Compare 1577 edition: 1 This Reutha also vnderstanding of the lacke of all maner of craftsmen in his realme, and of such Craftsmen brought into Scotland to instruct the people. as were expert in the liberall sciences, caused a great number of most perfect artificers to be sent for, to inhabit amongest his people, the better to in|struct them in their occupations. Unto these also as vnto other professing anie liberall art, were ap|pointed Liuings ap|pointed foorth vnto those craftsmen. honest liuings, by way of fées, assigned to be receiued of such oxen and beefes as were killed, to euerie man of science and artificer his part. And further, ech of them had certeine measures of otes and barlie in stead of yearelie annuities. For as yet the vse of coie was not knowen amongest the Scotishmen. The which custome of distributing their beasts, which they killed in this wise, is still v|sed in the westerne Iles euen to these our daies.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Reutha perceiuing furthermore that through vn|skilfull surgians and physicians manie wounded [...] [...]aw for phi|sicians and surgians. and diseased persons were oftentimes cast awaie, ordeined by the aduise and consent of his councell, that none should take vpon them as a surgion or physician, vnlesse they were by long experience well practised aforehand in those sciences. For before that time they vsed to carie foorth such persons as were sicke or otherwise hurt, and to lay them in some o|pen place in the streets or market sted, that all such as came by, might according to their knowledge declare their aduise, and shew (if they had béene vexed with the like disease) by what means they had esca|ped the danger, and recouered againe their health. For no man might without the note of high reproch passe by, kéeping silence in this behalfe. And this was according to the custome of the old Aegyptians.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Reutha thus studieng for the aduancement of the commonwealth of his subiects, continued in the estate with great prosperitie, till finallie perceiuing himselfe farre growen in age, and not so able to tra|uell in the affaires of the realme as he was before, he caused a parlement to be assembled, and there in presence of all the estates, required to be dischar|ged of the gouernement: and that the same might be committed vnto his coosin Thereus, who as then was not onelie of sufficient age to take it vpon him, but also of such towardnesse, as that in each mans opinion he was thought likelie to atteine vnto the prowesse of anie of his noble progenitors. Thus Reutha, after he had reigned 17 yeares, returned to a priuat life, resigning the whole rule of his realme vnto the aforesaid Thereus, being through his per|suasion receiued as king of all estates by common Reuthi resig|ned the estate vnto his coosin Thereus. Thereus. consent there in that present assemblie.