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Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Veſcy was a ſterne manne and full of courage,1294 he called Iohn Earle of Kildare before him, charging him with riots foule & miſdemea|nors, for that he ranged abroade, and ſoughte re|uenge vpon priuate diſpleaſures out of all order, and not for any aduauncemente of the publike wealth or ſeruice of his ſoueraigne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Earle as impaciente to heare himſelfe touched as the Iuſtice to ſuffer euill doing,The Earle of Kildare. aun|ſwered thus, By your honor and mine my Lord, EEBO page image 47 and by King Edwardes hand (for that was ac|compted no ſmall oth in thoſe dayes among the Iriſh) you would if you durſt appech me in plain tearmes of treaſon or felonie: for where I haue the title, & you the fleece of Kildare, I wote well how great an eye ſore I am in your ſight, ſo that if I might be handſomly truſſed vp for a fellone, then mighte my maſter youre ſonne become a Gentleman: a Gentlemã quoth the Iuſtice, thou proude Erle, I tell thee, the Veſcies were Gẽtle|men before Kildare was an Earledome, & before that Welch bãkrupt thy couſin, fethered hys ueſt in Leyniſter. But ſeeing thou dareſt me, I will ſurely breake thy hart, and therewith he called the Earle a notorious theefe and a murderer. Then followed facing and bracing among the Soul|diers, with high words, and terrible ſwearing on both ſides, vntil either parte appeaſed his owne. The Lord Iuſtice ſhortly after, leauing his de|putie William Hay, tooke the ſea, and haſted o|uer to ye King. The Earle immediatly followed, and as heynouſly as the Lorde Iuſtice accuſed him of felony, Kildare no leſſe appealed hym of treaſon. For triall hereof, ye Erle aſked ye cõbate, & Veſcy refuſed not: but yet when the liſtes were prouided, Veſcy was ſlipt away into Fraunce, & ſo diſenherited of all his lãds in ye countie of Kil|dare, which wer beſtowed vpõ ye Erle & his heires for euer. The Erle waxing loftie of mind in ſuch proſperous ſucceſſe, ſquared with diuers nobles,


The death of the Archbi|ſhop Samford. The Earle of Vlſter taken priſoner.

Engliſh & Iriſh of ye land. The ſame yeere dyed Iohn Samford Archb. of Dublin, & Iohn Fitz Thomas Earle of Kildare, & Iohn de la Mare toke priſoners, Richard Burgh Erle of Vlſter, & William Burgh within ye countrey of Meth, & the Caſtell of Kildare was taken, and all ye coũ|trey [figure appears here on page 47] waſted by the Engliſh on the one ſide, and the Iriſh on the other, and Calwagh brent al the Rolles and tailes concerning the recordes and accomptes of that countie. [...]eat dearth [...]nd death. Greate dearth and death raigned in Ireland this yeerz, and the two yeeres nexte enſuing. The Earle of Kildare de|teyned the Earle of Vlſter priſoner, vntill by au|thoritie of a Parliamente holden at Kilkenny, he was deliuered out of the Caſtell of Ley, for hys two ſonnes, and for the inuaſion which the Erle of Kildare had made into Meth, and other hys vnruly and miſordred partes was diſſeyſed of the Caſtell of Sligagh, and of all his lands in Con|nagh.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 William Do|d [...]gſels Lord Iuſtice.William Dodingſels being this yere made Lord Iuſtice of Irelande, after Veſcy dyed, in the yeere next following,1295 that is .1295. and .23. of King Edwarde the firſte. After hym ſucceeded in that roomth the Lorde Thomas Fitz Mau|rice.Thomas Fitz Morice Lorde Iuſtice. In the yeere .1296. Friar William de Bothum was conſecrated Archbiſhop of Du|blin.1296

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