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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 THis Finnanus had the nobles of his realme in such estimation, that he ordeined that nothing Finna|nus. should be decreed or practised touching the publike af|faires of the realme, except they were first made pri|uie and of counsell in the same. He sought also to win the fauour of his people by méekenesse and gen|tle intreating of them, insomuch that though he went about to restore the old religion somwhat defa|ced by his father through information (as is said) of the two aboue mentioned sage philosophers, yet did he not constreine anie man to woorship the gods, Prelats orde|red in reli|gion. Druides in the old Sco|tish toong cal-Durcerglijs. otherwise than his fansie serued him. He was the first that instituted those prelats, which gouerned af|ter the maner of bishops, in all matters perteining to religion, and were called in the Scotish toong Durceglijs in Latine Druides. These Druides were appointed to be resident within the Ile of Man, as the Scotishmen hold opinion: but other thinke ra|ther The Scots mistake Man for Angleseie. that they were resident in Angleseie, in the Bri|tish toong called Mon. Unto these also hauing great liuings assigned them, were the inferiour priests subiect, as receiuing at their hands all iniunctions and orders for the vse of their sacrifices and other ce|remonies.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 These Druides afterwards applied themselues so earnestlie to the studie of philosophie, aswell natu|rall as morall, that they were had in no small re|uerence of the people, as they that were both ac|counted and knowne to be men of most perfect life and innocencie: by meanes whereof their authoritie The authori|tie of the Druides in|creased. dailie so far foorth increased, that finallie iudge|ments in most doubtfull matters were committed vnto their determinations, offendors by their dis|cretion punished, and such as had well deserued ac|cordinglie by their appointments rewarded. More|ouer such as refused to obeie their decrees and ordi|nances, were by them excommunicated, so that no creature durst once kéepe companie with such, till they were reconciled againe, and cléerelie by the same Druides absolued.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Plinie, Cornelius Tacitus, Strabo, and Iulius Cae|sar, with diuers other approued authors, make men|tion of these Druides, signifieng how the first begin|ning of their religion was in Britaine (which some comprehend all wholie vnder the name of Albion) and from thence was the same religion brought ouer into France, Finnanus was not onelie praised for his setting foorth of that heathen religion, but al|so for his politike gouernement of the estate in ioi|full rest and quietnesse. Neither was his same a lit|tle aduanced for the mariage concluded and made betwixt his sonne Durstus and Agasia daughter to the king of Britains, for by that aliance be wan diuers of the British nation vnto his friendship. Fi|nallie, this Finnanus died at Camelon, being come thither to visit the king of Picts as then sore disea|sed, after he had reigned about the space of thirtie yeares. His bodie was conueied vnto Beregonium, and there buried amongest his predecessors.

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