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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo Walter Powir waſted a greate parte of Monſter, brenning many fermes and places in [figure appears here on page 48] that countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1302In the yeere .1302. Pope Boniface demaunded a tenth of all the ſpirituall liuings in Englande and Ireland, for the ſpace of three yeres, to main|taine warres in defence of the Church of Rome, againſt the King of Arragone.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


The Erle of Vlſter.

In the yeere .1303. the Earle of Vlſter, and Ri|chard Burgh, and ſir Euſtace le Power, with a puiſſant Army entred Scotlãd. The Earle made xxxiij. knightes at Dublin, before he ſet forward. The ſame yeere Geralde, ſonne and heire to the Lord Iohn Fitz Thomas, departed this life, and likewiſe the counteſſe of Vlſter. William de Welliſley, and Sir Roberte de Perciuall were ſlayne the .xxij. of October.

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