Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the yeere .1285. the
Lorde Theobald butler fled from Dublin, and died ſhortly after,1285 and the lord Theobald Verdon loſt his men and
[figure appears here on page 46] as he went towards Ofali, and the next
daye Gerald Fitz Maurice was taken, and Iohn Sã|ford was conſecrated
Archbiſhop of Dublin.
Iohn Samford conſecrated Archbiſhop of Dublin. An ouerthrow at Rothode.
Norwagh and Ardſcol brent. 1286
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer at Rathode, the Lord Geffrey Gẽ|uille fled, and ſir Gerard Doget, and Raufe Pe|ti [...] were ſlayne, with a great number of other.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Norwagh & Ardſcoll with other townes and villages were brente by Philip Stanton the xvj. day of Nouember, in the yeere .1286. Alſo Calwagh was taken at Kildare.