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Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere .1304.1304 a great parte of the Citie of Dublin was brent by caſuall fire.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere next enſuing, Iordayne Comin with his complices, ſlew Maritagh Oconghuir King of Offalie, and his brother Calwagh, with diuers other within the Courte of Peeres de Birmingham at Carrick in Carbrie. Alſo, Sir Gilberte Sutton, Stewarde of Wexfforde, was ſlayne by the Iriſhmen, neere to the Ferme of EEBO page image 49 Haymond de Grace, which Haymond bare him|ſelfe right valiantly in that fight, and in the ende through his great manhoode eſcaped.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere .1306.


A diſcõfiture at Ofalie.

a great ſlaughter was made in Offalie neere to the Caſ [...]ell of Geſchil, the thirteenth day of Aprill vpon Oconchur and his friends by the [...]empeirs, in whiche place were ſlayne a great number of men. Alſo Obren king of Thomond was ſlayne. Moreouer, Donalde Og [...] Maccarthy ſlewe Donald Ruffe King of De [...]emond, and vpon the twelfth of May in the [...] of Meth, a great ouerthrow chanced to ye ſide of the Lord Peers Butler,Balimore brent. and Balymore in Leyniſter was brent by the Iriſh, where Hen|ry Calfe was ſlayne at that preſent time.

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