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Compare 1587 edition: 1 1298In the yeere .1298. and .xxvj. of Edwarde the firſt, the Lorde Thomas Fitz Maurice departed this life, and an agreement was made,Record Tur|ris. betwixte the Earle of Vlſter, and the Lorde Iohn Fitz Thomas, Earle of Kildare, by Iohn Wogan that was ordeyned Lorde Iuſtice of Ire|lande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere .1299.1299 William Archbiſhop of Dublin departed thys life, and Richarde de Frin|gis was conſecrated Archbiſhop in hys place. The King wente vnto Iohn Wogan Lorde Iuſtice, commaunding hym to gyue ſomm [...]|naunce vnto the nobles of Irelande, to prepare themſelues with Horſe and armour to come in theyr beſt aray, for the warre, to ſerue hym a|gainſte the Scottes: and withall, wrote vnto the ſame Nobles, as to Richarde de Burgh Earle of Vlſter, Geffrey de Genuill, Iohn Fitz Thomas, Thomas Fitz Maurice, Theobalde Lorde Butler, Theobalde Lorde Verdon, Piers Lorde Brimingham of Thetemoy, E [...]|ſtace Lorde Power, Hugh Lorde Purcel, Iohn de Cogan, Iohn de Barry, William de Barry, Walter de Laſtice, Richarde de Exeter, Iohn Pipurd, Walter Lenfante, Iohn of Oxforde, Adam de Stantoun, Symon de EEBO page image 48 Pheybe, William Cadell, Iohn de Vale, Mau|rice de Carre, George de la Roche, Maurice de Rochford, and Maurice Fitz Thomas de Kerto, commaunding them to bee with him at With|welaun the firſt of March. Such a precept I re|member I haue redde, regiſtred in a cloſe rolle a|mong ye recordes of the Tower, but where Mar|leburrow ſayeth, that the ſayde Iohn Wegan Lord Iuſtice of Irelãd, and the Lord Iohn Fitz Thomas, with many other, came to King Ed|ward into Scotland in the .xxix. yeare of Kyng Edwards raigne, Campion noteth it to be in the yeare .1299. which fell in the .xxvij. of the raigne of King Edward, and if my remembrance fayle me not, the cloſe rolle aforementioned beareth date of the .xxiiij. yere of King Edwards raygne: all which notes may bee true, for it is very lyke, that in thoſe warres againſt the Scottes, ye King ſent diuers times to the Iriſh Lordes to come to ſerue him, as it behoued them to do by theyr te|nures: and not only he ſent into Ireland to haue the ſeruices of men, but alſo for prouiſion of vit|tayles, as in cloſe rolles I remember I haue al|ſo ſeene recorded of the .xxvij. and .xxx. yeere of ye ſayd King Edward the firſt his raigne. For this we finde in a certaine abſtract of the Iriſh Chro|nicles,Chr. Pembrig. whiche ſhoulde ſeeme to be collected out of Flatſburie, whome Campion ſo much followed, that in the yeere .1301.1 [...]01 the Lorde Iohn Wogan Lorde Iuſtice, Iohn Fitz Thomas, Peter Ber|mingham,Iriſhmen in|uade Scotland and diuers other went into Scotland in ayde of King Edward, in whiche yeere alſo a great part of ye Citie of Dublin, with the Church of Saint Werburgh was brente in the nighte of the fraſt daye of Sainte Colme. Alſo the Lorde Genuille married the daughter of Iohn de Mõt|fert, and the Lorde Iohn Mortimer married the daughter and heire of Peter Genuille, alſo the Lord Theobald de Verdon, married the daugh|ter of the Lorde Roger Mortimer. The ſame yeere in the winter ſeaſon, the Iriſhe of Leyni|ſter reyſed warre againſt ye townes of Wicklow, and Rathdon, doing muche hurte by brenning in the countrey all about, but they were chaſtiſed for their wickedneſſe, loſing the moſt part of their prouiſion and Cattell, and in the Lent ſeaſon the more parte of them had bin vtterly deſtroyed, if diſcorde and variance had not riſen among the Engliſhmen to the impeachmente of their pur|poſed enterpriſes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In harueſt, there were three hundred theeues ſlayne by the Phelanes.Walter Power.

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