Compare 1577 edition: 1 In September following, the moone being about 27. daies old, at six of the clocke, a partile eclipse of the sunne happened,A strange eclipse of the sunne. for the bodie thereof appeared as it were horned, shooting the horns towards the west as the moone dooth; being twentie daies old. The resi|due of the compasse of it was couered with a blacke roundell, which comming downe by little and little, threw about the horned brightnesse that remained, till both the hornes came to hang downe on either side to the earthwards; and as the blacke roundell went by little & little forwards, the hornes at length were turned towards the west, and so the blacknesse passing awaie, the sunne receiued his brightnesse a|gaine. In the meane time, the aire being full of clouds of diuerse colours, as red, yellow, greene, and pale, holpe the peoples sight with more ease to dis|cerne the maner of it.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The king this yeare held his Christmasse at Win|chester, Anno. Reg. [...]5. R. Houed. at which time newes came abroad of a great wonder that had chanced at a place called Oxenhale, within the lordship of Derlington,A strange wonder of the earth. in which place a part of the earth lifted it selfe vp on high in appea|rance like to a mightie tower, and so it remained from nine of the clocke in the morning, till the euen tide, and then it fell downe with an horrible noise, so that as such as were thereabout, were put in great feare. That péece of earth with the fall was swallow|ed EEBO page image 110 vp, leauing a great déepe pit in the place, as was to be seene many yeares after.
¶ Touching these celestiall apparitions, the com|mon doctrine of philosophie is, that they be méere na|turall, and therefore of no great admiration. For of eclipses, as well such as are proper to the sunne, as also those that are peculiar to the moone, the position is not so generallie deliuered, as it is constantlie be|léeued. For the philosophers giue this reason of e|clipses.