Compare 1577 edition: 1 THis Thereus for the first six yeares was equall in all points of princelie gouernement to anie of his predecessors, but afterward he changed his copie in such maner, that iustice and all other kinds of vertue being set apart, he neither regarded the Iustice neg|lected and vice [...]mbraced. lawes of the gods, nor yet of men; but gaue him|selfe to all sorts of filthinesse and most detestable vi|ces, so farre forth, that his subiects (as their custome is in following the maners and vsages of their prin|ces) became so outragious in their licentious li|uings, and namelie the nobles and gentlemen, that thereof insued theft, murther, rape, spoiling, and all kinds of oppression of those sillie soules that had no meanes to resist, so as in fine, diuers gouernours of the tribes perceiuing no hope of amendment while Thereus should reigne, conspired togither, deuising meanes how to depose him of all kinglie authoritie. The nobles conspire a|gainst The| [...]s. But he hauing notice of their purposed intentions, and doubting the sequele thereof, conueied himselfe out of the way in most secret wise, fléeing for succout vnto the Britains, vnto whome though he made earnest sute for aid to be restored home againe, yet could he purchase no such fauour amongst them: so Thereus fled to the Bri|tains. that leding a miserable life a long time after within the citie of Yorke, he finallie there ended his daies. He reigned in Scotland about 12 yeares or more.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 IMmediatlie after this his auoiding the realme, the nobles and péeres chose one Conanus lord of Gal|loway Conanus. to rule the estate as gouernour, whose au|thoritie had beene euer great amongest the people. Conanus is chosen king. His studie was chieflie imploied how to reduce the lords and nobles of the realme into concord and friendlie amitie, where before through the negligence of Thereus each sought others destructions. Also he caused due punishment to be executed vpon all such as liued by robbing and reuing, of whome in the be|ginning of his gouernement there was no small number: but he wéeded them foorth, in such wise that Conanus persecuteth offendors. yer he left off, there was not one of them to be found. At length, after it was vnderstood that Thereus was dead, this Conanus renounced the administration in presence of all the estates assembled in parle|ment He renoun|ceth the estate. at Beregonium, where by common consent-Iosina brother of Thereus was chosen to reigne as Iosina elected king. king, for that Thereus had left no issue behind him to succéed.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 THis Iosina being proclaimed king, renewed Iosina. the ancient leagues with the Picts and Bri|tains! He had physicians in great estimation; for that during his abode in Ireland, he was nourished of a child amongest them, and by reason thereof had some knowledge in the facultie, speciallie he vnder|stood the vertues and properties of herbes, where|with in those daies the Scots vsed to heale and re|medie all maner of sores and diseases, which as then were few in number, in respect of the sundrie kinds which are now knowen amongst vs; and all by rea|son of the superfluous féeding and excesse of meats and drinks vsed in our time, whereas our elders suf|ficed Surfeting the cause of strange disea|ses, which so commonlie now reigne. with a little, liued without surfeting, the chie|fest bréeder of such strange and manifold sicknesses. In this Iosina his daies it chanced that a Portin|gale ship was driuen and drowned by force of a streinable tempest néere vnto the shore of one of Two anti|ent philoso|phers through shipwrack ar|riue in Scot|land, and are ioifullie recei|ued of the king. the Scotish Iles, where diuerse of those that were within the same ship, mariners and other escaped to land, amongest whome were two ancient and fa|therlie old men of right reuerend aspect and counte|nance.