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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hereof folowed great warres betwixt ye Eng|liſh and Iriſh in Leyniſter,Warres in Leyniſter. ſo that a great army was called togither forth of diuers partes of Ire|land, to reſtrayne the malice of the Iriſh in Ley|niſter, in which iourney, Sir Thomas Mande|uill Knight entred into a conflict with the Iriſh neere to Glenfell, in the whiche he bare hymſelfe right manfully, till his Horſe was ſlayne vnder him, and yet then to his greate prayſe and hyghe [figure appears here on page 49] commendation, he ſaued both himſelfe and many of his company

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lorde Chancellor conſecrated Biſhop of Imaley.The Lord Chancellor of Irelande, Thomas Caucocke, was conſecrated Biſhop of Imaley, within the Trinitie Churche at Dublin, and kept ſuch a feaſt, as the like had not lightly bene ſeene, nor heard of before that time in Ireland, firſt to the Rich,The Archbi|ſhop of Du|blin deceaſſed and after to the poore.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Richarde Flerings Archbiſhop of Dublin de|ceaſſed on the euen of Saint Luke the Euange|liſt, to whom ſucceeded Richard de Hauerings, who after he had continued in that Sea about a fiue yeeres reſigned it ouer by diſpenſation obtei|ned from Rome, and then his Nephewe Iohn Leech was admitted Archbiſhop there.

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