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Back Matter: Section 4 of
5: The fourth table seruing for the description and historie of Scotland; conteining iust directions to
memorable obseruations both of names and matters: gathered by Abraham Fleming.
The first number noteth the page, the second the line, a the first columne, b the
Snippet: 8 of 22 (1587, Volume 5, p. 753) H.
- HAdington besieged, 346, b 60 Uittelled, 351, b 20, Rased & left by the English, 351, b 50 S [...]ege remooued, 347, a 30
- Haie an husbandman with his two sonnes their valiantnes: note, 155, a 60. Refused costlie garments, is made one of the nobilitie, reuenues assigned him, 155, b 60. His request, arms or ensignes; 156, a 10
- Hamilton sir Iames arrested, 321, b 20. Beheaded, 321, b 34 Hurt, 316, a 20
- Hamilton lord marieth with the kings sister, 280, b 50. Taketh part with the erle of Argile, 371, a 20
- Hamilton palace burnt, 400, b 70. The castell be [...]eged, 400, b 40. Deliuered to the Eng|lish, 400, b 40. Blowen vp, 400, b 60
- Hamiltons fouretéene slaine, 362, b 10. O [...] whom descen|ded: note, 225, b 40. Mingled with the kings bloud, 60
- Harold passeth into Norwaie, drowned in his returne, 201, a 60. ¶ Sée Herald at arms.
- Haruest wet a cause of derth, 198, b 30
- Hastings his challenge to the crowne of Scotland, 205, b 60
- Hatred, 110, b 60. Procuring murther: note, 150, a 50, &c. Betwéene the quéene and hir husband, and the cause, 306, b 20. ¶ Sée Enuie & Malice.
- Heirgust chosen king of Picts, 76, a 10. Desireth the vtter de|struction of Scots, 78, b 10 Killeth himselfe, 80, b 10
- Heirgust slaine, 98, b 10. ¶ Sée Maximus.
- Hemecus K. of Ireland, 31, a 20
- Hengist purposed at the first to make conquest of Britons, his offers misliked of Bri|tish nobles, prolongeth time to giue battell, 94, a 30, &c. b 50 He & Horsus reteined in ser|uice with Uortigerne, 93, a 20 ¶ Sée yorke.
- Henrie the fourth K. of Eng|land crowned, 253, a 20. In|uadeth Scotland, 253, b 30
- Henrie the fift taketh the prince of Scotland ouer with him into France, 259, b 10. Me|naceth the Scots, marieth the French kings daughter, 258, a 60, b 10 Discomfited by the Welshmen, 258, a 30. Re|turneth into England, 280, a 40. By safe conduct commeth into England, 279, a 60. Im|prisoned, 280, a 60
- Henrie the seuenth deceaseth, 292, b 60
- Henrie the eight séeketh to kéep the duke of Albanie out of Scotland, 306, b 40. Doubt|eth to haue the duke of Alba|nie gouernor to the yong king his nephue, 307, b 60
- Henrie Beauclerke K. of Eng|land, 181, a 60
- Henrie prince of Scotland de|ceaseth, 184, a 40. His issue, 50
- Henrie inuadeth Scotland, 194 b 20
- Henrie Hotspur, 249, a 30. As|saileth the Scots at [...]l|don, 254, a 60
- Hepborne Iames his familia|ritie with the Q. of Scots mother to Iames the third, 280, a 20
- Hepborns their first aduance|ment, 250, a 60
- Heraclianus is sent against Uictorine, 84, a 10. ¶ Sée Uictorine.
- Herald at arms sent into Scot|land to denounce war, 307, b 50, 60. Sent to the duke of Northfolke, 371, b 60. Sent to the quéene of Scots, 372, a 60. Being an Englishman his report of K. Robert Bru|ses valiancie, 227, a 10, 20, &c.
- Herbert king of Britaine sent ambassadors to K. Gregorie, 142, a 20
- Herdunt threatneth the Scots, 141, a 10. Assembleth his men togither, remaineth in campe, 50, 60
- Hereford. ¶ Sée Erle.
- Heresie Pelagian, 89, b 20, 98, b 60. In Pictland, 107, b 50
- Hermophrodite buried quicke: note, 278, b 20
- Herr [...]s lord his lands spoiled, 274, a 30. And he hanged, 50
- Hessen. ¶ Sée Rhene.
- Hiber returned into Spaine, & succéedeth his father, 30, b 60 A conqueror, 31, a 10
- Hibernia of whom so named, 30 b 30
- Hilland mans salutation, and whie so named, 197, b 10
- Hoddom yeelded to the Regent, 392, a 40
- Holiburton Iames defendeth the countrie against the En|glish, 345, b 30
- Holie rood house builded, 183, a 30
- Hollanders & the erle of March at wars, 265, b 30. Their ships taken, 291, b 10
- Homage required by summons, 185, b 60. Of the Scotish king for certeine earledoms: note, 183, b 30. Doone by the king of Scots, 184, a 30. Doone to the king of Eng|land, by the king, prelats, and nobles of Scotland, 189, a 60, b 10. To king Edward of Carnaruan, 215, b 60. Of the barons of Scotland to king Edward, 208, b 30. ¶ Sée Balioll.
- Horsses presented to Iames the fourth, 291, b 50. Trapped and presented to Iames the fourth, 292, b 40. Affrighted, 246, a 40
- Horsses and mares out of Hun|garie into Scotland for brood 265, a 60
- Horsus, 93, a 20. ¶ Sée Hengist.
- Hostages required, 136, a 30. Deliuered to king Iohn, 193, a 30. ¶ Sée Pledges.
- Howard sir Edmund freshlie assaulted, 300, b 40
- Hubba saued from drowning, 138, b 40
- Hume Alexander deliuered out of prison, 399, b 10
- Hume lord chamberleine, 301, a 10, 20. Submitteth himselfe, 303, b 60. Denounced a rebell, 303, b 40. Taken, 403, a 20. He and others conuicted of trea|son, 304, a 10. Arrested, com|mitted to ward, beheaded, 304 b 60. His head taken downe, 307, a 60
- Hume castell rendred vnto the English, 343, b 40. Recouered by the Scots, 349, a 60
- Humber a fatall place for the Britons to be vanquished in, 106, a 10
- Hungar kept the battell, 139, a 20. His vow, 139, a 20
- Hungus king of Picts refuseth to conclude league with the French, 122, b 50. Aided with Scots inuadeth Northum|berland, 123, b 60. He warred without slaughter and bur|ning, 60. Repareth saint An|drews church, 124, b 40. Fal|leth in a cõsumption, 125, a 40
- Hunsdon lord maketh a rode in|to Scotland, 423, b 70
- Hunting, lawes made for it: note, 36, b 40, 66, a 30
- Huntington lands and Nor|thumberland annexed to the crowne of Scotland, 182, b 20
- Huntleie earle giueth an ouer|throw to the English, 328, b 10. Suspected by the queene, 379, b 60 Taken prisoner, 343 a 40. Entreth bond for his countrie men, 343, a 10. Hée recouered manie lands, 358, a 10. Sent for, 380, a 30. Com|meth to Cornethie in Mar, 380, a 60. Fled, 382, b 10. Com|meth to aid the quéene, 392, b 20 Lieutenant of Scotland, 401, a 10. He scapeth 401, a 30
- Husbandmen made honourable: note, 155, b 60.
You are here: 1587 > Volume 5 >
Back Matter: Section 4 of
5: The fourth table seruing for the description and historie of Scotland; conteining iust directions to
memorable obseruations both of names and matters: gathered by Abraham Fleming.
The first number noteth the page, the second the line, a the first columne, b the
Snippet: 9 of 22 (1587, Volume 5, p. 753) I.
- I Acke Straw. ¶ Sée Rebelli|on.
- Iames prince of Scotland ta|ken by the English, 255, b 20. staied as prisoner in Eng|land, 256, a 40. His bringing vp [...]ote, the greefe of his fa|ther Robert, causing his death, 50, 60, b 10
- Iames the first ransomed, 261, b 40. Married to the earle of Summerset his daughter, gifts giuen him, commeth to Edenburgh, 50, 60. Crowned kéepeth an audit, his solemne oth at a parlement, 262, a 10, &c. Desirous to purge his realme of vnrulie persons, 264, a 40. His saieng, 183, a 60. Murthered by conspirators, 266, b 50
- Iames the second crowned K. marrieth the duke of Gelder|lands daughter, 268, a 20, 30. 272, a 60. Conueied to Ster|ling, 268, b 10. Will rule and reigne himself, 271, a 30. War|red against, 274, b 40. Would haue fled, 275, a 10. Writings set vp in contempt of him, a 60 Inuadeth England, 277, b 50 Slaine, 278, a 20. His buriall and lamentation of the pe [...]ple for him, his conditio [...] and issue, 30, 40
- Iames the third king of Scots crowned, 278 a 40, b 60. Mari|ed, 280, b 20. Raiseth an armie 282, a 50. Giueth himselfe to kéeping of women and lust|fulnesse, 286, b 10. Sent an ambassage to Edward king of England, 283, a 10 He pre|pareth an armie, 20. His con|cubine named Daisie, a 60. He is kept vnder arrest, b 10. Prisoner, 50. Set at libertie, 60. Signifieth EEBO page image 754 by letters his [...]ind touching the articles of Dunbar, 286, a 10. His answer & promise to an ambassage, 286, a 30, 40, 50 Conspired against, 286, b 30, 40. Gathereth an armie, 287, a 10. Put to the worst, and slaine, 50
- Iames the fourth crowned, 287 a 60, Repentant, wore an won chaine, giuen to deuotion, a great tu [...]cer, lerned, b 10, 20, went on pilgrimage, 291, b 40 Prot [...]ctor of the saith, 40. In armes against the English, maketh too much hast, 298, a 60. Minded to kéepe his ground, 299, b 60. His quarell vnto the earle of Surrie, 300, a 30. His practise, and tokens of ill lucke to befall him, 60, b 30. Deceiued himselfe and a|lighted from his horse, his hardinesse marred all, 60, Commended, 301, b 10, 20, 50. Goeth on pilgrimage, 293, b 50. Persuadeth to peace, 294, b 50. His bastard maried, 295, a 10. Reasoneth with the counterset duke of yorke, 290 a 10. Requireth to talke with the bishop of Durham, purpo|seth to be a sutor for mariage in England, & the same com|passed, 60, b 10. 291, a 10. A wife sought out for him, 288, a 40. Goeth in progresse, b 40, Inuadeth Northumberland, 289, b 10. Returneth without pro [...]er of battell, 20. Slaine, 301, a 10
- Iames the fift crowned, and the quéene appointed regent, 302, a 10. Great vnquietnesse in his minoritie, 60 Sutor vnto the duchesse of Longeuile, 320, b 30. H [...] marrieth Ma|rie de Loraine, 320, b 60. Hée saileth to the Iles of Orke|nie, 321, a 10. Ass [...]sted the pope 319, a 60. He saileth about the Iles, 319, b 10. He goeth the second time into France, 319, b 10. He is sutor for mariage, 319, b 40. Contracted mari|age with the ladie Magdalen 319, b 60, Returneth with his queene into Scotland, 320, a 30. Remooued from place to place, 305, a 60, b 10. Deliue|red to the kéeping of certeine lords, 303, b 40
- Iames the sixt borne, 383, b 60. His godfathers, 384, a 20. Crowned, 388, a 10. His oth, 390, a 50. Displeased with earle Moorton, for the lord of Iohnstone, 437, b 10. His de|claration of his acts confir|med in parlement, 438, a 30. His intention drawne into certein articles, 441, b 60 His spéech to the estates, concer|ning a league in religion with England, 445, a 50. Besieged at Sterling, 448, a 40. Sen|deth to the lords of the reli|gion, 448, a 50. Granteth the request of the lords, 448, b 60. His gard remooued, 448, b 50. In custodie of the lords of the religion, 449, a 10
- Iane daughter to the earle of Summerset maried to king Iames the fift, 261, b 40, 60
- Iceni, 49, b 20. 47, b 40
- Idlenesse the breeder and nou|risher of sensuall lusts, 116, b 60. The root of all mischéefe, 265, a 30
- Idolaters of the Saxons bur|ned, 98, b 60
- Iedworth defended from as|salt, 408, b 40
- Iesuits redie to flie, 448, b 60
- Image of wax. ¶ Sée witches.
- Images of gold and siluer, 124, b 50. Pulled bowne, 366, b 20
- Inchtuthill. ¶ Sée Tuline.
- Incubus, 97, a 40
- Indulph prince of Cumber|land, king of Scots prouo|ked to warre against Eng|land, 148, [...] 10. Diligent in his office, b 10 Incountereth the Danes, b 30, 40. Dieth of a wound with a dart, 149, a 10
- Iuskith fortified by the Eng|lishmen 35 [...], a 60. Assalted by the Frenchmen, 350, b 40. Recouered by the French, 351, a 10. Raced, 391, a 40
- Inuernesse castell giuen vp, 379 b 60. Burned, 263, a 60. ¶ See Enuernesse.
- Iohn the king driuen into the castell of Forfaire, 208, a 60
- Iohn lord of the Iles ateinted, 282, [...] 40. Submitteth him|selfe, 50
- Iohn Scot fasted fortie daies, 317, a 60. ¶ Sée Scot Iohn.
- Iohnstane lard had two houses taken by the regent, 393, a 70. Himselfe taken, 437, b 10
- Iosi [...]a crowned king, intertei|neth philosophers, &c. 39, b 40. Deceaseth, 40, b 30
- Ireland doctor sent into Scot|land, 282, b 40. ¶ Sée Bruse Edward, and Hibernia.
- Irishmen fetch preies to Gal|lowaie, 248, b 30. They as|salt the Scots in two seue|rall places, fortie put vnto flight, 50. Come in thrée bat|tels, run awaie, 143, b 20, 50. Two gather their powers, 142, b 60. Their practise 143, a 10. Gentlie intreated, 30, b 50. Land in Argile, 65, b 60. Sent vpon reuenge, take a preie in Il [...], & séeke peace, 120, a 40, 50, 50. Liue by milke and by hearbes, 30, b 40
- Irmirike king of the English|men, 107, a 60
- Isubria. ¶ Sée Scots.
- Italie. ¶ Sée Isubria.
- Iudge righteous, 182, b 60
- Iulius Agricola sent into Bri|taine, prepareth against the Scots, 55, a 10. Studieth to bring them to ciuilitie, a 60, Commeth to Sterling, b 10. Buildeth the castell and bridge, b 20
- Iulius Cesar his inuasion of Britaine: note, 44, a 50
- Iulius host, 44, b 30
- Iulius Frontinus sent into Britaine, 54, b 30
- Iurmirike. ¶ Sée Irmirike.
- Iustice ministred without re|spect of persons, 131, b 40. Sharpelie and speedilie exe|cuted: note, 263, b 50. Se|uerelie executed against of|fenders, 228, b 50, 60. Up|right & tempered with mercie 229, a 10. Neglected, 39, a 60
- Iusts and combats betwixt the Scots and Englishmen, 252, b 30. For life and death vpon London bridge, 252, b 40
You are here: 1587 > Volume 5 >
Back Matter: Section 4 of
5: The fourth table seruing for the description and historie of Scotland; conteining iust directions to
memorable obseruations both of names and matters: gathered by Abraham Fleming.
The first number noteth the page, the second the line, a the first columne, b the
Snippet: 10 of 22 (1587, Volume 5, p. 754) K.
- KAranach assaileth Sterling bridge, he is eftsoones cha|sed, comforted by his nobles, 55, b 40, &c. King of Picts slaine by misfortune of his owne subiects, 56, b 10
- Katerans a kind of wild Scots 253, a 50
- Keith lord taken prisoner, 363, a 20. william sent vnto the quéene of England, 453, a 20
- Keiths, a f [...]milie aduanced for g [...]od seruice in the field, 166, a 60
- Kenedie archbishop of saint An|drews, 276, b 40. His practise, 50
- Kenedie Iames archbishop go|uerneth the realme of Scot|land, 279, b 50
- Kenneth inuested king of the Scots, 128, a 20. Fortified the realme, b 10. Calleth his nobles to reuenge his fa|thers death, 20. A pretie shift of his to persuade the no|bilitie, 40. Entreth into Sterling shire, 129, a 40. Getteth into Mernes, b 40. with horsemen disordreth the Picts araie, 130, b 10. Causeth retreat to be soun|ded, b 20. His oration, 50. Sendeth to Camelon com|manding them to yéeld, 131, b 20, His extreame vow, 131, b 60. A pretie craft vsed by him: note, 132, a 20. His lawes and ordinances, 133 a 20, &c. Deceaseth, 134, b 10
- Kenneth crowned king, vertu|ous of li [...]e, 153, a 10, &c. His oration, b 10, &c. Gathe|reth an armie against the Danes, 154, b 60. Setteth his men in arraie, exhor|teth them to valiantnesse, 155, a 10, &c. worthilie commen|ded for his iustice, poisoned his cousine Malcolme, not suspected of the fact, 156, b 50, 60. Requesteth that the crowne might come by inhe|ritance, 157, a 50, 60. He mii|nistred iustice truelie, his g [...]lue conscience, confession of his s [...]e, repentance and pilgrimage, 158, a 10, &c. Murthered: note, 158, b 30, 50
- Kennethus Ke [...]r K. of Scots dieth of the cough, 111, a 30
- Kentigerne begotten in a ra|uishment, 107, b 60
- Kernes, 143, b 20
- Kil [...]os whie so named: note, 152, a 10
- Killegrew Henrie sent into Scotland, 410, b 30
- Kimbaline king of Britons, 45, a 50. Deceaseth, 45, b 40.
- King goeth secretlie to France, 318, b 60. To the west bor|ders, 329, a 10. Receiueth the order of saint Michaell, 382, b 10. Persuaded to staie the parlement, 382, b 40. He en|treth into the queenes pri|uie chamber, 382, b 50. Per|suaded by the quéene, 383, a 20. Goeth to Meggat land, 384, a 30. As a solitarie per|son goeth to Striueling, mur|dered, 384, a 60
- King, and what mischiefes in|sue for lacke of one, 204, a 50
- Kings, the choosing of them not allowed, 35, b 50. Of Scot|land take vpon them to rule the realme (without procura|tors) being within age, 41, b 50. ¶ See England, Scot|land.
- Kinnatill king of Scotland, 108, a 40. His death, surren|dereth his kingdome on his death bed, 108, a 60
- Kinter inuaded, 336, a 50
- Kircawdie causeth the priso|ners not to returne at the daie appointed, 409, b 10
- Kircawd [...] Iames entreth E|denburgh castell, 412, a 10
- Knights fiftie dubbed, 264, a 20 Thirtie and two of one sur|name, 198, a 40
- Knights of the Rhods, 182, b 50
- Knights of saint Michaels or|der, 337, b 60
- Knockfergus whie so named, 35, a 30