Compare 1577 edition: 1 These two in companie with some of the inha|bitants of that Ile came ouer into Beregonium, where the king as then soiourned. They were Spa|nish priests of the pagane religion, whose purpose was to haue gone vnto Athens in Grecia (as some write) but whence soeuer they were, and what pur|pose soeuer they had, certeine it is they were phi|losophers; and therefore the king receiued them most ioifullie, dooing them all the honor he could deuise, and commanding that they should be lodged within his owne palace, where they had all things néedfull, and accordinglie ministred vnto them.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 These philosophers, after they had refreshed them|selues at their ease for the space of 14 daies, the king caused them to come before him, requiring them to shew their opinion what they thought by the nature of the soile, the maners and customs of his people, so far forth as they had séene and heard. They with|out pausing for answere declared, that as yet they had not had time to learne those things, but onelie thus far by coniecture they supposed, that the ground was more like to be fruitfull of mettall mines, than of corne and graine, as conteining far more riches vnderneath the earth than aboue; & this they said that EEBO page image 40 they gathered by the influence of the heauens vnder the which it laie. And as for the rites and vsages of the people, in one point they could in no wise com|mend The Scotish religion re|proued. them, for that in religion they followed the su|perstitious rites of the Aegyptians, woorshipping the immortall gods in the shape of beasts and fouls, whereas God was euen the same that did compre|hend both heauen and earth, with the waters and all things in them conteined, whome they named na|ture, and as it were the primordiall cause or begin|ning of all things, vnto whome it was not possible to deuise anie similitude of liuing thing that might in anie wise represent him. Therefore (said they) men ought to woorship the liuing God with fire and deuout praier, building him a temple for that pur|pose, and onelie vnto him to burne incense, and to performe vowes: at whose hands such as liued chast|lie, vprightlie, and according to the rules of iustice, ought euer to looke for some high benefit, where other Upright li|uing well re|warded at Gods hands. that liued contrarilie might euer stand in doubt of contrarie reward.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 With these their sensible instructions they per|suaded manie of the Scotish nation vnto their o|pinion, though the greatest part would by no means follow anie other kind of religion, than that which they had receiued from their elders: neither could anie of them be brought to thinke otherwise of the sun, the moone, and stars, but that there was a cer|teine diuine power or godhead in euerie one of them. And thus much of these strangers brieflie and by the way, who came into Scotland at this present: but now to procéed with our purpose. When Iosina Iosina depar|teth this life. had reigned 24 yeares, he departed out of this world at Beregonium, being a man of verie great age. He left behind him a sonne named Finnanus, who a little before his fathers deceasse was by consent of the people proclamed king of Scotland.