parliam [...] at North [...]+ton. hee called a Parliamente there, at the whiche was preſente a Deacon Cardinall entitled of S. Angelo, beyng ſent into England as a Legate from the Pope to take order in the controuerſies betwixte the two Archbiſhops of Canterbury and Yorke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Cardinall whoſe name was Hugh Pe|tro Lione,Mat. Par [...] aſſembling in the ſame place a conuo|cation or Synod of the Biſhops and Clergie, as well of England as Scotland: in which conuo|cation after the ceaſſing of certeine ſtrifes and de|crees made as well concerning the ſtate of cõmon wealth, as for the honeſt behauiour of mans life, the Cardinall conſented that (accordingly as by the Kings lawes it was already ordeined) all ma|ner of perſons within the ſacred orders of ye Cler|gie,An acte a|gainſt Pri [...] that were [...]+ters. which ſhould hunt within ye Kings groundes and kill any of his Deare, ſhuld be conuented and puniſheable before a temporall Iudge, which li|bertie graunted to the King, did ſo infringe the immunitie which the Cleargie pretended to haue within this Realme, that afterwardes in many poyntes, Prieſtes were called before temporall Iudges and puniſhed for their offences as well as the Laitie, though they haue grudged indeede and mainteined that they had wrong therein, as they that would be exempt and iudged by none except by thoſe of their owne order.Polidor.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 Moreouer in this Counſell, the matter came in EEBO page image 443 queſtion touching the obedience which the Bi|ſhoppes of Scotlande dyd owe by right vnto the Archebiſhop of Yorke,Obedience of the Ghurch of Scotland to the Church of England. whom from the beginning the Popes of Rome had conſtitute and ordeyned [figure appears here on page 443] to be Primate of all Scotlande, and of the Iſles belongyng to that Realme, as well of the Orke|neys as all the other: the which conſtitution was obſerued by the Biſhoppes of thoſe parties many yeares togither, though after they renounced their obedience. Whervpon the Archebiſhops of Yorke for the tyme being continually cõplayned, ſo that theſe Popes, Paſcall the ſeconde, Calixte the ſe|conde, Honorius, Innocentius, Eugenius the thirde, and Hadrian the fourth hadde the hearing of the matter, and with often ſending theyr let|ters went about to reduce them vnto the prouince of Yorke. But the Scots ſtill withſtanding this ordinaunce, at length the matter thus in contro|uerſie was referred to Pope Alexander, who ſent the foreſayd Cardinall Hugh as well to make an ende of that contention, as of diuers other: but yet he left it vndecided. Ro. Houed. The King of Scottes commeth to the Parliamẽt William King of Scotland came in perſon vnto this parliamẽt at Northam|ton, by commaundemente of Kyng Henry, and brought with him Richarde Biſhoppe of S. An|drew, and Ioſſeline Biſhop of Glaſcow, with o|ther Biſhops and Abbots of Scotland, the which being commaunded by King Henry to ſhew ſuch ſubiection to the Church of England as they wer bound to do by the faith which they ought to him and by the oth of fealtie whiche they had made to him, they made this aunſwer, that they had neuer ſhewed any ſubiection to the Church of Englãd, nor ought to ſhew any: againſt which deniall, the Archbiſhop of Yorke replyed, and ſhewed foorthe ſufficiente priuileges graunted by the forenamed Popes, to proue the ſubiection of the Scottiſhe Biſhoppes, and namely Glaſcow and Whiterne vnto the ſee of Yorke. But bycauſe the Archby|ſhop of Canterbury meant to bring the Scottiſh Biſhops vnder ſubiection of his See, he wrought ſo for that tyme with the King, that hee ſuffered them to depart home, without doing any ſubie|ction to the Churche of Englande. The letters which the foreſayd Popes did ſend touching this matter, were remayning ſafe and ſound amongſt other writings in the Colledge at Yorke, when Polidore Virgill wrote the hiſtories of England, the copies whereof in an old antient booke, he con|feſſeth to haue ſeene and redde. But to ſpeake fur|ther of things ordered and done at this Parliamẽt holden at Northampton, Rog. Houed. Deuiſion of circ [...]ites for Iuſtices itine|rantes. the King by common conſente of his nobles and other eſtates, deuided his realme into ſixe partes, appointing three iuſti|ces Itinerantes in euery of them, as here followeth, Hugh de Creſſy, Walter Fitz Robert, and Ro|bert Mantel, wer deputed vnto Northfolke, Suf|folke, Cambridgeſhire, Huntingtonſhire, Bed|fordſhire, Buckinghamſhire, Eſſex and Hertford|ſhire: Hugh de Gunduille, William Fitz Raufe, and William Baſſet were appoynted to Lin|colnſhire, Notinghamſhire, Derbyſhire, Staf|fordſhire, Warwikeſhire, Northamptonſhire and Leceſterſhire: Roberte Fitz Bernarde, Richarde Giffard, Roger Fitz Remfrey, were aſſigned to Kent, Surrey, Hampſhire, Suſſex, Berkſhire and Oxfordſhire: William Fitz Stephan, Berthran de Verdun, Thurſtan Fitz Simõ were ordeyned to Herefordſhire, Gloceſterſhire, Worceterſhire, and Salopſhire: Raufe Fitz Stephan, William Ruffe, and Gilberte Pipard were putte in charge with Wilſhire, Dorſetſhire, Sommerſetſhire, Deuonſhire and Cornewall: Roberte de Wals, Ranulf de Glanuile, and Roberte Pikenet were appoynted to Yorkſhire, Richmondſhire, Lanca|ſhire, Copeland, Weſtmerland,The oth of the Iuſtices. Northumberlãd and Cumberland. The Kyng cauſed theſe Iu|ſtices to ſweare vpon the holy Euangeliſtes, that EEBO page image 444 they ſhould keepe his aſſiſes which he firſt had or|deyned at Clarendon, and after had renewed here at Northampton, and alſo cauſe all his ſubiectes within the Realme of England, to keepe and ob|ſerue the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]eruaſ. Dor [...].Moreouer at this Counſell, Kyng Henry re|ſtored vnto Robert Earle of Leceſter all his lãds, both on this ſide the ſea, and beyond, in manner as hee helde the ſame fifteene dayes before the warre.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 To William de Albeny Earle of Arundell, he gaue the Erledome of Suſſex. About midlent, the King with hys ſonne and the Legate came to London, where at Weſtminſter a Conuocation of the Cleargie was called, but when the Legate was ſet, and the Archbiſhop of Canterbury on his right hand as primate of the Realme, the Archby|ſhop of Yorke comming in,The preſump|tuous dem [...]+nor of the Archbiſhop of Yorke. & diſdeining to ſitte on the left hand where he might ſeeme to giue prehe|minence vnto the Archbiſhop of Canterbury, (vn|manerly ynough indede) ſwaſht him down, mea|ning to thruſt himſelfe in betwixt the Legate, and the Archb. of Canterbury: & where belike the ſayd Archb. of Canterbury was loth to remoue, hee ſet his buttockes iuſt in his lappe, but he vnneth tou|ched the Archbiſhops ſkirt with his bumme, whẽ the Biſhops and other Chapleines and their ſer|uantes ſtept, to him pulled him away, and threwe him to the grounde, and beginning to ley on hym with bats & fiſtes, the Archb. of Canterbury yeel|ding good for euill, ſought to ſaue him from theyr hands.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Archbiſhop of Yorke with his rent Rochet got vp, and away he went to the K. with a greate [figure appears here on page 444] complaint againſte the Archb. of Canterbury, but when vpon examination of the matter the trueth was knowen, hee was well laught at for hys la|bour, & that was al the remedie he gote. As he de|parted ſo bebuffeted forth of the conuocation houſe towards the Kyng, they cried out vppon him, goe Traytor that diddeſt betray that holy man Tho|mas, goe get thee hence, thy handes yet ſtinke of bloud. The aſſemble was by this meanes diſper|ſed, and the Legate fled and gote him foorth of the way.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Appeales made.After this, followed appealings, the Archby|ſhop of Yorke appealed to Rome, and the Legate alſo for his owne ſafegard appealed the Archby|ſhoppe of Canterbury vnto Rome, whiche Arch|biſhop ſubmitting himſelfe and his cauſe vnder the Popes protection, made a like ſolemne appeale from the Legate to the Pope. The Legate per|ceiuing that the matter wente otherwiſe than hee wiſhed, and ſawe little remedie to be had at that preſent, gaue ouer his Legateſhip as it had bin of his owne accorde, though greatly agaynſte hys will, and prepared himſelfe to depart. Yet neuer|theleſſe, through mediation of friendes that tra|uelled betwixt them, they gaue ouer their appeales on either ſyde, and diſſimuled the diſpleaſures whiche they had conceyued eyther againſt other, but yet the conuocation was diſſolued for that time,The Conuo|cation diſſol|ued. and the two Archbiſhoppes preſented theyr compleyntes to the King, who kepte his Eaſter thys yeare at Wincheſter, and about the ſame time or ſhortly after, licenced his ſonne Henry to ſayle ouer into Normandy, meaning ſhortly af|ter to goe vnto Compoſtella in Spaine, to viſite the body of Saint Iames the Apoſtle, but beeing otherwiſe aduiſed by his fathers letters, hee kepte not on his purpoſe but ſtayed at home.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame yeare, the Lady Iohan the Kyngs daughter, was giuen in marriage vnto William King of Sicill. Alſo the ſame yere died the Lorde chiefe Iuſtice of Irelande,N. Triuet. Roberte Earle of Striguill otherwiſe Chepſtow, then was Wil|liam Fitzaldelme ordeined Lorde chiefe Iuſtice in hys place, who ſeaſed into the Kynges EEBO page image 445 hands all thoſe fortreſſes which the ſayd Earle of Striguill helde within the Realme of Irelande. The Iriſhmen agreed alſo to yeelde to the Kyng a tribute of twelue pence yearely for euery houſe, [...]eg. Hou. [...]ic. triuet. or elſe for euery yoke of Oxen whiche they had of their owne.A tribute grã|ted by the Iriſhe William Earle of Arundell dyed alſo this yeare at Wauerley, and was buried at Wy|mondham.

[figure appears here on page 445]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 [...]eg. Houed.This yeare when it mighte haue bin thoughte that all things hadde bin forgotten touching the rebellious attemptes made againſt King Henry the father by his ſonnes, [...]he walles [...] the towne [...] Caſtell [...]f Leceſter [...]s;ed. and other (as before yee haue heard) he cauſed the walles both of the town and Caſtell of Leiceſter to bee raced and broken downe, and alſo all ſuch other Caſtels and places of ſtrength whiche had bin kept againſte him du|ring the time of that Rebellion, were likewiſe o|uerthrowen and made playne with the grounde, as the Caſtels of Huntington, Waleton, Grow|by, Hey, Stuteſbirry or Sterdeſbirry, Malaſert; the newe Caſtell of Allerton, the Caſtels of Fre|mingham and Bungey, with diuers other bothe in England and Normandy. But the Caſtels of Paſcy and Mountſorell he reteined in hys owne hands as his of right, beeing ſo found by a iurie of free holders empanelled there in the countrey. And further, he ſeazed into his hands all the other Ca|ſtels of Byſhoppes, Earles and Barons, bothe in Englande and Normandy, appoynting keepers in them at hys pleaſure. [...]leanor the [...]ings daugh| [...]r married [...] to the king [...]f Caſtile. [...]ilbert Fitz [...]ergus. Alſo this yeare, he marri|ed his daughter Eleanor vnto Alfonſe K. of Ca|ſtile. Moreouer, Gilbert the ſon of Fergus Lord of Galloway whiche hadde ſlayne his brother V|thred, couſin to King Henry, came this yeare into Englande, vnder conduit of William King of Scotlande, and became King Henry the fathers man, ſwearing to him fealtie againſt all men: and for to haue his loue and fauour, he gaue to hym a thouſand markes of ſiluer, and deliuered into hys hands his ſonne Duncane as a pledge. It is to be remembred alſo,Richard Earle [...]f Poictow. that in this yeare, Richard Earle of Poyctow ſonne to King Henry, foughte with certaine Brabanders his enimies betwixte Saint Megrine and Buteuille, where he ouercame thẽ.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Here I haue thought good, to aduertiſe ye Rea|d [...], that theſe men of warre, whiche I haue gene|rally in this parte of this booke named Braban|ders, we finde them writtẽ in olde copies diuerſly, as Brebazones, Brebanceni, and Brebationes, the whiche for ſo muche as I haue found them by the learned tranſlated Brabanders, and that the French word ſomewhat yeeldeth thereto, I haue likewiſe ſo named them, wherein whether I haue erred or not, I muſt ſubmitte mine opinion to the learned and ſkilful ſearchers of ſuch poynts of an|tiquities. For to confeſſe in playne truth myne ig|norance, or rather vnreſolued doubt herein, I can not ſatiſfie my ſelfe with any thing that I haue red, wherby to aſſure my coniecture what to make of them, although verily it may be, and the likely|hood is great, that the Brabanders in thoſe dayes for their trayned ſkill and vſuall practiſe in war|like feates, wanne themſelues a name, wherby not only thoſe that were naturally borne in Brabant, but ſuch other alſo which ſerued amongſt them, or elſe vſed the ſame warlike furniture, order, trade and diſcipline, which was in vſe among them, paſ|ſed in that age vnder the name of Brabanders: eyther elſe muſt I thinke, that by reaſon of ſome odde manner habite or other ſpeciall cauſe, ſome certayne kind of ſouldiers purchaſed to themſelues the priuiledge of that name ſo to be called Braban|ceni or Brebationes whether ye will, as hath chan|ced to the Lanſquenetz and Reiſters in our time, and likewiſe to the companiõs Arminaes and E|ſcorchers in the dayes of our forefathers, and as in al ages likewiſe it hath fortuned amongſt men of war, which if it ſo chanced to theſe Brabanceni, I EEBO page image 446 know not then what countrymen to make them: for as I remember, Marchades that was a chiefe leader of ſuch ſouldiers as were known by ye name (as after ye ſhall heare) is reported by ſome auc|thours to be a Prouancois. It ſhould ſeeme alſo yt they were called by other names, as ye Rowtes (in Latine Ruptarij) which name whether it came of a Frenche word (as ye would ſay) ſome vnru|ly and headeſtronge company, or of the Te [...]iche worde Rutters, that ſignifieth a Rider, I cannot ſay. But it may ſuffice for the courſe of ye hiſtorie to vnderſtand that they were a kind of hired ſoul|diers, in thoſe dayes highely eſteemed and no leſſe feared, in ſo muche that agaynſt them and other ther was an article cõtayned amõg ye decrees of ye Laterane councell holdẽ at Rome in ye yere .1179. wherby al thoſe wer to be denoũced accurſed whi|che did hire, maintain and otherwiſe nouriſh thoſe Brebationes, Aragonois, Nauarrois, Baſques,VVi. Paru [...] lib. 3. cap. 3. and Coterelles, whiche did ſo muche hurte in the Chriſtian world in thoſe dayes. But nowe to re|turne where we left to Earle Richarde, beſide the foremẽtioned victory againſt thoſe Brabanders, if we ſhall ſo take them. Hee vanquiſhed alſo Ha|merike, the vicount of Lymoges, and William Earle of Angoleſme, with the vicounts of Ven|tadore, and Cambanays, whiche attempted rebel|lion againſt him, but Earle Richard ſubdued thẽ, and tooke them priſoners, with dyuers Caſtels and ſtrong holdes which they had fortified.

[figure appears here on page 446]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The departure of [...] Legate forth of the Realme.About the feaſt of Peter and Paule the Legate departed forthe of the realme, of whom we finde that as he graunted to the King ſome liberties againſt the priuiledges whiche ye Clergie preten|ded to haue a right vnto:Liberties ob|teyned for Churchmen. ſo he obteined of the king certain graunts in fauour of them and their order, as thus.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Firſte, that for no offence, crime or tranſgreſ|ſion any ſpirituall perſon ſhuld be brought before a Temporall Iudge perſonally, excepte for hun|ting, or for ſome lay fee for ye which ſome tempo|rall ſeruice was due to bee yeelded, eyther to the King, or ſome other that was chiefe Lorde thereof.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Secondly, that no Archbiſhoppes See, nor Bi|ſhoppes See, nor any Abbathie ſhould be kept in the Kings handes more than one yeare, excepte vppon ſome euidente cauſe or neceſſitie con|ſtreyning.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thirdly it was graunted, that ſuche as ſlewe any ſpirituall perſon, and were of ſuche offence conuict, eyther by euidence or confeſſion before the Iuſtice of the Realme in preſence of the Biſhop, they ſhould be puniſhed as the Temporall lawe in ſuche caſes required.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 Fourthly, ye ſpirituall men ſhould not be com|pelled to fight in liſtes for the triall of any matter or cauſe whatſoeuer. It ſhuld appeare by Nicho|las Triuet,Nic. Triuet. yt the Archebiſhop of Canterbury pro|cured the biſhops of Wincheſter, Elie, and Nor|wiche three Prelates highely at that preſent in ye Kings fauour, to further theſe grauntes, namely that ſuche as ſlew any prieſte or ſpirituall perſon might haue the lawe for it: wher before, there was no puniſhemẽt for a ſeaſon vſed againſt ſuch offẽ|dors but onely excommunication. But nowe to leaue prieſtes, we will paſſe to other matters.The yong K [...] beginneth new practi [...] againſte his father. In this meane time, King Henry ye ſonne remaining in Normandie, beganne to deuiſe newe practiſes howe to remoue his father from the gouernement and to take it to him ſelfe: but one of his ſeruants named Adam de Chirehedune beyng of his ſecret Counſell, aduertiſed King Henry the father ther|of, for the whiche his maſter King Henry the ſon put him to greate ſhame and rebuke, cauſing hym to be ſtripped naked, and whipped round about the ſtreetes of the Citie of Poicters,Rog. Ho [...] where hee then was vpon his returne from his brother Erle Ri|chard, with whome hee hadde bin to ayde hym a|gainſt his enimies. But the father perceyuing the naughty mind of his ſonne, not to ceaſſe from hys wilfull maliciouſneſſe, thoughte to diſſemble all things ſith he ſaw no hope of amendment in him: but yet to be prouided againſt his wicked attẽpts, hee furniſhed all his fortreſſes both in Englande and in Normandy with ſtrong garniſons of men, and all neceſſary munition: about whyche time, the ſea roſe on ſuche height, that many men were drowned thereby.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo a great Snowe fell this yeare, whiche by EEBO page image 447 reaſon of the hard froſt that chaunced therewith, continued long withoute waſting away, ſo that fiſhes both in the ſea and freſh water dyed through ſharpneſſe and vehemencie of that Froſt; neyther could huſbandmen till the ground.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ther chaunced alſo a ſore Eclipſe of the ſonne the ſixth Ides of Ianuary. The Monaſtery of Weſtwood or Leſnos was begun to bee founded by Richard de Lucy Lord chiefe Iuſtice. The ſame yeare at Wodſtocke, the King made hys ſonne the Lord Geffrey Knight.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

[...]og. Houe.


Alſo in the yeare .1177. King Henry helde hys Chriſtmas at Northampton, with hys two ſons Geffrey and Iohn, his other two ſonnes the yong King Henry, and Richarde Earle of Poictowe, were in the parties of beyond the ſea, as the Kyng in Normandy, and the Earle in Gaſcoigne,The Citie of Aques or A [...]gues. where hee beſieged the Citie of Aques whiche the vicount of Aques and the Earle of Bigo [...]re hadde fortified againſt him, but he wan it within tenne dayes after his comming before it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And within the like terme hee wanne the Ci|tie of Bayon alſo, whiche Ernald Berthram had fortified againſt hym, and comming to the vtter|moſt fronters of that Countrey adioyning to Spayne, hee tooke a Caſtell called Saint Piero [figure appears here on page 447] which he deſtroyed, and conſtreyned the Baſques and Naruerroys to receyue an othe, that from thencefoorth they ſhould ſuffer paſſengers quietly to come and goe through their countrey, and that they ſhoulde liue in quiet and keepe peace one with an other, and ſo he reformed the ſtate of that Countrey, and cauſed them to renounce many e|uill cuſtomes whiche they before that time hadde vnlawfully vſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 [...]n. Reg. 23. [...]lidor. [...]ffrey the [...]ngs baſe [...]ne made [...]hop of [...]colne.Moreouer, Kyng Henry to auoyde further ſlaunder, placed for Byſhoppe in that ſee of Lin|colne a Baſtard ſonne, which he had named Gef|frey, after hee had kept that Biſhopricke in hys hands ſo long till he had almoſt cleerely deſtroyed it. And his ſonne that was nowe made Biſhoppe to help the matter for his parte, made hauocke in waſting and ſpending foorthe in riotous manner the goodes of that Churche, and in the end forſooke hys myter, and left the See agayne in the Kyngs hands to make his beſt of it. Furthermore, the King in times paſt made a vowe to builde a new Monaſterie in ſatiſfactiõ of his offences commit|ted againſt Thomas the Archbiſhop of Canter|bury, and nowe therefore hee required of the Bi|ſhoppes and other ſpirituall fathers, to haue ſome place by them aſſigned, where he might begin that foundation. But whileſt they ſhoulde haue ta|ken aduice heerein, hee ſecretely practiſed with the Cardinals, and with diuers other Biſhops, that hee mighte remoue the ſecular Canons out of the Colledge at Waltham, and place therein regular Canons, ſo to ſaue money in his cofers, plantyng in another mans vineyard. But yet bycauſe it ſhould not be thought he did this of ſuche a coue|tous meaning, hee promiſed to giue great poſſeſ|ſions to that houſe, whiche hee after but ſlenderly performed, though vppon licence obteyned at the Biſhoppes handes, he diſplaced the Canons,Prieſts diſpla|ced, and Cha|nons regular put in theyr roomthes. and broughte in to their roumthes the Chanons as it were by way of exchange.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo the ſame yeare hee thruſt the Nunnes of Ameſbury out of their houſe, Rog. Houed. Nunnes of Ameſburie. bycauſe of their in|continente liuing in abuſing theyr bodyes great|ly to theyr reproche, and beſtowed them in o|ther Monaſteries to bee kepte within more ſtraightly. And theyr houſe was committed vn|to the Abbeſſe and couent of Founteuererd, the whyche ſent ouer certayne of their number to fur|niſhe the houſe of Ameſbury, wherein they were placed by the Archbyſhoppe of Caunterbury, in the preſence of the King and a greate number of others.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 EEBO page image 448 Philip Earle of Flaunders.Philippe Earle of Flaunders by ſendyng ouer Ambaſſadors to Kyng Henry promiſed, that hee woulde not beſtowe his two neeces daughters to his brother Mathew Erle of Bullongne, without conſente of the ſame King: but ſhortly after hee forgot his promiſe, and married the elder of them to the Duke of Zaringes, and the yonger to Hẽ|ry Duke of Louayn.Iohn de Curcy. Iohn de Curcy Lord chiefe Iuſtice of Ireland diſcomfiting a power of Iriſh|men, wanne the Citie of Dun in Vlneſtre,The Citie [...] Dun taken. where the bodies of S. Patricke and S. Colme confeſ|ſors, and S. Brigit the virgin are buried, for the taking of whiche Citie,Roderike K [...] of Vlneſter vanquiſhed Roderike King of Vlne|ſtre being ſore offended, reyſed a mighty hoſt, and comming into the fielde, foughte with the Lorde chiefe Iuſtice, and in the ende receyued the ouer|throwe [figure appears here on page 448] at his handes, although the Lorde chiefe Iuſtice at that encounter loſt no ſmall number of his men. Amongſt priſoners that were taken, the Biſhop of Dun was one, whome yet the Lorde chiefe Iuſtice releaſed, and ſet at libertie in reſpect of a requeſt and ſute made to him by a Cardinall the Popes Legate, that was there in Irelande at that time.Viuiano a Cardinall. This Cardinals name was Viuiano, entitled the Cardinall of S. Stephen in Mont Celio. He was ſent from the Pope the laſt yeare, & comming into England though without licence, was pardoned vppon knowledging his faulte for his entring without the Kings leaue firſte obtey|ned, and ſo permitted to goe into Scotland, why|ther, and into other the Northweſt regions, hee was ſente as Legate, authoriſed from the Pope. After he had ended his buſineſſe in Scotland, hee paſſed ouer into Man, and there helde his Chriſt|mas with Euthred K. of Man, and after the feaſt of the Epiphany, hee ſailed from thence into Ire|land,VVil. Paru [...]. and chaunced the ſame time that the Eng|liſhmen inuaded that countrey, to bee in the Citie of Dune, where hee was receiued of the King and Biſhops of that land with great reuerence. The inuaſion then of the Engliſhmen being ſignified to them of the countrey aforehande, they aſked councell of the Legate what he thought beſt to be done in that matter, who ſtraighte wayes tolde them, that they ought to fighte in defenſe of theyr countrey, and at their ſetting forward, he gaue thẽ his benediction in way of their good ſpeede. But they comming (as yee haue hearde) to encounter with the Engliſhmen, were put to flight, and bea|ten backe into the Citie, the which was heerewith alſo wonne vy the Engliſhmen, ſo that the Ro|mane Legate was glad to get him into ye Church for his more ſafegard, and like a wiſe fellow had prouided afore hand for ſuch happes if they chan|ced, hauing there with him the King of Englãds letters directed to the Captaynes in Irelande in the Legates fauour, ſo that by the aſſiſtaunce and authoritie of the ſame, he went to Dublin,The Leg [...] holdeth [...] Counſell [...] Dublin. & there in name of the Pope and of the King of Englãd held a councell, but when hee began to practiſe af|ter the manner of Legates in thoſe dayes ſome|what largely for his owne aduãtage, in ye Chur|ches of that ſimple rude countrey, the Engliſhe Captaines commaunded him eyther to departe, or elſe to goe foorth to ye warres with them: wher|vpan he returned into Scotland againe, with his bagges well ſtuffed with Iriſh golde, for the whi|che it ſeemed he greatly thirſted. But as to the do|ings of Iohn de Curcy, and of thoſe Engliſhmen that were with him, they did not only defend ſuch places as they had wonne out of the Iriſhmens handes againſte thoſe Kyngs and their powers, but alſo enlarged daily more and more their fron|ters, and wanne the Towne of Armach (wherein is the Metropolitane ſee of all that land) with the whole prouince thereto belonging.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time,Mat. Pa [...] Polidor. came Ambaſſadors vnto King Henry, from Alfonſe King of Caſtile, and EEBO page image 449 Garſias King of Nauarre, to aduertiſe him, that in a cõtrouerſie riſen betwixt the ſaid two Kings touching the poſſeſſion of certaine groundes neere vnto the confines of their Realmes, they had cho|ſen him for Iudge by compromiſe, promiſing vp|pon their othes to ſtande vnto and abide his order and decree therein. Therefore they required hym to end the matter by his authoritie [...] ſith they had wholly put it to his iudgement.Rog. Houed. Furthermore, ey|ther King hadde ſente a moſt able and valiaunt Knighte furniſhed with horſe and armoure ready in their Princes cauſe to fight the combate, if K. Henry ſhould happily committe the triall of their quarrell vnto the iudgement of battayle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henry gladly accepted their requeſt, ſo yt therevppon calling his counſellours togither, hee aduiſed with them of the thing [...]olidor. and hearing euery mans opinion, at length hee gaue iudgemente ſo with the one, that the other was contented to bee agreeable therevnto.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Within a while after, Philip Earle of Flaun|ders came ouer into England to doe his deuotiõs at the Tombe of Thomas Archbiſhop of Caun|terbury, of whome the moſt part of men then had conceyued an opinion of ſuch holyneſſe, that they reputed him for a Saint. The King mette hym there, and very friendly enterteyned him, and by|cauſe he was appoynted ſhortly after to goe ouer into the holy land to warre againſt Goddes eni|mies, the King gaue him fiue hundred markes in reward, and licenced William Mandeuile Earle of Eſſex to go in that iourney with other Lords, Knightes and men of warre of ſundry nations that were of his dominions.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King then returning vnto London, tooke order for the eſtabliſhing of things touching the [...] of the Realme, and his owne eſtate.Rog. Houed [...] And firſt he appoynted the cuſtodie of ſuch Caſtels, as were of moſt importance by their ſituation, vnto the keeping of certaine worthy Captaynes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 To Sir William de Stuteuille hee aſſigned the cuſtodie of Rockeſburgh Caſtell to Sir Ro|ger de Stuteuille, the Caſtell of Edinburgh, to Sir William Neuille, the Caſtell of Norham, to Sir Geffrey Neuill the Caſtell of Berwike, and to the Archbiſhop of Yorke, hee deliuered the Ca|ſtell of Scarbarrough, and Sir Roger Conyers hee made Captayne of the tower of Durham,Durham Tower. which he had taken from the Biſhop, bycauſe hee had ſhewed himſelf an vnſtedfaſt man in the time of the ciuill warre, and therefore to haue the kings fauoure againe, hee gaue to hym two thouſande markes, with condition that his caſtels myghte ſtand, and that his ſonne Henry de Putcey alias Pudſey,Henry de Pudſey. might enioy one of the Kynges manor places called Wighton.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, the King wente to Oxenforde,A Parliament at Oxforde. and there helde a Parliament, at the which hee created [figure appears here on page 449] his ſonne Iohn Kyng of Ireland, [...] the [...] ſonne [...]ted K of [...]nde. [...]dor. [...]yned [...]. hauing a grant and confirmation thereto from Pope Alexan|der.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time it rayned bloud in the Ile of Wighte, by the ſpace of two dayes togither, ſo that linen clothes that hoong on the hedges, were couloured therewith: which vnketh wonder cau|ſed the people as the manner is, to ſuſpect ſome e|uill of the ſayd Iohns gouernement.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, to this Parliament holden at Ox|enforde, all the chiefe rulers and gouernoures of Southwales and Northwales repaired, and be|came the King of Englands liege men,Rog. Houed. ſwearing fealtie to him againſt all men. Heerevpon he gaue vnto Rice ap Griffin Prince of Southwales the lande of Merionith, and to Dauid ap Owan hee gaue the lands of Elleſmare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Alſo at the ſame time, hee gaue and confirmed vnto Hugh Lacie (as before is ſaide) the lande of Meth in Ireland, with the appurtenances for the EEBO page image 450 ſeruice of an hundred knightes or men of armes to holde of him and of his ſonne Iohn by a char|ter, whyche he made therof: and alſo he deuided there the landes and poſſeſſions of Irelande with the ſeruices to his ſubiectes, as well of England as Irelande, appoynting ſome to holde by ſer|uice to fynde fortie knights, or menne of armes, and ſome thirtie, and ſo foorth. Vnto two Itiſh Lordes hee graunted the kyngdome of Corgh, for the ſeruice of fortie knights, and to other three Lordes hee gaue the kingdome of Limeryke, for the ſeruice of the lyke number of knightes to bee holden of him and his ſonne Iohn, reſeruyng to him ſelfe and to his heires the Citie of Lymerike with one Cantred. To William Fitz Aldelme hys Sewer,William Fitz Aldelme. he gaue the Citie of Willeford with the appurtenaunces and ſeruices: and to Ro|berte de Poer his Marſhall,Robert de Poer. Hugh Lacy. he gaue the Citie of Waterforde, and to Hugh Lacy, hee committed the ſafe keping of the Citie of Dyuelyne. And theſe perſons to whome ſuche giftes and aſſig|nations were made, receyued othes of fealtie to beare theyr allegiance vnto hym and to his ſonne for thoſe landes and poſſeſſions in Irelande, in manner and forme as was requiſite.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Cardinall Viuian hauyng diſpatched hys buſineſſe in Irelande, came backe into En|glande, and by the Kyngs ſafeconducte retour|ned agayne into Scotlande, where in a Coun|cell holden at Edenburgh, he ſuſpended the Bi|ſhoppe of Whiterne, bicauſe he did refuſe to come to that Councell: But the Biſhoppe made no accompte of that ſuſpenſion, hauyng a defence good ynough by the Biſhoppe of Yorke, whoſe Suffragane he was.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the King had broken vp his Parlia|ment at Oxenford, he came to Marleborrough, and there graunted vnto Philippe de Breuſe all the kingdome of Limerike for the ſeruice of for|tie knights:Philip de Breuſe. for Hubert and Williã the brethren of Reignald earle of Cornewall, and Iohn de la Pumeray their nephue, refuſed the gift therof, by|cauſe it was not as yet conquered For the kyng thereof, ſurnamed Monoculus, that is, wyth the one eye, who hadde holden that kyngdome of the Kyng of Englande, beyng lately ſlayne, one of hys kynſemenne gotte poſſeſſion of that kingdome, and helde it without the acknowled|ging any ſubiection to Kyng Henry, nor would obeye his officers, bycauſe of the ſeathes and do|mages whyche they dyd practiſe agaynſt the I|riſhe people, withoute occaſion (as they allead|ged,) by reaſon whereof the Kyng of Corke al|ſo rebelled agaynſte the Kyng of Englande and hys people, and ſo that Realme was full of trouble.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Math. Paris. Polidor.The ſame ſeaſon, Queene Margaret the wife of King Henry the ſonne was deliuered of a man childe, which liued not paſt three dayes. In that time there was alſo through all England a great multitude of Iewes, and bycauſe they hadde no place appoynted them where to bury thoſe that di|ed, but only at London, they were conſtreyned to bring al their dead corpſes thither from all parties of the Realme. To eaſe them therefore of that in|conuenience, they obteyned of K. Henry a grant, to haue a place aſſigned them in euery quarter where they dwelled, to bury their dead bodies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame yeare was the body of S. Amphi|boſus the Martir, that was inſtruſter to Saint Albone founde, not farre from the Towne of Saint Albones, and there in the Monaſterie of that Towne burled with great and ſolemne Ce|remonies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 In the meanetyme, King Henry tran|ſported ouer into Normandy, hearing that the old grudge betwixt him and King Lewes began to be renewed vppon this occaſion, whereas King Henry had receyued the French Kings daughter Alice, promiſed in marriage vnto his ſonne Ri|chard, to remayne in England with him, till ſhee were able to company with hir huſband, King Henry being of a diſſolute life, and giuen much to the pleaſure of the body, at the leaſt wiſe (as the French King ſuſpected,) beganne to fanteſie the yong Ladye, and by ſuche wanton talke and company keeping as hee vſed with hir, hee was thought to haue brought hir to conſente vnto hys fleſhly will, whiche was the cauſe wherefore hee woulde not ſuffer that his ſonne ſhoulde marrie hir, being not of ripe yeares fitte therevnto. Wherevpon the Frenche King geſſing howe the matter wente, thoughte iuſtly that ſuche reproche wroughte againſte him in his bloud,Rog. Hou [...] was in no wiſe to be ſuffered. Herevpon therfore he complei|ned to ye Pope, who for redreſſe thereof, ſente one Peter a Prieſt, Cardinall, entitled of S. Griſo|gone as Legate from him into Fraunce, with cõ|miſſion to put Normandy, and all the lands that belonged to King Henry, vnder inderdiction, if he woulde not ſuffer the marriage to bee ſolemniſed withoute delay betwixte his ſonne Richarde, and Ales the French Kings daughter. The King ad|uertiſed heereof,The Kings meete at [...] came to a communication with the French King at Yvry vpon the .21. of Septẽ|ber, and there offered to cauſe the marriage to bee ſolemniſed out of hãd, if the French King would giue in marriage with his daughter the Citte of Burges, with all the appurtenances as it was accorded, and alſo vnto his ſonne King Henry the countrey of Veulgeſyne, that is to ſay, all the lande betwixt Giſors and Puſſy, as hee had like|wiſe couenaunted, but bycauſe the French King refuſed ſo to do, King Henry would not ſuffer his ſonne Richarde to marry his daughter Alice: but yet at this enternewe of the two Princes by the EEBO page image 451 helpe of the Cardinal, and other noble men of both ſides, they agreed to be friendes, and that if they could not take order betwixt them, to the end all matters touching the controuerſies depending betwixt them for the lãdes in Abuergne and Ber|ry, and for the fee of Chateau Raoul, then ſhould the matter be putte to twelue perſons, ſixe on the one ſide, and ſixe on the other, authoriſing them to compound and finiſh that controuerſie and all o|ther whiche mighte riſe betwixt them. For the French King theſe were named the Biſhoppes of Claremont, Neuers, and Troys, and three Ba|rons, Earle Theobald Earle Roberte, and Peter de Courtney, the Kings breethren. For the Kyng of England were named the Biſhops of Mauns, Peregort, and Nauntes, with three Barons alſo, Maurice de Croum, William Maigot, and Pe|ter de Mount rabell. At the ſame time alſo, both theſe kings promiſed and vndertooke to ioyne their powers togither, and to goe into the holy land to ayde Guido King of Ieruſalem, whome the Sa|razen Saladine King of Egipte did ſore oppreſſe with continuall and moſt cruell warre.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This done, the Frenche King returned home, and King Henry came to Vernueil, where hee made this ordinance, [...]og. Houe. [...]lawe. that no man ſhoulde trouble the vaſſall or tennant, as we may cal them, for his Lords debt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, King Henry went into Berry, and tooke Chateau Roux or Raoul, and marchyng towards Caſtre, the Lorde of that towne came & met him on the way, ſurrendring into his handes the daughter of Raufe de Dolis lately before de|ceaſſed, whome the King gaue vnto Baldwine de Riuers, with the honor of Chateau Roux or Raoul. Then wẽt he vnto Graundemont, where Andebert Erle of March came vnto him, and ſold to him the whole countrey of March for the ſũme of fifteene thouſande lb Aniouyn, [...]he purchaſe [...] the Erle| [...] of march. twentie mules, and twentie palfreys. The Charters of this grant and ſale made and giuen vnder the ſeale of ye ſayd Earle of March, bare date in the moneth of Sep|tember Anno Chriſti .1177. And then did the king receyue the fealtie and homages of all the Barõs and Knightes of the countrey of March, after hee had ſatiſfied, [...]n. reg. 24. contented, and payde the money vn|to the Earle according to the couenauntes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1178The King this yeare helde his Chriſtmas at Angiers, and meaning ſhortly after to returne in|to Englande, he ſent to the Frenche King for let|ters of protection, which were graunted, and ſente to him in forme as followeth, [...] tenour of French [...] letters [...]otection.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

Ludouicus rex Francorum

omnibus ad quos preſen|tes literae peruenerint Salutem.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Nouerit vniuerſitas veſtrae quòd nos recipimus, in protectione & cuſto|dia noſtra totam terram Henrici Regis Angliae cha|riſsimi fratris noſtri, in ciſmarinis partibus ſitam, ſi contigerit eum in Angliam transfretare vel peregrê proficiſci. Itae plane, vt quando balliui ſui de terra tranſm [...]rina nos requifierent, bona fide & ſine ma|lo tagenio e [...] conſilium & auxilium prastabi|mu [...] [...] euiſdem terrae def [...]ſi [...]em & protectionem.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Engliſhe whereof is thus.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


Lewis King of Fraunce,

to all thoſe to whom theſe preſent letters ſhall come:

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Knowe all you that we haue receyued into our protection and cuſtody all the landes of Henry K. of Englande our deere brother, ſet and being in theſe parties of this ſide the ſea, if it chance him to paſſe ouer into England, or to goe any way forth from home, ſo that when his Bailifes of his lands on this hither ſide the Sea ſhall require vs, wee ſhall help them and councell them faithfully and withoute male engine for defence and protection of the ſame lãds.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after, King Henry re|turned into Englande from Normandy, and at Woodſtocke made his ſonne Geffrey Knighte. This yeare Pope Alexander ſente into all partes Legates to ſummon the Biſhops and Prelates to a generall Counſell to be holden at Rome in the beginning of the Lent in the yeare next follo|wing.A general coũ|ſel ſummoned at Rome. There came therefore two Legates into England, the one named Albert de Suma, who had in commiſſion to ſummon them of Englãde and Normandy: and the other was cleped Pietro di Santa Agatha, appoynted to ſummon them of Scotland, Ireland, and the Iles about ye ſame: wherevpon obteyning licence to paſſe through the King of Englands dominions, he was conſtrey|ned to ſweare vpon the holy Euangeliſts, that hee ſhoulde not attempt any thing in his Legateſhip that might be hurtfull to the King or his Realm, and that he ſhould come and viſit the King again as hee returned homewards.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare on the ſunday before the natiuitie of S. Iohn Baptiſt, being the eighteenth of Iune,Gerua. Dor [...]. after the ſetting of the Sunne, there appeared a maruellous ſighte in the aire vnto certaine per|ſons that beheld the ſame. For whereas the newe Moone ſhone foorth very faire with his horns to|wardes the eaſt,A ſtrange ſight about the Moone. ſtraighte wayes the vpper horne was deuided into two, out of the middes of whi|che deuiſion, a brenning brand ſprang vp, ca [...]ting from it a farre off coales and ſparkes, as it had bin of fire. The body of the Moone in the meanetime that was beneath ſeemed to wraſt and writh in reſemblance like to an adder or ſnake that had bin beaten, and anone after it came to the olde ſtate a|gayne. This chanced aboue a doſen times, and at length from horne to horne it became halfe blacke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 In September following, the Moone beyng about ſeuen and twentith dayes olde, at ſixe of the clocke, the Sunne was eclipſed, not vniuerſally,A ſtrãge eclips of the Sunne. but particularly, for ye body thereof appeared as it wer horned, ſhoting ye hornes towards ye Weſt as EEBO page image 452 the moone doth, being twentie dayes olde. The re|ſidue of the compaſſe of it, was couered with a blacke roundell, whiche comming downe by little and little, threw about the horned brightneſſe that remained, til both the hornes came to hang down on eyther ſide to the earthwards, and as the blacke roundell went by little and little forwardes, the hornes at length were turned towards the Weſt, and ſo the blacknes paſſing away, the ſunne recei|ued hir brightneſſe againe. In the meane time, the aire being ful of cloudes of diuers coulours, as red, yellow, greene, and pale, holp ye peoples ſight with more eaſe to diſcerne the maner of it.

An. Reg. 25. Rog. Houe.


A ſtrange wonder.

The K. thys yeare held his Chriſtmas at Wincheſter, at whi|che time, newes came abroade of a great wonder that hadde chaunced at a place called Oxenhale, within ye Lordſhip of Derlington, in which place a part of the earth lifted it ſelfe vp on height in ap|parance like to a mighty Tower, and ſo it remai|ned from nine of the clocke in the morning, till the euen tyde, and then it fell downe with an horrible noiſe, ſo that all ſuche as were neighbours there|about, were put in great feare. That peece of earth with the fall, was ſwallowed vp, leauing a greate deepe pitte in the place, as was to bee ſeene many yeares after.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Laurence Archbiſhop of Dublin, and Catho|licus the Archbiſhoppe Tuamon. with fiue or ſixe other Iriſh Biſhops and diuers both Byſhoppes and Abbots of Scotlande, paſſed through Eng|land towardes the generall counſell, and withall tooke their oth, that they ſhoulde not procure anye domage to the Kyng or Realme of Englande. There went but only foure Biſhops out of Eng|land, to witte, Hugh Putſey or Pudſey Byſhop of Durham, Iohn Biſhop of Norwich, Reignald Biſhop of Bath, and Robert Biſhop of Hereford, beſide Abbots: for the Engliſh Biſhoppes firmely ſtoode in it, that there ought but four Biſhops on|ly to goe foorth of England to any generall coun|cell called by the Pope.Richard de Lucy Lord chiefe Iuſtice of Englande deceaſſeth. This yeare after Richard de Lucy Lord chiefe Iuſtice of England gaue o|uer his office, and became a Chanon in the Abbey of Weſtwood or Leſnos, which he had founded, & built vppon his owne ground, endowing it with great reuenewes, and in Iuly after he dyed there.A Parliament at Windſo [...] After whoſe deceſſe, King Henry the father called a Parliamente at Windſore, at the whiche was preſent King Henry the ſonne, and a greate num|ber of Lords, Earles and Barons. At this Parli|ament, order was taken for pertition of ye Realm, ſo that it was deuided into foure partes, certayne ſage perſonages being alotted vnto euery part to gouerne the ſame,Ranulfe de Glanuille. but not by the name of Iuſti|ces, albeit that Ranulfe de Glanuille was made ruler of Yorkſhire, and authoriſed Iuſtice there, as he that beſt vnderſtood in thoſe dayes the auncient lawes and cuſtomes of the Realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame yeare, Geffrey Earle of Britayne by his fathers commaundement leuied an army,Geffrey Earle of Britayne ſonne to K [...] Henry. Guidomer de Leons. and paſſing ouer into Britaine, waſted the lands of Guidomer de Leons, and conſtreyned hym [figure appears here on page 452] to ſubmit himſelfe vnto him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The eighteene day of Auguſt, the Moone was eclipſed,The Moone eclipſed. The French K. commeth a madding to viſit the Arch|biſhop Bec|kets tombe. which was ſeene of King Henry and hys company as he rode all that night towards Do|uer there to meete the Frenche King that was cõ|m [...]ng towards England to viſit the tombe of the Archbiſhop Thomas Becket, as hee hadde before time vowed. He landed at Douer the .22. daye of Auguſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There came ouer with him Henry Duke of Louayne, Philip Earle of Flaunders, Baldwine Earle of Guines, Erle William de Mandeuille, and dyuers other Earles, Lordes, Barons and Knightes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henry was ready to receyue him at the water ſide, and the morrowe after, broughte hym EEBO page image 453 with greate honor vnto Canterbury, where they were with due reuerence and vnſpeakeable ioy re|ceiued of the Archbiſhop Richard, and diuers other Biſhops there aſſembled togither with the conuẽt of Chriſtes Churche, and an infinite multitude of nobles and Gentlemen. The French K. offered vpon the tombe of the ſaid Archbiſhop Thomas, a riche cuppe of golde, [...]he Frenche [...]ord is Muys. and gaue to the Monkes there an hundred tunnes of wine to bee receyued yearely of his gift for euer at Poyſſy in Fraunce. And further he graunted to the ſame Monks, that whatſoeuer was bought within his dominions of Fraunce to their vſe, ſhould be free from tolle, tal|lage, and paying any maner of exciſe for the ſame. And theſe grauntes hee confirmed with his char|ter thereof, made and deliuered to them by ye hãds of Hugh de Pulſey, ſonne to the Biſhop of Du|reſme that was his Chauncellor.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Lewis hauing performed his vowe, and receyued many rich giftes of King Henry, retur|ned home into Fraunce, [...]lidor. and ſhortly after cauſed his ſonne to be Crowned King, and reſigned the gouernemente to him, as by ſome Writers it ap|peareth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the ſame time, [...]at. Par. [...]dwallan [...] of [...]ales. Cadwallan Prince of Wales being brought before the King to make aunſwere to diuers accuſations exhibited againſt him, as hee returned towarde his countrey vnder the kings ſauſe conduit, was layde for by his eni|mies, and ſlayne to the Kings greate ſlaunder, though he were not giltie in the matter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 After this,

An. reg. 26. [...]og. Houedẽ.


[...]ſcord be| [...]ixt the [...]ench Kyng [...] his nobles

K. Henry the father held his Chriſt|mas at Nottingham, and William K. of Scot|land with him. The ſame yere fell diſcord betwixt the yong King of Fraunce, and his mother and vncles, hir breethren, Erle Theobalde and Earle Stephen, the which thinking them ſelues not well vſed, procured King Henry the ſonne to ioyne with them in friendſhippe, and to goe ouer into Englande to purchaſe his fathers aſſiſtaunce in their behalfe againſt their nephew. He being come ouer to his father, enformed him of the whole ma|ter, and did ſo much by his earneſt ſuite therein, yt before the feaſt of Eaſter, his father wente ouer with him into Normandy. and immediately vp|pon their arriual in thoſe parties, the olde Frenche Queene, mother to the yong K. Phillip, with hir breethren the ſayd Earles, and many other noble men of Fraunce, came vnto him, and concluding a league with him, deliuered hoſtages into hys handes, and receyued an oth to followe his coun|cell and aduice in all things. Herevpon King Hẽ|ry aſſembled a greate army in purpoſe after Ea|ſter to inuade the Frenche Kings dominions: but before any greate exployte was made, he came to an enteruew with the new King of Fraunce, be|twixte Giſors and Treodſunt, [...]. Houed. where partly by gentle words, and partly by threatnings whyche King Henry vſed for perſwaſion, the French king releaſſed all his indignation conceiued againſt his mother and vncles, and receiued them agayne in|to his fauour, couenaunting to allow his mother for euery day towards hir expences ſeuen pounde of Paris money, during his father King Lewes hys life tyme, and after his deathe, ſhee ſhoulde enioy all hir dower, excepte the Caſtels whyche King Phillip might reteine ſtill in his hands. Al|ſo at this aſſemble, King Henry the father in the preſence of the French King,The Earle of Flaunders dothe homage to the Kyng of Englande. receiued homage of Philip Earle of Flanders, and graunted to hym for the ſame a thouſand markes of ſiluer to be re|ceyued yearely out of the Checker at London, ſo that in conſideration thereof, hee ſhould finde fiue hundred Knightes, or men of armes, to ſerue the King of Englande for the ſpace of fortie dayes, when ſo euer he ſhoulde haue warning gyuen vn|to him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, the two Kings at this aſſembly concluded a league togither, and whereas certaine landes were in controuerſie betwixte them, as the fee of Chateau, Raoul and other ſmall fees, if they coulde not agree among themſelues, concer|ning the ſame, eyther of them was contented to committee the order thereof, and of all other con|trouerſies betwixte them vnto ſixe Biſhoppes, to be choſen indifferently betwixte them, the one to chooſe three, and the other other three.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this yeare, or as the Annales of Aquitaine haue, in the yeare laſt paſſed, Math. Paris. Tailburg wonne. Richarde Earle of Poictowe ſubdued the ſtrong fortreſſe of Tayl|bourg, whiche was iudged before ye time impreg|nable: but Earle Richarde conſtreyned them that kepte it, ſo ſore with ſtraighte ſiege, that firſt in a deſparate moode they ſallied foorthe, and aſſayled his people righte valiantly, but yet neuertheleſſe, they were beaten backe, and driuen to retire into their fortreſſe, whiche finally they ſurrendred in|to the hands of Earle Richarde, who cauſed the walles thereof to bee raſed. And the like fortune chaunced to diuers other Caſtels and fortreſſes that ſtoode in Rebellion againſte hym within a moneth ſpace.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Tailbourg belonged vnto one Geffrey de Rancin, whoſe proude and loftie ſtomacke pra|ctiſing Rebellion agaynſte Duke Richarde cau|ſed him to take this enterpriſe in hande,Mat. Par. and when hee hadde atchieued the ſame to his owne con|tentation, hee paſſed ouer into Englande, and was receyued with great triumph.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame tyme, the forme of the Kings Coyne was altered and chaunged, VVi. Paruus. The forme of the Kings Coine chãged. bycauſe that many naughty and wicked perſons had deui|ſed wayes to counterfeyt the ſame, ſo that the al|teration thereof was very neceſſary, but greeuous yet and chargeable to the poore inhabitants of the Realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 454 An. reg. 27. Ro. Houed.King Henry the father, whileſt he was at Ma|uns after Chriſtmas made this ordinaunce, that euery man beeing worth in goodes to the valewe of an hundred poundes Aniouyn,1181 ſhould kepe one Horſe able for ſeruice in the warres, and armoure complete for a Knighte or man of armes as wee may rather call them. Alſo that thoſe that hadde goodes worth in value from fortie poundes to fiue and twentie poundes of the ſame money, ſhoulde at the leaſt haue in his houſe for his furni|ture an Habergeon, a cappe of ſteele, a Speare, and a ſword or bowe and arrowes. And furthermore hee ordeyned, that no man mighte ſell or lay to gage hys armour and weapon, but ſhould be boũd to leaue it to his next heire.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the Frenche Kyng and the Earle of Flaunders were aduertiſed that King Henry had made this ordinance amongſt his ſubiectes, they gaue commaundemente that their people ſhoulde be armed after the lyke manner.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare after Candlemas, Laurence Arch|biſhoppe of Dublin came ouer to the King into Normandy, and broughte with him the ſonne of Roderike King of Conagh, to remaine with him as a pledge, for performance of couenauntes paſ|ſed betwixte them, as the payment of tribute and ſuch like. The ſayd Archbiſhop dyed ther in Nor|mandy, wherevppon the King ſente Geffrey de Hay one of his Chaplaynes and Chapleyne alſo to the Popes Legate Alexius, into Irelande, to ſeaſe that Archbiſhops See into his handes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He alſo ſente Iohn Lacie Coneſtable of Che|ſter, and Richarde de Peake, to haue the Citie of Dublin in keeping, whiche Hugh Lacy hadde in charge before, and nowe was diſcharged, bycauſe the Kyng tooke diſpleaſure with him, for that hee had married without his licence a daughter of the King of Conagh, according to the maner of that countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Math. Paris.This yeare alſo, Geffrey the Kings baſtarde ſonne, that was the elect of Lincolne, and hadde receyued the profites of that Biſhopricke ye ſpace of ſeuen yeares, and had his election confirmed by the Pope in the feaſt of the Epiphany at Marle|bridge, in preſence of the King and the Byſhops of the Realme, renounced that benefice of his own free will. After that the Pope hadde ſente a ſtrayte commaundement vnto Richard Archbiſhoppe of Caunterbury,Rog. Houed. eyther to cauſe the ſame Geffrey by the cenſures of the Church, to renounce his miter, or elſe to take vppon him the order of Prieſthood, wherefore vppon good aduice taken in the matter with his father and other of his eſpeciall friendes, iudging himſelfe inſufficiente for the one, hee was contented to depart with the other. And therevpon wrote letters vnto the ſayde Archbiſhop of Caun|terbury, in forme as foloweth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


Venerabili patri Ri|chardo dei gratia Cantuarienſi Archiepiſcopo apo|ſtolicae ſedis legato, Gaufridus domini Regis An|gliae filius & cancellarius ſalutem

& reuerentiam debitam ac deuotam.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Placuit maieſtati Apoſtolicae, veſtrae iniungere ſanctitati, vt me certo tempore vo|caretis ad ſuſcipendum ordinem ſacerdotis, & pon|tificalis officij dignitatem. Ego verò conſiderans quã|plures epiſcopos maturiores ac prouectiores, pruden|tia & aetate, vix tantae adminiſtrationi ſufficere, nec ſine periculo animarum ſuarum ſui officiũ pontifica|tus ad perfectum explere, veritus ſum onus importa|bile ſenioribus, mihi imponere iuniori: faciens haec nõ ex leuitate animi, ſed ob reuerentiam ſacramenti. Habito ita tractatu ſuper eo cũ domino rege patre meo, dominis fratribus meiſ rege & Pictauenſi & Britannorum comitibus: epiſcopis etiã Henrico Baio|cẽſi, Frogerio Sagienſi, Reginaldo Batonienſi, Sefrido Ciceſtrẽſi qui praeſentes aderãt, aliter de vita & ſta|tu meo diſpoſui, volens patris mei obſequijs militare ad tempus, & ab epiſcopalibus abſtinere: omne ita ius electionis inde & Lincolnenſem epiſcopaetũ ſpon|taneè, liberè, quietè, & integrè, in manu veſtra pater ſancte reſigno, tam electionẽ quã epiſcopaetus abſolu|tionem poſtulans à vobis, tanquam à metropolitano meo, & ad hoc ab apoſtolica ſede ſpecialiter delegato.

Bene vale.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The K. for his maintenance now af|ter he had reſigned his Biſhopricke, gaue to hym fiue C. Markes of yerely rent in England, and as much in Normandy, & made him moreouer lord Chancellor. This yere alſo after Eſter, the kings of Englãd & Fraunce came to an enteruew togi|ther, at a place in ye confines of their coũtreys cal|led by ſome writers Vadum Sancti Remigij, on a munday being the .27. of April, in which aſſemble of thoſe two Princes ye Knightes tẽplers & hoſpi|tallers preſented to them letters directed frõ Pope Alexãder vnto al Chriſtiã princes, aduertiſing thẽ of the danger wherin the holy land ſtood at ye pre|ſent, if ſpeedy remedie were not ye ſoner prouided.The dang [...] the holy [...] He therfore exhorted thẽ to addreſſe their helpyng hand towards the reliefe thereof, granting vnto al ſuch as woulde enterpriſe to goe thither in perſon, (to remain there vpõ defence of ye coũtrey againſt ye Infidels) great pardon as to thoſe that did con|tinue there the ſpace of two yeres wer pardoned of penance for al their ſinnes, except theft, extortion, roberie, & vſurie, in which caſes reſtitution was to be made, if ye partie were able to doe it, if not, then he ſhould be aſſoiled as wel for thoſe things as for other: & thoſe that remained one yere in thoſe par|ties were pardoned of halfe their whole penaunce due for all their ſinnes. And to thoſe that wente to viſite the holy ſepulchre, he granted alſo great par|don, as remiſſion of their ſins, whether they came thither or peraduenture died by the way. Hee alſo granted al ſuch indulgence vnto thoſe that wẽt to war againſt ye enimies of our Religion in ye holy lande, as his predeceſſors the Popes Vrbanus and Eugenius hadde graunted in time paſt: and hee EEBO page image 455 receiued likewiſe their wiues, childrẽ, their goodes & poſſeſſiõs vnder the protection of Saint Peter and the Church of Rome. The two Kings ha|uing heard the Popes letters red, and taken good aduice thereof, they promiſed by Goddes fauoure ſhortly to prouide conueniente ayde for releefe of the holy land, and of the Chriſtians as yet remai|ning in the ſame. And this was the end of theyr communication for that time, and ſo they depart, the French King into Fraunce, and the Kyng of England into Normandy.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane time, by the King of Englands appoyntment, William King of Scotland went ouer into Normandy, and by the aduice and good admonition of King Henry, hee graunted licence vnto two Biſhops of his Realme of Scotlande, that is to wit, Aberdene and Saint Androwes, to returne into Scotlande, whome hee had lately be|fore baniſhed, & driuen out of his Realme. More|ouer, as K. Henry lay at Harfleete ready to tran|ſport ouer into England, there fel diſcord betwixt the King of Fraunce, and the Earle of Flanders, ſo that the King of England at deſire of ye French King, returned backe, and came vnto Giſors, where the Frenche King met him, and ſo dyd the Earle of Flaunders, betwixte whome vpon talke had in the matter depending in controuerſie, hee made a concorde, and then comming downe to Chireburg, hee and the King of Scottes in hys company, tranſported ouer into Englande, lan|ding at Porteſmouth the ſixe and twẽtith of Iu|ly, being ſunday.

[figure appears here on page 455]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King being now returned into England, [...] ordinance [...] armour. ordeyned a ſtatute for armour and weapon to bee had amongſt his ſubiectes heere in this Realme, which was thus. Euery mã that held a Knightes fee ſhould be bound to haue a payre of curaſſes, an helmet, with ſhield and Speare, and euery knight or man of armes ſhoulde haue as many curaſſes, helmets, ſhieldes, and ſpeares as he helde knightes fees in demaine. Euery man of the layty hauyng goodes or reuenues to ye value of ſixteene markes, he ſhould haue one paire of curaſſes, an helmet, a Speare, and a Shield. And euery free man of the layty hauing goodes in valew worth ten markes, ſhall haue an habergeon, a ſteele cappe, and a Speare, and all burgeſſes, and the whole commu|naltie of free men ſhall haue a Wambais, a cappe of ſteele, and a Speare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And further it was ordeyned, that euery man thus bound to haue armour, ſhoulde be ſworne to haue the ſame before the feaſt of S. Hillarie, and to be true vnto King Henry Fitz Emprice, in de|fence of whome and of his Realme they ſhoulde keepe with them ſuche armoure and weapon, ac|cording to his precepte and commaundemente thereof hadde and made. And no man after he bee furniſhed with ſuche armour; ſhoulde ſell, pledge, lende, or otherwiſe alien the ſame, neyther maye his Lorde by anye meanes take the ſame from him, neyther by way of forfeyture, neyther by di|ſtreſſe nor pledge, nor by any other meanes: and whẽ any man dyeth, hauing ſuch armour, he ſhal leaue it to his heire, and if his heire be not of law|full age to weare it into the fielde, then he that hathe the cuſtodie of his body ſhall haue the ar|mour, and fynde an able man to weare it for him, till he come to age.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 If any burgeſſe of any good towne haue more armoure than hee oughte to haue by this ſtatute, he ſhall ſell it or gyue it to ſome man that maye weare it in the Kings ſeruice.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 No Iewe might haue armour by this ſtatute:Iewes might haue no ar|moure. but thoſe that had any, were appoynted to ſell the ſame to ſuche as were inhabitantes within the Realme, for no man might ſell or tranſporte any armoure ouer the Sea, withoute the Kings li|cence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo for the better execution of this ordinance, it was ordeyned, that inqueſts ſhould be taken by ſufficiente Iurors, what they were that were able to haue armoure by theyr abilitie in landes and goodes. Alſo the King woulde, that none ſhoulde be ſworne to haue armour, excepte hee were a free man of birth and bloud.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame yere, the King being at Waltham,Mat. Par. aſſigned an ayde to the maintenance of the Chri|ſtian Souldiers in the holy land, that is to witte, 42. thouſande markes of ſiluer, and fiue hundred markes of golde. Hugh Boſun otherwiſe called Keuelocke the ſonne of Ranulfe the ſeconde of ye name Earle of Cheſter, deceaſſed this yeare,The deceſſe of Hugh Earle of Cheſter. Ran. Higd. and was buried at Leeke. Hee left behind him iſſue by his wife the Counteſſe Beautrice daughter of Richard Lacie Lord Iuſtice of Englãd, a ſonne named Ranulfe that ſucceeded hym, beeyng the ſixth Earle of Cheſter, and thirde of that name after the Conqueſt. Beſide this Ranulfe, he had alſo four daghters by his ſaid wife, to wit, Maud, married to Dauid Erle of Angus, Huntington & EEBO page image 456 Galloway Mabell coupled with Williã Dau|bigny Erle of Arundell, Agnes married to Wil|liam Ferrers Erle of Derbie, and Hauiſe ioyned with Robert Quincy Earle of Lincolne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Archb. of York de|ceaſſeth.The .21. of Nouember, dyed Roger Archbi|ſhop of Yorke, who (when he perceyued hymſelfe in daunger of death by force of that his laſt ſick|neſſe) deliuered greate ſummes of money vnto certayne Biſhoppes and other graue perſonages to be diſtributed amongſt poore people: but after his deathe, the Kyng called for the money, and ſeaſed it to hys vſe, alledging a ſentence gyuen by the ſame Archbiſhop in his lyfe time, that no eccleſiaſticall perſon myghte giue any thyng by will, except hee deuiſed the ſame whileſt he was in perfect healthe: yet the Biſhoppe of Durham woulde not departe with foure hundred markes which he had receyued to diſtribute amongſt the poore, alledging that he dealt the ſame away be|fore the Archbiſhops death, and therefore hee that would haue it againe, muſt goe gather it vppe of them, to whome he had diſtributed it, whiche hee himſelfe woulde in no wiſe do. But the K. tooke no ſmall diſpleaſure with this vndiſcrete aun|ſwere, in ſo muche, that hee ſeaſed the Caſtell of Durham into his handes, and ſought meanes to diſquiete the ſaid Biſhoppe by dyuers manner of wayes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


The K. [...]letha ouer into Normandy.

The King helde his Chriſtmas this yeare at Wincheſter, and afterwardes ſayled ouer into Normandy, bycauſe he heard that the Kyng hys ſonne was gone to his brother in lawe K. Phil|lip, and began to practiſe eftſoones newe trouble which was true indede: but yet at length he came backe,The K his ſon eftſoones reconciled. and was reconciled to his father, and tooke an oth, that from thencefoorthe hee woulde neuer ſwarue from hym, nor demaunde more for hys mayntenance but an hundred poundes Aniouin by the day, and tenne lb a day of the ſame money for his wife. Hys father graunted this, and alſo couenanted, that within the tearme of one yeare hee woulde giue him the ſeruices of an hundred Knightes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, King Henry the father as a medi|ator betwixt the King of Fraunce, and the Erle of Flaunders touching ſuche controuerſies as hanged betwixt them, did ſo much in the matter, that he ſet them at one for that time.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Ro. Houed.About the ſame ſeaſon, King Henry the father ſente William de Mandeuille Earle of Albe|marle, and other Ambaſſadors vnto the Empe|rour Frederike,The Duke of Saxonie. to intreate for his ſonne in lawe ye Duke of Saxony, that he might be againe reſto|red into his fauour, which could not be obteined: for hee was already condemned to exile, but yet thus much to pleaſure the King of England the Emperour granted, that ſo many as went with him out of their countrey, might returne agayne at their pleaſure, and that his wife the Duches Maude the King of Englands daughter, ſhould enioy hir dowry, and be at libertie, whether ſhee would remayne vpon it, or followe hir huſbande into exile, therefore when the day came that hee muſt departe out of his countrey, he ſet forwarde with his wife and children, and a great number of the Nobles of his Countrey, and finally came into Normandy, where he was right ioyfully re|ceyued of his father in law King Henry. Short|ly after his comming thither, he gaue licence to ye noble menne that were come thither with him, to returne home, and then hee himſelfe wente into Spayne to viſite the body of Saint Iames the Apoſtle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hys wife beeyng greate with childe,The Duche [...] of Saxony deliuered [...] ſonne. re|mayned with hir father in Normandy, and at Argenton ſhe was deliuered of a ſonne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yere the Welchmen ſlew Ranulph Po|er Sherife of Glowceſterſhire.

Ranulfe Po [...] ſlayne.

An. reg. [...]


Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henry helde hys Chriſtmas at Caen, with his three ſonnes, Henry the King, Richard Earle of Poictow, and Geffrey Earle of Bry|tayne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was alſo Henry Duke of Saxony, with his wife and their children, beſydes the Archbyſhoppes of Caunterbury and Dublin, with other Byſhoppes Earles and Barons in great number.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Heere woulde Kyng Henry the father, that hys ſonne the Kyng ſhoulde receyue homage of his breethren Richarde Earle of Poictowe, and Geffrey Earle of Britayne. The Earle of Bry|tayne did not ſtay at the matter, but the Earle of Poictow refuſed, alledging, that it was not con|uenient ſo long as their father liued, to acknow|ledge any ſuperioritie in their brother:VVil. Par [...] for as the fathers inheritance was due to the eldeſt ſonne, ſo he claymed the landes whiche hee helde due to him in righte of his mother. This denyall ſo much offended his brother the King, that after|wards when Richard would haue done homage he would not receyue it, wherevpon Richard de|parted from the Court in greate diſpleaſure,Rog. Hou [...] and comming into Poictow, hee beganne to fortifie his Caſtels and Townes, that hee might be in a redineſſe to ſtand vppon his ſafegard if his father or breethren ſhould come to purſue him. King Henry the ſonne followed him, ſette on by the Earles and Barons of Poictow, whiche for the ſharp and cruell gouernement of Earle Richard,Geruaſ. Do [...] hated hym. And on the other ſide, for the amiable courteſie, ſeemely perſonage, and other noble qualities which they ſaw in the yong King, mo|ued thẽ to take part with him againſt Richard, and ſhortly after commeth their brother Geffrey with a greate army in ayde of his brother the K. in ſomuch, Rog. Ho [...] War betwi [...] the brethren. that Erle Richard not knowing how EEBO page image 457 to ſhift off the preſent daunger, ſent to his father for ayde, who right ſorie in his mynde to ſee ſuch vnnaturall dealing amongſt his ſonnes ga|thered an armie, and came forwarde. He had a litle before trauailed to ſet them at one, inſomuch that where Earle Richarde helde a Caſtell na|med Clarevalx, which after the fathers deceaſſe ought to remaine vnto King Henrye the ſonne, vpon hys complaynte thereof made, the father did ſo much with the Earle, that he ſurrendred it into his fathers handes.The father [...]eeketh to ap|peaſe the qua| [...]ell betwixt [...]is ſonnes. And immediately after all the three ſonnes came to Angers, and there ſware to bee obedient vnto theyr fathers wyll, and to ſerue him agaynſt all men: wherevpon he appoynted them a daye to meete at Mirabell, where the Barons of Guyen ſhoulde alſo bee, vnto whome King Henry the ſonne had ſworne to ayde them agaynſt Earle Richarde. Herewith was Earle Geffray ſent vnto them to perſwade them to peace and quietneſſe, and to come vnto Mirabell according to king Henrie the fathers appoyntment: [...]arle Geffray [...]ealeth vn| [...]ythfully. but in ſteede of perſwading them to peace (contrarie to his othe ſo oftentymes re|ceyued) hee procured them to purſue the warre both agaynſt his father and hys brother Earle Richarde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henrie the ſonne remayning with his father, ſhewed outwardely that hee wiſhed for peace, but his meaning was all contrarie, and ſo obteyned lycence of his father to goe vnto Lymoges, that hee might labour to reduce both his brother Geffrey, and the Barons of Guien vnto quietneſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But ſuch diſſembling was put in practiſe by king Henrie, that when the father followed wyth an armie, and came vnto Lymoges, in ſteade of receyuing him with honour, as it had bene theyr dueties to haue done, they ſhotte at him, and pier|ced through his vppermoſt armour, ſo that both hee and hys Sonne Rycharde were conſtray|ned to depart. Yet afterwardes hee entered that Citie, and comming forth of it agayne to talke wyth his Sonnes, thoſe within Lymo|ges eftſoones rebelled, ſo that certaine of them wythin ſhotte, the Horſe whereon King Hen|rie the father rode into the heade, and if it had ſo chaunced that the Horſe in caſting vppe hys heade had not receyued the blowe, the arrowe had lyght in the Kings breaſt, to the great daun|ger and perill of his perſon, neyther dyd hys ſonnes the King and his brother Geffrey goe a|bout to ſee ſuche an heynous attempt puniſhed, but rather ſeemed to lyke well of it, and to mainteyne thoſe moſte malicious enimyes of theyr ſoueraigne Lorde and father, for they ioyned wyth them agaynſte him, althoughe King Henrie the ſonne made countenaunce to bee wylling to reconcile his brother, and the Barons of Guien to his father by way of ſome agreement:The diſloyall diſſembling of the yong king. but his double dealing was too ma|nifeſt, although in deede hee abuſed his fathers pacience for a while, who was of nothing more deſyrous than to wynne his ſonnes by ſome courteous meanes, and therefore dyuerſe tymes offered to pardon all offences committed by hys enimies, at the ſuyte of his Sonne the King, who in deede offered hymſelfe nowe and then as an intreatour, but that was onely to wynne tyme, that hys brother wyth ſuche Braban|ders and other Souldiers as hee had with hym in ayde, beſyde the forces of the Barons of Guien might worke the more miſchiefe agaynſte theyr father, and theyr brother Earle Richarde, in waſting and deſtroying their Countreys that ſtoode ſtedfaſt on their ſyde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane time Richarde the Archebi|ſhoppe of Canterburie, and dyuerſe other By|ſhoppes and Abbottes both of Englande and Normandie aſſembled togyther at Caen, and in the Abbey Churche of Saint Stephen pro|nounced the ſentence of Excommunication a|gaynſte all thoſe that did hynder and impeache theyr purpoſe, which (was to haue peace and concorde concluded betwixte the King and hys Sonnes) the ſame Sonnes onely not of the ſayd ſentence excepted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Dyuerſe ſhyftes were made by King Hen|rie the Sonne, and his brother Earle Geffray al|ſo to get money for the payment of theyr Soul|diours, as ſpoyling of Shrynes, and ſuche lyke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But at length when things framed not to theyr purpoſe, and that the harme whiche they coulde doe agaynſte theyr Father was muche leſſe than they wiſhed, if power had beene aun|ſwerable to their willes,King Henrie the ſonne fal|leth ſicke. King Henrie the ſonne through indignation and diſpleaſure (as ſome write) fell into a grieuous ſickneſſe in a Vyl|lage called Mertell, not farre from Lymoges, where his father lay at ſiege.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At the fyrſt he was taken with an extreeme Feuer, and after followed a ſore Flixe. Then perceyuing himſelfe in daunger of death, and that the Phiſitions had giuen hym ouer,He ſendeth to his father. hee ſent to his Father confeſſiing hys treſpaſſe commyt|ted agaynſte hym, and requyred hym of hys fa|therly loue to come and to ſee hym once before hee dyed. But for that the father thought not good to committe hymſelfe into the handes of ſuche vngracious perſones as were aboute hys ſonne, hee ſente vnto hym hys Ring, in token of his bleſſing, and as it were a pledge to ſig|nifie that he had forgiuen him his vnnaturall do|ings agaynſt him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſonne recceyuing it with great humi|litie, kiſſed it, and ſo ended his lyfe in the pre|ſence EEBO page image 458 of the Archbiſhoppe of Burdeaux and o|thers on the daye of Saint Barnabie the A|poſtle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 His repentance before his death.He dyed (as ſome wryte) very penitently, and where as in his life time he had vowed to make a iourney into the holye lande agaynſt Gods eni|mies, and taken vpon him the Croſſe for that in|tent, he deliuered it vnto his familiar friend Wil|liam Marſhall to go thither with it in his ſteade.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer when he perceyued preſent death at hande, he firſt confeſſed his ſinnes ſecretely, and after openly afore ſundrie Biſhops and men of religion, and receyued abſolution in moſt humble wiſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, hee cauſed his fine clothes to bee taken from him, and therewith an heare cloth to be put vpon him,A ſtraunge kinde of ſu|perſtitious de|uotion, of this report [...] four author be true and after tying a corde aboute his necke, he ſayde vnto the Biſhoppes and other that ſtoode by him, I deliuer my ſelfe an vnwor|thie and grieuous ſinner vnto you the miniſters of God by this corde, beſeeching our Lorde Ie|ſus Chriſt, whiche pardoned the theefe confeſ|ſing hys faultes on the Croſſe, that throughe your prayers and for his great mercyes ſake it may pleaſe him to bee mercifull vnto my ſoule, wherevnto they all anſwered Amen. Then ſayde he vnto them, drawe me out of this bedde with this Corde, and lay me in that bedde ſtre|wed with Aſhes which he had of purpoſe prepa|red) and as he commaunded ſo they did:He is drawne out of his bed a thing vnlike to be true. and they layde at his feete and at his heade two greate ſquare ſtones. And thus hee beeyng prepared to death, he willed that his bodie after his deceaſſe ſhoulde be conueyed into Normandie, and bu|ryed at Rouen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And ſo after he had receyued the Sacrament of the bodie and bloud of our Lorde, hee departed this life as afore is ſayde,His death. about the .xxviij. yeare of his age.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus dyed this yong King in hys flouri|ſhing youth, to whome through hys owne iuſt deſertes, long lyfe was iuſtly denyed, ſithe hee delyghted to begynne his gouernement wyth vnlawfull attemptes, as an other Abſolon a|gaynſte hys owne naturall Father, ſeeking by wrongfull violence to pull the Scepter out of his hande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hee is not put in the number of Kings, by|cauſe he remayned forthe more parte vnder the gouernaunce of his father, and was taken oute of this lyfe before hys father, ſo that hee rather bare the name of king, as appoynted to raigne, than that he maye bee ſayde to haue raigned in deede.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 His body after his death was cõueyed towards Rouen, there to be buried accordingly as hee had wylled:Nic. Triuet. but when thoſe that had charge to con|uey it thyther were come vnto the Citie of Mauns, the Biſhoppe there and the Cleargie would not ſuffer them to go any further wyth it, but committed it to buryall in honourable wyfe within the Church of Saint Iulian.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the Citizens of Rouen were hereof aduertiſed, they were ſore offended with that do|ing, & ſtreyght wayes ſent vnto them of Mauns, requyring to haue the corps d [...]liuered, threatning otherwiſe with manye earneſt othes to fetche it from them by force.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henrie therefore to ſette order in thys matter, commaunded that the corps of his ſonne the King ſhoulde bee deliuered vnto them of Rouen to be buryed in theyr Citie, as he him|ſelfe had willed before his death. And ſo it was taken vp and conueyed to Rouen,The bodie of the yong ki [...] laſtly buried at Rouen. where it was eftſoones there buryed in the Churche of oure Ladie.

[figure appears here on page 458]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 459King Henrie (after his ſonne the king was thus deade) enforced hys power more earneſtly than before to winne the Citie and Caſtell of Lymoges whiche hee hadde beſieged, [...]ymoges ren| [...]ed to king [...]enrie. and at length had them bothe rendred ouer into hys handes, with all other Caſtelles and places of ſtrength kept by his enimies in thoſe partyes, of the which ſome he furniſhed with garniſons, and ſome hee cauſed to bee razed flatte wyth the grounde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There roſe aboute the ſame tyme occaſion of ſtrife and variaunce, betwixt king Henry and the Frenche King, aboute the enioying of the Countrey lying about Gyſors, cleped Veulque|ſine, [...]eulqueſine. on thys ſyde the Ryuer of Hept, whiche was gyuen vnto King Henrie the Sonne, in conſideration of the maryage had betwixt hym and Queene Margaret the Frenche Kinges ſiſter. For the Frenche King nowe after the death of hys brother in lawe King Henrie the ſonne, requyred to haue the ſame reſtored vnto the Crowne of France: but king Henrie was not willing to depart with it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The kings of [...]ngland and [...]rance talke [...]gither.At length they mette betwixt Trie and Gy|ſors to talke of the matter, where they agreed that Queene Margaret the widow of the late deceaſ|ſed king Henrie the ſonne, ſhoulde receyue yearely during hir lyfe .1750. poundes of Aniouyn money at Paris, of king Henry the father, and his heires, in conſideration whereof, ſhee ſhoulde releaſe and quiteclayme all hir right to thoſe lands that were demaunded, as Veulqueſine and others.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after, Geffrey Earle of Brytayne came to his father, and ſubmitting himſelfe, was reconciled to him, and alſo to his brother Richard Earle of Poictou.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. Reg. 30 Alſo I finde that king Henrie at an enteruiew had betwixt him and the French king at their ac|cuſtomed place of meeting betwixt Trie and Gi|ſors on Saint Nicholas day, did his homage to the ſame French king for the lands which he held of him on that ſide the ſea, which to doe till then he had refuſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The ſame yeare king Henrie helde his Chriſt|maſſe at the Citie of Mauns. Alſo when the king had agreed the Frenche king and the Earle of Flaunders,1184 for the controuerſie that chaunced betwixt them about the landes of Vermendoys, he paſſed through the Earle of Flanders Coun|trey, and comming to Wyſande, tooke ſhippe and ſayled ouer into Englande, landing at Do|uer the tenth day of Iune, with his daughter the Duches of Saxonie,The ducheſſe of Saxonie de| [...]iuered of a [...]onne. the which was afterwardes deliuered of a ſonne at Wincheſter, and hir huſ|bande the Duke of Saxonie came alſo this yeare into Englande, and was ioyfully receyued and honourably interteyned of the king his fa|ther in lawe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And wheras the Archbi. of Colen came ouer in|to England this yere to viſite the tumbe of Tho|mas late Archbiſhop of Canterbury the king tra|uayled to make an agreement betwixt him and the duke of Saxonic touching certaine variance depending betwixt them,The Archb. of Colen. wherein the king did ſo much, that ye Archbiſhop forgaue all iniuries paſt, and ſo they were made friends. Alſo by the coun|ſell of the ſame Archb. the king ſent Hugh Nouãt Archdeacon of Lyſeux and others,Hugh Nouan Ambaſſadors frõ him vnto Pope Lucius, that by his helpe there [figure appears here on page 459] migh [...] [...] way to obteyn a pardon for the ſayd duke, & lic [...]nce for him to returne into his countrey. Thoſe that were ſent demeaned them|ſelues ſo diſcretly in doing their meſſage, that the Emperor cõming where the Pope then was, that is to ſay at Verona in Italy, at the earneſt ſute of the ſaid Pope was cõtented to releaſe all his euill will which he bare towardes the duke,The Duke of Saxonie par|doned and re|uoked out of exile. pardoned him for all things paſt, and licenced him now at length to returne home into his country, his con|demnation of exile being clearely reuoked.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 There died this yeare ſundry honorable perſo|nages, as Simon Erle of Huntington, that was ſon to Simõ Erle of Northampton, after whoſe deceaſe the king gaue his erledome vnto his bro|ther Dauid, or as Radulfus de Diceto ſayth,Death of noble men. by|cauſe the ſaid Simon died without iſſue, the king gaue the Erledom of Huntingt. vnto Wil. king of Scots, ſon to Erle Henry, that was ſon to K. Dauid. Alſo the Erle of Warwik died this yere, & Thomas Fitz Bernard L. chiefe iuſtice of the Foreſts, which roumth Alain de Neuill had en|ioyed before him. But now after the death of this Tho. Fitz Bernard,The gouern|ment of the fo|reſts deuided. the k. diuided his foreſts into ſundrie quarters, & to euerie quarter he appointed foure iuſtices, two of ye ſpiritualtie, & two knights of the temporaltie, beſide two generall wardens that were of his owne-ſeruants, to be as ſurueyers aboue all other Foreſters of vert & veniſon, whoſe office was to ſee that no miſorder nor ſpoyle were committed within any groundes of Warren cõ|trarie EEBO page image 460 to the aſſiſes of Foreſts. There dyed this yeare alſo diuerſe Prelates, as foure Biſhoppes, to witte, Gerald ſurnamed la Pucelle Biſhop of Cheſter, Walranne Biſhop of Rocheſter, Ioce|line Biſhop of Saliſburie, and Bartholmew bi|ſhop of Exeter. There died alſo diuerſe Abbots, & vpon the .xvj. of Febuarie died Richard Archbiſh. of Canterburie in the .xj. yeare after his firſt en|tring into the gouernment of that ſea. His bodie was buried at Canterburie. He was noted to be a man of euill life, and waſted the goodes of that Churche inordinately. It was reported that be|fore his death there appeared vnto him a viſion, which ſayde, thou haſt waſted the goodes of the Church, & I ſhall roote thee out of the earth. Here|of he tooke ſuche a feare, that he died within .viij. dayes after. Then ſucceeded after him Baldwin that before was Biſhop of Worceſter. He was the .xi. Archb. that had ruled the Church of Can|terburie. The king and Biſhops procured his e|lection not without much ado. For the Monkes pretending a right therto, were ſore againſt it. It is reported of him, that after he was made a white Monke, he neuer eate fleſh to his liues ende. On a time an olde leane woman met him, and aſked of him if it were ſooth that he neuer rate any maner of fleſh. It is ſooth (ſayd he.) It is falſe quoth ſhe, for I had but one cow to finde me with, and thy ſeruants haue taken hir from me. Wherevnto he anſwered, that if it ſo were, ſhe ſhoulde haue as good a Cow reſtored to hir by Gods grace as hir owne was.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame time alſo, Margaret the wife of the late deceaſſed king Henrie the ſonne, returned into France to hir brother king Philip, and was after ioyned in mariage with Bela king of Hungary.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But after long digreſſion to returne again to our purpoſe. The king being aduertiſed of the de|ſtruction and ſpoyle which the Welchmen dayly did practiſe againſt his ſubiects, both in their per|ſons and ſubſtance: he aſſembled a mightie armie and came with the ſame vnto Worceſter, mea|ning to inuade the enimies countreys. But Rees ap Griffin fearing his puiſſance thus bent againſt him and other the leaders of the Welchmen, hee came by ſafeconduct vnto Worceſter, and there ſubmitting himſelfe, ſware fealtie to the king, and became his liegeman, promiſing to bring his ſon and nephewes vnto him as pledges. But when according to his promiſe he would haue brought them, they refuſed to goe with him, and ſo the matter reſted for a time.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, king Henry helde his Chriſtmaſſe at Winſore,Heraclius Pa|triarke of Ie|ruſalem. and the ſame yere Heraclius the Pa|triarke of Ieruſalem, and Roger maſter of the houſe of S. Iohns of Ieruſalẽ, came into Eng|land, to made ſute vnto king Henrie for ayde a|gaynſt the Saraſins that dayly wanne from the Chriſtians, townes and holdes in the holy land, taking and killing the people moſt miſerably, as in the deſcription of the holye lande maye more plainly appeare, where the doings of Saladine the Saraſine are touched. The Patriarke made earneſt requeſt vnto the king, proffering him the Keyes of the Citie of Ieruſalem, and of the holy Sepulchre, (with the letters of Lucius the thirde as then Pope of Rome) charging him to take vp|on him the iourney, and to haue mind of the othe which before time he had made.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king deferred his anſwere for a time,A Counce [...] Clerkenw [...] and calling a Councel of his Lords togither at Cler|kenwell, on the fiftenth day of Aprill, aſked theyr aduice in this matter: who declared to him, that as they tooke it, he might not well depart ſo farre out of his Realme and other dominions, leauing the ſame as a praye to his enimies. And where as it was thought by ſome, that hee myght ap|poynt one of his ſonnes to take vppon him that iourney, yet bycauſe they were not as then with|in the realme. It was iudged that in their abſence there was no reaſon whye it ſhoulde bee ſo de|creed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane tyme yet vpon licence gran|ted by the kyng,Baldwin Ar [...]+biſhop of C [...]+terburie ex|horteth me [...] to go to [...] againſt the S [...]raſins. that ſo manye myghte goe as woulde, Baldwyn the Archebiſhoppe of Can|terburie preached, and exhorted men to take vp|on [figure appears here on page 460] [...] the Croſſe ſo effectually, that a greate number receyuing it, fully purpoſed to goe on in that iourney.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At length the King gaue anſwere to the Pa|triarke, excuſing himſelfe in that hee myght not goe, for he declared that hee myght not leaue hys lande wythoute keeping, beeing in daunger to remayne as a praye to the robberie and ſpoyle of the Frenche menne:Fiftie th [...] markes [...] Gerua. I [...] but hee offered to giue large ſummes of gold and ſiluer to ſuch as would take vppon them that voyage. With thys an|ſwere the Cardinall was nothing pleaſed, and EEBO page image 461 therefore, [...]. Higd. ſayde we ſeeke a man and not money: well neare euery Chriſtian Region ſendeth vn|to vs money, but no Countrey ſendeth vnto vs a Prince. And therefore wee require a Prince that needeth money, and not money that nee|deth a Prince. But the King ſtyll alledged matter for his excuſe, ſo that the Patriarke de|parted from him comfortleſſe, and greatly diſ|contented in his minde: whereof the King ha|uing knowledge, and intending ſomewhat to recomfort him with ſweete and pleaſaunt wor|des, followed him to the Sea ſyde. But the more the King thought to ſatiſfie the Patriarke with wordes, the more wroth and diſcontented hee ſhewed hymſelfe to be. Inſomuche that at the laſte hee ſayde vnto him, Hytherto haſt thou raigned gloriouſly, [...]e wordes of [...] Patriarke [...]he king. but hereafter ſhalt thou bee forſaken of hym, whom thou at this time forſa|keſt. Conſider of him, and remember what hee hath gyuen to thee, and what thou haſt yeelded to him againe, howe firſt thou waſt falſe to the King of Fraunce, and after ſlue the Archbiſhop Becket, and now laſtlye thou forſakeſt the pro|tection of Chriſtes fayth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King was ſtyrred with theſe wordes, and ſayde vnto the Patriarke. Though all the menne of the lande were one bodie, and ſpake with one mouth, they durſte not vtter ſuche wordes agaynſte mee. No woonder (ſayde the Patriarke) for they loue thine and not thee. That is to meane, they loue thy Temporall goodes, and ſtande in feare of thee for loſſe of Promo|tion, but thy ſoule they loue not. And when hee hadde ſo ſayde, hee offered his heade to the King, ſaying, Doe by mee euen as thou diddeſt by the Archebyſhoppe Becket, for all is one to mee, eyther to bee ſlaine here in Europe of a wicked Chriſtian, or in the holy lande by a Saraſine, for thou art worſe than a Saraſine, and thy people followeth pray and ſpoyle, and not a manne. The King kepte hys patience, and ſayde I maye not goe oute of my lande, for if I ſhoulde, mine owne Sonnes woulde riſe and rebell agaynſte mee. [...]ſh iudge| [...]ent in an [...]y father. No maruaile (ſayde the Patriarke) for of the Diuell they came, and to the Diuell they ſhall. And thus hee departed from the King in greate diſ|pleaſure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus haue ſome written: But by others it appeareth that the Patryarke remayned here tyll the king went ouer into Normandie himſelf, in companie of whom the Patriarke went alſo (as after ſhall appeare.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]g. Houed. [...]on the [...]ngs ſonne [...]de king of [...]elande. [...]er. Do. This yeare the laſt of March, king Henrie made his Sonne Iohn knight, and ſhortly af|ter ſent him ouer into Irelande, of which Coun|trey he had made him king.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At his comming into Irelande, he was ho|nourably receyued of the Archebiſhoppe of Diue|line, and other noble menne that had beene ſent thither before him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King allowed him great aboundance, of treaſure, but he keeping it in his Coffers (as one nowe come into a ſtraunge place, and not knowing what he ſhoulde want woulde not de|part with it ſo freely amongeſt his Souldiers and menne of warre as they looked for: by rea|ſon whereof their ſeruice was ſuche, that in dy|uerſe conflictes hee loſt many of his menne, and at length was dryuen through want of conue|nable ayde, to returne againe into Englande, hauing appoynted his Captaynes and Soul|diours to remayne in places moſte expedient for the defence of that Countrey. But hereof yee maye reade more in the Hyſtorie of Ire|lande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vppon the Monday in the Weeke before Eaſter,An earth|quake. there chaunced a ſore Earthquake tho|rowe all the parties of this lande, ſuche one as the like had not beene hearde of in Englande ſith the beginning of the worlde. Stones were re|moued out of their places that laye couched faſt in the Earth, ſtone houſes were ouerthrowne, and the great Church of Lincolne was rent from the top downwards.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The day next after this terrible wonder,The king and the Patriarke paſſe ouer in|to Fraunce. the King and the Patriarke with the Biſhoppe of Durham, and a great ſort of other Noble men of this Realme, paſſed the Seas from Douer to Wyſſande, and ſo rode foorth towardes Nor|mandie, where immediately vpon his comming thither he rayſed a power, and ſent worde to hys ſonne Richarde Earle of Poictou (whiche hadde fortified the townes and Caſtelles of Poictou agaynſt him,The kings meſſage to his ſonne Earle Richarde. and taken his brother Geffrey pri|ſoner) that except hee deliuered vp into his mo|thers handes the whole Countrey of Poictou, he woulde ſurely come to chaſtice him with an I|ron rodde, and bring him vnder obedience ſmally to his eaſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vpon this meſſage Earle Richarde beeing ſomewhat better aduiſed, obeyed his fathers com|maundements in all poynts,Earle Richard obayeth his father. rendring vp into his mothers handes the Earledome of Poictou, and comming to his father as an obedient ſonne, ſhe|wed himſelf readie to ſerue him at commaunde|ment with a glad and willing minde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Soone after this, Rog. Houed. Particuler and not generall, hath Ger. Do. and aboute the ſeuenth houre of the day, the Sunne ſuffered a generall Eclipſe, ſo that no part of it appeared, and there|with followed greate thunder with lightning and a ſore tempeſt, with the violence whereof there were both men and beaſtes deſtroyed, and many houſes burned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after this, the Kings of Englande and Fraunce mette and commumed togyther EEBO page image 462 for the ayding of them in the holye lande, and they promyſed in deede to ſende thyther bothe menne and money: but the Patriarke made ſmall accounte thereof, for hee was muche de|ceyued of that which hee hoped to haue brought to paſſe, whiche was, eyther to haue gotte the King of Englande, or one of hys Sonnes, or ſome other manne of greate aucthoritie foorth wyth hym into the holye lande: but bycauſe that would not be, he departed from the Courte verye ſorrowfull and ſore diſpleaſed, ſo that it maye bee thought, that then and not before hys departure oute of Englande, he ſpake his minde ſo plainlye vnto the King (as before yee haue hearde.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer aboute this tyme, King Henrie obteyned of Pope Vrbane the third, that he might crowne whiche of his Sonnes it ſhoulde pleaſe him King of Irelande,An. Reg. 32. in token of which graunt and confirmation, the ſayde Pope ſent vnto hym a Crowne of Peacocks feathers, after a frat ma|ner wouen in with golde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thys yeare the King helde hys Chriſtmaſſe at Danfrount,1186 and ſhortly after came to a com|munication wyth the French king, at the which hee tooke a ſolemne othe that hee woulde dely|uer the Ladye Alice the Frenche Kinges Si|ſter (whome hee hadde as yet in his cuſtodie) vn|to hys ſonne Richarde Earle of Poſiton in ma|ryage. For the which maryage to be had and ſo|lemniſed, the French King graunted to deliuer vnto the ſayde Richarde the towne of Gyſors, wyth all that which his father king Lewes pro|miſed vnto king Henrie the ſonne (lately deceaſ|ſed) in maryage with Queene Margaret the wife of the ſame Henrie, receyuing an othe thereto, ne|uer to make any clayme or chalenge to the ſame towne and landes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henrie after hee hadde thus conclu|ded and finiſhed hys affayres wyth the Frenche King, returned backe into Englande in Maye,King H [...] returneth England [...] Ger. Do. Hugh P [...] Withã [...] Biſhop of [...]+colne. and then was Hugh Priour of Witham in|ſtituted Byſhoppe of Lyncolne after that the Sea there hadde beene voyde and wythout any lawfull gouernour almoſte the ſpace of ſeuentine yeares. This Hugh was reputed a verye godly and vertuous man.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Before him Walter Conſtaunce was no|minated to that Sea, but bycauſe he was made Archebyſhoppe of Rouen before hee was inue|ſted in the Church of Lyncolne, hee is not ac|counted in number of the Biſhoppes of Lyn|colne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer King Henrie ſhortlye after his returne at thys tyme into Englande, aſſem|bled a greate army, and went wyth the ſame vn|to Carleil, in purpoſe to haue entred Galloway, and there to haue chaſtiſed Rouland Lorde of [figure appears here on page 462] that Countrey, that was ſonne to Vthred the ſonne of Fergus, for the iniuries done to his co|ſin Germains, and namely to Duncane the ſon of Gylbert that was ſonne to the ſame Fer|gus in ſpoyling him and the reſidue (after the de|ceaſſe of the ſayde Gylbert) of theyr partes of in|heritaunce, vſurping the whole to himſelfe. But as the King was now readie to inuade his coun|trey, Roulande came to him, and vſed ſuche meanes vnder pretence of ſatiſfaction, that hee made his peace with the King, who therevpon brought backe his armye, and did no more at that tyme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame tyme came newes to the King, that Hugh Lacie was ſlaine in Irelande by an Iriſhe Gentleman,Hugh Lacie ſlaine. that was his confede|rate, (or rather by a labourer, as in the Iriſhe Hyſtorie ye may read) whereof the King was nothing ſorie, bycauſe that the ſame Hugh was growne to ſo high degree of puiſſaunce in that EEBO page image 463 Countrey, that he refuſed to obey the kings com|maundement when he ſent for him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 It is to bee noted, that when King Henrie had conquered the moſte parte of Irelande, and ſet the Countrey in ſome order, after his com|ming from thence, ſuch Captains as he left there behind him were not ydle, but ſtill did what they could to enlarge the confines which were com|mitted to theyr gouernaunce: but amongeſt them all this Hugh Lacie was the chiefeſt, inſo|much that after the death of Richarde Earle of Seriguile, [...]ugh Lacies [...]igence to [...]arge his [...]ſſeſſions in [...]lande. the king made him gouernour of the Countrey in place of the ſayde Earle, by reaſon whereof he ſo enlarged his poſſeſſions, that with|in a while he became dreadfull, not onely to the enimies, but alſo to his aſſociates, as to ſuche Engliſh Captaines as were abyding in Ireland vpon garde of the Engliſh Frontiers. For if any of them diſobeyed his cõmaundement, he would not ſticke to chaſtice them at his pleaſure, ſo that by ſuch meanes he ſeemed rather to conquere the Countrry to his owne vſe, than to the Kinges. He had alſo ioyned himſelfe in maryage with a daughter of the King of Vnleſter, not making King Henrie priuie to the ſame. Wherevpon the King hauing ſundrie informations preſen|ted to him of ſuche his preſumptuous demeanor, commaunded him by his letters to returne home, and repayre to his preſence, whiche to doe (as be|fore I haue ſayde) hee refuſed, by reaſon where|of hee confirmed the ſuſpition whiche was con|ceyued of him, to ryſe vpon no vaine coniectures, and therefore the euyll that came to hym was nothing lamented of King Henrie, [...]g Henrie [...] ſorie for [...] death of [...]ie. who with good cauſe was highly offended towardes him for the contempt and conſiderations aforeſayde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare Geffrey the Kings ſonne that was Earle of Brytayne dyed at Paris, [...]e death of [...]ffrey the [...]gs ſonne. and was buryed in the ſame Citie, leauing behinde him, beſides two daughters one onely ſonne as yet in his mothers wombe, of whome ſhee was de|lyuered in the nyght of the feaſt of Eaſter next enſuyng hir huſbandes death. Hee was na|med Arthure, and ſucceded his father in the Erle|dome of Brytaine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hys fathers death was occaſioned as men iudge, by a fall whiche hee caught at a iourney, for hee was ſore bruyſed therewith, and neuer had his health, but finally felt into a flixe and ſo dyed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About this ſeaſon Pope Vrbane wrote vnto Baldwyn the Archebiſhoppe of Canterburie, graunting him licence to buylde a Churche in honour of Saint Stephen, and Thomas Bec|ket nowe reputed a Martyr, at Alkynton, and that the fourth part of the offrings which came to the boxe of Thomas the Martyr ſhoulde be aſ|ſigned to the vſe of the Monkes, and an other fourth part to the buyldings of that Church, and an other fourth part to be giuen to the poore, and the other fourth part remayning, he might reſerue to himſelfe to beſtowe at his pleaſure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But within a while after, at the ſute and con|templation of the Priour and Couent of Can|terburie (who lyked nothing of the former parti|tion) the Pope ſent letters of prohibition to the ſayde Archebiſhoppe, that hee ſhoulde ceaſſe from buylding of the fore mentioned Churche, bycauſe the buylding thereof ſhould be preiudiciall to the Church of Canterburie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time alſo King Henrie gaue his Couſin the Ladie Ermengarde that was daughter to Richarde Vicount Baumount in Mariage, vnto William King of Scotlande,The Ladie Er|mingarde the vicount Beau|monts daugh|ter, maried to William king of Scottes. cauſing the Archebiſhoppe of Canterburie to ioyne them togyther in the bonde of Matrimo|nie wythin the Chappell at Woodſtocke, where hee kept great cheare in honour of that maryage [figure appears here on page 463] EEBO page image 464 for the ſpace of foure dayes togither. And further he gaue at the ſame time vnto the king of Scots the Caſtell of Edenbourgh:Caſtell of E|denbourgh. and the King of Scottes ſtreyght wayes gaue it vnto his wife the foreſayde Ermengarde, as a portion of hir dower, augmented wyth an hundred poundes of landes by the yeare, and fortye Knightes fees.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenche King requyred to haue the cu|ſtodie of the infant Arthure, heyre to Geffrey Earle of Brytaine: but king Henrie would in no wiſe graunt thereto.Ambaſſadors ſent to the French king. Hee ſent therefore Walter Archbiſhoppe of Rouen, William de Maunde|uille Earle of Albemarle, and Ranulfe de Glan|deuille Lorde chiefe Iuſtice of Englande to the Frenche Courte to talke wyth King Philip a|boute that matter, ſo that king Philip hauing hearde them, was contented to ſtaye from at|tempting force tyll the feaſt of Saint Hillarie: But in the meane tyme it chaunced,Sir William de Wals. that one Sir Rycharde de Walles a knight of the realme of Fraunce, went about to fortifie a Caſtell in a Vyllage that belonged to him called Walles, ſituate betwixte Trye and Giſors. Wherevp|on Henrie Vere (Coneſtable of Gyſors vnder William Earle of Aubemarle) was nothing content therewyth, and therefore gotte a com|panie togyther, and went foorth to deſturbe the worke. Vpon this occaſion the ſeruaunts of the ſayde Sir Rycharde de Wals come forth, and encountred wyth him in the fielde, inſomuche that Raufe the ſonne of Sir Rycharde de Wals was ſlayne, and the reſidue that were with hym fledde, manye of them beeing ſore beaten and wounded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king of Englands ſub|iects areſted in Fraunce.When the French King was enformed here|of, he cauſed all the King of Englande his ſub|iectes that coulde bee founde within his Coun|treys and dominion of Fraunce to be apprehen|ded, and their goodes ſeazed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The French ſubiects are|ſted in Nor|mandie.The Stewardes, Baylifes, and officers then of king Henrie, did the like by the French kings ſubiects that chaunced to be at that preſent with|in the king of Englandes Countreys, on that further ſyde of the Sea. But within a ſmal while after, the French king ſet the Engliſh ſubiects at libertie, and ſo likewiſe did the king of Englands officers releaſe the French ſubiects.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

An. reg. 33.


Octauianus a Cardinall.

After this, king Henrie helde his Chriſtmaſſe at Gildeforde, and ſhortly after came one Oc|tauianus a Subdeacon Cardinall, and Hugh de Nouaunt from the Courte of Rome, ſent as Legates from Pope Vrbane into Irelande, that they might crowne Earle Iohn the kings ſonne king of that lande.King Henrie paſſeth ouer into Nor|mandie. But king Henrie made a de|lay therein, taking the Legates with him into Normandie, whether he ſayled at the ſame time, and landing at Wiſſand, hee went from thence into Normandie, and ſhortly after came to a cõ|munication with the French king, at a place cal|led Vadum Sancti Remig [...], where after much talk they coulde not agree, by reaſon the French king demaunded things vnreaſonable,Ger. Do [...] and ſo they de|parted without any thing concluded [ſauing a truce, till after Whitſuntide.]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 About the ſame time,Hieruſal [...] taken. the Citie of Ieruſalem was taken by Saladine the chiefe Prince of the Sarafins. Wherevppon much conference was had among the chriſtian princes for the ſuccoring of thoſe Chriſtians which as yet held & defended other peeces in ye holy lande, ſo that by publiſhing of the Popes Bulles, many toke on thẽ the croſſe: and amongſt other Richard the ſon of K. Henry (withoute any licence obteyned of his father) re|ceyued the ſame, vowing to go thither out of hãd, and to fight againſt Gods enimies to the vtter|moſt of his power. In the meane time the grudge ſtill encreaſing betwixt king Henrie and Philip the French king, partly for one cauſe,Out of th [...] nales of [...] written by colle [...] and partly for an other (but ſpecially one chiefe occaſion was for that Earle Richarde deferred the doing of hys homage vnto king Philip for the Duchie of Poi|cton, which by his fathers appoyntment he nowe enioyed and helde.) The French king to preuent his enimies, immediately vpõ the expiring of the truce rayſed a power, and entring into the domi|nions belonging to king Henrie, hee waſted the Countrey till he came vnto Chateau Raoul. A|bout which Caſtell alſo he forthwith planted his ſiege. Hereof when king Henrie was aduertiſed, he rayſed his power alſo, and togyther with hys ſonne Earle Richarde came with all ſpeede to ſuccour his people, and to ſaue his Caſtell from the handes of his enimies. When he approched neare vnto the place, he pight downe his tents o|uer agaynſt the one ſide of the French campe, and Erle Richard on the other, ſo that they were rea|die to aſſail the French king on both ſides at once, but before they came to ioyne in battaile, by the mediation of a Cardinall (as ſome wryte) or as other haue,Ger. Do. through meanes made by the Erle of Flanders, the matter was taken vp. For Earle Richard through perſwaſion of the ſayd Erle of Flanders came to the Frenche king, and agreed with him before that his father king Henrie was for his part reſolued of any ſuch matter, ſo that he was now in a maruellous perplexity, and almoſt to ſeeke what was beſt to do, in ſuch a doubtfull caſe, as a man fearing his owne ſuretie, by reaſon of miſtruſt which hee had in his ſonne Richarde.A truce g [...]+ted. But yet at the length through humble ſute made by his ſayde ſonne vnto the Frenche king a truce was graunted by the ſpace of two yeares.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Earle Richarde after that the matter was thus taken vp, went into Fraunce with the Frenche King, of whome hee was ſo honoured EEBO page image 465 whileſt he was there, that they kept one Table at dinner and ſupper in the day tyme, and (as was ſayde) one bedde ſerued them both to ſleepe on in the night.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane time king Henrie hearing of al this, he fell into great ſuſpition whereto this great familiaritie betwixte the Frenche king and hys ſonne woulde tende, [...]le Richard [...]eth his fa| [...]r fayre [...]rdes. and doubting the likelyeſt, be ſent for him to returne vnto him. But Earle Richarde perceyuing his father to miſtruſt hys loyaltie, gaue fayre wordes, and promiſed to re|turne with all conuenient ſpeede. Howbeit hee ment an other matter, and ſo departing from the French Court, came to Chinon, where he gotte into his handes a greate portion of his fathers treaſure that was kept there,He ſeaſeth vp|on his fathers treaſure. agaynſt the will of him that had the cuſtodie of it, and taking it thus awaye with him, hee beganne to fortifie hys Caſtelles and Townes wythin hys Countrey of Poictou, and clearely refuſed to come backe to his father for a tyme, although at length for|ſaking the counſayle of naughtie menne, hee turned home vnto hym, and humbly ſubmit|ted hymſelfe, in ſuche wyſe as to hys duetie ap|perteyned. And for the more aſſuraunce there|of, he renueth his feaultie, in receyuing an othe vppon the holy Euangelyſtes. Whiche done, King Henrye wente into Brytayne wyth an armie, and wanne the Caſtell of Mountre|leys by ſiege, whiche one Heruey de Lions, and [figure appears here on page 465] one Guynemer hys brother hadde gotten into theyr handes, after the deceaſſe of Geffrey Earle of Brytayne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare the twentie of October, the Ci|tie of Chicheſter was almoſte wholy conſumed to aſhes by miſchaunce of fyre. The heade Church with the Biſhoppes Palayce, and the houſes of the Canons were burnt euen downe to the grounde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

[...]n. reg. 34.


[...]g Henry [...]rneth into [...]glande.

After this king Henrie helde his Chriſtmaſſe at Cam, from whence he went to Harfleete, and there taking the ſea paſſed ouer into England.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The French king hearing by and by of hys departure, aſſembled a great armye, and threat|ned to deſtroy the Countrey of Normandie, and other landes on that ſide the ſea, except that king Henrie woulde deliuer ouer into his handes the town of Giſors, with the appurtenances, or cauſe his ſon Richard Erle of Poictou to take to wife his ſiſter Alyce, according to his promiſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]g Henry [...]eth againe [...] Nor| [...]ndie.When King Henrie was hereof aduerti|ſed, hee turned with all ſpeede into Normandie, that he might prouide for timely reſiſtaunce, if the Frenche king came forwarde to inuade hys dominions.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſelfe ſame tyme alſo came know|ledge out of the holy land, Polidor. Heauie newes from the Eaſt partes. that Saladine after the wynning of Ieruſalem, purſued his victorie with ſuch ſucceſſe, that hee had taken from the Chry|ſtians the more parte of all other townes and ſtrengthes within the lande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe newes were nothing pleaſant to the Chriſtian princes, and namely the two kings Henrie and Philip ſeemed ſorowful for the ſame,An enteruiew betwixt the two kings. and therefore came to an enteruiew togyther on the .xxj. day of Ianuarie betwixt Trie and Gi|ſors, where the Archbiſhoppe of Tyre was pre|ſent, through whoſe earneſt exhortation the two Kings were made friendes,The two kings receyue the Croſſe. and the ſame daye receyued the Croſſe at hys handes in purpoſe to make a iourney togyther agaynſt thoſe Sa|raſyns, that hadde done ſuche iniuryes to the Chriſtian name. And for a difference that one Nation myght bee knowne from an other,

The French ware redde croſſes.

The Engliſh white.

The Flemings greene.

the Frenche King and his people tooke vpon them to weare redde Croſſes, the King of Eng|lande and hys ſubiectes whyte Croſſes: but the Earle of Flaunders and hys menne ware EEBO page image 466 greene.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And herewith they departed in ſunder eche one repayring to theyr Countreys to prouide theyr armies, and make them in a readineſſe to ſet forwarde by a day towardes this neceſſarie iour|ney. King Henrie comming to Chinon, by ad|uice of his Counſaille, ordeyned that euery one of his ſubiectes ſhoulde yeelde a tenth part of his re|uenues and moueable goodes for that yeare to|wardes the ayde of them in the holy lande (corne of that yeares growth except,An ayde gran|ted to them in the holy lande. VVil. Paru us. and alſo all armor, horſes, brokes, apparell, ornaments of Chappels, and precious ſtones, which ſhoulde not come in the rate of goods now taxed, nor be charged with this payment.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer thoſe knightes and men of warre that were appoynted to goe in thys iourney pay|ed nothing, but had that money alſo towardes theyr furniture, which were gathered of theyr te|nants and fermours, howbeit Burgeſſes and o|ther that tooke vpon them the Croſſe without ly|cenſe of theyr Lordes, payed this tenth, ſo that none of them went free.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were alſo good orders deuiſed, both for the aduauncement of Gods glorie, and the reliefe of the common wealth,Good orders and diſcipline inſtituted. as that no manne ſhoulde ſweare in any outrageous maner, that no man ſhould play at Cardes, Dice or Tables, and that no maner of perſon after Eaſter ſhoulde weare anye coſtly furres or cloth of Scarlette, nor that menne ſhoulde vſe to haue theyr Ta|bles ſerued wyth more than two Diſhes of meate at one meale, nor ſhoulde haue theyr apparell cutte, iagged, or laced: and further, that none of them ſhoulde take anye women forth wyth them in this iourney, except ſuche a landreſſe, of the which there myght not growe any ſuſpition of wanton life.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It was alſo ordeyned, that the money of ſuche as dyed in this iourney, ſhoulde goe to|wardes the fynding and mayntenaunce of theyr ſeruaunts and of poore people, and towardes the ayde of the Chriſtians in the holy land.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, the Pope graunted that all thoſe that went foorth in this iourney, repenting and confeſſing theyr ſinnes, ſhould be aſſoyled and pardoned of the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King hauing thus taken order for hys buſineſſe in the partyes on the further ſyde the Sea, came nowe ouer into Englande agayne,The king [...] turneth i [...] England. landing at Wynchelſey on a Saterday the thirtith day of Ianuarie,A counſaile holden at Gaiting [...]n and calling a Coun|cell togyther at Gaitington, whiche is eyght or nine myles from Northampton, hee there de|clared what orders hee had taken for his iour|ney into the holye lande.Ger. Do. Wherevpon the By|ſhoppes [figure appears here on page 466] of Norwiche and Lyncolne, and a great number of other people tooke vpõ them the croſſe at the preaching of the Archbiſhop of Canterbu|rie, and the Biſhop of Rocheſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This done, king Henrie tooke order alſo for the leuying of the tenth,A tenth leuied as well here in England as he had don in the parties ſubiect to him on the further ſide the ſea. Hee alſo ſent Hugh Biſhop of Durham, and other both ſpirituall and tem|porall perſons, vnto William king of Scottes, to gather the tenth likewiſe within his Coun|trey, but hee mette them betwixt Warke and Bryghtham,The king o [...] Scottes. and woulde not ſuffer them to en|ter into Scotlande, but hee offered to giue vnto the king of England in recompence of the tenths, and for to haue againe his Caſtels, the ſumme of 5000. Markes of ſiluer, which could not be accep|ted. The French king likewiſe gathered ye tẽthes in his Countrey towardes this intended iourney. But by the working of ſome wicked ſpirite EEBO page image 467 (as we may lawfully thinke) whiche enuied the aduauncement of the chriſtian common wealth, [...]e good [...]eaning of [...]e two kings [...]ſappointed. [...]lidor. that good meaning of the two kings was bro|ken and diſappoynted. For the peace lately con|cluded betwixt them continued not long vnuio|lated. The French writers impute the fault ther|of vnto Engliſh men, and the Engliſh writers lay it to the French men. The French wryters ſay, [...]eymond erle [...] Tholouze. that Earle Richard the ſonne of king Henrie in breach of the league, made warre vpon Ray|mond Erle of Tholouze. The Engliſh wryters reproue the French king as a wicked man, in that he ſhoulde of purpoſe breake the peace and moue war againſt king Henry, to withdraw him from going to make war againſt the Saraſins, to the which enterpriſe he was wholy bent and encly|ned. Such is the maner of many writers, the which more affectionate to the loue of their coun|trey than to the truth, doe not obſerue the lawe of Hiſtories in their writings, but rather inuey one againſt another in brawling & reprouing maner.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In deed as Roger Houeden and other do wit|neſſe, the foreſayd Erle Reymond, Rog. Houed. The nobles of Poictou rebell againſt Earle Richarde. & alſo Aymer Erle of Angoleſme, Geffrey de Racon, & Geffrey de Luſignan with the moſt part of all the nobles of Poictou, made warre agaynſt Earle Richard, and hee helde tacke agaynſt them all, and in the ende ouercame them.

[figure appears here on page 467]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]ter Scille.Amongſt other of Erle Reymonds part whõ he tooke, was one Peter Seille, by whoſe counſel Earle Reymonde had taken diuerſe Merchants of Poictou, that were ſubiects to Earle Richard, and done many other diſpleaſures to him, and to his Countrey, wherefore Earle Richarde kepte this Peter in verie ſtrayte priſon, and would not put him to his raunſome: wherefore Earle Rey|mond toke two of the king of Englands knights ſir Robert Poer, and ſir Richarde Fraſer, as they were returning from Compoſtella, where they had beene to viſite the bodie of Saint Iames, but they were quickely ſet at libertie by the Frenche kings commaundement, for the reuerence of S. Iames whoſe Pilgrymes they were.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]rle Richard [...]adeth the [...]le Tholouze [...]des.After this, Earle Richard entred with a great army into the lands of Erle Reymonde, waſted the ſame, and tooke by ſiege a Caſtell of his ſitu|ate neare vnto Tholouze, cleped Moyſac: wherof the French king hearing, he ſent out of hande to the king of Englande, requiring to knowe if the domages done by his ſonne Earle Richarde vn|to him and his people in Tholouſyne, were done by his commaundement, for the whiche hee de|maunded reſtitution. Herevnto the king of Eng|lande anſwered, that his ſonne Earle Richarde did nothing in that behalfe, eyther by hys know|ledge, or commaundement: but that as hee had ſignified to hym by the Archbiſhoppe of Dublyn whatſoeuer he did therein, was done by the coun|ſell of the French king himſelfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Howſoeuer this matter went, certaine it is, that king Philip taking weapon in hande, vpon a ſodaine entred into Berry, and tooke from king Henrie Chaſteau Raoull, Brezancois, Argen|ton, Mountricharde, Mountreſor, Vandoſme,Annales de France. Leporoſe, Blanc en Berry, Culan and Molig|non, wherefore King Henrie (who was at this tyme in Englande aboute to prepare an ar|my to go therewith into the holy lande) when he heard thereof, with all ſpeede poſſible, Rog. Houed. The Archb. of Cant. with the Biſhops of Lincolne and Cheſter, hath Ger. Do. hee ſente Baldwyn Archbiſhop of Canterburie, and Hugh Byſhoppe of Durham ouer into Fraunce to ap|peaſe the Frenche kings diſpleaſure with courte|ous woordes and reaſonable perſwaſions if it myght bee, but when that coulde not be brought to paſſe, he ſayled ouer into Normandie hym|ſelfe, with an army of Engliſh men and Welch|men, landing with the ſame at Herflue the tenth day of Iuly,Ger. Dor. after he had beene ſore toſſed by a cruell tempeſt that roſe as he was on the Sea, to the great daunger of his perſon, and all that were with him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Now after his comming to land, he repayred vnto Alencon, encreaſing his power by gathering vp Souldiers and menne of warre out of Nor|mandye and other hys Countreyes on that ſyde the Sea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane tyme hys ſonne Rycharde Earle of Poictou entreth into Berry wyth a mightie armye,Chateau Roux it is called in the French an|nales: but the Chronicles of Aniou name it Chaſteau Ra|oul, and right|ly as I thinke. and the Frenche King delyue|ring Chateou Raoull vnto the keeping of Sir William de Berres returneth into Fraunce, ſo that Earle Rycharde ſpoyled and waſted the landes of thoſe Earles and Barons which tooke the French part exceedingly.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 468The French K. kept him as yet within France and durſt not come forth now after the arriual of king Henry, but many enterpriſes were atchieued by the Captaines on both ſides.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Philip Biſhop of Beauvoys inuading the Fronters of Normandie, burned Blangeuille, be|longing to the Earle of Augi, and the Caſtell Albemarle (that belonged to William de Man|deuille, whereof he bare the tytle of Erle) and wa|ſted the countrey rounde about.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The French king alſo came to the towne of Trow, and burned it, and tooke .xl. men of armes there, but the Caſtell he could not winne. On the other part, Richarde Earle of Poictou tooke a ſtrong place called les Roches, beyonde Trow to|wards Vandoſme,Sergeants. with .xxv. men of armes, and lx. yeomen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About which time king Henrie ſent eftſoones Ambaſſadours vnto the French king, as Walter the Archbiſhop of Rouen, Iohn Biſhop of Eu|reux, and William Marſhall, to require reſtitu|tion for the domages done to him and to his peo|ple. And furthermore if the French king refuſed to make reſtitution, then had they in commaunde|ment to declare defiaunce agaynſt him. Where|vnto the French king anſwered, that he woulde not giue ouer to make warre tyll hee had Berry, and the country of Veuxin or Veulgeſynt who|ly in his poſſeſſion. Wherfore king Henrie with a mightie armie on the Tueſday after the feaſt of the Decollation of Saint Iohn, entred into the Realme of Fraunce, and burned in any townes and villages, approching the ſame day neare vn|to the towne of Maunt; where the Frenche king was thought to be. And as it chaunced William de Berres, and Drogo de Merlo, incoũtred with Richarde Erle of Poictou, & William de Man|deuille Earle of Albemarle, ſo that William de Barres was taken by Erle Richard, but by neg|ligence of them that ſhould haue takẽ heed to him he eſcaped away vpon his Pages horſe. The morrow after alſo, Erle Richard departed from his father towards Berry, and vpon the Thurſ|day the Welchmen burned many villages,The Welch+men. with the Caſtel of Danuille that belonged to Simon Daneth, & tooke many rich prayes and booties.

[figure appears here on page 468]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Alſo William Mandeuille Earle of Albe|marle, burned a place called Saint Clare, that was belonging vnto the Demaine of the French king: but ſee, when the Engliſh were fully bent to proſecute the warres (with all extremitie) now in hand, there came meſſengers vnto king Henry frõ the French king, requiring him that he would graunt a peace to be had betwixt them, with pro|miſe that if he would condiſcend therevnto, that he ſhould receyue by way of reſtitution al that the French king had now taken from him in Berry. And herevpon they came to a communication betwixt Trie and Giſors,The two kings come to a treatie. and when they coulde not agree, the French king cauſed a great Elme ſtãding betwixt thoſe two places to be cut down,An Elme cut downe. at which the kings of England and France were accuſtomed to meete when they treated of mat|ters in controuerſie betwixt them, ſwearing that from thenceforth there ſhoulde neuer be any more meetings holden at that place. Afterwarde when the Erle of Flanders, & the Earle of Bloys wt di|uerſe other Erles and Barons of the Realme of France, layd their armor aſide,A comme [...]+ble pro [...]ta+tion and [...]+thie to be coted. proteſting openly that they woulde not put on the ſame againe to make war againſt any chriſtian, till they ſhoulde returne from their iorney which they had vowed into the holy land, ye French king deſtitute of mẽ to ſerue him, made ſute once again to K. Hẽ. that they might meet & talk of peace, which was hard|ly granted, and ſo they met on the morrow after Saint Faythes day, or ſeuenth of October, at Chatellon,Caſtellion where they entreated of a fourme of peace, ſo that the Frenche king ſhoulde haue re|ſtored all that he hadde taken within the Coun|treys EEBO page image 469 belonging to King Henrie, and likewiſe Richarde Earle of Poictou, ſhoulde delyuer vp vnto the Earle of Saint Giles, otherwiſe cal|led Earle of Tholouze, all that hee hadde ta|ken from him ſithe the breach of the laſte truce. But when King Henrie woulde not deliuer the Caſtell of Paſcie in pledge to the Frenche king, they departed in ſunder (as before) without anye thing concluded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The king of France after this tooke the Ca|ſtell of Paluell. [...]n other trea| [...]e betwixt [...]he two kings. Vpon the .xviij. day of Auguſt the two kings came againe togither about a new treatie of peace betwixt Bonſemblance and Su|kenny, where the French king offred king Hen|rie, to reſtore to him all that he had taken by hys laſt warres, if hys ſyſter Alyce might be ioyned in maryage with Richarde Earle of Poictou, nowe eldeſt ſonne in lyfe to king Henrie, and that all king Henries ſubiectes might do homage and ſweare feaultie to the ſame Richarde. But king Henrie hauing in memorie the iniuries done to him by his ſonne Henry, after ſuch his aduaunce|ment to kingly degree, he woulde not graunt the French kings requeſt herein. Wherevpon a fur|ther miſchiefe happened, for his ſonne Earle Ri|charde (taking diſpleaſure that his father ſhoulde denie him that honour,Earle Richard [...]euolteth frõ his father to [...]erue the French king. whiche made altogyther for his more aſſuraunce to ſucceede him as king) fell from his ſayde father manifeſtly, and became the Frenche kings man, doing homage to hym alſo without conſent of king Henrie, for all thoſe lands that belonged to his ſayd father on that fur|ther ſide the ſea. The French king for his homage and fealtie, gaue vnto him Chateau Raoull, and Yſoldun, with al the honor thereto belonging.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There be that write, that the chiefeſt cauſe that moued king Henrie to refuſe to ioyne his ſon erle Richard & the ladie Alice,Polidor. daughter to the French king in mariage togither, was, bycauſe he was linked in the comberſome chayne of hote burning loue with the ſame Ladie, and therfore he ſought all the ſhiftes of excuſes and delayes that might be imagined, ſo that it appeared he had no minde to depart with hir. The truth was (as writers af|fyrme) he had alredie perſwaded hir to ſatiſfie his luſt, inſomuch that hee liked hir ſo well, that hee ment to be deuorſed from his wife Queene Ele|nor, & to marry this yong ladie, which if he might bring to paſſe, and haue children by hir, he purpo|ſed to diſinherite thoſe which he had by Elenor, & to make the other which he ſhould haue by Adela his legitimate and lawfull heyres. Yet before they departed from this communication,Rog. Houed. a truce was taken to endure till the feaſt of S. Hillarie. And Henry Biſhop of Alba a Cardinal that was ſent from the Pope to ende this controuerſie be|twixt theſe two mightie Princes, accurſed Ry|chard Erle of Poictou, for, that by his meanes the troubles roſe and were continued betwixt them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The towne of Beuerlay,Beuerley burnt. with the Church of Saint Iohn the Archbiſhop, was in maner who|ly conſumed with fire, on the .xx. of September.

[figure appears here on page 469]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo the ſame yeare dyed William of Sem|pringham,William de Sempringham deceaſſeth. the Author and firſt founder of the religious order of Sempringham. Moreouer Gilbert de Ogerſtan a knight Templer put in truſt by king Henry with others to gather the tenthes towardes the reliefe of the holy land,Gilbert de Ogerſtan. was proued to vſe falſehood in the receipt, and ſo was deliuered vnto the maſter of the Temple at Lon|don, to bee puniſhed according to the ſtatutes of his order. Alſo this yeare in the vigill of S. Lau|rence,A ſtraunge ap|perance in the ayre. there was ſeene at Dunſtable by diuerſe perſons a figure of the Croſſe very long & large in the ayre, with the ſhape of a crucifixe theron, and ſtreames of bloud to their ſight ſeemed to runne out of the woundes of the feete, handes and ſides. And this ſtraunge appearance continued in ſight from noone till almoſt night.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henrie helde his Chriſtmaſſe at Sau|mur in Aniou,

An. Reg. 35.


but many of his Earles and Ba|rons were gone from him, and tooke part with the French king, and with his ſonne Richard Erle of Poictou. Then after the day was once come, in which the truce expired, the Britains (which had a charter of couenants of the French king & Erle Richard, that if they concluded any peace with king Henrie, the Brytaynes ſhould de partakers in the ſame) enter into the confines of thoſe coun|treys which ſtill continued their due obedience to|wards King Henrie, ſpoyling and waſting the ſame on eche ſyde with barbarous crueltie. At which time alſo there was a Legate came from the Pope named Iohn de Anagnia,A Legate. who aſſayed both by courteous meanes and alſo by threates and menacinges to reduce the partyes vnto peace and concorde: Inſomuche that by hys procurement they mette this yeare after Eaſter neare vnto Fiert Bernarde, twiſe wythin EEBO page image 470 a fewe dayes togither, to trie if by talke they might ſorte to ſome reaſonable conditions of a|greement.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The laſt tyme of thoſe theyr meetings, was in the Whitſunweeke,Mat. Par. at what tyme the French king requyred not onely to haue his ſiſter Alice delyuered vnto Earle Richarde for wyfe, accor|ding to the former couenaunts, but alſo ſome aſ|ſuraunce gyuen vnto the ſame Earle Richarde, that he ſhoulde enherite his fathers landes after his deceſſe. And alſo he requyred that Erle Iohn might take vpon him the Croſſe to paſſe ouer in|to the holy lande alſo, for otherwiſe Earle Ri|chard woulde not goe. Howbeit King Henrye woulde in no wiſe conſent to anye of theſe de|maundes:Rog. Houed. but yet as ſome write, hee offred thus much vnto King Philip, that if he coulde bee ſo contented, his ſonne Iohn ſhoulde marry his ſi|ſter Alyce, and enioy with hir all ſuche thinges as hee demaunded in preferment of hys ſonne Richarde, and that in more large maner than hee had requeſted the ſame. But King Philip would none of that.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus howſoeuer it was, whileſt the one demaunded that which the other thought no rea|ſon to graunt, they departed withoute conclu|ding any agreement, ſo that King Philip ha|uing gotte by thys meanes a good occaſion to further his enterpryſes,King Philip h [...]rrieth the Countrey of Mayne. with all hys whole puiſ|ſaunce entred into Mayne, where hee deſtroyed a greate part of that Countrey, and approched to the Citie of Mauns, where Kyng Henrie as then laye, in purpoſe to beſiege it. But King Henrye beeyng warned of his comming ſet the Suburbes on fyre, bycauſe hys enimyes ſhould haue no ſuccour in them. Howe be it the flame of the fyre was by force of the winde dryuen ſo directly into the Citie, that what with heate and aſſault of the enimie, the King beeing withoute any ſtore of Souldiers to defende it longer, was conſtrayned to forſake it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Heerewyth hee was ſo amooued, that in departing from the Citie, he ſayde theſe wordes of his Sonne Rycharde to himſelfe:The worde [...] king Henry [...] his diſplea [...] towards Earle Richarde. Sith thou haſt taken from mee thys daye the thing that I moſt loued in this Worlde, I ſhall acquite thee, for after this daye, I ſhall depriue thee of that thing which in me ſhoulde moſt pleaſe thee, that is to meane, mine heart.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Being thus dryuen to leaue the defaced Ci|tie of Mauns, he repayred vnto Chiuon,

Maunsyel [...] to the French king.

VVil. Par [...]

and the Citizens of Mauns beeing lefte deſtitute of ayde, yeelded themſelues to the Frenche King, who taking a greate pryde in his doings for that victorie paſſed ouer Loyre, and wanne the Ci|tie of Towrs, wherein hee placed a garniſon, and ſo hauing ſpedde hys buſineſſe wyth good ſucceſſe, bringeth home hys armie laden wyth prayes and booties.

[figure appears here on page 470]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Polidor.King Henrie beeing thus put to the worſe, and not perceyuing anye readie meane howe to recouer his loſſes, beganne to deſpayre in hym|ſelfe, and therefore of neceſſitie thought it beſt to ſeeke for peace,The Earle of Flaunders ſee|keth to agree the Parties. but hys ſuyte was in vaine: for the enimie hauing now the aduantage, would not graunt to agree vpon any reaſonable condi|tions. At the laſt Philip the Earle of Flaun|ders,Mat. Paris. and William Archbiſhoppe of Reymes, with Hugh Duke of Burgoyne, came to king Henrie to moue wayes of agreement, and to con|clude the ſame betwixte hym on the one partie, and the French King and Earle Richarde on the other parte. Earle Richarde had the Bry|taynes and them of Poictou confederate wyth him, vnder ſuch conditions, as hee myght not agree with his father, without that they mighte bee compryſed in the agreemente.A peace con|cluded. At length they agreed vpon conditions, not altogither ad|uauntageable to the King of Englande, yet in the ende, Chateau Raoul was reſtored to king Henrye wyth all that had beene taken from him ſithe the tyme that the Frenche king and hee tooke vppon them the Croſſe: On the other part King Henrye did homage to the Frenche King whiche in the beginning of thys warre he hadde ſurrendred and renounced.Thirty tho [...]|ſand to the king and .xx. to the Baron of France, [...] He was bounde alſo to paye to the Frenche King twentie thouſande Markes for the ayde whiche Earle Rycharde had receyued of him. Moreouer to reſigne and acquite vnto the Frenche King,Ger. Do. all that whiche eyther he or hys predeceſſours helde or poſſeſſed within Aluergne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Other Articles there were which king Henry EEBO page image 471 agreed vnto ſore agaynſt hys will, as the dely|uery of the Ladie Alice or Adela, and ſuche o|ther, which (as not muche materiall) wee paſſe ouer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This peace was concluded not farre from Towrs, [...]g. Houed. Giſors ſaith [...]er. Do. in a place appoynted conuenient for both the Kings to meete in, aboute the feaſt of the Apoſtles Peter and Paule. And as writers recorde, there chaunced great thunder and light|ning at the very tyme when the two kings came to enteruiew and talke togither, [...]ange thun| [...]r and light| [...]ng. ſo that the leit bolt light betwixt them two. And yet notwyth|ſtanding ſuche thunder and lightning, the ayre was cleare and nothing troubled.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The two Kings departed in ſunder through feare thereof for that day, and on the next day the like chaunce happened, greatly to the terrour of them both. Which moued King Henrie the ſoo|ner to condifcende to the agreement.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer this is not-to-bee forgotten, that when all matters were quieted and accorded a|mongſt them, King Henrie requyred to haue all theyr names delyuered vnto him in wryting, which had promiſed to take part (& were ioined as confederates) with the French king and Erle Ri|chard. This was graunted, and when the rolle was preſented vnto him, he founde his ſon Iohn the firſt perſon that was named in that regiſter, wherewith he was ſo troubled, and diſquieted in his mynde, that comming to Chinon hee felte ſuch griefe hereof, that hee curſed euen the verye day in whiche he was borne, and as was ſayde, gaue to hys ſonnes Gods curſſe and hys, the whiche hee woulde neuer releaſe, although he was admoniſhed to do it both of ſundry Biſhops and other religious and godly men. Thus hath Houeden.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Howbeit it is not like that Earle Richarde at this tyme had procured hys brother Iohn to bee confederate with hym in hys rebellious dea|lings, but rather bycauſe Earle Rycharde had ſome ſuſpition, leaſte his father woulde make Iohn hys heyre and ſucceſſour in the kingdome, it might bee a pollicie wrought by the Frenche king and Earle Richarde, to alienate his fathers minde from the ſayd Iohn.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe euils were eſteemed to fall vnto king Henrie by the iuſt iudgement of God, for that be|ing admoniſhed dyuerſe wayes, as well by di|uine Reuelation, as by the wholeſome aduiſe of graue menne, as Hugh Biſhoppe of Lincolne and others, hee woulde not refourme hys lycen|cious appetyte of heaping vppe ſinne vpon ſinne, but ſtyll wallowed therein to his owne deſtructi|on. Wherevpon beeing brought to ſuche an ex|tremitie as ye haue heard, hee was taken with a grieuous ſickeneſſe, which bringing him to vtter deſperation of recouering of health, he finally de|parted this lyfe (though more through verie an|guiſhe and griefe of hys late loſſe and troubles ſu|ſteyned, than by the force of hys bodily diſeaſe,King Henrie departeth this life. (as wryters haue affyrmed.) But howſoeuer it was, he ended nowe his life the ſixth of Iuly in the .lxj. yeare of his age, and after he had raigned xxxiiij. yeares, nine Monethes, and two dayes, whiche was in the yeare after the byrth of oure Sauiour .1189. and of the creation of the Worlde .5155.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 And here may be thought, that the raigne of the Normans and French men ouer the realme of England tooke ende a hundred .xxij. yeares af|ter the comming in of the Conquerour, for thoſe that raigned after this Henrie the ſeconde, wee may rightly eſteeme them to bee Engliſhemen, bycauſe they were borne in Englande, and vſed the Engliſh tongue, cuſtomes, and maners, ac|cording to the nature and qualitie of the Coun|trey. His bodie was buryed at Founteverarde, whiche is an Abbey ſituate not farre from the Towne of the Eagle wythin the Duchie of A|lancon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Immediately vpon his death, thoſe that were about him applyed theyr market ſo buſily in cat|ching and filching awaye things that lay readie for them,His ſurname whereof it came. that the kings corps lay naked a long time, tyll a childe couered the nether partes of his bodie with a ſhort Cloke, and then it ſeemed that his ſurname was fulfilled that hee had from hys childhood, which was ſhortmantell, being ſo cal|led, bycauſe hee was the firſt that brought ſhorte clokes one of Anion into England.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 As his ſonne Richarde mette the corpſe go|ing towardes the buryall, ſodainly there iſſued bloud oute of the deade bodyes Noſthrillos, whiche was taken for a ſignifycation that it abhorred the preſence of ſo wicked a Sonne, whiche in hys lyfe tyme hadde ſo perſecuted the father.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 His death was ſignified by a marueylous ſtraunge woonder,A ſtraunge maner of fight betwixt fiſhes. for a fewe dayes before hee dyed, all the fiſhes in a certayne Meere or Poole in Normandie leapt forth on lande in the nighte ſeaſon, and fought togyther with ſuche a noyſe, that a great multitude of men came running thi|ther to beholde the wonder, and coulde not finde one fiſhe aliue in the Meere.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He had iſſue by hys wyſe Queene Elonor,

The iſſue of Henrie the ſe|conde.

His ſonnes.

(as may appeare by that whiche alreadie is re|hearſed [...]foure ſonnes, Henrye, Rycharde, Gef|frey, and Iohn beſides two other that died yong, (as ſome Authours haue recorded:) Alſo three daughters, Mawde,His daugh|ters. maryed vnto Henrie the Duke of Saxonie, Elenor the wyfe of Alfonſo the eight of that name king of Caſtel, and Ioane gyuen in maryage vnto William king of Sicille. He had alſo two baſtarde ſonnes EEBO page image 472 by a concubine,His baſe ſonns the one named William, and the other Geffray. Hee was of bodie fleſhie and ſtrong,The conſtitu|tion of his bodie. and coulde abide very paciently the diſ|pleaſures both of colde and heate, he had a large heade, a broade breaſt, a broken voyce, and was furthermore verye ſpare of diet, chiefely bycauſe he would not be too fatte: and therefore when he was at quiet without anye trouble of warres, he woulde exerciſe himſelfe in hunting or trauay|ling abroade.His ſtature. He was of a good ſtature and ve|rie well fourmed, of a comely countenaunce, partly redde heared wyth gray eyes, of wit quick, and of a perfite good memorie, ſo that he woulde long remember thoſe things whiche he had either read,His qualities and conditi|ons of minde. hearde, or ſeene. Hee was ſtoute of ſto|macke, and more conſtant in tyme of aduerſitie than in tyme of proſperitie, except at the tyme of hys death, when beeing deſtitute in maner of all his friendes, hee ſhewed himſelfe almoſte in diſpayre. Hee was liberall towardes all men, of|tentymes gyuing rewardes to his ſouldiers ouer and beſides theyr wages.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Radulphus de Diceto.Moreouer, of nature hee was pitifull to|wardes the poore, as it well appeared by diuerſe his charitable deedes: as for example. When in the yeare .1176. there was a greate dearth and ſcarcitie of bread in the partyes of Aniou and Mayne, hee fedde euery day with ſufficient ſuſte|naunce tenne thouſande perſons, from the begin|ning of Aprill, till the time that newe corne was inned, and what prouiſion ſoeuer was layde vp in Garners, Cellers, and ſtore houſes, for the kings neceſſarie vſes, he cauſed the ſame to be im|ployed towardes the reliefe of religious houſes, and poore people. Hee tooke of his ſubiectes but ſeldome tymes any great trybutes. He was very expert in feates of warre, and righte fortunate therein. He prayſed his Captaynes and men of warre when they were deade, and lamented their loſſes more than hee ſhewed to loue them when they were aliue. And this did he of pollicie, that they might vnderſtande that they ſhoulde be ho|noured after death, and therefore feare it the leſſe. He was ſomewhat learned, and alſo knowne to be wiſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Radulphus de Diceto.His care to haue iuſtice duly miniſtred in hys Realme was exceeding greate, in ſo muche that finding how the Sherifes were rather inclyned to ſeeke theyr owne gayne, than to deale vp|rightly with his ſubiectes, hee appoynted other officers to haue a regarde to their doings, as if they had beene comptrollers, that they knowing howe there were ſuch appoynted to haue an ouer|ſight in theyr dealings, they might bee the more circumſpect in theyr duties.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He ordeyned alſo puniſhment for hunters in Forreſts and groundes of warren, eyther by fi|ning them, or by impriſonment.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And moreouer hee ordeyned that murtherers ſhoulde ſuffer death by hanging: and ſo for other tranſgreſſors hee appoynted other kindes of pu|niſhments, as ſome to be condemned to exile, and other to loſſe of lymmes. &c. according to the qua|litie of the offence committed. And to haue the lawes duely executed, and iuſtice vprightly mi|niſtred on all handes, he was ſo carefull that hee tried all orders of menne, in placing them in roumthes of Iuſtices. And laſtly truſting to find among the Cleargie ſuche as woulde not be cor|rupted with bribes, nor for reſpect of feare or friendſhip decline from right iudgement, he choſe forth the Biſhops of Wincheſter. Elie, & Nor|wich, to be principall Iuſtices of the Realme, ſo as they might ende and determine al matters ex|cept in certain caſes reſerued to the hearing of the Prince himſelfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 His vices were theſe, as they are remembred. In time of aduerſe fortune no man could ſhewe himſelfe more curteous, gentle, meeke, and pro|miſing more largely than he woulde. But when fortune once began to ſmile, no man was more ſharpe, harde to deale with, nor more readie to breake his promiſe and fayth. He was alſo noted partly with couetouſneſſe. For although he was liberall towards ſouldiers & ſtraungers, yet was he ſtraite ynough towards his owne people, and namely towards his ſonnes, which cauſed them to eſtraunge themſelues and their good willes from him. He was not ſo zealous toward the ex|ecution of right and equitie as to the furtherance of his owne priuate commoditie.His incon [...]+nencie. He was out of meaſure giuen to fleſhly luſt, and ſatiſfying of his inordinate concupiſcence. For not cõtented with the vſe of his wiſe, he kept many concubines, but namely he delited moſt in the companie of a plea|ſant Damoſell, whome he cleped the Roſe of the world, the cõmon people named hir Roſamond, Roſamond [...] concubine. for hir paſſing beautie, properneſſe of perſon, and pleaſant wit, with other amyable qualities, being verily a rare and peereleſſe peece in thoſe dayes. He made for hir an houſe at Woodſtocke in Ox|fordſhire, like to a Laberinth, that is to meane, wrought like to a knot in a Gardẽ called a Maze, with ſuche turnings and windings in and out, that no creature might finde hir nor come to hir, except he were inſtructed by the king, or ſuche as were ſecrete with him in that matter. But the common report of the people is, that the Queene finally found hir out by a ſilke threede whiche the king had drawne forth of hir Chamber with his foote, and dealt with hir in ſuch ſharpe and cruell wiſe, that ſhe lyued not long after. She was bu|ried in the Nunrie of Goodſtow beſide Oxforde, with theſe verſes vpon hir tumbe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1
Hic iacet in tumulo, Roſa mundi nõ Roſamũda,
Non redolet ſed olet, quae redolere ſolet.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 473 [...]n. Higd.Long time after the death of this Damoſel, in the ſayde Abbey was ſhewed a cofer, that ſome|times was hirs, of the length of two foote, in the which appeared Gyauntes fighting, ſtertlyng of Beaſts, ſwimming of fiſhes, and flying of foules, ſo liuely, that a man mighte wonder at the fine deuice.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, King Henry was noted not to bee ſo fauourable to the liberties and freedomes of the Church as he might haue bin, for beſides the per|ſecuting of the foreſaid Thomas Archbiſhoppe of Caunterbury, hee woulde not ſuffer the Legates ſent from the Pope, to enter within the bounds of his dominion, till they had ſworne that they ſhuld doe nothing preiudiciall to the cuſtomes of hys Kingdome, neyther by preſcribing orders, nor any other manner of acte or meanes. [...]is ngligence [...]aydyng the Chriſtians a| [...]inſt the [...]alens. Hee was thought to be negligent in ayding the Chriſtian common wealth in the holy land. For though hee hadde appoynted twice or thrice to goe thither in perſon, yet being letted by light occaſions he ſtay|ed at home, and ſente ſmall reliefe thither, though he was earneſtly called vpon for the ſame. Hys eſtimation was ſuch amongſt forraine Princes, that Phillip King of Fraunce beeing newly en|tred into the gouernemente of that Realme after his fathers deceſſe, committed himſelfe and hys Kingdome to the diſpoſition and order of Kyng Henry, as if he had bin regent of his Realme, and gouernour of his perſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There lyued in the dayes of this King Henry the ſeconde, diuers honorable perſonages & Cap|taynes of great fame for their approoued valian|cie and experience in warlike enterpriſes, as Ro|berte Earle of Leiceſter, Hugh Biger Earle of Northfolke, Reginald Earle of Cornewale, Ro|bert Ferers Earle of Derby, Richard Lacy, Ro|ger Mowbray, Raufe de Fulgiers, Humfrey Bohun Conneſtable of England, Ranulf Glan|deuille, William Veſcy, and Bernard de Balli|ol. [...]le. Alſo there flouriſhed in his time heere in thys land, men of ſingular learning in artes and ſcien|ces, as Nicholas Breakeſpeare; Serlo ſurnamed Grammaticus, William Rheualenſis. Adam de Eueſham, Thomas of Munmouth, Adelbertus Leuita, Geruaſius Ciceſtrenſis, Odo Cãtianus, Ealred Rhieuellenſis, Iohannes Sariſburienſis, Clemens Lanthonienſis, Walter Daniel, Ro|bert Knought alias Camtus, Roberte Folioth, William Ramſey, Senatus Brauonus, Robert the Scribe, Odo Miremuth, Hugh of Readyng, Richard of Douer, Williã of Peterburgh, Cicer|cienſis, Bartholmew Iſcanus, and Gilberte de Sempringham with other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And heere to make an ende with this high and mighty Prince Henry the ſecõd, I haue thought good to make you partaker of an Epitaph, which wee fynde in Mathew Paris and others written of hym as followeth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

An Epitaph of King Henry the ſeconde.

REx Henricus eram, mihi plurima regnã ſubegi,
Multiplici modo dux comeſ fui,
Cui ſatis ad votum, non eſſent omnia terrae
Climata, terra modò ſufficit octo pedum:
Qui legis haec penſa, diſcrimina mortis & indè,
Humanae ſpecula conditionis habe.
Quod potes inſtanter operate bonum, quia mundus
Tranſit, & incautos mors inopina rapit.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An other.

TVmuli regis ſuperſcriptio breuis exornat,
Sufficit hic tumulus, cui non ſufficerat orbis,
Res breuis eſt ampla, cui fuit ampla breuis.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The firſt is thus Engliſhed.

OF late King Henry was my name,I. H.
whiche conquerde many a lande,
And diuers Dukedomes did poſſeſſe,
and Earledomes held in hande.
And yet while all the earth could ſcarce,
my greedy mind ſuffice,
Eight foote within the ground now ſerues,
wherein my carcas lyes.
Now thou that readeſt this, note well
my force with force of death,
And let that ſerue to ſhew the ſtate,
of all that yeeldeth breath.
Do good then here, foreſlowe no time,
caſt off all worldly cares,
For brittle world full ſoone doth fayle,
and death doth ſtrike vnwares.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The other thus.

SMall Epitaph now ſerues, to decke
this tombe of ſtately King,L. H.
And he who whilome thought whole earth
could ſcarce his minde content,
In little roome hath roome at large,
that ſerues now life is ſpente.

1.6. Richarde the firſte.

EEBO page image 474

Richarde the firſte.

[figure appears here on page 474]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. reg. 1. _RIcharde the firſte of that name, and ſeconde ſonne of Henry the ſecond, be|ganne hys raigne ouer England the ſixth day of Iuly, in the yeare of oure Lord.1189 1189. in the ſeuen and thirtith yeare of the Emperour Frederick the firſt, in the eleuenth yere of the raigne of the ſecond Phillip K. of Fraunce,VVil. Par. and Kyng William ſurnamed the Lion, as yet liuing in the gouernement of Scotland.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This Richard immediately after the ſolemni|ties of his fathers funerals were ended, made haſt to Rouen, where hee was ioyfully receyued, and proclaymed Duke of Normandy,Mat. Par. receyuing the inueſture according to the cuſtome, on the twen|tith day of Iuly. Then ſtudying to ſet all thyngs in good order on that ſide ye Sea, he maketh ſearch where his fathers treaſures were preſerued, and therevppon attached Stephen de Turnham,Stephen de Turnham committed to priſon. the whiche was Seneſhall or gouernour (as we may cal him) of Aniou, and committing him to priſon, cõpelled him to make deliuery of all ſuch ſummes of money as he had hidde and layde vp in certaine Caſtels by the commandement of the late Kyng his father. Whileſt he was thus occupied,Mat. Paris. Polidor. his bro|ther Iohn commeth to him, whome hee ioyfully welcommeth, & beſides al other things whiche his father had bequeathed vnto him by his teſtamente in Englãd, amounting to ye value of four M. lb. of yerely rent, with ye Erledome of Morteigne, he procured a mariage for him being now a Wido|wer) for his further aduauncement with the Lady [figure appears here on page 474] Iſabell,

Iſabel daugh|ter to the Erle of Glowceſter, married to Iohn the kings brother. She is named by diuerſe Au|thors Hau [...]ſia.

Mat. Paris. Rog. Houed.

daughter to Robert Erle of Glowceſter, which Erle, had appoynted ye ſaid Iohn to be hys heire as before is mentioned, although Baldwine the Archbiſhop of Canterbury forbad ye mariage, bycauſe they were couſins in the thirde degree of conſanguinitie. To Robert Erle of Leiceſter al|ſo, he reſtored al his lands which had bin taken frõ him, and ſuch perſons as his father had diſinheri|ted, he reſtored lykewiſe to their former rightes & poſſeſſions, howbeit thoſe that had forſaken hys father and taken part with him againſt his ſayde father, he ſeemed now ſo much to miſlike, that hee remoued them vtterly from his preſence, and con|trariwiſe preferred ſuch as had continued faythful vnto his father in time of the troubles.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Mat. ParisAt lẽgth, King Richard remembring himſelfe of his mother Queene Eleanor, which had beene ſeparated from the bed of hir huſband for the ſpace of ſixteene yeres, and was as yet deteyned in pri|ſon in Englande, wrote his letters vnto the Ru|lers of the Realme,The King mother ſet at libertie. commaunding them to ſet hir agayne at libertie, and withall appoynted hir by his letters patẽts, to take vpon hir the whole go|uernement of the Kingdome in his abſence. The Queene being thus deliuered, and hauing nowe the chiefe authoritie and rule in hir hands ſhe rode in progreſſe about the Realme, to ſee ye eſtate ther|of, and as ſhee paſſed frõ place to place, ſhe ſhewed gladſome countenance to the people whereſoeuer ſhe became, doing alſo what ſhe could to pleaſure thẽ, that ſhe might therby win their good willes to hir, and to hir ſonne: but ſpecially remembring EEBO page image 475 by hir late experience and taſt thereof what an irkſome and moſt greeuous thing impriſonmente was, ſhe cauſed the iayles to be opened, and forth|with ſet no ſmall number of priſoners at libertie by the way as ſhe paſſed through the coũtreys, ac|cording to the verſe of Virgill.

Compare 1587 edition: 1
Non ignara mali miſeris ſuceurrere diſco.

Which may be thus engliſhed.

By proofe earſt had of others ill,
Their woe, to eaſe I learne the skill.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane time, King Richard concluding a league with Phillippe King of Fraunce, recey|ueth all thoſe places againe which were taken frõ his father by the ſame Phillip, togither with his wife Adela, whom vpon ſuſpition that ſhe had bin diſhoneſted in hir perſon before, without any ſuf|ficient proofe therof had, he forſaketh, & ſendeth hir home with hir dower and otherwiſe with greate and princely giftes, moſt bountifully enriched (ha|uing already concluded a marriage with the La|dy Berengaria, daughter to Garſias Kyng of Nauarre, who was ſente into Sicill vnto hir ſy|ſter Ioane, that hee mighte marry hir, there as hee paſſed that way toward the holy lande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt theſe things paſſed thus in theſe par|ties, the Chriſtians in the holy land dayly ſent hi|ther for ayde, whervpon the two Kings of Frãce and Englande tooke counſell togither, and deter|mined with all conueniente ſpeede to ioyne theyr powers,

[...]e two kings Englãd and [...]nce deter| [...]ne to go in| [...] the holy [...]de.

Southham| [...] the xii. of [...]guſt hath [...]. Dor

and with Shippes prepared for that pur|poſe to ſayle into Siria. And hauing thus, conclu|ded, they goe about to prepare themſelues of ne|ceſſary prouiſion for ſo long a iourney. King Ri|chard hauing thus ordred his affayres in Nor|mandy and Fraunce, commeth ouer into Eng|land, landing at Porteſmouth the thirteenth of [figure appears here on page 475] Auguſt. With hym alſo came his brother Iohn, vnto whome hee aſſigned the Caſtels of Marle|bridge, [...]. Houed. [...]th. Paris. Lutegareſhal, Peake, Bolleſour, the honor of Walingford, Tikehill and Eye, with the Erle|domes of Mortaigne, Dorſet, Somerſet, Not|tingham, Derby, Deuonſhire, and Cornewall, with the Earledome of Lancaſter, entitling hym Earle of the ſame, whereby hee was ſo exalted in ſtate and degree, that hee ſeemed in manner of a Tetrarke, hauing as it were a fourth part of the Realme in gouernaunce: but yet the Kyng helde ſome of the Caſtels (in thoſe Counties and ho|nors thus giuen to his brother) in his own hands.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, vnto William Marſhall he gaue in marriage the daughter of Richard Erle of Chep|ſtow, togither with the Earledome which hir fa|ther poſſeſſed, and to Gilbert Fitz Roger the ſon of Ramfrey, he gaue the daughter of William de Loncaſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After he was landed as before ye haue heard, he haſted to Wincheſter, where his mother Queene Eleanor, with the moſt part of the Engliſh nobi|lite, hadde layne a good ſpace to attende his com|ming, and there on the euen of the aſſumption of our Lady, the King was by them receyued with great ioy and triumph.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Heere is to bee noted, that whileſt the Queene and Lordes lay in Wincheſter wayting for the Kings arriuall, Geffrey Riddle the Biſhop of E|ly departed this life. Hee is named by Geruaſius Dorobernenſis the proude Biſhop of Ely: but hee might rather haue named him the rich Biſhoppe, for he left in his cofers no ſmall quantitie of trea|ſure, of the which three thouſand and two hũdred marks, came to the Kings part towards the char|ges of his coronation. It is no maruell although Geruaſius ſpake ſomewhat in his diſprayſe: for as he himſelfe confeſſeth, he was no friend but an enemie to Monkes. But to let this paſſe, ſoone af|ter the Kings comming into Englande, hee was enformed that the Welchmẽ had broken into the Engliſh marches, and deſtroyed certain townes, to repreſſe whoſe preſumptuous attẽptes he made towards them, but was yet ſtayed for that tyme,His fathers treaſure. and reuoked by his mother. At Saliſburie he foũd his fathers treaſure, highly reioycing for that the ſumme was farre greater than he thought it wold haue prooued, beſides the precious ſtones, appar|rell, and iewels. It was reported he hadde here the ſumme of nine hundred thouſand poundes in rea|dy Coyne. With this good happe, King Richard not a little aduaunced,

Rog. Houedẽ. Gau. Vinſaf. Nic. Triuet.

The ſeconde of September hath Geruaſi.

came to London on ye firſt of September, where he had appoynted prouiſion to be made for his Coronation, and ſo calling a Counſell of the Nobles of the Realme, he recey|ued the Crowne with all due and accuſtomed ſo|lemnitie, by the handes of Baldwin the Archby|ſhop of Canterbury, the thirde daye of Septem|ber. After this manner, firſt the Archbiſhoppes of Caunterbury, Roan, Trier, and Dublin,

The order of his Coronatiõ

Mat. Par.

whych were preſent, with all the other Biſhops, Abbots and Cleargie, apparelled in rich Coapes, and ha|uing the Croſſe, holy water and Cenſures carried EEBO page image 476 afore them, came to fetch him vnto the dore of his priuie chamber, and there receyuing him, they led him vnto ye Church at Weſtminſter, till he came before the high aulter with a ſolemne proceſſion. In the middle of the Biſhops and Cleargie went four Barons, bearing Candleſtickes with tapers, after whome came Geffrey de Lucy bearing the cappe of maintenance,Rog. Houe. and Iohn Mareſhall next to him, bearing a paire of ſpurres of golde, greate and maſſiue, then followed William Marſhall Earle of Striguill, alias Pembroke, who bare the regall Scepter, in the toppe whereof was ſette a croſſe of golde: and William de Patrice Earle of Saliſbury going next him, bare ye warder or rod, hauing on the top therof a doue. Then came three other Earles, Dauid brother to ye K. of Scottes, Earle of Huntington, Iohn the Kings brother Earle of Mortaing, and Roberte Earle of Leice|ſter, each of them bearing a ſword vpright in hys hand with the ſcabberdes richly trimmed, and a|dorned with golde. The Erle of Mortaing went in the middeſt betwixt the other two. After them followed ſixe Earles & Barons, bearing a Chec|ker table, vpõ the which was ſet the Kings Sco|chens of armes,Rog. Houedẽ. and then folowed William Mã|deuill Earle of Albemarle, bearing a Crowne of golde a greate height before the K. who follo|wed the ſame, hauing Hugh Biſhop of Durham on the right hand, and Reginald Biſhop of Bath on the left, ouer whom a Canapie was borne, and in this order he came into the Churche at Weſt|minſter, where before the high Aulter in the pre|ſence of the Cleargie, and the people, laying hys hande vpon the holy Euangeliſtes and the relikes of certaine Sainctes, he tooke a ſolemne oth,His othe. that hee ſhoulde obſerue all the dayes of his life, peace, honoure, and reuerence to almighty God, to hys Churche, and to the miniſters of the ſame. Alſo yt he ſhould exerciſe vpright iuſtice to the people cõ|mitted to his charge and that he ſhould abrogate and diſanull all euil lawes & wrongful cuſtomes, if any were to be found within the precinct of thys Realme, and mainteyne thoſe that were good and laudable. This done, he put off all his garmentes from the middle vpwards, his ſhirt excepted, whi|che was open on the ſhoulders, that he myght bee annoynted. The Archbiſhop of Canterbury an|noynted him then in three places, that is to wit, on the head, on the ſhoulders, & on the right arme, with prayers in ſuch caſe accuſtomed. After thys, he couered his head with a linnen cloth hallowed, and ſet his cappe aloft thereon, and then when he had put on his royall garmentes and vppermoſt robe, the Archbiſhop tooke to him the ſword wher|with hee ſhoulde beate downe the enimies of the Church: which done, two Earles put his ſhowes vppon his feete, and hauing his mantell putte on him, the Archbiſhop forbad him on the behalfe of Almighty God, not to preſume to take vpon hym this dignitie, except hee faithfully meante to per|forme thoſe things whiche he had there ſworne to performe. Whervnto the K. made aunſwere, that by Gods grace he woulde performe them. Then the King tooke the Crowne beſide the Aulter, and deliuered it to the Archbiſhop, the which he ſet vp|pon the Kings head, deliuering to him the Scep|ter [figure appears here on page 476] to hold in his right hande, and the rod Royall in his left hand, and thus being Crowned, he was brought backe by the Biſhops and Barons, with the Croſſe and Candleſtickes, and three ſwordes paſſing foorth before him vnto his ſeate. Whẽ the Biſhop that ſang the Maſſe came to the offertory, ye two Biſhops that brought him to the Churche, led him to the Aulter, and brought him backe a|gaine. Finally when Maſſe was done, and all things ended in order as was requiſite, hee was brought with ſolemne Proceſſion into his cham|ber, where he put off his heauie rich apparell, and EEBO page image 477 put on a Crowne and other garments more ligh|ter and eaſie, and ſo went to dinner, whereat wan|ted no ſtore of meates and drinkes, whiche were ſerued forth in moſt princely and bountifull wiſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 VVi. Paruus.Vpon this day of King Richards Coronatiõ, the Iewes yt dwelt in Londõ and in other parties of the Realm, being there aſſembled, had but ſory hap, as it chanced, for they meaning to honor the ſame Coronation with their preſence, and to pre|ſent to the K. ſome honorable gift,The Iewes meant to pre| [...]ent him with [...] rich gifte. whereby they might declare themſelues glad for his aduaunce|ment, and procure his friendſhip toward them, for the confirming of their priuiledges and liberties, according to the grauntes and charters made to them by the former Kings, King Richard of a zelous minde to Chriſtes Religion,Math. Paris. abhorring their nation (and doubting ſome ſorcerie by them to be practiſed) commaunded that they ſhould not come within the Church when he ſhould receyue the Crowne, nor within the Palace whileſt hee was at dinner. But at dinner time, among other that preſſed in at the Palace gate, diuers of the Iewes were about to thruſt in, till one of them was ſtriken by a Chriſtiã,A Iew ſtriken. who alledging ye kings commaundement, kept them backe from cõming within the Palace, which ſome of the vnruly peo|ple perceyuing, and ſuppoſing it had bin done by ye kings commaundement, tooke lightly occaſion heereof, and falling vpon the Iewes with ſtaues,The people fall vpon the Iewes and beate them. battes and ſtones, beate them and chaſed them home to their houſes and lodgings. Herewith roſe a rumor through the Citie, that the K. had com|maunded the Iewes to be deſtroyed, and there|vppon came running togither, to aſſault them in their houſes, whiche when they coulde not eaſily breake vp nor enter by reaſon ye ſame were ſtrõg|ly builded they ſet fire on thẽ, ſo that diuers hou|ſes were conſumed, not only of the Iewes,Their houſes are ſet on fire. but al|ſo of their neighbours, ſo hideous was the rage of the fire.

[figure appears here on page 477]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The K. being aduertiſed of this riotous attẽpt of the outragious people, ſent ſome of his Coun|ſellours, as Raufe de Glaunduile Lord Iuſtice, and other officers to appeaſe the tumulte: but their authoritie was nothing regarded, nor their per|ſwaſions any thing heeded, but their threatnings rather brought themſelues in daunger of lyfe a|mong the rude ſorte of thoſe that were about to ſpoyle, robbe, and ſacke the houſes and ſhoppes of the Iewes, to the better accompliſhment of which their vnlawfull acte, the light that the fire of thoſe houſes that brẽned, gaue after it was once night, did miniſter no ſmall help and occaſion of furthe|rance. [...]ewes brent [...]o death. The Iewes that were in thoſe houſes that were ſet on fire, were either ſmoldred and brenned to deathe within, or elſe at their comming foorthe moſt cruelly receiued vpon the poyntes of ſpeares, billes, ſwordes & gleaues of their aduerſaries that watched for them very diligẽtly. This wood rage of the furious and diſordred people, continued frõ the middeſt of the one day, till two of the clocke on the other, the commons all that while neuer ceaſ|ſing their fury againſt ye nation, but ſtil killing thẽ as they met with any of them, in moſt horrible, raſh & vnreaſonable maner. At length, rather we|ried with their cruell doings, than ſatiſfied with ſpoyle, or moued with reſpect of reaſon or reuerẽce of their Prince, they withdrewe themſelues from their riotous enterpriſe after they had executed ma+ny vnlawfull & horrible enormities ſo great a riot wel deſerued ſore & greeuous puniſhment, but yet it paſſed ouer without correction, in reſpect of the great number of the trãſgreſſors, and for that the moſt part of mẽ for the hatred generally cõceiued againſt obſtinate frowardnes of ye Iewes, liked ye doings hereof well ynough, interpriting it to be a good token yt the ioyfull day of ye kings aduance|mẽt to ye Crown ſhuld be doleful to the Iewes in EEBO page image 478 than to ſuch ſlaughter and deſtruction.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Finally, after that the tumult was ceaſſed, the King commaunded that no man ſhould hurte or harme any of the Iewes, and ſo they were reſto|red to peace after they had ſuſteyned infinite do|mage.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after, to witte,A Counſell [...] Pipewell. the fifteenth daye of September, a Counſell was holden at Pipewell, [figure appears here on page 478] where the Biſhoppes and Abbots beeing aſſem|bled, there were in preſence of the king and of the Archebiſhoppe of Canterburye elected certayne Biſhops and Abbots to ſuche places as then were vacant: and amongeſt other, William de Long|champe the kings Chancellor was elected to the ſea of Elye,VVi. Paruus. Geffrey the kings baſtarde brother vnto the Archbiſhoprike of Yorke, who was the xxxij. in number that hadde gouerned the ſame, Geffreye de Lucy to Wincheſter, one Huberte Walter to Saliſburye, and Richard Archdea|con of Elye, and the kings Treaſorer to the ſea of London. The Abbeys that were prouided of Abbots were theſe, Glaſtenbury, Shirborne, Per|fore and Feuerſham.The Biſhop of Whiterne conſecrate [...]. In lyke maner, Iohn the e|lect of Whiterne, was conſecrated Biſhop of that ſea by the handes of the Archbiſhop of Dublyn. Alſo in this Councell the kyng ordeyned Hughe Biſhop of Durham,Rog. Houed. and William Mandeville Earle of Albemarle, Lord chiefe Iuſtices of En|gland, hauing depoſed Ranulf de Glanuille from that roomth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, the king being thus eſtabliſhed in the eſtate of the kingdome did not forget his ior|ney which he had promiſed into the holy land, but with all diligence made his prouiſion, and name|ly he ſought to gather money to furniſh his char|ges, and ſo therevpon leuied a taxe, engaged ſold, and let to ferme his lãds, his tolles, his cuſtomes, and other his reuenewes, with certayne counties and offices, ſo that he made an exceeding ſumme of money.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Math. Paris.He alſo found, that Ranulfe de Glanuile Lord chiefe Iuſtice, and other of the head magiſtrates had not borne themſelues vprightly in the admi|niſtration of their offices, ſo that hee both depoſed the ſayd Lord chiefe Iuſtice as is aforeſayd, and almoſt all the Sheriffes and their deputies with in the Realm of England, putting them to gree|uous fynes for their offences and tranſgreſſions, and ſo by that meanes hee gotte no ſmall deale of money. Heere note by the way,VVil. Par. how William Parvus affirmeth, that where this Ranulfe Glã|uille being a man of high wiſedome and ſtept in|to age, ſawe that many things were done by the new King, not ſo aduiſedly, nor with ſuche fore|ſight, as they ought to be, ſought of his owne ac|cord to be diſcharged of his office, that he myghte the better prepare himſelfe to goe in that iourney to the holy land, as by taking vpon him the croſſe he had vowed in the dayes of King Henry, and ſo he ſolemnly renounced his office, which other no|thing ſo worthie of, it did afterwards enioy.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, the King vnderſtãding that Hugh Putſey or Pudſey Biſhop of Durham, beeyng a very aged man, had muche money, he ſold to hym the manor of Seggeſfielde or Sadberg, with the wapentake belonging to the ſame, and alſo found meanes, to perſwade him to buy his owne Pro|uince, which he did, giuing to the King an ineſti|mable ſumme of money, and was therevpon cre|ated an Erle by the King for the ſame:The Biſhop of Durham. Sadberge. The Biſhop Durham [...] an Earle. wherevp|pon he was entitled both Biſhoppe and Earle of Durham, whereat the Kyng woulde ieſt after|wards and ſay, what a cunning craftes man am I, that haue made a newe Earle of an olde By|ſhoppe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, the ſame Biſhop gaue to the kyng EEBO page image 479 a thouſande markes to be made chiefe Iuſtice of England, and that he mighte tarry at home, and not goe into the holy land, and bycauſe he would not be reprooued of any perſon, he obteyned of the Apoſtolike See (whiche fayleth no man that is ſurcharged with white or red mettall, and would be eaſed) a licence for a ſumme of money to be diſ|penſed with for that iourney. The King thus beeyng earneſtly about to make chieuauncie of thoſe things, for the which he might get any mo|ney at all,

[...]e citezens [...] London pre [...]t money to [...]e king.


the Citizens of London preſented vn|to him a greate ſumme towardes the furniſhyng foorth of his enterpriſe. Wherevpon the Kyng to acquite their courteſie, graunted them large priui|leges, [...]berties gran+ [...] to London and ordeyned that the Citie ſhoulde bee ru|led by two head officers, which they ſhould chooſe amongſt themſelues remoueable from yeare to yeare by the name of Baylifes. [...]wo bayliffs. The names of the two firſte Baylifes choſen by force of that ordy|nance, were Henry Cornehill, and Richard Fitz Reyner.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Citie before thoſe dayes euer ſith the comming in of William Cõquerour, and a good while before his time, [...]rte grenes. was gouerned by certayne officers or rulers named Port Greues (whiche worde is deriued of two Saxon words, as Porte & Greue, Port is as much to meane as a towne, and Greue a gardeyne or a ruler, as who ſhoulde ſay a keeper or a ruler of a Towne.) Theſe ru|lers with the lawes and cuſtomes then vſed with|in this Citie in olde time, were regiſtred in a booke called (as ſome haue ſayd) domeſday, but through negligence after theſe lawes and cuſtomes were chaunged and altred, the booke was loſt, ſo that the remembraunce of ſuche rulers as were before the dayes of this Richarde the firſte, are not to bee had.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe Baylifes euer entred at Michalmas, and ſo continued foorth their yeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus began the citie nowe firſt to receyue the forme and ſtate of a common wealthe, and to bee deuided into felowſhippes whych they cal craftes. Such alſo are admitted to the felowſhips of theſe companies, [...]prentices. as haue truely ſerued as apprentices a certaine number of yeares, as ſeauen at the leaſt, vnder which time of ſeruice expired, there is no [...] made free, nor ſuffred to enioy the liberties of that Citie, [...]emen. ſauing ſuch as are borne free, that is to ſay, of freemen within the Citie, of whome at thys time, it is not muche materiall to make any fur|ther report.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Citie thus conſiſting of the ſayd craftes, chooſeth out of the ſame a Senate or compa|ny of graue councellors, whome they name Al|dermen, the .E. changed into. A. according to the olde Saxon pronunciation. [...]ardes. It is alſo deuided in|to. 26. tribes or wardes, of the whiche euery one hath his ſeueral Alderman, or ouerſeer, who haue both authoritie ſufficiente, and large priuileges to mainteyne the good gouernement of their portions withall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Out of the number of theſe, there is ano|ther officer yearely choſen and appoynted, called the Maior, who ruleth all the reſt.The Maior.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 But now to returne vnto the further doings of K. Richard before his departure out of England towards his iourney into the lande of Paleſtine, commonly called holy lãd, it is ſaid, he made ſuch ſales of things apperteyning to hym, as well in right of the Crowne, as otherwiſe, that it ſeemed to diuers, how he made his reconing neuer to re|turne againe, in ſo much, that ſome of his Coun|cellors told him playnely, that hee did not well in ſetting things away ſo freely, to the diſhonoryng of his maieſtie, and preiudice of his ſucceſſor,

King Richard ſetteth things things on ſale.

Ran. Higd. VVil. Par.

vnto whome hee aunſwered, that in time of neede it was no euill policie for a man to helpe himſelfe with his owne, and further ioyned herr to theſe words that if Londõ at that time of neede would be bought, he would ſurely ſel it if he might meete with a cõueniẽt Marchant that were able to gyue him money inough for it. Another way he hadde alſo to gather riches, and that was this. He hadde a licence of Pope innocente the thirde to diſpence with ſuche as pleaſed him within his Realme, for their vowes made to goe into the holy lande, al|though they hadde taken on them the Croſſe for that purpoſe, namely ſuch as he ſhould appoint to remayne behynd him for the defence of his coun|trey: and of theſe alſo hee tooke abundantly, and dyuers other hee compelled to fyne, namely, to the ende that hee mighte get theyr money like|wiſe, that heereby, hee obteyned no ſmall ſumme towarde the furniture of his iourney.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thys yeare alſo in the moneth of Nouem|ber, as Mathewe Paris hathe, Iohannes de Anagnia a Cardinall and Legate from the Pope arriued heere in Englande, commyng a land at [figure appears here on page 479] EEBO page image 480 Douer, and bycauſe the King was as then in the North parts, the ſame Cardinall was prohibited on the behalfe of the Kings mother Queene E|leanor, to paſſe any further without the Kyngs commaundement. And ſo he ſtayed there thirtene dayes at the charges of the Archbiſhop of Caun|terbury, till the King came into thoſe parties, by whoſe wiſedome, a direction was taken for the quieting of the controuerſie betwixt the Archby|ſhoppe, and the Monkes of Caunterbury for the Chappell Church of Hakinton now called Saint Stephens.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the ſame moneth of Nouember,Rog. Ho [...] by ye kings appoyntmente, the electe of Yorke Geffrey that was the Kings brother,William [...] of Scottes. with other Barons and Lords of Yorkſhire, receyued William Kyng of Scotlande at the water of Tweede, and from thence with all due reuerence and honor, they broughte hym vnto Caunterbury,A Counſell called at Caunterbu [...] where the King had called a Counſell of the Lordes of hys [figure appears here on page 480] Realme both ſpirituall and temporall in the whi|che,


An othe.

Mat. Par.

euery of them tooke an othe to be true to the Kyng, and to continue in due obedience vnder him and his lawes, whiche othe alſo the Kyng of Scottes receyued, being there preſente, and lyke|wiſe King Richardes breethren Earle Iohn and Geffrey the Archbyſhop of Yorke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Math. Paris. Polidor.The Kyng of Scottes therefore hauyng re|ceyued this othe, and thynkyng the tyme to ſerue hys purpoſe for redeemyng of thoſe Caſtels whi|che were deliuered to King Henry as guages for his raunſome, payde now vnto Kyng Rycharde tenne thouſand markes, and hadde reſtitution of the ſame,

Reſtitution made to the K. of Scottes.

VVil. Par.

that is to witte, of Berwike, Roxburgh, Sterling, and Edenburgh. But William Par|vus ſayeth, that Edenburgh was reſtored to him in the dayes of King Henry, by reaſon of his wife whiche he tooke of the parties of beyonde the Sea: and heerewith agreeth the Scottiſhe Chronicle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Kyng Richarde alſo aſſigned to Queene E|leanor hys mother, the accuſtomed dower, with many Lordſhippes and honors beſide, as an aug|mentation thereof.Rog. Houed. About which tyme dyed Wil|liam de Maundeuille Earle of Albemarle at Rouen, and Hugh de Putſey the nephew of the Biſhoppe of Durham, dyed at Aclet, and was buryed at Durham.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Alſo Formalis Archbiſhoppe of Trier dyed at Northampton,Nic. Tr [...] and was there buried in the Church of S. Androwes. In the meane tyme, Kyng Richard ſtill deſirous to furniſhe himſelfe of money, deuiſed yet another ſhift, and feigned that hee hadde loſt his ſeale, wherefore hee com|maunded a new to be made, which being done, he commaunded it to bee proclaymed and publiſhed in euery countrey, that thoſe to whome hee hadde graunted any thing by his deede or charter,Mat. Pa [...] mea|ning to enioy the ſame in ſuretie, ſhuld not thinke it muche to come and haue it confirmed by his new ſeale, leaſt afterwarde the other beeing loſt, their lawfull titles might be called into queſtion. Wherevppon many that could not come to hym whileſt he was in England, were glad to followe him and to ſayle ouer into Normandy, and there to fyne at his pleaſure for the newe ſeale, to the ende that their writings mighte bee confirmed thereby, and made ſo much the more ſure to them and their ſucceſſors. For the ſame buſineſſe al|ſo, Remigius the Prior of S. Albons, and many other went ouer to their great coſtes, charges, and trauel, after he was tranſported ouer into France.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 I fynde moreouer, about the ſame tyme that the kings brother Erle Iohn exhibited a ſore cõ|plainte before the Romaine Legate and other EEBO page image 481 Biſhops, for that the Archbiſhop of Canterbu|rye after the appeale made vnto the Apoſtolike ſea, had put his landes vnder interdiction for hys mariage made wyth the Earle of Glouceſters daughter: whiche when the Legate hearde, hee foorthewith confirmed the appeale, and releaſſed the Earles landes of the aforeſayde interdiction. The ſame tyme alſo, the tenth part of at the mo|uable goodes thorough the realme of Englande was leuyed to the ayde of the warres in the holy land. And this collection, paſſing vnder the name of an Almes, was extended vpon the goodes as well of the ſpirituall men as temporall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After all thys, Kyng Richarde deſyrous to ſette order in the gouernemente of his Realme,

Hughe bishop of Durham go|uerneth the north partes.

Math. Paris.

appoynted Hugh biſhoppe of Durham to haue the rule of the Northe parties as chiefe Iuſtice from Humber northwardes towarde Scotland, delyuering vnto him alſo the keepyng of Wyn|cheſter Caſtell: the reſidue of the kingdom (with the cuſtodie of the Towre) he aſſigned to the go|uernaunce of William Longchampe Biſhop of Elye,VVilliã Long|champe bishop of Elye. whome he had made chiefe Iuſtice of that parte, and Chauncellour of the realme, a man of gret diligence and knowledge in the admini|ſtration of thinges, but verie factious and deſy|rous of rule, honoure and riches farre aboue all meaſure. And with theſe .ij. biſhops he ioyned in commiſſion Hughe Bardulfe, William Mar|ſhall Earle of Chepſtow, or rather Pembrooke, Geffrey Fitz Peter, and William Brewer, men of great honour, wyſedome, and diſcretion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

Rog. Houed.

King Richarde paſſeth ouer in to Normandie.

On the fifth daye of December, he departed from Canterbury, and went to Douer, there to take the water, and ſo on the eleuẽth day of De|cẽber, he paſſed ouer vnto Caleys, wher he found Philippe Earle of Flaunders readie to receyue hym, who attended vppon him tyll he came into Normandie, where the kyng helde his Chriſt|maſſe at Burun, & immediately he came to an enterviewe with the French king at Eue S. Re|mye,


Vadum ſancti Remigit.

A league be|tvvixt the kin|ges of England and Fraunce.

where they concluded a peace together, to bee kepte betwixte them and their countreys on eche parte, the whiche was put in writyng, and confirmed with their othes and ſeales in the feaſt of Saincte Hillarye.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And furthermore, aboute the Purification of our Ladye, Eleanor the Queene mother, and the Lady Alice ſiſter to the French kyng,Rog. Houede. Bald|wyne the Archebiſhop of Canterbury, Iohn bi|ſhoppe of Norwiche, Hugh Biſhop of Dur|ham, Geffrey Byſhoppe of Wyncheſter, Regi|nalde Biſhoppe of Bathe, William Biſhoppe of Elye, Huberte Biſhoppe of Saliſburye, and Hugh Biſhoppe of Cheſter, with Geffreye the electe of Yorke, and Iohn Earle of Mortaigne the kynges two bretherne, by commaundement of the Kyng paſſed ouer into Normandye, to commen with him before his ſetting forwarde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Some write, that nowe at this preſente, the Kyng ſhoulde ordeyne or rather confirme the Biſhoppe of Elye his Chauncellour to be Lorde chiefe Iuſtice ouer all Englande, and the biſhop of Durham to bee. Lorde Iuſtice from Trente Northwardes. But when ſoeuer they were thus aduaunced to ſuche dignities,Contẽtion be|tvvixte tvvo ambitious By|shops. true it is that im|mediatly thervpon ſtryfe and diſcorde did aryſe betwixt them, contending which of them ſhuld bearemoſt rule & authoritie, in ſo muche yt what ſoeuer ſeemed good to the one, the other miſly|ked therof, as in caſes where parteners in autho|ritie are equall, it often hapneth: But thoſe con|trouerſies are nowe decided, and all matters be|tweene them, lykely hereafter to moue conten|tion, appeaſed by the king.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, at the ſame time he cauſed his two brethren, Earle Iohn and the Electe Archbiſhop of Yorke Geffrey to take an othe not to return into England during the terme of .iij. yeres next enſuing, without his conſent & licence firſt had.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This he didde, foreſeeing what myghte hap|pen, prouiding as it were agaynſte ſuche practi|ſes as his brethren might haply attempt againſt him. But yet his mother Queene Eleanor pro|cured him to reuoke that decree immediatly, leaſt it myght ſeeme to the world, that hir ſons ſhould ſtande in feare one of an other.Earle Iohn li|cenced to re|turne into En|glande. And ſo the Erle of Mortaigne was licenced to returne into En|gland at his pleaſure, ſwearing an othe at his de|parture to obey the kings pleaſure, and truly to ſerue hym, accordyng to the duetie of a good and loyal ſubiect. The Biſhop of Ely lord Chaun|cellor and chiefe Iuſtice of Englande was alſo ſent back hyther into this realme, to ſet forward thyngs behouefull for the kings iourney. And in like maner the king ſent to Rome to obteyn that the ſaid biſhop of Ely mighte be conſtituted the Popes Legate through bothe the Prouinces of Canterbury and Yorke,The bishop of of Elye retur|neth. and likewyſe thorough Wales and Ireland. Which was ſoone granted by the bulles of Pope Clement the third, bearing date the .v. of Iune. For the which office the Bi|ſhops gaue him .1500. markes, to the greate of|fence of the king, as he ſhewed afterward to Car+dinal Octauiã, ye came to viſit him when he arri|ued in the riuer of Tyber, being vpon his iorney towards Meſſina, as after may appere. But in ye mean time, calling togither ye lords & peeres of thoſe his dominions on ye ſide the ſea, to wit,Polidor. Nor+mãdie, Britain, Aniou, Poytou, & Guyen, he cõ|ſulteth with them what number of ſoldiors and howe many ſhippes it ſhould bee conuenient for hym to take with hym and furniſhe into Aſia: and herewith he dothe commaunde them alſo to obey Robert Earle of Leyceſter, whome he ap|pointed to remayn amongſt them as his Lieu|tenaunt EEBO page image 482 or vicegerent of thoſe parties during his abſence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But here to leaue king Richard in conſulta|tion for matters apertayning to his iourney, and ſhewe briefly what happened (by the way) to the Iewes, whiche as then dwelt here in Englande, after that king Richarde was paſſed ouer into Normandie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ye haue hearde alreadie howe after the ryotte committed againſte them at London,VVil. Paruus when the king was crowned, the king toke order that they ſhould remayn in peace vnder his protection, and commaunded that no perſon ſhoulde in any wiſe moleſt them. But nowe after that he was gone ouer, and that the Souldiours (whiche prepared themſelues to follow him) beganne to aſſemble in routes, the heades of the common people be|gan to waxe wylde,The hatred borne to the Ievves. and fayne would they haue had ſome occaſion of reyſing a newe tumulte a|gaynſt the Iewes, whome (for theyr vnmercy|full vſurye practiſed to the vndoyng of many an honeſt man) they moſte deadly hated, wyſhing moſt earneſtly their expulſion out of Englande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon by reaſon of a riot committed late|ly againſt them, at the towne of Linne in Nor|folke, where many of them were ſlayne, other people in other partyes of the Realme, takyng occaſion hereof, as if they hadde bin called vp by the ſounde of a bell or Trumpette, aroſe a|gaynſt them in thoſe Townes, where they had any habitations, and robbed and bet them after a diſordered and moſt riottous manner.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 As at Stanforde (on the fayre day in Lente) at Lyncolne, and at Yorke,Io. Taxter. in whiche Citie af|ter a number of them had bene beſieged certaine dayes within a towre of the kings (whither they fledde for ſuccour) one of their lerned gouernors cauſed foure hundred of their companie to con|ſente to haue their throates cut one at an others hands, he himſelf cutting his wiues throate firſt,Fiue hundred hath Ho [...]ede [...] and Taxter. [figure appears here on page 482] whoſename was Anna, thẽ his childrens, one af|ter an other, and laſt of all, ſlewe hymſelfe, one|ly rather than hee woulde fall into the handes of the Chriſtians, that hadde thus long beſieged them. The reſt perceyuing what the great Rab|bi had done, they ſet fire vpon all their goods and ſubſtance which they had gotten into the Tower with them, and ſo conſuming the ſame, woulde haue brente alſo the reſidue of their fellowes which would not agree to the Rabbies counſell, in the cruell murthering of themſelues, if they had not taken a ſtrong turret hard by within yt tower and defended themſelues both from the fyre, and crueltie of their brethren, who had made awaye themſelues in ſuche manner as I haue ſayd: and that to the number of foure hundred, or (as ſome write) fyue hundred at the leaſte.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the morowe, thoſe that were ſaued, cal|led out to the people, and not onely ſhewed how and after what ſorte their fellowes were diſpat|ched but alſo offred to bee baptyſed, and forſake theyr Iudaiſme, if they myght haue theyr liues ſaued from the imminent and preſent daunger wherein they ſawe themſelues to be wrapped, thorough the furie of the people. To be ſhort, thys thyng was graunted, and they came foorthe, howbrit they were no ſooner entred in|to the preaſe, but they were all ſlayne, and not one man of them preſerued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this alſo, the people ranne to the Cathe|drall Churche, and broke into thoſe places, where theyr bondes and oblygations laye, by the whyche they hadde dyuers of the Kynges ſubiectes bounde vnto them in moſte vncon|ſcionable ſorte, and for ſuche deteſtable vſurye, (as if the Authours that wryte therof were not of credite) would hardly be beleeued. All whyche Euydences or bondes they ſolemnely burned EEBO page image 483 in the myddeſt of the Churche. After whyche, eche went his way, the Souldiours to the king, and the commons to their houſes, and ſo was the Citie quieted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This hapned at Yorke on Palmſunday men, being the .xvij. of Marche: and vpon the .xv. of that moneth, thoſe that inhabited in the towne of Saint Edmunds Burye in Suffolke, were ſette vppon, and manie of them ſlayne. The reſidue that eſcaped, thorough the procuremenſe of the Abbotte then, named Sampſon, were expulſed, ſo that they neuer had anye dwellings there ſince that tyme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus were the Iewes vnmercyfully dealte with in all places in maner through this realme, the firſt beginning wherof chaunced at London (as before ye haue heard) and the next at Linne, of whiche I thinke it good to note ſome parte of the maner thereof, although briefly, and [...] to re|turne to my purpoſe agayne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The occaſion therfore of the tumult at Linne chaunced by this meanes: It fortuned that one of the Iewes there, was become a Chriſtian, wherwith thoſe of his nation were ſo moued, that they determined to kill hym where ſoeuer they might find him. And herevpon they ſette vppon him one day as he came by, through the ſtreates: he to eſcape their handes fled to the nexte churche, but his countreymen were ſo deſirous to execute theyr malicious purpoſe, that they followed him ſtill, and enforced themſelues to breake in|to the Churche vpon him. Heerewith the noyſe beeing rayſed by the Chriſtians that ſoughte to ſaue the conuerted Iewe, a number of mariners beeing forreyners, that were arriued there wyth their veſſells out of ſundrye partes, and dyuerſe alſo of the Towneſmen came to the reſkue, and ſetting vpon the Iewes, cauſed them to flee into their houſes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Towneſmen were not verie earneſt in purſuing of them, bicauſe of the kings proclama|tion and ordinaunce before tyme made in fauour of the Iewes:The ſlaughter made of the Ievves at Lyn. but the maryners followed them to theyr houſes, ſlewe diuers of them robbed and ſacked their goods, and finally ſet their dwellings on fyre, and ſo brente them vp altogither.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe Marriners beeing enryched wyth the ſpoyle of the Iewes goodes, and fearyng to bee called to accompte for their vnlawfull acte by the Kinges officers, gotte them foorthwith to ſhip|boorde, and hoyſting vp ſayles, departed with their ſhippes to the ſea, and ſo eſcaped the danger of that whiche might haue bene otherwyſe layde to their charge.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Townſmen being called to an accompt excuſed them ſelues by the Mariners, burde|ning them with all the faulte. But thoughe they of Lynne were thus excuſed, yet they of Yorke eſcaped not ſo eaſyly. For the Kyng bryng ad|uertiſed of ſuche outrage, done contrarie to the order of his Lawes and expreſie commaunde|ment, wrote ouer to the Biſhoppe of El [...]e hys Chauncellour, commaunding him to take cruel puniſhement of the offenders.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Biſhop with an armye wente to Yorke, but the chiefe authors of the ryot hearyng [...] his comming, fledde into Scotlande: yet the Biſhop at his comming to the Euie, cauſed earneſt in|quirie to bee made of the whole matter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The citezens excuſed themſelues, and [...] to proue that they were not of counſell with them that had cõmitted the ryot, neither had they [...]ydes nor cõforted thẽ therin in any maner of wiſe. And in deede the moſt part of thẽ that were the offen|ders, were of the coun [...] townes neere to the citie, with ſuch as wer [...] into [...] [...]nd, & now goneouer to the king, ſo that ve [...] [...] or none of the ſubſtantiall men of the Citie were founde to haue ioyned with them. Howbeit, this woulde not excuſe the Citizens, but that they were put to their fine by the ſ [...]te Biſhop,The Citizens of Yorke put to their fyne for the ſlaughter of the Ievves. [...]ery of them paying his portion according to [...] [...]o|wer and abilitie in ſubſtance, the common [...]rte of the poore people being pardoned, and not cal|led into iudgement, ſith the ringleaders were [...]led and gone out of the way.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now to return vnto the king, who in this meane time was very bulle to prouide all things neceſſarie to ſet forward on his iourney, his ſhip|pes whiche laye in the mouthe of the ryuer of Sayne, beyng readie to put off, he tooke order in many poyntes concerning the ſtate of the com|mon wealth on that ſide, and chiefely hee called to mynde, that it ſhould be a thyng neceſſarie for him, to name who ſhuld ſuccede him in the king|dome of Englande, if his chaunce ſhoulde not bee to returne agayne from ſo long and daunge|rous a iourney. He therfore named (as ſome ſup|poſe) his nephewe Arthure,Mat. VVest. the ſonne of his bro|ther Geffreye Duke of Britayne, to bee his ſuc|ceſſour in the Kingdome, a young manne of a lykely proofe and Princely towardneſſe, but not ordeyned by GOD to ſucceede ouer this king|dome.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the ſame tyme the Biſhoppe of Elye, Lorde Chauncellour and chiefe Iuſtice of En|glande, tooke vp to the kinges vſe, of euerye citie in England two Palfreys and two Sump|ter horſſes, and of euery Abbey one Palfrey, and one Sumpter horſe, and euery Manour within the Realme, founde alſo one Palfreye and one Sumpter horſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, the ſayde Biſhoppe of Elye deli|uered the gouernement of Yorkeſhire to his bro|ther Oſberte de Longchampe: And all thoſe Knyghtes of the ſayd ſhire, the whyche woulde EEBO page image 484 would not come to make aunſwere to the lawe vpon ſommons giuen them, hee cõmaunded to be apprehẽded and by & by laid in priſon. Alſo when the Biſhoppe of Durham was returned from the Kyng and come ouer into England to goe vnto his charge, at his meting with the lord Chance|lor at Bice notwithſtanding that he ſhewed him his letters patentes of the graunt made to him to be Iuſtice from Trent Northwarde) the ſayde Lorde Chancellor taking his iourney to South|well with hym,The Bishop of Durham re| [...]rayned of li| [...]ertie. there deteyned him as priſoner, till he had made ſurrender to him of the Caſtell of Wyndſore, and further had delyuered to him his ſonnes, Henrye de Putſey, and Gilbert de la Ley as pledges that he ſhould keepe the peace a|gaynſt the king and all his ſubiectes, vntill the ſaid Prince ſhould retourne from the holy lande. And ſo he was deliuered for that tyme, though ſhort|ly after, and whyleſt hee remayned at Houeden, there came to hym Oſberte de Longchanipe the Lord Chancellors brother, & William de Stute bille, the whiche cauſed the ſayd Biſhop to fynde ſufficient ſuretie that he ſhould not thence departe without the kings licence, or the Lorde Chancel|lours, ſo long as the king ſhould be abſent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon the Biſhop of Durham ſent know|ledge to the kyng howe and in what ſorte he had bin handled by the Chauncellour.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane tyme the king was gone into Gaſcoigne, where he beſieged a Caſtell that be|longed [figure appears here on page 484] to one William de Chiſi, and toke both the Caſtell and the owner,VVilliam de Chiſi. whome he cauſed to be hanged for the ſpoyles and robberies whiche hee had committed vpon Pilgrimes that paſſed by thoſe parties towarde Compoſtella, to viſite the bodie of Saint Iames.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, the king came backe vnto Chinon in Aniou, [...] kinges na| [...] is ſet foorth and there toke order for the ſettyng forth of his nauie by ſea, ouer which he appointed chiefe gouernours Gerarde Archbiſhop of Aux, Bernard biſhop of Baieux, Robert de Sablius, Richarde de Camville, [...]ion. Sab [...]olus, or Sabaille. and William de Forz de Vlerun, commaundyng all thoſe that ſhoulde paſſe foorth with his ſayde nauie to be obediente vnto theſe perſones as his deputies and lieute|nauntes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Herewith they were appointed to prouide vic|tuals to ſerue all thoſe that ſhoulde goe by ſea for the ſpace of threeſcore dayes,Polidor. the king alſo made the ſame tyme certaine ordinaunces to be obſer|ued among the ſeafaring men whiche tended to this effect:

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 [...]lcers of men.Firſt, that if any man chaunced to ſlea an o|ther on the ſhipbourde, he ſhould be bounde to the dead bodie, and ſo throwne into the ſea: ſecondly if he killed hym a lande, he ſhoulde yet be bounde to him as afore, and ſo buryed quicke together.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 Thirdly,Bravvlers. if any man ſhoulde be conuicted by lawfull witneſſe, that he drewe any weapon to ſtrike any other, or chaunced by ſtrikyng at any man to draw bloud of him that was ſmitten,Punishment in bloud dra [...] he ſhoulde loſe his hand. Fourthly if he gaue but a blowe with his fiſte without bloudſhedding, he ſhould be ſowſed .iij. ſeuerall times ouer head and eares, in the water. Fiftly,Reuliers. if any man reuiled an other, he ſhoulde for euery tyme ſo miſuſing him ſelfe, forfait an vnce of ſiluer. Sixtely, that if any man were taken with theft or pikerie, and thereof conuicted, hee ſhoulde haue his head polled,Thefts and pi+kerie. and hotte pitche powred vppon his pate, and vpon that, the feathers of ſome pillowe or Cuiſhion ſhaken alofte, that he myghte therby be knowne for a theef, and at the next arriuall of the ſhippes to any lande, be put for thof the company to ſeke his aduenture, without all hope of returne vnto his fellowes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And theſe were the Statutes whyche this famous Prince did enacte at the fyrſte for hys EEBO page image 485 Nauie, which ſithens that time haue bene very much enlarged. About the ſame tyme Iohn Bi|ſhop of Whiterne in Scotlande, Suſtragant to the Church of Yorke ordeyned Geffreye Arche|biſhoppe of Yorke,VVil. Paruus. Prieſt, and at the ſame ſea|ſon the election of ye ſame Geffrey was cõfirmed by Pope Clement, the whiche among other thin|ges that he wrote to the Chapiter of Yorke on his behalfe: In the ende he addeth theſe wordes:


We doe therefore admoniſhe you all, and by the Apoſtolicall Bulles commaunde you, that you exhibite bothe reuerence and honoure vnto him as vnto your Prelate, that thereby you may ap|peare commendable dothe before God and man.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whyleſt theſe thynges were in doing, there came into Fraunce Legates from the ſayde Cle|mente to moue the two kyngs to make all the ſpeede poſſible towardes their iourney, bycauſe of the greate daunger where in things ſtoode in Pa|leſtine, requiring preſent helpe. Herevpon K. Ri|charde (his men and prouiſion being ready) com|maunded that his ſhippes ſhuld ſet forwarde, and to caoſte aboute by the ſtreytes of [...]nora [...]terre to come vnto Marſe [...]es,Polidor. where hee appoynted to meete them,King Richard ſette forvvard on his iourney. and ſo with a choſen company of men, he alſo ſette foorth thitherwardes by [...]nde, and commyng to Tears, receyueth the ſcrippe and ſtaffe,Rog. Houed. as a Pilgrime ſhoulde, at the handes of the Archbiſhop there.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, both the Kings of Englande and Fraunce met at Vizeley in the Octaues of the Natiuitie of Saynt Iohn Baptiſt, and when they had remayned there two dayes they paſſed foorth to the Citie of Lyon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Anno. 2.Where the two Kyngs departed in [...]under, and eache one kept his iourney, the one towarde Genes, where his nauie was appoynted to come to him, and the other to Marſeilles, there to mete with his fleete, accordyng to his appoyntement.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But the Engliſhe ſhippes being let and ſtayd by the waye by contrary wyndes and rigorous tempeſtes,The Englishe fleete ſtayd by contrary vvin|des. whiche toſſed them to and fro vppon the coaſtes of Spayne, coulde not come in a|ny conuenient tyme vnto Marſeiles,Tvventie ga|leys and .xii. other veſſelles hath Houeden. ſo that king Richarde thinkyng long to tarrie for them, and perceyuing they could not keepe their appoynted tyme, he hired ſhips from al places theraboutes, & embarquyng himſelfe and his men in the ſame,Vpon the .7. daye of Auguſt hath Houeden. vpon S. Laurẽce euen, ſailed forth towards Si|cile, wher he was apointed to mete wt K. Philip.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Heere is to be noted, that king Richard made not all that iourney from Marſeilles to Meiſina by Sea,Rog. Houedẽ but ſundry times comming a lande, hy|red Horſes, and rode foorth alongſt the coaſt, ap|poynting with his Shippes and Galleyes where to meete him, and ſometimes hee reſted certayne dayes togither in one place or other, as at Port-Delph [...]n, at Naples, and at Salerne, from wh [...]ce there departed from him Baldwine Archbyſhop of Counterburie, Huberte Biſhop of Saliſburie, and the Lorde Ran [...]te or G [...]amiſſe, the whyche taking vpon them to goe before, with proſperous wind and wether in ſhort ſpace, landed at Icon, which was the beſieged as you that hear herafter.

[figure appears here on page 485]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 At Rome the King came not, but being with|in the ſtreame of the Riuer of Tibet, there came to him a Cardinall named Octa [...]n [...], Biſhop of Hoſtia,King Richarde blameth the court of Rome for couetouſ|neſſe. to whome hee ſpake many reprochfull wordes of the couetouſneſſe vſed in the Courte of Rome, bycauſe they had receyued ſeuen hundred markes for the conſecration of the Biſhoppe of Manus, and .1500. markes for the confirming of the Biſhop of Elie the Popes legate: And againe no ſmall ſum of money they had receiued of the Archb. of Burdeaur, when vpon an accuſation brought againſt him by ye clergie of his prouince he ſhould haue bin depoſed. In the meane time whyles King Richarde thus paſſeth forwarde towardes Meſſina, the nauie that was appoin|ted to coaſt about Spayne and to meete him at Marſeiles, was toſſed (as before is ſayde) with wynde and tempeſtes, and sparte therof, that is to witte, tenne ſhippes driuen here and there on the coaſtes of Spayne, of whiche number nyne arriued at Liſbone, and the tenth beyng a ſhippe of London, arriued at the Citie of Sylua, whi|che was then the vttermoſte Citie of Spayne, that was inhabited with Chriſtians.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The Sarazenes at that tyme made warres agaynſte the Kyng of Portyngale, ſo that the Portyngales ſtoode in neede of ayde, in ſo much that they of Sylua didde not onely entreate the Engliſhemenne to ſtay wyth them for a tyme, but alſo gotte graunte of them to breake theyr ſhyppe, wyth the tymber, wherwyth they might the better, fortifye theyr towne, promylyng that theyr King ſhoulde recompence them with an other as good as theyrs, and alſo further ſatiſ|fye EEBO page image 486 them for their ſeruice, duryng the tyme of their aboade there in defence of that Citie. Lykewiſe of thoſe that arriued at Liſborie there went to the number of fyue hundred vnto Saint Iranes,The king of Portingale. where the Kyng of Portyngale then was, lookyng to bee aſſaulted by his enimyes: but by the counterfaite death of the great kyng of the Sarazen named Boiac Almiramumoli, (who feared theſe newe ſuccoures,Almiramumoli king of the Sa|racenes. and doubte the ſequele of hys dooyngs, to the ende he might departe wyth honoure, he fayned hymſelfe [...]ad) ſo that the kyng of Portyngale was for that tyme preſentely delyuered oute of daunger. Wherevpon he retourned to Liſbone, where he founde three ſcore and three other ſhippes of king Richardes Nauie there newely arriued, ouer the whyche were chiefe Capitaynes Robert de Sabuville,Robert de Sa|buville. VVilliam de Camville. and Richarde de Camville: The whych at theyr commyng to lande coulde not ſo gouerne theyr people, but that ſome naugh|tye fellowes amongeſt them fell to breakyng and robbyng of Orchardes: ſome alſo entring into the Citie, behaued themſelues very diſor|deredly: But yet by the comming of the kyng, theyr lewdneſſe was ſtayed, ſo that hee ſeemed not to ſeeke reuenge of the Pilgrimes, but ra|ther with courteous meanes to brydle their vn|lawfull attemptes: wherevnto the diligence of the Engliſhe Capitaynes not a little preuay|led for a whyle, but yet for all that coulde bee doone on bothe ſydes, within three dayes after, a newe tumulte was reyſed betwixte the En|gliſhe Pilgrimes and the Towneſmen,A mutenie be|tvvixt the En|glishmen and the tovvnſmen of Lisbone. and di|uers hurte and kylled on eyther parte, whervp|pon the king cauſed the gates of the Citie to be ſhut, and al thoſe that were come from the ſhips into the citie to eate and drinke (beyng in num|ber aboute ſeauen hundred) were apprehended and committed to warde:Englishmenne committed to priſon. and before they could bee releaſſed ſir Roberte Sabville and ſir Ry|charde Camville were gladde to agree wyth the kyng, ſo as all former offences beeyng re|mitted, and thynges taken by eyther parte re|ſtored, the Engliſhmenne promyſed to obſerue the peace aneynſt the Kyng of Portyngale and hys people, and hee lykewyſe couenaunted for hym and hys ſubiectes, that they ſhoulde keepe the peace aneynſt all Pilgrimes that went foorthe in thys voyage, and vſe them lyke hys frendes, and thus the quarell ceaſſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Soone after, the Englyſhe Nauye departed from Lyſbone, and came vnto the mouthe of the Ryuer of Taye betweene Caperico and Belem,The Englishe shippes meete agayne togi|ther. where the ſame daye on Saint Iames euen the Lorde Willyam de Forzdulerun ar|ryued alſo wyth three and thyrtie other ſhip|pes, and ſo then they were in all aboute an hun|dred and ſixe ſayles very well furniſhed and man|ned, and ſo frõ thence taking their courſe towards Marſeiles finally they arriued there in the octa|ues of the Aſſumption of our Lady, and ſtaying there an eight dayes (till they had repared ſuche thinges aboute their ſhippes as were needefull) they ſette forwarde againe, and came to meſſi|na in Sicile in the [...]raſte of the Exaltation of the Croſſe. On the Sunday folowing alſo, came the Frenche king thither,They a [...] Meſsina. hauing loſt no ſmall parte of hys nauye by tempeſts of weather. King Ri|charde as then remayned at Salerue, and hea|ryng that his nauy was gone towardes Meſ|ſina, he departed thence on the thirtene daye of September, and haſted forthe towardes Meſſi|na, paſſing by Melphi and Cocenza, and ſo at length comming to Faro de Meſſina, hee paſ|ſed the ſame and on the .xxiij.Kyng Richard [...] arriueth as Meſſina. day of September arriued at Meſſina with greate noyſe of trum|pettes and other inſtrumentes, to the wonder of the Frenche king and other that behelde his great puiſſance and royall behauiour now at his com|myng. The ſame tyme he went vnto the French kings lodging, to commen with him of their bu|ſines: and immediatly the French king tooke the ſea, in purpoſe to haue paſſed forward on his ior|ney, but by contrary winde he was ſtayed and kept backe within the hauen, whereupon bothe the Kings determined to Winter there, and in the meane time to prouide them ſelues of all things neceſſarie for their iorney, againſt the beginning of the next ſpring.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The .xxx. of September he receiued his ſiſter the Quene of Sicil, the widow of William late king of that yle, whom he placed in a ſtrong for|treſſe, which he tooke the ſame day, and left ther|in a conuenient garniſon of menne at armes and demylaunces for the ſafegarde of the place and of his ſaid ſiſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But nowe for the better vnderſtandyng of the cauſe of ſuche quarellyng as fell out betwixt the Engliſhmen and ye Siciliãs, ye ſhal vnderſtand that a little before the arriuall of the Kings of Englande and Fraunce in thoſe parties, Kyng William of Sicile was departed this life, lea|uing no iſſue behinde him: Whereupon the lor|des of the Ile elected one Tancrede to their king, a baſtard ſonne of Roger ſometyme king of that lande, and Graundfather to this laſte deceaſſed king William.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Tancrede though he receiued king Ri|chard very courteouſely: Yet he greately truſted him not, bicauſe he demaunded the dower of his ſiſter Quene Ioane, wife to the late king Wil|liam to be reſtored, wheras he had not ready mo|ney to diſcharge it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And furthermore to departe with the Ci|tie of Mount Sainct Angelo, with all the coun|tye therevnto belongyng, whiche was in deede EEBO page image 487 aſſigned to hir for hir dower, he thoughte in no wyſe profytable: but king Rychard did not only require that Citie & countie wyth a chaire of gold,A chaire of golde. accordyng to the cuſtome of that king|dom in ryght of his ſiſter, as due to hir by way of hir dower, but alſo herequired to his owne vſe a table of golde conteyning .xij.King Kichards demaundes for for the dovver of Meſsina by of his ſiſter vvife to king VVilliam. foot in length, & one foot, and an half in breadth, and ij. treſtelles of golde to beare vp the ſame table with .xxiiij. ſiluer cuppes and as many diſhes of ſiluer, with a tente of ſilke of ſuche largeneſſe that two hun|dred knightes might ſyt at meate within it: alſo fortie thouſande meaſures of wheate, wyth as many of barly, and as many of wine, beſide one hundred armed Galleys with all furnyture and victuales ſufficiente to ſerue the Galey men in the ſame for the terme of .ij. yeres. Theſe things he demaunded as due to him being heyre to his father king Henrye, accordingly as was deuiſed by kyng William in his laſt wil and teſtament, which demaundes ſeemed intollerable to the ſaid Tancred: ſo that if he could haue ſhifted the mat|ter he was lothe to haue harde thereof.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, bycauſe Pope Clemente in right of the Churche pretended a title to the Realme of Sicille, nowe that King William was dead without heires, hee doubted of ſome practiſe that myghte bee made agaynſte him betwixte King Richard and the Pope. Wherevppon he thought to prouide againſt all attemptes that mighte bee made, fortifying hys Townes and Caſtels with ſtrong garniſons, and tooke counſell with the Citizens of Meſſina, by what meanes hee mighte ſooneſt diſpatche hys Countrey of that preſent daunger, and procure King Richarde to get him forward on his iourney.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt theſe things were in hand, there was miniſtred to the Engliſh-men occaſion of diſple|ſure: for as it oftentimes chanceth (where an ar|my is) certaine of the vnruly Souldiers with|in Meſſina vſed themſelues ſomewhat riotouſly, wherevpon the Citizens offended therewith, go [...]e them to armoure, and chaced all the Souldiers out of the Citie. King Richarde who lay in Campe without the Walles, neere to the Citie, was ſo highly diſpleaſed herewith, that he cauſed his men to arme them ſelues, and to prepare lad|ders and other neceſſary things to aſſault the ci|tie: but by the mediation of the Frenche Kyng, and curteous excuſe of Kyng Tancred (alled|ging the faulte to reſt only in a ſorte of rude Ci|tizens, whome he promyſed to puniſhe) the mat|ter was taken vp, and ſtayed for a tyme, tyll at lengthe it was perceyued, that the Sicilians went about to feede foorth king Richarde with fayre wordes, tyll he ſhould be ready to ſet for|wardes on his iourney, and ſo ſhould the mat|ter paſſe without worthy puniſhmente.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whervpon king Richarde not mynding to be ſo mocked at their handes, approched one daye to the walles and gates with his armie in good away of battayle to giue the aſſaulte, whiche [figure appears here on page 487] was giuen ſo earneſtly,K. Richard aſ|ſaulteth and en+treth the citie force. and ſo well maynteyned that finally the Citie was entred by force, and manye of the Citizens ſlayne, but the ſlaugh|ter had bene muche greater, if kyng Richarde had not commaunded hys menne to ſpare the ſworde, moued with the lamentable noyſe of the poore people, crying to hym for mercye and grace.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Engliſhmen hauyng got poſſeſſion of the Citie pighte vp the banners wyth the Ar|mes of the King of Englande rounde aboute the walles, wherewith the Frenche kyng was ſore diſpleaſed, and required that the ſame myghte be taken downe, and hys ſette vppe: EEBO page image 488 But the king of England woulde not ſo agree. Neuertheleſſe to pacifie the French kings moode, he deliuered the citie of Meſſina vnto the cuſto|die of the Knightes Templers and Hoſpitalers, tyll he might be ſatiſfied of ſuche things as hee demaunded of king Tancrede.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this on the .viij. day of October, the two kings of Englãd & France, before a great num|ber of Earles,The tvvo kin|ges of England and France re|ceyue a ſolemn othe. and Barons, and other, bothẽ of the Clergie and temporaltie tooke their ſolemne othes, that the one ſhould defend the other, and alſo eyther others armye in this iourney, bothe comming and going, without fraude or deceipt: and the lyke othe was receyued by the Erles and Barons on both partes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Ordinaunces deuiſed.After this the two kings by aduiſe and cõſent of both their armies, deuiſed theſe ordinaunces, that all Pilgryms which chaunced to dye in this iourneye myghte diſpoſe at their pleaſure of all their armure, horſes, and apparell, and of half of thoſe things whiche they had with them, ſo that they ſent nothing home into their countreys, and the other half ſhuld be at the diſcretion of Walter Archbiſh. of Rouen, Manſer biſhop of Langres, of the maiſter of the Temple, & of the maiſter of the Hoſpitall of Hugh duke of Burgoigne, of Rafe de Coucy, of Drogo de Marlow, of Rob. Sabuill, Andrew de Chauenny, and of Gilbert Waſcoyle, which ſhuld imploy the ſame towar|des the ſupport of the warres in the holy Lande againſt the Infidels as they thought moſte expe|dient.Play forbidden Moreouer it was ordeined that no man ſhoulde play at any game within the armie for money, except knights and chapleyns, the which ſhuld not loſe in one day and nyght aboue .xx.ſs. they to forfait an .C.ſs. ſo ofte as they loſt aboue that ſumme: the perſons aforenamed to haue the ſame to be diſtributed as afore is ſayd. The two kyngs might playe, and commaunde their ſer|uants in their preſence likewiſe to play, ſo yt they exceded not the ſumme of .xx.ſs. And alſo the ſer|uants of Archbiſhops, biſhops, erles and barons, by their maiſters cõmandemẽt might play, not exceeding that ſumme: But if any ſeruants or Maryners, or other of lyke degree, were found to play without licence, the ſeruauntes ſhoulde bee whipped naked .iij. days round about the campe, excepte they raunſomed foorth themſelues at the pleſure of the perſons aboue named: and the Ma|tyners ſhould be dowſed ouer heade and eares in the ſea for .iij. mornings togither, after the vſe of ſeamen, except they redeemed that puniſhmẽt at the diſcretion lykewiſe of the ſayd perſons: and thoſe of other the lyke meane degrees being ney|ther knyghtes nor chapleyns ſhould be puniſhed as ſeruauntes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Borrovving.Alſo if any Pilgrime borrowed any thyng of an other whyleſt he was on his iourney, hee ſhould be bound to pay it: but if he borrowed it before his ſetting forth, he was not bound to an|ſwere it till his returne home.Souldiours [...] mariners d [...]|ting from [...] maiſters.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 If any mariner or ſeruaunt reteyned in wa|ges with any man in this iourney, departed from his maſter without licẽce, no other perſon might receiue him, and if he did, he ſhoulde be puniſhed at the diſcretion of the forenamed perſones.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer it was ordeyned,Victualers. that no vittayler or other ſhold buy any bread to ſel again, nor any meale within the cõpaſſe of the campe, except the ſame were brought by a ſtranger, neyther might they buy any paſte or other thing to ſell agayne within the campe, or within a league of it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 If any man any bought corn to make bread of, was appoynted howe muche hee ſhoulde gayne in one meaſure beſyde the branne. Other occu|piers that vſed buying & ſellyng of wares ſhould gayne one peny in .x. d neither ſhould any man refuſe any of the kynges coyne, excepte it were broken within the circle. No man ſhoulde buye any fleſhe to ſell it agayne, except a lyue beaſte, whiche he ſhould kill within the campe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, no man ſhoulde make bread to ſell, but after the rate of penye loanes. Wherein the peny Engliſh was apointed to go for foure pens Aniouyne. Al theſe ordinances with other were decreede and ordayned to be obſerued and keepte by the councell, conſente, and agreemente of the kinges of England, Fraunce, and Sicile.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But to returne now to the diſſention betwixt the Engliſhmen and them of Meſſina: Ye ſhall vnderſtande that the tumult beyng once ceaſſed,Polidor. and dyuers of the chief offenders in the late com|motion being put to deth, king Tankrede ſhort|ly after came thyther, and ſought to auoyde al ſuſpition out of king Richardes heade, that hee might conceyue of hym: for beeing in any wyſe culpable in that whiche his ſubiectes of Meſſina had attempted againſt him, and therfore hauing recouered money of his friendes, he reſtored vn|to kyng Richarde the dowrie of his ſiſter Quene Ioane, and further offred vnto him to ioyne in newe allyance with hym, offering his daughter in mariage vnto Arthur Duke of Britayne, the kings nephewe, with a greate ſumme of money for hir dowrie, if it ſo ſhould pleaſe hym.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Richarde accepted the offer, and ſo ioy|ned in peace and affinitie with the king of Sicil, receyuyng of hym twentie thouſande ounces of golde for the ſame maryage to bee had, and an honorable dowrie aſſigned foorth of the landes that belonged to the ſayde Arthure for the ſayde Lady to enioye duryng hir lyfe, in caſe ſhe ſur|uiued hir huſbande. And if it ſo chaunced, that by the death of either of them the mariage could not take place, then ſhoulde King Richarde re|ſtore the ſame twentie thouſand ounces of golde EEBO page image 489 agayne. But beſyde theſe twentie thouſand vn|ces of Golde thus giuen by kyng Tancrede for the mariage of his daughter, he gaue other twen|tie thouſande ounces to King Richarde for an acquitaunce and quite clayme of all manner of dueties, rightes, and demaundes, whiche eyther he or his ſyſter myghte pretende, eyther by rea|ſon of any bequeſt, dower, or by any other man|ner of waye.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Here is to bee noted, that before thys conclu|ſion of peace was hadde, kyng Richarde proui|ded for his own defence, in caſe that king Tan|crede and his people would haue attempted force agaynſt him, in ſomuch that he fortified certaine [figure appears here on page 489] places, and buylte a ſtrong caſtell alofte vpon the toppe of an hill faſt by Meſſina, whiche ca|ſtell he called Mategriffon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo where as the Admirall of Sicile called Margaret, and one Iordane del Poyn, men of great authoritie vnder king Tancrede, fledde out of Meſſina with all their families & riches, which they had eyther in golde or ſiluer, king Richard ſeyſed vppon theyr houſes, theyr Galeys, and poſſeſſions, ſo that he made hymſelfe as ſtrong as he coulde, to reſiſt all attemptes that myght bee made agaynſt hym by his enimies. But now to proceede.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The variance beeing thus appeaſed betwixte them, greate diſcorde chaunced to aryſe betwixt King Richarde and kyng Philippe, who was muche offended wyth king Richard, for that he had thus vſed violẽce againſt them of Meſſina,The lavves of Herbour|rough. & compelled king Tancrede to agree with him for money, to the greate offence and breache of the lawes of Herberrough, ſith the Sicilians verye liberally ayded and furniſhed the Chriſtians ar|mie with victuals and neceſſarie prouiſions.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenchemen alſo had muche enuie ther|at, that ſhortly after vpon a ſmall occaſion they picked a quarell agaynſt the Engliſhemen,Englishmen & Frenchmen fought. and from wordes fell to ſtrokes on bothe ſydes, ſo that there had bin much hurt and ſlaughter com|mitted,Diſcorde in an armye, the hin|derer of al pro+fitable enter|priſes. if the two kings had not doone their beſt to appeaſe the fray begonne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But this buſineſſe though it was quietlye as then taken vp and ſtayed, yet bredde it ſuche diſpleaſure betwixt the Princes and their people, that it turned to the greate hurte and hinderance of their good proceedings in their whole enter|priſe, ſo that the occaſion of a full and perfecte victorie eaſily ſlipped out of their handes, as you ſhall heare hereafter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In other alſo of the chiefeſt cauſes of grudge betwixt the two kings was, for that king Ry|charde in familiar talke, confeſſed vnto Kyng Philip, that he woulde marrie the king of Na|narres daughter, and cleerely forſake his ſiſter Adela: Whiche grieued king Philippe not a lit|tle, though he diſſembles the matter for a tyme, and rather alledged, other cauſes of diſpleaſure, wherwith to defame king Richard to the world, as one that ſought his own commoditie in ſpoy|ling thoſe whome he ought rather to haue defen|ded. But to procede.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whyleſt the Engliſhe and Frenche armyes thus ſoiorned for the Winter time in Sicile, not withſtanding the troubles aforeſayd, to the hin|deraunce of king Richards purpoſes, for the ma|king of his prouiſions readie for his iourney, he yet cauſed engins to be framed, his ſhippes to be newly calked, rigged and repared of ſuch hurtes as they had receyued both in their long voyage which they had made, & alſo by certaineworms the which duryng the tyme of theyr lying there, had in diuers places gnawen and eaten thẽ tho|rough to the great daunger of their loſſe, & vtter decay Moreouer at ye ſame time he pardoned al wreckes by ſea throughe all hys dominions,VVreckes par|doned. re|leaſing EEBO page image 490 for euer al his right to the ſame, in ſuch wiſe that euery perſõ makyng wrecke by ſea, & comming aliue to lande, ſhoulde haue all his goodes free and cleare to him ſelf. Furthermore he decreed, that if he chaunced to periſhe in the ſhippe, then his ſonnes and daughters, bre|thren or ſiſters, that coulde proue themſelues to be next heires to him, ſhoulde haue the ſame goodes, but yf he had neither ſonne nor daugh|ter, brother nor ſiſter, then ſhoulde ye king haue thoſe goodes by way of his prerogatiue.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This reſignation made by king Richard, was confirmed by his charter gyuen at Meſſi|na in the Moneth of October and ſecond yeare of his raigne. Alſo vpon a godly repentaunce wherewith it dyd pleaſe the mercyfull God to touche his harte, he called all thoſe prelates to|gether which were then with him at Meſſina into the Chappell of Reginald de Moyac,King Richards confeſsion. and there in preſence of thẽ all falling downe vpon his knees hee confeſſed the filthy life whiche in lecherous luſtes he had before that time led, and humbly receyued pennaunce enioyned hym by the ſame biſhops, and ſo became a newe man fearing God, and delyghting to lyue after hys lawes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Furthermore hearing of the greate fame of Abbot Ioachim,Abbot Ioa| [...]him. he ſent for him ouer into Ca|labria, who came to Meſſina, and being aſked ſundry queſtions by kyng Richard, hee made wonderfull aunſwers thereto: as in Houeden and other writers it maye appeare, whiche for breefneſſe I paſſe ouer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the ſame tyme he gaue vnto his ne|phue Otho, the ſon of his ſiſter Mande, ſome|time Ducheſſe of Saxonie, the Countie of Yorke. But although ſome were contented to receyue hym as theyr lorde, and to do homage to him, yet other refuſed him, alledging yt they woulde not renounce theyr fealties due to the kyng, till they might ſee him agayn, and talke with him face to face. Wherevpon the kyng chaungyng his purpoſe, gaue vnto the ſayde Otho the Countie of Poycton in ſtead of the ſayd Countie of Yorke, as after ſhall appere.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The two kings of Englande and Fraunce helde their Chriſtmaſſe this yeare at Meſſina,


The large ex|penſes of king Richard.

and ſtill the king of Englande vſed great libe|ralitie in beſtowing his treaſure freely amon|geſt knightes and other men of warre, ſo that it was thought he ſpent more in a moneth thã any of his predeceſſours euer ſpent in a whole yeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the month of February be ſent his Gal|lies to Naples there to receiue his mother & his wife that ſhould be, to wit the Lady Be|rengaria daughter to the king of Nauar, and Philip Erle of Flaunders that came with thẽ. But his mother Queene Elynore and the la|dye Berengaria, went to Brindize in Puglia,The earle of Flanders where they wer honorably receiued of Marga|ret king Tancrede his admirall. Moreouer the Erle of Flaunders comming to Naples, and finding there the Galleyes of king Richarde, went a boorde the ſame, and ſo came to Meſſi|na, at the firſt following the king of England in all things, tyll the French kyng hauing en|uie thereat, allured hym awaye, and then he hoong altogither on his ſleeue.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The firſt daye of Marche the kyng of En|glande departed from Meſſina, to goe to the Citie of Cathina, there to commen with king Tancrede, who came thyther to meete hym.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Here king Richarde vnderſtoode,K. Richard tal|keth vvith king Tancrede. that the Frẽch king had ſolicited king Tancrede to ſet vpon the king of Englande and his armye, to chaſe them out of his realme: and for the more eaſy accompliſhment therof, he had promyſed him his ayde, whenſoeuer he would giue the aduenture.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Tancrede deliuered alſo to king Ri|chard ſuche letters as the Frenche king hadde written to him cõcerning this matter. Wher|vpon at his returne to Meſſina, king Richard ſhewed by his frowning countenaunce that he was nothyng pleaſed with the Frenche king, but ſought occaſiõs to get him out of his com|panie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenche king perceyuing it, required to vnderſtande the cauſe of this his ſodain mu|tation: Whervpon king Richard nothing fea|ring his power, declared the trouthe playnely vnto hym by the mouth of the Erle of Flan|ders: and when the other denyed the practiſe, he for profe of the thing, ſhewed him the ſame Letters whiche king Tancrede had deliuered vnto hym. The Frenche kyng was not a lit|tle abaſhed hereat, and wiſt not well what to ſay, nor what excuſe to make, the matter was ſo playne. But yet at length he ſayde: Well nowe I perceyue the king of England ſeeketh to haue ſome quarel why he may refuſe to ma|ry with my ſiſter For theſe are but forged mat|ters, and no truth reſteth in them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 When the King of Englande vnderſtode this maner of anſwere, he replied in this wiſe That as for the Frenche kings ſiſter, he might not marry, for as muche as he was able to pro|duce good witnes to proue that his father had lyen with hir and got a child of hir. And as for his priuie proceedings and practiſe with Tan|crede, he neded no further teſtimonie than his owne hande and his ſeale, the partie himſelfe being preſent who receiued them, the meſſen|ger alſo being not far off that carried them be|tweene bothe the parties. When the Frenche EEBO page image 491 kyng was thoroughly enfourmed of the firſte point, through councell of the Earle of Flan|ders and others, hee pacifyed hym ſelfe, and was contented to releaſe the king of England of his faith giuen by othe for the contract [...] with his ſiſter Alice [...] inconſideration of whi|che releaſe the Kyng of Englande coue [...]n|ted to gyue yearely to the Frenche K [...] two thouſande Markes of ſterlyng coyne for the terme of fyue yeares togyther. And at [...]i [...] returne home, it was agreed, that he ſh [...]ld al|ſo dely [...] vnto the French Kyng hys ſyſter the ſayde Ladye Alyce, wyth the Towne of Gyſours, and all other thynges whiche the Frenche Kyng hadde graunted to hym with his ſayde ſiſter. On the other part, the French kyng graunted, that the Duchye of Brytaine ſhoulde appertayne to the domynion of the Du [...]e of Normandye, ſo as the Duke of Brytaine ſhould be accompted the liege man of the Duke of Normandye, and that the duke of Normandie ſhould anſwer the French king for bothe the Duchies, as well of Bry|tayne as Normandie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe agreementes were ratified and con|firmed with ſolemne othes reciued, and char|ters giuen vnder their hands and ſeales, vpon the .xxx. day of Marche.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And herewith the Frenche king nowe that the ſeaſonable tyme of the yeare was come,The Frenche king ſetteth foorth from Meſsina to|vvardes the holy lande. ſet forwarde towarde the Holye lande, leauyng King Richarde behynde him in Sicile: And the two & twentie day after his ſetting foorthe from Meſſina, he arriued at the ſiege of Ar [...] or Acon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The same day also that the Frenche King departed from Messina, Queene Eleanor the mother of king Richard, arriued there, brynging with hir the lady Berengaria, the daughter of Sanctius the kyng of Nauarre, and the fourth day after Quene Elinore toke leaue of her sonne King Richarde, Quene Elynor returneth by Rome. and departed homewarde towardes Englande, taking hir iourney by Rome, for the business of Geffrey the elect of Yorke, as to intreate the Pope that he would confirme and consecrate him Archbishoppe, or to autorise some other to doe it in his name.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Ladie Berengaria remayned behind with the Kings sister Ioane Quene of Sicil.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this in the moneth of Aprill, on the Wednesday in the passion weeke K. Richard after hee had finished and made an ende of all conclusions with kyng Tancrede, he did also set forward with his sister Ioane, who tooke with hir the Ladie Berengaria, daughter to the king of Nauarre, fianced to him long before, as aboue is partly mencioned. His nauie consisted in .13. mightie greate ships with tryple sayles, an hundred Carikes or rather Hulkes,

M. Paris.

150. Ships and and .53. galeys hath Roger Houeden.

and .L.Galeys. He was no sooner abroade in the mayne sea, but a great tempest rose, wherewith his whole nauy was sore tossed and turmoyled vp and downe the seas, and at lengthe driuen on the coast of Cypres, where seekyng to take the harbour, and to come to a land, the Cypriots would not suffer him, but shewed cou(n)tenaunce to driue him backe, and to resist hys landing. Also where as .vj. of his shippes were so driuen by force of tempeste from the residue, that three of them perished. and three beeyng caste vppon the shoare of the Cypres before the Kynges arriuall there, the Souldiours and other people in the same, were compelled to come a land for sauing of their liues, where otherwise whey stood in danger of drowning, [figure appears here on page 491] the people of the yle assailed them in right cruell wyse, slewe diuers, and tooke the residue prisoners, and so deteyned them for a certaine season.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Kyng Richarde then vnderſtanding thys iniurie to him doone by the Cypriotes, percey|uing they woulde reſiſte his landyng, he pre|pared hym ſelfe and his people to enter vp|on them by force. The king of Cypres Iſakius or Curſach, whome Houeden nameth Empe|rour of Cypres, had aſſembled the moſt parte of all the power of men that he myght make (though fewe of them were armed, or hadde any greate ſkill in feates of warre) and cauſed thẽ to ſet boords, logs of wood, henches, formes, and great cheſtes afore thẽ, as a defence, and as it were in ſteed of a wal, that by ſuccour therof they mighte the better keepe off their enemie, EEBO page image 492 from landing, but king Richarde ſo encoura|ged his menne by his preſence, and ſuche com|fortable wordes as he vttered vnto them, that rowing to the ſhoare with their Galeyes and ſmall boates, hauyng the Archers afore them, they eaſily got a lande, droue theyr enimyes backe,The Englishe|men take lande & chaſe their enimies. and chaſed them ſo farre (as they being but footemen,) wetherbeaten, weary, and we at conueniently myghte, for the ſhorteneſſe of the tyme. King Richarde hauing thus got [...]te a land, [...]ſrun. approched the towne of Limeſzun which he wyth hys ſouldyers entred, and fyndyng it emptie of people (the which were ſtedde away) but full of riches and great plentie of victuals, as corne wine, oyle, and fleſhe, he ſeyzed there|vpon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The ſame daye alſo the Kings ſiſters and ye Ladye Berengaria with the reſid [...] of the Kings nauie entred the hauen of Limezun [...] In the meane time the [...]ing of Ci [...] (hauing eſcaped from the bataile) got together his men whiche were fled and diſperſed ſundry wayes, and encamped within .vj. myles of kyng Ry|chard, threatning that the next daye he woulde eft [...]nes gyue battaile: which when king Ry|chard vnderſtoode, hee cauſed hys people to bee armed the next morning long before daye and to comming by guides vnto the place, where ye [figure appears here on page 492] the Cipriotes with their king were lodged,King Richarde vvith a camiſa|do vanquisheth the Cipriots, & chaſeth them oute of their campe. ſo|denly thei aſſailed them ere they had any war|ning of hys marching towardes thẽ, by reaſon whereof they were ſlaine like beaſtes in greate number. Their king yet and a few other eſca|ped and fled away naked, hauing not time to put vpon thẽ their apparell,Io. Textor. hys treaſure, horſe armour and ſtanderd were taken, which ſtan|derd king Richard ſtraightwayes determined to ſende vnto Sainte Edmunndes ſhrine, and ſo did. And hauing thus vanquiſhed his ad|uerſaries,The K. of Ie|ruſalem and o|ther noble men do fealtie vnto king Richard he came backe to Limeſzun: and the thyrde day after, Guy king of Ieruſalem & his brother Geffrey de Lucignan with the Prince of Antioche Raymond and hys ſonne named alſo Raymonde earle of Tripoli with other noble men arriued at Limeſzun aforeſaid, to viſite king Richard, and to offer to him their ſeruices, and ſo became his menne, in ſwearyng fealtie to him agaynſt all other perſons what ſo euer. The ſame day the king of Cypres percey|uing hymſelf vnable to reſiſt the great puiſſance of king Richards armie, ſent ambaſſadours, and offered to king Richard the ſumme of .xx. thou|ſand marks of gold,The offers of the king of Cy|pres. in recompence of the money whiche his men that were drowned had aboute them, and alſo to reſtore thoſe to libertie whiche he had taken priſoners, and to make deliuerie to their handes of all their goodes. Furthermore, he offered to go with hym into the holy lande in perſon, & to ſerue him with an hundred knightes iiij.C. lyghte horſemen, and .v.C. well armed footmen,The king of Cypres ſub [...]|ceth himſelfe. and alſo to deliuer to king Richard his daughter and heyre in hoſtage, and to acknow|ledge him his ſoueraigne lorde, by ſwearing to him fealtie for his kingdome, as for that which he ſhoulde confeſſe to holde of him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 King Richard accepted theſe offers, and ſo the king of Cypres came in & ſware fealtie to kyng Richard, in preſence of the king of Ieruſalem, the Prince of Antioche, and other barons, and pro|miſed vppon his othe then receyued, not to de|parte till all thinges couenaunted on hys parte were performed. Then king Richarde aſſigned tentes for him and his to lodge in and appointed certayne knyghtes & other men of warre to haue the cuſtody of him, but the ſame day after dinner vpon repentaunce of that which he had done, he deceiued his kepers & ſtale away, ſending know|ledge backe to the king that he woulde not ſtande EEBO page image 493 to the couenauntes, which wer concluded vpon betwixt them. King Richarde ſeemed to like the matter well inoughe, and forthwith deli|uered a parte of his army vnto the king of Ie|ruſalem and to the Prince of Antioche, appoin|ting them to purſue the king of Cipres by lãde whyleſt her with one parte of his Gallies and Roberte de Turneham with the other mighte ſearche aboute the coaſte by ſea to prohibite his paſſage by water. In euery place where they came, ſuche ſhippes and Gallies as they found they ſeazed into their handes, and no reſiſtance was made againſte them by reaſon the people fled to the woods and mountains, leauing the cities, townes and caſtelles: boyd in all ſteedes where the King or the ſaide ſir Roberte de Thorneham with theyr veſſelles began to ap|peare. When they had taken their pleſure thus alongſt the coaſtes, they retourned againe vnto Limeſzun.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The king of Ieruſalem and the other that went forthe by lande, when they coulde not ſpeede of their purpoſe, they returned alſo, and in the meane time a great number of Cypriots came in, and ſubmitting them ſelues to king Richar, dwere receiued as his ſubiects. On the xij. day of May the Lady Berengaria daugh|ter to the kyng of Nauarre was maried accor|ding [figure appears here on page 493] to a precontract vnto king Richarde at Limeſzun aforeſaide in the Ile of Cipres,Roberte de Turnham. The king of England mari|eth the Ladye Berengaria. She is crovv|ned Queene. one of the kings Chapleins executing the order of the mariage. The ſame day alſo ſhe was crou|ned by the Biſhoppe of Eureux, the Archebi|ſhoppes of Apamea and Aux, with the Biſhope of Baion miniſtring vnto him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 After the ſolempnitie of this mariage and coronation ended, king Richarde ſet foreward with his army into the countrey of Cipres and firſt wanne by ſurrender the citie of Nichoſia, and after the ſtrong caſtell of Cherin, within the whiche was the daughter of the king of Ci|pres, whiche Ladie humbly yelded hir ſelfe vnto king Richard, who hauing pitie of hir caſe, ſent hir to his wyfe the newe Queene, willyng that ſhe might be honorably vſed. From thence paſ|ſing forward, theſe caſtels were deliuered into his hands,Caſtels deliue| [...] the [...]ng [...] [...]ande. Baffes and Buffevent, Den, Amur, Cã|dace, and afterwards all the other caſtels and ci|ties, townes and places of ſtrengthe within that Iſle one after an other. Finally hearing that the king of Cipres was encloſed in an Abbey called Cap S Andrew, he marched thitherwards: but when the king of Cypres hearde of his approche, he came foorth and ſubmitted himſelfe wholly in|to his hands.The K. of Cy|pres agayn ſubmitteth himſe [...] to the king of Englande. Rafe Fitz Ge [...]+frey. The king fyrſte appointed him to the keping of his chamberlain Rafe Fitz Geffrey, and after ſent him vnto the Citie of Tripoli, there to be kept in cloſe priſon. Who when he heard he ſhould be committed to cloſe priſon, and remayn in fetters, ſayde, that if he lay in yrons, he ſhould ſhortly ende his lyfe. Wherevnto king Richarde when he hearde of it, aunſwered: He ſpeaketh it very wel, and therfore bycauſe he is a noble man, and our minde is not to haue hym dead, but only to be kept ſafe from ſtarting any more away, and doing newe hurt, let him he chained in giues and fetters made of ſiluer, and ſo he was. But to pro|ceede. After the king had ſet the countrey of Ci|pres in a good ſtay, he deliuered the keping therof vnto Richard de Camvill and Robert de Turn|ham. And this done, vpon the Wedneſday in the Whitſon weke he tooke the ſea again,

He areiud th [...] on the Sater|day in VVh [...]+ſonvveke, be+ing the ſater|day alſo nex [...] before the fe [...] of S. Bernabe [...]

Galfridus Vinſaunt.

and paſſed ouer to the Citie of Acres, which as then was be|ſieged by the Chriſtian army, as yee maye reade in the deſcription of the holy lande, onelye giuing you to vnderſtande, that ſuche was the valiancie of king Richarde ſhewed in manfull conſtreining of the citie, that his praiſe was gretly bruted both EEBO page image 494 amongſt the chriſtians, and alſo the Sarazins. But the ſecrete enimitie betwixte him and the Frenche King eftſoones renued by occaſion of ſuch diſcord as chaunced betwixt Guido king of Ieruſalem, and Conrade the Marques of Tire, ſo that parties were taken, and where as both the Piſanes and Genevoys did offer their ſeruice vnto king Richard, yet bicauſe the Ge|nevoys were confederat with the French king, who tooke parte with the Marques, hee refuſed them and receiued the Piſanes,Piſanes and Genevoys. ioining himſelf with king Guido to ſupporte hym agaynſt his enemies. Here is alſo to be remembred that be|fore king Richarde arriued at the ſiege, he en|countred on the ſea a mighty great ſhippe cal|led a Drommond, which one Saphaldine the brother of Saladine a Prince of the Saraſines had ſent to refreſhe them with vittelles.

Mat. Paris. N. Triuet.

Saphaldine, the brother of Sa| [...]adine.

This ſhippe king Richard cauſed fiercely to be aſſai|led with his Gallies, and at length bowged hir with all the victuals and prouiſion within the ſame, as wilde fire, barells of firie ſerpents, ar|mor and weapons of ſundrie ſortes, beſides all the Mariners and men of warre, except ſuche as were taken to mercy and ſaued a liue, being aboute .ij.C. in the whole, whereas ther were aboord the ſame ſhippe .xv.C.Ni. Triuet. Mat. Paris. men of warre, as ſome wryte, thoughe other haue but .viij.C.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But nowe to other incidents that chaunced this yeare. On Midſomer euen there was ſuch an Eclipſe of the Sunne,An Eclipſe of [...]he Sunne the Moone being the ſame time .xxvij. dayes olde that for the ſpace of .iij. hours (for ſo long it laſted) ſuche darknes came ouer the face of the Earthe, that euen in the daye time (for this Eclipſe beganne aboute ix.The ſeuenth [...]oure of the day ſayth Ma| [...]hevv Paris. of the clocke in the morning) the ſtarres ap|peared playnly in the element.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 In the ſame moneth of Iune, Richarde de Camville, whom the king had left (as ye haue heard) gouernour in Cypres,Richarde de Camville de|ceaſſeth. chaunced to fall ſicke, and comming without licence to the ſiege of Acres there dyed. After whoſe death the Ci|priots and thoſe called Griffones and Ermi|ans, reuolted from the Engliſhe obedience, and choſe to them a kyng, one that was a Monke of the familie of Iſachius their former kyng: but Roberte de Turnham, who after the de|ceaſſe of Richarde de Camville remained ſole gouernoure of the Ile, gathered a power of men togyther, and giuyng battayle to the newe king (whome Houeden nameth alſo em|perour) vanquiſheth him wyth his complices, taketh him priſoner, and hangeth him on a pair of galowes. The ſame month alſo died Rafe Fitz Geffrey, who had the other king Iſac in in cuſtodie, and then king Richarde deliuered him to the knightes of the Hoſpitall, who ſent him to the caſtell of Margant, there ſafely to be kepte as priſoner to the vſe of the king of Englande. But now at length to returne vn|to the affaires of England to make ſome men|tion of the doings there. Ye ſhall vnderſtande, that after king Richarde was ſet forwarde on his iorney, the Lorde Chauncellour William Longchampe, Biſhop of Ely, appoynted (as ye haue heard) gouernour of the Realme, be|gan to exerciſe his authoritie to the vttermoſt,Polidor. taking vppon him the ſtate of a Prince, rather than of a ſubiect. He had of late (as before ye haue heard) procured ſuche fauour at the hands of Pope Clement, that hee was inſtituted by him Legate of the Apoſtolike ſea here in En|gland,The Lorde Chancellour called the Po|pes legate in Englande. ſo that pretending a rule bothe ouer the clergie and temporaltie, and by reaſon that he had both the authoritie of Pope and King in his handes, he vſed the ſame to his moſte ad|uauntage, as well in cauſes Eccleſiaſticall as temporall, wherby he wrought manie oppreſſi|ons both againſt them of the clergie and tem|poraltie. He mainteined ſuch a port and coun|tenaunce in his doings,The ſtatelye port of the Lord Chaun|cellour. that hee woulde ryde with a thouſande horſſes, by meane whereof when he came to lye at Abbeys and other pla|ces (bringyng with hym ſuch a trayne) he was very burdenous vnto them,Ran. Higd. ſpecially when hee laye at their houſes any ſpace of tyme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He called a Conuocation at Weſtminſter,A conuocation wherein at the ſuite of Hugh Nouaunt biſhop of Cheſter, it was decreed,

Monkes of Co+uentrie diſpla|ced.

Polidore. Ran. Higd. VVil. P [...].

that the Monkes of Couentrie ſhoulde bee diſplaced, and ſecular canons brought into that houſe to ſupply their roomths. Which was done by the authoritie of the ſayd Lord Chancellor,The occaſion. Ran. Higd. being brybed by the foreſayd Biſhoppe of Cheſter (as ſome wri|ters haue recorded) for diſpleaſure whiche hee bare to the Monkes, by reaſon of a fray which they had made vpon the ſayd Biſhop in theyr Churche at Couentrie, and drawne bloud of him before the Altare there, as he alledged.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But ſome haue written,VVil. Par [...] that the Biſhop of Cheſter procured a licence of the Pope, to al|ter the ſtate of that Churche in ſorte aboue mentioned, whiche is moſte lykely, ſurmizyng agaynſt the Monkes, that they were manyfeſte and moſte ſtubborne diſturbers of that peace and quietneſſe whiche oughte to remayne a|mongſt Churchmen: and yet he him ſelf ſowed the ſtrife and diſſention amongeſt them, and namelye betweene the Prior and his Couent.Ran. Higd. Polidore. Moreouer the ſayde Lorde Chauncellor depri|ued ſuche rulers of theyr adminiſtrations and gouernementes, as the King had appointed to beare any highe authoritye within the Realme, pretending not onelye the kings commaunde|ment, but alſo aledging a reaſon whiche mo|ued him ſo to doe, as thus, that he might thereby EEBO page image 495 take awaye all occaſions of grudges from the people,The Lorde Chancellors [...]eaſon. which otherwiſe might think, and wold not ſticke to ſaye, that they were oppreſſed by the rule of many kinges in ſteede of one king.

The Bishop of Durham.

The bishop of VVincheſter.

Hee dydde depriue alſo Hughe the Biſhoppe of Durham of al his honour and dignitie, and putte the Byſhoppe of Wincheſter to greate trouble.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer doubting leaſt the Nobles of the realme wold riſe againſt him, and put him out of his place, he ſoughte to keepe them lowe, and ſpoyled them of theyr money and ſubſtaunce.The Lorde Chancellours meanyng to keepe Earle Iohn lovve. Likewiſe pretending a colour of doubte leaſte Earle Iohn the kings broher ſhoulde attempt any thing againſt this brother the kinge nowe in his abſence, hee ſoughte alſo to keepe hym vnder.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 To be brief, he played in all points the right parts of a tirant, till at length the king recei|uing aduertiſemẽt frõ his mother Quene Ele|nor of his demeanor, and that there was great likelihood of ſome commotion to enſue, if ſpeedy remedy were not in time prouided, he being as then in Sicile,VValter the Archbishop of Rouen ſent in|to England. ſent Walter the Archebiſhop of Rouen into Englande with Commiſſion to ioyne in adminiſtration of the kingdome with his Chancellor the ſayde Biſhop of Elie. But the Archebiſhop cõming into England was ſo ſlenderly entertayned of the Chauncellor, and in effect ſo litle regarded,He is little re|garded of the Lorde Chaun|cellour. that notwithſtanding his commiſſion and inſtructions brought from the king, he could not be permitted to beare any rule, the chauncellor deteining the ſame wholly in hys handes, ordering all thyngs at his plea|ſure, wythout makyng the Archebiſhoppe of Rouen, or any other of counſel with him, ex|cept ſuche as it pleaſed hym to admitte for the ſeruing of his owne turne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He certeinely beleeued (as many other did) that king Richarde woulde neuer returne with life into England agayne, which cauſed hym to attempt ſo many vnlawfull enterpriſes and therfore he got into his handes all the Caſtels and fortreſſes belongyng to the Crowne, and furniſhed them with garniſons of ſouldiers, as he thought neceſſarye, depriuyng ſuche Cap|taines of their roomthes as he ſuſpected not to fauout his proceedings.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 One Gerarde de Camville had bought of the king the keeping of the Caſtell of Lincolne, vnto whome alſo the Sherifwike of the Shire was commytted for a tyme, but the Lorde Chauncellor, perceiuing that he bare more good will vnto Earle Iohn the kyngs brother than vnto him, (which Iohn he moſt ſuſpected, tooke from hym the Sherifwike, and demaunded alſo to haue the caſtell of Lincolne delyuered into his handes, whiche Gerard refuſed to de|liuer, and perceiuing that the Chancellor wold practiſe to haue it by force, he fledde vnto Earle Iohn, requiring him of syde and ſuccour.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Chancellor on the other parte percey|uing what hatred diuers of the nobles bare vnto hym, he thought good to prouyde for his owne ſuertye the beſte that hee coulde, and therefore he ſent for a power of men from the partyes of beyonde the ſea, but bicauſe he thought it to long to ſtaye till they came, he commeth to Lincolne,The Lord C [...]+cellour beſie|geth the caſte [...] of Lincolne. with ſuche power as he coulde make, and beſieged the Caſtell.

[figure appears here on page 495]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Earle Iohn vv [...]neth the caſtels of No|tingham and Tickuil.Earle Iohn the Kyngs brother aduertiſed hereof, reyſed ſuche numbers of men as he might make of hys frendes, ſeruauntes and tenauntes, and wyth ſmalle a doe wanne the Caſtelles of Nottyngham and Tickhill within two dayes ſpace.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 This done, hee ſendeth to the Lorde Chaun|cellour, commaundyng hym eyther to breake vp EEBO page image 496 his ſiege, or elſe to prepare for battaile. The Chancellour conſidering wyth hym ſelfe that there was ſmall truſte to bee put in diuers of thoſe Lordes that were with him, bearing good will to Earle Iohn, and but hollowe hartes towardes hym,The Chaun|cellour rayſeth his ſiege vvith dishonour. reyſed his ſiege and departed wyth dyſhonour. Not long after, one of hys hornes was broken off by the deathe of Pope Clement, wherby his power Legantine ceſſed: and herewith being ſomwhat abaſhed, he com|meth to a cõmunication wyth Earle Iohn, and vpon certayne conditions, maketh peace wyth him.The Lorde Chauncellour and earle Iohn are agreed. Shortly after the ſouldyers which he had ſent for, doe arryue in Englande, and then hee began to goe from the agreemente made wyth Earle Iohn, affyrmyng that he woulde eyther dryue the ſame Earle out of Englande, or elſe ſhulde Earle Iohn doe the like to hym:The Chauncel|lour breaketh the agreement. For it was not of largeneſſe ſufficient to holde them bothe. Yet ſhortelye after peace was efteſoones concluded betwixte them,The lord Chã|cellor and erle [...]ohn make an other agrement with condition, that if it chaunced kyng Rycharde to departe this life before his retourne into Englande, not lea|uing any iſſue of hys bodie begotten, that then the Chancellour renouncyng the ordinaunce made by king Richarde, who had inſtituted his Nephew Arthur Duke of Britayne to be his heyre and ſucceſſour) ſhoulde conſent to admit Earle Iohn for king of Englande contrarye to the ſayde ordynaunce. But in the meane time it was agreed that Earle Iohn ſhulde de|liuer vp the caſtels of Notingham and Tick|hyll, Notyngham to the handes of Wyllyam Marſhall, and Tickhil to the handes of Wyl|lyam Wendenall, they to keepe the ſame vnto the vſe and behoofe of king Richarde, that vpon his retourne he might doe wyth them as ſhulde pleaſe him: but if it ſo chaunced, that hee ſhulde dye before he coulde retourne from his voyage, or that the Chancellour wente from the agree|ment nowe taken, then immediatlye ſhulde the foreſayd caſtelles of Notingham and Tickhill be reſtored vnto Earle Iohn.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, the other caſtels of ſuche honours as wer aſſigned to Earle Iohn by the king his brother, were commytted vnto the cuſtodye of certayne perſons of great truſt and loyalty, as the caſtell of Wallingforde to the Archebiſhop of Rouen, the caſtell of Briſtowe to the biſhop of Lincolne, the caſtel of the Peake, to the Bi|ſhoppe of Couentry, the caſtell of Boleſofres vnto Richard del Peake (or if he refuſed, then ſhoulde the biſhop of Couentrey haue it in ke|ping) the caſtell of Eye was comitted to Wal|ter Fitz Roberte, the caſtell of Herford to Ro|ger Bigot, and to Richard Revel the caſtels of Exceter and Launſton. Theſe perſons to whõ theſe caſtels were thus cõmitted to be kept, re|ceiued alſo an othe, yt they ſhuld faithfully kepe them to the kings behoofe, & if he chanced to die, before he ſhulde retourne, then the ſame ſhould be deliuered vnto Earle Iohns handes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo there were .iij. caſtelles that pertayned to the crowne delyuered,Caſtels deli [...]|red in truſt as the keeping [...] certain per [...] lykewyſe in truſte as the caſtell of Winſor vnto the Earle of Arun|dell, the caſtell of Wincheſter vnto Gilbert de Lacye, and the caſtell of Northampton vnto Simon de Pateſhulle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 It was alſo agreed, that Biſhoppes, Ab|bots, Earles, and Barons, Valuaſores, and Freehoulders ſhoulde not bee diſſeyſed of theyr landes, goodes or catailes otherwiſe than by or|der of the Iuſtices or officers of the king, ſo that they ſhulde be iudged in the kings courtes according to the lawfull cuſtomes and ordy|naunces of the Realme: and lykewyſe Earle Iohn ſhoulde cauſe the ſame orders to be ob|ſerued throughe all his landes: and if any man attempted to doe otherwiſe vpon ſupporte or mainteinaunce of the Earle Iohn, hee ſhoulde ſtande to be refourmed by the Archebiſhoppe of Rouen if he chaunced then to be in Englande, and by the kings Iuſtices, and by thoſe that hadde ſworne to obſerue this peace: and alſo Earle Iohn him ſelfe at theyr requeſt ſhoulde ſee ſuche reformation to bee hadde. All thoſe Caſtels that had bene buylte or begunne to bee buylded ſith the Kinges paſſage ouer towards his iourney, ſhould be raſed, and no new made or fortifyed tyll hys retourne, excepte in Ma|nours perteyning to the Kyngs demayne, if neede required, or by hys ſpeciall commaunde|mente, eyther by Letters, or ſufficiente meſ|ſengers. The Sheriffwike of Lincolne which the Lord Chancellor had aſſigned vnto Wil|liam de Stuteville ſhould be reſtored vnto Ge|rarde de Camville, who had day apointed hym to apere in the kings court, to hear what might be layd againſt him: & if ſuche matter coulde be proued, for ye which he ought to loſe ye ſayd ſhe|riffwike & the caſtell of Lincolne, then he ſhould depart frõ them by iudgemẽt of ye court, or elſe not. Neither ſhuld erle Iohn maintain him a|gainſt yt iudgemẽt of yt court, nor ſhuld receyue any outlaws, or ſuch as were notoriouſly kno|wen for enimies to the king, and ſo named, nor ſhuld ſuffer thẽ to be recepted within precinct of his liberties: & to hold, maintein & obſerue this peace. The ſaid earle & Chãcellor ſware in the hand of ye Archb. of Rouen wt .7. barons on ei|ther part. On the part of earle Iohn theſe were the names of them that receued yt othe: Stephã Ridell his Chancellor, William de la Mare, Rob. de la Mare, Philip de Turecheſter, Wil|liã de Kahennes, Gilbert Baſſet, & Williã de Montacute. On the Chãcellors part, ye erles of EEBO page image 497 Arundell and Saliſbury, Earle Roger Bigot, and the Earle of Clare, with Walter Fitz Ro|bert, Williã de Breuſe, and Roger Fitz Ram|fray. Theſe things were concluded in this ſorte, the authoritie and commaundement of the king yet in all things ſaued and reſerued: but ſo that if before his returne hee ſhoulde ſignifie his plea|ſure to the contrary of the ordinances aboue mẽ|tioned, then ſhould the Caſtels of Nottingham and Tickhill be reſtored vnto Earle Iohn not|withſtanding whatſoeuer the King ſhould com|maund touching the ſame.

An. Reg. 3. Math. VVeſt. [...]olidor.

Geffrey the Archbiſhop [...] Yorke. [...]g. Houed.

Thus was the peace concluded eftſoones be|twixt Earle Iohn and the Chauncellour.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane while, the elect Archbyſhop of Yorke Geffrey, after long ſute and many delaies contriued, ſpecially by the Chauncellor, obteyned his Pall, being conſecrated by the Archbyſhop of Tours, by vertue of Bulles obteined from Pope Celeſtine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 The Chauncellor aduertiſed heereof, and vn|derſtanding that hee meant to come ſhortly into England to be inſtalled, he was in a great chaft, bycauſe that during the time of the vacation, hee had vſed the reuenewes of that See at his plea|ſure, and therefore now to forgoe them, hee was nothing contented. Heerevpon hee wrote his let|ters vnto Mathew de Clere, Sherife of Kente in this forme:

[...]at. Paris,

[...]he Lorde [...]hancellors [...]ters to the [...]crife of [...]nte.

Praecipimus tibi quod ſi Eboracen. Ele|ctus ad aliquem portum in balliua tua applicuerit, aut aliquis nunciorum eius, eum retineri facias, do|nec mandatum noſtrum inde receperis. Et ſimiliter praecipimus, quòd omnes literas Papae aut magnia|licuius viri, quae illic venerint, facias retineri. The Engliſh whereof is this. Wee commaunde you, that if the elect of Yorke ſhall arriue at any Port or Hauen within your Baiſywicke, or any meſ|ſenger of his, that you cauſe them to be arreſted, and kepte, till you haue commaundement from me therein. And I commaunde you likewiſe, to ſtay, attach, and keepe all letters that come from the Pope, or any other great mã. Such care had the Chancellour in this matter.


[...]e death of [...]e Archby|ſhop of Can|terbury.


Likewiſe, wher|as Baldwine the Archbiſhoppe of Caunterbury, hauing taken his iourney into the holy lande, and arriuing there before the Kyng, chaunced to de|part his life at Tyrus, the laſt yeare, vppon the feaſt day of Saint Edmonde. The Chancellour founde meanes to keepe that See alſo vacante, that he might receyue the profites thereof, during the vacation, and finde meane to bee prepared to it in the ende. But as touching the See of Yorke, although he had (as before is ſayd) made his hande of the reuenewes belonging to the ſame from tyme to tyme at hys pleaſure, yet nowe after that he hearde howe Geffrey hadde receyued the palle, hee made hauocke wa|ſting and ſpoyling all that woulde yeelde hym any money, without reſpect of right or wrong. Moreouer, he cauſed the hauens to bee watched, with commaundemente giuen to the Townes on the ſea coaſt,The Archby|ſhop of Yorke arriueth and is committed to warde. that they ſhoulde not ſuffer the Archbiſhop Geffrey to take lande. At length yet he arriued at Douer, where he was by the fore|ſayd [figure appears here on page 497] Mathew de Clere firſt ſtayed, and after ta|ken out of the Abbey by the Chauncelloures commaundemente, and committed to pryſon within the Caſtell, where was capitayne a no|ble man that had maried the Chancellors ſiſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The newes of whoſe enpriſonement was a|non bruted thorough the realme, wherwith the nobles fretted, and the commons curſſed: final|ly all men deteſted ſuch tyrannie in the Chaun|cellour. But namely the Kings brother Earle Iohn ſtormed at the matter, and with all ſpede aſſembled an armie out of thoſe places where he bare rule, encreaſing the number with a power of Welchemen. There came to him the biſhop of Wincheſter, with many Earles and barons, alſo the biſhop of Bathe and Cheſter, whyche lately before hadde bene chiefe fauourers of the Chauncellour in all his doings: but nowe that the worlde was chaunged, they ſhewed themſel|ues the moſt earneſt enimies hee had, as well in wordes as actes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 In an aſſemblie of all the Biſhoppes of En|gland, al thoſe were excommunicate in ſolemne wiſe, with Candles light, and other ſuche Cere|monies which hadde eyther giuen commaunde|ment, or were preſent as partakers, to pull out of the Church the Archbiſhop of Yorke, or his peo|ple by violence, and had impriſoned them in ma|ner (as before yee haue heard) but this was after the Archbiſhop was ſet at libertie, as ſhould ap|peare by Mathew Paris, for the Chauncelloure repenting himſelfe, (thoughe now too late) of hys cruell dealing againſt the Archbyſhop of Yorke, wherewith hee hadde kindled ſuche a brande a|gainſte EEBO page image 498 him) commaunded the ſaid Archbyſhop, (namely at the inſtante ſute of the Biſhoppe of London,) or rather at the commaundemente of Earle Iohn as Houeden hath) to be ſet at liber|tie. But the diſpleaſure once kindled in the harts of the Nobles, coulde not ſo eaſily bee quenched with his deliuerie, as it was ſpeedily ſet on fire by his empriſonment, ſo that they being now in ar|mour, purpoſed to abate the pride of the Chaun|cellor,

Rog. Houed.

The Chancel|lour ſummo|ned to appeare

and to deliuer the common wealth of ſuch an vglie Tiraunt. And heerewith to begin, they ſummoned and aſſigned hym a peremptory daye to appeare at Reading, to make aunſwere vnto ſuch iniuries as he had done againſt the Archby|ſhop of Yorke, and the Byſhop of Durham, ſi|thence the departure of his ſoueraigne Lorde the Kyng. At whiche daye, there came to Readyng Earle Iohn, and the Archbyſhoppe of Rouen, with many other Byſhops, Earles, and barons, abiding there all that day, to ſee if the Chauncel|loure woulde appeare or no: but hee came not: wherevppon they prepared to marche foorthe to|wards London. And therwithall ſet forward in like maner. He on the other ſide beyng a man of a greate courage, had gathered an army of ſuche ſtraungers and other his friendes as hee coulde make, and therewith went foorth, and encamped neere vnto Windſor, there to abide his aduerſa|ries, [figure appears here on page 498] and to giue them battayle, if they came for|ward and would abide it. But when they ap|proched, and that hee perceyued howe dyuers of his friendes ſhranke from him and went to hys e|nimies, he durſt not attempt the hazard of a field, but fledde backe to London,The Chancel|lor retireth to London. and there withdrew into the Tower, with all hys hoſt, bycauſe hee durſt not committe himſelfe to the doubtfull fe|lowſhip of the Citizens. Through his great pride and ſtately port which he mainteyned, as partly yee haue heard, hee had procured to himſelfe, no ſmall hatred amongſt all degrees of menne. And namely ſuche as by the Kyngs appoyntmente oughte to haue bin parteners with him in go|uernement of the Realm, ſore repined at his pre|ſumptuous proceedings, for that he diſdeyned, as it ſeemed, to vſe their aduice, or to ioyne thẽ with him in the adminiſtration of things, ſo that nowe in time of his trouble, he wiſt not in whome hee might put truſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After hee was thus retired into the Tower of London, Earle Iohn the Archbiſhoppe of Rouen, and the other Biſhops, Earles, and Ba|rons aſſociate togither againſte hym, followe him at the heeles, enter the Citie, and beſiege the Tower on each ſide. And on the morrowe after, being the fourth day after the Octaues of Sainte Michaell, they come togither into Poules church yarde, where they publikely declare the iniurious wrongs done and practiſed by the Chauncellour,A decla [...] made aga [...] the Lorde Chancel [...] namely againſt the Archbiſhop of Yorke, and the Biſhop of Durham. Thoſe alſo that had bin ap|pointed as aſſociates with him, accuſed hym in that he had taken vpon him to rule and gouerne all things after his owne ſelfe will, not vouching ſaue to haue their aduice or councell in ſuche ſorte as had bin conuenient. The Archbiſhop of Ro|uen, and William Marſhall Earle of Pembroke ſhewed there afore all the people the Kyngs let|ters which he hadde ſent from Meſſina,The te [...] this letter he rea [...] appear [...]. appoyn|ting that they ſhoulde bee aſſociate with hym in gouernement of the Kingdome, and that with|out the councell and aduice of them and others aſſigned thereto, hee ſhoulde not meddle with the rule of the land, and that if hee ſhoulde doe a|nye thing to the hinderaunce of the common wealthe, or ſeeke to meddle with the affayres of the Realme, withoute theyr good aduice, EEBO page image 499 that then he ſhould be depoſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Heerevppon it ſeemed good to Earle Iohn, and to all the Biſhoppes, Earles and Ba|rons of the Realme, and to the Citizens of London there aſſembled, that the ſayd Chan|cellour ſhould bee depoſed, and ſo they proceeded, and depoſed him indeede, appoynting the Arch|biſhoppe of Rouen in his place, who woulde not take vppon him to do anye thing touching the rule of the land, without conſent of his aſſociates aſſigned to him, and the Barons of the Eſchec|ker.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 The ſame day, Earle Iohn, and the Archbi|ſhop of Rouen and other of the Kings Iuſtices, [...]e Citizens London. graunted to the Citizens of London the priui|ledge of their communaltie, and the ſayde Earle and Archbiſhop, and in manner all the Byſhops, Earles and Barons of the Realme, ſware to mainteyne the ſayd priuiledge firme and ſtable, ſo long as ſhould pleaſe their ſoueraigne Lorde. And the Citizens of Londõ ſware to be true, and to do their faithfull ſeruice vnto Kyng Richarde and his heires, and if hee chanced to die withoute iſſue, then to receyue Earle Iohn the brother of Kyng Richarde for their King and ſoueraigne Lord, and therevpon ſware fealty to him againſt all men, ſauing that whiche they owed vnto hys brother Kyng Richard. The Chancellor percey|uing the multitude to be ſuche whiche hee hadde with him in the Tower, as the place was not a|ble to hold them any long tyme, after he had re|mayned within it one night, he came foorth vnto Earle Iohn, and to the other that were thus en|tred the Citie, and now ready to beſiege hym, of whome, hee getteth licence for them that were encloſed within the Tower, to departe withoute domage, [...]e Chaun| [...]lor yeel| [...]th vp the [...]wer. and therewith delyuered vp the To|wer vnto the handes of the Archbiſhoppe of Ro|uen, with the Caſtell of Windſor and certayne other Caſtels, which he held within the Realme, but not all: notwithſtanding hee couenaunted to make deliuerie of the reſidue which yet remained in the hands of them whome hee had appoynted to the keeping of the ſame. And for aſſurance of that couenaunt to be performed before he depar|ted the Realme, hee deliuered his breethren and one that was hys Chamberlayne, to remayne with the Lords as hoſtages. And this done, hee haſted to Caunterbury, where he promiſed to re|ceyue the Croſſe of a Pilgrime to goe into the holy lande, and to render vp the Croſſe of hys Legateſhip, whiche he had vſurped a yeare and a halfe after the death of Pope Clemente, to ye pre|iudice of the Churche of Rome, and to the detri|mente and greate hinderaunce of the Engliſhe Church, [...]e print of [...] Legates [...]oſle. for ther was not any one Church with|in the Realme whyche hadde not bin put to fyne and Raunſome by that Croſſe, nor any eccleſia|ſticall perſon went free, but the print of ye Croſſe appeared in him and his purſe. From Caunter|bury, he getteth hym to Douer vnto his brother in law, and fynally ſeekyng meanes to paſſe o|uer into Fraunce, and doubting to be diſcouered, he apparrelled himſelfe in womans rayment,The Biſhop of Elie late Lord Chancellor diſguiſeth himſelfe in womans ap|parrell. got a webbe of cloth on his arme, as though he hadde bene ſome huſwifely woman of the countrey, but by the vntowardly folding & vncũning han|dling of his cloth, (or rather by a lewde fiſher|man that tooke him for an harlotte) hee was ſuſ|ſpected and ſearched ſo narrowly,He is bewraid that by hys priuy members he was prooued to be a man, and at length, knowen, attached, and committed to priſon, after hee hadde bene reprochfully handled by them that founde hym, and by the Wiues of the Towne, in ſuche vnſeemely apparrell.Earle not the Biſhops friend Earle Iohn woulde haue hadde hym puniſhed, and putte to ſome open reproofe for hys paſſed tyrannicall doyngs, but the Byſhoppes, and o|ther of the Barons, for reuerence of hys order, procured hys delyueraunce, with licence to paſſe ouer into Normandy, where hee was borne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus was the Biſhoppe of Elie depoſed from hys office of being Chauncellour, and not withoute warrant, for in very deede,Mat. Par. King Ri|charde hauing receyued aduertiſementes from the Lordes and Peeres of the Realme, of the Chauncellors preſumptuous and hautie demea|nor, with wrongs offered to dyuers perſons, wrote to them agayne in this wiſe.

[figure appears here on page 499]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 RIcharde Kyng of Englande ſendeth gree|tyng to William Marſhall, to Gilberte Fitz Peter, and Henry Berdulfe, and to William Brewer Peeres. If it ſo chaunce that oure Chauncelloure hathe not faythfully handled the affayres and buſineſſe of oure Realme (committed vnto hym) by the aduice and councell of you, and other to whom wee haue EEBO page image 500 haue alſo aſſigned the charge of gouernemente of the ſame Realme: wee commaund you, that ac|cording to youre diſpoſition in all things to bee done concerning the gouernemente thereof, you order and diſpoſe as well for eſchetes, as all o|ther things. &c. By force of this commiſſion, the Lords were the bolde [...] to proceede againſte hym as ye haue heard.The Biſhop of Earle compley|neth of hys wrongs recey+ued. After his comming into the parties of beyonde the Seas, he ceaſſed not with letters and meſſengers to preſent his complainte to the Pope of Rome and to King Richarde, of the iniuries receyued at the hands of Earle Iohn and his complices.The Popes letters vnto the Archbi|ſhop and Bi|ſhops of Eng+lande. And heerevpõ Pope Celeſtine wrote indeede to all the Archbiſhops and By|ſhops that were within the Realme of England, in behalfe of the ſayd Biſhop of Elie, declaryng, that for as much as the King of Englande was gone into the holy lande to warre againſt the e|nimies of oure faythe, leauyng hys Kyngdome vnder the protection of the Apoſtolyke See, hee coulde not but haue ſpeciall regard to ſee that the ſtate, rightes and honor thereof, were preſerued from all daunger of decay:Note how the Pope defen|deth hys Chapleynes. wherevppon, vnder|ſtanding that there had bene certayne attemptes made by Iohn Earle of Mortaigne, and others, both againſte the King, and the Biſhop of Elie, that was not onely Legate of the Apoſtolyke See but alſo gouernoure of the land appoynted by the King whyche attempte ſounded greatly to the reproche of the Churche of Rome, and danger of domage to enſue to Kyng Richard, if remedie were not the ſooner founde: wherefore he commaunded them by vertue of their obedience, to excommunicate the Earle of Mortaigne, or any other that was knowen to haue layde any violent hands vppon the ſayde Biſhoppe of Ely, or deteyned him as Capt [...]ne, or enforced hym to any othe, or elſe had chaunged the ſtate of rule in the Kingdome of England to other forme, than Kyng Richarde had ordeyned at his ſetting for|warde towards the holy land: and that not only all the councellors, auctors, ayders and compli|ces of thoſe that had committed ſuch outrage, but alſo theyr landes ſhould ſtande interdited, ſo that no deuine ſeruice ſhoulde be vſed within precinct of the ſame, except pennaunce and Chriſtning of Infants. This to remayne till the ſayde Byſhop and Kyngdome were reſtored into the former e|ſtate: and that the parties excommunicated, ſhuld preſent themſelues with letters from the Biſhops vnto the Apoſtolike See to be aſſoyled. &c. Heere|vppon alſo the Biſhop of Ely himſelfe wrote vn|to the Byſhop of Lincolne and other, touchyng this matter: but the Biſhoppes did neyther anye thing in accompliſhment of the effect of ye Popes letters, nor at his owne contemplatiõ. And ther|fore perceyuing ſmall help to come that way, hee ſoughte to obteyne the fauor and friendſhippe of Earle Iohn, and of his mother Quene Eleanor. In the meane time, the Lords, Barons and Pre|lates of the Realme after they had depriued hym of all authoritie, and baniſhed him ſoorthe of the lande, they ordeyned the Archbiſhop of Rouen in fauour of the Kings commiſſion,The Ar [...]+ſhop of [...] chiefe g [...]+nour of E [...] lande. to haue ye chiefe rule and adminiſtration of things touchyng all the affayres of the common wealth, but yet ſo as Earle Iohn had the doings in many poyntes, ſo that he might ſeeme in manner as aſſociate with him, whereof ſprang muche inconuenience. For this Iohn beeing a man (as hee is noted by ſome writers) of an ambitious nature, was ſuſpected to aſpire vnto the Kyngdome. In ſo much, that hee had ioyned with the French King after the ſame King was returned forth of the holy land againſt his brother Kyng Richard, if his mother Quene Eleanor hadde not perſwaded him to the con|trary.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt theſe things were a doyng,

R [...]g. H [...] VVil P [...]

Fift [...]e [...] Functi [...] other ag [...] with H [...] as Ger [...] Me [...]cu [...] [...]+ting Alt [...]+cus a [...]

on the twelfth day of Iuly, the Citie of Acres was ſur|rendred into the Chriſtian mens handes, for the Soldan Saladine (beeyng approched neere to the ſiege of the Chriſtians with a puiſſaunte Ar|my in hope to haue reyſed theyr ſiege) when hee perceyued it lay not in hys power to worke any feate to the ſuccoure of hys people within the Ci|tie, and that they were ſo conſtreyned that they muſt needes yeelde, hee holpe to make theyr compoſition, and promiſed to performe certayne couenauntes on their behalfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Heerevppon, the Saraſynes within Acres couenaunted not onely to delyuer the Citie vn|to the Chriſtians with fyue hundred Priſo|ners of Chriſtians whyche they hadde within the ſame, but alſo to procure that the holye Croſſe ſhoulde bee to them deliuered, with a thouſande other Chriſtian Priſoners, ſuche as the Chriſtian Princes ſhoulde appoynte out of thoſe numbers whyche Saladyne hadde in hys cuſtodye, and further, to gyue them two hun|dred thouſande Beſans.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And tyll theſe couenauntes were performed, it was agreede, that the Saraſynes whyche were at that preſente lefte within the Citie, ſhoulde remayne as pledges, vnder condition, that if the ſame couenauntes were not perfor|med within fortie dayes, then ſhoulde they ſtande at the mercy of the Chriſtian Princes as touchyng lyfe and lymme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe thyngs thus concluded, and the Ci|tie yeelded vp into the Chriſtian mens handes,The Citie of Acres. the Frenche Kyng vppon enuy and malice con|ceyued agaynſte Kyng Richarde although hee pretended ſickneſſe for e [...]cuſ [...] departed home|wardes,The Fre [...] K. ret [...] home. ſetting from Actes the laſt daye of Iu|ly. Nowe then, after the departure of Kyng Phillippe, when the daye approched, in the EEBO page image 501 whiche the Saraſines ſhoulde performe the coue|nauntes, or elſe ſtande to the iudgement of lyfe and death at the pleaſure of the Chriſtian Prin|ces. It was perceiued that the couenantes would not bee fulfilled according to the agremeent. For Saladyne, as it well appeared, mente not to per|forme that which for the ſafegarde of his men hee had vndertaken, and did but dally with the Chri|ſtians to prolong the time, whervpõ ſentẽce was giuen forthe that for defaulte in ſuche behalfe, the Saraſynes remayning as pledges ſhuld loſe their heades. Saladyne hauing knowledge thereof, ſent worde to King Richard and to the whole Chriſ|tian army, that if his people that were in the chri|ſtion mens hands loſt their heades, he would not faile but cauſe the heades of all thoſe Chriſtians which he had in captiuitie to be cut off likewiſe: but notwithſtãding this anſwere on the fourtene day of Auguſt King Richarde iſſued forth of the citie paſſing the vttermoſt ditches and encamped himſelfe neere ye army of Saladyne, who ye ſame day ſent vnto King Richarde riche preſentes re|quyring of hym a longer day for performaunce of the couenauntes,Saladine cau|ſeth the Chri|ſtian priſo|ners to be beheaded. but that would not be gran|ted: wherefore vpon the ſayd denyall, Saladyne cauſed al thoſe Chriſtian priſoners which he had in his handes to be beheaded vpõ ye eightenth day [figure appears here on page 501] of Auguſt, on whyche day Kyng Rycharde ad|uaunced forth towardes the lodgings of the Sa|raſins, and ſkirmiſhed wyth them very hottely, ſo [figure appears here on page 501] that manye were wounded and ſlayne on both parts: amõgſt other one of King Richards com|panions at al exerciſes named Peter Mignot loſt his life there. Furthermore, although K. Richard heard that Saladyne had put to death the chriſti|an priſoners in ſuche wiſe as you haue harde, yet woulde not hee preuente his terme appointed for the execution of the Saraſyns that were in hys cuſtody, but abiding vnto the twentie day of Au|guſt, he then cauſed thoſe Saraſyns whiche fel to his lot, at the time of the ſurrender of Acres being in number about .2600. to be brought foorth of the citie, and neere to the walles in the ſight of Sala|dine and all his hoſt, they had their heads chop|ped off.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The Duke of Burgoigne cauſed execution to be done within the citie of thoſe whiche fell to the French Kings ſhare, the number of the which roſe to two thouſande and foure hundred, or therea|boutes, for the whole number was reckned to bee about fyue thouſande that thus loſte theyr lyues through the inconſtancie of their Prince.Rog. Houed. Yet diuers of the principall had their liues ſaued. The Sarazens themſelues alſo ſpake muche euill of Saladine for this matter, bycauſe that refuſing to performe the articles of couenauntes, he hadde occaſioned the enimie to ſlea thoſe that hadde ſo valiantly ſerued in defence of the Citie, to the vt|termoſt ieopardie of their liues.Gerua. Dor [...]. But now to leaue foraine matters, and to returne home into Eng|land: We finde that the ſecond of December, the Monkes of Caunterbury choſe to their Archby|ſhop Reginald Biſhop of Bath, the which with|in fifteene dayes after his election, departed thys life, and lyeth buried at Bath. Alſo this yere, or as Gerua. Doro. hath in the yere following, the Bi|ſhop of Durham ſought meanes to withdraw his ſubiection frõ yt Archbiſhop of Yorke, for whyche EEBO page image 502 attempt,S [...]le betwixt the Archby|ſhop of Yorke and the By|ſhop of Dur|ham. the Archbiſhoppe of Yorke vpon truſt of the Popes graunte, did not excommunicate the ſayd Biſhop, notwithſtanding that hee appealled to the Popes conſiſtory three ſeuerall tymes, put|ting his owne matter and his Churches to be ex|amined and tryed by the Pope, wherevpon hee o|beyed not the excommunication: and ſignifying the cauſe vnto Rome, obteyned ſuche fauor, that the Pope and his Cardinals reuerſed the ſentẽce, and iudged the excommunication to be of none effect. And further they decreed, that if the Archbi|ſhop of Yorke had broken the Aulters and Cha|lices, as information was giuen, in whiche the Biſhoppe of Durham had celebrated after his ap|peale made to the Courte of Rome, that then ſhoulde the ſayd Byſhop of Durham be acquited from owing any ſubiection to the ſayde Archby|ſhop for ſo long as they two ſhould liue togither. True it is, that the Archbiſhop had not only bro|ken the Aulters and Chalices which the Byſhop had vſed in deede for the celebration of Maſſe, but alſo helde his owne brother Iohn Earle of Mor|taigne, for excommunicate, bycauſe hee had eate and dronke in company of the ſayd Byſhop, and would not communicate with him, till hee came to receyue abſolution, and to make ſatiſfaction for his fault. In the end, the Biſhops of Lincolne and Rocheſter, with the Abbot of Peterburgh, were appointed by the Pope to haue the hearyng of this matter, as Iudges, authoriſed by hys Bulles, who ſate therevpon at Northampton, vppon Saint Kalixt hys daye, where after they had heard both parties argue what they could in eyther of their caſes, they gaue a longer day, that is to witte, till the feaſt of the natiuitie of Sainct Iohn Baptiſt nexte after, to ſee if by anye good meanes there mighte ſome agreement haue bene hadde betwixt them, or, if that coulde not bee, that then the Popes letters to ſtande in force as before, and the helps of eyther parte ſaued, as though no delay hadde bin vſed. And to thys, both parties were agreeable, ſpecially at the mo|tion of the Byſhoppe of Lincolne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare alſo, Roger de Lacy Conneſtable of Cheſter, tooke Alan de Lee,Roger Lacy Conneſta [...] of Cheſter. and Peter de Bo|uencort, and vppon deſpite hanged them, for that [figure appears here on page 502] beeyng put in truſt amongſt other with the kee|pyng of the Caſtels of Nottingham and Tick|hill which he had receyued into his cuſtody of the Biſhop of Elie Lord Chauncellor, they had con|ſented to the treaſon of Roberte de Crokeſton, Endo de Duville, which deliuered the ſame Ca|ſtels vnto Iohn Earle of Mortaigne. The ſame Earle of Mortaigne was highly offended for the death of thoſe two perſons, and therefore waſted the lands of the ſaid Roger which lay within the compaſſe of his iuriſdiction.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now touching the departure of the Frẽch King from Acres, diuers occaſions are remem|bred by Writers of the emulation and ſecret ſpite which he ſhould beare towardes King Richarde, and beſide other already touched, one was, for en|terteyning and relieuing ye Erle of Champaigne in ſuche bountifull wiſe in his neceſſitie, that hee was ready to forſake the Frenche Kings ſeruice, and cleaue to Kyng Richard: but howſoeuer it came to paſſe partly through enuy as hathe bene thought, conceyued at the great deedes of Kyng Richarde, whoſe greate power and valiancie hee could not well abide, and partly for other reſpects hym moouing, hee tooke the Sea with three gal|ltys of the Genewes, and returned firſt into Ita|ly, and ſo home into Fraunce, hauing promiſed firſt vnto Kyng Richarde at hys departure out of the holy lande, and after to Pope Cele|ſtine at Rome, that hee woulde not attempte EEBO page image 503 any hurtfull enterpriſe againſte the Engliſhe do|minions, till King Richarde ſhoulde be returned foorth of the holy land: but this promiſe was not kept, [...]e euill dea| [...]g and [...]each of [...]miſe of [...] French K. for after that he was returned into Fraunce, hee firſte ſoughte to procure the foreſayde Earle Iohn King Richards brother, to rebell agaynſte him, promiſing him not onely ayde to reduce all his brothers dominions into his handes, but alſo to giue him his ſiſter Adela in marriage, whome King Richard vpon ſuſpition of vnchaſt lyuing, had forſaken (as before yee haue heard) but when Earle Iohn was diſſwaded by his mother, from accepting this offer (which otherwiſe as it is ſaid he would willingly haue receyued,) King Phillip ſtill reteyned a malitious rancor in his hart, and in reuenge of olde diſpleaſures, woulde haue at|tempted ye war againſt ye ſubiectes of K. Richard, if his Lords woulde haue ioyned with hym: but they conſidering what ſlaunder woulde re|dound hereof, both to him and them for the iniu|rie done to the Chriſtian common wealthe, in making warre againſte hym that was occupyed in defence of the faith againſte the common eni|mies of Chriſtendome, would not giue theyr cõ|ſente hereto, and ſo the matter reſted, till Kyng Richarde was taken priſoner in Almaigne, and then what followed, it ſhall after appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane while,

VVil. Par.

Enuious diſ|cord among the Chriſtiãs.

the Chriſtian army at|chieued ſome worthy enterpriſes in the holye lande, thoughe not many, by reaſon of ſuche enuious diſcord as reigned amongſt the chiefe gouernours. It chaunced yet on the euen of the Natiuitie of our Ladye nexte after the depar|ture of king Phillip, as king Richard marched forth towards Iapha antiently called Ioppe, the Soldan Saladine taking the aduantage of the place, ſet vpon the rerewarde of the Chri|ſtians:King Richard diſcomfiteth the Saraſynes neere to Porte Iaph. but hys Saraſynes (after they had fought right fiercelye from noone [...]ill ſunne ſetting) were ſo beaten backe at lengthe, and repulſed with ſuche loſſe, that in fortie yeares before, they hadde not ſuſteyned at one tyme greater do|mage.

[figure appears here on page 503]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Amongſt other of the Chriſtians ſlayne at that encounter, was one Iames Dauenes, a mã of high prowes and valiancie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]g. Houed.Moreouer, Kyng Richarde wanne dyuers Townes and Caſtels out of the enimies hands, as Aſcalon, Darus, and dyuers other, and ſome hee fortifyed, as Aſcalon aforeſayde, and Porte Iaph, otherwiſe called Ioppa. There were ſun|dry encounters alſo betwixte the Saraſynes and Chriſtians, wherein Kyng Richarde and hys people bare themſelues ſo manfully, that the vic|tory for the moſt parte continually reſted on their ſide.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1192At one time alſo, hearing of a great conuoy of vittayles, munitions and other things whiche came from Babylone towardes Ieruſalem to furniſh Saladine and hys army (whych conuoys they call Caravann [...]s) Kyng Richarde with a competente power of menne mette them on the way, and diſtreſſed thoſe that were attendaunte vppon the ſafegarde of that carriage, beeing in number aboute two thouſande Horſemen, be|ſyde a greate multitude of footemenne, and therewith tooke the carriages with foure, thou|ſande and ſyxe hundred Cammels and Drom|modaries, beſyde an innumerable ſort of Mules, Aſſes, and other beaſtes of burthen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But to ſpeake of all the worthy exploytes at|chieued by King Richarde and his valiant Cap|taynes there in the holy lande againſte the Infi|dels, it woulde require a long treatiſe, and there|fore heere we paſſe them ouer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This is to bee noted, that amongſt other of EEBO page image 504 whome wee finde honorable mention made by writers for their high valiancie ſhewed in thoſe exploytes,The names of ſuch noble men as were famous for their valiant doings in this voyage. theſe are named as chiefe, Robert Erle of Leyceſter, Hubert Byſhop of Saliſburie, with the Earles of Saint Paule and Dreux, beſide di|uers other, as Hugh de Gourney, William de Borrez, Walcline de Ferrers, Roger de Toony, Iames de Auenes, the Byſhop of Beanuoys, William de Barres, William de Tarland, Dro|go de Merlo, Robert de Nealle, Henry Fitz Ni|cholas, Roberte de Newburg, Raufe de Sainte Mary, Arnald du Boys, Henry de Ma [...]loc, Wil|liam and Saul de Bruil, Andrew de Chauigny, Henry de Gray, Peter de Pratellis, Stephen de Turnham, Baldwin Carron, Clarenbalde de Mont Chablon, Manſer de Lyſle, Richarde De|orques, and Theoderike Phillip, Ferrike de Vi|enne, Gilberte Malemayne, Alexander d' Arſy, Stephen de Longehamp, Seguin de Barret, Ro|ger de Glanuille, Raymond Fitz Prince, Bar|tholmew de Mortimer Gerard Furniual, Raufe de Malleon,de Pole alias de Stragno. Roger de Sacy, William de Poole, Hugh de Neuill, Hẽry Teutch, or if ye will Te [...]|tonicus the Kings Standerdbearer, with dyuers other, as well Engliſhmen, Frenchmen, Nor|mans, Poictouins, Iniouines, Britons, Gaſ|coignes, as of other nations, of whome partly mention is already made before in this booke, and partly for breefeneſſe dyuers are omitted. But nowe to returne, ſure it is, that Kyng Richarde meant to haue recouered the Citie of Ieruſalem, and all the holy land out of the Sarazens hands, by the aſſiſtance of almighty God. If the doubte whiche hee had of his brother the Earle of Mor|taings practiſes, and the French Kings doyngs, whiche were brought to him with a greeuous re|port, had not reuoked him home: for diuers meſſẽ|gers were ſent dayly into the holy land to aduer|tiſe hym of ſuch daungers as were like to enſue,Galf. Vinſaf. if by his ſpeedy returne the ſame were not pre|uented.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 And firſt after Eſter, there came to him ye Pri|or of Hereforde with letters from the Biſhop of Ely, conteyning a ſore information againſt hys brother Earle Iohn, for hauing expulſed thoſe whome he had appoynted rulers ouer the Realme of England, and altred the ſtate of things there contrary to the ordinances by hym deuiſed afore his ſetting forwarde vpon his iourney (as before yee haue partly heard.) Vpon recept of which let|ters, he meant immediately at the firſt to haue re|turned, and to haue left behinde him a conuenient power of men, to witte, three hundred Knightes or men of armes, and two thouſand choſen foote|men, to abide vpon the defence of the holy lande, with other Chriſtians at his coſtes and charges. But yet at length he was perſwaded to tarry ſpe|cially til things were ſet in ſome better ſtay, whi|che then were out of order by ye death of the Mar|ques of Montferrato, Lord of Tire,The Marques of Montfer|rato m [...] by the A [...]+fini. whome two traiterous Sarazens of ye kinde which they name Aſſaſſini had murthered. After whoſe death, Hẽry Earle of Champaigne that was nephew to kyng Richarde, married his wife, and was made K. of Ieruſalem, Guido reſigning to him his title, vnto whome as it were in recompence, King Richard gaue the Iſle of Cipres, although ſome write, yt ye Knightes templers had bought it of him before. Thus K. Richard remaining ſtil in the holy lãd, ſhortly after Whitſontide, there came an other meſſenger to him, one Iohn de Alenzon a Clerke, [figure appears here on page 504] bringing worſe newes out of Englande than the Prior of Hereford had broughte before, whiche in effect conteyned, that his brother Erle Iohn was alied as a confederate with the French King,Earle Iohn purpoſed [...] leaſe vpon the Kingd [...] in his bro|thers ab [...] and meant through his ſetting on, to ſeiſe into his poſ|ſeſſion the whole Realme of England, notwith|ſtanding the perſwaſion of his mother Queene Eleanor, and other hys friendes to the con|trary.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon K. Richard was fully perſwaded to returne home, but yet through the admonition of certaine perſons, and namely of one William de Poicters, a Chaplaine of his,William de Poicters Ki [...] Richards Chaplayn [...] hee eftſoones altered his purpoſe, and ſo remayned there, till at length through enuy and malice ſtill encreaſing amongſt the Chriſtians, he perceyued how no good purpoſe could goe forward, ſince that which ſeemed good to ſome, was miſliked of other: and ſpecially oure writers put great blame in the Frenchmenne, the which eyther vpon diſdeyne, or other diſpleaſure, would not be perſwaded to followe theyr aduice, whych were knowen beſt to vnderſtand the ſtate of thinges in thoſe parties. And heerevppon, when the armye was aduaunced vnto Bete|noble, a place not paſt foure leagues diſtaunte from Ieruſalem, bycauſe theyr mynde myghte not bee fulfilled for the beſieging of Ieruſalem, EEBO page image 505 which they had intended to take in hand where as the [...] woulde [...]er that they ſhoulde haue gone to beſiege Ba [...]lon in Egypt, and that vppon ſundry greate [...]eſpectes the French [...]tmyſed myſed theyr fielde, and [...]ed agayne to [...] in great deſpite, putting the [...] of the armie alſo ſo much as in them ſay in [...]aunger of [...] [...]ne and diſtreſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. reg. 4. King Richarde then and the other Chriſ [...]an Captaines perceyuing how ye matter [...]|ned, and giuing ouer all hope of any more good ſa [...]eſſe followed them. And after they were thus re [...]d to Acres, K. Richard [...]ll doubting leaſt his long abſence from home might putte him in daunger of more loſſe here, than hee ſawe hope of preſent gaine to be had there, in ſuch diuerſitie of humours and priuie malice which raigned amõg them, he determined fully to depart homewards, with no leſſe purpoſe to returne thither again af|ter he had ſetled things at home in ſuch ſure ſtay as was expedient for the ſuretie of his own eſtate and quietneſſe of his people.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon being readie to enter into his ſhips at Acres, [or as ſome haue,VVil. Par, being on his iourney homewardes in Cypres,] he was aduertiſed that the Souldan Saladine had taken the towne of Iapha, ſlaine a great number of the Chriſtians within it, and beſieged the reſidue within the Ca|ſtell, [figure appears here on page 505] the which (conſtreyned through feare) had compounded to yeelde, if within three dayes there came no ſuccour.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Richarde being hereof aduertiſed, and turning griefe into valiauncie, with all ſpeede ſayled backe vnto Iapha, and landing there with his people, cauſed his enimies to forſake the towne: but anon aſſembling themſelues againe togyther, [...]ing Richard [...]ſcueth Port [...]ph. thy turned once more to beſiege it, wherevpon hee iſſued forth into the fieldes, and fought with them ſundrie dayes togither, tyll fi|nally they were content to forſake theyr enter|priſe and to depart thence for altogyther.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In theſe conflicts the valiant courage of king Richarde, [...]d. Niger. [...]at. Paris. and the worthie manhoode of his ſoul|diers right well appeared: for hee brought not with him at that tyme vnto Iapha about .lxxx. men of armes, and foure hundred other ſouldiers with Croſſebowes, and yet with that ſmal hand|full of men, with ſome ayd of them that he found there in the Caſtell, he did not onely byd battaile to the enimies, which were numbred to .lxij.M. but alſo put them to the worſe, and cauſed them to flee backe, to theyr great ſhame and confuſion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 Thus Iapha beeing deliuered out of the eni|mies hands, king Richarde fell ſicke at a Caſtell called Cephas, and ſo remayned there certaine dayes, till he had recouered his health.Cephas. King Richard fell ſicke. In which meane time, the Soldan Saladine ſeeming to la|ment his caſe, ſent vnto him certain of his Coun|ſellers to common with him of peace, declaring that although he well vnderſtoode that king Ri|charde ment ſhortly to returne into his countrey, and that after his departure out of the Eaſt par|ties, he coulde with ſmall ado recouer all that the Chriſtians yet helde within the holye lande, hee woulde neuertheleſſe in reſpect of king Richardes high prowes, and noble valiancie, graunt a peace for a certaine time, ſo that not only Iſcalone, but alſo al other ſuch townes and places as the Chri|ſtians had fortified or wonne ſith the conqueſt of Acres ſhoulde be razed, as touching their walles, bulwarkes, gates, and other fortifications. King Richard (though hee perceyued that this offer of peace tended vnto this poynt chiefly, that Sala|dine woulde thereby a [...]nihilate whatſoeuer the Chriſtian armie had done in the holy lande ſithe his and the French kings arriuall, ſo that by the ſayd peace he ſhould gaine more than by the edge of his ſword,) did ſomwhat ſtay at this offer and EEBO page image 506 demaund as a thing greatly diſhonourable to the Chriſtians, to loſe by treatie of peace ſo muche or rather more than they gotte by force of warres, (a meere token of faynt and feeble courage) yet con|ſidering, that in ſuch neceſſitie both of his depar|ture from thence, and alſo of lacke of other ſuccors to reſiſt the puiſſance of the enimies, after his cõ|ming away, he iudged it beſt to take the offer at the enimies handes in aduoyding of ſome greater euill.A peace con|cluded be|twixt the Chri+ſtians and Sa|rafins. Herevpon therefore was a peace concluded to endure for three yeares, three monethes, three weekes, three dayes, & three houres, to beginne at Eaſter next enſuing. And among other articles, it was couenaunted, that the Chriſtians ſhoulde haue free paſſage to come and goe vnto the Citie of Ieruſalem to viſite the holye Sepulchre there, which was graunted, ſo that amongeſt a great number of Chriſtians that preſently vpon thys concluſion went thither,Hubert biſhop of Saliſburie. Hubert Biſhop of Sa|liſburie was one, who had continued aboute the king during the time of all his iourney till thys time. King Richard hauing thus cõcluded with Saladine,King Richard taketh his ior|ney home|wardes. tooke the Sea, and comming againe into Cypres, ſent his wife Queene Berengaria with his ſiſter Ioane, late Queene of Sicell into Englande by the long Seas, but he himſelfe not minding to lie long on the Seas, determined to take his courſe into Grecia, and ſo by lande to paſſe homewardes with all ſpeede poſſible. How|beit ere hee coulde attaine his purpoſe, his chaunce was to bee dryuen by tempeſt into the coaſt of Iſtria, not farre from Aquileia, where he ſtoode in ſome doubt of his lyfe. For if hee had beene knowne and taken, they woulde ſurely haue kyl|led him, bycauſe of the ſlaunder that went of him,King Richard ſlaundered for the death of the Marques of Monferrat [...]. as guiltie of the death of Conrade the Marques of Monferato, who in deede was ſlaine by two of the Aſſaſſini in the Citie of Ti|rus, whileſt King Richarde was in the holye lande (as before yee haue hearde.) He therefore hauing here made Shipwracke, and doubting to fall into the handes of anye perſon in thoſe parties that bare good will vnto the Marques, (agaynſt whome he had indeede ſhewed himſelfe not friendly in a quarrell betwixt the ſayd Mar|ques and Guido the king of Ieruſalem) made the beſt ſhift he coulde to gette away, yet know|ledge being hadde of him, and ſearch made after him by one Meynard of Gorezeyn,

VVil. Par [...]s.

Erle of Gorze.

hee loſt an eight of hys ſeruauntes, and ſo came to a towne within the Biſhoprike of Saltzburg called Fry|ſake,Saltzburg. where he was eftſoones in daunger to haue beene taken againe by one Frederike de Saint Soome, who notwithſtanding tooke ſixe of hys menne, but yet hee himſelfe wyth three other of hys companie made ſhift to get awaye. And fi|nally comming to Vien in Oſtriche,King Richard commeth to Vienna. and there cauſing his ſeruauntes to prouide meate for him more ſumptuous and fine than was thought requiſite for ſo meane a perſon as hee counterfey|ted then to heare the countenaunce of,Polidor. it was ſtreight wayes ſuſpected that he was ſome other maner of man than hee ſhewed himſelfe to bee, and in fine, thoſe that marked more diligently the maner of him, perceyued what he was, and gaue knowledge to the Duke of Auſtrich named Leo|polde, being then in the Citie of Vienna, what they had ſeene. His Page that had the Tentch tongue, goyng aboute the towne to chaunge Golde, and buit vittayles, bewrayed him, ha|uing by chaunce the kings gloues vnder hys gir|dle: wherevpon comming to bee examined, for feare of tortures confeſſed the truth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke ſtreight wayes cauſed the houſe where he was lodged,Raufe [...] to bee ſette aboute wyth armed menne, and ſente other into the houſe to apprehende him. He being ware that he was diſcried, gotte him to his weapon: but they ad|uiſing him to bee contented, and alledging the Dukes commaundement, hee boldely anſwered, that ſithe hee muſte bee taken, he beeing a king, woulde yeelde himſelfe to none of the compa|nie but to the Duke himſelfe, and therefore if it woulde pleaſe him to come, hee woulde yeelde himſelfe into his handes. The Duke hearing of this, ſpeedily came vnto hym,King [...] ſubmi [...] himſelfe [...] the Duke o [...] Auſtriche. whome hee mee|ting, deliuered vp his ſworde, and committed him vnto his cuſtodie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke reioyſing of ſuch a pray, brought him vnto his Palace, and with gentle wordes enterteyned him, thoughe hee ment no greate good towardes him, as well ynoughe appeared in that hee committed hym to the keeping of cer|tayne Gentlemen, which wythout muche cur|teſie looked ſtreightly ynough to him for ſtar|ting awaye, inſomuche that they kept hym in colde Irons as ſome Authours doe wryte.Nic. Tri [...] Hee was taken after the maner aforeſayde in De|cember vpon Saint Thomas euen the yeare of our Lorde .1192. and in the fourth yeare of hys raigne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Auſtriche ought the King no good wil bycauſe he had caſt downe his enſignes pight vp in a Turret at Acres,Polich [...]. whiche hee had wonne at the verye time when that Citie was delyuered by the Saraſins: for whileſt they were in treatie on one ſide, the Duke on the other,The cauſe [...] the diſple [...] betwixt the Duke of [...]+ſtrich & ki [...] Richard. not knowing any thing thereof, gaue the aſſault vn|to that part of the towne which was appoyn|ted vnto him to beſiege. And ſo beeing entred the towne, and perceyuing that by treatie it was to be delyuered, he retired into the Turret which he had firſt wonne and entred, and there ſet vp his Standart and enſignes, whiche king Richarde as the Tentch wryters affyrme, comming thy|ther, threwe downe and trode vnder hys feete.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 507But Geruaſius Dorobornenſis declareth this matter ſomewhat otherwiſe, [...]r. Do. as thus. After that the ſayde Citie of Acres was rendred into the Chriſtian mens handes (ſayth he) dyuerſe Lords tooke their lodgings as they thought good, and hanged forth theyr enſignes. And as it chaunced, the Duke of Auſtriche placing himſelfe in one of the fayreſt Palayces of all the Citie; put forth hys Enſigne, whereof King Richarde beeing ware, came thither wyth a companie of har|die Souldiers aboute hym, and threwe downe the Dukes Enſigne, ſo diſplacing him oute of that ſo pleaſaunt and beautifull a lodging. [...]g. Houed. For this cauſe and alſo ſurmiſing that king Ri|charde ſhoulde be guiltie of the death of the Mar|ques, Conrade the Duke of Auſtriche ſhewed ſuche diſcourteſie towardes him. But concer|ning the murther of the Marques, [...]ing Richard [...]eared of the [...]eath of the [...]arques of [...]ountferate. the chiefe gouernour of thoſe Saraſins called Aſſaſſini cleared King Rycharde by a Letter wrytten and directed vnto the Duke of Auſtriche in ma|ner as followeth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3


LVpoldo Duci Auſtriae, Vetus de Monte ſalu|tẽ.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Cùm plurimi Reges & Principes vltra ma|re Richardũ Regem Angliae & dominũ de morte, Marchiſi inculpent, iuro per dominũ qui regnat in aeternum, & per legem quam tenemus, quod in eius mortem nullam culpam habuit: Eſt ſiquidem cauſa mortis ipſius Marchiſi talis, vnus ex fratribus no|ſtris in vnam nauem de Satalei, ad partes noſtras veniebat, & tempestas illum fortè ad Tyrum ap|pulit, & Marchiſus fecit illum capere & occidere, & magnam pecuniam eius rapuit. Nos verò Mar|chiſo nuncios noſtros miſimus, mandantes vt pecu|niam fratris nostri nobis redderet, & de morte fra|tru nostri nobiſcum ſe concordaret, & noluit. Nec non & nuncios noſtros ſpreuit, & mortem fratris noſtri ſuper Reginaldum dominũ de Sidonis poſuit, & nos tantum fecimus per amicos noſtros, quòd in veritate ſcimus, quòd ille fecit illum occidere & pe|cuniam rapere. Et iterum alium nuncium nostrum nomine Edriſum miſimus adeum, quem in Mare mergere voluit, ſed amici nostri illum à Tiro feſti|nanter fecerunt recedere, qui ad nos peruenit, & ista nobis nunciauit. Nos quo ex illa hora Mar|chiſum deſiderauimus occidere. Tunc duos fratres miſimus ad Tirum qui eum aperte & fere coram omni populo Tiri occiderunt. Haec ergo fuit cauſa mortis Marchiſi, & benè dicimus vobis in veritate, quòd dominus Richardus rex Angliae in hac Mar|chiſi morte nullã culpam habuit. Et qui propter hoc domino regi Angliae malum fecerunt iniustè fece|terunt & fine cauſa: Sciatis pro certo, quòd nullum hominẽ huius mundi pro mercede aliqua vel pecu|nia occidimus, niſi prius nobis malũ fecerit.

The ſame in Engliſh is thus.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3


VEtus de Monte

to Lupolde Duke of Au|ſtriche ſendeth greeting.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Where many kings and princes beyonde the Seas blame Richarde king of Englande of the Marques his death. I ſweare by the Lorde that reigneth euerlaſtingly, and by the lawe whiche we holde, that hee was not in fault for hys death. For the verye cauſe of the Marques hys death was ſuche as follo|weth. One of our brethren in a Shippe of Sa|talie came towardes oure partyes, and chaunced by tempeſt to be driuen vnto Tyre, and the Mar|ques cauſed him to be taken and ſlaine, and tooke a greate portion of money that hee hadde in the Shippe wyth hym. Wherevppon we ſent oure Meſſengers vnto the Marques, commaunding hym to reſtore vnto vs the money of our brother, and to compounde wyth vs for oure ſayde bro|thers death, and he woulde not. Moreouer, he alſo contemned our Meſſengers, and layde the faulte of oure brothers death vppon Reginalde Lorde of Sidon, and wee did ſo muche through our friendes, that wee gotte full vnderſtanding that the Marques himſelfe cauſed him to bee ſlayne, and tooke his money. And therefore we ſent vnto hym againe an other Meſſenger na|med Edriſus, whome he woulde haue drowned in the Sea, but oure friendes made ſuche ſhifte, that they procured hym to departe wyth ſpeede from Tyre, who returned to vs, and ſignifyed theſe thinges to vs for certayne. And from that houre euer after wee hadde a defyre to ſlea the Marques: and ſo then wee ſent two of our bre|thren vnto Tyre, who openly, and in a manner in preſence of all the people of Tyre ſlue hym. This therefore was the verye cauſe of the death of the Marques: and wee ſaye to you in good ſooth, that the Lorde Richarde King of Eng|lande, in thys death of the Marques was no|thing culpable: and they that haue done anye diſpleaſure vnto the King of Englande for thys cauſe, they haue done it wrongfully, and wyth|out any iuſt occaſion. Know ye for certaine, that wee doe not vſe to kill anye man of this worlde for any brybe, or for money, excepte hee haue done to vs ſome harme afore tyme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 Thus wee ſee howe King Richarde was cleared of that cryme concerning the Marques his death by the tenour of this letter. And verily it is moſte lyke that King Richarde woulde haue beene loth to haue communicated his pur|poſe vnto ſuche a wicked kynde of Paganes as the Aſſaſſini were, if hee hadde pretended EEBO page image 508 any ſuche matter, but rather would haue ſought his reuenge by ſome other meanes. Now there|fore to our purpoſe. The newes of the taking of king Richard was anon bruted and blowne o|uer al Germany,1193 wherevpon the Emperour Hẽ|ry the .vj. the ſonne of Fredericke the firſt, ſent in al haſt vnto the Duke, perſwading him to deliuer the king into his hands, being able to ſuſteine and abide the malice of all them that would be offen|ded with the taking and deteining of him priſo|ner, as the Pope and other. The Emperour well vnderſtoode the wealthe and riches of Englande, and therefore hoped to make ſome good purchaſe by raunſoming the king, if he might get him out of the Dukes handes. The Duke perceiuing alſo the Emperoures meanyng, durſt not well denye his requeſt, [...] and therfore he deliuered the king vn|to them that were ſent from the Emperour, who couenaunted to giue vnto the ſaide Duke the ſumme of .6000. pounde of Colen weight for the hauing of the ſaid king. The Emperour thus re|ceiuing the king at the handes of the Duke of Auſtriche, commaunded that he ſhoulde be com|mitted to cloſe priſon, and woulde not ſo muche doe as once ſpeake wyth hym. Thys he dyd to cauſe the king vpon an indignation and weari|nes of that maner of life to make ſpede in offering ſome large maſſe of money for his libertie and deliueraunce.Rog. [...] Here is to be remembred by the way, that aboute the ſame time or ſomewhat be|fore, in the yeare of our Lord .1192. the Pope ſent two Legates (that is to witte,Two Leg [...] from the p [...] Octanian Biſhop of Hoſtia, and one Iordane de Foffa noua) into Normandie, to agree the Biſhop of Ely, and the Archebiſhoppe of Rouen: but commyng vnto Giſors, they were ſtaied from entring any further into the countrey,Normandi [...] interdited. wherevpon they dyd interdite the whole Duchie of Normandie, together with William Fitz Radulfe Lorde Steward of that countrey, bycauſe hee was the man that had ſo ſtaied them. Immediatly herevpon, Quene Ele|nor, and the Archebiſhoppe of Rouen ſent vnto thoſe Legates Hugh Biſhop of Durham, requi|ring them to releaſe that ſentence of interdiction ſo pronoũced agaynſt the ſteward and country of Normandie in the kings abſence, but they would not, except they might be receiued into Normã|die: howebeit, the Pope being ſent vnto, releaſed it, and cauſed the Legates to releaſe it alſo, & yet they entred not into Normandie at all. Alſo this yeare whileſt the Seneſhall of Gaſcoigne laye ſicke, the Earle of Pieregort,The Earle of Pieregon [...] others wa [...] king of Eng|land [...] lan [...] and the Vicount of Marche, and almoſt all the Lordes and Barons of Gaſcoignes, began to waſt and deſtroye the [figure appears here on page 508] landes of King Richard, and although the Se|neſhall many tymes by meſſengers required a peace, or at the leaſt ſome truce, yet coulde he not haue any graunte thereof:The Seneſchal of Gaſcoigne reuengeth that [...]tie. wherefore vppon hys recouery of healthe he inuaded the landes of the ſayde Earle, tooke the Caſtels and fortreſſes, and ſome of them he fortefied, and kept to the Kyngs vſe, and ſome of them hee raſed downe to the ground. Hee alſo inuaded the Vicountes coun|trey, and ſubdued it to the Kyngs gouerne|mente.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after came the brother of the Kyng of Nauarre,The king of Nauerres brother. with eight hundred