You are here: 1587 > Volume 5 >
Back Matter: Section 4 of
5: The fourth table seruing for the description and historie of Scotland; conteining iust directions to
memorable obseruations both of names and matters: gathered by Abraham Fleming.
The first number noteth the page, the second the line, a the first columne, b the
Snippet: 14 of 22 (1587, Volume 5, p. 756) O
- OBelisks, 38, b 60, 166, a 60 Occa returneth out of Germanie with a new pow|er, 101, b 60. Flieth by sea in|to Kent, 96, b 30. He and Pa|scentius re [...]urne into Bri|taine, 99, a 60. Constreined to flie, 103, a 10. King slaine, 100, 60
- Octauius obteineth the rule of Britaine, 73, b 60. Coueteth to inlarg his dominion, 74, a 10. Entreth amitie with the English king, becommeth tributarie to the Romane emperor, 40, 50. Uanquished flieth into Scotland, 73, a 10
- Odonell the great of Ireland proffered fréendship vnto Iames the fourth, 295, b 10
- Offenders put in feare, 118, b 10 Thrée thousand within two yeares space put to death, 263, b 50. ¶ Sée Pardon.
- Officers created, 411, b 60. New made, 380, b 60. Changed, 357, b 60. Of king Edward chased out of Scotland, 211, b 40
- Olauus and Godredus diuide the kingdome of the Iles be|twéene them, 201, a 60
- Oliuer a Scot in seruice with the Saracens to their losse and hinderance, 191, b 30
- Onetus a Danish captein slain, 165, a 60
- Oration of Colman in the hea|ring of king Achaius: note, 120, b 60. Of A [...]bean a [...] man, 121, b 20. Of king Da|md to his nobles at the death of his sonne, 184, a 60, b 10, &c. Of the Scotish ambassa|dors to the French king, to excuse the mariage of Both|well, 384, b 60. Of an ambas|sador to Acho K. of Norwaie, 198, b 60. Of Lesle against the earle of Murrie, 376, b 20 Of the Q. Dowager at hir deth to the nobilitie, 373, b 44 Of a bishop a [...]nst the Romish clergie, 185, b 10, &c. Of Ken|neth king of Scots, 130, b 50 Of Thomas Randolph sent into Scotland, 397, b 50
- Ordouices mistaken by the Scots, 53, b 40
- Organ an accuser, &c. Slaine within lists: note, 180, b 10
- Organs brought to Scotland, 264, b 10
- Orkneie whie called Pictland, 37, b 60
- Orkneie Iles and Shetland ingaged, 281, b 20, 50
- Osbert put to flight, 133, a 10 His prouision by water ta|ken, 20. He and Elia kings of Northumberland, 134, b 60 He and Elia slaine, 139, b 50
- Osrike an infidell, 113, a 50
- Ostorius Scapula sent into Britane, 49, a 40. Incoura|geth his Romans to fight, 50, a 20
- Oth of king Iames the first at a parlement, 262, a 60. Of knights in Norwaie to re|uenge the death of their fréends, 170, b 20. ¶ Sée Fealtie, Loth.
- Outlawes. ¶ Sée Brudeus, Conrane.
- Oxfordshire assaulted, 49, b 20
You are here: 1587 > Volume 5 >
Back Matter: Section 4 of
5: The fourth table seruing for the description and historie of Scotland; conteining iust directions to
memorable obseruations both of names and matters: gathered by Abraham Fleming.
The first number noteth the page, the second the line, a the first columne, b the
Snippet: 15 of 22 (1587, Volume 5, p. 756) P
- PAladius sent into Scotland, 89, b 20. Their apostle, 30
- Palmer: ¶ Sée Pilgrime.
- Pardon none to offenders for the space of seuen yeares, 286, a 60. Generall to rebels: note, 287, b 30, 277, a 30. Granted by the gouernor are void, 263, b 40
- Paris. ¶ Sée Uniuersitie.
- Parlement summoned, 403, b 10. Holden, 375, a 20. 382, b 60 359, a 70. At saint Andrews, 444, a 40. At Edenburgh, 391 a 10. 402, b 10. 380, b 60 361, b 30. 365, a 10. 358, b 10. 410, b 60 411, a 20. 455, b 60. 456, a 10. 456, b 30. At Striueling, 381, a 20.
- Parlement of the thrée estates, 286, a 60
- Parlement called the Blacke parlement, 223, a 40
- Parlements after what order held in Scotland, 442, b 20. Nicknamed, 442, b 60. Run|ning parlement, 443, a 10
- Pascentius. ¶ Sée Occa.
- Pasleie taken, 401, b 10. Besie|ged by the regent, 401, b 10 Surrendered to the regent, 401, b 20
- Patillocke called Le petit roy de Gascoigne, 261, a 60
- Patrike Dunbar vanquisheth théeues, made erle of March, his arms, 177, a 10
- Pauia. ¶ Sée Paris.
- Peace intreated, 352, a 10. Con|cluded, 318, b 50. 456, b 60, 352, a 10. 358, a 10
- EEBO page image 757 Peace betwéene England and Scotland, 290. b 30. 360, b 30 Articles thereof, 374, b 40. At Notingham, 284, b 60. Con|cluded for thrée yeares, 285, a 10. 319, a 10. Concluded be|twixt the Danes and Scots, 170, b 40. Betwéene king Iohn and king William of Scotland, 193, a 10. Con|cluded betweene the lords of the religion and the quéene, 367. Betwéene England and France, 302, b 60. In Scot|land, 291, b 60. Concluded for want of power to mainteine battell, 167, a 50. Exhorted vnto after wars, 34, b 30, 40
- Pelagian heresie, 89, b 20. ¶ Sée Heresie.
- Penda king of Mercia, 114, b 50
- Perkin Warbecke, 288, b 50. Marrieth the earle of Hunt|lies daughter, 289, b 10. An article for him, 290, a 10. Went into Ireland to come into Flanders, 30
- Persecution. ¶ Sée Christi|ans.
- Persie earle of Northumber|land, 246, a 30. ¶ Sée Henrie Hotspur.
- Persies Rafe and Henrie priso|ners, 250, a 10
- Persies with others conspire against Henrie the fourth, 254, b 40
- Persies, their name and origi|nall, 179, b 60
- Perth a towne builded and pri|uileged, 193, b 20. Otherwise called saint Iohns towne, 216, a 60. Besieged, 238, b 30, 366, b 60. Surrendred, 239, a 10
- Pertinax sent as lieutenant to Britaine, driueth backe the Scots and Picts, chosen em|peror, 65, b 30, 40
- Pestilence, the first cõming of it into Scotland, 203, b 50. The second that was heard of in Scotland, 242, a 10. The third time in Scotland, 246, b 10
- Pestilence and derth great, 115, a 40
- Petilius Cerealis a Romane capteine sent into Britaine, 53, b 30. His men slaine, & he returneth, 52, a 30. Dieth, 54, b 30
- Philosophers thorough ship|wracke arriue in Scotland: note, 39, b 50
- Physicians & surgeans, a law for them, 39, a 20
- Picts and Scots ioine their powers, and enter into their enimies lands, 61, b 30. O|uerthrowne by the Romans, 53, b 40. Uanquished, 129, a 60. Sue for peace, b 30. De|sire aid of the Scots against Romans, 61, b 10. Their cru|ell dealing, 78, b 50. Punished for their vntruth, 82, a 50. ¶ Sée Uictorine. Become tri|butarie, put to base seruices, cõmanded to dwell beyond the water of Forth, diuided from the Britons by a wall, 80, b 10, &c: 50, 60. Are forbidden to creat a king, 80, b 10. Offen|ded with Maximus, 79, a 10. Their king vanquished, 93, a 60. Stand in feare of the king of Britaine. 91, b 60. Their king refuseth to be in league with the Romans, 54, b 60. Burne the citie of Tuline, 57, a 60. Send for aid to K. Gald, 55, b 60. Brought to agréement among them|selues, 56, b 30. Moue warre against the Romans, ouer|throw their foragers, 50, b 30 40. Io [...]e with Scots and Britons against the Ro|mans, 64, b 60. Send to the Scots for aid, 51, a 30. Choose Feredeth to be their king, 126, a 10. Their hope deceiued, 136, b 40. Went into Den|marke and Norwaie, 50. Mi|serablie slaine without regard of person, their whole nation destroied, 132, a 40, 60. Re|maining after a great slaugh|ter dispersed, 132, b 60. Giue God thanks for victorie, 128, a 20. Fall at variance among themselues, 40. Purpose to be reuenged on the Britons by open warre, 105, b 60. Be|ginne the battell rashlie, 127, b 60. Exiled require aid of the Englishmen, 134, b 50. Came into Scotland out of Germanie, 31, b 60. Came first to Orkeneie, &c: make strong holds, require women of the Scots, good husbandmen, béecome enimies vnto the Scots, 32, a 10, &c: b 10, &c. Admonished by their wiues to peace, moued to pitie, 33, b 40, 50. ¶ Sée Constancie and Policie.
- Pictland parted vnto diuerse men, 131, a 30. ¶ Sée Orkneie.
- Pilgrime with letters of con|spiracie in a staffe: note, 223, a 20
- Pirat. ¶ Sée Crab.
- Pirats put to death on the whéele, 190, b 50
- Placidus lieutenant of Bri|taine, his exploits, séeketh to haue peace, 84, a 20, &c. Dieth, b 50
- Planctius sent foorth with an armie against Caratake, set|teth vpon the Scotish campe, 48, b 10, 20, &c. Left a gouer|nour, prepareth to méet the Scots, falleth sicke, dieth, 49, a 10, 20, &c.
- Pledges sent into England, 370, a 10. Executed, 346, b 20. ¶ Sée Hostages.
- Poison giuen but preuented, 284 b 10. To the gouernour prac|tised, 229, a 60. Of Malcolme brought into suspicion, 156, b 60. ¶ Sée Uter.
- Policie, 239, a 60, 142, b 10. Sub|till, 243, a 60. Craftie, 106, a 50 Woonderfull, 127, b 40, To af|fright horsses, 246, a 40. Of king Edward to win Ber|wike, 207, b 60. Of a quéene, 268, a 60. Of the English to vanquish the Scots, 188, b 20 Of the Picts to escape dan|ger, 95, b 20. Of the Scots, 95, a 10. To relieue in the time of dearth, 209, b 40
- Pomonia now Kirkwale, 46, a 20
- Poore pittied, 185, b 10. Cared for, 182, b 60
- Pope and king Iohn at dissen|tion, 193, b 50. Hath a thou|sand marks sent him out of Scotland, 202, a 40. Sent to intreat for peace, 284, b 60. His present to K. William of Scotland: note, 192, b 40. Sendeth a rose and a scepter to the king of Scotland, 288, b 30. His buls published, 303, a 30. His ambassadors not re|garded, 233, b 20. His autho|ritie abolished, 391, a 20
- Praier of Fiacre, 112, b 40. Of king Malcolme, 165, a 30
- Praiers publike made for deli|uerance from the Danes, 167, b 20
- Preachers, 112, a 10, 20
- Preaching despised, 159, a 30
- Préests to be tried before secu|lar iudges, 122, b 60. Li|uings prouided for them, 36, b 20. Which should onelie at|tend their vocation, 137, a 50
- Present of horsses and hounds, 71, a 60. ¶ Sée Horsses.
- Presumption, 283, a 50
- Printing first inuented, 277, b 60
- Prior of S. Andrewes. ¶ Sée Letter.
- Prises of Englishmen foure|téene taken, 295, a 30
- Prisoner. ¶ Sée Captiuitie.
- Prisoners breaking promise how disgraced, 250, b 10. Ta|ken on the king and quéenes part, 410, a 10
- Priuilege for all the Scotish kings to be anointed, 181, a 50
- Priuileges granted to Mak|duffes linage, 176, b 10. Gran|ted to the towne of Dundée, 192, a 40. Granted to the vni|uersitie of saint Andrewes, 264, b 10
- Procession in signe of reioising, 292, a 30
- Processions solémne for victo|rie gotten, 170, b 20
- Proclamation published by the nobilitie, 446, a 50
- Promise breakers how disgra|ced. ¶ Sée Prisoners.
- Prophesie, 114, a 60. Of saint Colme, 111, a 50. Of Kinna|till, 108, a 50. Of a tempest, 203, a 60. Of a witch, 267, b 40. Of thrée women supposed to be fairies, 170, b 60
- Prophesies, 32, b 10, Moue men to vnlawfull attempts, 171, a 50. Of the dukes of Eng|land and Scotland, 434, b 40. Trusted, 175, b 60
- Prosperitie changeth conditi|ons, 63, b 10
- Protectors of Scotland their catalog, 417, a 40
- Prouerbe, Man purposeth, but God disposeth, verified, 200, b 60
- Prouost. ¶ Sée Edenburgh.
- Purseuants sent into England and France, 295, a 50
You are here: 1587 > Volume 5 >
Back Matter: Section 4 of
5: The fourth table seruing for the description and historie of Scotland; conteining iust directions to
memorable obseruations both of names and matters: gathered by Abraham Fleming.
The first number noteth the page, the second the line, a the first columne, b the
Snippet: 16 of 22 (1587, Volume 5, p. 757) Q.
- QUarell. ¶ Sée Fraie.
- Quaterage kept by the Scots for defense of their li|berties, 361, b 10
- Quéene of England desirous to speake with the quéene of Scots, 379, a 40. Disuadeth the marriage of the lord Darnelie with the Scotish quéene, 381, a 30. Sendeth to the quéene of Scots, 382, a 60. Hir answer to the quéene of Scots, 383, b 30
- Queene Annabell deceaseth, 253, b 60
- Quéene Dowager fled with hir sonnes into Ireland, 104, b 60
- Quéene Iane of Scots deliue|red of two sonnes at one birth, 264, a 20. Deceaseth, 197, a 10
- Quéene Margaret dieth for gréefe, 180, a 10. Hir bones translated, 197, b 50
- Quéene Maud deceaseth, 183, b 10
- Quéene mother maried, 302, b 60. In armes, 313, a 64, De|ceaseth, 280, a 20. ¶ Sée Marie.
- Quéene Regent of Scotland, 302, a 10
- Quéene of Scots doubted of hir owne people: note, 305, b 10. Taketh the gouernement into hir honos, 312, a 50. Hir faction ouercome, 409, a 60
- Quéene, a murtherer, hir con|fession: note, 119, a 20. Gi|ueth hir owne sentence, and executeth hir selfe: note, 50 60
- Quéene slaine in sted of hir hus|band, 117, a 30
- Quéene of Scots. ¶ Sée Marie.
- Quéenes, their méeting appoin|ted betwéene them, 379, a 50