You are here: 1587 > Volume 5 >
Back Matter: Section 4 of
5: The fourth table seruing for the description and historie of Scotland; conteining iust directions to
memorable obseruations both of names and matters: gathered by Abraham Fleming.
The first number noteth the page, the second the line, a the first columne, b the
Snippet: 11 of 22 (1587, Volume 5, p. 754) L.
- LAncaster towne burnt, 224 a 10
- Langton burnt, 362, b 50
- Lawes of king Kenneth: note, 133, a 20, &c. Of king Mack|beth. 171, b 60
- Lawes filthie, 45, a 10
- Lecherie in Iames the third, 286, b 10
- Legat from Rome with the an|swer made to him, 223, b 20 For a collection from the pope, 195, a 60. From pope Clement, his demand, 202, [...] 10, 20
- Legue published by heralds, and the articles thereof, 123, a 10, 20. Betweene France and Scotland, 306, a 30. Conclu|ded, 122, b 20, 30. Renewed, 194, a 50, 207, a 60. Betwéene Emdene and Scotland, 360, b 10. Betweene the Scots, Picts, and Britons, 96, a 60 98, a 10, b 40
- Leirmouth Iames ambassador into England, 322, b 50. ¶ Sée Liermouth.
- Leith besieged, 368, a 50. Bur|ned, 335, a 10. Fortified, 348, a 20 367, a 40. 403, a 30. Un|prouided of vittell, 373, b 10
- Leneux the earle gathered a po|wer, 314, a 10. Slaine, 314, a 30. G [...]th into Scot|land, 331, b 60, Confer|reth with quéene Dowa|ger, 332, a 10. His displea|sure, 332, b 30. He renoun|ceth his seruice to the French king, 332, b 40. He seizeth on the French ships, 332, b 60 Commeth to the gouernour, 333, a 10. He fortified Gla|scow, 333, a 20. He sendeth vnto the king of England, 331, b 30. He goeth into England, 335, b 10, He marrieth the ladie Marga|ret Dowglasse, 335, b 10 He is heire to the lord of Obegnie, 335, b 20. Re|turneth into Scotland, 335 b 20. In danger to be be|traied, 335, b 60, Landeth at Dinnune, 336, a 20. He procureth those of the Iles to serue the king of Eng|land, 338, a 50. He en|treth into Scotland, 344, b 40. In doubt what to doo, 344, b 60. Dissembleth with his dissemblers, 345, a 10. He with the lord wharton inuadeth Scot|land, 345, b 50. Commeth into Scotland, 381, a 10 warden of the east mar|ches, 381, b 60. Pardo|ned, 383, a 40. He returneth into Scotland, 400, a 10 He carieth Englishmen into Scotland, 400, a 40, He com|meth to Edenburgh, 400, a 40 EEBO page image 755 Made regent, 401, a 10. Go|eth against the earle of Cas|sels, 401, b 40. Taken in his lodging, 403, b 50. Wounded, 403, b 60. His words before his deth, 404, a 10. His deth, 404, b 10
- Leneux & Argile at variance, 114, b 60. ¶ Sée Earle.
- Leneux harried, 168, b 60
- Leneux countesse. ¶ Sée Mar|garet.
- Lesle their familie, 425, a 10 ¶ Sée Erldome,
- Letter of Henrie the eight an|swering the king of Scots. 297, a 10, &c. Of Iames the fourth to the king of Portin|gale, 293, a 20. Of the Sco|tish king to Henrie the eight, 295, b 40. Of Robert king of Scots to his sonne prince Iames, 255, b 20, &c. Of the prior of S. Andrews to the French king, 368, b 20. Of the French king to the prior of S. Andrews, 367, b 50. Concerning the marriage of his sonne to the quéene of Scots, 361, 20. Of the nobi|litie to the regent, 369, b 30
- Libels against king Iames the second, 275, a 60
- Liberalitie of king Dauid the first reproued, 183, a 40
- Liberties of Scotland defen|ded, 190, a 10
- Liermouth Iames would haue rescued the cardinall, 340, a 20
- Liermouth capteine defendeth the countrie against the En|glish, 345, b 30
- Lion crowned, 123, b 10
- London woone by the Britons 101, b 20
- Lordane. ¶ Sée Lurden.
- Lords assemble, 312, a 10. Exi|led come into Scotland, 383, a 10. They make their pro|testation, 383, a 10. Flie into England, 383, a 40. ¶ Sée Conspiracie and Nobles.
- Lorges sent into Scotland, 337, b 50
- Lorison ¶ Sée Twinam.
- Loth king of Picts, 98, a 40. Married to Aurelius Am|brose his daughter, 98, b 50. Contrarie to his oth of cre|dence, &c: aideth the Saxons 100, a 60. Requireth the king|dome of Britaine, 101, a 50. ¶ Sée Gouernement.
- Lothian, of whome so named, 105, b 10
- Louchhouse castell burnt, 437, a 40
- Louchquhaber the reason of the name, 84, b 20
- Louet lord slaine, 338, b 10
- Lucius king of Britaine di|eth, 66, b 50
- Lucius Antenous lieutenant of Britaine, 61, b 40. He is wounded, 62, a 10
- Lugthake king of Scots, his incontinencie and other vile vices, murthered with a number of his men, 61, a 30
- Lugtake crowned at Scone, slaine, 176, b 50
- Lurden a terme of reproch how it came vp, 163, b 30
You are here: 1587 > Volume 5 >
Back Matter: Section 4 of
5: The fourth table seruing for the description and historie of Scotland; conteining iust directions to
memorable obseruations both of names and matters: gathered by Abraham Fleming.
The first number noteth the page, the second the line, a the first columne, b the
Snippet: 12 of 22 (1587, Volume 5, p. 755) M.
- MAconell Iames, 364, a 50
- Magdalene the quéene di|eth, 320, a 40
- Magistrats subiect to spite & enuie, 281, a 10, 20
- Magnus king of Norwaie cõ|meth into the westerne I [...]es, 180, b 60. Sendeth ambassa|dors to Alexander, 201, a 10. His release of the Scotish Iles, 201, b 40
- Maine the marquesse, 352, a 60
- Mainus crowned, confirmed the league with the Picts, de|uout in religion, 36, a 40, &c.
- Maior of yorke slaine, 222, b 20
- Makbeth a valiant gentleman, 168, b 20. Sent against the rebels, 169, a 30. His crueltie, defamed, a 60. Assaileth the campe of the Danes ouer|come with drinke and sléepe, 170, a 50. Made thane of Cawder, deuiseth how he might obteine the kingdome, he slaieth king Duncane, & vsurpeth the crowne, his li|beralitie, and studie to ad|uance iustice, 171, all. His lawes, 171, b 60. His coun|terfet zeale and equitie, his guiltie conscience, his deuise to slea Banquho & his sonne, 172, b 20, &c. His bread, his crueltie caused through feare 174, a 30, His confidence in wizzards, his crueltie, 174, b 10, 40. His trust in prophe|sie, 175, b 60. He and Mak|duffe in armes one against another, 176, a 20. He is slaine, 176, a 30. His lawes abrogated, 176, b 50
- Makdonald proclamed king of the Iles inuadeth Lorne & Cantire, 119, b 10, &c.
- Makdonald Rosse a notable robber notablie punished: note, 263, b 60
- Makdowald offereth himselfe to be capteine of the rebels, 168, b 60. He discomfiteth the kings power, slaieth him|selfe, his wife and children, his head sent to the king, 169 a 10, &c.
- Makduffe thane of File, 174, a 60. His escape into Eng|land, b 40. His aduancement: note, 176, b 10. ¶ Sée Mak|beth.
- Makferlane Walter, 336, a 60
- Makintosch Lanchlane appre|hended, 353, a 30
- Makintoschs at variance with the Glenchattens, 315, a 10. They raise sedition, 315, a 60 Their woonderfull [...]aith to their capteine, 315, b 20
- Makpender earle of Merns slaieth K. Duncane, 180, b 40
- Makulzen and Makbe [...] cap|teins of pirats: note, 190, b 40
- Malcolme the sonne of Do|nald the fi [...]t, he is created heire apparant, 146, a 10. Escapeth hurts, a 60. Ad|mitted king, 147, a 10. He is murthered, b 10. Séeketh fréends against Constan|tine, 159, a 40. Goeth with an armie to fight with Con|stantine, 159, a 60. Poisoned by his cousine Kenneth, 156, b 50, 60
- Malcolme the sonne of king Kenneth prince of Cumber|land, 157, b 30. In armes a|gainst Crime for the crowne, 160, a 10, 20, &c. Refuseth the crowne but vpon condition, he is made king, his wise|dome in ordering officers, 162, b 10, 20. Sendeth am|bassadors to the Danes, 164, a 20. Wounded, 164, b 30. His praier, 165, a 30. Hasteth for|ward to fight with Danes, his oration, b 60. Winneth the field against the Danes, 166, a 50. His ordinances & decrées after peace obteined, 167, b 10, 20, &c. He waxeth a|uaricious, cruell to purchase riches, conspired against and murthered, 167, a 10, &c.
- Malcolme recouers the crown 176, a 40. His manlie cou|rage against a conspirator, 177, a 30. Marrieth Marga|ret, sister to Edgar Ethe|ling, 177, b 10. In armes a|gainst William conquerour, 177, b 60. Giueth himselfe to deuotion, 178, b 40. Resto|reth & erecteth bishops sees, 178, b 60. Slaine in battell, 179, b 50. A builder of chur|ches, 179, a 60, b 10. His sons 180, a 40
- Malcolme the sonne of Henrie proclamed prince of Scot|land, 185, a 30. Summoned to doo homage, 185, b 60. Be|ginneth his reigne, his edu|cation, 185, b 20. Goeth with king Henrie into France, 185, b 60. Reproued by his nobles, goeth to yorke, sen|tence against him, besieged, hated of his people, 186, a 10, &c. Meaneth to gouerne in vpright iustice, not persua|ded to take a wife, his death. 187, a 20, 60, b 20
- Maldwin inuested king of the Scots, a louer of peace and iustice, 114, b 60. Went about to punish the authors of a commotion, 115, a 10. Buil|deth the church of the abbie of Colmekill, 30. Strangled in his bed, [...]0.
- Mallerie the viceadmerall of France, 348, a 40
- Man Ile spoiled, 248, b 60
- Manlius Ualens inuadeth the Picts, 51, a 10
- Mar earle made regent, 407, a 20. Died, 410, a 60
- Mar, for Marthea, 84, b 20
- Margaret quéene of Norwaie deceaseth, 203, a 10
- Margaret Dowglasse coun|tesse of Leneux, some part of hir life, 414, b 40, &c. Hir deth, epitaph, statelie descent, &c: note. 415, a 30, &c.
- Marie the quéene of Scots borne, 329, b 10. Seuen daies old when she began hir reigne 330, a 20. A motion made for hir to marrie king Edward the sixt, 330, b 10. She is com|mitted to the lord Leuinstone 330, a 20. Hir mariage to king Edward confirmed, 331, a 10, The French king misliketh the match, 331, a 40. Conuei|ed to Sterling, 332, a 20. Crowned, 332, b 10. Order taken for hir custodie, 332, b 10. She goeth to Mentith, 343, b 10. Conueied into France, 347, a 60. Hir dili|gence, 350, b 40. She giueth the gouernment of the realme to the quéene mother, 357, a 40. She goeth to Inuernesse, 358, b 60. She goeth on pro|gresse for iustice cause, 359, a 30. Hir dowrie in France, 362, a 50. Hir mariage to the Dolphin of France, 362, a 60, She requireth a matrimoni|all crowne of Scotland to be giuen vnto hir husband, 365, a 20. Shée writeth out of France to the prior of saint Andrews, 368, a 40. She di|eth, 374, a 70. Hir praise, 374, b 10. She goeth into Loraine 375, a 50. Causes to make hir state in France, 375, a 60. She commeth to Calis, 377, a 62. Ariueth at Leith, 377, a 70. Hir costlie iewels and housholdstuffe, 377, b 40. She visiteth the townes of Scot|land, 378, b 10. Maketh hir progresse into the north parts 379, b 10. Maketh a progresse to Atholl, 381, a 10. She go|eth into File, 381, a 20. She marrieth the Lord Dernelie, 381, b 10. She sendeth into France for aid, 382, a 50, She conferreth with the king, 383 a 10. She commeth to Eden|burgh, 383, a 60. She agréeth the nobilitie, 383, a 10. Ta|keth hir chamber for to be de|liuered of child, 383, b 10. Sendeth vnto the quéene of England and to the king of France, 383, b 20, Sendeth for the nobilitie against hir deliuerance, 383, b 50. She goeth to Allowaie, 384, a 10. Sendeth for godfathers for hir sonne, 384, a 20. She go|eth into Meggat land, 384, a 30. She burieth hir husband not farre from Dauid Richio 384, b 20. Taken by force by Bothwell, 384, b 20. Maried Bothwell, 384, b 40. He excu|seth the mariage vnto the French king, 384, b 50. Shée gathereth a power, 387, a 40. She is taken of the lords, 387, a 40. Imprisoned in Lochleuine, 387, b 50. Sur|rendreth hir title to hir sonne, 388, a 40. Escapeth out of Lochleuine, 391, b 60. Gathe|reth a power, 391, b 60. Dis|comfited, 392, b 10. Flieth into England, 392, b 40. Commit|ted to sir Rafe Sadler, 443, a 60. Committed to sir Am [...]es Pawlet, 443, 50
- Marie Magdalens da [...]e pros|perous for the Englishmen to fight against the Scots, 210, b 40
- Mariage of the kings daugh|ter, and his sonne the prince of Scotland, 202, b 60
- Mariage repented, 244, a 50, Incestuous, 275, b 10
- Marius made king of Britaine 52, b 60. Doubteth rebellion of his subiects, 59, b 60. Com|pelleth the Romans to leaue the north parts, 60, a 10. Slaine, 81, b 60
- Marnachus, thane of Buck|quhane, 166, b 40
- Marquesse Dorset appointed to kéepe Berwike, 311, a 60
- Martignes a forward capteine but an vntrue prophet, 372, a 30
- Martyrs, 138, a 30
- Maximian sent ouer into Bri|taine, 85, a 50. Causeth them to ioine with him against the Romans 60. Pursueth the victorie, 85, b 60. Taketh vpon him the absolute gouernment of Britaine, with the im|periall title, 86, a 30. Gran|teth peace to Scots, 86, a 60
- Maximus his practise to de|stroie the Scots, 76, a 60. Sendeth to Heirgust king of Picts, b 10. Sendeth an he|rald to Eugenius, raiseth a mightie power, inuadeth the Scotish regions, 40, 50, 60. His feigned gréefe, 77, a 50. Approcheth towards the Scots, 60. His sudden arri|uall, b 30. Granteth peace to the Irish, and séeketh by his bountious liberalitie to win EEBO page image 756 the people, [...]9, b 60. Chosen emperor in Britaine, 80, a 20. Ruled the estate seuenteene yeeres, 30
- Marwell lord inuadeth Eng|land, 311, b [...]0. Heareth masse, 453, b 40
- Maxwell Iohn deliuered out of prison, 399, b 17
- Maxwell Robert base brother to the earle Moorton, 437, a 16
- Maxwels would not be subiect to the earle of Arra [...]e, 437, b 40
- Mentith Iohn capteine of Dunbretton castell: note, 220 b 20
- Mercie notablie exemplified, 143, a 60
- Metherus were men of goodlie stature, 52, b 10
- Mernes and Angus cruellie punished, 129, b 50
- Mesures an ordinance for them 264, a 60
- Metellan K. of Scots, 45, a 50 becommeth friend to the Ro|mans, 45, a 60. Departeth the world, b 10
- M [...]ke castell yéelded, 344, a 10
- Ministers called home, 448, b 60
- Miracle, 111, a 20. Of a child healed, 193, a 50
- Miracles, 220, a 20: note, 254, a 20
- Mogall admitted king, studieth to redres abuses, 61, a 60. Be|loued of his subiects, b 10. Requireth a restitution of wrongs doone by the Ro|mans, prepareth to warres, exhorteth his men vnto vali|antnesse, 20, 30, &c. Through pride abuseth himselfe in sun|drie kinds of vices, conspired against, flieth out of his owne house, murthered, 62, b 50, 60
- Molocke a preacher, 112, a 20
- Monasteries of Scotishmen in Germanie, 123, b 30
- Monie, and a deuise to get it for king Iames the fourth, 291, a 50
- Monsieur de la Uarenne sent out of France to aid the part of Margaret quéene of Eng|land, 279, b 60
- Monsieur de Bauier slaine by the lord of Woodburne, 306, a 10
- Monster borne, 59, a 50. Of a strange forme and of no lesse strange qualities: note, 288, a 10, &c.
- Monsters, 268, a 10. Strange: note, 146, b 40
- Montgomerie earle of Eglin|ton slaine, 457, a 40
- Moone new worshipped, 36, b 20
- Moonke poisoneth the gouer|nour of Scotland, and is bur|ned, 229, a 60, b 10, &c.
- Moonks were preachers, 112, a 30. Called the white moonks, 182, b 50
- Morauians helpe to apprehend théeues and offenders, 53, b 10. All slaine, 52, b 60
- Mordacke king of Scots a lo|uer of peace, deceaseth: note, 117, b 10, &c.
- Mordacke the kings lieutenant beareth with offenders, 118, a 40. Put to death, b 10
- Mordacke obteineth the earle|dome of Rosse, 433, b 50
- Mordo. ¶ Sée duke.
- Mordred, the opinion which men conceiued of him for his wit and towardlinesse, desi|rous to be reuenged, 103, a 50 b 60. Complaineth to king Arthur, for that Constantine was created heire apparent, 105, b 10. Succéedeth Loth in the kingdome of Pictland, 105, b 10. He and Eugenius persuaded to peace, 106, a 20. I [...] slaine, 106, a 60. His li|nage quite extinct, 107, a 20. ¶ Sée Gawen.
- Morton earle make regent, 410 b 20. Put to the worst, 402, b 60. Surrendreth his regent|ship, 416, b 10. His examinati|on, 429, b 10. He is beheaded, 433, a 60
- Moses capteine generall vnder Pharo, his dooings not fol|lowed, he fled, called out of Madian into Egypt, not re|garded, 29, a 30, 40, &c. b 10, &c.
- Mowbraie sir Philip knight, valiant: note, 216, b 20. ¶ Sée Beaumont.
- Mudiard apprehended, 357, a 60. Yéeldeth to the quéene, 358, b 40
- Murkettus (an inuador) with manie more hanged, 44, b 50, 60
- Muredac ¶ Sée Mudiard.
- Murreie Andrew fellow go|uernour with the earle of March, 231, b 50. Taken prisoner, a 60. Commeth out of the mounteins, his wast, &c: 237, a 60. His victories, 237, b 10. Deceaseth, 238, a 40
- Murreie William departeth from the kings faction, 391, a 60
- Murreie earle a sutor vnto the queene, 381, a 40. Earle re|gent slaine, 397, b 20
- Murreis rebell, discomfited and ouerthrowne, 186, b 50. De|stroied, 187, a 10
- Murreie land, 53, a 10
- Murret monsieur, 352, a 50
- Murther detestable, 42, a 60 Most cruell, 40, b 60, Of one for another, 117, a 30. Suspe|cted & tried by the racke: note, 118, a 20. Whereafter insued open war, 274, b 40. By mis|fortune: note, 56, b 10. Most shamefull of K. Duffe: note, 150, b 10, &c. How punished, 151, b 20. Of a king doone by his owne hands on himselfe, 43, a 50. ¶ See Conspiracie.
- Murtherer murthered, 70, b 50, 60: note, 125, b 60
- Murtherers torne in peeces with wild horsses: note, 147, b 20
- Musgraue Thomas, capteine of Berwike, prisoner, 246, a 50
- Mutinie among souldiors, 59, a 60. Among the people of Louchquhaber, 168, b 40
You are here: 1587 > Volume 5 >
Back Matter: Section 4 of
5: The fourth table seruing for the description and historie of Scotland; conteining iust directions to
memorable obseruations both of names and matters: gathered by Abraham Fleming.
The first number noteth the page, the second the line, a the first columne, b the
Snippet: 13 of 22 (1587, Volume 5, p. 756) N
- NArne castell besieged, 164, a 10, Yéelded by composition, b 50
- Natholocus chosen king, pro|clamed, 68, b 60. Goeth to Dunstafage to be inthroni|sed, 69, a 10. Séeketh loue of his nobles by bribes, putteth such to death as he suspecteth, 60. Murthered, b 10
- Nectanus king of Picts bro|ther to another Nectanus di|eth of hurts receiued in field, 75, b 60. Warreth vpon the Scots, 75, a 20. Desirous of reuenge, 40. Inuadeth the Scotish confines, 60. Refu|seth all offers of peace, b 10. Slaine, 30
- Nobles created, 275, b 40. Con|spire against Thereus, 39, a 60. Haue the gouernment gi|uen them by lots, 34, b 60 Slaine in battell, 210, b 30 Their presumptuous demea|nor, 283, a 50. Diuided, 175, b 50. Sweare to stand to the king of Englands order, 206, b 40. Sworne to king Ed|ward, 213, a 10. Banished in|to England, 230, a 30. Draw their swords at a parlement, and whie: note, 22 [...], b 60 Conspire, and are committed toward, 223, b 10, 20, &c. Dis|contented with the kings dooings, 149, a 40, They mur|mur, and whie, 50. Set wit|ches on worke to bewitch their king, 150, a 10. Go to wracke, 146, a 50. Slaine and taken prisoners, 241 b 40 Slaine at Duplin, 231, a 10 Raise an armie against king Iames the fourth, ouer|throwne, 287, b 20. Summo|ned, 284, b 20. Through feare consent to creat Gillus king, 42, a 20. Committed to custo|die, 448, b 40. ¶ Sée Dissen|tion.
- Norman of passing strength o|uerthrowne by a Scot, 202, b 30
- Northumberland, when it first began to be so called, 95, b 60 A portion thereof restored to the Scots, 188, a 30. Taketh part with king Malcolme, 177, b 60. Under the English|men, 189, a 50. Allotted vnto England, 147, a 60. Inuaded, 249, a 10. ¶ Sée Analassus.
- Norweie, the king therof resig|neth his title to the out Iles, 280, b 30
- Norwegians come to the aid of Analassus, 148, a 40. Put to flight, 200, a 60. Their fléet sunke by v [...]hement winds, 170, b 10. ¶ Sẽe Acho.
- Nothatus crowned king and murthered, 37, a 30